Furnishing New York Apartments | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my YouTube channel and welcome back to Summer Sims 4 speedballing video or welcome to the channel if you are new here so in today's video I'm going to be building in the world of Sam ashuno which is the world that we got from the expansion pack The Sims forces live in and I'm going to be Furnishing some New York inspired Apartments so I feel like I need to give you a tiny little bit of context behind this just before we get too far into the video just because I don't want you to be confused or whatnot but basically I am not Furnishing one apartment today I decided that I want you to finish three separate apartments and they just so happen to be apartments that I'd actually already previously built now basically if you've been here a while you might remember but a few weeks back I decided to build almost like a miniature New York within the game so I wanted to build something that was a kind of like a multi-purpose multi-functional Community lot that you could run as multiple different Community slots in the game you know you could run it as a coffee shop a Bookshop as well as a music store which will be like retail within like the games functions and I decided that I want to make it for my save file now when I originally built it I was trying to recreate something that you might see in New York City and you know when you think in New York you think of tall buildings skyscrapers you know the buildings in that City they've got some height to them and so I initially knew going into it it was going to be quite a tall building but then when I actually came in I started Furnishing it I realized it was probably not the best idea to furnish the whole upstairs because the lot that I built on it is one of them lots where you would load into a festival so I've explained this before in like the previous video but pretty much long story short whenever you go to a festival in the game your your game won't load into the festival itself it has to load into a community lot and where I was making it for my save file I didn't want the community lot for whenever your Sims go to a festival to be too heavy on your game especially if you've got a lower end computer and so pretty much the way that I designed this community a lot was the whole downstairs portion was fully furnished so you know you've got a coffee shop a Bookshop a music shop a library what not but then on the upstairs level I decided to make some like partly for furnished apartments and what I mean by that is I went in and I did the initial floor plan so that's why you haven't seen me do the floor plan I originally did the full Planet when I initially built the actual building itself and I like did the wallpaper and I did a bit of flooring and then I only put in like core pieces of furniture so you know for example if you move flat or if you move into a new house you're not going to pick up your toilet and put it in your suitcase and you're not gonna you're not gonna take your sink with you they're going to be things that are going to be already within wherever you're moving to and so I did it like partly furnished in that way and then I mentioned in the initial video that if you would like to see me like furnish the actual apartments and kind of see my token it then let me know and I'll be more than happy to do so and pretty much a lot of you turned around and said that you'd actually like to see me furnish him and so that is pretty much what I did and it was so much fun because I decorated three completely different apartments from another they all got their own individual Styles they've all got their own personalities and storylines and they all kind of like intertwine with one another so all of the Sims in all the different individual Apartments kind of have some sort of relationship or at least knowledge of the other residents I don't know I had a lot of fun doing it so I hope you guys like it but get in on it and kind of giving you the apartment rundown so like I said there's three different apartments all in completely different styles first of all I do want to mention this apartment that you've seen me do right now it ends up being a little bit gross a bit minky don't worry they're not all like this so this one I basically did this to be a bit of a studio apartment to me personally this felt very New Yorkie because that's not what I'm describing one but the amount of different films and TV shows I've seen before in the past where there'll be someone that'll be living in a New York apartment but the apartment is like a studio apartment there isn't much space and I mean to be honest this apartment ends up having quite a bit of space But I wanted it to feel like a studio apartment that they didn't really have much room to work with and so there is a small little room you see the one that I've just tried to create like a fake little doorway with like an open door and two that could potentially be a bedroom if you want it to be but for the Sim that I imagine to live here which by the way I imagine an aspiring some Marty could live here I imagine that they'd rather have a little bit of a home office a bit of a a working space a bit of a just basically a study rather than having like a fully fleshed out bedroom so you'll see when I move on to it and I'm just basically the way that I did the lounge room I've never done anything like it before I don't think but I basically separated the lounge room and so the lounge room is also kind of like the bedroom but it's separated