360 LIVE: Creating Animations & Exploded Views

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hello everyone and welcome to episode of fusion 360 live my name is Brad Tallis from Autodesk and I also have Angelo helping me out this time he's gonna be my wingman for today's presentation as Aaron is actually in Africa helping I think teach fusion 360 out there so you'll probably hear more about that when he gets back so today's topic I'm gonna be talking about creating animations and exploded views I've seen this question come up a couple times where people want to know how do you show like an animation like how things move or how do you create that really cool drawing that has these exploded views and that's what I'm going to be talking about today so you can see my screen right now I have an assembly called utility knife and it is a right now it's a flat assembly which means there's no sub assemblies or anything like that and this is gonna come into play you're gonna hear me talk a lot about organization and structure because those things are really important when we start doing animations and exploded views so I've got this cool design I'm gonna go ahead and switch my workspace from design to animation and you'll notice that my screen changes a little bit so if you've done any kind of video editing it's gonna seem a little bit similar to that and you'll see what I mean here in a little bit underneath this animation timeline but it's just basically break things down into chunks and tell when those things when those movements need to happen and at what time so I'm going to kind of walk through the user interface first and then we'll dive right in so you can see that we are in the animation workspace and moving left to right we have what's called a storyboard and you'll notice that down here at the very bottom it says storyboard one you can actually have multiple storyboards and you can kind of think of as almost like scenes in a movie so storyboard one might be you know the blade going back and forth the storyboard two might be like I want to show an exploded view storyboard three might be like an assembly or something like that and you can have as many storyboards as you want okay the next menu where you're going to spend most of your time is in this transform menu and you'll see we're gonna cover most of these commands in here but we have these Auto explodes so it's going to explode your assembly for you automatically we've got this manual explode which I personally like which you'll see here a little bit and then we have transform components so you know physically moving things around the next icon over is the annotation or call-out where you can actually like put something on like for example let's say you're doing an assembly animation you could do a call-out saying you know add glue here or you know wait to dry or something like that and so you can add those call-outs this view you'll notice has this little record icon and this will make more sense as we're going through but basically when you're in the animation workspace it's gonna always record what you're doing and again also what that means in a little bit and then finally we have published where you can once you've done your animation you can actually publish it out as a video okay down here we have our animation timeline and you'll see a bunch of numbers and we have this slider over here that we can move back and forth and again you'll see what this does as we go through and then lastly what I want to show are two little icons down here this first one is full screen mode so if you're like playing this back in a presentation you can switch to full screen mode and then we also have a setting so you can kind of see the different recording modes so we have everything start from time zero overlap by half a second or sequential and then also show a text watermark when the camera view is not recording and again that's this icon here okay so let's go ahead and use this utility knife to create an animation and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna start with let's do this auto explode all levels now what this means is it does not care about any structure or sub assemblies or anything like that it's gonna physically just explode every single component and I use the key word there I use the word component so these do need to be components to use the animation module okay so I'm gonna say auto explode all levels and you'll notice I instantly get a warning that says no available components for exploding and I did this on purpose because I get this all the time I'm like what what does this mean well what you want to do is expand open your components over here and we can see that I've got a bunch of components underneath this utility knife so I'm gonna go ahead and select that utility knife then I'll do my auto explode all levels and this time it's gonna think for a little bit in fact you'll see a little progress bar go by and then you can see that it's physically exploded these out okay couple different icons here so you'll notice in my timeline I've got a bunch of these blue boxes and you can see this slider I'm gonna go ahead and drag the slider let's just say over to about six seconds and what this is doing is it's basically showing me my individual components something is happening at frame 0 all the way to frame 6 and basically what's happening is at frame 0 it was assembled and at frame 6 its kind of exploded I could also come in here and say do I want one step or sequential so and this is just unfortunately this is a little I'd say a bug sometimes it doesn't let me do a sequential explosion so I'll show it to you here in another session but I can come in here and grab this slider and drag this slider we can actually see how far we want these parts to explode now you'll notice an issue it is exploding but it's not really exploding the way that I like and that's okay because we're gonna learn