That Dreadful Day (coming economic collapse) David Wilkerson

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I want you to turn with me to second Peter the third chapter if you will please second Peter that dreadful day no one wants to talk about we're going to be starting at verse nine Lord we thank you for your faithfulness to your body we thank you Lord that we're not going into the future blind nor we're not going without a guide we're not going without your spirit and you're speaking to our hearts clearly in these days Lord there's a cry all over the land and around the world there's something in the air there's something stirring and will we pray that we would not miss the mind of God I pray Holy Spirit you come and be acknowledged in this meeting in this message we glorify you we come not to give just information we come Lord to to believe you to use these messages to touch us and heal us and encourage us make us aware and that it would inspire us and that would lead us Lord into a deeper walk with you in Jesus name I pray amen verse 9 the Lord this is the third chapter 2nd Peter the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness he's long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought you to be in all holy conversation and godliness looking for and hasting I mean speeding to the coming of the Lord our God wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved in the elements shall melt with fervent Heat nevertheless we according to his promise look for a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness we're for beloved seeing that she looked for such things this explains why we preach this word wherefore beloved seeing that you look or anticipate such things be diligent that you may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless noted television evangelist this past few months gave a shocking warning to the United States respected man and you know him and he's a friend of mine and I trust that God speaks to him and he's warning America that there's coming a catastrophe there's going to cost the lives of multitudes and change the way we live forever another noted evangelist who's a friend of mine a television evangelist confirms the same thing and recently he took I think a half-page ad in Washington DC newspapers making approximately the same warning and in my mailing list there are many praying pastors that they are unknown but they're godly men and godly women who had been prophesying and I know from the tone of their letters and their it's not just the first time many of them write to us numerous times and it's been the same thing something is coming shortly something coming soon and we had better be prepared and they are warning see God takes those without an agenda he'll take those that are not known he'll take the poor and the weak of this world and he'll speak and he's doing that right now men you have a right to say brother Dave you have a voice and we don't but would you please take this message we've heard to the Lord and pray about it and see if you can speak it to others in a wider audience and we're hearing that all the time now repeatedly and the news cast that I listened to on radio and and this is well known that some of well-known commentators news commentators and host of news programmes are saying in essence we can't know it but intuitively something is telling the whole world that it's on the brink of a catastrophe on the brink of a catastrophe these are secular people this intuitiveness of even the most wicked on the face of the earth and especially in the United States there's intuitive something brewing inside where they know something has happened and they dread to talk about it there's a fear that same fear is in Israel they don't want to talk about any Holocaust that could come then they don't want to talk about it there's a fear just leave it alone just let it happen the world powers are now absolutely confused the United Nations recently has been called Mission Impossible look at Dhafir 300,000 have been killed two million now that are straying from country to country two million refugees and the world watches in horror and they can't stop it you know it's amazing that we have nothing now left in the world but words there are no superpowers anymore the United States is not the superpower China has boasted now they're starting a Navy they're starting an Air Force and they say they're going to replace the United States as a superpower and everything seems to be made in China now everything seems to be made everything being manufactured and they've just now put in place a missile program that can knock down our spy satellites and they are moving now and all over South America now on our conferences in South America you can go all the way to or agree and you're up through Peru you go up through the Latin America and the Chinese have moved in buying loyalty buying that just invest in those countries and putting billions of dollars they come the world superpower you see these amazing things happening in the world today Joel Reis Rosenberg wrote a book I read this past week entitled epicenter Heat writes about the President of Iran Ahmadinejad this the President of Iran claims to have visited the 12th Iman the Messiah the chief Mahdi this coming their Messiah and he's had visitation from him and said I have been placed in power by the 12th Imam this is the