LAWN GRUBS//Grub Worms: How To Get Rid of Lawn Grubs

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[Music] hey what's up y'all I'm Allen hain the lawn care nut thanks for coming back for yet another week so today's gonna be a quick tip and we're gonna be talking about grubs now I know I probably put in the title grub worms they're not actually worms the reason I put grub worms in there is because it's a term that people search for so think of it like an SEO value but the long and the short of it is the reason you might be searching for that right now is maybe you found some grubs in your lawn or landscape here in the spring and you're wondering if they're gonna do damage and what you could use to get rid of them or if you should in the first place so in order for me to give you the tips that you need let me explain the lifestyle and the life cycle of the grub grubs are the larvae of Japanese beetles also called junebugs masks Shaffer beetles they go by a lot of names but you know what they look like especially if you have a pool you'll find them in your pool filter in the early summer but that's the summertime let's take it back to spring where we're at right now so you're finding these grubs in your lawn what those are is those are grubs from last year they're gonna hatch sometime in May or June which is why they're called June bugs and turn into those beetles that you see flying around now those beetles do cause damage they love to chew on purple plums and cherries for sure they like to chew on your roses I've seen them on roses Sharon and many other trees and shrubs but they're not just eating in June and July the other thing they're doing is they're zooming around in they're laying eggs fresh eggs and well watered beautiful lawns like yours those eggs if they lay and some are hatch and become fresh grubs that feed on grass roots all during the late summer and into the fall and in fact they'll continue feeding all the way into even early winter depending where you live when the ground begins to freeze they burrow down deep and they wait over winter then the next spring they emerge again feed just a little bit and that's what you're finding now and then they hatch out again in late May and June becoming June bugs and the cycle starts all over again so the thing to realize there is is that grubs do most of their damage in the late summer and the fall time not necessarily the spring in the spring of course they might be taken a couple extra bites here and there but the thing to realize about spring is that is when your grass your turf is most vigorously growing especially if you have cool season turf and so any small amount of damage that they may do in the spring the grass grows right through it so there's no need for a chemical intervention at that point now I know you're still gonna find grub and insect treatments on the shelves at your local stores and that's because they realize they can cash in on you by selling you grub treatments but this is just a little bit too early and I have a lot more for you but let me just stop right here and say the grubs that you're finding in your lawn right now do not need to be treated just leave them be let them turn into June bugs but realize if you're finding them in your lawn now when they hatch and grow it isn't like they're gonna fly 10 miles away they're probably gonna stay right in that same vicinity and they're gonna lay fresh eggs right in that same spot because they love to raise their babies in their own hometown and so that's where we need to talk about the different products that you could use to treat there are two types of products that you'll find a treat grubs there's preventative and there's corrective the preventive is what you're gonna want to treat the grubs for this season the ones that are gonna do that damage in late fall and spring you're gonna want to put a preventative down for them and you're gonna apply that some time here in late April and May the reason being is you need the preventative to get down into the soil and be absorbed by the grass plants so that way that when the grubs are in the lawn the grass is already protected the turf has already got that barrier so to speak set up so that when the grubs begin to feed they die so a preventative is just that it has to be put down to prevent the damage which means it has to be put down before the damage occurs there are two main ingredients that you're gonna find the first one that you're gonna find and it's a little bit more old-school these days is called Merritt which is actually a brand name the active ingredient is imidacloprid now you're not gonna find that in a lot of the country because a lot of folks are concerned that it may be linked to death and honeybees I'm not here to take one side or the other on that I'm just here to present you with information but if that's all you can find just know that imidacloprid or Merritt will work great for grubs and give you about three months of protection the active ingredient in bedico prett is known as a neonicotinoid does that sound familiar to you you hear that word in there Nick at annoyed nicotine the chemical makeup is similar to nicotine and any of you who have been a smoker in your life you know that nicotine is an appetite suppressant and that's how it works with grubs you get the NiO Nick it's annoyed down in this case Emma to operate into the wand it's watered