David Wilkerson - The Window of Faith - HD [Full Sermon]

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the window of faith lord I thank you for your presence this morning I thank you for who you are and I thank you for the Holy Spirit who is our anointing but I don't have to pray down an anointing upon my word or my message because you are the unction you are the anointing and the Anointed One abides and the Anointed One gives us ears to hear what the Spirit is saying so I'm asking you Holy Spirit to speak your mind and the mind of Christ that we will be transformed and encouragement allenge by the word because it comes from your heart we are only channels we're only vessels and we pray Lord that you do speak clearly this morning give me a fluency of your spirit not of my own but because you Holy Spirit are fluent and you are my unction and the anointing in Christ's name Amen now you've heard of the window of opportunity that window of opportunity represents the most opportune the best time in which to take action talking to you though about another kind of window it's called the window of faith I want to deal with that this morning you know it the Holy Spirit when it comes to the window faith operates in a whole different realm he doesn't need optimum situation he doesn't need a time when it seems to the flesh the moment to act in the moment to move he's in a whole different realm he doesn't work in that realm I'm reminded of my trip to Russia I had received when we receive regularly emails from Russia and Ukraine and all over the world but especially in Russia now because things are tightening and I think was seven eight years ago I held we hold a ministers conference in Moscow and it came from around Russia and Siberia and in the middle of the conference I broke down and couldn't preach I just wept in front of the men and I didn't know why the place was full and there were hundreds and the next day we had a meeting of all the key bishops and most of these bishops and at least 17 of them had been in prison they had all read my book across the Switchblade page by page that had been passed around the whole Russian prison system because Bibles were forbidden in those days and my book had been banned and there were other books but many of them were saved and some called the preach through reading the cross and switchblade and I apologized to the ministers I don't know why I broke down I was crying and they said can we answer we were talking about last night we'll tell you why God sent you here to weep over us because that the window of opportunity is closing you know I thought about that and I the Holy Spirit's been speaking so clearly to my heart that that's not how God works you see the window of faith the most opportune time was back when they were in prison because you see the children of Israel when they were prospered and and blessed and they were given house and lands that they didn't build and vendors they didn't plant they grew fat and they grew lazy and they go spiritually blind because you know in the flesh everything was opportunity everything was open that that seems and it's what we would call in the flesh in human senses that's the window of opportunity but God doesn't work that way God works differently the window of faith is that time when God wants us to believe and in his kingdom and his mind this is the opportune time when every door is closing when humanly it's impossible to do anything in the flesh there's a principle in the Bible and I find it all through the Word of God I could take you if I had time I'm not going to preach that direction but there's a principle that when God makes a promise when you pray and God puts a word in your heart and you know it's the word that you've anchored on it and you stay with it and God you were praying about something and he's made you a promise there's a principle in the Word of God that leads to the window of faith but when God makes a promise to someone who's hard to set on him he immediately sentences it to death he puts it he rolls in death upon that promise and that death that sentences of death is upon all human means of fulfilling the promise he rules in death upon every human possibility you find it with Abraham he's given the promise years before he comes into the fullness of that promise he's given a promise that he would be the father of Nations that out of his loins would come kings and that promise was given to him and we know at that time it seemed the most opportune time that would be called the window of opportunity but it was not the window of faith the he was still his forces one abated because he gave birth to him and he gave birth to Ishmael during his time so even prior to that time God had hinted and given to him a clear word I'm going to bless you and I'm going to be your shield and he made these promises and then he rolls in death there's a sentence of death it waits until the womb is dead Sarah he waits until Moses forces human forces are abated and he waits that time at ninety nine years of age after many testings and what I call eclipses of faith because brahim had those eclipses too twice God dealt with him after making him promises it to be a shield and nobody could touch him still he he asked his wife to pretend that she's her his sister he goes down to Egypt in fear after God said this is your land and you have nothing to fear I'll feed you I'll care for you and he in fear and the human panic runs down to Egypt and his wife ends up in harem and so he God was given him these windows in which to exercise his faith so become stronger when the great tests come and thank God he never