Fusion 360 Animation Simplified

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hello this is a continuation of our tutorial series called fusion 360 simplified in lesson 3 we learn how to create motion lengths and motion studies of joints and how to animate those joint movements in the render workspace today we will focus on the animation workspace we're going to create a widget spinner to demonstrate this the main part of a wedge spinner is a ball bearing we're not going to spend too much time creating a ball bearing infusion rather we're going to borrow the CAD design of a ball bearing from this location online go to the insert menu go to mcmaster-carr component this is a commercial site that sells a lot of different mechanical components and makes the CAD designs available online we can simply search for ball bearings and click here ball bearings let's scroll down and find one with an open design and scroll down again find the right size this one has an inner diameter of 8 millimeters outer diameter of 22 that sounds right click on that and instead of ordering it we're going to go to product detail where we'll find the cad design scroll scroll down here it is you can save the cad file either as a step file or sad file fusion accepts these files just say save and press ok here's our ball bearing now we can hide the ball bearing and let's draw a sketch grab a circle select a horizontal plane select the origin the inner diameter of our ball bearing was 8 millimeters so type in 8 press return return grab another circle start on the origin the outer diameter was 22 press return return now zoom out go somewhere lower down on the y-axis grab another circle let's draw a circle that's a little bit larger than our ball bearing so let's type in 25 since our ball bearing was 22 press return return now let's pattern this and create six of these so go to sketch pull down circular pattern the object we're trying to pattern is the circle itself and the center point is our origin and we want to create a total of six say okay now grab the center of one of these circles and pull them together until they're tangent to each other click out of it go to sketch grab the trim tool and let's trim out some of these circles every other circle and here you'll see where we're going this is the basic design of our widget now at widget has a core that's the ball bearing it has a body which is what we have created here and then it has weights that maintain the balance of the widget for aesthetic purposes we'll make the weights the same size as our ball bearings so let's grab another circle and click here and our ball bearing had an outer diameter of 22 return return and it had an inner diameter of 8 so grab another circle press here 8 return return and now we're going to pattern these two circles also so go to sketch circular pattern select this one and this one these are the two objects being pattern and the segment center point is the origin again and press ok and stop sketch now we're ready to extrude our shapes let's expose our ball bearing and let's go to the home view say extrude we're going to select our body which is here and this outer ring that's the body of our spinner for profiles have been selected and we're going to do a symmetric extrusion up and down let's go to an orthographic view and we want it to be the same thickness as our or more or less the same thickness as our ball bearing so looks like all ball bearing is about six millimeters thick and we're going to do three meters up three millimeters down and make sure you select new component and this is important in order for animations to work everything needs to be defined in terms of components that can move not bodies because bodies cannot move so a new component okay let's go to the home view good let's go to modify and give this a color let's select our plastic and let's make it [Music] blue just grab it drag it over here good next we need to put in our weights so let's reveal our sketch again and say extrude grab this circle here and again do a two-sided symmetric extrusion the distance was three millimeters and we're going to select all of these three profiles selected and we're going to create all of them as a single new component and press ok very good and the only thing else left is we need a shaft in the middle of it so that we can hold the widget with our fingers so again go to extrude grab this circle and do another symmetric extrusion three millimeters on each side new component okay again let's change the color of that centerpiece appearance blue plastic in the middle say clothes good now we have the weights as a single component the body has one component the shaft has one component but we also want the different parts of our ball bearing to be their own individual components so let's go ahead and name everything just to make sure we're clear let's click on one of the weights you'll see this component it's underlined so I'm going to double click on it and name it wait let's click on the body call that body let's click on the shaft you name this shaft good and now I'm going to go to my ball bearing and open it up and you'll see all the bodies that are here let's click on each one this one is the outer ring so I'm going to rename it outer ring body two is the inner ring bodies three which may be in a different location on your list is the innermost ring and all the other bodies are the individual balls I want to combine all of these balls into a single body and then into a single component so I'm going to go to modify pull down the combine command for my target I'll select the first ball as the tool bodies I'll shift select the remaining balls and say join into a new component and this is the new component I'll call it balls let's H our initials on this outer ring it'll help us visualize the movement later so go to sketch and pull down the text command click on the surface of the outer ring and place your cursor there and put in your initials or whatever else you want to put there the size is two millimeters in height and press ok and let's go ahead and stop sketch next thing we're going to extrude those texts right now it's hidden under my body so I'm going to hide my bodies so I can select my initials and then I'll extrude I can reveal the bodies again and pull the handle out and I want a cutting operation so that's good good now I'm going to hide all of my sketches there's one last thing we have to do we forgot to turn these three bodies into components so I'm going to shift select all three of them and right click and say create components from bodies and now we have one two three four five six seven components which we can animate let's go to the animation workspace the first thing you should do when you enter this workspace is go to your storyboard which is down here and grab this time bar and move it to the rest position over that red curtain this way anything you do in the next few seconds won't be recorded now you can position your object the way you want to for example you can move it around you can zoom in and out you can tilt it good the next thing I wanted to do is I want to explode this model so I'm going to move my time bar to let's say the two-second time point the explode transformation will take place in the first two seconds basically the way animation works in this workspace is that you move your time point your time bar to the end of the time point you want and then you fill that gap with whatever movements you desire so I have two seconds to fill I'm going to go to my transform menu and say explode all levels it says no available components for exploding that's because I didn't select anything so I'm going to go and select everything there we go now I have all of my components selected you can look over here and I'm going to do again auto explode all levels it's going to take a few seconds I can scale the explosion if I need to I can press the checkmark I can move everything up and click on it now I can replay the explosion that's good I'm happy with that let's say I want to reassemble everything back together that's very simple to do I go to my storyboard right click say copy right-click again say paste it has created a copy of my storyboard which is identical to my original I'm going to go to the copy right click and say reverse ok so if I play this it reassembles everything so in the first storyboard I am exploding everything whereas in the second one I'm reassembling everything and these storyboards will follow each other in my ultimate published movie the next thing I want to do is I want to turn this widget and simulate its motion so I'm going to create a new storyboard if you want I'm going to say start from the end of the previous storyboard so that's good that's my third storyboard and again the time bar is at 1 seconds let's say I wants to show the movement over a two-second period so I move it to 2 second 2 seconds during this time I want to first Rianne GLE this so I'll go like this maybe I want to zoom in a little bit and it doesn't matter how long it takes you to do all of this movement and zooming in and out all fusion cares about is what your final and initial models look like and it'll find a path to get from the initial time point to the final time point and now I want to turn it so I'm going to select the bodies I want to turn so I hold the shift button I select at the weight components I select the body component and I select the outer ring and I say transform transform components' transformation basically allows me to either translate the objects or rotate them in this case I want to rotate these three components so I go I gotta make sure that my pivot point is at the correct place which it is that's that circle over here it's right at the center of my object and then I'm going to grab this and rotate it if I go all the way to 360 it will think 360 is the same as zero so it won't move anything so I'm just going to go to 350 and say okay and click out of it now let's play that and see what it looks like so it's repositioning and zooming in and rotating my object I can go another two seconds I can look at the top face for example I can zoom out reposition shift select my weights my body and outer ring and say transform components' again make sure that my pivot point is at the center which it is and rotate this another 350 and say okay now let's see what that looks like good so now we're going to publish this video and it will publish all three storyboards in sequence so I'm going to say publish all storyboards and okay give it a name let's look at the published video do it again explode reassemble reposition and spin that's it for today's lesson
Channel: Pakz Lessons
Views: 17,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion 360, animation, CAD, widget spinner, fidget spinner
Id: d15SLi0wMZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2017
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