ARENAS ... For Noobs

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thank you to ea for sponsoring this video apex legends legacy drops on may 4th with the bosek or is it boat check ah with the bow check bow and air weapon and of course valkyrie but i will talk about valkyrie in more detail next week with valkyrie for noobs so until then sit back relax and enjoy this video how many people have played apex legends and were blown away by the incredible gun play the fluid movement and the amazingly designed legends just to be utterly destroyed by a third party team and land on a bin with nothing but knockdown shields i know i have and while i'm still addicted to this game regardless this can be a turn off to some players who just want a break from the rng of battle royales if this applies to you then you're in for a treat apex legends hit me up flew me all the way to my house and let me play their newest game mode and all i have to say is this mode is a game changer third parties gone terrible loot non-existent rng aren't here that was so dumb the arena awaits [Music] the arena is apex legends newest permanent game mode and it's not a battle royale yeah you heard me right the story is that ash you know from titanfall 2. let's just put a high price on your head pilot that are alive that makes you worth something to me yeah she's still alive although i don't know how she's alive apparently the legends found parts of her and then fixed her but i don't know how you would find parts of her because we definitely squished her anyways she created a combat arena for legends to show their true skill while this story stuff doesn't really affect the gameplay it's really cool and i'm glad more titanfall lore is being added to the game it's a 3v3 elimination style game mode you have one life and once either team is completely eliminated the round is over and the surviving team gets a point the first team to three points wins but you must win by two so that means that matches can go on for a bit longer and can even reach sudden death but usually you'll either steamroll the enemy team or get steamrolled but when you do get a balanced match mwah it's different unlike the regular br where finding the exact loot you want depends on the rng gods this game mode has a buy system between rounds allowing you to purchase weapons grenades healing items abilities and ultimates you don't have to buy armor you spawn with it which is pretty nice you don't buy attachments either you just upgrade your weapons with money to get better attachments some weapons cost more than others for example the r9 costs more than the alternator and the r31 costs more than all other assault rifles because the r301 is superior not one you can buy practically every gun you can buy snipers shotguns even the peacekeeper dude i just killed them all hold up and you can even buy the bow check which is the new bow and arrow gun that is coming with apex legends legacy it's super accurate and kind of busted cracks oh my god yeah we're gonna see a lot of people play the bow check for a while whatever you don't spend is saved for the next round and you also get money for every kill you get so you're gonna want to thirst enemies quickly in this mode what i really like about this money system is that you can tactically buy little to nothing and save or spend everything you have but be a little bit poorer next round on the bright side mozambiques and p2020s are free and you spawn with two syringes and two cells from the get-go so saving isn't too bad in this game very important though whatever gun you buy even if you survive you lose it the next round so just be aware of that goodbye my sweet prince there isn't regular floor loot at all so there isn't guns or ammo but instead in the maps there will be these bins with extra healing supplies and there are also crafting material tubes that are just extra money in this game mode so when you see them pick them up it's that easy stocks who needs them i can just pick up tubes to make money about 2 minutes or so into the round a care package will drop with kitted weapons which can help you win the round if your team secures it these care packages only get better with each subsequent round and you can see what will be in the care package during the buy phase it's right there in the bottom right corner like i said before you can buy abilities and ultimates and if you buy extra abilities or your ultimate there's no cooldown you can just use it from spawn that's how you get the bin first but every legend gets a couple free abilities to start but the moment you use all your abilities they're gone no cooldown just gone and some ultimates can't be used until later rounds because they're deemed too strong like crypto's emp or sheila come on it's just sheila it ain't that strong bro so after you buy your abilities your weapons your grenades everything you want your team goes in and the map gets a little bit smaller and a little more chaotic thankfully if you get knocked you still can be revived making characters like gibraltar and lifeline really strong in this game mode but the moment you are thirsted you cannot be respawned there aren't any respawn beacons or mobile respawn beacons anywhere in these maps so death is truly permanent in this game mode which makes getting that final kill oh so satisfying since there's no ammo that spawns on the map you'll find yourself running out of ammo sometimes if you're doing a long poke battle and when that happens you gotta whip out the fists only fists oh yeah you can emote now after you win it's pretty cool his space his space this is just the beginning yeah swipe the ground it's gritty throw it away that's going in the video legends that are really good in the battle royale format may not be as good in this game mode and some legends that weren't that good before might become must picks in this game mode i'm really excited to see what the meta becomes for the arena and with the ranked mode being hinted at in the future there definitely will be a meta so what i'm saying is wraith might not be a must pick finally but mirage is still kind of bad one's trying to play so that's the arena mode in a nutshell but you may be wondering where will we fight the maps we have like kings canyon world's edge and olympus they're just too big so what do we do well respawn designed two brand new maps and turned already existing points of interest into arena maps the first new map is party crasher the mirage voyage crashed on oasis where you fight at night with the neon city glow lighting up the map this is a very fun map and i'm glad mirage voyage is back even if it is destroyed can we get an f in the chat for the mirage voyage the second new map is phase runner each side has a mini teleporter phase runner thing that takes you closer to the center of the map and the entire map is surrounded by a forest this map was my favorite a lot of the areas that you fight in just feel really well designed knock one then they made artillery into a map and don't get me wrong artillery isn't that bad when you're playing on king's canyon but i honestly didn't really like fighting here the bunker areas were kind of annoying to fight around and it is a bit too open everywhere else but even after saying all that i still had a lot of memorable and fun games fighting in artillery and i think it's good that they added a map that people already know because if you only had three brand new maps it would be a little bit difficult to know exactly what to do although i wonder if season 1 artillery might be better for this game mode who knows and they did say that they would turn more places into maps and confirmed that gardens is going to be one of them so maybe we could get estates as an arena map because i feel like that would work really well or even get skull town back could you imagine or even some titanfall 2 maps a lot of the live fire maps could probably work for this game mode that would be sick let me know in the comments which point of interest you think would be a good arena map i'm just curious overall the arenas were a blast to play and i'm super excited for all of you to give it a try i think this mode is coming at a perfect time where a lot of people are being burnt out by battle royales in general but still love apex and its unique gameplay and style and this barely touches the surface of apex legends legacy i haven't even talked about valk yet and if you want to hear about valkyrie stay tuned for next week's video where i will go over the newest legend thank you once again to ea for sponsoring this video but i'll catch you [Music] later [Music] you
Channel: Macro
Views: 1,229,076
Rating: 4.9515743 out of 5
Keywords: apex legends arenas, the arena, apex arena, new map, new mode, new game mode, valkyrie, how to play arenas, best arena, arena map, phase runner, party crasher, mirage voyage, for noobs, how to valkyrie, new apex legends, new legend, season 9, legacy, titanfall 2, viper, abilities, ultimate, buy phase, arenas explained, arenas for noobs, arenas how to, arenas guide, beginners guide, apex legends for noobs, respawn, ash apex, apex lore, story, multiplayer, funny moments
Id: WqjVlkOu7J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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