by a load of different bookcases it looks so cool like the screenshots of that room but there is this one apartment which is kind of like a studio then there is also another two apartments upstairs now one of them ended up being a one bedroom one bathroom and it's an actual bedroom so it's not like this one where there's like a bookcase in the middle of the lounge room it's an actual there's a doorway and there's a door going to the bedroom and I decorated that apartment to be for a set of Elders because I feel like I never decorate anything or at least if I do I don't do it as much but I feel like I never do anything for elders in my in my storylines and in my builds and so I felt like I felt like I felt like it'll be a really nice idea to have an apartment just dedicated to a little ugly couple who just so happened to be the owners of this building now I was thinking that they're the landlords they own all three apartments and they also own two of the commercial shops downstairs I was more so thinking they own the like the Bookshop as well as the music store not so much the cafe because I was thinking that these Elders were like sweet little ugly couple I personally couldn't imagine them only like the Urban Coffee Shop downstairs and so maybe they used to have it and then maybe like they sold the ownership of it or something but then there is another one apartment which ended up being at two bedrooms and one bathroom and I decorated that one to be up for two University students that one is very girly it is a very Bohemian style it's just you know the high school easy expansion pack I made as much use of that pack as I could possible in that build like it's just or in that apartment because it's just filled with loads are different just bits and Bobs that are just very Bohemian very girly very like teenagery but it's not for teenagers it's for high school students but to be honest if you wanted to you'll probably have a set of like teenagers live in that apartment but yeah there is two University students as well living in this complex but that was just kind of like the rundown of the whole entire the building itself but moving on and actually talking about what I'm doing right now so as you can see I've already done the kitchen for this apartment now I wanted it to feel as as messy as grungy as just a bit a bit minging that's not pretty a good word to use but it isn't the most clean and well-kept apartment now like I said I imagine that this apartment could be for an aspiring songwriter and I was also trying to think of the story lines of all the individual Sims how they have kind of got into this place how have they got into this apartment complex and they're kind of like little backstory now for this Sim I was personally imagining that they'd come from somewhere like Oasis Springs or strangeville basically somewhere that is completely different from the city of Sam ashuna because in my head and also in my gameplay whenever I play the game myself I basically try and envision so marshmallow to be a bit like New York City maybe that's why I initially built the complex in the first place but I always liked the idea of so many different Sims wanting to grow up and move to the city and have this really big dream career of theirs and you know be really famous or really popular I say that I don't often play with Fame in my own personal gameplay but you know the idea of moving to New York City and pursuing your dream career I always like to think of Sam ashuno in my own personal gameplay like New York in that aspect and so I was thinking this Sim is originally from like a small town and they've always wanted to move it to the city to become a songwriter now the thing is I was thinking that this Sim didn't really have any money they didn't really have a job lined up for them and they'll probably just work in like an average Joe job they were probably working in like a maybe like a shopping mall or maybe like in a bank or a convenience store just something that wasn't really what they wanted to do like full time it was just more so a job so they could get a little bit of money to maybe save a bit of it and then put down a deposit on like a flat or something or like a like a just a little bit of money behind them it wasn't something that they basically wanted to pursue and they were working in this career and I was trying to figure out like how could I get this Sim that lives in this small town just works in regular Average Joe job to then move to city and then somehow bag himself quite a decent sized apartment and so I was really thinking about it and then I came to the idea of what about the possibility of this Sims this songwriters family maybe just so happens to be friends with the landlords of the apartment so the little elderly couple upstairs maybe this seems I don't know Dad or mum went to school with one of the landlords or maybe they were like distant found new friends I don't know exactly how the relationship was formed but the idea that I had in my head was basically the lionels the little elderly couple are distant family friends or maybe close family friends to this songwriter Sim and maybe they just so happen to know that they really wanted to move this city and maybe one of their previous tenants that used to live in this apartment just so happened to move out and there was an opportunity as kind of like somewhere to live that isn't it so hard on this Sims bank account and so it pretty much they decided to come and move in now they probably moved in with a little bit of money money that