360 LIVE: Joints and Motion

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alright it looks like the timer is down it is I cannot delay this any longer let me first start by introducing myself my name is Aaron magnin I obviously work at Autodesk I use fusion 360 day and day out you might know me from some of the other videos that I work on things like quick tips and things like the what's new videos those are the only times you would have otherwise seen my face we are new to this livestream thing Bryce did one last week if you didn't see it there's a recording of it you can take a look at it this is my first this week so take take it easy on me you know I spent a lot of time trying to learn all the technology that we have to use sexualy run these things and I hope that I didn't neglect to actually put together a great fusion content to show you so I guess without further ado let's let's actually get into Fusion and I'll show you a little bit about what we're gonna be doing today so real quick I'm just gonna switch over to my screen looks like it actually worked so that's always good what I'm actually going to be doing today is I'm gonna be working with an imported assembly and I'm gonna I'm gonna reassemble it and I might make a part change I might make some design changes and I want to capture all the appropriate motion with what I'm doing here so we can go ahead and take a look at one of the completed versions of this I have two different versions here I wanted to highlight some some things that we found out about some options that you use when you're creating these things when you're creating those assemblies I'll open this guy up and actually you know what I already made a mistake I didn't want to open up that version I had started working on some simulation stuff for a potential future livestream but instead I actually wanted to open up the version here in my data panel here you can actually see the full design history that I went through and what I wanted to show you here was how long it took me to go from that import Saltworks assembly to a finished model in terms of capturing the correct mechanics of this system so you can see that the time here was actually like seven minutes and that wasn't me trying to rush that was just me you know working through it and you know preparing essentially for what you're gonna be seeing today and you know it goes from having basically zero joints to having captured basically the full mechanics of this system that we're after so I'm gonna take you through this process of what I went through like I say you know time dependent I'll try to get into some other things here as well potentially you know redesign one of the parts make a new end effector to grasp some different you know types of objects and you know I actually pulled this model down from grab CAD take a look at some of the models over there you can you can practice with things like this and definitely take a look at the fusion 360 gallery there's tons of great content on there actually well a lot of the stuff that we we use to do the what's new we actually pull right from there we thank everyone for their contributions to that so let's actually go through this process right so let me start by uploading this assembly so I'm just gonna click upload and select to find those files it pops right into the right folder look at that I like always like that right we'll go ahead and just select all the parts as well as the assembly that it that tells us how it goes together and you can see that it actually pulled this all in here it's got some very generic names and also I accidentally grabbed this gripper snap shot that that someone might have included with this and I'm gonna go ahead and just remove that I don't want to add any unnecessary data if you had multiple assemblies SolidWorks assemblies here you'd actually have the ability to toggle whichever one was the master assembly so keep your eyes out for any of those options that you might see there I'm gonna go ahead and click upload and in a very short timeframe this is going to be available for me to work on and it's popped over open on another screen that I have where I'm watching myself and trying to monitor any questions actually Bryce is online to answer any questions that you might be posing I'm trying to not be too distracted by all that stuff so you know as time goes on we'll get better at this and we'll be able to be more interactive but there we go it looks like it has finished uploading so let's let's see what you go through to actually you know make the mechanics behind something like this so I'm going to open up this assembly that I had just imported here and right away it looks a little bit different things like the the history are missing from the bottom and if I try to do things like click and drag it is actually allowing me to do this that's not really that the the typical behavior that you see when you're working with a history free model the reason why it's doing this and were allowing me to actually do component drag is I have this option toggled here in my selection tools over here so it's like clear that this is kind of the default behavior if you if you've imported a model the history is gone and you won't be able to click and drag things like like I'm demonstrating here I'm gonna do a quick undo because if you've ever designed or assembled something in fusion 360 you know just how amazing the as-built joints are and this is going to come in very handy for me as I go to actually create the mechanics of this system but at this point I do want to close my data panel let's kind of focus on the assembly that we're looking at here and let's do a couple things here to get it ready so I can actually start assembling this thing so the first thing that I'll do is I'll bring my mouse cursor to the top level name in the browser that you see on the left hand side of my screen I'm gonna just right click on that and I'm gonna select to capture that design history this is it going to enable me to do all this assemble assemblé work that I'm going to be actually showing you today so once I do that you will get that that more familiar history on the bottom of the the screen there you can see I mean there's not actually a lot of history there Bryce had a really cool quick tip