Funny Vines August 2020 (Part 1) TBT Clean Vine

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let's go I'm ready nice to meet you ready I'm dad Drive [ __ ] can I get a fry [Applause] hey we're in your pockets because I'm trying to do your laundry toss me one I got you bud are you serious did you see all these things you still got time 12 30. 32 what what's up I like your jeans I love you I mean thank you thank you oh God no okay that's it move your feet I'm a unicorn I'm having a baby just real quick sure thank you so much appreciate it bye guys Jessica you excited to go back school why me now yo damn let's go take a shower real quick ready wait I'm hungry bruh say your last words before you die my last word before I got you know that feeling when you finally talk to your crush and you're just like something to happen last year relax darling Daddy's got that do you know how fast you are oh you're in trouble all right ready ready one two three happy birthday man I knew you wouldn't forget I would never forget your birthday love guy tells you oh sorry sorry scare cam five minutes total pizza's here okay so then I say it right that's not a treat that's it honestly I've been in a much better place since we've called it off [Music] backflip oh my God man what's wrong I laughed my ass off oh my God I love that dress my roommates I love it I love your car oh it's my roommates what you need to get some money okay together than she did put the visor no I'm not putting it on put it on it oh my God the dog's so cute let's go shotgun I called it cheer up Ryan come to think of it Mom I don't even know if I came to the hospital I'm fine what seems to be the problem my heart purple my leg inside out and aren't you a little old for a lemonade stand I'll show you old yo let me highlight you you broke and you know it and your pockets really showing how dare you try to holler cause you ain't got a dollar nothing Billy did it last Tuesday here's his driver's license the glove he did it with him Clippers has his DNA why didn't you text me because my phone was dead why didn't you tell me it was dead because my phone was dead you see me you see me of course I see what kind of questions oh oh and he left I have another cookie please no I'm full I have some they had like 20 cookies no have some more they're Massacre there's like 500 yes anyway guys yo how's your summer been yo it was it was good I did a lot sometimes I just don't care yeah good night dear good night dear good night baby good night oh Coco's such a sweetie Brandy Come Peter and why do you want to be a librarian oh my God you're hired what I just don't think he enjoys having me as a father he we are the deadliest Dan you've ever seen if you've ever seen me look can you turn the lights off please I'm hungry excuse me what what's up can you grab my tissue I'm so sorry I didn't see you at the um as a very small I'm Asian like Cassie are you ready drop the beat no me lonely what are you doing I just found my new favorite song now you know what you should do savor it say it over and over again so it makes me physically sick to listen to it yeah hello again hey your friend over there is pretty cute she was with Papa Smurfs can I see you tonight I'm just gonna go to sleep bye whoa I'm going nap tonight I thought she was going to sleep is this enough for you okay how is she your mother is very overweight now yo mama so fat her blood is Donuts what I'm serious I'm so strong come check it out there's no one there nice talking thank you so much I can we've been let's go baby oh hi pal It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse oh hi Mickey I'm sorry I'm sorry hey little man hey um excuse me did you say hi I said it I can't say hi Oh okay my parents told me they bought me a new car and it's around the corner are you kidding me a white one [Music] Hi listen oh guys come on man I'll be right back thank you hey man you take the elevator I'll take the stairs last one else a stupid idiot waiting for you no I'm the idiot no you're not are you sure you ain't never got nothing in the refrigerator stop acting like a little girl I'm not acting like a little girl okay all right who wants to be warned today you've warned me every day for the past month okay what's up y'all you thought I was gonna let your dirty sit on my bed babe what you want to talk about I think [Music] oh cute little bird hi can I eat your bread no I'm gonna poop on your car now wait what oh my bad yo don't worry about it apologize fatty Happy Cloud no [Music] cute [Music] hi everybody I'm just gonna tell you a secret I need to see you during the menstrual cycle this particular species must be caged let's watch oh my God army guys the biggest fan really thanks man [Music] wow hey Josh Jackie Chan just died no way his hair black nice penny board douchebag douchebag now what what I'll just have a water you sure you don't want anything else no I'm not hungry Kayla Dad I really think there's a monster under my bed son enjoy it while you can because once you get married hey the monster gonna be sleeping I'm starving let's go where am I gonna sit oh yeah hey Dad Check It Out Boy stop being stupid why are you so tired I've been hooping all day Grandma you don't play basketball ball is life my dad is right here hey your mom cheated yeah with the pool guy no at Monopoly Lucas what I have my hand up again that's why I called you now answer this Chrono since when did we start doing that Dad can we see minions see minions minions hey what's up hey congrats on that man oh yeah buddy all right I'm out all right okay just the guy with the trash not yet okay okay we're gonna meet that girl from Tinder have fun so how'd it go we need to leave what we need to leave now hey what's up nothing my mom's just being dumb what'd she do she's just calling me lazy you are I am not and put the phone back please let me hide my drink where no