Full Unedited Hypnosis Show Corporate Event #Velovita

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thank you so much for coming on down i appreciate every one of you my name is richard barker the incredible hypnotist listen guys are you ready to have some fun all right now listen just before we get underway with the hypnosis show i know what some of you are thinking all right you heard the word hypnosis you heard the word hypnotist and you thought to yourself ah i wonder if hypnosis is real or if hypnosis is fake how many of you guys think hypnosis might be fake it's okay you won't hurt my feelings right at the back okay couple of you right there yeah i've been faking this about 20 years successfully i've been getting away with it nobody's caught me yet maybe some of you will be the first okay who knows now in a few moments listen when i get underway with a hypnosis show i'm going to be asking people to come up on stage and share their personalities with everybody else in the room as long as they have a personality to share in the first place you see here's the thing when you get hypnotized it's almost like pouring gasoline on your personality so if you're really fun you're going to be 400 percent fun here by the time we ignite your personality right it also means of course if you know deep down in your heart you have a boring personality by the time you come up here it's like watching paint dry nobody necessarily wants that so we're looking for people with a fun personality we're looking for people that want to get hypnotized can you imagine by the way if i hypnotize people against their will can you imagine if i sneaked up behind you and all of a sudden zapped you into a hypnotic trance without you even knowing wouldn't that be cool i wouldn't be here i'd be in manhattan i'd be hanging around the atm machines from wall street extracting pin numbers from people all day long i'm probably using this for evil now since it doesn't work like that that's why i'm here and i'm happy to be here now listen there's nothing to worry about with hypnosis i'm not going to go flat out of my way to make anybody look stupid during this show because i've noticed some of you don't need my help i'm just i'm kidding i'm kidding we are going to have a fun time though i'll tell you that and actually if you do come up and volunteer for this show you guys are actually going to have the best seat in the house i promise you this i'm going to give you embedded suggestions that are going to stay with you for the rest of your life are going to improve the way you connect and interact with people i'm going to improve the way you sell your products to other people and build your teams and the reason i know this and it does work i tell you and the reason i know this is because i've been watching some of the seminars today i've been drifting in and out of the room all sales are based upon emotion not logic right and this is true and what you do with your products and your services is you emotionally connect to people they don't justify what they're buying with logic they buy it emotionally so the more you can emotionally connect to somebody the more you have a chance of affecting their life that actually is hypnosis so i'm going to give you the gift of a subconscious reaction to the way you promote what it is you promote is that good if you come up on stage i promise you that it will be good so i just want to let you know just before we get underway that i do this out of love and i do this because i care and if you volunteer for this show you'll of course be safe on stage some of you if you're wearing revealing clothing we have something to put over you so you won't feel that your modesty is being compromised you'll feel good i'm not going to make you bark like a jog or cluck like a chicken it's way more sophisticated than that but you're going to have a thoroughly good time and almost you're going to learn something about the subconscious mind by being up here you're going to go into the deeper recesses of your subconscious mind you're going to connect with yourself and the experiences you have up here is an ultra height experience having the ability to self-hypnotize and be hypnotized up on stage like this i promise you will stay with you for the rest of your life it will remove any of the limiting beliefs that you actually thought you had they just get knocked down because anything is possible and anything is true if you volunteer for this show right so i know some of you are ready i wanted to tell my back story because you don't know who i am you can look me up by all means online one book i wrote that might be useful for you is called selling hypnotically the art of suggestion that's a good book for what you guys do and uh just check it out but before i get underway here's the kind of volunteers i'm looking for we're looking for somebody with an above average level of intelligence to be in this show and the reason for this i'm going to be asking you to follow simple instructions and directions i'll be asking you to listen to the sound of my voice of my voice only for about an hour so listen deep down in your heart if you know you're dumber than a box of rocks it's okay you just don't have to come up we'll let the smart people come up so let's just test the receptivity in the room everyone put your hand up like this make a perfect circle nice wiggle the tops of your fingers make a gun sensitive in america and iran make a perfect circle with the tops of your fingers make the peace sign peace make a perfect circle wiggle the tops your fingers look at my circle look at yours place it right there on your