they had probably saved up from their like banking job or if they worked in a convenience store or something they probably had a little bit of money to put down on a deposit and then they probably worked in again like an average Joe job in the city they're kind of like savings was kind of like getting them through and then I imagine that eventually you know the music shop downstairs which is a part of his like community lock complex I imagine that there was a bit of an opening and the previous like manager or like shop assistant had previously left and so it was a perfect fit for this Sim to go and work in the little music store downstairs and it just kind of it ties in nicely because they want to be a songwriter which I know isn't exactly like the end goal where this Sim would probably want to be but I mean you'd rather work in a music shop if you want to be a songwriter than work in a bank or at least I feel like if I wanted to write songs for a living I'd rather work in a music store but that was just kind of like the idea that I had for this Sim now I imagine that they'd probably previously just moved out of like their parents house this is their first apartment in the city you know it's this really big new exciting thing and so because that they often have a lot of House parties and that is part of the reason why this apartment is such a big mess that is the part of the reason where there is just stuff everywhere like there is cans there is pizza boxes there is rubbish next to the bin hasn't been taken out there is also I don't even notice in the kitchen I put down a little like mouse hole thing so a Mel should come out of it in gameplay and it also plays down like a little you know in the city living apartments if you ever play in them where there's a little mouse hole and to try and catch the rat you can put down one of them little traps with like a little bit of cheese in it I've placed down one of them in the kitchen I was also imagining that the majority of the furniture within the flat itself maybe like some of the pieces it came with a flat when I say it was like part furnished it was probably very partially furnished so maybe like the old chest of drawers and maybe the bird came with the flout but in terms of like the sofa and like the disc and stuff like that maybe they just found it on the side of the road or maybe they put down to the flea market and maybe they managed to get it from the flea market and so that's why some of the furniture looks so out of place it looks so just rugged and just it just works so perfectly if you're wondering the sofa that I use is from the werewolves gamepad as well as the little Ricardo chair it just it just worked perfectly for what I wanted in this apartment but I was also imagining that where they throw so many different gatherings I I really like the idea of them possibly having it some sort of relationship with the upstairs neighbors so the University students which is actually quite perfect the way that I timed that because that wasn't even meant to be timed that way but I've now moved on into their apartment so this is the apartment for the two University students now I was imagining going back to like the other storyline of the songwriter I was thinking that maybe when these students first moved into their apartment maybe they heard Illinois downstairs and they went to go and complain no you know sometimes in the San marcino Apartments I don't know if it happens so much in the ones that we got from the Eco lifestyle expansion pack you know the apartments in that world because if I'm being completely honest I don't often play in that world so I'm not too familiar with you know like sometimes if you're laying because of being loud and going bang on their door and stuff maybe they went and banged on the door and was saying like look keep the noise down or something like that and maybe they became quite close friends and I do really like the idea of one of the students in particular maybe forming some sort of like romantic interest in the neighbor downstairs I feel like that is such a like a rom-com waiting to happen I just really like that idea but getting on and actually talking about this apartment so you might notice this one happens to be quite Squish and you might have noticed that because you can see that I've started it and I've started Furnishing the kitchen which also kind of doubles up to be the hallway so this apartment is the smallest one out of all the three you're literally walk in through the front door you're already in the kitchen and then you walk through the archway there's no like hallway like there is in the other apartments you kind of walk into the lounge room which is kind of the hallway and then there is a separate bathroom and then the two bedrooms but I just feel like it's so cozy and so wholesome and tell you what I had so much fun decorating this one because I realized I've never really done like a teenager's apartment or like a teenager's tiny home or something where I decorate a whole entire living space to like a certain life stage which is a little bit more funsy if you get what I mean like a teenager is going to have more fun stuff in their house rather than like a young adult and so it was so much fun to decorate with all these different new items that we've got from the high school youth expansion pack that I haven't really used that much yet and just use all these different decorations all these different plants there is so many plants in the end in this apartment it is just a plant filled there's always