some other commands in here but I'm just gonna explode it to like so and say okay now what did it do well if I drag the slider to the left we can actually watch the animation so we kind of see over a period of six seconds it automatically exploded those parts away and you'll notice they kind of go in random directions and this is one of the things I don't really like but the cool thing is we have control over this okay so the key thing is I drag the slider to six seconds told it how far I wanted to explore it to explode and it did that in six seconds all right okay so you're going to be using this slider quite often you can kind of drag back and forth you can set it to a very particular time so like right here I'm at eight seconds okay and so if I were to do something for example if I were to rotate you can kind of see how the camera has rotated up to that time okay I'm gonna go ahead and delete that because we don't want that now as we're looking at this like I said it it did explode and it exploded every single part but it didn't really explode it in the directions that I wanted it to however I do have control over this so for example I'm going to click on this back grip and we can see that it highlights it in our animation timeline and this is called grip if I right-click on this area here you can kind of see we could change its duration so I could say instead of 6 seconds I want it to be you know 8 seconds or something like that I'll say ok and now you can see that it's gonna take 8 seconds to make that transition I can also manually just drag that back if I want to okay I can edit when does it start and when does it end so you can see right now it's starting at 0 and ending at 6 well I could come in here and say I want it to start at second to and and at 2nd to 6 and you can see that we were able to change that so now that part isn't gonna move you can kind of see that grip is staying put until we get to frame number 2 or I'm sorry second number 2 and then it starts to move again I can do that manually or I can type it in what I use quite often is edit action so I'm going to click on edit action I'm gonna zoom out here a little bit and we can see that it actually moves when it did the explode it put it way down here and I now have control or I could drag this back up maybe we kind of let's just maybe bring it to the side a little bit and kind of have it explode down and away so I'm gonna say okay let's go ahead and drag this now and you'll see that sure enough it's kind of dry going down and away and it's not going very far this time so I let the computer kind of do the hard work you know it kind of exploded every out and then now I can come back and tweak with things so for example I'll click on this part here that's the left let's just go ahead and edit that action and say you know instead of going on the far side of the blade I want it to come out this direction I'll say okay drag my slider and we can see that sure enough that's now coming out toward us okay hopefully that's making sense the key thing there is that you have a lot of control using that edit action so this is the blade cradle so I'm going to go ahead and edit the action for the blade cradle and let's just maybe bring that down instead of back and let's just take a look at what that looks like now I've been dragging the slider back and forth okay you also have some commonly used icons so rewind play and fast-forward so I'm going to hit rewind then I'm going to hit play and we can actually watch this live and see what that looks like now you'll notice that they're all happening at the same time every single part is moving at the same time well maybe I want to control the order of how things work so for example I want this grip to slide off first because it actually kind of holds the gold parts together so I'm gonna say I want these two grips to move first so let's go ahead and select everything else let's just drag those to the right a little bit like so okay now watch what happens when I hit play so the grips are gonna move off first and then the other parts are gonna move in fact I kind of noticed that this blue part moved through the gold parts so let's go ahead and move the gold parts next so that's left and right so we're gonna go ahead and keep left and right where they are and let's just move blade cradle to the right a little bit okay I'll rewind we'll hit play let's take a look at what this looks like yeah that's going kind of slow so I might want to edit the time but now you can see that the parts come off and then finally the blue blade comes down now that took a really long time so I could come in here and just you know drag these down like so I could even let's just drag that maybe to like two seconds I'll do the same thing here drag that to like two seconds and then we can grab all of these and move them to the left so I'm just gonna go ahead and drag those to the left hit play and we can watch and oh they move a little bit faster now doesn't take as long and now you notice the blue part will move pretty fast compared to what it was before okay and then finally you can even do some more stuff where you can actually overlap and I'm gonna go ahead and drag these over just a little bit so they overlap a little bit and this is going to give you a little bit smoother almost like a kinematic type movement so watch what happens now so these are gonna move and then those other ones are going to start to move even before these are finished okay so you can kind of create a little bit a little bit more realistic looking let me just do this guy drag him to the left more realistic looking and again it depends on what your end goal here is but you can kind of see how they're moving you know the blue parts started moving before the gold parts had finished and it's as simple as just moving these fields around okay now here's something you'll notice this is another tip you notice that the parts are