Messiah they've been looking for and I've been told that I was placed in power at this time to create chaos in the world because the great 12th Imam can't come until this total chaos in the world he comes to bring peace in that chaos and he has boasted to his inner circle and this has been proven this he has boasted in his inner circle that there are only three years of the most before it all ends now he is saying the same things Hitler said and the world ignored him and he already sent Hitler sent out signals all the time and now the President of Iran is saying we're going to wipe Israel off the map and they are already most believe now that they're already nuclear capable amazing things that are happening now in our time before us I read the report of a nuclear scientist and he's involved in the security forces in the United States and homeland security and this is what he said he said if all they have to do is bring into Mexico a ten kiloton nuclear bomb could be brought in in a small vehicle and if they could explode that over in Washington DC 300,000 would die a simple bomb in New York City a half a million people would die at the epicenter this is a leading expert and he said the revolt resulting fireball would take out the theater district that's where we're standing now the New York Times building Grand Central Station and all the buildings of 3rd mile around and the fires with but with the fireball would be so strong that fires would break out in suburbs all over New York City and up to a million people could die now my warning is about a thousand fires in New York City that it seemed to be as far-fetched now when you listen to so-called experts I thought I probably need to take that back it seems so far-fetched that here's here's a scientist saying it in different way but warning that very thing can happen now who's listening to all these prophetic warnings all these warnings coming from Sekulow stand from evangelists and from pastors all over the world and especially United States the nation's leaders are not going to hear it never does reach them Jeremiah Ezekiel and all the Old Testament prophets warned of the fall of Babylon they prophesied about the destruction of the Chaldeans the Medes the Persians tyre but those prophets messages with a few exceptions never reached them it's like King Judy when Jeremiah sent him a prophecy of coming destruction took his penknife and tore it up and threw it into fire the haters of Jesus Christ are not going to accept any prophecy that comes from this or any other pulpit on the face of the earth they mock preachers who give these dire warnings they say all things continue as they were from the beginning of time nothing's going to stop this prosperity those who love the world and the things of the world not going to listen they're going to turn it off they don't want anybody disturb their good times and I am suck most of all by preachers and poets who despise those who warn of perilous times ahead here you have secular scientists and experts warning and pleading yesterday Capitol the White House President Bush was not there at the time but the White House the Supreme Court and all government agencies were under drill preparing for an attack yesterday the whole city was in the drill here United States are here in New York City the police department the fire department they've all had their monk drills and they're all prepared they say because it's not a matter if if but when now folks I'm not trying to scare anybody nor was pastor Carter trying to frighten anybody this morning but in this church before 9/11 came the Holy Spirit manifested himself in ways of quiet warning very softly of quiet times that just filled this auditorium sometimes for 10-15 minutes at a time and more there were prophetic words that came forth and once again it's happening when you go to many churches today this is what you hear you hear motivational pep tops you hear it I don't know where this is coming from but it's a new thing it's they say it's all over television now in down in Texas these big mega churches all the United States every sermon all started with a joke my people call me writing to me so I can't go anymore because my pastors just joking you see the handwriting is on the wall you know and I know nobody can deny it anyway nobody's trying to deny it we're heading for the falls there into the the storm of all times but you don't hear it now what you hear is God wants you to be rich he wants you to go first class come on get in on the game do you know that there are six billion five hundred million people on the earth today 1 billion two hundred thousand live on 23 cents a day two billion people have no electricity eighty percent of all people on earth now live in substandard housing 1 billion people have no safe drinking water every 16 seconds somebody dies of hunger 57 million people died in 206 10 million 500 million of these were children less than five years old 14 million children orphaned in last ten years of hiv/aids 2 million children have died as a direct result of conflict in the past 10 years and then we have those that stand in a pulpit and say God wants you to be rich and I heard a man tell me this today from Israel editor of a magazine in Israel Israel today and he said I don't understand what I see on your television here Jesus is all in gilded gold while the world is starving Christianity