different poses in the walls there is just so many different neon signs as well it was just a lot of fun to decorate this apartment but like the other apartment I was also trying to think of the individual Sims that live here they're still Reliance and also how they kind of managed to again bag themselves this apartment and sell mashuno so I'm going to start off with the SIM that I imagined they had lived here their whole entire life not in this particular apartment just in the city of San marciuno so I imagine that there is one University student that has lived in so much you know their whole entire life maybe they've family lives I know in like the Arts quarter or something like that they've just always lived in the city and to live in San Marciano isn't much of a big deal to them because they've always been around it now I was personally thinking that this I was about to say this teenager they're not a teenager but I mean you could have teenagers live here but I was more so thinking that this student went into one day grow up and become a graphic designer which I'm not sure if there is like a dedicated course your Sims can actually take when they go to university to become a graphic designer I mean from playing through University myself several times I know that there's different types of courses your Sims can do and there's like multiple different job opportunities at the end of them or at least jobs that they could potentially go into but I know that there is a freelance career which is I think it's like a digital artist which in my head pretty much Graphics designer in it and so I was thinking that this Sim went into basically one day grow up and become a graphic designer but in the process of doing that and in the process of living in this apartment where they're kind of like so use this city they're not too fast about going out and exploring it because this is pretty much like their childhood town like this is their Hometown they're not too bothered about it and so they ended up spending quite a lot of time playing games on their computer and eventually they just decided why don't I just start streaming this like live streaming it and just sharing my own personal like gameplay experiences and watching or watching letting people watch me play throughout all these different games and pretty much in the process of that without even making it their intention they somehow became quite a big streamer and quite quickly I could just picture this Cinema just to sign into Bank of the University lectures stay at home and stay in this apartment and just you know play games literally for like 12 hours a day because it's something that they really enjoy doing and it's something that they've been able to make quite a nice like good chunk of income from as well and so I imagine that they probably go into either think about the possibility of dropping out of University or maybe they're gonna like what's it called like differ for you know when they like all right I'll come back a little bit later on I've got some stuff that I want to do first maybe they're going to do that as a night but I really like the idea of them becoming a streamer because as well as not decorating like any teenagery Apartments I've said that this is like a teenagery apartment it's not it's like a University students apartment but I've decorated it like how I would decorate like teenagers bedrooms if you get what I mean but I've never really decorated that much stuff for like a streamer or a content creator or anything like that which I don't know I don't know why I never do that but I thought it was quite fun and quite a fun idea for that particular Sim and I was also thinking you know how I have the different storylines I intertwined and how all the residents know each other I was just thinking that this particular Sim the one that is kind of like a resident of San Marciano already I imagine that landlords upstairs just so happen to be their grandparents and so that's how they managed about themselves this nice apartment and then the other roommate kind of like the other student is just like their best mate that you know lives with them but moving on and actually talking about the best friend or like the second University student I was imagining that this Sim has a completely different backstory completely different like upbringing it to what the housemate has so their housemate has always been in so much you know they've always grown up in a really well populated players you know they've grown up in pretty much a city that doesn't go to sleep whereas I imagine that the University student that isn't from here is actually from windenburg they are from a very secluded place I say that windenburg is actually the biggest boat that we've got in The Sims 4 but you know they're from somewhere that is probably their house is probably out in the sticks like they they probably live enough a tiny little cottage in or like their family does in the world of windenburg very secluded and very much coming to it so much you know is such a big thing for them that's why I want you to point out in like the storyline for the other SIM that it wasn't really a big deal that they live in this apartment because they're used to it whereas their best money this is like the best thing since so I spread to them because they've literally lived in the middle of nowhere for the majority of their life but I was thinking that this student from windenburg wants to grow up and become a politician and so they'll be doing it some sort of like University related degree to