chin chin's right here honey that's where your chin is it's not over there it's just not that's just the power of suggestion that's all that is that's not hypnosis now listen before we get underway don't come on stage if you have any injuries illnesses ailments complaints that you can blame on me or the hotel don't come up if you're a whiner someone'll have to go crap that's me i'm a whiner listen don't come up if you're the kind of person that takes 500 pills every day just to feel normal i just don't want any hidden surprises and finally don't come up not because i said don't come up because your doctor told you not to volunteer for anything interactive but look if you want to have a good time and you want to have the advantage and the competitive edge if you want to know about the secret of how to develop your life and bring it forward and be a star of the show there is only 20 seats right there behind me there are two steps to the side if you want to be a star of your own show tonight coming up grab a seat we're looking for the best of the best the top of the heap [Applause] coming up if you want to be in the show come and grab a seat like a herd of african spring gazelles you must be grabbing a seat to be in the show if you grab a seat you're in the show sorry hey puppy i'm sorry about that we've only got 20 chairs i apologize oh my god all right looking good doctor you're the only man up here ladies and gentlemen give the volunteers a big round of applause for volunteering for something they know nothing about right now listen in just a few moments as you're sitting up on stage i want you to do me a favor now if there's anything in your pockets could get damaged during this show like a cell phone something could fall off you or in you or near you what i would like you to do is you can just set it right to the front of the stage if you have a phone on you put it right to the front but make sure you got it on airplane mode or vibrate we don't want anything ringing during this show if you're chewing gum we're going to want that out of your mouth as well just make sure there's nothing on you like an eye watch a fitbit or something that might start alerting you or notifying you that it's time to go to bed just make sure if you have anything just set it to the front of the stage just sometimes that's it it interrupts anybody got any cash i'll keep it safe till next tuesday it sometimes works all right now i know some of you were in the lanyards with the name badges on them just so they don't fly around and all that stuff you can set them to the right to the front of the stage you can get them back right at the end of the show do me a favor just while you're becoming comfortable you can also give it to a loved one if you have one here of course like also make sure you're not sitting next to anybody that you know that you're going to have a natural desire to want to talk to feel free to just move around sit next to a complete stranger do you all know each other just move around stand up stand up stand up feel free to move around i don't want you to sit next to any of you like your best friend or something like that so if you have somebody that you came with from the same hometown or somebody you've been chatting to all day just move a few seats around sometimes it can disrupt you and sometimes it can prevent you from feeling hypnotized okay when we're all ready sit back down lovely one or two of you are making uh wearing glasses you can do uh you actually make sure they're nice and tight on your face or you can just set them to the front of the stage you just don't want them falling off are they going to be good that's cool just make sure they're nice and firm on you all right good now in a few moments i'm going to teach you how to breathe teach you how to relax teach you go easily and naturally into a level of relaxation i want to let you know something hypnosis just feels like the air that you breathe some of you there's no lotion potion magic pixie dust i'm not harry potter i can't zap you into a magic trance so all the magic is in your own mind okay now one or two of you gonna be sitting there going crap it's not working i'm not feeling hypnotized this sucks what time is the midnight seafood buffet what time is the exercise tomorrow what was the thing at 7am so sometimes you get distracted by your own thoughts what i'm going to be asking you to do is block out those thoughts and just listen to the sound of my voice and my voice only if you can do that you can and will get hypnotized but not everybody's going to get hypnotized all right normally 60 to 80 can and will get hypnotized whatever reason some of you will not that doesn't mean you can't get hypnotized tomorrow or next week it just means not here not now so one or two of you won't get hypnotized right if you don't get hypnotized i will whisper in your ear leave the stage if you hear me say that without any worries troubles or fusses stand up and just get off the stage it doesn't mean i don't love you it just means i can't use you for the show but do me a favor when you leave the stage don't disrupt somebody else because they might be getting hypnotized and you're talking your way all off the stage and interrupting everybody just quickly quietly leave the stage listen it's not a rummage sale you just get off the stage okay quickly and quietly sometimes when i do this show on ships the immediate question is because i bloody said so because it's a show we're not on youtube so you just leave the stage that's all and i promise you this i'll keep you safe at all times you'll have a thoroughly good time i promise you this all