kind of off the screen and if I move my mouse a little but I'm gonna try and zoom out a little bit you'll notice that it puts a camera icon in here and let's watch what happens now I'm gonna rewind I'm gonna hit play and watch once it hits that camera icon you're gonna see it's gonna zoom out a little bit so here's one of the tips these camera icons will appear quite often and they actually annoy me so I do is I just let them happen I just let them show up and then I clear them all out and once I've got my animation the way I want and then I'll go back and put the camera movements in that I want because I might be rotating just to look at something or whatever but in my final design I actually want it to be a nice smooth rotation so I'll show you what I mean by ice so you'll notice that put this icon in here and let's say I'm over here somewhere and I kind of zoom out like this you'll notice it puts one there and then maybe I'm here and I kind of look at it this way and you'll see if it's another icon there well now watch what happens when we play this we're gonna get some kind of weird camera movements so it's moving kind of rotating and stuff like that it kind of almost annoying right so it might be putting these in here and that's okay we're gonna go ahead and remove those but why is it putting these in here and that's because of this icon right here okay if I turn that off you'll notice it now says view is not recording so if I came in here and rotated you'll notice that it's not putting that camera icon in there okay until I say record and then I move you'll see it just put an extra little camera icon in there okay so I did a lot of camera movements in here I'm gonna go ahead and select all of those and say delete it kind of puts me back to my original location here's another tip you'll notice this little region right here looks like these little curtains theater curtains if I drag my slider into that I'm not actually in my timeline I'm kind of setting my stage and that's what that little icon is it's a stage icon so I'm going to get my view something like that and now when I hit play notice that the animation is working from that view and everything fits so if you don't want it to be recorded you just drag your slider into here and you can get your view the way that you want then when you hit play you'll see the result now obviously that's kind of a bad camera angle because we're looking at a straight on or whatever so maybe we want to start straight on but then I want to end up kind of looking like this and you'll notice it through in the camera for me if we were to play this it's gonna stay straight on all that time until it gets there and then it's gonna start to rotate well maybe I want to kind of do a cool camera pan so I'm going to stretch this to be the full length now watch what happens when I hit play it's gonna gradually change the camera angle that whole time until we get to the end so hopefully you see there that we actually have lots of control over how this thing's gonna look okay okay let me do that again with some of the other commands so I'm going to come in here and switch to animation let's I'm gonna show the exploded view again real quick let me just do this I'll do a transform let's do all levels hopefully I'll be able to do the sequential so let's drag this maybe over to six I'll say sequential and sure enough notice how it did that for me automatically so I didn't have to do it manually like I showed before okay so that's the sequential explosion okay so we just did an all level which explodes everything I'm going to show the one level here in a little bit so the next thing I want to show is manual explode and I honestly I use this one probably the most that and transform components' so manual explode is a little bit more manual but I think it gives you a lot of power so check out how this works I'm gonna say manual explode and my cursor says select components to explode so what I can do is click on a component and you'll see this triad appear with all of these arrows well I want the blade to explode out to the left so I'm going to click on that left arrow and that's all I have to do I want this grip to explode up so I'm gonna click on the up arrow I want the blue blade holder to slide to the left also so I'm going to click on that left arrow and I just keep working my way around so this body here I want to exclude to the right the one on the back and want to explode to the left and finally the grip I want to explode back okay now I can drag my slider let's say around six seconds I just go ahead and drag that to about six oops and watch what happens when I do my explosion scale you'll see that those parts are actually exploding in the directions that I told them to explode and notice I get a much more realistic looking result by doing it this way so yes I did have to click on the parts and tell them which directions I wanted them to move but it makes way more sense so parts didn't go way down below and all that kind of stuff now again it's not perfect I'm going to go ahead and say okay and I want to control some of this so this is the blade cradle I'll edit the action and let's just drag that back a little bit something like so I'll click on oops I'll say okay I'll click on this part here which is the grip I'll edit its action and let's just move that up maybe just a little bit more say okay and then finally um let me scroll down a little bit this is the grip there I'll edit its action and let's just maybe look at it from the side and again I kind of like to have it slide off the back so I'm just going to do something like so okay now notice when I did that it recorded a couple camera movements which I'm going to go ahead and delete because I don't want those but this view isn't all that great so I'm going to drag to the stage and kind of zoom out a little bit but now I hit play we're gonna see how those all explode in the direction that I