their that I imagine that they were really opinionated and they just they want to change the world you'll see that we move on into their bedroom I tried to make a reference to that because I placed down on one of them little and I like them protest signs that when you actually go around the like the world of San marcino you'll find them different protests happening I imagine that this Sim consistently participates in them to be honest probably organizes them she probably is the Sim behind all these different protests but I imagine that she's very opinionated very into her politics and yeah wants to one day grow up and become a politician now I was thinking that she probably really enjoys things like oh a music probably goes like the art gallery and maybe often goes downstairs the music store and that is where there's kind of like a little bit more romance happening in terms of the residents in this building because you know how I said when maybe when these girls moved into this apartment building they went and knocked on the door of their neighbor asked them to keep the noise down and then they kind of form some sort of relationship and then it kind of turned into something a little book romantic for one of them I was thinking that the Sim that is from originally from windenburg maybe since then often pops down to the music store one because they've just got a general like of music like they they have an interest in different songs and records and stuff but two also just has a massive crush on the Sim that also lives downstairs maybe they've been on a few dates maybe actually maybe they go to the coffee shop which also happens to be downstairs as well I mean there's a lot happening on this community a lot but maybe they go into the coffee shop and maybe they have a few different dates I was also thinking that this Sim maybe worked as a barista so saying that maybe they don't want to go for a date at their workplace so maybe they go to a different coffee shop and they have a few dates or maybe they just go to the cinema maybe they go and watch a film together or a movie or something but that was just kind of like the general overview for these Sims but getting on and actually talking about what I'm doing right now and kind of like how I'm decorating this apartment so this is the bedroom for the University student that wants to or wanted I should say be a graphic designer so so you'll see in a minute I'm going to place down on one of them little drawing tablets onto the desk but you can see right now I'm actually just doing the desk space itself and I basically I wanted to give a little a little nod to the fact that they've become quite a good streamer in a sense so you know how on YouTube if you've reached 100 000 subscribers oftentimes you'll get Center plaque I basically want you to do the Sims version of that but for twitch or like The Sims version of twitch so basically I found this plaque which is from the get to work expansion pack I'm pretty sure and I wanted it to basically pretend to be like a YouTube plaque but for twitch I don't even know if twitch does that kind of thing but in my head it just went nicely with the storyline and it also just helped kind of like give a little bit of a nod to the storyline that I'd create for these Sims so I just basically placed down this plaque onto the top of the desk but I wanted it to kind of like a be leaning and not so much be hanging on the wall because whereas a wall decoration it will just automatically snap so you wouldn't notice I basically drew a wall and then using the tool mod I basically highlight it and then use the gravity pull feature to basically rotate it a bit and then move it forward to make it look like it was like leaning on the desk if that makes any sense but in that room as well I also put the bed right in the corner it was so cozy in that room that room is probably my favorite bedroom out of all of them saying that I do really like this bedroom which I've now moved on to it's very pink it's very girly but as I know there was just something about decorating the bedroom where the bed was right in the corner there was all of these like Ivy and all these different hanging plants hanging down all the different like kind of like Bohemian curtains it just it felt very cozy in there but you know I used a new bed that we got from the high school years expansion pack and popped it into the corner we also have at the desk which is again from the high school years expansion Park I actually also use that desk in this room now so you can see that I've used the same desk but it's just in a different color palette so the color palette for this bedroom which is the student which is from windenburg if you want to put it that way to remember them but in this room I want it to be very light very girly and so you'll see the difference in like the decorations so in the other room I use a lot of like purples and dark pinks and a lot of black in there whereas in this room I try to keep it like pink frilly curtains and like a pink bubble chair in the corner and then like a yellow bed spread lightly colored Furniture it's just two completely different personalities and two completely different styles but somehow these girls just happen to be best mates but you can see that I'm just currently going around and just cluttering their room up trying to figure out like what kind of posters that I want to use what kind of wall decorations I'm not gonna lie to I did actually have a little bit of difficulty when it came to like doing this whole entire room at