stayed he staggered in this early years but he did not stagger when this ultimate promise comes to Abraham but do you understand that that God sentence it to death here he is there is no possible way he can have a child in fact he said God I would to God I would that you would accept my sacrifice except the fruit of my loins except Ishmael and it said no that's not the promise that wasn't what I told you and he opens this window of faith until there is God had sentenced to death every human possibility that that Turk could be answered you find that in the life of Joseph who's been given that mighty promise that that the nation's is Bobby for him his brothers at Bobby for him even his father with Bobby for him and this this was not a something that stroked his ego this was something of the spirit God revealed to Joseph that he's going to have a part in God's eternal purpose and saving his people and what happens God sentences that promise to death and what I'm talking about it's not the promise that dies what dies is all human hope all human effort where a man or woman is cast wholly upon the promises of God and nothing else you live or die you hang on it you live by it and you don't give it up and this is how we become the friend of God you see I don't think God is looking for martyrs thank God for the martyrs thank God who laid their lives down but in this day and age where there's such skepticism and there's fear and all side what is needed not martyrs who would be known in a small circle but those who are in the fight those who face impossibilities those who've had the sentence of death and they lived through it and it's a testimony and they don't lose that they become friends of God and God begins to reveal his mind in his heart to them because they have determined I don't understand any more Lord you don't have to explain to me I need no more explanations I don't know I don't know why I'm going through I know when my family goes through it I don't know why all the people around me are suffering as they are who are holy and godly and Lord they may doubt you but I will not I'm going to hold true that you're faithful God you know what it is and if I don't know until I get to glory so being amen look at the death sentence upon all human possibilities and Joseph he winds up in in jail he's mistreated and and humanely it got so severe so hopeless that he says finally please have pity on me he's talking to one of many prophesied to who would soon be in the presence of the king he said remember because I don't deserve what I'm going through but it in the final hour and this you see the window of faith is when everything everything let me put it this way if you can tell God how to get out of your mess you're in trouble I mean you if you have a plan if you can sit down you know you spend a whole night and you wake up in the morning get your pen and pencil said well here's how you can do it look I've done that in my lifetime I'm told God this is easy I know I know who has the money I we need money in our ministry if you'll just wake him up Lord he's got millions of dollars I know he's got it and I'm going to meet him tomorrow but I don't want to ask him but here's how you can do it no God not going to do it until he puts it to death until death rolls in and he takes away from me any opportunity any hope until I can't figure it out anymore so folks why don't you go to sleep you can't figure it out anyhow David told he is king and he's anointed and the oil unction everything he had this great promise yeah I tell you what you talk about a man who saw death rolled in on the promise consider him hiding in the cave consider him before a gag and in the spill running down his mouth and he's pretending to be a madman now and he's running for his life and then the old devil comes along and said some kind of King you are where is your promise where is the promise well folks God is at work he's not looking for every human condition every duck to be in place and everything in order and now's the time to move that's how we think in missions even you know my great spiritual dream was is to build an orphanage in a small clinic for AIDS kids in Kenya and then just as we were making plans I felt the Lord speak to my heart about it wasn't something I wasn't going to name it after me or anything but I just I couldn't handle the poverty and then so many AIDS kids dying and roaming about and in the whole nation erupts and and they were chopping off heads in that area that we were going to work and God rolls in death but you see we think that the we we need windows of opportunity know in China God was moving when there was no human way when everything is in spiritual ease in any open doors were closing and in persecution on all sides and we see countries even where brother cush Macca's is ministering in the balkans and in Russia now and it even in Ukraine and through South South Africa where it seems humanly that the doors to the gospel are closing and the opportunities are not there anymore but folks God doesn't look at it that way he doesn't look at that at it that way regarding missions and he does not regard it that way when he deals with our personal lives and David it goes through this and you find with finally a zig lag and they want a stone him he's lost his family's lost everything but David saw it as a window of opportunity and he waited on the Lord and he leaned upon the Lord and David said I'm going to trust God in this and God said because you trust me I'm going to let you restore everything you're going to get it all rolled in death you go to the New Testament you'll find the window of