360 LIVE: Electrical Wire Routes

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okay thank you for responding to that okay so let me let me start over in case the audio is really bad today's topic is gonna be about how to route wires I try and pick topics that are pertinent to what people might be doing in their designs of fusion 360 I also mentioned that I have my own personal channel so if you haven't already I recommend subscribing to that just do a search for fusion 360 Brad talis and you'll find my channel over there and I do these every Tuesday and Thursday and I try and pick on topics that are pertinent to what people are learning in fusion 360 I share lots of tips and tricks and today is another one of those where I'm going to show some tips and tricks on how to do wiring and the reason I picked this was because I did that drill earlier I already closed it but let me go ahead and open this back up I showed this drill in a previous live stream and people were asking how did you go about creating the wires in here so if I expand open my browser here real quick and my case let me just turn this part off you can see that I have a bunch of wires going from the switch to the motor into the battery etc and people were asking how do you create these so I'm going to share these tips and tricks with you okay so I'm going to start out simple just to kind of show the methodology and then what we're going to do is we're actually going to route some wires from this 3d printer hot end extruder so I might want to run some wires from the hot end through this wire clip and then I'm going to go ahead and show how you could create for example a bunch of wires and even how you could twist those wires together so that's what I'll be showing today so the first thing we want to do is to create the path that our wire is going to route and you want to stay as orthographic as possible mean by that well I'm gonna start by drawing a top view so let's pretend I have a box in here I'm trying to route the wires through this box so this is looking top-down this is how I want my wires to go okay now if we look at it from the side these are all on the same plane there's no height or anything like that this is just a flat spline but what's cool is you can actually come in click on a point and say move so I right-click on that point I'm gonna say move and this actually allows us to move it in 3d so you can kind of see as I'm looking from the top kind of memorize what this spline looks like you're going to notice that it's not going to change the look from the top but now I'm going to look at it from the side and again I recommend going as orthographic as possible so now I'm looking at it from this front view and I'm just gonna drag that point up a certain distance okay so it's no longer you know on a flat plane but if we look at it from the top you'll notice that that didn't move at all we didn't we didn't bring it down here or anything like that we just told it to go straight up okay so I could do that with other points I could click on this point here drag that point up and now it still looks kind of like an S from the top but then we've also gave it a shape from the side okay I also recommend using just the arrows as much as possible you can use these planes but then you're moving it in two different directions instead of just straight up you're also moving it to the right okay and that could change what your overall shape looks like so once again I recommend just doing one axis at a time okay so I'm going to back up here I drew my top view then I just click on a point right mouse click and say move then I'm going to rotate to a side view or in this case the front and just move that point and I can be very specific I could say 25 if I wanted to and we're moving it just straight up okay so that's the method for creating a spline that goes through space in all three directions XY and z now I want to sweep my wire or wires along that and the second tip is I recommend creating a sketch plane on a path okay and the reason for this I'll show you I'll go ahead just click on this path you can see that it's going to create a plane that's tangential to that path okay and I'm going to drag it all the way here to zero so we can kind of see it's a distance zero if I go all the way to the end it's gonna be distance one it's kind of like a ratio so if I had said point five it's gonna go obviously halfway along the spline and I want that to be zero and I'll say okay now the reason for that is notice if I turn on my origin notice the orientation of my XY plane right here if I drew a circle it would not be tangent with that line and it would it would look weird as they got swept along I want the circle to be perfectly tangent at that point when we start sweeping so for example I could come in here and say let's create a circle I'll just make it maybe five millimeters in this case I'll stop my sketch we'll come in and sweep I'll go ahead and click on my profile and then I can select my path and you'll see that it's going to take that circle and sweep it along that path now this is a pretty simple example we're going to create multiple wires and so let me back up here real quick I'm gonna go ahead and edit my sketch here and I'm gonna draw let's do a couple circles so I'm just gonna come in here and say let's just make that five and I'll do another circle over here let's just make that five and I want these to be horizontal to this origin point here and then I could specify the distance apart if I wanted to I could throw a dimension in there but let's just do something like this so now I have two wires I'll come in and create a sweep I'll go ahead and select my profiles which are these two select my path which is this one here and you'll see that it's going to take those circles and sweep along that path okay now what we're gonna learn about here with a little bit is this twist angle is really powerful for creating like twisted wires for example so if I said twist 360 