Fusion 360 Tutorial for CNC

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what's up crafty people i'm michael this is baddest crafts and today i've got a deep dive into fusion 360 and how i created the design files for my bottle opener now if you haven't seen that video yet definitely check it out i show you how i take a simple piece of wood cut it out make a really cool logo sand it and even stain it this tutorial is going to show you how i created the design files i actually started in making svg files to cut everything and then i continued on blew it into fusion 360 increased size for a couple of things and then actually generated toolpaths and created the g-code straight out of fusion 360. okay i'm now sitting in front of my computer and what i'm going to do is show you how i take my png file and create an entire design file all the way through fusion 360 and a cutting path for the snapmaker so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to take this png and i'm going to stick it into again camp is just a photo editing software and it's pretty great it's free i use it a lot for path tools so what i'm doing right now is i'm selecting all of the white from here you can tell that i'm going to go ahead and create a path what i mean by path is it's really just a way to tell either a machine or file imaging type of program hey this is a path or a set of lines that i want to follow in this case i've created a path here and i'm going to export it as an svg and then i'll import it into fusion 360. i'm going to call it mnj.svg okay go over to fusion360 i'm going to make a new sketch from the top down let's rotate and insert this exact same file that i was using before and you can then scale it to whatever you need to i'm just gonna do this for tutorial reasons so this looks like a good distance right here okay now you can see all of those lines are translated to a sketch and i can use this for fusion 360 to create a body and do whatever i want to with it i selected the white so it gave me the square as part of it but i don't want that so i'm just going to delete that i also in the final version i'm going to do some tweaks now if i were to keep it identical to the way the design was before some of this would be really difficult to cut out for example these letters are really small and which means i i've got to increase the size on some things so i'm going to create a circle go to two point circle and i'm going to start here and i'm going to come out to here the line that we had the circle that we had before isn't actually circle you can see there's some very square portions here i want it to be a circle so that's what i'm doing the next thing i'm going to do is this again and i'm going to expand it as much as i can let's go to here two point circle start here and we'll go to write now i can go ahead and delete this guy let's select all of this for a second it comes in locked select all these there now that it's blue it's unlocked and i'm gonna actually expand it i'm gonna say okay let's uh let's see if we can do 1.5 nope way too big let's go 1.25 still just a little too big you can see that it's doing pretty good maybe 1.2 much better so i'm going to hit ok on that it's looking pretty good the one thing that i'm a little worried about like i said is these letters are really hard to cut out and if i don't take and try to select all of these letters if i don't select all these letters and make them a little bit bigger the diameter of my instrument is going to be too large and it's not going to actually cut the entire letter we'll we'll get rounded letters or something like that so let's once again do another scale let's scale it from right here let's call it 1.1 that's a little better now i'm going to have to re-center this but i also know after having done this that all of these little guys are really hard to cut out as well so i'm going to go ahead and expand them make them a little bit bigger and like i said it's just so that way our cutting tool can fit inside between all of this or otherwise we're going to get really rounded results do a scale sketch scale and we'll scale based off the middle let's call this 1.2 as well okay great we really need to center all of this i'm holding ctrl and double clicking here and that just makes sure i select everything i hit m for move and let's just translate it so we're going to go this way and up a little bit oops hitting control lets you go back and see where you were originally starting at i think that's pretty good it's the center of the path yeah let's put it there now i could probably mirror this one over here but i'm just going to go ahead and do the exact same thing i'm going to scale this one up it stays more true to the logo if for some reason there's a difference between these two little details scale again sketch scale okay once again i'm going to pick something central and 1.2 okay select all of them again and and for move translate up a little bit and then let's do an eyeball thing again here looks to me like it's about the same as the other one so we'll call it good okay and all i have to do is move this whole some beer up into location but it looks like it might be a little bit too big i'm going to clip this beer on this detail so i'm going to move this up just a little bit and out of the way and m for move let's go up just a little bit just i'm cheating a little bit more than i would want to but that's okay so now i'm going to select all of these letters we're going to have to come back to this a you can see how small of a diameter that middle portion is i don't think we can actually fit the dimension of the cutting instrument inside of here so since it's too small to cut out we actually have to come back and maybe increase the size of that now i'll show you a little later on how i identify and can tell when i need to increase the size of things