Funniest Clean Comedian in the USA - Comedian Michael Joiner from Dry Bar Comedy Git-R-Done Records

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will you please welcome god smart alec michael joyner [Music] poor ramsey come on folks or ramsay yes right there that's the guy you want explaining the facts of life to your kids thor ramsey that's the guy yeah some of you never gonna be grandparents now okay all right how you folks doing good good to be here man good to be doing a comedy club for a change i've been booked at some weird gigs lately i was actually booked at a nursing home last week and uh yeah that was weird good crowd though i'll tell you they they laugh so hard they want a dry seat in the house tell you true oh you guys seem like a nice crowd though man i'll tell you i was i'm from kansas city missouri i was uh there booked there not too long ago that's my hometown kansas city anybody from kansas city that's why i moved right there that's it moved to l.a from kansas city if you ever been to kansas city you see billboards everywhere that say kansas city cleanest big city air in the nation that's their big claim to fame cleanest big city just what are they bragging about when you think about it that we got cleaner air than detroit new york l.a and that kind of like saying my gal is the prettiest girl with a mustache you know or i'm the smartest person in arkansas you know it's just hey i'm sorry if you're from arkansas i apologize if you're a girl from arkansas sorry about the mustache joke okay i really don't want to offend anybody actually nice folks in arkansas they're really i toured the whole state not too long ago and uh here's the thing i know i saw signs everywhere i think it was going on statewide said arkansas shakespeare festival don't need a punch line for that do you what latin that yonder winter dun broke over there romeo romeo where y'all at to be or not to be what was the question again actually i can't make too much fun i used to live in raytown missouri myself i don't know if you heard about the guy from raytown who won a gold medal at the olympics he had it bronzed and everything i'll tell you some of my hillbilly neighbors used to drive me nuts i hate telling them what i do for a living because they always ask the dumbest questions so where do you work i'm a comedian really so do you travel or no i just perform in my front yard i'm gonna go get your lawn chair and have a dinner show in about half an hour that's another thing get so sick of every question ending in er she got any kids or what are you a lawnmower i used to have this one neighbor doesn't have ideas he's got ideals here's an ideal for you i'm going you know you might want to save that l for another word later well most of you laughing a lot of you looking at me like an honest person at circuit city i'm not getting any of this so it is good to be doing a comedy club i know we always get a good crowd in comedy clubs i do colleges corporate gigs churches uh i was booked out of church not too long ago they had an evangelist come up after me and i love evangelists i really do i just wish that while they're preaching they could tell me to turn the person next to me and say stuff sometimes really dumb stuff right like turn your neighbor and say i'm happy as a papi [Laughter] happy as a pappy i'm happy as a pappy sometimes it'll be something really long right like turn your neighbor and say i'm a devil hating god love and sanctified blood block charismatic born again kmart shopping under armed deodorant wearing child of the king you'd be trying to write it down like dude slow down here on this that's me right there that don't happen in some baptist churches man because you're not talking some of these baptist churches they'd be like hey no talking what are you not saved you better walk this island say the sinner's prayer and king james only that's right baptist love that king james you ever noticed someone being talking king james how artists now today brother delbert fineth brother cleotis get thee up hither and get thou saved for he did not know whether or not ye shall get run over by a mack truck baptist invented that the old mack truck scare tactic greatest thing they ever came up with more people got saved it was always a mack truck never a peterbilt [Laughter] whenever you might get hit by a van or a school bus or have a heart attack it was always if you don't get saved you can walk out of here and not get hit by a mack truck so i've been listening to rap music everybody's into rap music i live in l.a i just thought i'd give that a try and uh some of it's okay but i think the gangster wrap is dangerous as a matter of fact thanks to gangsta rap we have a big problem among teenagers called crack not talking about the drug talk about the way they wear their pants raising a generation of plumbers for crying out loud i was standing at this mcdonald's in l.a not too long ago the kid working behind the counter had his pants pulled down like that a little bit he had this uh bandana hanging out of his pocket his mcdonald's work hat tipped around the side i said who you would man the mccrips they got this new program in l.a to try to help keep kids out of gangs i hope it works but uh here's the thing whenever i read the paper about gang shooting up a house 99 of the time it's the wrong house so here's my idea for a program phone books for gang bangers we start there sometimes people say mike aren't you worried they're gonna shoot up your house making fun of them no but my neighbors should be worried i thought it was 45-67 [Music] so yeah i've been living in l.a going on two years now and uh my first week in la i got three parking tickets in a row in one week it's crazy if you got out of state plates my third parking ticket i was going to the comedy store in hollywood i parked my car read the