degrees it's going to twist those around each other 360 degrees along that path okay so I could come in here and say you know what let's do let's do three turns I'm gonna say 360 times three and now you'll see how it takes that and twist those wires along that path okay so that's how we're gonna get the twisted wires on our extruder here in just a moment but that's pretty pretty cool now this is another little trick that I like to use is it's not asking how many twists it's asking for an angle so I might want to know how many twists so I just said go 360 degrees times three or I could say times five and it's gonna go ahead and twist five times as we do that okay so let me show you what would happen if let me turn on my origin here if we didn't worry about the the tangency so I'm going to go ahead and maybe put a plane right right here for example and create my sketch oops click too fast I'll go ahead and say create sketch I'll draw my circle kind of near the end point there so notice the orientation of the circle compared to the spline in fact I might move let's move this point just a little bit move it down and back so so my circle is kind of like so if I said create a sweep what's the profile and what's the path you'll see how it's actually did a pretty good job in this example but sometimes you'll get it'll like pinch or whatever as it's going along but it's much better to get your profile basically perpendicular with the path another tip I like to share is when you're creating your splines especially if you're gonna twist you want to keep your points pretty much evenly spaced so you can see how it's much larger here than it is over here and when you start doing your twisting it might twist farther apart over here than it would in this exam in this section here so if you can it's better and I know you can't always just because of the shape you're flying but I would try and keep these fairly equal in size these little segments you see here okay so just share it a couple tips there now we're going to put it into a real world example we're gonna use that that 3d printer hot-end maybe we want to create a realistic rendering of what this thing is gonna look like and I want to show you know how these wires are gonna be routed and maybe where they're gonna be routed so I'm gonna jump over here and we're gonna route two different kinds of wire so I'm gonna come off of the hot end down here and go through this self-adhesive little zip tie clip so I'm gonna go ahead and again I like to work pretty much orthographically so I'm gonna start by kind of routing a side profile of where I want these wires to go so I might actually I'm gonna start by creating a new component and let's just call this hot end wires so I'm creating a new component and so all of my wires are gonna go inside of there and I'm just gonna sketch maybe on this face right here so I'm going to say create a sketch and start by drawing a spline and I'm going to get fairly close in fact I you can notice it's trying to catch two edges and stuff like that I don't really want it to in this case but I'm going to get fairly close where I want to start and then sort of draw the overall shape so this is going to come up here now I'm going to zoom up so you can kind of see what's going on you'll notice it's trying to catch to these object lines and I want to control my selection here I don't want it to select those lines so I'm going to hold down my control key and now you'll notice that it's not gonna snap to those object lines and when you're creating these 3d splines I highly recommend that you don't catch to these points because these could go back in the for example in this case the Y Direction really far and we basically want to be drawing on a single plane so I'm just going to go ahead and maybe click there maybe you come over here a little bit again you'll notice it's trying to catch to a whole bunch of edges here I'm just gonna hold down my control key and now it's no longer catching to those edges so I click there something like this and down here somewhere okay so again if we look from the side view this is all on one plane okay and let's just end over here somewhere I'm gonna go ahead and stop my sketch so again all on one plane now obviously the the wire is not where it means to be currently but now I'm going to go ahead and start using the Move command to move some of these points now what I'm showing here is an approximation it's not going to be a hundred percent exact we just want to create a nice rendering of what this is gonna look like so I just wanted to get fairly close so I'm gonna click on this point and say move now I can come in here and drag it around if I want to or I could use the point-to-point command in here in the move copy window so I'm going to say point to point what's the origin point so this is the origin and what's the target point and I'm actually gonna zoom up on these little wire studs right here I'm just gonna click on that point there and you can see that it actually took that point that used to be on one plane and now has moved it in 3d over to this location here so we just said go from one point to another point now if we look at it from the top we can see that the wire is kind of shooting off at a weird angle I don't want it to come nicely out of this wire so again I'm gonna click on that point right mouse click and say move now you'll notice when I do this we get this green tangent line that appears and if I look at it from the side we can see it's at some weird angle and if I look at it from the top we can see then it's at some weird angle okay so obviously we want to fix this so it's pointing straight out so what I want to do now is click on that line okay and that's key because if I just clicked on the point it was it would want to move the point but I actually want to move the tangency line and then I can come in and use this rotation and again I'm going to look at it from this side and watch what happens I can rotate this and we can change