Fusion 360: Gears and Motion Link

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Powablocks 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2020 đź—«︎ replies

This is fantastic! Thank you for sharing!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2020 đź—«︎ replies
hello everyone and welcome back to my channel in this tutorial I will show you how to create gifts and how to animate them using joints and motion link I have already created a video about gears but this time we'll go into more detail but not too deep sixed can get quite complicated depending on what the gears are for by the end of this video you will know basic term terminology a what tools Fusion has to offer to create gears how to figure out the number of teeth for a specific gear ideas how to calculate tooth gear a tooth size sorry and how to animate the gears so before we begin I just want to remind you hey don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon so you can get a notification each time I'm releasing a new video so let's begin as you can see here and this is the what we are going to create so I've got those three gears and three different sizes and I'm just going to turn this one around as you can see they are meshing really really nicely and everything works as it should so this is what we are going to create today so we're going to start with a new file and the first component that I'm going to create later on you can understand also why but I'm gonna do a some sketches over here so I'm gonna call it drawings and we're going to start with a new sketch and it's going to be right here now as you know it when you're creating gears they're going to be inside an enclosure some kind of a box and so which means they also have some kind of limitation so we need to also gonna help us to figure out what size of gears we need so I'm just gonna keep it simple and I'm gonna draw a rectangle right here I'm gonna give it some mansions and this one here it's going to be 200 like that now I also want you to pay attention those are going to be relatively large gears and so yeah take that also into account later on next what I'm going to do is we're going to create a one circle in this side another one on this side and another one on this side we gonna do some constraint and this one I'm gonna constraint to this point right here and this one to this point right here and this one vertically right here next I'm going to create some tangents and it's going to be between this one and this one and this one and this one and don't worry we're going to give them some measurements so this gear is going to be 60 and this one is going to be 148 and this one going to be 100 now of course we can move them a little bit to the side but I'm just gonna keep them as it is now the sizes that you see here this is not the outside diameter what you see here it's called a reference diameter and sometimes it is also called a it's got different names and I'm gonna show you right here what the other names you can see here is also called pitch circle and I think it's this car also other names so but the names can be a little bit confusing sometimes it depends what kind of major measuring system you're going to use so that's why try not to be too much fixed on the names I try just to understand what they are representing in general when we're talking about the these poor gears so this one for example that we just created it's the pitch circle and it's quite important a diameter and this is where we calculating also in general the size of the tooth itself now before we continue so that's what I want you to bring my first of all okay and you're probably gonna make some changes later on so don't worry about it in your maybe new case you can do some changes but the difference between this one and the outside diameter it's about two millimeters so it's not really that large I can always we can always change and change things later on so this is the basic information that I'm gonna need for now so I'm gonna just kind of finish this sketch and want to show the dimensions I want to see them good now second thing we need to know when to figure out is what kind of tools Fusion offer us to create gears so we have two options first we have the built in a gear plug-in that you can find on the tools then we click on Add Ins if we scroll down we can find it right here click run and this is it the second one it's the one that you just saw right before it's right here if you go to the App Store now don't worry I'm going to put all the links in the description and this one called FM gears I'm gonna use this one and the only reason I'm using it it's instead of always going to tools and Eddings and bring it up after we install the FM gear you're gonna find it under create and FM gear now the down really that huge difference between them but the FM gears can offer you also an internal gear and rack gear if you want to create one of those gears okay but in general they are very very similar the same information you can see here the standard you can choose between metric and English and you've got the pressure and girls and so on so we're going to use the FM gear now how can we move on a with these information and for that there is a really good website I'm gonna add this into the description and this website's gonna help us to calculate all kind of information for example right here it's the pitch circle if you are looking for to know what's going to be the pitch circle in a situation of X number of tees and our module now the module this is basically mean the size of the teeth and you can also see it right here you have again it also has another name it's called damage to a material that might record pitch that's an English unit or module in metric units so if you know that you're gonna put it in and that's gonna give you the measurement and of the pitch circle oh you can also do some the other way around but in our case we already establish what is our a pitch circle right here to all of them so now we need to figure it out the size of the the tooth itself and how many ATS we are going to need so there are several ways to do this and this one it's gonna be relatively easier so we know this is what we are looking for in general yeah we need to achieve this 148 48 so we can do some basic you know calculation and play with it and see okay if I'm going to use module 2 so 148 divided by 2 that's gonna give me a 74 teeth now if you want to check this out there is a really good a website and it's not this one it's right here you can plot the information right here you can see the number of teeth so it's gonna be 74 then diametrical pitch it's was 2 and basically is how it's gonna look this is gear number 2 so it's this one right here okay so you can also add few gears here and then