How to get rid of Crabgrass | Naturally or Organically

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let's talk crabgrass crabgrass can be caused in low mowing conditions some bare spots there's lots of ways to get rid of it I could go over all the chemicals I may go over some of those but basically I want to go over the natural ways to get rid of it let's understand crabgrass a little bit better first though crabgrass is usually in a it thrives in a condition that is has low levels of calcium low levels of phosphorous high levels of chlorine high levels of magnesium and potassium with that in mind you can you can or change those those conditions to prevent it also priam is an excellent way to prevent it I'll explain how to organically priam your yard and that will that will have to do whether or not you're going to actually seed or over seed the yard so with that said I wanted to to hit on this fact and we'll go on to the next one of the organic ways to get rid of crabgrass is simply this is iodine salt iodine iodized salt excuse me it's a generic brand I only know us salt I bought these products at the dollar store so this is for the video I use them but I use them in mass quantities so I do buy them from the dollar store this will actually take water from the the crabgrass it will rob it up the water one of the things that it actually needs to survive or to live second vinegar this is white vinegar it will change the pH of the soil making it more acidic making it unfriendly for the the actual crabgrass third wants it stopped shaking here third is bakin soda this will change the pH also making a more alkaline you can pour this right onto the crabgrass add a couple dashes of the salt or you could do the salt and the combination of the vinegar or you can do a combination of just hot water really like rolling bowling hot water just be careful with it and pour it on the crabgrass you can kill it that way or you can use a torch method to kill it another method that I like to use or you can use a combination of all these another method I like to use is this this is another easy method that I use to organically kill crabgrass this is Matt gasket it can actually come in a yellow or a blue container and you just basically burn the center and the grass another method to organically kill crabgrass is to cover it with a little small dish now that is if you want your wife or girlfriend to be totally upset with you if you have these placed all over the yard don't recommend that method unless you earn a bachelor happy wife happy life so these are old tiles that that I have from a leftover project I take these and I just place them over the yard I spawn they're dirty now if I have a crabgrass I just put them over the over the the crabgrass and when you once you robbed it of sunlight it's another way to kill it now you can do a combination of all these you can burn it you can burn the crabgrass you can put the baking soda on it you can put the salt on it you can cover it and block it from light by doing these you will save yourself a ton of money organically treating the crabgrass and if you take care of it get it before it goes to seed you don't have to worry about the thousands and thousands and thousands can I say that again thousands of thousands of thousands of seeds that the mature crabgrass will produce that wants to take over your lawn catch it early or another organic method is to actually pull it by hand to dig it and pull it up by hand if you're able to in your soil every soil conditions different but I do recommend these uh versus some of the chemical methods of treating the lawn your turf grass and if you follow these they will work I'm going to use this as an example I'm going to show you an example of how I kill crabgrass and it will do it over a time lapse and I will do it over time today will be day one when you see this alright here we go enjoy day one I'm using this is a reference because that's a piece of ubatuba granite that's here I use for a fire blockade or when I have a little fire pit party and you can see the crowd grass that's here along the edge in these areas we're gonna start with this one just what I'm gonna burn right now this is a quick way to get rid of it get the center guys all the leaves you can make sure to get the seeds there's any seeds hanging out get those well and as you can see barely cuz the sun's going down I'll burn it then I'll actually sprinkle it with some baking soda would be the second step this is day one and I will time-lapse peas to show you how effective this is actual first day here as you can see I burned them this is crab grass on the Left I used a vinegar on the right I used baking soda in the middle just a matte gas now as you can see it works pretty well for organic this is day one day three and as you can see on the Left crabgrass is pretty much gone or dead the middle is where we burned it also right here it's uh it's pretty much dead - there's a couple will leave still hanging out there this is where I did the baking soda it's killed it but it's still kind of still kind of there I did burn it first and then I put baking soda this is where I did the baking soda and vinegar and like I said it's pretty much gone you
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Keywords: how to get rid of crabgrass, how to get rid of crabgrass naturally, how to get rid of crabgrass organically, how to kill crabgrass naturally, how to kill crabgrass organically, Grand Dunes Landscape and Maintenance, Myrtle Beach South Carolina lawn care, organic pre-emergent for crabgrass, corn gluten meal for crabgrass, crabgrass, crab grass, kill crabgrass in your lawn, kill crabgrass in your yard, crabgrass removal, how to get rid of crabgrass without chemicals
Id: w7SxLsYSR_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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