the tangency direction of this wire coming out okay and like I said I want to get it fairly close I want it to kind of be sort of horizontal because I'm in 3d I don't have constraints such as make that horizontal ok so now I'm going to look at it from the top and let's rotate it in this direction until it's mostly horizontal like so look at it from the side it's horizontal we look at it from the top it's horizontal so now that wire is pretty much coming straight out of this hot end and I could even come in and click on the end point here and move this guy you can actually change the weight like how strong of the tangency is this so you can see as I pull this to the right it's gonna stay straight or much longer and then suddenly curve if I push it closer to the origin point it's going to be a much more gradual curve and not come out as far so you can actually adjust how tight you want that to come out so I'm going to go do something like that so now my spline is pretty much coming straight out of that hot end ok so now what I want to do is kind of work on some of these other points for example maybe I want to hold this point since it's sitting on that face I might want to pull that out a little bit so I'm just going to kind of drag this to the right maybe I'll do the same thing with this point over here kind of pull that out a little bit and here I am kind of doing it in 3d where I said stay orthographic but now that I'm kind of seeing what's going on here I can visually confirm so I'm just pulling it in one direction I can visually see what's going on here so let's pull this guy out a little bit like so to kind of smooth out this transition so now maybe finally we'll pull this one pretty far away from the from the hot end ok so looking at it from the the front view it's pretty much the exact same shape that I drew it in the front view we started here and I kind of went up and then through this little clip and back down again and then we switched to the side and we started tweaking these points so we brought this point over I pulled this point out to the right a little bit i centered this one in the opening and I finally pulled this point out to the right okay okay so I could do the exact same thing for the other wire but to save time it's the exact same scenario I would just come in and create a sketch yeah say create a sketch I could do it on this face and obviously this time I would create a spline kind of near this point over here and sort of match you know I might go with something like this maybe I cross those wires a little bit come through and notice there I made a mistake I actually snapped it to something and if I rotate good actually I I have 3d sketch turned off so I that's another tip I should share with you when you're doing these kind of 3d splines I recommend turning off 3d sketch otherwise it would have snapped back to that location that I clicked on so I actually was lucky in that case because I have 3d sketch turned off let me show you what I mean really quick I'm gonna turn that on I'll draw another sketch I'm just gonna click somewhere and sometimes it will snap no it didn't okay it's staying on that plane thank goodness okay sometimes it will snap back to those other things so again I recommend turning off 3d sketch so I'm going to go ahead and stop the sketch here and we now have this new sketch that's all on one plane so let me just move this guy really quick and I'll sweep both of these so I'll do again point to point I'll say that point there too this looks too close to this point here then I might come in and move and just fix the tangency Direction notice how it's kind of sloping down I want to click on that guy there and just the second here I want to click on that end point say move and this is what I was talking about so I like to select that edge or that tangency edge and then say rotate and then I'm going to start to rotate you can kind of see what's going on there now you might ask why are you going planar or orthographic to the screen and the reason is if I if I kind of go like this you'll see how things are kind of tilted or whatever and it makes a little bit harder to make those adjustments but if I'm looking straight down I can visually see the direction and I know that I'm rotating in the correct direction there so I get fairly close to horizontal and there we go we're good good to go okay now I'm gonna purposely not move any of those other points on this second wire that we just created and I'll show you why here in just a moment so now I have two separate paths so I can't sweep both wires at the same time because there's two separate paths so I'm going to come in here and do my plane along a path which I created a shortcut right up here but it's plane along a path if you use this a lot you can just hover over these little triple dots and you could say pin to the toolbar you know pin it up to the toolbar so I'm gonna go ahead and select my my actually let's do the first one that we did first I'm gonna drag it all the way to zero I'll sketch on that plane and what's cool is my path is right at the very end so it actually catches right to it so I'm just have to get near it and say let's just make this one millimeter wire in this case now like I said I can't do both of them at the same time because there's two separate paths here but I'll come in here and create my sweep there's my profile and here's my my path and it's going to give me a graphical representation of what that looks like so we could verify it sure enough it's coming out it's going up it's going through this little zip tie clip and then coming down here I'll say ok and there we go okay I see a lot of comments hopefully this is all making sense Aaron thank you for hanging out with me and answering all of these questions for me I appreciate it so now what I'm going to do is the exact same thing on this other wire I'll create a plane along a path and drag it back like so create a sketch on there and draw my circle now this is the