Fusion 360 Tutorial – Creating Wires for Components

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hey what's up and welcome back to another layer belayer in today's tutorial we take a look at making wires uh so in my latest project i figured that i would add right after the screws i figured i'd add some wires to the project and you know this could be one of those things like yeah you don't really need to do that but in my case i thought it'd be kind of an interesting thing to do and i kind of think this would work really well so one benefit of doing this is now i can figure out how long my wires need to be for certain component so for this switch for example it's being wired into this adafruit power boost click on that it tells me the wire length it is 46 millimeters let's take a look at these buttons over here click on this line and this needs to be about 81 millimeters so that's a good way to kind of get a reference point for how long these wires need to be another one of course is of course just looking to see if there's any collisions do the wires fit can they can they fit is there enough space and stuff like that so maybe it makes sense uh i think i think this is cool it just looks cool there's one thing but there is kind of some use case to it okay so the next thing i want to do is show you guys how i put it together so this is kind of a new project i'm working on and i need to kind of showcase uh how the wire is going to connect into this adafruit power boost i got a jst connector over here pretty basic shapes but we'll do this by projecting some sketches before we do that let's make a new component and call this wires tutorial because i kind of already set one up so wires and then we want to project uh these surfaces this is where we're gonna connect i have the wires coming out of here and they're gonna come in to the back over here so i need to pick one of these guys first so i'm to pick this one so i'm going to hit p on my keyboard to project that into its own sketch if we bring back our thing here you can open it there it is hit ok now you create a profile for the wire so depending on how thick your wire is going to be you'll want to change that mine's going to be about 1.5 millimeters so i got that now i need to make the next sketch uh so i'm going to do it over here select that area project that into its own sketch with the hotkey p and then if i look at it straight on i can create a circle profile by figuring out where the the middle points are like this and then i can get this snap here in the center of this rectangle we give it the same diameter so with this sketch now i need to kind of project in this guy over here but it is it's on a different plane so we need to use the include 3d geometry feature so this is basically like the project feature but it lets you project 3d geometry and click on that and then click on our little profile there and then if i hide sketch one you can see it is now there and it's purple let's just know it's projected next thing i need to do is create our wire the way i created mine are with splines because they're nice and curvy so i'm going to click on that i want to start the spline off connected you know with the collinea coincident constraint so click on that circle there and i recommend doing at least three points if you have any more than that it's going to get pretty complicated kind of tedious not complicated so click on somewhere over there and then i'll the last thing will be a coincidence over here then i need to hit the check box of course to confirm that and unfortunately it closed it i didn't want that so i'm going to kind of hit the escape key and then click on that right click and then say open close spline curve normally you don't need to do that but for whatever reason it happened this time so now you can see um it looks 2d but if i look at it from the top view i can see there's a little bit of movement too you can see it comes from here and goes over there obviously this this is kind of intersecting here so i need to do a lot of finessing to get this to look right so you can select these little green handles uh to you know manipulate the curves if you ever use the spline you know you know this can take a little bit here so um i want to kind of have it come out here maybe that looks okay and then i'll look at it from this angle and this is really where you want to kind of uh look at the wire from every possible angle um because you do have to kind of make sure that makes sense um so you gotta kind of keep moving um around and i'm using the move command m to to quickly uh move stuff so that's that's how i'm doing that um and you know you can manipulate all you want spend all day on it but ultimately it's up to you how long you want to spend time on that so with that i think that looks good we can manipulate it later which is really cool so let's go ahead and do the the loft uh just bring up the toolbox hit loft i want to select this profile first and i need to change the guide type to center line i'll go ahead and select our spline zoom out and then let's hit the plus button over here under profiles and select our second circle profile and there we go hit okay you want to make it a new body or a new component it's up to you i'm gonna hit okay on that now you got that that looks really cool now the cool thing is um if you know we're still working on this design and we're gonna move things around if i need to move stuff it's fairly easy um let's bring up the sketch and we don't even have to we don't even have to edit it we just click on one of these dots hit the m key and now you can move it where you want so i'm going to bring it out a little bit and you can bring it up do whatever you want with it you can see it's kind of updating with it um if not then you just have to hit the ok button and it'll update so that's pretty cool another cool thing is you can if your component moves uh you can it'll actually move with it in certain situations so here here's how kind of you need to do it so if i go to my main component my main assembly here if i look at my timeline you see i have a captured position and this capture position was created before i did any of these sketches so that means that if i go into this capture position and edit it uh my stuff will update with it so let's say you know i want to move the the power of the the adafruit feather let's say i want to move that up a little bit let's say like by 10 millimeters hit okay and when i finish capture position fusion's smart enough to go hey um that's a projected sketch and i am locked to that surface from that body so i'm just gonna go ahead and update so that's really cool um so if you're still working with your design and you tend to move things around definitely try to keep your captured position down to just one position and that way you can modify it and then things that are you know using it as a reference point can update uh forward in the timeline uh so to create the two wires um i did a little bit of um trickery so it's not actually two lofts it's just one loft and the way i did that is i just smashed two circle profiles together so if i go to sketch three modify you can see how i did that i just you know kind of smack intersected two circles with each other and then i use the trim tool which is the letter t on your keyboard you can trim away any um intersecting points that way i can just have one profile here it kind of looks like a double barrel uh so that's how i was able to create those two those two wires you notice my colors you got kind of got removed so the way i did the colors hit the a key so you can bring up your appearance panel and just change the apply to two faces that way you can you know apply different colors to each individual face because this is just one solid it's not two sods so that's this one that's how you do it very easy uh so that's kind of neat uh obviously i got some problems here with this let's actually try to see if we can fix that so i update that i want to move this switch up this one move it up yeah that updates sweet so that's really cool all right so let me know what you guys think um if you have any cool tips on using the 3d uh include 3d geometry maybe there's a way to do this with just one sketch that would be really cool let me know i really appreciate you guys comments and if you're new to here definitely check out the comments you'll see some some very useful tips and stuff from from awesome fusion 360 community people thank you guys so much for watching and i'll talk to you in the next one
Channel: Adafruit Industries
Views: 134,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion 360, Autodesk, Wires, Adafruit, Electronics, Components, Tutorial, 3D Modeling, Layer by Layer
Id: 5x08j2GguhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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