sign 50 times i go in i come out i got a ticket because my wheel was not turned towards the curb on my way home going down sunset boulevard i see a guy in a g string carrying a bottle of wine yelling at people he's okay i guess he parked straight i'm the troublemaker so well what else been going i eat a lot of fast food restaurants being on the road too i'll tell you there's so many in this nation it's incredible it was just in the windy city not too long ago in chicago but there are more taco bells per square mile than anywhere could be why they call it the windy city and i think about it remember when fast food restaurants used to have a good reputation like burger kings to have that slogan special orders don't upset us yeah these days it sure does confuse the help though doesn't it [Music] it's like yeah let me get a whopper with cheese please with cheese beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep uh no mayo no mayo me see if i can do this need a manager up here like hey man just give me a plastic knife i'll scrape it off knife hey road runner just cancel it there pal set dog on cancel button still need that manager wait a minute i'm the manager is there a problem here and doesn't it seem like they always let the biggest goofball work the late night drive through window at some of these joints i pulled up one of these fast food restaurants the other night the guy at the speaker goes what do you want yeah let me get a double cheeseburger we don't have double cheeseburgers anymore do you have cheeseburgers yes we do give me two cheeseburgers put it on one bun i have to ask the manager if we can do that look man forget it look just give me uh two regular cheeseburgers a medium fry a small coke and can you put some extra ketchup in the bag please can you okay i'm back he said we can't do that [Music] what the manager said we can only sell it's on the menu double cheeseburgers are on the menu we're out dude okay look give me two cheeseburgers a medium fry we don't have medium size we have small large and extra large okay which one of those is in the middle uh he wants to know which one's in the middle which is large give me the large okay would you like some fries with that that's what i just ordered opie i just ordered fries how'd you know my name was opie [Applause] what size did you want look i got the medium we don't have medium sir we have look i got the one in the middle what is that large uh he keeps asking me which one's in the middle is it there yeah okay look give me two cheeseburgers a large fry and a small coat it's like super size that fry what are you working on commission now no but we can supersize that fry for 39 cents look forget the fry just give me two cheeseburgers and a small coke okay but if you get the combo platter we'll give you a small fry with that for the same price give me the combo with the small fry it's like super size afraid i'll tell you what opie forget everything just give me one cheeseburger can you handle that one cheeseburger okay but we have a special on double cheeseburgers you've been there you've been there huh i like applebee's though good buffalo wings at applebee's i was there yeah except they're on the appetizer menu and for some reason the waitress will always ask me you're going to have that as a meal sir no as a beverage heather you want to put that in a blender for me they do ask some dumb questions there though first thing to ask you when you go in smoking preference yeah marlboro lights you got that one just blow that my way that's my favorite going by yourself just one of you today sir no i got a siamese twin he's attached to my ups must have fell off go check the bushes they're out there in the bushes going smoking preference and who came up with this system at applebee's it drives me nuts where every customer gets like six waiters apiece you know what i'm talking about i'm winona i'll be your waitress this evening i'll be taking your order bob will bring your food julia bring your napkin w bring your beverage suzy will come by as soon as you got a mouthful of food and ask you everything is and we'll make sure not a one of us in sight when you're ready for your check welcome to applebee's so i'm in a pretty good mood this week i just bought myself a nice car not a new one but a pretty nice one i've never in my life had a decent car even when i was young and single which kind of stinks because you know chicks go for the guys with the nice cars when you're young and single corvettes mustangs too bad for me pacer one on the list otherwise i'd have been rico suavey that's what i had man pacer pay 250 bucks for it because i went about to get a used one pacer what a car thing went even a car is more like a window and four tires remember that big giant window ain't no chicks riding with bubble boy one time i wore all white people thought it was the pope [Laughter] i'll tell you that car was messed up too man had like one broken headlight and the one that worked points straight up in the sky like the bat signal i get people following me thinking there was a grand opening somewhere that doggone knew walmart keeps moving i hated winners in a pacer too man because the heater's got like two settings you know cold or fire and brimstone can either have icicles coming out of your nostrils or no eyebrows siberia pizza oven what do you want oh driving's a pain you guys got the road construction in columbus happening don't you i forgot we're not supposed to say that you guys got the road construction happening in this city and state don't you i uh they may not buy the video if they know where we taped it [Applause] it's bad enough i'm the one starring in it it's uh road construction's everywhere my goodness apparently really making folks mad i see signs everywhere now that say end construction good idea i'll sign that petition myself