one where I didn't move any of the points are we gonna see something interesting here when I create my asleep I'm going to say create a sweep here's my profile and here's my path I'm just gonna go ahead and say ok and it looks like it turned out pretty good it created that wire now something I typically do and this is just the my anal retentiveness I sometimes come under inspect and I want to know are these wires interfering with each other so I could come in here and say interference and I could select one of those wires and the second wire so we've selected two wires and I want to compute and luckily there's no interferences okay so these two wires are actually not touching each other as they're being swept through here so I actually was pretty lucky okay typically they intersect each other now here's what I think is so cool I can come in here and let's expand open our wires expand open our bodies we can see the two separate wires I hear and I can also expand open our sketches so let's turn off body 2 and let's turn on the sketch for that I'm just going to come in here and move that point so let's pull up maybe out this way a little bit like so and watch what happens I'll turn the body back on so here's where it was I just moved that point and when I say okay it actually updates those wires for me and this is I think really kind of cool because I can come in and move these points I'm going to say move I'm just gonna pull that out a little bit like so make sure I'm grabbing the wire yeah so here you can see why sometimes turn off the body so I want to grab that point and move it and let me make sure there we go I must it must not have been grabbing the right point oh it's big aha aha so here is exactly what I was talking about I'll be the first to admit I make mistakes and remember earlier I said hold down the control key so it's not snapping to those objects in the background and I said because sometimes that can burn you I just got burned it's actually snapping to an object line so that's why it's not letting me pull that line out I can move it up and down the stuff but it's basically snapped to that line so again that's the reason why I say hold down your control key so it doesn't automatically snap so I'm going to grab just just speed things up I could unassociated move this guy over I just want to do something that's kind of like this where if they were accidentally going through each other I'll turn the body back on so now I'll do my inspect interference I'll pick one wire or pick the other wire I'll compute and it actually shows me okay some of these wires are intersecting and if you zoom up I can actually see it's kind of hard to see because it's colored red right here but it actually shows where these parts are intersecting so and this happens a lot when you're routing wires they might overlap each other so the easiest thing to do is just to come in and you know pull one of those paths one of those sketches so move kind of look at it from the side let's move that over a little bit that looks pretty good move it over this way maybe that looks pretty good I'll say okay and now my wires aren't intersecting each other anymore okay okay so let's move on to actually creating multiple wires and actually plugging them into a plug so I'm gonna go ahead and activate my top level component here oh you know what just for fun let's go ahead and color these wires just so they look a little bit different so I'm gonna hit a on my keyboard for appearance so a brings up the appearance window and I'm just gonna come in in here under plastic so I'm going to expand up and plastic as the wires made typically out of plastic I'm gonna scroll down a little bit and there's one called those opaque there's texture there's translucent I'm gonna come in here and go into translucent and let's do maybe a red wire so I'm just going to drag the red over onto that guy and then maybe I want to do a black wire but you'll notice if there's no black in here so maybe I'll just grab this white and drag it on there but then I can right click and say edit and this allows me to pick the color so I could come down here and drag that to black and maybe we'll just rename this to black so makes a little bit more realistic showing the actual colored wire so now we can see the red and black wire okay I see Aaron is very busy answering questions so hopefully this is all making sense so let's take it to the next level now we're gonna route the wires from this plug I want them to come through this zip tie clip and then just off to the side now I have this this plug in here that goes in you know fits over these pins or whatever so I'm just gonna basically make my wires come into this particular plug so I'm going to start by creating a new component and let's just call this stepper wires or something like that so now I have a new component called stepper wires I'm going to start with an offset plane off the top of this plug and this will make more sense of the farther we go but I'm just gonna come up here probably it looks like around 15 looks pretty good so I'm going to just offset this plane about 15 millimeters okay then I'll sketch on here and I'm gonna draw my wire bundle so let's just come in here and maybe draw a circle will make them one inch I'm sorry one inch one millimeter and diameter for the wires and I'll create a circular pattern again this will make more sense as we get farther along and I need to do one two three four five six I need to do six wires in this bundle so I just turn that up to six I'll say okay and maybe I want to bring these wires closer together and I love this with the pattern command I can just move one of these in they all move so I'm just going to move this a little bit closer like so and say stop my sketch so I basically created a little bundle of wires right here the next thing I want to do is to bring them down into each of these individual ports now to simplify things I want them to go into the center of these holes right here so I want to