that talked about how you can use some of these edit some of these features down here as a part of the McMaster quick tip I recommend you take a look at that if you get a chance but I do have you know a history bar with not a lot of history in it and that's that's the case I mean if you're importing parts and assemblies from different CAD systems it's not going to include that history unfortunately so that's something that we're just gonna have to deal with and it's something that will we'll we'll deal with quite rapidly you'll see here so let's go ahead and let's start to design this and you know I I do have a seller's background and the first thing that you do in this something like this if you were designing in SolidWorks or something something it's all works is you you'd fix you know one component right you'd want to tie down like you know some sort of base component just to build the rest off of and this is actually something that that I think people try to do in fusion 360 and they use this ground option to try to do it I'm gonna recommend that you do not use ground for the purpose that it kind of sounds like instead we're gonna actually do a joint to tie this to this assembly workspace and essentially what we're doing is we're gonna we're gonna tie this we're basically gonna fix the part down that we're gonna we're gonna add this joint to so like I say I do have I do have a way that I can demonstrate kind of the problems that this ground option can cause you I'm not certain if I want to go down that that that Avenue at this very moment maybe I'll come back and revisit that a little bit later but if you do have this inclination to want to go and ground this thing right away don't do it let's let's instead use a assemble feature joint to do it instead so let's jump into my assemble tab and you can see I'm using the new UI I think Bryce showed you how to turn it it's available in your preferences under previews I'm getting used to it I'm liking a lot there are some things that are actually missing I mean it is still a preview so so don't expect it to have all the exact functionality that you're you're looking to use right off the bat so something that just to be aware of anyway let's go ahead and create this joint and you know I changed my tab to my assemble my assemble tab but I'm not really going to be using that I mean use a lot of keyboard shortcuts here because I absolutely love them so shift J is going to do my as built joint so I'm going to just hit shift and J on my keyboard and this is gonna bring up my ass built joint dialogue over there on the right hand side so like I say instead of grounding this component I'm gonna actually select to create an as-built joint between it and the top level assembly and that's going to force that to be rigid it's gonna force it to not move around in context to this assembly anymore so that's one let's let's kind of pick up the pace here a little bit I have a lot of additional explanation going on that I wasn't doing when I built it in seven minutes right so let's continue this maybe I'll create another rigid group between a rigid as built joint between this component and this component and if I rotate it around you can start to see this is actually kind of comprised of multiple components are kind of bolted together tied together with pins and things so so I actually one way that we can we can avoid having to create tons and tons of joints here is I could use those rigid groups that I actually don't Lee mentioned before so I'm gonna actually grab this one from from my my tool bar at the top here I'm gonna select rigid groups and you know I can just go through and I can start to select all these different components that have these you can see that I selected the two that already have have joint created between them and and that's okay I'll just click yes to accept that and just continue to select can additional components here and one thing that I'll actually do while I'm in this as well as I'll actually create rigid groups between the pins I'm not actually going to be that revolve motions about with the pins I'm actually I mean really they just need to be very stationary in this sense so I'm gonna select the four pins the two the two plates and as well as the two mounting pieces there and that's gonna actually kind of create a real hard rigid group there if I click and drag nothing's going to move because of that as bill joy tying that down if I click and drag some of these other components you can see I'm still missing some some of these some of these joints at this moment so again let's let's let's go back to revert the position back to where it was because like I say these advil joints are really going to help us quite a lot and getting this thing built very quickly so at this point I could create another group two rigid groups essentially between the the gripper on the left and the grippers on the right as well as the pins that are there as well like I said I'm gonna create a lot of the the actual as-built joints between the linkages and the arms so let's let's actually go ahead and do that I'll select my rigid group III I'll select the the two plates that make up the left gripper as well as the pins and you know I like to use my my you know redo command quite a lot if you right click and hold you can see all these different commands presenting to me what this means is that if I actually move my mouse up I can repeat that rigid group once again I just passed right through it and there we go we'll just repeat that rigid group once again and select the the components on the right hand side of this and it looks like I accidentally grabbed something there and then no big deal we can just wrestle echt it again to clear that last selection that I accidentally got okay so there we go let's let's kind of see what we've done there what I recommend is you know as you're going through and building these things do they're just like I'm doing just kind of slide things around see what's happening see see if see if it's it's capturing the right sort of grouping that you're after right so let's go ahead and revert this back again and then we'll continue to create some additional joints here so let's do a shift J once again and in this case I want to start to actually create the rotation for this