opportunity if that wind or the window faith sometimes that it's just a few moments that that window is open remember gyruss it comes for prayer first 12 year old daughter who's stricken and they come and say that she's dead you see death was rolled in on the promise and they said it's no use to baby the child is dead don't bother the Lord don't bother him and you know you can come to that place where you you don't complain to God you don't murmur against him but you've come the place where you do many of you here you know you would never say I don't believe God doesn't answer prayer but you think he doesn't enter mine and the word is that the situation's to dead don't don't bother him I'm not going to bother the Lord any more I prayed a fast I did everything right and it didn't happen is she God roles in death that the Lord turns this man and he is to to to word only belief only believe and God raises up that child in the hour of the the greatest moment of death despair and hopelessness because he believed God answered hallelujah I don't think we take seriously this matter of total absolute confidence in God can you believe that God is in your situation I said again can you believe wholly that that the eyes of the Lord upon the righteous and his ears open to their cry and the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong behalf of those this who whose hearts are right with him were perfect before him and that in the original you'll find those who have fully trusted him the eyes the Lord run to and fro here and there and finds he knows he's looking he's looking now for for those who trust him that he may show himself strong in their behalf God is the one who brought Israel into this place of death at the Red Sea he's the one who who allowed the waters even could have made the waters bitter to bring them just a window of faith where they offered where they would accept this and follow the knees and say well we just saw what God did in Egypt we saw what he just did here the Red Sea we're going to believe him where were the princes where were the elders where were those who say God is able he's the god of the impossible but know that unbelief closed slams shut the window of faith you can abort every promise God has made to you through unbelief I preached the sermon here once boat god no longer accepts unbelief the live unbelief and I thought it was too strong so I asked them at the table to take the sermon off I'm going to as they put it back on because I was moving into flesh you see a promise is given to Zechariah in the house of God he said you won't have a child and he's going to be he's going to be the forerunner of the Messiah and the angel Gabriel comes to his to put it the way we could always do his job site he ministered in the house of the Lord priesthood and angel Gabriel stands before him and said your wife could have a job your wife is going to have the child the promise is there and he aborted through unbelief he had boards that plan now this is an angel Gabriel he acknowledges who he is you know a lot of people say the range was but there was something about this appearance with the orphan II and he said you're going to have a child and he he doubts it any questions that this is how is that possible how can that be we're beyond all potential of having a child our forces are evaded the same situation and here it is and God didn't take lightly to that unbelief he never does especially for those who have walked with him and known him and trusted him over the years how that grieves the heart of God how that wounds if God has been speaking anything to me so that it becomes part and parcel parcel of apostle partial the parcel of my very being he has shown me his grief when I doubt him in the face of his promises when after all the experience have had with him and that grieve grieve not the Holy Spirit it's that grief they didn't accept the promises and and God didn't say well yeah you're he's an old man Gabriel he he may be forgetful you know like me now but forget a lot of things that as age creeps up and he's been faithful over the years let's just let's just let it go by let's just leave it at that no the angel of the Lord said you're not going to be able to speak and he was stricken he couldn't speak his tongue was tied for that whole period of nine months and rather than go out as it was his custom pronounce the blessing on the people he could not pronounce the blessing he had lost his testimony during this time he had nothing to say he had nothing to give but silence and misery in his heart for his unbelief you see God doesn't take it lightly whatever you're going through God has allowed it and and there you see you can lose battles but you don't have to lose a war there are times that we staggering there are times that we have these eclipses of faith but there has to come a day there has to come a day that no matter what it is no matter how dark and no matter how absolutely hopeless and folks this is not an imagined hopelessness it's reality the truth is there is no other way out there's it but but how God's heart is exhilarated how God is blessed how he could point as he did the job there is my servant here's one who trusts me and his eyes are finally fixed God fixed his eyes in the Old Testament on King ASA he was a righteous man who did that which is right before God clearly stated in the scripture and he builds cities he built cities with towers the economy is blessed and the people are blessed and in Israel that's backslidden at the time there's a great revival sweeps through Judah under King ASA and the idols are taken down sodomy is outlawed