Why is my Lawn BROWN?! | The ROOT of my FUNGUS problem

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well it's official guys my lawn looks absolutely terrible so yes as you can see my lawn has been decimated by fungus so back in early May I did put my preventative fungicide down I used Scots disease X which is as oxy strobing and then I put down another application of azoxystrobin but mid June and mid June is when I started noticing this I noticed it a little bit at the end of May you guys haven't seen my lawn and since late May it was Memorial Day weekend actually when you last saw it and wanted to look indecent at that point and it has just been ransacked this past June over this last month and it come to find out I'm dealing with dollar spot and maybe a little bit of Pythium but for the most part from what people have told me that know a lot more about this I'm dealing with primarily a really bad case of dollar spot last week I did put a pound of nitrogen out to help kind of push it out that's one thing I've been told with dollar spot as he can push dollar spot out through a good feeding so I have been putting my fungicides down but I probably wasn't putting the correct fungicide down after learning a bit more from reading and researching and talking to professionals but the really the main problem comes to a much greater problem that is not just putting the wrong fungicide down but before we get into any more just look at this awfulness this is really terrible all you can do it lat is laughs at this point so like I said the problem is much greater than just putting the wrong fungicide down the problem lives with what I found in my soil test which I mentioned in my Memorial Day weekend Throwdown video so in that video I mentioned in my pH level that I found for my soil test was in 8.3 and that's extremely high and that is truly the root of all of these problems that I'm having in my lawn with the fungus and just things not being normal in the lawn and I came to that realization mostly from talking to professionals like Matt Martin John Perry Alan and obviously doing some research and reading but that's really the root of my problem and that's what I need to start correcting while combating this fungicide for fungus I mean that fungicide so here's the front yard as you can see completely again decimated really terrible man it just looks awful and I don't think I need to say this but enjoying the Mohan not been happening it's just been mowing there has been no enjoyment at all and then moving over to the side portion of my lawn this is the big side portion that wraps around the side of the yard and along the street this is about 4,000 square feet you can see the fungus got this section in this section and then as we come down farther in this area we have other big patches and even more big patches so yay on the positive though at least I have somewhat of a property line so I wanted to film this video and show you guys that specifically you new homeowners or new lawn care nuts that lawn care is not all you know sunshine blue skies double dart grass beautiful stripes and enjoying the mow sometimes Mother Nature just really puts you in your place and you start realizing you don't know as much as you thought you did so I do have a plan in place the Matt Martin really helped put together for me after we walked through my soil test and I just she sent him a lot of pictures and told them what I've been seeing and experiencing in the lawn and involves a few different fungicides wall2 attacked and go after the fungus and while also more aggressively going after the soil pH to bring it down throughout this remainder of this summer and fall and then in the fall I'm just going to be doing a lot of heavy aerating and detaching and I'm gonna be needing to do some overseeing as well because I don't think a lot of the grass that's been damaged from the fungus is going to come back so we are going to need to be doing a light over seeding now I did want to mention and show some other things that just haven't been glorious these are five of the bushes that were transplanted during my landscape renovation and they were being infested with I don't know what kind of insight insect it was I think it might have been white fly I don't really know I just did my best to research again but I did spray them and they're doing much better now it may not look like it this Holly actually has some growth on it right now I don't think the brown is going to come back I'm pretty sure that's dying off but I'm gonna let it be to see what kind of new growth can come off of it and over time I may just trim back the stead stuff and let it come back naturally this Bush right here like I said it may not look for that great but trust me it's looking much healthier there's a lot more new foliage on it and new growth coming off of it but I just wanted to kind of show you guys that it's just been a it's been a real struggle around here that struggle has been rather frustrating at times but at the end of the day I needed to remember and just like we all need to remember it's just grass it's just a lawn it's going to come back just with a little hard work some time and effort and learning it'll come back there's way more important things in life than a lawn I also wanted to say I will be doing more videos on this to come to show you kind of the updates what I'm doing to help improve things so I really do appreciate you guys watching all my content watching my videos leave me thumbs up leaving me comments that goes a long long way and if you haven't already you give me a thumbs up on this video leave me a comment or question in the comment section below if you haven't subscribed my channel please subscribe if you truly do like what I produce on this channel all that stuff goes a really long way for us creators the last thing I wanted to say is I hope you guys all have a great 4th of July weekend I hope you guys get to enjoy some time good quality time with friends and family and just get to relax maybe enjoy your lawn hopefully your lawn is looking a bit greener than this but as always I'm Ben the lawn guardian and I'll see you in the next video well one thing I wanted to point out it's a little strange the Fung is kind of stops right here and then all this under the tree looks really healthy I don't see any fungus damage over here what the heck I don't know see you guys [Music] you
Channel: The Lawn Guardian
Views: 39,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why lawn is brown, lawn brown spots, brown spots in lawn, my lawn is turning yellow, my lawn is yellow and dry, my lawn is turning brown, my lawn is yellow, my lawn has brown spots, my lawn is brown what can I do, spots in lawn, dollar spot, brown patch, large patches in lawn, lawn fungus, lawn disease, brown patch lawn disease, lawn, lawn care, lawn care tips, summer lawn care, is my lawn dying, heat stress, is my lawn stressed, thelawnguardian, lawn tips
Id: 1HZRA7-fd-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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