Fursonas Explained - The Secret Side of Streamers

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today we are doing a follow-up lecture to the furry lecture the introductory furry lecture we did touch on fursona's briefly but i would like to do um a sort of a follow-up a slightly more in-depth sort of a refresher what is a fursona from wikipedia personalized animal character created by someone in the furry fandom acting out one's persona in person may involve wearing a fursuit uh what is a fur suit sort of sort of a diagram we have the person fursona the fursona used as a vehicle kind of relating back to how v tubers use avatars as a vehicle for a lot of things you know the wikipedia entry says um perhaps role play or just just just as just as a as an avatar you know the i i think maybe the role play is is varying in some degrees um could be both and um here there's a subsection section the the branching off it's not a it's not a a full through um linear path i would say i think there's a branching where you can say a fursuit could possibly uh be involved to accomplish this and this i do think it is important to note is that the fursuit is optional uh sort of a basic layman's a layman's understanding of personas person using an avatar or a representation of fursona to what means roleplay or to just use it as an avatar and optionally a fursuit could be used to accomplish or perhaps just enhance these goals but what is a fursuit oh okay again from wikipedia uh fursuits are custom made animal costumes owned and worn by cosplayers and members of the furry fandom commonly known as furries hey what the hell free advertising how long has that smart water been there how long has that smart water been there do you know how much money i could get smart water sucks don't ever drink smart water garbage fursuits represent an original character created by their wearer and are often better fitting and more intricately crafted with features such as a moving jaw or holes fursuits are made in a wide range of styles from cartoonish to highly realistic fursuits are pretty expensive i believe um you know through my research um anywhere from on the very absolute low end a thousand dollars up to maybe six thousand usually more on the higher side let's be honest if you're worried about saving money probably don't get the fursuit to begin with but if you're going to get the fursuit i would say go for the higher end one commission the higher end one so the question is how do you get to the fursona i think that a fursona should first and foremost be just a vehicle for the person to to to just explore whatever they want uh more importantly like whether it's for pleasure or something more casual um it's just about having a fun experience might i suggest and that is i believe that there's a balance i believe that in crafting your persona you should consider what you want and also what you are it's clear what what you want obviously means what what do you want it to look like what do you want the colors to be like what do you want your story to be like but what you are is kind of what we're going to be focusing on in this lecture like your physicality what animal you kind of look like what you are branches off to two more branches of being physical and spiritual what do i mean by that again physical kind of you know explains itself but spiritual is more like your vibes your personality your your mentality your physical and spiritual aura kind of aligns with some animals more than others but again i think that fursona once again your fursona should be a vehicle for your own means so you should just consider for example uh the class and i collaborated last time we did our furry lecture we decided that the rhino was my fursona uh a student very kindly um commissioned this from an artist gallon commissioned this from coco line arts they commissioned this image of me as a rhino as my rhino fursona and i don't think that they're here but thank you for that that's actually very that's very that's very cute that's very nice i like that so yes see here how's that we are going to be doing a more hands-on lesson and demonstrate what we've learned today and in past lectures we will be creating fursonas for other streamers other content creators within the community using everything we've learned and it's going to be a collaborative classroom experience so please feel free to give your input and helping me accomplish this lily pichu so let's take a look at this here what would lily pichu's fursona be i yes i see that i see a lot of mouse bunny chinchilla let's be a little more creative than that let's dig a little deeper i do get it you want to jump to to the obvious things but might might i i'm gonna say penguin did you then think about that one why because you wanna say you know you say mouse rabbit small cute but but and not and not to say lily pichu isn't that but there's there's a little there's a little more wackiness a little bit of a penguiny thing we want to capture that kind of quirky quirkiness we start with the bill i like i like this i like the over exaggerated glasses i'm gonna go with penguin something that's still cute but kind of like a little quirky lily pichu more like lily penguin this is lily pichu's fursona on a floating block of ice in the it's melting uh oh global warming uh oh polar bears looking uh oh polar bears looking a little hungry food has been scarce it's got its eye set run run lily peach you run but yes uh lily pichu we're gonna go with the penguin so next up tyler1 what animal is six foot seven what would tyler1 be as an animal but might i suggest goldfish think about it hold on i know think about it tyler1 first of all no one can deny that the physical the physicality right here matches so off the bat we have strong physical similarities but think about in essence the goldfish despite everyone saying how lame a goldfish is is one of the most popular type of pets in pop culture people love goldfish look at magikarp right there's something there with the story of magikarp everyone looks down on the goldfish everyone look oh what a tiny goldfish and the goldfish says no i'm i'm i'm a gyarados i'm a six foot seven gyarados lol tyler goldfish first of all the physical similarities the bulbous head and also just the spirit of wanting to be larger than you are the tiny magikarp says i'm the six foot seven gyarados lol tyler goldfish that's what i'm gonna go for xqc one of the most popular streamers on this platform parrot sloth weasel weasel interesting i don't know about sloth because the sloth is a little too like eased down you know weasel's good like you guys watch the james gunns suicide squad movie kind of reminds me of the weasel in that i'm