told it to okay in a matter of six seconds okay hopefully this is making sense there's lots of options here so I'm just going to keep kind of going through and giving you some tips and tricks the here's another cool trick that not a lot of people know about is I showed it how to explode right when I hit play it's assembled and then it explodes out but maybe I want to show an animation of how this thing actually gets assembled well all I have to do is right-click on my storyboard okay so I'm way down here in the lower left corner I'm going to go ahead and say reverse and what it does is you'll notice now I'm at frame 0 it's exploded and when I hit play it's actually gonna put the assembly together ok so all I have to do is explode it and then tell it to do the reverse and so that's a really neat trick if you're wanting to show how things go together and again I could even rearrange these in order or something like that so again I'll just kind of just do something like this just for the fun of it not that this makes sense but so now when we hit play you'll see you know the blades gonna go in and all this kind of stuff so it's going to show how this thing assembles together obviously I'd want the blade to go into the cradle but we kind of do it step by step and it finally gets put together ok ok and I could do the exact same thing I could say reverse and it's reversed everything so now it's going to explode so cool cool functionality there I'm gonna go ahead and save this guy and also call this exploded because we're gonna come back to this here and a little bit okay the next one I want to show is we've talked about Auto explode all levels where it blows every single component apart then we have what's called Auto explode one level and it basically explodes one level and in two different how do I explain let me just so it actually so I'm going to switch over here so this is a design of an actual backhoe that really works actually this is a Lego kit I'm gonna switch to design really quick to show you guys something so here is one of the drawbacks with the animation module you'll notice I actually have joints on this Lego set so I can actually rotate all of these arms around and do all this kind of cool stuff with this Lego set okay however the joints do not carry over into the animation workspace okay which I find unfortunate hopefully down the road we might be able to bring those over so I'm going to go ahead and create a new storyboard and when I click on new storyboard you'll notice that it says clean or start from the end of the previous storyboard so like I said you can almost think of these as movie scenes where you might want something to happen for a couple frames and then you might do another storyboard of something else and then another storyboard and then you could play them all together well in this case I'm gonna say clean so starts with a fresh clean storyboard I'm gonna drag onto my stage and let's just zoom out a little bit something like so okay now I'm going to expand this open and remember I mentioned earlier that your organization and your sure matters this is exactly what I mean by this okay you'll notice that I've organized this Lego set so we have this arm okay and if I expand open the arm we have the wrist so all of the parts that have to do with the wrist we've got the bucket and all of the parts that have to do with the bucket and these are all organized very nicely you know under sub assemblies and sub sub assemblies etc this will help you substantially when you start doing these animations so we've got the arm we've got the cab and basically just a whole bunch of parts underneath the cab and then we've got the base and then we've got this wheel assembly and underneath the wheel assembly we've got these axles we've got these wheels we've got some rims and a lot kind of stuff okay so this is what I would call you know a high-level assembly so I've got you know basically four sub assemblies here so when I come in here and say Auto explode one level notice it gives me no little components so I need to pre-select my Lego set Auto explode one level watch what its gonna do it's gonna keep these Legos grouped together in their assembly so it's thinking you can kind of see the progress bar and let me zoom out here so you can kind of see what's going on but we can see that the arm is here we've got the cab we've got the base and we've got the wheel assembly so it exploded these out but it kept everything together like all the children are underneath this particular parent assembly okay now I can also you know change the scale of this and unfortunately in this case if you know it's kind of scaled really weird where these are moving down quite a bit however I'll go ahead and accept that oh actually you know what I lied let's let's do this maybe over three seconds instead of six seconds let's take a look at that explode these out a little bit further say okay now I want to and unfortunately I made a mistake so let's undo I was on my stage the whole time so it didn't explode okay so I'm gonna move to three seconds we'll do the one level explode I'll tell it how how long I want it to explode so let's just go to free will scale that up just a little bit more say okay now I have you can kind of see these components down here and I obviously want to bring these up so let's just go ahead and move so I'm gonna say edit action for the cab and let's just move the cab up closer something like so same thing with the the base I'll edit its action drag that up and finally the wheel assembly all whoops not that I'll edit its action move it up so now they're a little bit closer together and when I do the animation let's go ahead and get rid of the camera let's drag here and zoom out a little bit now when I hit play you'll see that those explode as basically like sub assemblies out so that's what the one level does it explodes each of these out individually but you'll notice