here's another sign i see here in the midwest near the roku you ever see this one give them a break give them a break these guys get paid 25 bucks an hour to hold up a sign what a break look like put a sandwich in the other hand you ever notice the guy holding the sign always fits what the sign says slow how do they manage that every single time i hate to say it when it's not the road construction slowing you down it's the really old folks in the fast lane i'm always getting stuck behind that one old guy in a fast lane driving that ford tortoise or whatever they drive you know the guy i'm talking about blinker's been on since he bought the car you can always tell when it's a really old guy because they all have that same silhouette where the ears get twice as big as the head because they grow like summer squash when you hit 85 don't they my grandpa makes ross perot look like vincent van gogh i'm not kidding i think his ears grow an inch per year do weird stuff when you get really old man my grandmother actually kind of shrinks every year anybody else got grandmas like that they kind of get smaller yeah my grandma just turned 98. yeah she's about that big her and grandpa go to the movies he just sneaks around his ear it works out really good speaking of old folks this is true i remember the guy wrote the lyrics to the hokey pokey passed away not too long ago yeah he was in his 80s and uh i heard at his funeral they had a big problem when it came time to luring his casket into the grave they don't get ahead of me over here first they put the casket in took the casket out put it back in shook it all about his friends and family going hey what's this all about should be getting that joke in arkansas but right now i was watching this tv news show the other day they had this story about this guy had the first ever successful hand transplant yeah i heard he was really excited when he woke up and they told him it was success he's like cool thank you yeah that's worth two claps maybe if we clap or quit doing it right before i moved from kansas city they had this thing in the newspaper this is true you guys may have read about where about a dozen kansas city kansas cops surrounded this house for like six hours guns drawn and everything only to find out that the guy they thought was inside had already turned himself in the police station earlier hey we ain't gonna see that episode on cops huh folks six hours i'm thinking what the guy do make bail then he shows up at his house going hey man what's going on be belly belly quiet well hunting wabbit little advice phone first so not too long ago i did my first cruise gig anybody here been on a cruise been on cruise before yeah was it a nice one man what kind of cruise ship was it royal caribbean that's a nice one yeah not like that low budget deal i was on the ss satanic i think it was called what a nightmare first of all we're like four and a half hours late leaving the dock i look out some guy in a truck's giving us a jump i cannot believe how small my room was i'm not kidding i was on the john somebody knocking my door i'm like yeah my first night there i'm not kidding accidentally flushed one of my socks down the toilet found it the next day in the pool didn't do much swimming a few years before that i did my first overseas gig in hong kong that was kind of cool there's one american comedy club in hong kong lots of buddhist in hong kong i noticed yeah they're everywhere buddhists got their little keychains wwbd i'll keep talking you folks pick the ones you like okay lots of british folks in hong kong too which kind of got me thinking how come foreigners can move the united states live here all their life still retain their accent americans go visit england for a weekend they come back sound like one of the beatles but we had a bloody good time at buckingham palace you know i figured it out it's because english is a cool accent people want to sound like that right english australia and those are cool accents i mean with all due respect you didn't get me coming back from hong kong going we had a good time now good time good food everything don't see too much of that so i do a lot of flying with this gig and uh fly all over the place people always ask me if i'm afraid to fly these days i'm not but i'll tell you what i hate it hate these really small planes they put you on whenever you have to make a connection isn't there a major airport i did this one get connected to me like four times man the plane's just kicking smaller and smaller last one didn't have a pilot just some guy in the ground holding remote control here's what i want to know how is it you can learn to fly a jumbo jet you cannot learn to make an announcement over the pa without getting stumped every pot in the world does the same thing ladies and gentlemen this is your captain uh someone to let you know that we've landed and i want to know whose great idea was to always pass out the peanuts two and a half hours before beverage service after everybody's completely dehydrated would you like something to drink no just keep bringing me more peanuts will you i'd like to resemble lot's wife by the time we land when they finally get you where they bring you a cup about that big well thanks we have a communion do i get a wafer with this so now i'm drinking shots of pepsi set him up again darling runs for everybody or they hate me to ring that thing sometimes they don't even show up they're like they finally get there what where were you in the basement yes stewardess can i get a pillow please not a big pillow what about the size of a chick little dude thank you very much i prefer to have to fold it 40 times first time i saw those i thought they were earplugs sticking one in each hair [Music] i used to like to travel and tape my own show you know and uh you know with the tripod but the