the start of the clip you might notice when I first initially came into this bedroom I was kind of deciding what type of bed I want you to use because initially I wasn't fully set on the fact of having it two different University students with two completely different personalities in terms of like their their Styles and so I was still debating on what I wanted to do and also I wanted the layout of this room to be different from the other one because I didn't want both of the layouts to have the bed up against the window and then when it came around to actually doing what else you can fit into this room I did struggle a little bit but I mean it ended up having like a double bed it's got the little armchair in the corner the desk area it's got chest drawers area and it also ends up having an art easel so I mean there is lots of stuff for your Sims to do in this room but I did struggle with it a little bit but you can see that I'm just going around now and finishing this room up I use this chest of drawers which I don't think I've ever used before I use a lot of items in this in this one particular apartment which I don't often tend to go for because like I said I've never really decorated anything for like a entertain focused apartment or house and even though this isn't a teenager's apartment or house it's it's a university student's house but I feel like a teenager's style and a university style are quite close together and so I was using so many different objects that I don't normally tend to use but you can see now that I've just placed down the little artist on the corner and now I'm just finishing the room off by placing down these they're kind of like paintings that lean up against one another we got them from the Eco lifestyle expansion packs but basically I wanted them to place down onto the ball but they were kind of like clipping a little bit so again just using it the turmer and the gravity pull feature I basically highlighted them and then pulled them away ever so slightly but now as you can see I've now moved on into the last apartment so this is the third and final apartment and this is going to be the apartment for the landlords of the whole entire building and also just the elderly couple's apartment so first things first came into this one and I really didn't like the original placement of what I put the bathroom to be because okay in all fairness if this would have been like the University students apartment or the other like the the I supposed to say the Storyteller the songwriters apartment the bathroom would have been all right the thing is I was thinking of it's gonna be an elderly couple's apartment and they've got a tiny little bathroom they're also the landlords of this whole entire thing why would they happen to have the smallest bathroom and also happen to have the one that has one of them like free Sterling showers it's an elderly couple I couldn't think I just felt really bad basically giving the elderly couple a standing shower a tiny little bathroom and a standing shower and so I basically came into this one and I was like right now that needs to change and so I changed out the bathroom to then become kind of like a little bit of an adult into the bedroom it ends up being like a little bit of a dressing Aroma for the elderly lady of his apartment and then the kind of like the second bedroom initially I was gonna make it to be a bit of a a previous child's room so maybe their troll that previously used to live in this apartment with them it was their bedroom and they kind of like grew up and they moved out but then I then made that into the bathroom just because I wanted to give them a bathtub I couldn't fit I felt really bad just making them stand up for a shower and so I changed the like the layout of this one particular apartment I didn't do it for any of the others it was just because I wanted them to have the option to if they want you to have a bath they can you know they can have a bath if they wanted to and also I'm pretty sure and I don't really play with Elders too much in my game and if I do they're normally like the grandparents that sounds really bad but I'm not too much focused on them and so I don't really you pay that much attention to him which sounds Dreadful tonight but I'm pretty sure there is like a moodlet that Elders get if they've been at doing too much activity it's kind of like an uncomfortable moodlet am I remembering that correctly like if you get them to go running and then go to the gym they have like this uncomfortable Road look like I need to sit down because I mean bless him bless their little hearts but anyway this is the landlord's apartment well I mean I say landlords it's kind of like it's just an elderly couple I don't imagine him to be like a landlord that's you know my rent is due where's my rent I don't imagine them to be them kind of landlords I imagine them to be the most sweet genuine and just kind Little oldly Couple and they just so happen to own the whole entire apartment block apart from the coffee shop downstairs now I imagine that in the daytime the grand I'm gonna say Grandad because technically they are the grandparents to one of the presidents that live downstairs but I imagine that the old man if I want to put it that way is spending their time is it downstairs in the Bookshop if you'd watch my previous video it's a very cluttered up Bookshop like it is just got everything and anything there are so many different books in there pretty much every single book that I could find in the debug menu is in the Bookshop