play with them you can change their position as well um yeah so this is a really nice tool to work with before you going to plot it into Fusion so I figured out that I want to work with module 2 and I'm going to have 74 gears and the pressure angle I'm gonna use standard 20 degrees next thing you have to remember it's very crucial that if you want gears to mesh with each other then the module which means the size of the gears the size of the the tooth itself and the angle there must be the same for all the gears otherwise they're not gonna mesh they're gonna be they're gonna look different okay so remember the module if you're going with 2 or 0 point something or 4 or whatever you have to keep using it to all the gears okay the number of the gears doesn't matter really that much and as much as the module and the pressure angle so we're gonna keep it pressure angle 20 degrees and we're gonna use 2 in this case the size of the image rule next a in regards to terminology and everything what it means how to calculate stuff I found a really good website it's going to be this one I'm gonna put the link to this into the description and you can see right he was explaining exactly what it actually means for example the module if you take the module let's just say one it's just a designated number and you multiply it by PI you can get these numbers and that's gonna give you basically the pitch and so you can do all kind of really go into deeper what everything basically means here and yeah understand a little bit more how to create those gears and what it's actually mean the different and parameters but I don't want to make go too much deep into this because then the video it's gonna be very very very long so I'm gonna keep it as simple as possible so we already got our first gear right here so we just need to plot information into our plugin so we know that it's seventy four and two so we're going to our create and FM gears so as you can see right here we have metric but if you want to put a hole in the middle do that I don't want I'm gonna you know create all these kind of stuff later on now pay attention to this pitch diameter this is this one okay that we have created and we're gonna use metric and gonna use 20 degrees the module it's gonna be two and the number of T's it's gonna be seventy four and as you can see right here 148 which basically it's matching our a gives the circle that we have just created right here right here below you can put root fee let's if you want you can do it now or you can do it later depends on you give thickness I just gonna keep it eight and in the other plug in the one that it's built in fusion it's also gonna give you a option for back backslash and this is basically kind of clearance it's it's very important because right now as you can see they are touching each other that means that it's very very tight and it's always good idea to give it some kind of a backlash and especially if there are kind of gears that you're gonna need to use some lubrication and if you don't have this clearance the lubrication won't be able to go inside and it can be also quite noisy the gears so you should give it and in some place I read I think it's gonna stand out it's like 0.25 something like that and I'm just gonna keep it as it is right here and we're gonna click okay and the gear has been created for us right here and so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna use the move come back a click on this one and hit the M on the keyboard and I'm gonna oriented like this 90 degrees and I'm gonna move into a point to point and I'm gonna go into this gear and I'm gonna hit the control choose this point and then I'm gonna choose this point so now they are aligned I'm just gonna capture the position and here we go good aim now we need to work on the second gear and so we're going back we know that it's 60 so we're gonna go back to our a page here the calculation so we know we need to figure it out so it's going to be 60 right here which means 60 divided by 2 if we're gonna put 30 so we already know that it's going to be 30 T's so again going to create FM gears h2 and this one is going to be 30 and this one it's still 0 that's good I'm gonna click OK and we're gonna do exactly the same as we did before [Music] I just gonna orient this one 90 degrees and that's what we're gonna do also for the last year now I'm gonna hit on the control in order to catch the the points right here and choose this point over here capture position click OK and we're going to create now the last year and this is diameter of 100 create a fan gear and so we know that it's going to be 50 and that's gonna give us 100 because it's weaved a hundred divided by 2 okay so yeah and 100 divided by 2 is gonna give us 50 it is so a yep we're gonna click OK choose this one it came on the keyboard or until 90 degrees and we need to position it and hitting the control choosing this point and this point right here capture the position and okay so we've got our three gears and this is how it looks I can just hide this one right for now I don't need it so our gills are being created now as you can also see the name of the gives gives you also the number of these so if you're wondering and it's also can be a really good idea if you don't remember exactly how we create them so you know we can always put for example m2 so you know that it's module 270 40s okay and if you multiply then you know the pitch diameter mmm okay so we finish creating our gears next a we need to create some joint and I'm going to use the S build joint because they are already positioned where I want them to be and it's not going to be rigid it's going to be revolve and we're going to choose this component to this component and it's going to be revolved around this one here next I almost forgot I want to ground this one good so now it's not gonna move okay as you can see it's not moving so we're gonna do the same for the second gear it's gonna be this one to this one and it's going to revolve right here and the third one this one to this one and it's gonna be revolve around this and we click okay now when we are in this position right here if you want you can just move it by hands right here position it like this and this is virtually so it really doesn't matter because you know in real life when you're gonna create it they are gonna match they are gonna be position as it should so it's mostly you know aesthetically so I'm just gonna do it by hand and I'm gonna do a I'm gonna capture the position and also gonna do right here like this and it's good enough and I'm gonna capture the position so now how can we make so they are going to move together and it's very easy so we are going to again click on assemble and we go into motion link we're creating a movement in