witchcraft is outlawed a great moving of the Holy Spirit under this godly man who did right before the Lord a praying man and he was a believing man at the time because suddenly out of nowhere and this is what happens you could have a telephone call suddenly things change suddenly there is a human impossible situation thrust upon you financially the job is lost in a moment and things begin to happen and bad things happen to good people and out of nowhere there was revival this man was seeking God and out of nowhere a million man army comes if easier from Ethiopia this is to be a massive invasion of Judah Judah was living under the favour and blessing of God so no you stop and question what you're going through well is this the devil is this God does this happen stance or anything it doesn't matter God God's overall God is in control he's in control no matter what if I if I've sinned and something's happened if I'm under the chastening of the Lord I know that whom the Lord loves he chastens and I know that the Holy Spirit is a spirit of love and he has been sent by the father through the son on a mission of love and I know no matter how he deals with me I don't know what I go through but I know the Holy Spirit abides in me he also loves me so it's a love mission no matter what happens so I can be at peace in my so I don't have to figure it out I don't ask anymore now I'm going to have to have the grace the Holy Ghost to just back up what I said but I believe that haze' looks at that million man army it looks at his far less powers and resources and the scripture said he called on the Lord he said Lord with you it doesn't matter whether there's many or if there's only a few without strength because you can do anything and he called on the Lord and God wrought a great victory because he trusted the Lord she what was the window of faith when everything looked hopeless it wasn't an opportune time it was an inopportune time it was but in God's mind and in God's eye this is what I want I want you Iza to believe me now Asia goes on you know a prophet he's coming home from the great victory and a prophet comes to him says now from now on and in essence this is what he said if you believe God the rest of your life like you believed him now God will bless you and favor you and the anointing will be upon you the nation will be blessed if you with God is with you if you forsake this what he said if you forsake this walk of faith and you start getting in the flesh you try to figure it out yourself and you take matters in your own hand God can't walk with you that way and he was clearly warned 36 years ago by 36 years this man you see if we don't maintain faith if we we don't build up our faith and we should do that in good times where every time you pay your rent every time you pay a mortgage payment you start thanking God you start saying Lord you have kept me this far you've made me you you've been with me and every time you go the groceries and you pay that grocery bill you begin to thank God and you say Lord I'm going to trust you and you use those times to build up your faith and walk in Thanksgiving and rejoicing before the Lord use these opportunities to build the faith the 36th year after suddenly again the measure the king of Israel comes against Rama five miles from Jerusalem and he sets a roadblock he starts rebuilding the city as a fortress a fortress to bring in his army and now the trade routes are cut off it's going to ruin the economy of of Judah is going to it would collapse the city of Jerusalem there would be starvation because Judah depended heavily on trade at the time and all the trade routes all the caravans are stopped everything and everything comes to a standstill no you see God had been searching the earth his eyes had been searching for this man and you know God is searching out right now he's searching in this church he's searching in this city and all over the world in this particular troubled time we live in looking for for that one that woman that man that person that is going to trust him what is coming because the perfect storm will be upon them but you see Aiza at this time decided to do it his way he waited God didn't act so he goes into the temple where he went used to go to prayer he goes into the house of God but this time he doesn't pray this time he's in panic he's in panic I've got to do something and he looks at the gold the utensils he looks at the gold everywhere in the altar and he strips the gold he strips the silver and he collects through taxation whatever what he did and he took this fortune to the king of Syria and in so many words this is exactly what he said and he would not call it a bribe but that's what it is and when you act on your own it's a bribe trying to bribe God and he takes that money and says I'm asking you to break your treaty with Israel and I want you to deliver Rama I want you to save me from my enemies and a prophet comes to him you know it worked it worked but in God's eyes he said I can't walk with you any more and he sends the Prophet to him and he said because you didn't rely on me the Lord says you're going to have Wars the rest of your life and what do you say you're going to die in misery and that's what happens my friend and that's how serious this issue is this is how serious I see it it's as serious as God has made it to my soul if God's made you a promise and you don't see it it's an affront to God it rouses it right arouses in the Heavenly Father that same anger that came against Israel and he said be careful unless you doubt in this unbelief it comes into your heart and he called it a wicked heart that would not