Fusion 360: Threads with Joints and Motion Links

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so today we're gonna be looking at thread infusion 360 and what I'm going to do is go through a basic example where we create a nut and a bolt we're going to thread them both and then I'm going to show you some joint and motion link stuff where we can make the net we'll tape around the bolt and we're going to do it all from scratch and we're going to do it right now so let's get straight into it so the first thing we want to do as always on our component tree we want to right-click and new component always do this is great practice so we're going to rename this first one to bolt and hit enter first thing we do new sketch we're gonna go for top-down view cuz I like to sketch old-school and we're going to have to create polygons and circumscribed polygons and this is going to be the sort of head part of the bolt so we're going to do that first so if we click Center Point and we use that as a positional reference that'll keep fusion 360 happy and it'll let us do what we want to do so we're going to make this I'm gonna go for 25 mil and hit enter and you can see we've got these blue lines around the edge and what that means is fusion 360 doesn't have enough information and it's missing some dimensions so we hit D on the keyboard brings up our dimension tool I'm gonna select these two endpoints and tell it a bit about our polygon so I'm going to come down and click I'm just going to leave the dimensions like that because we set that radius earlier on and you can see those blue lines go away now fusion 360 is all happy we can do what we want to do so now we're going to finish sketch and extrude that up so we can hit a on the keyboard and drag this up we're going to go for 10 mil and that's the sort of head of the ball now we're going to create another new sketch but we're going to sketch on the surface or actually the underside of that head and we're going to create that cylindrical part that we're going to put the thread on so we're going to go up to create circle Center down to circle once again we use that center point as a positional reference and we're going to make this 20 mil we might go bigger she lets go for 25 no there we go that looks a bit better so now that we've done that we can extrude this also so if we hit finish sketch hit ye on the keyboard select our sketch and you can drag that up however you want but we're going to enter in a value we're going to go for 150 mil and you can see that actually looks a bit big so I think I might go back to the 20 mil so if we come down to timeline at the bottom we're going to hover over the sketch that we just created we're gonna right click come up to edit sketch and that allow us allow us to change this value so we're gonna enter in 20 mil it finished sketch come forward on our timeline and you can see that it's implemented those changes for us so that kind of looks like a bolt right that's why you'd expect to see except we don't have that threaded part and there's an easy way to do this in fusion so we're gonna go up to create thread and we can select whatever face we want and obviously the outer edge of a cylindrical object only has one face so we're going to select that and we can see on the menu we've got this modeled checkbox and what this does if you check it it'll actually model the thread for you in your workspace and depending on the specs of your machine you know this might sort of cause you a bit of lag or so maybe some other issues but give it a go see how it goes if it's fine leave it there if it's causing you a few problems just uncheck it we're going to keep it in this case and you can see another option we've got here is thread thread size and this is just the diameter of it so if I go for 30 mil for example you can see that made the thread a lot thicker but we don't want to do that because we are using original cylinder cylindrical object as a reference so the next one we've got our designation and one this is is the actual thread height so if we go for M 20 times 1 watch what happens to the thread here you can see gets a lot more dense right there's a lot more threads in there but we're going to go for n 20 times 2 I'm gonna leave it at that but depending on what you're after you know you can play around with it the next one is class and this is basically to do with how well you want the thread to fifth and you can do some more research on this but we're just gonna leave it for at 6 G for this example and also we've got directions you can create a right-hand thread or left-hand thread we're gonna leave it at right-hand thread and hit OK and if you left model checked you'll see that when you sort of rotate around you can actually see the thread you can see the different lines there in our workspace and now that's looking a lot more like a boat right so now what we're going to do is create the neck so we're going to go up to our top component right click new component I double click it to rename and we're going to call it net and we're going to activate the the source component I like to keep them both activated by pressing this little checkbox next to the component and we're going to go and click the net component once create a new sketch and we're going to sketch on the bottom plane so we can hide the bolt and that will allow us to select this bottom plane so we select top-down view and if we show the ball again just for sort of reference I want to create the size of the net so we're going to go up to create come on to polygon again we use the same one circumscribed polygon I'm going to create this create the shape of the net and we're gonna go for something that gives us a bit of room I would say the actual radius of the thread so just for this example I'm probably just gonna go for 16 millimeters hit enter you can see now we've got that like my sheep and we know the radius of the thread was 20 so we can hide the bolt again here on the left if you click the little I hide the bolt we grab our dimension tool again because obviously we've got these blue lines and it's not too happy so you can click both of those come down hit enter yes rid of those blue lines and now we want to put in thread again so we said it was 20 mil so we're gonna put that value in and now what we're going to do is hit finish sketch and we're gonna hit a on the keyboard to extrude we select the outer part because that's gonna make up the net I'm going to drag that up and we're gonna make the thread gonna go for 15 we're gonna go for 15 mil and hit OK you can see now we've got these two separate components so they show the bolt we can grab the ball to move it to up to the side and that's what we're going to do we're going to focus on this nut so again we've got the nut it looks like a nut but we don't have that thread so we're gonna go up to create thread I'm