evangelical Christianity is depicted as gilded involved what does that say indoor fur what does that say in Africa what does that say in front of 10 million babies that have been orphaned what does it say to the billions of people living on 23 cents a day or less God wants you to be rich hmm God is speaking but who's listening let me tell you folks God always has a faithful people who hear don't only those in love with Jesus are going to get it and understand it God warns of sudden disasters so that they are we are not swept away by panic as the rest of the world will be and we will know that this is not a just a random act of terrorism when it comes but God knew God allowed God spoke to his body God spoke to his people Apostle Peter tells us that the day of the Lord shall come like a thief in the night suddenly he's not speaking right there necessarily only of the coming of the Lord he said there's coming a time when the elements are going to melt with a fervent Heat one respected theology theologian said that sounds like a nuclear holocaust to me but who is Peter addressing here in the text I've just given you he's speaking in the first verse to the beloved beloved now I write unto you to stir up your minds by way of a reminder he said I'm about to give you a prophecy about a dreaded day coming that nobody's going to want to hear they're going to say the world continues it was from the foundation of the earth they're not going to hear but he said I'm giving you a message nobody else wants to hear in essence that's what he's saying and he said but I want this to be on your mind to be reminder and he said I'm giving it to you for a purpose beloved I write on you to stir up your minds by way of reminder this is a prophecy that nobody wants to hear the scoffers will come he said scoffing at prophecy of the Old Testament and the new he this is what he is about to tell them this present world this the present heavens and earth in by the same word are being reserved for fire kept for the day of judgment destruction of all of ungodly men you see it's the same word that the flood judges Noah's day and there was a word that came that Judge Sodom and Gomorrha and Peter says by that same word by that same God who speaks but a word and is there it comes it'll come suddenly by the same word he's given us he's given us something to really think about there's a reserved fire there's a raging fire in reserve God's hand holds it back a reserve in reserve a great dissolving fire for this present day now in my text and the text Peter is referring to the last great judgment when God is going to consume everything and bring forth a new heaven a new earth but this Bible is also full of accounts in the New Testament in through the prophets about ever-increasing calamities before that great fire comes now I was reading recently of a speaking of God holding back the reserve of fire the judgment coming is not going to be by water God said he would never destroy the world again that's not going to be by flood but by fire there's that is being held back now that that all-consuming fire of Almighty God being held back by the hand of God because God is not willing that any should perish but all come to repentance it's the patience of God that is held back our judgment if we got what we truly deserved here in the United States Israel is just as bad other nations Europe is dead in trespasses and sin Europe has become an agnostic force all over Europe pasta system absolute incredible spiritual chaos but you see the much in the Bible that talks about that restraining hand of God I was reading a story of of a Air Force official in Saddam's Air Force he happen to be a Christian but because he was able to tell people the truth they they not only admired him that they advanced him and he was one of Saddam's advisors and he's just he wrote a book about this and he's still there he survived it and Saddam signed a he already signed off on an attack on Israel 98 planes all loaded with chemical warfare bombs they were going to bomb Haifa and Tel Aviv and we're going to do Jerusalem evidently because of the rock of the dolmen the mosque Satur told who saying if you're never going to get any planes three set of 98 we'll send two ways one over Syrian went over Jordan Saddam signed off on and even against sailors warning and as a Christian he grieved over it and folks that was the very week that American bombers went and bombed all of Saddam's Air Force all NAND gate planes gone I've often wondered why the president ever went into Iraq I folks I prayed that that war end it's gone on long enough we should pray for those in authority but all along I've wondered the only thing I could see was that God was trying to save Israel it could have been done probably by just doing some of these things but they're unaware but you see God that those firebombs who could have fallen and all of that germ warfare God and it's His grace held it back and when you if you really know the history of the past 50 to 100 years you'd be surprised how many times the world was on the verge of absolute chaos and God held it back and he held it back because he's just waiting for those still to reach because of his utter utter patience patience folks aren't you amazed that the patience of Almighty God aren't you glad that neither you or me or any of us are on the throne because we need to have done we