create a plane that slices right through the center of these holes and I think one of the easiest ways of doing this is to use the construction menu and use axis through a cylinder and I'm just going to click on one of these it doesn't matter which one I click on and it's kind of hard to see but it just took a an axis line and put it straight through there so I'll say okay and I now have this access line which now allows me to say plane at an angle and notice it's asking for a line so I can click on this line and you'll see that it puts a plane slicing through that line well I want it to go this way so I'm going to rotate it exactly 90 degrees and now we can see that that plane is slicing through those holes I'll go ahead and make this a little bit larger hopefully you know that trick if you drag the corner of a construction plane it allows you to resize it okay so now we can visually see that sure enough this plane is slicing right through it and I'm going to go ahead and sketch on that plane okay I'm gonna project some geometry so under create project you'll notice the P key is the shortcut key which I always use the shortcut keys so I'm out here I just hit the P key and it's going to project some geometry so I just want to click on these holes here and I'll zoom in so you can kind of see what's going on but it basically projected when I say okay it projected these lines for me and now I can use those lines to catch too so I'm gonna create some kind of freeform shapes here and I think spline let me go ahead and click on that guy there and all I have to do is get near this edge and you'll see how it snaps automatically to the center and I think this is really slick it's like an automatic thing here I'm going to go ahead and click and looking at it from the side I'm just basically going to click one point and then maybe another point up here somewhere okay so pretty basic spline in fact I'm going to do this multiple times get near the center click and click and it right now it doesn't matter what the shape my spline is where it ends or anything like that I'm just basically kind of representing the wires per se so I'm just something like this I'll say like that and one more something I'll go a little further at that time okay so I just graphically quickly created these splines and again they are all on one plane okay we can kind of see that and I want to be very specific I want these wires to go straight down into these holes and we can control that using this green tangency line so you'll notice I can change the angle and I can change the weight of the tangency so here's a neat little trick I can click on that green line and say I want that to be vertical and you'll notice it instantly snaps to being vertical where these are kind of at an angle this is now saying that spline has to come straight out of the hole and then start to curve so I'm just going to do that on all of these I'm gonna say I want all of these tangency directions to be vertical so I just click on them and we can see that we've now forced those to be vertical and again if I drag this I can change the weight of that tangency so you can kind of see how dragging that up makes it go straighter much longer and then finally curve so you can kind of come in here and tweak on some of these you know to to make the the curves just a little bit more straight out okay so there's my wires going nice and straight into my plug well now I want to connect these guys to my wire bundle up here so again I'm going to click on a point and I want these to be vertical before I connect and I'm gonna emphasize this this is there is some steps and some order that you have to do here and I'll purposely make a mistake to show you what would happen if you didn't do it in the right order so as you practice this as you play around with it you know just make sure you kind of follow these steps and I will upload the the assembly here so you can play around with this on your own time okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click on that green arrow and notice I can add a constraint so I'm going to say make that vertical and you'll see sure enough it forced that tangency to be vertical now the reason it let me do this is because I'm on the sketch plane it's allowed me to do constraints but watch this I'm going to purposely make a mistake here this one is not straight up and down I'm going to right mouse click and say move and I want to move two points so I'm going to go from this point here to that point there and sure enough it took my spline and it moved that endpoint up there it looks great but you'll notice that the line does not come straight down so you're like okay just add a constraint well when I click on it now here's my line but if I click on vertical you'll notice it doesn't do anything and that's because this is now in 3d so it doesn't know which direction or anything like that so you want to basically before you move these points off of the plane you'll want to force all of the endpoints to be vertical so I'm going to click on that guy say vertical I'll click on this one and that guy that one and finally that one so now we've basically said we want of our splines to be tangent or straight up and down at the very end now when I come in and say move I can move two points from that point there to that point there and it's still nice and vertical and this is really key we're spending a little bit of time making sure everything is tangent or constrained like vertical for example because if we didn't you know and my wire can I ended up at an angle and my spline came up at a point it would look kind of kinked and it just wouldn't look all that great and we want to try and make this look as nice as possible okay so quickly I'm just gonna basically connect the dots so I'm going to use my move command I'm gonna say let's move that point there from point to point so I'll say that point to this point and notice it actually moved that wire back let me let me take a look at it from the