model will change this type right away you can see all the different types of joints you have access to revolute is what I'm going to be using here but and most of the names are pretty clear and explaining what each and every one of them does so if you have concerns or if you have questions of what they might do what I'd recommend again is just you know try it out here I'll select revolute and I'll select this component and actually this component and then it's looking for positioned right so it needs to actually know where it needs to rotate about I'll zoom in here and you know using the pin for this is you know totally fine that that Center of that pin is exactly where I want that to rotate about like I said if you're not certain what what some of these as built joints do or what some of the joints do just try them out you can always animate them to visualize you know whether or not you're capturing the right sort of movements here so obviously why it's not going to work Z is what I'm after X is not the correct rotation so again don't don't don't be don't be afraid to try these things out and make some mistakes it's fine you can always undo with that said I do it I do definitely like people to realize that our undo will present you know the full history of what I've been doing up to this point in this design so at any time I can go back to you know a much earlier time in this I can always go and redo it as well it's something that I was actually just doing in another design that I was working on I wanted to I'd accidentally deleted a part out so I rolled it back I I actually saved out the part that I had accidentally deleted and then reinserted it later kind of a funny workaround but I made a little bit of a mistake that I you know probably shouldn't admit to you guys so here we go you can see now we got that that correct rotation again once once I'm done I can hit control Z to revert back to that that original location or I can use the revert button that pops up whenever you have moved a component inside of assembly like this let's go ahead and do some more as well joints so shift J let's let's kind of pick up the pace a little here we'll select these two guys and this the reason I'm gonna pick up the pace here is because there's there's quite a lot of these joints that I'll actually be creating here so this next group will be between I was something is not letting me select right now that's unfortunate they are all joints right or they all are all components make sure I don't have any selection filters on yes whoops for some odd reason that was having a little bit of difficulty at least like that component for some odd reason anyway we're back in business let's go ahead and just continue on in this case we'll add another revolute there repeat our as built and continue along a little bit further here so yeah we're getting a little bit closer obviously missing some more of these joints so just continue on click click and check that's kind of my my mantra that I I adhere to not the correct part once again so let's go back to the linkage and maybe the pin and to find some more of this or tation so we're getting closer we're getting closer every second here we just need to kind of continue with these as-built joints all over the place at some point or another you might start to be annoyed with kind of all their their their joint handles showing up that's what these little flags are representing and different joints have different different handles that you can see if you ever you know do get annoyed by seeing those you can always turn the whole group off using the the height show button from the browser there there's also some filters available to you in in submit display settings down here as well it'll enable you to select things and visualize different components depending on what you're trying to do okay let's let's add some more of these as built joints between these linkages and looks like we're pretty much done with the front end here the back end you know I could continue to do some more of these joints but I could also do things just like you know create these these rigid groups between these guys I mean that there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do that as well so there we go that looks all right let's continue a little bit further and just like that I think we have now fully created all the joints with this guy and again you know just double check he looks like I did definitely forget that one but that's some then I'll get to in a second here so let's go ahead and not repeat my rigid group in this case I do want to do an as-built joint salt I'll shift J to get to that keyboard shortcut I'll select the gear as well as the you know where it's mounted to and then set that revolute about that center point and if you ever have some rotation that looks like that you know you might have selected something wrong you might have selected the wrong position just go ahead and try it again and and see if you can correct it there are some nice options that you have when you're when you're actually going to select the position things like you know holding command will keep all these different points available even if you know you scroll way off over to the side nice little that's a nice way to be able to like find the center of something that maybe maybe doesn't exist like maybe I want to select the center of this but I'm having difficulty selecting it holding command after I have highlighted that that model edge will enable me to select that a little bit easier potentially okay so I think that is looking pretty good obviously we want these to move together and we don't want these gears to mash through one another so how are we actually going to capture that in this case we're gonna capture that with some motion links so this is the next option you see on here motion link of course you can always use your S key shortcut and start to search for that motion link option one thing that was brought to my attention with this new UI that I hadn't realized and and this person had brought up a great point in a comment and a YouTube video is that these design shortcuts because everything has been grouped in tabs are all kind of mashed together now so you know if you if you wanted a sheet metal shortcut in this list or if you wanted