that it didn't explode all of the individual components now let's say with this wheel assembly I actually want the wheels to be separate from the axles so I'm gonna go ahead and undo let's undo back and start from scratch here I'm gonna switch back to my design and check this out so here I am in my design I'm going to expand open my wheel assembly and I'm gonna right click on this Lego set and say new component it's gonna create a new component at that level and let's just call this axle assembly and now I can grab these three axles and put them in that axle assembly so I took them out of the wheel assembly and I put them in this axle assembly and now we actually have about five one two three four five assemblies let's jump back to animation notice we see this axle assembly now so I'm going to do the exact same thing let's select that guy say Auto explode one level I'm going to zoom out notice the results that we got it now thinks that's an assembly so it's grouping those together and it's keeping these wheels separate okay so we kind of see how all of these parts are exploding out so just by reorganizing my browser structure I'm able to get different results we made this its own sub assembly so it's exploded as its own sub assembly hopefully that makes sense what's kind of cool is that utility knife that you see on this screen right now this you can actually get so if I go to my data panel and scroll all the way to the bottom under design samples you actually kind of see a little icon of it I'm gonna go under design samples there it is so I would go ahead and maybe use something like this to practice the animation with instead of doing a you know thousand part assembly or whatever to start with start with something simple five or six parts and kind of get used to how this animation workspace works okay okay moving forward I'm gonna undo back the next thing I want to talk about is creating actual transformation of components so here's a prime example I'm gonna jump over here I'm gonna hit play and you're gonna see that you know the arm moves up and then the elbow bends and then the bucket bends and then it's gonna rotate the whole thing around so it's almost like pretending like it's scooping up some dirt and then it's gonna move it over and drop it somewhere else okay so how did we go about doing this okay this is all with the transform components so kind of kind of cool you can actually simulate how things will physically move okay so how are we gonna do that well I'm gonna come in here and under transform I'll click on transform components and it's asking for components now I can do them individually but that would be extremely painful so again here is where the organization of your structure really does help so the first thing I want to do is move the arm so I'm going to go ahead and click on arm and you'll notice that it's selected all of the components that are underneath arm okay so I'm gonna go ahead now it's asking for a pivot now this is where I was talking about earlier it doesn't have any joints it doesn't know where to pivot and you'll notice I don't even have well I guess I have my my triad way down here but if I were to start to rotate you'll see that that does not make sense right so I have to do a little bit of manual labor here so what I'm going to do is rotate around a little bit and click on this set pivot icon and then I'm going to get kind of near where I want it to pivot and you'll see there's like a little plus symbol right there if I move kind of a way there's a little tiny plus symbol that's the center of that circle so I'm just gonna get near there and it's gonna snap to that so I'm gonna click on it and here's the thing you have to remember you have to say okay I'm done setting my pivot so I'm gonna click on done and now my pivot is right there on the arm and if I were to rotate this we can see that it's going to rotate that whole arm at that pivot point okay so let's just go ahead and maybe move it up like so I'll say okay and now we can see a new thing in our timeline it took about three seconds and it's basically saying arm okay so let's go maybe two more seconds I'll say transform move what are the components I'm going to open up the arm and this time I'm gonna say the wrist and the bucket I want to rotate both of those guys I'll set my pivot just like before I'll kind of zoom up here click on that little plus icon and I'm not whoops I'm not ah darn it worrying about my camera angles or anything like that right now so I'm gonna go ahead and grab that and rotate that down I'll say okay and watch what happens to my timeline when I say okay we now see that starting at second three two second six both the wrist and the bucket are moving okay so then let's go maybe only one second this time transform components' this time lets us do the bucket I'll set the pivot again I'll click and let's rotate the bucket up like so and it's moving that far in one second so you'll see now there's another little icon right here so I tend to clear my camera's so I'm going to go ahead and clear those cameras and let's just rewind and hit play and see what happens so the arm is going to going up sort of slowly then the arm in the bucket and then the buckets moving okay so you kind of see how that all works okay now I want to rotate the cab but let's say we want to do the cab in about two seconds so I'll say transform components' let's do the cab but I also want the arm to go with it so I'm going to control select the arm sub-assembly so all of this stuff is going to move well now I need to set the pivot and unfortunately I can't see where to pivot around so what I'm gonna do is actually turn off the cab let's open up the base here a little bit I'm just going to turn off that last part there and now we can see the actual little Lego piece that allows it to rotate so I'm gonna click on that guy say ok let's zoom back out of here a little bit let's turn the cab