would have released those fires long ago but they're being held in reserve until his time Jesus warns men's hearts will fail them for fear over those things that are coming on the earth it be a time of great distress Israel now is being abandoned this breaks the heart of any to Christian it should in evangelical Christianity now they're more and more even evangelicals turning against Israel it looks like on the United States and one or two other countries still have a heart for Israel and they're standing very lonely surrounded by those who are swearing to wipe them off the map living in Israel now is really a difficult time and now they're talking about one option left if Iran gets and it's proven that they have the nuclear capabilities they this man this madman will use it just assures Hitler invaded all of Europe and tried to invade Europe England and there's an option they call the Samson option Samson said let me die with the Philistines he knew these going to die but he said let me take it down and now in Israel there's talk about a Samson option that amp that option is when Israel sees that Iran is nuclearized and and then all of those and they know through their intelligence that I know God has his plan but to think that they this is even mentally conceived we're going down but we're going to take Tiran we're going to take Ireland we're going to take down Damascus we're going to take it if Moscow is involved they'll feel our wrath in Moscow if we're going down they go with us a Samson option chunks leezar think people have the idea all the coming of the Lord these things all that's a hundred years two hundred years ago out in the distance the folks this is a different age our forefathers there were no Hitler didn't have atomic bombs he didn't have nuclear weapons that could wipe cities and nations off the map this is another day I'm not going to leave you in this in a dark room if something rises up in US and says this is too much to hear there's such bad news today and so much stress in so many tragedies and we cringed I cringe they said well why remind us why don't you just let it happen Peter gives us a reason this message has to be heard seeing then that all these things will be dissolved in other words you are getting the understanding this has to be preacher giving you an understanding and knowledge what kind of persons ought you to be now in all holy conducting godliness he said the spirit will warn you see he will talk to us so that he can wake up a sleeping church so that he can wake up the steeping virgins that he can get his church away from lukewarmness go hot go call but he said I'm going to take out all middle ground I'm taking out every excuse because this is the time for conforming you're going to conform to Christ Peter says and Paul says the same thing he said seeing these things are going happen big reminded of it he said put this in your mind and that's not the message the message is about being conformed to the image of Christ the message here he said seeing all these things what kind of persons you should measure your heart and and what kind of person are you becoming in light of these things if you take it lightly now we're not to panic in fact he said we ought to enter these times with peace of heart the very peace of Christ the passes all understanding but what kind of persons ought you to be be diligent that you'll be found in him in peace without spot and blameless Paul and Peter ministered in times just like these even Christ walked about the streets of Jerusalem warning of a Holocaust he said the temples coming down not one stone will be upon another he wept over the city and he grieved over it and he said your day of visitation came he warned and warned of what is coming it would be only seventy years later when Cyrus comes in then over a million people die in Jerusalem and the whole city is brought to ruin so what kind of message do you preach in times like these now in Paul's time there was a lot of Jesus bashing more probably than we see today there was a doctrine of Devil's sweeping through the church false prophets in Pentecostal churches ungodly preachers came prepend pretending to be angels of light there was rampant homosexuality and sensuality all through the Roman Empire there was pride focus on self flesh worship Paul said of the times these are those who suppress God's Word they fornicate they're given over to reprobate minds envious greedy full of strife and covetousness gossipers insolent arrogant inventors of evil things unloving unmerciful the temple had become a den of thieves it sounds like he's talking about our times these present times and all through that Jesus is walking the streets warning judgment is at the door what's the message of the apostles on the brink of this dreadful day when Jerusalem will be brought to ruin Peter said knowing this beforehand knowing these things beforehand knowing these things beforehand be on your guard less you get carried away by the error of the wicked and you fall from your own steadfastness but growing grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ Paul stood up in these times knowing seeing what was coming and he cries out and this is the message walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God you see it's not going to be long till Jerusalem is in ruins but see they given the warning and now they pass on my prayer for