downstairs but I imagine that they spend the majority of their time at downstairs in the little Bookshop and they just still they still run it it's been their business maybe it's been like a family business and it's been in their family for a good few years now and they like to spend their days down they don't even have to they probably have got so much money from like the rent from all the different tenants as well as just kind of like the rent from the Bookshop and the music store they probably don't need to but it's probably more so something that they do to kind of like fill out their days and kind of I don't want to say still give them a purpose but I mean like it keeps them busy and they like it but I imagine the little old lady will kind of like the wife to the old man is it someone that probably has never really worked for either like the music store or maybe like even the Bookshop maybe like they occasionally run downstairs and give the customers a cup of tea or something like that but I imagine that they probably the couple met when they were really young and maybe this whole entire like the whole entire building itself was something that had run in her husband's family and so they've got marriage who didn't really have to work because her money was kind of already coming in for her from her husband's side and so I just picture her to be this really well dressed little old lady like consistently dressed up always got her nails done always got a hair done probably always has her hair like really short and curly and just she's just the most sweet and caring and just innocent little Sim I just imagine her to be kind of like the neighborhood's Grandma even though she is literally someone's Grandma downstairs but I imagine her to be kind of like that person or that Sim that your Sims can go to and they'll always give them really good words of advice has so much wisdom and just it's kind of like an all-round really sweet Sim I also imagine that they bake a lot I mean I didn't put anything in the apartment to kind of reference this but maybe they often participate in like the finch book fair and maybe they like to bake like different types of pies and maybe they want to do like the Baking Company I'm pretty sure there's a baking competition I'm pretty sure there is like a like a pie contest or something like that maybe they participate in that every once in a blue moon I was like I just imagine them to be a really sweet little Elder that likes bacon and also really likes knitting I don't know if that's too stereotypical but it's what I'm gonna go for but you can see anyway that I've already done their kitchen for the apartment and now I've moved on into their bathroom now the bar government actually ends up being quite big like I said originally that was going to be or I say that I'm still on it virtually this was going to be a bedroom but I would just rather them have an actual but I just feel bad making ill just stand up and have a shower I'm much happier that they've got a nice big bathroom they've got a shower and above combo I use the one that we got from the vampires game pack because it's very like older style it's very like traditional looking and I feel like whenever I do do grandparents houses or apartments I more so go towards the like the chain toilet that we also got from the vampires game pack as well as that shower and bath combo but now as you can see I've now moved on into the lounge room so one thing that I want you to point out is I had a lot of struggles trying to pick out what kind of rug I wanted to use this room and something that you might notice which is actually a really good tip if you ever have the same kind of thing as me I can never choose what kind of rug I want to go for and to be honest a lot of the time I'll put my hands up I do use the same rugs because I know what I like and I like what I know basically but sometimes I feel forget all the different swatches of the rugs that we've got in the game so you might have noticed that basically when it came around to picking a rug for this little kind of like lounging space instead of just going through the individual rugs and trying to pick out the swatches something that I did is on the right hand side you know when you've got the different filters for all the different objects in the game pretty much if you go into the colors option and you select every single color it will basically expand the whole entire menu to every single color swatch of every single item I did it for the rugs category and then that way you can see all the different individual swatches behind all the individual rugs because the thing is we've got so many rugs now in this game like it's actually we've got a lot I don't feel like we need any more Vlogs still don't actually take that literally it's in the same I would really appreciate some more rugs because you can never really have enough but there is so many and there's so many hidden behind so many different swatches that you wouldn't even think were there like at some points there is different frogs that might be as in like a two by three rug and it might be rectangle you go through the swatches and then suddenly the rug seems to like change shapes and sizes and then become circular rug like there are so many different rugs in the game and so I always get a little bit overwhelmed by it so if you're ever running into the same situation as me just go into the right little category menu on the right hand side filtered by every single color and then that way you can't miss any rug in the game