right it just feels like you're relaxing now listen you can't get stuck in hypnosis so if you don't hear the sound of my voice for five minutes or more you will naturally emerge from hypnosis don't worry about whether i'm standing to the front to the back to the left or to the right of you just worry about the sound of my voice and my voice only block the sounds around you out and just listen to the sound of my voice listen interestingly a couple of years ago ladies and gentlemen i was on a cruise ship i won't say the company because thank god i still have my job with them but i was on a cruise ship and i forgot to say that bit that you can't get stuck in hypnosis and i forgot to say that and literally the stage was so high and so dangerous and we're in rough seas and i fell off the stage bang my head got concussion woke up i'm in the infirmary on deck zero with the indian doctor put stitches in me brought me back around and at two o'clock in the morning i had to go back on stage it was a bunch of people still hypnotized so this isn't gonna happen to you guys right and at the end of this my gift to you will be positive affirmations that will stay with you for the rest of your life and if you can learn the secret to self-hypnosis i promise you you're going to see your business your brand your ascension marketing i heard today blossom and bloom into oblivion i can promise you this i use it in my business and everything is tickety-boo as they say in england which is a-okay so you guys ready nice all right so put your feet firmly flat on the floor put your hands uncrossed on your laps from this point forward it's a show based upon compliance all i'm asking you to do is stay straight ahead find an object in the distance that you can look at now listen when you find that object i'm going to teach you how to breathe and relax relax and breathe i'm going to teach you how to go easily and naturally into a level of relaxation known as hypnosis now while you're sitting nice and comfortable in your chair i'm just going to talk to the audience ladies and gentlemen in the audience i want you to also experience this if you choose to now in the audience you can also be hypnotized what i would like you to do in the audience if you want to feel the effects and i know some of you wanted to come up and it was not enough seats so we're going to give this gift to you all you have to do sitting in your seats is put your feet firmly flat on the floor put your hands uncrossed on your laps just get ready to relax listen to my voice the only difference the only difference these guys are looking over there you're going to be looking over here that's it if you get hypnotized in your seat at your table i might give you an opportunity to be in this show or i'll give you an opportunity to wake back up and watch the rest of the show from your seat now listen ladies and gentlemen if somebody gets hypnotized sitting next to you don't let them fall out of their chair they might bang their head on the floor all you have to do is if you see someone getting hypnotized sitting next to you at your table you will know they're getting hypnotized because they'll be slouching their eyes will be closed they'll be sinking through their chair slowly put your arm out and block their fall so that they're safe but skillfully in your other hand take your phone out take photos and put it on instagram when you get a chance you guys are good you're on video it's perfect so put your feet firmly flat on the floor put your hands uncrossed on your laps and just relax now what i want you to do is just find an object you can stare at once you find the object i want you to stare at it could be something in the ceiling could be something on the floor could be something in the distance once you find that object i want you to stare at it audience members you can find an object and do this too once you find the object i want you to focus on it listen whenever your eyes are open you're always going to stare at that object of choice even if your eyes are closed should you open your eyes you're going to find and stare at your chosen object listen i'm going to teach you how to breathe and relax relax and breathe go easily naturally into a level of relaxation known as hypnosis in a few moments when i count to three i just want you to simply take a deep breath in and out with me every time you breathe in and breathe out it's going to help you relax keep staring at your chosen object and just relax don't worry about the person sitting next to you just live in the moment when i count to three simply take a deep breath in and out with me the more you breathe in the better you feel the better you feel the more you relax one two three breathe in breathe out just relax don't worry about today yesterday or the day before don't worry about tomorrow just live in the moment listen i'm gonna teach you how to breathe and relax relax and breathe in a few moments i'm gonna count to three again when i do reach three you'll take a deep breath in and out with me every time you breathe in and breathe out it's going to help you continue to relax one two three breathe in just breathe out and just relax now in a few moments but not yet as you feel a sense of relaxation drifting from the top of your head all the way down through the tips of your toes i want you to imagine you feel a sense of relaxation in your arms your legs your face and your feet and it helps you relax no power on earth can stop you from relaxing if you will it and want it to happen listen in a few moments i'm gonna count to three again when i do reach three you'll take a deep breath in this time when