gonna select that inner surface and we're going to apply the exact same settings so we went for M 20 times 2 you can go for the class we're gonna do 6h and direction you can again select right hand or left hand thread and check modeled if you want it to be modeled in the workspace and just hit OK and you can see now we've got these two threaded parts so what we're gonna do now is add in some motion links and the joints so that we can kind of get some animation going so we want to go up to assemble and click on joint and make sure that these are both separate components if you've got them as Bali's it's not going to work you can only create joints between separate components so when we click on joint it's asking us to select our first our first position so only underside of this nut and you can see that if we hover over the nut you'll see it's highlighting that center point but when we go to click it you can see it disappears because we're no longer selecting a surface so hover over the bottom part of the net and hold down control on the keyboard and I'll let you go over and click that center point so you click the center point and then it's asking us for our second component so if we come back up to the the Bolt hover over that top surface and we can select the center point of that too so we're gonna click that you can see the bats gone up and placed it in position now if we focus on the menu on the right you can see we got a few different options on motion here you can see type if we flick that we've got a bunch of different things in there we go revenue slider pin slot but what we're gonna go for is cylindrical and we're gonna make sure we're selecting the z-axis and if you click this little play button it'll animate it for you and it'll go up and down while spinning but obviously that's going further than we wanted to so what we can do is set up our limits so if we hit OK and over on the menu on the Left we want to click down this drop down where it says joints right click on the joint and come down to edit joint limits and what this does is it allows you to set those points where you don't want the nut to go further than or any lower than so we're gonna go to front view so we've got a nice side on view and we won't go to motion select slide because you want to select the up and down motion and if you check minimum a maximum or you can do is set values and you see you've got these little sliders here and you can click and drag them and you'll move them up and down but what I like to do is just enter the values in so you can use this as a sort of measuring tool so if we drag it down we know that we want 150 mil as our minimum so we're gonna enter minus 150 as a minimum and also already got the me millimeters and then we're gonna click zero as our maximum so if we click animate you can see it's going up and down in a slide in motion in those limits right so it's not going further than we set it to and it's not going to lower than we've set it to if you wanted to go lower you can just change those values so for example if I enter this to be we're gonna make it 20 watch it go higher than that point see there we go so we're just gonna make it zero because we know that's where our position is and we're gonna hit OK so now if you come back to the workspace and if we click and drag that that nut component you can see we can drag up and down and spin it around you can see it's kind of doing it freely right it's not following the thread so what we want to do now is add a motion link between the rotate motion and the sliding motion so if we go up to assemble come down to motion link click capture position and you can select the joint that we want to apply this to and we want to select that one that we just created and you can see we want to link these two different motions with the same joint and there we go we've got the slide in motion and the rotating motion and this distance value here this is the distance of the thread height that we created and remember it was two millimeters so we want to hand enter in here two millimeters and we rotate in 360 degrees per two millimeters and that's how you get the animation so we're going to hit OK and you can see now if we go back again if we start to grab and rotate this you can see that as we rotate in it it's moving down the thread and if you go the other way it'll also move up the thread and we can go all the way to the top and this is exactly how you'd expect it to be with a real threat right in real life and that's basically it that's how you can model thread in 5360 and how you can create those joints and motion links there are a lot better ways to do this and I'm going to create tutorials on them in the future you can actually insert paths are already out there so if you've got to insert you'll see these McMaster components and they are it's just a huge library of bolts nuts screws everything out there you can import directly into Fusion I'm going to show you that in a later video but this is a great way to learn how to do the threading and it's a great skill to have so hope you found that useful and before I close out if any of you are interested I'm currently pulling together a fusion 360 course it's sort of aimed at beginners but I'm covering everything I'm going to teach you how to do everything properly and if you're interested in that I leave a link in the description where you can sign up for my newsletter and when I launch the course next month and I'll send up a newsletter and you can go and purchase it so that's super exciting again hope you found the video useful and I'll see you in the next tutorial so before you go I just want to say thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate all of you that subscribe and watch my videos it means a lot if you new to the channel consider subscribing for more content and please leave a thumbs up if you found this video useful if you want to support me in other ways there's a link in the description below to my patreon where you can support me financially and in return you get access to some exclusive content but it's up to you if you want to see more of my videos click one of the videos on screen and I hope you have an awesome day
Channel: thehardwareguy
Views: 11,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 threads, fusion 360 thread tolerance, fusion 360 thread joint, fusion 360 threads 3d printing, fusion 360 threads not printing, fusion 360 thread tool, threads in fusion 360, custom threads in fusion 360, thread motion link fusion 360, fusion 360 thread animation, how to create thread in fusion 360, creating threads in fusion 360, threads with joints and motion links, how to make threads in fusion 360, fusion 360 nuts, fusion 360 bolts, fusion 360 screws, fusion 360
Id: vYRS5xs9f3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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