you is that you pursue intimacy that you grow in spiritual understanding and that you walk worthy of the Lord what does it mean and folks that is the heart of what I'm preaching and what is preached this morning by Pastor Carter and these times were called to walk worthy of the Lord Habakkuk the third chapter of Habakkuk he has shown dreadful times that were coming to his will he was so shocked he was on the tower looking out he was so soft he says Oh God what can you say to the church what would you say to my heart in this time of reproof and judgment and remember what God said the just shall live by faith that was the message folks were coming to a time we're going to survive by faith we're going to be able to feat the devil only by faith and that's not faith choose and pick faith for one crisis and another but in all things in looking at the future and looking at what is coming I don't care how dreadful it sounds I don't care how gloomy it may sound the word is these things should not move you they should motivate you into this walk or the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom god help us if you ever lose that kind of godly fear we believe what God says in his word but he said you're going to live by faith it's not going to be any middle ground and I plead with those of you that are here I plead with you I've been feeling this all week if you have a grudge against somebody if you can't look your brother sister if you can't look somebody in the eye and knowing that there is nothing there there's nothing else of gossip there's nothing of ill-will you see we are to be conformed now this is the time you can be going the wrong way at judgment which way are you headed that's the question are you willing now to look at this in light of the world and situation and all that's coming it could happen tonight and I honestly believe and this has been deep deep in my soul that something could happen very soon that tests the faith of every Christian even the elect will try your faith something could happen and I feel it in my spiritual bones that could shake all of our prophetic theologies could shake Jesus said when I come will I find faith that's more than just coming at Salvation coming at various times he's really saying when I return am I going to find faith what he's talking about is this faith in all things faith for everything having not even one area in your life that you would disbelieve because you see you can't conform them into Christ except by faith you can't do it by saying I want to live that kind of life i here's here's the standard put on therefore as the chosen of god holy and beloved a heart of compassion kindness humility gentleness patience bearing with one another folks these things fly against everything that's being taught in our country in the world today forgiving one another whoever has a complaint against you ever complain to get somebody if you stood against leadership just as the Lord forgave you so should you also forgive in light of what's coming Paul said are you becoming more like Christ are you patient now or more quick-tempered are you tender are you going hard I'm going to I'm going to wrap this up but Paul I believe is singing and brother Peter also he's saying these things about your attention put it in a reminder just remind remind yourself every when you get up I'm not living for this world these things are all going to pass away everything's going to be dissolved and one of these days very soon you and I are not going to be worried about anymore we're going to be walking the streets of the New Jerusalem now you see to the unbeliever this looks like a very bad deal a sinner sitting here today would say no wait a minute many afflictions for the righteous you say dying to self every day enduring a lifetime of difficulties and trials turning the cheek to those who hurt you giving to other people when you're in need yourself and then you suffer like sinners do you to get cancer you get diabetes heart attacks accidents blindness and trials on top of that your preachers warn you that there's judgment coming Oh folks they don't know the rest of the story they don't know the loving kindness of our Christ they have never experienced the assurance and the blessedness of the Holy Spirit as he comes to minister in these times of affliction and times of testing and trial and God is purifying his church folks he's going to blow his wind through the church he going to blow all of this filth out this will not be standing when the fires come or if they are the fires will consume them and they'll go up in smoke overnight I'm closing with this thought in the book called The Clash of Civilizations the writer says that Christianity is going to be overtaken by Muslims the day of Christianity is finished CNN just recently said Muslim Islamic religion is now the world's fastest going religion and in the class of the civilizations the totaled everything up and in the end he said Mohammed wins no folks I've got news listen there is no game the battle is over it's already been won at Calvary it was won at the resurrection there's no competition period it's finished it's all done Jesus won and then he rose from the dead we don't say Jesus is going to win we say he already won where you stand oh my beloved he said the day of the Lord is hastening toward us there should be a joy if you're secure in Christ you ought to