tripod freaks them out i have to check the tripod every time it goes through the x-ray machine they're like what's that oh that's what i was going to hit the pilot over the head with when i take over the plane you know if you haven't been around enough to know what a tripod is what's the chances you're gonna recognize a bomb that's all i'm saying so i uh since i moved to l.a started getting in shape joined a health club everybody's into that and don't you hate when you go to the health club you can't find a parking space close to the door forget this man i'll come back another time and i hate when you're at the health club and those big buff guys come up to you mind if i jump in with you especially when i'm in the shower no my oldest boy starting to get kind of heavy in elementary school he started gaining a little weight so i put him on a diet because i just don't want him being that one kid on a little league team whose jersey is a slightly different color than everybody else's whole team's orange except for that giant pink object playing left field that's my boy the red rover champ of southern california can you tell where the new jokes are okay i've been thinking about doing that do that new atkins diet that new dr atkins diet the one where you're shoveling your driveway and you fall down and die i was gonna do that do that diet there thank you sir thanks for showing up tonight he's like i'll laugh at anything doggone i'm getting my money's worth you gotta joke about everything even death i had i had to go to funeral not too long ago and here's what i noticed have you ever had to tell a mutual acquaintance that someone you both know died there's always someone to go he died i was just talking to him yesterday you're probably talking to him before he died so you can joke about dying just don't make it dr atkins is that it i figured you guys up man ah no your wonderful group wonderful group uh sam's club members here tonight did they already ask that story asked that few people all right just a few though now now you folks that aren't members what are you going to do when you find yourself in need of a case of macaroni and cheese don't try to get into sam's members only where they do some gargantuan volume-sized stuff there and you could always tell the people are just joined and aren't aware of this fact because they're not buying anything they're just walking around like they're in a zoo for food look at the size of that bottle of ketchup come on kids let's go see the peanut butter exhibit i bought like one item since i joined that place a box of potato flakes the size of rhode island should last me through the millennium so where was the married folks at we got married folks here tonight married yeah cool was somebody over here recently engaged did they ask about that recently engaged or married apparently there is because he can't talk we have an agreement uh she finishes the sentences recently engaged or married yeah where how long how long was yesterday since you'd be somewhere else now that's congratulations sir that's fantastic so you didn't take a honeymoon yet is your wife here tonight oh recently engaged not married when's the honeymoon i mean when's the man when's the wedding thank god for editing when's the wedding next summer okay that's cool so you asked you proposed yesterday wow and she said yes obviously she's here tonight she's not [Applause] she's going i got till next summer right you do what you want to do she's not here well that's okay what's your name sir matt and what's your wonderful wife's name to be julia that's that's a romantic name there julia are you making this up matt uh romeo and julia well you're gonna learn a lot in marriage matt that's for sure i'll tell you right now you have to good you have to have a good sense of humor in marriage that's right matt i was telling my wife the other day i said honey you know guys like tom cruise are a dime a dozen she goes here's a nickel get me six [Applause] you're going to learn a lot in marriage that's for sure one of the many things you will learn when you first move in with your wife is that there are two types of towels in the bathroom tiles you can use if you want to dry off and towels can use if you want to get killed matt those are the good towels and the good towels are just for company to look at don't ask what that means just memorize it because i guarantee you the first time you're forgetting she catches you're gonna be walking around like rain man definitely shouldn't use a good towel definitely shouldn't have used a good towel [Applause] i will never forget the first time i learned about the good towels my wife and i are both in the bathroom standing at the sink i just get done washing my hands i happily start to reach for the closest towel all sudden i hear step away from the towels step away it's my darling sweet wife looking a lot like dirty harry i know what you're thinking punk are those the good towels are the bad towels will you want to get lucky later punk [Applause] they better be the bad town well she'll hurt you bad if she doesn't kill you and no court would convict her because they know especially a woman judge he did what he used a good tiles after playing mud football so you set him on fire while he was asleep well that's self-defense community service oh where do you start with what the women go through ladies any of you married to a snorer who's married to a snorer yeah pretty much everyone here [Applause] ladies isn't it true you can talk to your husbands about it all you want they don't know what you're talking about what do you mean not snore i think i know if i snore but they don't know because some of them snore so loud they wake themselves up they still don't know they're like honey wake up i think there's somebody on the roof i think they're ripping the shingles off the