move copy and slide it right up i'm going to move out of the way let's put it there i scaled these letters a little bit too much i'm going to come back and scale them down just a little bit since i'm going the other way i'm going to make it a 0.9 anything less than 1 is going to make it smaller anything greater than 1 is going to make it bigger now i've got a pretty workable logo the sketching is done now so we're going to go ahead and start press pulling and creating an actual body i'm going to hit finish sketch turn the sketches back on and i'm going to select the entire sketch let's press pull now we're going to make everything up to five millimeters so now we have a new body let's turn on body four it's completely flat because that's we selected everything in the profile you can see that there's a sketch now turned on let's turn off bodies and now i'm going to select the details that i want to actually press pull the first thing i'm going to do is select this far outer rim and that's just going to help us later for when we are cutting out is i really want to cut a pocket i don't want to cut out every part of the material coming through here just continuing on i'm going to select all these details in the outside all right i'm gonna hit right click press pull i'll go ahead and get these guys in and we're gonna go up 10 millimeters i'm going to turn the bodies on and it's going to try to cut but i don't want to cut i want to i want to go ahead and just join and that's going to give a set of lettering that extends beyond our base as well as this outside rim and like i said this outside rim is entirely for creating a pocket inside of here which is just to help us with cutting things out of a larger material we've got some more that we need to do here i want to do this and this since i'm going to change it up i'm going to go back in here and i'm going to edit this sketch i'm going to go ahead and delete this outer rim because i don't need it i'm going to select all of this and i'm going to scale it up to be just a little bit larger the larger you can make your details the easier your cutting instruments going to be able to be to get in and make all of these finely tuned you know angles actually look good okay sketch scale and my point is going to be the direct center of our outer circle and let's make it 1.2 that's just a little bit too big you can see that we're impacting our other designs here so let's make it 1.15 there we go now we can hit okay i'm going to turn on the body and you can see we're going to be able to sneak this logo it's really light but you can see that we're going to be able to take this logo and pull it right up without impacting anything else that we've already done fusion 360 is really nice about that even after we go and start trying to manufacture and cut things out we can come back make edits to the sketch and it will push all of those edits all the way through the design process and out to the manufacturing tab where we are directly impacting what we cut so we press pull once again we are selecting the things that we want to extend beyond the base we're going to join and we want to go 10 millimeters just like we did before okay let's turn on this i didn't have the other bodies turned on so that's why it didn't join the first time but i'm going to go ahead and select everything i'm going to hit join okay now we have one full body it's got everything we need you can see that i've got pockets where i'm gonna be cutting out and we can move on so i'm gonna go to the manufacturer tab and pause there so that way i can get things set up so i have my body everything's looking good i'm going to show you how to now take this body and jump it into the manufacturing and get things set up for the snap maker and the cnc module so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to jump down to manufacture now inside of manufacturer i've got a couple things going on i'm going to make a new setup i'm going to move over to stock and i'm going to say no additional offset great call all that good now that i got a new setup i'm going to say a new operation now we have a couple of options here i'm going to first do an adaptive clearing which is set up to cut out quite a bit of this shape as quickly as possible i'm going to select my tool which is the 1.5 millimeter flat end mill and that's set up using the design files that snapmaker provides for us so i'm just going to hit ok air coolant great 1200 rpm because that's what snapmaker does that's important and then i'm going to select all of the pockets that i want to cut out it's going to take a minute because snapmaker likes to think yeah so since i have to select all of these pockets individually i'm just going to go through every single one of them and click the selection [Music] okay i've now selected all of my pockets that i need to cut out and we're going to go to heights all of this is correct i haven't changed anything there passes we need to unselect stock to leave because otherwise it will actually leave a portion of the edge here that's okay if you're going to come back with a second pass which we will but i just uncheck it because i'd rather just cut everything all in one pass so i'm going to hit ok and it's going to start generating and analyzing all of the places that it needs to cut you can see here it kind of does this for you live just comes through and says okay this is what i'm actually going to do we don't really need to watch all this because later i can come back and simulate it and show you exactly what would look like we're going to show you so this this is the adaptive cut the adaptive clearing i'm going to come back with a 2d pocket and this is going to be what i'm going to call a finishing pass which just means we're going to use the first adaptive pass as a rough cut and then the second one is going to be our final cut and