be able to raise your hands just thank God that Christ is won the victory for you in your heart and in your family we are not defeated we don't go down and defeat and despair lord thank you for the resurrection no other man Lord one day soon every false prophet is going to come and kneel before our Christ every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess every knee of every prophet of all false religion so bow at the name in the mention of your name shall bow before your throne on that day o blessed be the name of our God eternal blessed be the Christ of Calvary Lord we know in whom we have believed and will not be shaken in these last days this is what I feel the Lord say to me just the closing moments of the service I don't know where your faith is how you would evaluate your faith but some of you been shaking in your faith you've been tested by certain things that are in your life right now issues is tested you God wants to do something for you today there's a wonderful wooing of the holy spirit here today this morning in this afternoon Holy Spirit's wooing God never tries to whip us into the kingdom or scare us into the kingdom he does it by His grace and love but he's a father who cares and he cares about you fake because you see if you don't prepare now and ask the Holy Spirit to help you in your faith and there has to be an investment that has to answer the call the admonition of the scripture to call on the Holy Spirit call on him and believe him to furnish you with what is needed you can't do it in your own strength and power but you're going to need faith you're going to need his faith and if you're staggered in your faith that's what the Bible calls your staggered the enemies come at you and hit you and you're just staggering you're reeling from that attack you can step out of your seat and come here and ask we'll pray with you that the Lord will begin to fan your faith Holy Spirit breathed on your faith but the fire hallelujah if you don't know Christ or if you slipped away from his love and you're walking according to your own mind rather than walking in the spirit invite you up in the stairs and in the Annex I think there be room for you to go to the lobby on your floor and the ushers will direct you here in the auditorium you come here if you have slipped away from the Lord you look old or you don't know the Lord he's not you can't say honestly he's your Lord and Savior we don't want to miss an opportunity for you to come slip out of the seat and if you're here now you said past you're talking to me now this is about a faith issue I had I believe was a an unwavering or strengthened faith but I've been shattered I'm asking God to redo my love for him and as we renew that love for him the Holy Spirit has wonderful ways encouraging us and bringing forth faith into our spirit Lord let that happen now surely Lord you love this body surely you love this people you love everyone came some some walked in here today for the first time they heard about the church or they walked in off the street here and here they are now we've come to this climatic point in the service and you're speaking by your great you're speaking Holy Spirit to the heart saying I brought you here for this time I want you to give everything to me Jesus says I want you to give me your heart and your confidence I want you to believe that I'm going to see you through oh he's here the Holy Spirit has been here in such a tender loving way today just whispering to our hearts and wooing us to himself into our Christ would you just lift up your hands right now Lord Jesus we lift up our hands right now to say we thank you for grace we thank you for forgiveness we thank you for this strength of the Holy Spirit that is available to us come Holy Spirit we ask we sang it now Lord we ask it we cry it out we just say it right now come Holy Spirit fill me come Holy Spirit strengthen me come Holy Spirit I invite you to take control of my life to lead me and to guide me oh Jesus cleanse my heart and put faith in my heart to trust you through everything in my life everything that I go through lead me forgive my unbelief my sins and I will trust in you Jesus because you are Lord and you are God now I'll just thank him in your own words giving thanks thank you Jesus Lord we give you thanks we give you praise [Applause] or Christ would you just lift up your hands right now Lord Jesus we lift up our hands right now to say we thank you for grace we thank you for forgiveness we thank you for the strength of the Holy Spirit that is available to us come Holy Spirit we ask we sang it now Lord we ask it we cry it out would you say it right now come Holy Spirit fill me come Holy Spirit strengthen me come Holy Spirit I invite you to take control of my life to lead me and to guide me oh Jesus cleanse my heart and put faith in my heart to trust you through everything in my life everything that I go through lead me forgive my unbelief my sins and I will trust in you Jesus because you are Lord and you are God now I'll just thank him in your own words give him thanks thank you Jesus Lord we give you thanks we give you praise [Applause] you
Views: 852,656
Rating: 4.8408256 out of 5
Keywords: David, Wilkerson, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: bRn3UznKjAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2009
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