relation to two different joints now this one it's actually very very easy and some people don't know why they're kind of getting a little bit confused here eh it's all about ratio its if I'm going to protect a big wheel here okay the big gear if it's turning 360 degrees how many times the small one is going to turn and the calculation it's very simple so you take 148 divided by 60 and that's gonna give us the ratio okay and so how we gonna do this in practice so we're going to choose and now the first one it's very important okay which one you choose first in which one is second so that means that we're saying if we're choosing the first one that basically means okay if this one turns 360 degrees now the second one how how many turns is going to have and it's not going to be 360 as you can see here they're not exactly matching so I'm just gonna stop this one for a second and for now also as you can see they are turning correctly if it's not turning correctly then you just click on the reverse so how we gonna calculate it so we're saying okay this one is gonna transfer hundred and sixty and so how many times the second one is going to return so we're going to as I mentioned before and we're going to do some simple calculation I'm gonna show you so we have one hundred and forty-eight divided by sixty it's two point four six six six six six six and if you multiply this one by sixty that's gonna give us one hundred and forty eight okay so it's one to one point a two four and six 666 so what we're going to do we can put for example a 1 here and we can put two point four six six six for example okay and we're gonna do the reverse and it's basically the same if I'm gonna it's much easier instead of to put we know one huge long angle so I'm just gonna say okay for one degree how many degrees the second one is going to move and it's going to move to point four six six six six okay so if I'm gonna zoom in you can see it much clearly oh sorry oh I need to turn off this one good so as you can see it's mashing perfectly so again it's just a question of ratio so we checking either the small one divided by the big one or the opposite it doesn't really matter and it's gonna be exactly the same so I'm gonna do this now the opposite way I'm gonna take go to motion Ling again so I'm gonna start for example with this small one and they intersect the second large one so we're saying that the small one and just stop it we know that it's 60 and this one is hundred so if this one making one turn the small one how much the second one is going to turn so what we're going to do is we have we taking 60 divided by 100 so it's going to be zero point six which mean here we're gonna put zero point six turn and if we test it well it's moving really really fast but I'm just gonna click okay and you can you will see that it's actually working yeah but right here it's not working because it's going the other way around because it was moving so fast so I didn't see that so we're just gonna edit and you can do reverse and this one is hidden so as you can see now it's working nicely so one a degree gives us a movement this one and the big one it's moving zero point six the grace and if we put everything together right now as you can see here so everything works nicely and mesh together so as you can see it is very very simple it's really not that complicated at least creating the motions and everything what in general complicate when you're talking about gears and it depends on the applications because sometimes you need to calculate the size or the number of these base of the for example speed and stress and stuff like that this is where things can get really complicated but if it's a fairly simple gear then you don't really have to think that much about it and especially if you need to recreate a gear that's already exist so you would already have most of the information and again you can use this a page here to learn exactly all the terminology what exactly they mean and I also have another form here with people discuss then the gears and it's a really good one you can see how we can do the different calculations here and yes what else we have yeah so as I mentioned what I wanted to show you right here is how you create gears in fusion how simple it is and how you can use this page in order to calculate a different parameters for here for example here we can if you want to look for the number of teeth so if you know the outside diameter and you know that the model is going to be true and so the number of teeth are going to be 48 okay if this is where you're going to start you say okay I don't know hey I don't care about the pitch circle but I know that the outer diameter it's going to be hundred and I know I'm going to use module two now I want to know what's the 48 the number of ticks is going to be and then you can check this 48 put it right here and you can see the pitch a circle it's going to be 96 okay so it's like four millimeters distance between them difference between them so yeah and this is how we can continue if you want to figure out the outside diameter so when you already have the number of these just plug in here too and yeah but this one is right here it's supposed to be like 48 and here we go and you can also figure out the distance between gears you can just plot the pitch circle right here and this one adjust for if you have been in eternal years so we can use this a calculation area and yeah this is it it's very very basic and very very simple and it's quite fun to work with and yeah so this trick right here that I have created I'm working with it sometimes if it's relatively basic stuff and it's good because you're creating like a drawing first of all where the things are going to be and yeah it's gonna give you a really good what you can say good way of for example positioning different components so you can use that both in drawings and in for positioning okay guys I hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button if you have any comments or questions then please write it down in the comments area and I will see you in the next video Cheers
Channel: Fusion 360 NewbiesPlus
Views: 6,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 join bodies, texture, Fusion Tutorial, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD modeling, 3D modeling, 2D sketching, components and bodies, combine bodies, custom threads, threads, beginner tutorial, fusion tutorial, Propellers, modeling, autodesk, fusion 360, design engineering, mechanical design, computer aided design, cad software, mechanical engineering, product design, Gears, Worm Gear, Boat Hull, Fusion 360 tutorials, Fusion 360 Loft, Airplane
Id: Hw9VlV7enks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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