into the soil the grass plants take it in that way when June bugs lay eggs in your soil and those eggs hatch into grubs and they begin to feed on grass roots they immediately feel full and they no longer eat and they die of starvation em corporate will give you about three months or protection which is fine if you put that down anytime in mid to late May you're gonna be all the way good through the summer because once you get past August the June bugs are gone there's no more flying around and therefore no more threat of eggs being laid now the other active ingredient that you'll find is claw ran through full claw ran through a pole it's a different chemistry and you'll even see that listed as honeybee safe or safe for honeybees on certain labels and things like that and this is the active ingredient that you're gonna find in the very common scots grub x and i'll recommend if you can find that just use that go right to your local big box store pick it up and put it down now the thing about claw ran through your pole is it takes a little bit longer for it to get down into the soil and have the plants take it up so you're gonna want to apply this one in later April or early May to make sure that you get it in within plenty of time especially if you're somewhere in the south where June bugs may actually come out in early May I mean obviously weather patterns in different parts of the country will dictate the life cycles and the patterns of the different June bugs and mass Shaffir beetles so make sure you get that down sometime in April just go to the store pick up the drawbacks and get it watered in now there's one other type of grub control that you're gonna find and that's called a corrective a corrective is almost always going to be used in the fall time that's for those of you that didn't treat for grubs and you're coming up say in September October sometime and you're noticing dead patches coming out of the summer which happens a lot because a lot of times your cool season turf especially will go naturally dormant in the summer if it doesn't get enough water if heat gets too high and it turns brown but you can have grubs under there feeding and you don't know it because you just think it's brown from dormancy but it also could be Brown from death from the grubs then you come into fall when temperatures get a little bit cooler and you start getting rain and your lawn just doesn't start to green up so you go out and what's the first thing you should do when you have a brown spot in your lawn that's right dig you start to pull up and you'll notice that they'll be grubs underneath there and those were the guys that were causing their damage in that case again you're going to be in September October maybe even November that's when you do want to apply a corrective treatment because you don't want them to do any further damage it's already been illustrated in your lawn at that point that they are causing visible damage so you're gonna have to kill them in that case you're going to use a corrective treatment you're gonna look for products that say 24-hour grub killer or kills on contact one that you might see a lot as an active ingredient is dialogues another one that works just fine is a very common product called 7se VI n and there are a few others I can list on the screen but you shouldn't have to worry about correctives in the spring at all those are for the fall time and that comes back to the final piece of advice I'll give you if you're not finding grubs in your lawn and you haven't found them in the last couple years and your neighbors aren't talking about it or you're not seeing grub damage in your neighbor's lawns I recommend do not treat for grub worms my house up in Northwest Indiana I never treated it for grub worms that I remember and that was because it was so thick and so vigorous it could grow through most attacks sure I would find grubs in my lawn here and there but they weren't enough there to cause any type of visible damage that's what we call integrated pest management and what that means is you only apply a hard control like a chemical like an insecticide if the insect is causing visible damage to your primary crop in our case our primary crop is turf grass and if the insects are there but they're not causing visible damage just let them be don't apply the chemical that's an example of integrated pest management so in summary if you're finding grubs in your longest spring they're not a concern however you should look to the next few months because if you're finding them there now it could indicate the possibility of damage in the coming months with that I'm Allan Haines the lawn care nut I hope this video has been helpful to you thanks for watching I'll see you in the lawn [Music]
Channel: The Lawn Care Nut
Views: 285,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn grubs, grubs in lawn, grub control, how to get rid of grubs, lawn care tips, controlling lawn grubs, get rid of grub worms, controlling grubs in your lawn, lawn grub control, how to kill lawn grubs, grub control for lawns, white grubs in lawn, the lawn care nut, lawn, grubs, how to get rid of grub worms, grub worm, grub worms, white grub control, how to kill grubs, lawn care nut, grub killer, lawn insects, white grub, lawn grub treatment, kill grubs in lawn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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