The DIFFERENCE between HEAT STRESS and Lawn Fungus

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good morning everybody hope that you all are having a blessed day now i'm gonna make this video very short sweet and simple and tell you the difference between a fungus and heat stress do you all remember these lines right here from last year so these lines had funguses in it you had a fungus somewhere around here [Music] i know you definitely had a fungus over here somewhere [Music] i think there were some over there and some over there in that area when you are dealing with brown patch dollar spot pythium blight you're going to see some mycelium on the grass blades which is going to look like some sticky cotton that right there is a telltale sign that you are dealing with a fungus if you don't catch it in the morning time the thing that you are going to be looking at is some lesions on the blade which means there's going to be some spots that are going to be on the grass blades so it doesn't matter if it is brown patch if it is melting out if it is leaf spot you're going to see some type of spots that are on the grass blades that is going to be a dead giveaway that you are dealing with a fungus and this is just some of those fungus it's not all of them now let me show you heat stress so you see this little spot right here you got a drain right here in the middle of the yard the grass is brown around this so when you're dealing with heat stress the grass blade will needle up which means it will turn really really thin really thin okay so this is some heat stress but when you come over here grass blade is super thick right no heat stress heat stress all of this grass is stressed out so if your air temperatures throughout the day is in the 90s it's just hot all day right but at night time the earth temperatures may drop into the 70s are dropping to the 60s that does not mean that your concrete that your asphalt is going to drop into the 60s that is going to hold temperature as well so normally your edges is the first thing that's probably going to check out when you're dealing with heat stress sometimes heat stress can be in your lawn too as well doesn't necessarily have to be around your sidewalks and around your driveway under the street area but majority of the times those areas are going to be the ones that check out first because those areas are next to your concrete or you may have some areas that may be up against your house that heat coming off of your house that there can also cause some heat stress to your grass but this right here is a prime example of heat stretch and let me show you again here is another example of some heat stress this is up against the house this is going to hold heat it's bothering this area right here so how do you find out you look at the grass blades you see how they're very thin had her needling up it's brown this is heat stress you don't have any lesions on the blades no spots no brown spots no circles no yellowing on the blades or anything it's just turning very thin so this is heat stress all around this area and all around here heat stress it's not heat stress over there it's not heat stress going around this concrete little patio it's not heat stress going around that it's not heat stress going around that there isn't any heat stress on this side but there's heat stress right here so the main thing that i want you all to be able to get out of this video is learning the difference between heat stress and a fungus because you will not believe how many times i've actually ran into a person and their grass is brown and they're telling me oh my grass is brown because it's hot outside which that may be true but then again you may have a fungus in your lawn so let's recap really quick you know you have a fungus in your lawn if that grass blade has any type of imperfections on it imperfections meaning there's some spots on it it's turning yellow when you get up in the morning there's some mycelium on it it's shaped in a circle there has to be something going wrong with that grass blade that is going to be a telltale sign that you have a fungus now depending on what type of fungus it is you could be able to fertilize that fungus out like for example dollar spot if you do have dollar spot you can give your line some fertilizer and that dollar spot will grow out but if you have another fungus like brown patch or melting out epithelium blight you definitely don't want to be fertilizing your lawn if you do have any of those diseases in your lawn now i have a slew of videos that you can be able to peruse through that is talking about certain type of diseases make sure you go through and check those videos out in your spare time if you can now when you're dealing with heat stress you already know sometimes that heat stress may be around the street area where your grass meet it may be around the concrete area it may be around your driveway or your house because those areas are going to hold heat longer than others but that does not mean that heat stress is going to be mainly around those areas so there's two things that you can and can't do when we are talking about heat stress number one is you don't want to yo-yo it what i mean by yo-yoing it taking it out of heat stress and then letting it go back into heat stress for example if you have heat stress you give it a bunch of water it bounces back your grass greens back up then you don't water it for another month and it goes back into heat stress you don't want to yo-yo it like that taking it out and letting it go back taking it out letting it go back either do one or the other it's either take it out and keep it out of heat stress or just let it go through the whole summer stressed out and then once temperatures cool back down then you can be able to fertilize your lawn give it some water and it will bounce back heat stress can also be throughout your whole entire line as well and heat stress is not going to come in any circular type of patterns like how brown patch may the other thing is if your line is stretched out you don't want to give it any nitrogen don't be out there trying to feed your line until it turns green because that's not going to do anything but make it worse so if it's stressed out leave it alone don't give it no nitrogen because nitrogen is not going to make it green water is going to make it green but nitrogen is going to make it even worse so i hope that this information has helped you all you all take this information you apply it to your lawn and don't just apply it to your line help your neighbors out help your friends help your family because now since you've downloaded this information you know the difference between heat stress and lawn fungus so when you go over to someone's house and they're saying oh my grass is brown because it's hot outside and you see something's wrong with those grass blades go ahead and educate them and tell them polo sent you you
Channel: Polo Fields Lawn Service
Views: 19,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brown Patch, Fungus spray for grass, Fungus that effects turf grass, Heat Stress, Lawn Disease, Lawn Fungus, Leaf Spot, Propiconizole fungicide, Scotts Disease X, The difference between HEAT STRESS and FUNGUS, brown patch fungus, brown patch lawn disease, cure lawn disease, grass fungus, how to get rid of lawn fungus, lawn disease control, lawn diseases, lawn fungus control, lawn fungus treatment, Vlog, polo fields lawn service, pythium, heat advisory, care coordination
Id: _AuB8gT8PXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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