side here you can see how it went up and then to the back right here so now we're giving it kind of that 3d look so I'm just gonna do that really fast on these other ones so we'll say maybe this point here goes from here to here I'm just catching to those end points let's say this wire here goes from that guy to that back point there and I'm just repeating my last command by dragging straight up with my right mouse click and I'll say let's go from here to here I must have clicked the wrong point this is the music oh yeah I clicked a I click the tangency point instead of the actual end point so you do have to be a little bit careful so I'm going to say I want to go from that point to that point that's better and then the last one here same thing I'm gonna say that end goes from there to there okay so now if we look at this I'm gonna stop my sketch we have all of these Liars coming down they all end up in a nice straight line but you can see how they're all coming up to an individual wire end point up here pretty pretty slick I think okay so let's go ahead and sweep these so I'll say sweep what's my and again I have to do these unfortunately individually because all the paths are different so I'm just gonna select my profile and then my path I'll say okay now my sketch went away but all I have to do is expand up my stepper wires and turn-on that's those two sketches and I can do the same thing I'm just going to come in here and say sweep that guy sweeps on that path there now I'm hoping something will happen here but it actually looks like our splines are pretty good so we might not run into the problem I was thinking about but if you go ahead and and select a path and instead of new body it actually says cut and it turns red that means that some of your profiles are intersecting and you would just have to move your profile slightly like I've already shown let me go ahead and I'll do this guy here and select my path I'm gonna purposely make a mistake here so you can see what I was talking about so I'm just gonna move this guy over like so okay so then I'm going to come in and sweep here's my profile here's my path and this is what I was talking about so you can see how it's red and the reason for this is because it's intersecting another body so it thinks that you want to cut that away this is a really graphical representation that I need to change my spline okay so I would move my spline but I'm just gonna undo in that case so sweep half okay so there's my wires now just like I showed before I could come in let me let's expand our bodies and I could even rename these if I wanted to but I could see for example body four let's turn that guy off and I want to move that point so I'm gonna look at it kind of orthographically let's just move it up a little bit like so and then we can turn that guy back on and you can see how I smooth it wasn't such a tight kink or whatever so you have the flexibility to edit those okay now I want to route my bundle down through this clip okay okay so basically I want to sweep all of these along a path but I don't have that path created yet and in this case I'm probably gonna draw from this side view to come down through the clip so again I need to have a sketch plane and I want it to go right through the center of all of these circles and you'll notice there's a point right there so I'm gonna come in and say axis perpendicular to face let's see if that one's gonna work there's the face and there's the point so there you can see sure enough it's perpendicular to this face and it's going right through that point and this point is basically representing the center of my pattern so let me do that again I went under construct access perpendicular to face at a point so I'm gonna say one of these faces it doesn't matter which one there's my face now it's asking for a point so I'm going to click there and then that's gonna allow me to say plane at an angle so I'll click on that guy there and again I'm going to rotate it 90 degrees like so so this plane is slicing exactly through the center of my wire bundle there and I can sketch on that plane so just like before I'm going to catch to that point there and maybe just kind of draw overall shape come like here looking at it kind of from the side view I want to make sure I kind of go right through the center here like so maybe we come out the bottom a little bit and then I want to end up somewhere over here okay so again just kind of a basic shape and now I might come back and just drag some of these points around maybe I'll lift this point up a little bit bring him over okay then I'm gonna come in and I want to fix the tangency directions of this so let me go ahead and click on that spline and we can see here's my tangency for that end point so I'm gonna click on it and force that to be vertical and now we can see that my spline is definitely coming straight up and out okay so that's good I'll look at it from the side again and maybe as I look at this these are a little bit to kind of close together so I might pull these up a little bit more have the wire come up and over again I have a lot of control what I want this to like same thing here I want this to kind of come straight down and now let's take a look at it from the side and we can see that obviously we're way off ok but now I can start moving some of these points so let's look at it from the side I'll grab that point there and I usually do the more major points so like this one I know has to go through here so I'm going to drag that to the left and you can see it's kind of creating a major curve so I might come in and say okay let's move that point to the left a little bit that's gonna kind of help smooth things out so I can grab these and I grabbed the wrong one there want to make sure I'm grabbing the right point drag that guy to the left so now you can kind of see we're starting to improve what the shape of the spline is looking like so it's coming straight down through this clip and again notice how I'm