because pretty much every single type of rock that is in The Sims 4 will show up in your catalog somehow but the thing is that I then run into with doing this I narrowed it down so much that I had like five I think it was different rugs I was trying to like just basically choose between because where I'd seen every single Rock I've basically chose every single rug that I found how many times I said Rock in the past two minutes either way I was looking at all the different ones and I was trying to figure out which one it ended up going the best with the sofas I ended up just using one that we got from the cats and dog expansion pack and by the way the sofas if you're wondering The Big Three seated one is from the cottage living expansion pack it's kind of like the Chesterfield one and then we also got the two-seater one which has got quite a higher back that is from cats and dogs and then the Orange is kind of like a matching set to that I did also debate for a while what color swatches I wanted them to be because I didn't want it to be too matchy matchy but then I didn't want it to be so like bizarre that I've got a completely different armchair in terms of like the color palette towards the sofa and so it took me a while to decide on a few different things actually within this whole entire build but I eventually just ended up pairing the sofas in like a red Swatch or brown Swatch and then like a little black swatch for the armchair and then over here as well in this room it also ended up being kind of like the dining room space as well as a little bit of like an activity area so over here you can see that I've placed down like a dining room table there is four seats because I was thinking that maybe possibly this elderly couple maybe invite the University student remember one of them is their granddaughter maybe they invite their granddaughter and her housemate sometimes to come and have some dinner I feel right there them kind of Sims like they would just cook so much food for so many different people all around this neighborhood in San Marcia you know they just they're pretty wholesome but as well in this room you can see I've placed down a bookcase a little kind of like collection of plotted plants and then there is also kind of like a makeshift a smaller piano now I have done this so many different times in so many different previous videos but just in case you've never seen any of my videos before or you've just never seemed to have catch the video where I've done this before basically there is only two objects that your Sims can learn the piano skill from there is the absolutely massive grand piano and then there is also the keyboard both basically the exact same object just in different they just have different looks towards them but the thing is sometimes a grand piano just doesn't really fit in in all fairness actually saying that if there is one apartment that a grand piano would possibly fit in it's probably the apartment for Sims only music store but I just I just didn't want to place down the grand piano it's too big it would have taken up the whole entire lounge space I wouldn't have been able to have a dining room table and the keyboard is just a little bit too modern so basically there's this trick if you get two side tables it doesn't have to be a particular one but basically you get two side tables you turn them around you kind of got the back of them and then you like Edge one Edge one up you move one up so one is a little bit higher you can basically merge in the keyboard into the side table and it looks like a little tiny piano and it works perfectly absolutely it works 100 places and everything and yeah it's just kind of like a nice little trick but now as you can see I've moved on into a large frame which is the elderly couple's bedroom so in here I decided to go for the bed which is from discover University in this red Swatch it also ends up being like a little chest drawers opposite it which is from kosher's living and it is also like a little a little box full of like knitting stuff and like a plant in the corner and a mirror in the corner and then it just off their bedroom I decorate kind of like a little dressing room for the elderly lady who is very high maintenance like I said always got her nails done always got a hair done and I wanted to kind of give her her own little space to make herself presentable for the day but I'm just going to go around this room and finish it off and that is pretty much it so anyway guys I'm gonna end this voiceover right here as always you can download this build via the gallery my ordin ID is Jessica prior YT or you can search for the hashtag Jessica #jessica Pryor as always thank you guys so much for watching this video and as always if you do like my content then please do subscribe and hopefully I will see you in my next Sims 4 speed building video bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 33,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 house, sims 4 family home, sims 4 family house, sims 4 save file, sims 4, sims 4 house building, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, the sims, sims 4 cafe, sims 4 retail shop, sims 4 apartments, sims 4 apartment building, sims 4 penthouses, sims 4 coffee shop, sims 4 new york city, sims 4 new york apartment, sims 4 new york townhouse, sims 4 new york, sims 4 build, sims 4 nyc, sims, sims 4 apartment renovation, sims 4 custom apartment building
Id: zW8HgpfZHeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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