house i'm serious you gonna go check but my wife she doesn't really snore but every once in a while while she's sleeping her nostril gets stuck to the inside of her nose she turns into this party favorite [Music] taxis are pulling up to our house sometimes it sounds like a b-52 coming out of the sky neighbors are in their pajamas following the bomb shelter i'll tell you she's having a really rough night get all kinds of noises my dog thinks we're going outside go back to sleep sparky the other night it was driving me nuts so i tried to plug it up that's a lot of work for 10 laughs so we got three little boys we just had our third little boys one year old and uh he's in the car you guys want to see him i'll bring him in he's a cutie it's my week to watch him i was actually in the delivery room for all of them which is cool but however i wish someone would have told me that they kind of come out purple this last one he was solid purple man for a split second i was actually thinking weekend barney was at the mall where is my wife doesn't look like me i was watching the batman movies with my boys the other day they love those batman movies but here's here's what i don't get about the movie batman okay batman's got a billion dollar car a billion dollar boat a billion dollar jet but does it ever occur the people of gotham city that his secret identity might be the one billionaire who lives there movies are so expensive too my goodness theater prices are outrageous you go to movies it's like now let me get that jumbo popcorn and two large cokes off layaway please can you do me a favor mr cinema guy can you make sure to pack that ice to overflowing in that little soda cup so i get all of a spoonful with a pop for my ten bucks can you do that clear sill boy you gotta tell them don't you three ice cubes pal three ice cubes [Music] beep beep beep beep you're the manager of burger king aren't you knew i seen you before took my kids the other not too long ago to see spy kids 2 with antonio banduras here's my impersonation of every person in the audience watching antonio banderas in a movie what do you say it's like every other line there's like two or three words it's kind of an unintelligible utterance you have no idea what he's saying at one point in the movie he says the lady playing his wife he goes we can't take the kids with us if we're not going to carmen de la jose even she turned the audience and goes what'd he say do what so i've been uh at the dollar store earlier today i love that place the dollar store i was over there getting a present for my wife and uh actually i was checking on my cd sales but uh [Laughter] this is absolutely true i'm not kidding i'm at this dollar store getting all these items right and the first of all the cashier is like scanning stuff at the dollar store and one item won't go through so she keeps trying it i'm thinking if she calls for a price check i'm gonna punch her she keeps trying and finally i'm like pretty sure it's a dollar and the people who shop there are just as bad i don't know how many times i've been in the dollar store the one somebody going how much is this i'm thinking it's the dollar store can you memorize that one time i said it right to their face i did i got fire but it was worth it [Applause] uh i was reading the new testament the other day reading the bible there about the new and uh not a lot in the bible about jesus as a little kid i noticed that had to be pretty rough being the son of god that's a lot of pressure on a kid i could see jesus at his high school graduation party all the kids are like bugging them trying to get him to turn the punch in the wine [Music] you think mary and joseph had a picture of jesus they showed all their friends they'd be looking at it going wow no matter where you go he's looking at cute you i go to a pentecostal church myself any uh pentecostals here good let's make fun of them [Applause] whenever i tell somebody i go to pentecostal church they always say the same thing isn't that where they raise their hands in church and it is yeah there you go okay yeah interpretation you hear that it is true it can be kind of freaky if you never experienced it like i remember the first time i ever walked into my church i remember thinking oh we're allowed to ask questions i got one hello they never pick me and of course we have the tongues which especially freaks some of the baptist out i don't blame them because some of us got some weird tongues man some people got tongues even freaks of tongue talkers out i was standing next to a guy like that in church the other day he's like callie bop bop 23 skadoodle bebop the cowabunga to dooley b i'm going lord i rebuked that right there that's not right i sit next to this one guy in church whose tongue sounded like a water floss in need of fixing hula drip rip rip dude i used to want to reach over and screw his head on tighter dude i'm going to pray god sends you a plumber and no matter what pentecostal church you go into there's always one person whose tongue sounds like a car that won't start holy holy holy holy and the interpretation is always the same the lord says get a tuna uh i was gonna joke about your city but we're not really gonna mention what city we're in right now so uh i'll uh i'll still joke about it but you know what i'm talking about right you guys know where you live right you know where you live oh go ahead he says the mayor's here we don't how you doing sir you all right did you say that sir do i have lazy eye i'm talking to him ain't i it's not like tv it's i can see you right there okay was that you said that somebody else i get the wrong person oh it was this person no idea what you're talking about pal all right somehow you threw your voice into the dummy anyway yeah [Applause] you're all nice let me pick on you right put the gun down sir i'm just