Design Fails So Bad It's Actually Funny

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love friends it's me it's been a while so today i thought we would check out some design fails you know some perf that would be a real neato idea to put mirrors on the ceiling of a public bathroom you know we thought it would be cool because then you could just like look up and see if somebody is in the stall i find it real funny how they don't have the gaps in between the doors but have a whole entire mirror on the ceiling where i can watch my manager crap in 4k this is just very unfortunate placement for an ad for an old folks home yeah right on the handle of the bus i feel like i have to apologize to barbara every time i grab the handles for the bus like inappropriate can you help morocco get home wait there's only one way rocco can go and it's a dead end no i guess rocco never coming home he belonged to the streets now this is a horrible design for a toilet i know i know at first it looks cool like oh see-through you can see the pipes you can see it go down the drain when you flush you know not so cool when it gets backed up and you can see some brown fish floating in the tank i don't think the home depot thought this one through there's a store that says like soap and bath bombs and stuff and here for sale we got a box of sparkling red slippers slippers that's a slipper that thing right there i don't think y'all thought this through i can name five other things that begin with glizzy that this looks like more than a slipper this restaurant got on their window we're not happy till you're not happy let me try reading it another way maybe they messed up where you're not still not happy where you're happy not till not we're not happy till you're not happy okay so you actually hate me i will not be dining here you pull up to the sign please have tickets or ass ready oh man i sure hope i have my ticket imagine pulling up through the window like yes officer this stick is covering the p it says pass context matters this is gotta be one of the dumbest things i've ever seen there's this ad for a pregnancy test you know when you want to be sure because these two idiots weren't sure if it was a baby or a basketball under her blouse y'all really acted surprised like whoa good thing we have this test to like let us know that it's actually a baby and not months of unhealthy eating at this fast food place me looking all over the bag of buns to see when they expire i are you guys still good the other stamp the expiration on the actual bun you know thank you so i can pick out that bun and be like oh expire september 12th good thing it is september 16th the mold make it a little tangy you know it's summertime gotta get yourself a pool float the pool float at the store wait is this what y'all mean by maxi pad you know this summer i think i'd rather be floating on a unicorn than a feminine hygiene product y'all had no females on the design team like i don't want to float on that doesn't even look like the picture oh excuse me who in the hell design this kid's slide you go through the back i get that but look where you slide down and just shaped like a very welcoming man like yes kids all around the world come swing from my limbs climb up my crack from the back and take a ride down my slide that's weird okay this entrance if you have legs it's not for you it's for the handicap okay wait are those stairs there's even a ramp so the wheelchair can just go go down right it's gonna be a little bumpy but why would you do this this is like wheelchair at level 20. like hard mode whoever built this thought like yeah we made the stairs lower for people in wheelchairs so it's not that bumpy they're all stupid you know there's like this crazy deal going on right now at this drive-thru you can get a free straw when you purchase a drink crazy right like i thought they were free this whole time but nah only at this place limited time only taking a break from saving the turtles i see hand out some free straws i'm not gonna lie i kind of like this it is heels designed to look like you stepped on a thing of gum and it just like lifted it but the pink part the gum is actually the heel of the shoe so like when you first look at it like you just stepped in a mighty thick wada gum got a nice pull out of it but that's how the shoes are designed the pillow covers have this little stitching i thought it was a spider they're like nah that's a logo it's a palm tree by the way that's a palm tree that's a mini anxiety attack for most people who stay at your hotel just admit you like messing with people it's okay and this is why grammar is important we got some oh boy syrup ugh i want to boister up all my pancakes what i think they wanted to say oh boy summer take the explanation put it after the boy we don't know how to grammar only server at this convenience store they take their snickers very seriously the most valuable thing in the store we protect the snickers with our lives every single bar of candy got a security tag on it they don't mess around tell me you live in a bad neighborhood without telling me you live in a bad neighborhood when they got the highest security on the snickers they got this sticker on a bus y'all couldn't just like line it up the head like just a little more to your right nah bro i think it's fine just slap the body on is that it's all right you got it thumbs up perfect y'all really sending some unrealistic standards for students these days on this pin pack they got the enter as red and then the cancel is green no that should be a crime green is always enter red should be canceled y'all wrong for this here's an ad for invisalign you know that thing you pop in your teeth wear it for months and it like straightens it here we got the before picture and then the after wait a minute i don't even know what his teeth looked like before his mouth is closed for like a teeth straightening ad you know i i don't blame invisalign i blame brandon for taking a before picture with his mouth closed plot twist it didn't really work he's just happy to be here whatever was in this box says made in china but has an american flag on it which is it where were you born plot twist it was made on pluto there's a sign a road sign that says slow children at play they're right under it hunting with shotgun only oh good thing they don't have that much range why are children not playing in a hunting zone that's the hunger games battle royale in real life now this mom thought it'd be real cute to get our kid a minion shaped shampoo bottle yes very cute until they used it once and it started crying tears of blood is actually strawberry scented shampoo but it looks like he is smiling through the pain oh it's probably because he had three in one you know what that means head face and crack i would be crying too don't laugh yet this is an actual ad saying that you could use an android phone in your car when you pay five dollars for your advertisement this is what you get you got a whole family sitting in what's supposed to be a front seat nobody's wearing seat belts the steering wheel is the size of mars the tv screen is more than three times the circumference of billy's head who's driving is the whole family just sitting in traffic let's pull up spiderman on our tesla couch he's stupid ain't no parking spots in the parking lot you pull up to this is this handicap or like you got a dump truck you could park there you know ask yourself if i back it up is it fat if the answer is yes you could probably park here i don't like it this is a bath rug and it's brand new it comes like this but it looks like it has fleas or ants or something crawling all over it so if you do actually have an infestation don't worry if you put this rug down it'll just look normal i don't like it one bit they got this email first grandchild sale is what notifications for the black market look like 10 off store wide i must ask how much is the grandchild i don't know i look at this ad somebody selling their first grandchild like probably worth a lot on this survey one of the questions is i like science yes no female apparently females don't have an opinion when it comes to liking science you know what you don't even get to answer you know we put all this trouble of making a gate putting it in so nobody can go through the secret passageway but you see your defense system has a giant flaw y'all got a big apple hole that i can just like crawl right through who was this supposed to defend you from if somebody really wanted to go through there they would crawl right through the hole i walked into a restaurant bathroom and saw this do you want me to wash my hands in it is i i'm guessing it's a sink because there's a faucet but this also looks like a urinal and i am most certain somebody out there has peed in this even though it's a sink but they're trying to trick you because wouldn't you think this is an oddly shaped sink maybe it's a two-in-one is that a thing do all your business at one station you are alone thanks for reminding me they really wrote not in pink text on a pink banner you are not alone but like you kind of are because i can't really see the knot apparently you're only not alone if you have 20 20 vision elevator over here but wait the numbers aren't in order we got g213657 someone forgot how to count and that's not okay about a brand new pair of scissors but wait on the back of the scissors you need another pair of scissors to open and free the pair you just bought why but this is my first and only pair of scissors what company's gonna make this so difficult but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button comment below let me know which one was the funniest one and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 9,517,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, funniest, design, fails, ever, funniest design fails ever
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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