you know all your assemble shortcuts in this list they're all going to kind of be grouped together with this new UI that's because this this s key design shortcuts is actually tied to workspaces so you can see if I scroll to like a simulation workspace and then I guess it would show me you know completely different shortcuts but in this case the way that it's been set up you can see that there's there's now this grouping between them so something to be aware of if you're gonna be using this new UI I presented this info to to someone who's actually working on the new UI over here at Autodesk one of these people that are much smarter than me these developers and and I brought it up I don't think they they have a solution mine just yet but we are aware and that's something that you know hopefully hopefully we we get some more options presented to us a little bit later because we don't want that to get overly jumbled anyway where I was going before I went down that hole that whole discussion I was gonna do a motion link so let's go and find it again and let's select it from the shortcut and in this case to create these motion links you want to just select you know two different joints so I it's a good thing I kept my joints visible of course you can always turn them on or off while you're in these commands as well so I'll select these two guys and that nice animation is demonstrating there's something very very wrong with the way that I set it up right now I really didn't input anything so it's not really my fault blame Blinn fusion for this but instead of obviously rotating together you want these kind of rotate opposite up to one another so we'll make this second row revolute 6 angle negative 360 vs. is positive 360 and you know you know this could be 1 and negative 1 it doesn't really matter it's just you know it's a rotation so tying that together with 360 kind of makes sense ok so we'll click OK we could also you know turn off the animator anytime but I do find it extremely handy visualizing what's going on there and it's nice to see what what actually will happen as it goes through these motions so if we go and we click and drag this and there we go it's looking looking pretty good the one thing that is still missing is this guy's not turning anything this is actually kind of what is supposed to be driving this I believe so we'll go ahead and create another motion link and you know the way it stands right now there's obviously some interference there definitely don't want to start like that if we go when we revert it you'll see there's even even the way that this was designed and the previous CAD software it still has some interferences there it's something we probably could overcome with you know just creating maybe like doing like a move command maybe we could just rotate this a little bit to try to compensate for any of that collision that was what's happening at the beginning that will enable me to avoid that collision and then create that motion link and hopefully capture this and in a little more detail than previously I do see some finishes with this but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna focus on that too much but let's go ahead and just do that motion link once again if I hit S I'm a keyboard and go to start typing in motion link you'll be able to find that very quickly I do want to capture this position in this case I usually would just say continue and it revert but in this case I do want to capture this position because I had obviously moved that for a real real purpose I wanted to avoid the collision that it started in so there we go if we capture that new position it does create a capture capture position key basically in our history and then we'll go ahead and select these motion links and again and we'll select the two joints that tie these together and that looks alright obviously these gears are much different sizes so you probably don't really want them to be rotating one for one I didn't actually go through and measure count teeth to determine what what the ratio should be here so I'm gonna just kind of eyeball this maybe we'll go like like I'd say it could just literally be two-to-one or something like that it doesn't have to be three sixty it's just you know we're making some ratio here and looks like I think I did it backwards so again if we go one two two maybe it'll look a little bit better okay there we go it's starting to look a little bit better but one to do isn't quite what we're looking for maybe you know one point one and this like we're like I say this in this case I'm not like overly concerned with having this be perfect if I wanted to I could go and I can measure these and get get real close but let's look at all right I'm gonna go ahead and run with it okay click okay there we go now we have captured a lot of this motion and we've done a pretty fine job of creating this assembly one thing that I you know had actually intended to mention at the beginning of this this livestream was when you when you bring these components in it does a really good job of actually combining multiple parts and it's hard to tell right now just because these all have very generic names part 3 part 4 etc but you can see there's actually multiple instances of some of these like part two is actually all these all these four linkages at the top actually I think there's six of them in total those are all you know part of instances of the same component so so it was able to realize that when it was imported in and because of that it looks pretty good and grouped those nicely so if we create a bill materials it would actually combine all those linkage parts together for me okay so that looks okay one way that we could visualize what I was referring to just now is actually if we go and and jump into our tools here we can go into inspection and actually do some color component cycling this is a nice way to visualize your part especially if you know the colors really haven't been applied yet you can actually see that it's it's it's made all those linkages that I was referring to the six different linkages with the same color that is because they are the same component just reuse so nice way to visualize that that looks alright I'll just I'll keep it on for now as we go and we go on to some next steps here