trust him pray till you can't pray anymore read your Bible get under all kinds of stress because you haven't read enough and get in there through stress or anything else or condemnation read the Bible through and and say your prayer is in it an unbelieving dead fashion and I'll do it all of this is going to bring misery to your heart because you do not fully turn it over are to him his hands with no explanation all Asia had to do is believe in trust as he did an outward it may sting us but I preached into myself this is not really a hard message this is a life-saving message to us because he's giving he's putting before us now a window of faith and it's not the window faith right now that I'm talking about does not have to do with the economy itself I am going to talk to you further for that for just a moment there's a window of faith going to be presented to you and me and especially in this this city but around the world every believer there's coming an opera there there's coming a time when you are going to have to be so dependent we are going to have so given to his word that we can't be shaken because the perfect storm is already upon us in March Bear Stearns was on the brink of bankruptcy and the government guaranteed alone I think of 30 billion dollars and the next day The Wall Street Journal headlines thirty billion dollar insurance policy and it set in headlines nation saved 24 hours before financial ruin that's how close we came to a total collapse of our economy and folks that I I have preached in this century I'm going to say that I'm not boasting I have preached as many prophetic messages any pastor or preacher probably in this century I have notebooks full of prophetic service I preached here the first year of this church 20 years ago in just the one year there were over 20 prophetic messages one was called the self-destruction of America and I have warned and warned and in the last prophetic book written ten years ago about America on the brink of a financial Holocaust on page 28 I said they were the the bond mark is going to collapse and I was mocked and ridiculed no one would believe that the bond market of America could be affected I warned about the fall of the dollar I warned about a housing crisis and all of these things all there I can give you a page number I was in it nice weekend looking over the prophetic word and even reading it and reading some of the prophetic messages that I was preaching that time some of them were so strong I said to myself recently I wonder how many people left the church because it was too strong now I'm not here to say I told you so God knows my heart got anything to do with that but the real prices are not to come it it is coming but the real crisis is going to come and every one of us are going to be affected everyone is going to have life changes and it's dishonest if we as pastors don't warn you this is going to get as far as what as far as it is all human there's this very same principle upon which God works God before Jesus comes there before you and I leave this earth he is going to have a people he's going to have a wholly dependent people who lived not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God and God is searching at these times on perfect storm comes folks we can't stop all this that there is a judicial blindness and judicial it's a judgment of God upon the politicians and I say this kind but every one that's running for president of the United States right now are making tens of billions and billions of dollars of promises every conceivable thing we're the number one debtor nation in the world there's no possible way we can pay the debts we owe now we owe China over trillion dollars it can't be paid in in this madness this absolute madness then making these promises of tens of billions of dollars and not one of them can do it not one of them will be able to change things those days are over folks and God has two other people if you're trembling in your seat right now get a hold of the Word of God there I'm going to be affected every pastor in this pulpits going to be affected and I know some people don't like to hear this anymore but I I when I hear a friend of mine say we would mean my husband my husband and I are living in constant fear and our brother day week we can't even turn the radio on anymore we don't want to hear anymore what's going to happen our children what's happen or chill that's the question they ask in Israel when they were in the wilderness God brought us out here now our children are going to die of poverty they're going to starve or they're going to their be to water and they're going to die of thirst and God said no no no wait a minute because of your unbelief and I say this with a broken heart and a tender heart the Lord said no no no because you don't trust me you are going to die in the wilderness on one of you going to go with your children are going in and they're going to be prospered they're going to kept them they're going to be blessed lay your children on the altar lay your job on the altar lay everything in the hands of Almighty God oh what a faithful God we serve what a mighty God David said I'm old and gray hair and he said this just before he died and he'd been - all through one hell after another of discouragement and everything it can possibly happen to a man who walks with God and being tested he said I've lived a long time and I have gray hair now I've yet to see God's people beg for bread I've never seen it and folks I'll never see it and if you walk with God you'll never see it God won't make sure you you're not out in the rain you'll put something over