back on and now I'm going to rotate and we can see that the whole cab is rotating let's do something like that and I'll say ok and we'll see something was added to the arm if I scroll down we can see something's added to the cab and then you'll notice another icon that appeared and it has a little light bulb icon on it and this is the show/hide so you can actually have hearts turn on or turn off in your animation at a particular time and the reason this was automatically recorded because I turned that off and and so it recorded that so I'm gonna go ahead and delete that I don't I don't need that action in there okay so let's rewind hit play and take a look at what this looks like so there goes the arm then the elbow and the bucket and then it's going to rotate around but you'll notice that the camera is moving also because I moved it recorded that camera action and this is what I was talking about I just let it happen and then I come in and I just delete that out of there and now we can see the camera isn't moving okay so let's just say this is our final design that we want we've got the movements that we want now I want to add in some cameras okay so let's go ahead and get kind of near the end and I'm just gonna rotate like so and we can see there's that camera and I want it to happen the whole time so I'm just gonna drag that to the left so I can kind of see how it's starting there it's rotating there and then it's ending there and maybe here in the middle somewhere we're just a little bit too close so I'm going to zoom out a little bit and you'll notice it's now broken into two camera movements so we've got this guy and then we have this guy okay so you can kind of control what you want that to look like so for example here I could pan this over and it's gonna split that guy into multiple camera movements so this is why I usually do the cameras kind of near the end in fact I can see that that last is pretty too far over to the right so let's just move that back a little bit and now I can kind of see how everything's staying sort of centered okay now I don't like having a whole bunch of camera movements I typically just have a stationary view I typically zoom out in the stage until I kind of get a nice representation and then when I hit play you know we can see what that's going to look like so what I would do now is I would come in and tweak with some of these movements because for example this very first arm takes a really long time to not move very far okay so I might come in here and just drag that it's about a second and then let's just select all of these guys and move them over a little bit whoops all right I'm gonna grab those and move them over okay now when we play this that's good idea I'll hit play so you'll see it goes a little bit faster I didn't take as long and maybe we want the rotation of now I accidentally moved that guy so we should move him back and we want the rotation of the cab or something to be a little bit slower or something so we could stretch the these guys out another second or so okay so enough with that hopefully that makes sense on how you can transition and move components around the key thing is have it well organized if it was all flat structure you would spend a lot a lot a lot of time having to go through and select all of them etc so having them organized in these like sub assemblies will really help you out just for fun let's say our little backhoe is digging and he accidentally hits some dynamite or something like that so we're gonna do an auto explode all levels let me select that guy first I told you I do that all the time so all levels does not keep the structure it explodes every single part out and so it's going to do all of these movements first and then in a matter of about two seconds it's gonna explode all of the components and you can see it's thinking it's taking some time to do this because there's quite a few components in this assembly okay looking over at the comments looks like everything's going pretty good Angelo thanks for helping out there so yeah so here you can see all of the components and as I drag this we can see them all moving individually there's another cool little icon here called trail line visibility so it'll actually show you the direction like these little trail lines which way they're going I can turn that on or off let's just go ahead and say okay we'll hit rewind let me get here and we'll just hit play well watch the thing move around and then at the very end it should explode out into a bunch of different pieces so lots of control there and I could change where this was in time you can kind of see all of these individual components are happening at this between second nine and second ten okay so that's pretty much it for this menu that I want to show restore home basically puts things back like if I click on this arm I say restore home it'll put it back in its original home location but you can see that it's still exploded not the best example there let's go something like this let's just do maybe like the cab click to fast I'll say restore home yeah it's because I did the explode it's not gonna let me do that but it basically just puts it back in its original location kind of like revert when you're using the Assembly commands we talked about Auto exploding one level Auto exploding all levels and manual explode and like I said in all honesty I use this one probably 99% of the time I just glanced over show/hide but it basically allows you to show or hide and let's do it on this guy so maybe we want this front or this left component to disappear so I'm gonna go ahead and select it and say show hide and you'll see that it's basically showing it lit up here and then dimmed out there let's see so you can see that it's hidden right now so let's go ahead and toggle that guy on or off okay so here's what it's a two part process you kind of have to say when you want it lit up and when you want