so you know the other thing that's that's kind of annoying about this and this was being done straight as some animating through the motion links is it'll do weird things like like what you're seeing right now it'll actually pass through different components and all they'll do it'll flip about sometimes and in undesirable ways let's just say and and there's actually some really easy ways of dealing with this and probably the easiest way of dealing with this is actually just to add contact this is kind of a cheater way of doing this but I'm gonna show you anyway and to turn on contact I'm gonna just start typing into my design shortcuts because honestly I don't know where it is at this moment with this new UI so another reason why this is so helpful so if you're gonna use contact to kind of limit the motion of an assembly like this first thing you need to do is enable contact sets so I'm going to enable contact sets that creates a new folder essentially within my browser here if I right-click on that I can create new contact sets and I could do also and enable all contact but because of the issues that we were seeing with that small gear and the big gear interfering with one another that's not something that I would imagine what would do me a lot of good to be totally honest in addition when you do the enable all contacts it actually puts a pretty big strain on your on your hardware because it's kind of calculating trying to figure out when those interferences happen so it actually is can do some undesirable things to your computer so I don't recommend enable all contact in this case let's just do a new contact set and we'll just select these two pieces here and that'll enable me to help you see that with that on it'll actually enable me to kind of clinch those together until they are touching it does slow down there at the end the first couple times I tried to drag it it didn't really enable me to do the full the full range of motion and that that's something that that you can you can understand is related to the calculations taking place to actually sense essentially that contact so so that's alright we've we've dealt with the over extension on the top there but at the bottom here you know it should actually stop right around there and visual I'm just looking at you know what components really are gonna interfere first and it looks like these linkages with the gears below that the the green and the light blue gears that you see there so in this case you know will create a new contacts and I'll just right click on my contacts that folder and we'll just do one of these so this guy to this guy and that's gonna enable me to actually go through there and get that full range of motion so like I say this isn't the only way that you can do this you can actually do this with like joint limits which are really easy to do you know part of the reason why I was doing this is to figure out these values and you'll see that the joints are telling me what these these values are so it looks like he goes from like negative 76 degrees to 34 degrees so if I instead wanted to do this with a joint limit I could just right click on you know any one of these joints I mean really each one should work I can right click on this one here and I'll say edit joint limits and we'll set a min and a max and men will be negative 76 I believe and positive will be 34 and this can get a little little wonky sometimes let me see if I disabled my contacts temporarily if it I fight the fact you did that right looks like I did oh no I did not so what I was saying is some of these uh these these joint limits if they're you know the numbers here don't really make sense to me at some times its it's likely because it's been flipped or something like that so you can come through here and you can actually flip that and we could try this again we could say you know negative 76 and 34 it's just because the orientation might have been a little bit off let's see if I actually now hope I messed up again you know what just use contact contacts so much easier okay it just had some computational time but you know we're all right with that yeah yeah anyway um I think that just about does it for this guy I you know we're trying to keep these these these live streams a little bit shorter at this time we're still kind of working the technical aspects related to to streaming in the software behind it I think I might continue with this assembly in the next installment of these live streams I think I think we're gonna try to do this you know one a week right now between me and Bryce and I think we're starting involving other people as well that have other you know technical technical skills that maybe you know go beyond what we know about kam or maybe what we might know about simulation or rendering they're things like that so we're gonna try to you know use our full breadth of Autodesk's skills to highlight you know all kinds of different functionality to you with these live streams what I might do with this the next time is I might actually do a simulation do a shape optimization on maybe one of the arms maybe maybe I'll use a different assembly altogether I get tired of looking at the same thing after I you know practice with it a couple times and the reason for that is I got a lot of comments about wanting to see you know using mesh and converting meshes into solids and I think you know by doing a shape optimization getting the mesh out of that and then going and turning that into a solid at that point would be a pretty valuable lesson to show you guys so if that sounds good let me know I want to thank everybody for attending today's livestream it's it really means a lot to us to have you guys out here and getting your feedback and I hope Bryce has done a good job of answering any questions that you might have if you like this give it a thumbs up we will put the recording up as soon as it's ready on youtubes end and if you liked it as well please subscribe you know if you're not subscribed right now we always appreciate anyone who you know wants to listen to us so thanks everyone have a great day and thanks again for attending you
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 20,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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