your head you have something on your back you'll put something in your stomach and if that's that if that's what it takes God in the midst of that will have a bonded people God will have some those are the good days not not where we were prosperous that when we got lazy but in these trying time that's going to bring the body of Jesus Christ together in faith this is the window of faith hallelujah will you stand with me please there's a song we sing shake off those heavy bands this is a church it was founded on the word of the Living God this is a church where the gifts have operated in spirit and the spirit gifts have operated freely the church where God in simple acts of mercy and love has warned his people and in that warning you have to see the loving hand of God God so loves his people he sent his watchman and prophets and you've heard these men every one of these municipal but being used in those gifts of prophecy prophetic preaching and all I'm just one voice but he's waiting for you and for me to take that step I've seen what faith can do and like you I'm being tested as I've never been tested in my life I've heard pastor Carter say that I've heard it from other pastors here and I just that sometimes I open up my heart too much and I'm trying to pull back from that but sometimes you just have to say some things I have two daughters it had cancer over the years and working God delivered them but now both doctors can't find why they're so sick every test there is from spinal taps to everything no been very conceivable doctor you can think of no explanation none but I see something I see what God's doing in my daughters the drawing out of their hearts and the beauty of Christ so I'm obliged and just willing I step back and say Oh God from now on let me say not my will but yours be done now you have to say that you have to say that in your situation now say it from your heart Lord not my will but then hold your promise don't let it go but Lord do it your way and your time and boy and look over the years of my life and and all the times I worried in vain because while I'm worrying God was already working out the problem and I wasted my worries don't waste your words don't worry don't waste the time Jesus has here in his arms you've never gonna let you go it's with you would you would you sink this while I get the mind of the Lord for a closing word please Holy Spirit I'm asking you to speak to every heart those who step forward and for that matter every one of us in the house speak to us Holy Spirit you do abide and you're not a silent when you speak you have a voice an old voice of the Holy Spirit that loving voice that that compelling voice in us that says today is the day of salvation today is a day of freedom today is the day you can step out in faith have your faith renewed and strengthened today is the day to cast all your care upon him for he cares for you lord I pray that everyone who came forward will have their heart desire met pray that everyone Lord Jesus will sense your presence right now that you know where they're at you know what they're going through that you will lift this burden that do not take the burden out of this house but lay it down it's your feet right now I want you to pray this prayer if first of all if you know Jesus don't pray this with me just for those who have grown cold toward the Lord or your first time you want to give your life to Christ I want you to pray this simple prayer because the Lord says only believe confess your sins and believe thou shalt be saved believe and he will send the Holy Spirit to help you deal with your sins but right now pray this prayer with me dear Jesus let me hear it pray around dear Jesus forgive my heart condition my coldness and my unbelief I come to you Jesus to confess my sins and to believe Jesus that you're alive and that you love me forgive me who cleanse me and make me new right and on the power of his word I can tell you this he heard that and when he we know if he hears us we have the petition that we ask of him now the rest is - you're up to your part we can't put under your in your hands directions on what church to go to anything else but you're you're most welcome here for new believers meeting I want the rest of you that have come I don't know why you came forward that's between you and the Lord but will you pray this prayer loud and clear Lord Jesus I want to trust you in all times Lord Jesus be my everything by faith I cast my problem I cast everything into your hands because you care for me and I accept your love I accept your promise now heal my spirit take all fear out of my heart you have not given me the spirit of fear but love and the spirit of power and faith thank you Jesus begin to thank him right now God remove all fear sound mind thank you Jesus thank you Jesus
Channel: Ahava Jerusalem
Views: 46,879
Rating: 4.8794179 out of 5
Keywords: David Wilkerson, sermon, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, love, peace, heart, hope, grace, mercy, future, heaven, youtube, google, facebook, internet, soul, spirit, Lord, best, now, amazing, new york, time sqare, bible, truth, freedom, prophet, word, alive, life, right, good, search, testing, overcome, white, pure, holiness, awesome, must watch, joy, strength, music, prayer, meditation, will, conscience, sanctification, redemption, help, need, work, time, past, present, I AM, still, com, is, how, to, free, faith, strong, window, door, open, fyp, viral
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 12sec (2832 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 29 2014
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