she'll check that this maximum stepover needs to be smaller than the 1.5 i'm gonna drop it down to one i gotta go back through and select all of my pockets again identical to what we did before i now have selected all of my pockets again and we'll go through passes no stock to leave maximum step over of one and hit okay it's going to go through and generate everything again it's already generated the first adaptive click clear and now it's going to generate the 2d pocket so we can see from either selecting the 2d adaptive clear or the 2d pocket what it's going to be doing for each of these operations there's a couple of weird things going on here for the adaptive clear you can see we're not actually cutting this out we're also not cutting this a out we're not cutting the top of this b out and they are so let's go in there and see if we can figure out what's going on i'm gonna edit this 2d adaptive clear first which is geometry and these chains you can see okay i am selecting it well basically with adaptive clear you're just trying to remove material as quickly as possible so it's my guess that since it's so small it doesn't feel like it needs to do that it's expecting you to come back with a finishing pass the top of the b is getting cut out this a is actually going to be cut out but we still have a problem here we've got this small a and you can see it's not actually ever going to get cut so before we continue we would want to come back all the way back to design and let's go to sketches again and we're going to increase the size of this we have to edit the sketch to do this so we're going to hit edit sketch and i'm gonna double select this sketch scale i'm just gonna click that let's give it a 1.4 there we go now we know for sure we're going to get at least something in there i'm gonna hit finish sketch and what this is going to do is propagate all the way through you can see my a has a larger cutout for its center again if we go all the way back to manufacturing it will actually cut out based off of the 2d pocket okay we're done generating everything you can see that right now i have the 2d adaptive selected i'm going to select the other one and you can see there's some differences here it's just a different way of generating a tool path there's pros and cons to both like i said i'm using the adaptive to clear out the material as quickly as possible and then i'm coming back with a finishing pass on this 2d pocket typically you would use the 2d adaptive to with a larger tool but snapmaker doesn't handle tool changes all that well so we'll have to come back and fix that with a future video i'll show you the best way to do that i now have all of this set up i'm going to go ahead and just simulate it and this is a really nice thing to help you do some troubleshooting and make sure that you are doing exactly what you think for the simulation i went ahead and press start but i can turn on the stock which will show you okay this is what it looks like before i cut anything at all i can also change just the flute or the shaft or the holder which no i kind of don't like the holder just because it gets in the view of what your but you can zoom in you can speed up looks like it's doing a pretty good job like i said the simulation is really good for troubleshooting earlier i realized that when i did an adaptive clear instead of having this wall up it actually would exceed the bounds and it would have been a problem because where i'm cutting on my piece of stock is in the direct center of the stock and i didn't model the entire stock so that's how i knew oh i need to come back and fix that that's the entire simulation at some point it went back and started doing the 2d pocket so it puts both of these two together now that we're done all we have to do is post process and you gotta make sure that the snapmaker files are in the same folder as what it's expecting so you would just add it to this folder in the setup up here and hit post so i'm going to say tutorial dot cnc save and i've got an add-on that lets me view the g-code it's not really that useful because honestly i can't tell what's going on i'm not a machine i can't read it what i can do is open snapmaker lubin move on and what i'm going to do is i'm going to open that g-code in lubin which is going to give me a chance to kind of view and get an idea and make sure so i'm in the workspace and i'm just going to upload exactly what i just had like i started off this video with i didn't check the dimensions but i can see oh okay it's like 120 to negative 120 it's 240 millimeters it's larger than i have available to me so i could come back to this the fetch or even the model and make adjustments and then redo this whole process again until i get it exactly the way that i want all i would have to do is save this final code to flash drive plug it into my snapmaker and go if you got this far thank you very much for watching i'm happy that i've gotten the chance to give you all of my tips and tricks on this cnc toolpath generation on fusion360. if you like this content let me know in the comments let me know if you have any ideas for future videos give me a thumbs up subscribe thanks and have a good day
Channel: Baddest Crafts
Views: 11,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, fusion 360 tutorial, snapmaker 2.0, cnc machine, cnc, wood cutting, fusion360, gimp, tutorial, beginner tutorial, cnc for beginners, woodworking, cnc module, luban, luban tutorial, how to use fusion 360, sketch, tool path generation, tool path fusion 360, wood carving, cam, computer automated manufacturing, computer assisted design, cad, baddestcrafts, snapmaker cnc, logo design, svg, svg creation, cnc simulation, snapmaker 3-in-1 3d printer, fusion 360 cam tutorial
Id: -j6KVrsLTXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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