getting like a like an avian me personally i feel like an ostrich very gangly kind of scary unhinged bird type you know kind of because an ostrich is not like a cute bird it's like it's like and you're like oh god what the you know like uh ostrich oh xqc ostrich xqc ostrich xq ostrich i think we hit something with this one come on xqc is definitely the ostrich tyler ninja blevins i'm seeing a lot of skunks listen don't let the blue hue of his brand of his hair get to you listen you're saying peacock i don't know i don't know a peacock you know you imagine very very pristine very regal very prissy and beautiful i don't know if that's tyler ninja blevins meerkat i feel like yes but but i feel meerkat could be literally any male streamer on this platform do you know what i mean like i feel meerkat could have been xqc you guys are just you guys are just tossing out the worst he's a weasel he's a possum someone is saying i'm seeing someone spam poison dart frog it is blue is he toxic is that what you're saying here we go ninja i think we've agreed is a poison dart frog would be ninja's fursona see him here with the iconic and you know we don't have color but it would be it would be blue iconic here with the headband and see he's sweating he's nervous because he's not seeing enough movement at the new york uh new year's bash when he's trying to set the world record for most people flossing do we know who ludwig is this one might be hard authentic fox like one of those sand cats you know oh hold on hold on here hold on here ludwig fennec fox yes i will say a little a little dainty but something like this i think we're going with the sand cat definitely maybe we could have chosen a better sand cat but i think for sake of argument we can say like generally a sand cat the more i look at it the more i like it yes he does kind of have that feline snarkiness but not the traditional like house cat cuteness i'm quite proud of this one um one of my favorite streamers uh germa why is everyone saying platypus anglerfish moray eel i don't know well well well holy crap germa rat germa rat i think rat yeah i like rat because it's kind of like unhinged but not in like a really overtly scary way oh my god i think we've outdone ourselves germa rat it's got the it's got the vibes it works it works wow wow yes the kind of like kind of unhinged but not like overtly scary not like you're in not like you feel in danger but definitely like like a like eek kind of thing you know uh-huh i like that one uh moist critical straight off the bat i think we got it you say walrus and wow does that like just it really sticks out to me already sloth no no i don't think a sloth no a sloth like doesn't care and is slow like moist critical yes he might have a sort of laggard type it might come off that way but no like moist critical is too passionate he cares too much is too like there to be a sloth it's the face it's the mouth let me explain why moist critical is a walrus right you know besides the physical look like the mouth the kind of elongated like it definitely is walrusy but let me explain why it's not a sloth because like i said most critical he cares too much a sloth is like you know again i think you say sloth because moist critical kind of comes off like maybe a little you know slow and like sloth like but but i don't think he's a sloth because he's too passionate he cares too much about the subject but i do get across what you're talking about kind of the deep voice makes you kind of want to think they're like you know kind of like on the slow side but that's why it's the walrus because the walrus is kind of more of like this like kind of whatever but it will it'll it'll eat you it'll like rip apart the penguin you know it's a savage when it wants to be it cares it's passionate i think moist critical as a walrus is a good one this one might be too easy but let's do a little thought experiment here bow v tuber bowels fursona i mean it's too easy it's a whale so this is what i think bao's fursona would look like uh this is this is the giant squid that bow just defeated in battle but yeah their spell as a as a whale it'd be kind of like that can sea creatures really be furries i mean i think we answer that i think the answer is yes markiplier a tiger interesting lion i i do see a lion markiplier does have like the the spiritualness of a golden retriever but you can't ignore the physical aspects of it is this markiplier he's looking a little dilfy nowadays huh you know he does have like you know the kind of resounding like markiplier here very like like the lion from zootopia okay okay we got something we got hold on hold on hello we're gonna go with a lion fursona asmin gold let's see beaver why beaver is that is it because of the teeth oh wait so i think we're gonna go with a beaver he he looks like a homeless man so that means i did a good job right poking me i feel like pokeman's fursona would definitely be like like a chipmunk or something or yes like a sugar glider right i don't think the sugar glider it's cute but i don't think it's beautiful enough i don't want to say baby face but like the the chipmunk cheeks kinda like the mouth and the chipmunk cheeks i think it's like the dimples this one's gonna be hard because pokemon is like a pretty girl you know we do something like tim the tatman and asthma and gold and it's easy you know what i mean because it's like well clearly you're gonna you know you know you're like ah look at tim look at his pink skin his his big round head are like ah look at asmin gold he's got that thing going on with like the thing but like i can't do it he doesn't have like like a grotesquely over exaggerated it's like if you took all the world's prettiest people and combined it into like the most generic pretty person image that's like what pokeman is like she doesn't have like a big nose or like this she's not like balding or like we went for a squirrel pokeyman's persona yeah max mofo he's kinda got this unhinged sweeney todd kind of thing going on you know that's a possum if i've ever seen it maybe marmoset what well oh kinda i see what you're saying it does look like him actually okay okay so we're gonna go with a marmoset so that's a marmoset and that's that's max mofo and and this right here is max pogging out to pulling some kind of charizard card or something do [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Professor Lando
Views: 269,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon cards, professor lando, furry, furries, fursona, tyler1, pokimane, ludwig, asmongold, markiplier, streamer, twitch, lilypichu
Id: eUzAjAounyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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