it not displayed so I'm going to go to zero then come back here and let's do the show/hide again and so there it's shown so as we're deck dragging across it's shown it's shown and then it turns off so you can kind of see how it's displayed and then it turns off okay same thing you can specify the duration when does it start when does it end it doesn't dim like I wish it would it would like slowly dim down maybe that's in a future release but we'll have to see so that's show/hide and then same thing with appearance you can change the appearance of the parts if you want to but I'm not going to show that it's just as simple as you know creating an appearance or whatever just like you've done in other stuff so we've basically covered all of that then the next icon is this annotation icon where it's called create a call-out and so I can actually click on something and say you know sharp point or something like that say okay and it's gonna create a call out there so as I drag this along you'll see there's the call out and then it actually moves with that particular part and if I were to hover over this it tells me either you know whatever I typed in I could have given it the part name I could have given it a warning or whatever so that's what the annotation is for okay so this last thing I'm gonna go ahead and get rid of this guy let me just undo the display okay so the last thing I want to talk about is publishing and then actually creating a drawing of an exploded view I'll show you about nine minutes left here so I've done my animation I've got everything the way I want let's go ahead I'll just go ahead and save this real quick and then I can come in here and say publish video and you'll notice it gives me I can do the current storyboard or I could do all of the storyboards so if I had multiple storyboards almost like a movie I could do all of them if I wanted to I can specify a custom size I'll just go ahead and do the current document window size and say okay and it's going to create I'm actually in wrong menu here let's do it in here real quick it's gonna create an avi file so I could save it to my computer downloads and it's gonna be called utility knife okay so it's going to create an animation or a video of that for me so I might take a couple moments as we do this on me a glance over in the chat what's like Angelo has been busy okay thank you somebody said this is a good video tutorial for beginners I appreciate those kind of comments if you like these make sure you give a thumbs up and leave comments on future topics that you want to see because it's because of you guys that I'm actually doing this animation livestream because a couple people have asked for something like this so I'm doing another livestream coming up here pretty soon called in context design it's probably gonna be a multi-part livestream because I'll show you what I'm actually doing here and I have it sitting right here I don't know if you can see it and out of my little drafting book we're gonna create that whole assembly and learn how to design it in context with each other and this is actually an old I mean it is really old see post-it notes and everything that was a drafting book that one of my teachers gave me back in college so we're gonna do that in a future livestream or future live streams okay so it created the video for me if I were to search for this real quick let me go into my downloads and you'll see the utility knife video clip so we can watch the video and so it's going to go through the animation and so you can kind of see it explode out hopefully this is sharing I don't know if it is or not so I'm not gonna make it bigger just a save time but it recorded that video for us okay so the last thing is to actually create a drawing so check this out if I go into my workspaces and I go to my drawing workspace you can see it says from design or from animation so I'm going to say from animation and again it allows me to pick which storyboard if I had multiple storyboards I could pick which one and I want to do let's just say inch let's just say see size I'll say okay I'll come in here and it's going to use that animation to create our drawings so we can see different orientations so I could say front you know I could say right or whatever it's gonna use that exploded animation for that so let's go ahead and do home we'll go ahead and place that right there I want it to be shaded I'll say yeah I'll just leave like that I'll say okay and it's going to use that animation to create this exploded view so I could come in and you know my screens not showing up maybe it was still thinking just a second here there we go I could come in here and do a table so I'll throw that there it's gonna automatically number these for me I could reorder these reposition them if I needed to so pretty pretty powerful to create an exploded view kind of like what I just showed in the drafting book using fusion 360 so hopefully you'll learn something new the the animation module you have to put a little bit of effort into it to get it to work correctly but like I said down bring up this utility knife and practice with that first you know it's about six or seven parts you know learn how to do the animation and then you can animate your 3d printer design or you know whatever else you've designed using a fuse in 360 so with that I want to thank you for your attendance I want to thank Angelo for helping me out hopefully you learn something and like we always say with fusion 360 you can make anything so go out there and make anything thank you you
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 21,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution, photogrammetry, computer aided design, free software, 3d modeling tutorial
Id: Mr178Y0Mqgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 31sec (3571 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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