kidding i really am you got on a is that a post what's that i thought that was funny i was hoping you guys appreciate it that was a good joke he turned the channel what was the question i asked you now i can't remember are you a post postal worker i'm looking at a do you have some kind of uniform what's that say this guy not you now now he's going to answer me you sir the one i thought i was talking to earlier your maintenance for this building here so somebody who thinks you're fixing their air conditioner right now i'm just one i could see i can't see with the lights so so maintenance i thought we were a postal worker didn't want to make you mad i know it's the post office you're a postal worker right in the front row he ain't laughing he's snapping he's ready to go any second here god bless you sir you're wonderful wonderful this is true you can vouch for this i notice the post office doesn't have those fbi wanted posters anymore because they're all poster workers yeah i remember when they used to have those they have the picture and then the fingerprints you know in case well he doesn't look familiar but i've seen those prints before i've seen that it was a while there it was dangerous wasn't it man i remember i wouldn't i go cover me i'm going for stamps i think they're all right now that's great anybody else got an interesting job i'm going to take off here in a second i just thought i'd ask what's happening out here anybody got a really interesting job postal worker's a good one huh what's that lee iacocca is here ladies and gentlemen lee iacocca is that it is that who you resemble you wish i wish too i'm gonna be citing anything you got okay nobody got an interesting job here was thor talking about that what was i missed that the kangaroo what do you do with kangaroos where where at well i'm way off tonight ain't i he's in columbus i'm looking in louisville over here okay what do you do with kangaroo sir we have a sanctuary sanctuary in columbus how is business i must ask yeah we need food stamps is what's happening we're just uh i don't know why i thought it would go over great a sanctuary explain that to me he should be the postal worker what huh yeah well how many kangaroos do you get period even well ones is what i'm wearing in columbus oh so it's a national it's a worldwide thing and they ship them here oh so and with the internet you advertise yeah wow kangaroos and those guys are tough i've seen them on those hidden videos they'll punch you yeah punch you in everything man have you been punched by a kangaroo you've been hit by a kangaroo in the face did you hit him back punch you out pal this is only a sanctuary for good kangaroos so what do you do he hits you in the face huh did he stop after the first punch then he's like thanks for making the show i say that his best bit was the kangaroo bit that was his best i got to get your card i am so curious what's the website you want what's the website i mean they probably edit it out what is it what society how about something easy like we're the only people in the world who do this dot org okay i'll get your card from me that's very interesting that's wonderful well anyway i'm gonna end one of my favorite little jokes here give yourself a round of applause for coming out thor's gonna come back up in one second and you guys been a wonderful crowd man obviously you're really promoting this and i appreciate it promoting clean comedy and stuff like that and uh it's very nice of you to come out tonight keep coming tell everybody else about it you know a lot of us folks are christians except for a couple but uh i love you guys i just want to tour with you guys from now on nobody else just we'll just go together but you guys are wonderful and i just want to say you know we live in a hurting world man so uh check out the lord he's there for you he really is i'm not going to get all preachy on you tonight because we just got some good folks here but you know you never know who's out there and laughter is a great alleviation of the pain but if you want something to take away forever jesus christ is real and he's in the he's in the word of god and man check him out he's cool he's awesome okay which reminds me of my favorite little jokes and then i'm gonna get out of here okay there's this guy living on an island and he's all i mean he's stuck on an island and uh you know he's been there like 10 years and all of a sudden he sees a ship finally you know so he's lights a fire and sure enough the guy in the ship sees him and he docks the boat he gets off and he sees this guy and there's this guy all by himself with three huts and he goes hey how you doing he goes great i'm saved i've been here ten years i'm all by myself he said you're all by or so i said yeah just me he said what are those three huts he goes oh i built those yeah i built those he goes what are they says oh that one there it's it's my house i built that i live there it's my house oh yeah about the other one said oh that's my church that's where i worship i built that i said okay how about that one he goes oh that's a church i used to go to god bless you guys i'm michael joyner thank you very much you
Channel: Comedian Booker
Views: 1,656,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dry bar comedians, hire a comedian, the clean comedian, dry bar, funniest dry bar comedians, christian comedy show, full stand up comedy show, full comedy show, michael joiner, clean stand up comedy routines, funniest fast food comedy bits, book a corporate comedian, best missouri comedians, best comedians in the world, hilarious clean comedians, professional christian comedians, larry the cable guy, comedy dynamics, americas funniest clean comedians, clean humor
Id: 1wMuVE4IhGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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