using just pretty much a single arrow to define you know the direction I want these to go so let's just maybe I'll come over here and let's take a look up here so these are kind of coming straight up so maybe I'll pull this one over slightly maybe something like that just to kind of make a nice smooth transition so I've said this multiple times now but the same it doesn't look any different here it's it's the same shape that I drew because I'm only moving in one direction at a time so I drew my basic path then I came over here and I tweaked with that path moving those points just to the left and that's the important part okay so I'm going to stop my sketch will create our sweep and you know what I haven't saved this recently so I'm going to go ahead and save and I'm just going to say added wire harness or something like that okay so I'm going to come in here and create a sweep what's the profile I'm actually gonna grab all of these shapes here and again because this was drawn on a plane and I made sure that this was vertical all of these are lined up there they're basically tangent with each other so what's my path this is my path and it's gonna take the ends of these wires basically and sweep them along that path now I can visually see I need to change some stuff here and that's what's so cool about this so in this example it's kind of curving out from this clip so I'll say okay it'll go ahead and accept that sweep for me now this is pretty complicated there's a lot of curves a lot of edges going on here so you can see that it's actually going to take some time to calculate and again another tip is I personally recommend getting your shapes getting your spline shapes set pretty close to where you want it to be before you do the actual sweep especially when you start twisting your sweep etc so we want to get as close as we can so I'm gonna come in here and let's turn off those bodies so I'm just gonna turn off the body there and let's turn on our sketch and maybe we pull this point down a little bit I'm just gonna move again looking straight on I'm just gonna pull that point down and you can see how it kind of smoothes out that transition there and maybe I pull it in to the left a little bit so okay it's thinking as it's doing that because it's actually updating the sweep in the background so again this is why I recommend making sure everything is correct before you make some changes like that so I'm gonna go ahead and say okay and it's actually you can see it's actually updating the sweep even though we can't see the bodies but I'll go ahead and turn those bodies back on and we just moved this point down into the left a little bit and that should help smooth out the transition okay so I just glanced at the chat window really quick somebody said why would you route your cables through the cable clip I totally agree I was just trying to find something that I could wrap through obviously you wouldn't clip to them but I was wanting to show here is how you can very um you know precisely guide your wires like through holes or through openings and stuff like that so again this is not as realistic as it should be but I didn't have a wire clip so a great observation oh thank you okay um let me turn my bodies back on and we can see sure enough I fixed that okay so this looks pretty good I'm gonna go ahead and twist these now so let's go ahead and re-edit my sweep and I think it's doing I'll save I want to do my twist angle now 360 degrees there's just one twist I'm gonna go more than that so I'm just gonna do I'm just gonna say a thousand degrees so that's a multiple you know multiple twists there so now again it's gonna take some time to do this so bear with it as it thinks so again do this only when necessary and I'm trying to do this for a realistic-looking render I want to show like these wires are twisted together so that's why I'm using the twist if you're just trying to show you know routing channels hey the wires gonna go over here you would just basically I need to type in an extra zero here you would just you know kind of so the route of where that wire is gonna go so good observation there okay so now let me switch back there we go it's thinking really hard so as it twists these cables around so I'm going to break out of it because I don't want to waste you guys as time as we are almost at the top of the hour but it will eventually twist all of those wires so with that let me take a look at the chat window really quick appreciate all the comments again at the very beginning I know there was some audio issues I apologize for that I need to maybe get a better mic please subscribe to these we try and share as many topics as we can on things that are useful for you also I mentioned I have my own personal channel that is if you do a search on youtube for fusion 360 Brad talis you'll find it out there recommend subscribing for those share your comments share your ideas I need to scroll through after this and see all the questions that were coming up I actually learned a lot from you guys so one of my upcoming live streams I'm gonna share what have I learned from you so I think this is great that you guys are attending these let me share my screen one last time here you'll see that sure enough it twisted those those wires and then I would just come in kind of like what I did with the the black and the red is I can now add in some colors to these wires and they look great when they're twisted so with that I want to thank everybody I'm not gonna color them because you know how to do that I want to thank everybody for your attendance hope to see you on a future livestream and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day thank you you
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 23,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution
Id: O4QkUUxbOb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 7sec (3487 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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