one can find it two days later oh yeah Disney pranks with friends hey anyone can cook [Laughter] fine I'm up stop you never heard that saying hey Mom let me get your number oh my God are you filming I hate people filming me I'm not ready thank you hey Amanda [Music] all right see you later see you later man love you what nothing oh want to be with you [Applause] Evan my name is Cheerios Manzo has the Jacobs yeah man let's go to this concert what up though do you know those guys oh no all black people just speak to each other that's how it works hey you want to come over or we could go to my crib but we're already here though hey what's up bro yo what up man so what'd y'all do today dad I ran a mile oh that's awesome well I ran 500 000 miles this is incredible why should driving so slow Becky the grades are slipping and I'm worried you worry about me well yes of course okay don't freak out because if you freak out I'm gonna sting you so oh that's it come here I'm gonna sting you just gonna check out your bro yeah you want one hey yo want anything in the store get out what happened okay okay okay I got it I got it I got it guys with Annoying laughs you are super cute how much longer almost done are you kidding me okay hey Billy you know Roar means I love you in dinosaur oh foreign ah my foot is asleep you know what you need to do it's gonna be so mad when it wakes up this Tower was built millions and millions of years ago by the ancient history sucks hello yo Jerry come on right don't you know I don't do well in the heat I'm elderly can't even get down the sidewalk oh so we're going to Palm Springs I'm offended watch your word I didn't say anything you don't have to right foreign this is how to catch a wild fatty [Applause] story time just like all the other flowers in this Garden she was just as exquisite all right I'm taking off wait you forgot something what I need therapy I can't find it Mom I'm hungry there's plenty of food in the fridge there's literally nothing in here what you doing you're back you ready yeah I'm hopping a shot [Music] all right I'm clean Payback oh boy hey did you do something with your hair I did oh my God LeBron James we have to tell him the dog died no Jimmy your dog ran away why he didn't want you to see him die Gerald [Music] here's how to charge your device plug this into this [Music] power of music if men had periods my cereal just share it let's share oh did he do it I did it yeah I like to think that one day when my spirit leaves my body it'd be something like this always listen to your heart okay well what's it saying God said are you reading a dictionary yeah bro hey don't don't spoil it though all right like I mergy oh you stupid foreign [Music] okay listen you got this I believe in you you can do it go go go go make it don't make them I'm just so sad right now I know oh oh yes man you read my mind seriously you're the best I love you like never take me out to dinner we never go on dates with me I think it's pesticide I'm gonna call it pester [ __ ] oh male people always saying Chicago is a bad place like it's not even that bad of a place like well people keep saying what the [ __ ] it's time to play who's infected is it me me him Jay's gonna try to jump these trash cans [Music] I will I don't like the way that tastes I need water I can see you stop where's my cell phone [Music] last one there's a rotten egg first one here is gonna lose their soul and it's gonna assuming that skin wait no what the hell why you don't ever leave the house well can I go out with my friends tonight no no no no no no no no no is there something you want to tell me what do you mean I don't know like I met Hitler didn't tell you I have no idea [Laughter] what's up [Applause] so tell me more well I kind of feel like my therapist is hitting on me and how does that make you feel pretty good if your clothes are over the floor the cap is off the toothpaste I come into your room honey stop biting your nails I'm sorry Mom son you're not my real son you're my fake son you're a mannequin and I'm insane where did you guys go to beside chick out side chick that's a mom boy she's right beside me that's not what it okay oh does baby want some milk really wait what I'm vegan you should have my baby okay oh [ __ ] let me try what are you doing if you don't let me go to the mall with Jenny and Sarah I will kill myself I will kill my stop it Johnny I will foreign [Laughter] just let me speak with your mom first go ahead you were going to Old Navy I got toilet paper can you get me some thanks man Sarah he's doing it come here oh come here you got it come on excuse me mate what a long face [Music] you gotta start taking the thug life more serious clean your room up why because we got guests coming oh I'm sorry I didn't realize we're all gathering in my room what do you think money grows on trees yeah yeah sure it does let's go Derek get off it's Friday night where are you gonna take you know I have a game I do have to go back I'm the quarterback I pooped on this rug I'm going to carry a bath in your sleep tonight you useless peasants gotta work at that filter yes sir oh let's go get a hundred likes boy hey foreign [Applause] you okay babe I'm pregnant no you're not all right buddy I'm gonna tag you on Vine what's your username has anybody seen my phone oh man oh okay and we about to go I said welcome to Olive Garden what are we having today I think I'm having Caesar salad great choice we have hold down he's so stupid he's so dumb he's actually pretty funny though he's hilarious but he's pretty annoying so annoying annoying if you're here give us a sign what's your name a whole boyfriend [Music]
Channel: CooL Vines
Views: 435,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny Vines, Vine, Vines, Vine compilation
Id: IOn7w9IgSG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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