Fungus or Grub Damage? | Pro Turf Lawn Service

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alright we're out looking at property number four same issue suspicions of grub damage so we're gonna take a look around we're going to look at the brown areas of the yard and and the overall state of the yard we'll start here looking at the edges you can see that there's crabgrass around the edges you can see the purple in color from the herbicide damage not damaged but the herbicide control of the plant you see how it's purple and out and you see a lot of the brown of the plant at the core the plant is dying also through here definitely hit with the Quinn cleric good job to the tech that's done sprayed this yard let's cross the driveway and look at some of these brown areas so brown area right here we'll just start in here simply come down find a green spot that's in in the turf in in the brown section pull on it come out to the outer edge of the brown there you pull on it on the green area enough that was kind of confusing but again if we if we actually get down on our hands and knees and pull on this turf and actually take a look at the leaves you can simply pull out right here you got more fungus your shoes and your shot of that got it all through here here's another one you can just see the spotting on the Leafs it's obvious fungus damage root systems intact if I had a soil probe today I would probe this area to to look for additional rocks that's drying this out now another issue we have going on here is this grass is cut too short it looks to me like they're probably cutting about two and a half inches tall needs to be an inch taller than that need to be cutting three and a half four inches tall especially through the heat of the summer more crabgrass here on the corner quite a bit of crabgrass dying right here you can see the Queen chloric taking effect when the purple end of the leaves here you guys all know this is crabgrass is tough to kill you just got to keep hammering at every single time we're out on these properties keep doing that we'll get effect like this we're on the side of the garage here you can see this giant brown area forming up again it was identified as grub damage pull on the turf take a look at it we can see the lesions once again all over the the turf grass root systems intact everywhere you pull up on it if you just get in here and look once again brown patch got it I mentioned a little earlier we're also cutting the grass too short on this property you guys should be able to look at your at your feet your grass cutting height should be well above your toes of your shoes three inches three and a half inches anywhere from three and a half four inches going to be over the toes it's going to be well up over your shoes so if it's even or less it's definitely being cut too short if we walk right over here to the neighbor you can see that they're cutting height is just a little higher but probably cutting a little short over here as well all right so pretty big brown area here again we're going to go ahead pull on the turf look at the leaves see what we can determine in this area get down we'll pull on this and pull some of this up and you can see anyone come in here this is a more of a thatch player problem is what you're having here you can see how spongy this material is that pulls up again all the root system is intact it's tearing when you pull up on the turf it's hard to pull up there's no air pockets underneath it or anything like that but it's like a sponge in here this a heavy thatch layer is going to affect all of the nutrients getting into the to the plant it's going to block a lot of the nutrients that we're trying to feed the plant this is probably just a four or five year old sod that was put in it's definitely due for an aeration seeding that will help definitely want to make recommendations to aerate and see this property possibly even an AVS aerate Vertica and seed it so we've heard a cutting actually you definitely want to do it looking at this this is got some bare areas here so we would want to definitely recommend heir rating vertically and seeding this property
Channel: Pro Turf Lawn Service TV
Views: 130,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn care, fungus damage, weed control, grub worms, lawn service kansas city, lawn service
Id: reoeirmymiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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