you breathe in allow your eyes to close and when you breathe out allow your heavy head to rest down to your chest on three one two three breathe in just close your eyes and breathe out just allow your head to rest down to your chest from this point forward keep your eyes closed i want you to relax from the top of your head all the way down through the tips of your toes relax in your arms your legs your face and your feet the more you relax the better you feel now in a second but not yet i'm gonna count to three but not before when i do reach three you'll open your eyes you'll look at your object as soon as you find it your eyes will close every time you open and close your eyes i want you to think of sleep once again in a few moments i'll count to three but not before when i do reach three you'll open your eyes you'll look at your object as soon as you find it your eyes will close every time you open and close your eyes i want you to think of sleep one two three open your eyes close your eyes all the way down just allow yourself to relax and the more you relax the better you feel the better you feel the deeper you go in a second but not yet i'm gonna count to three again when i do reach three you'll open your eyes you'll look at your object as soon as you find it your eyes will close every time you open and close your eyes you're going to deepen and double the relaxation the more you relax the better you feel one two three open your eyes and close them all the way down allow your heavy head to rest down to your chest and just keep your eyes closed now in a second but not yet i'm going to count to three just one more time when i do reach three you'll open your eyes you'll look at your object as soon as you find it your eyes will close this time when you open and close your eyes you'll deepen and double the relaxation one two three close your eyes and relax allow your head to rest down to your chest and keep your eyes closed no power on earth can stop you from relaxing now in a few moments i want you to focus in on the soft muscle tissue surrounding your eyes also known as your eyelids i want you to imagine your eyes are becoming heavier and heavier and heavier i want you to let me the use of your imagination i want you to imagine visualize think and feel and create in your own mind's eye that your eyes feel heavier and heavier and heavier listen the more you think about your eyes the heavier your eyes become i want you to imagine it feels like super glue crazy glue gorilla glue has been poured across your eyes sticking your eyes all the way down to your cheeks and in a few moments when i ask you to try and open your eyes you won't be able to in fact in a few moments but not yet when i ask you to try and open your eyes i want you to understand something the more you try the more you fail the more you fail the more you try you just won't be able to open up your eyes i want you to use your imagination and i want you to imagine visualize think and feel and create in your own mind's eye that it feels like your eyes are sticking all the way down to your cheeks now listen the more you think about your eyes the heavier your eyes become i want you to imagine super glue crazy glue gorilla glue has been poured across your eyes sticking your eyes all the way down to your cheeks now in a few moments you'll try and open your eyes but you won't be able to in a few moments but not yet when you try and open your eyes i want you to imagine it's almost as if your eyes are stuck and sticking all the way down to your cheeks now listen one or two of you might be able to peek and open up your eyes but that's not why you're here just use your imagination try and open it but you can't you know but you can't generate a [ __ ] can't turn stop trying think of sleep and relax now i'm going to teach you how the mind controls the body i'm going to teach you how the mind controls everything we think we feel we see we create and we imagine in our own mind's eye now i want you to imagine something in a few moments i want you to imagine every single muscle in your body becomes loose and limp almost like a child soft toy like a rag doll loosen limp i want you to imagine in a few moments it feels like you're made from a handful of loose rubber bands in a few moments but not yet i want you to imagine it feels like you're sinking collapsing relaxing and melting in your chair just as if you were like a child soft toy like a rag doll i want you to imagine in a few moments when i count to three you'll feel yourself slumping in your chair with your eyes closed i want you to imagine in a few moments but not yet in a few moments i want you to imagine you feel loose and limp like some jelly like a marshmallow almost loose and limp listen you'll keep your eyes closed you'll always remain safe in your chairs but when i do count to three i want you to imagine any tension holding you upright just simply disappears imagine you're floppy loose and limp just like a wet dish rag just like a rag doll loose and limp when i do count to three you'll be sinking collapsing and relaxing in your chair just as if you were like a child soft toy you'll be relaxing and collapsing like a rag doll when i count to three some of you will sink through your chair some of you will be rolling forward in your chair like a ragdoll loosen limp nothing will trouble worry or disturb you you'll feel yourself collapsing when i count to three just relax one two three just relax all those muscles in your arms your legs your face your feet and allow yourself to relax listen the more you relax the better you feel now in a second but not yet i'll come up and down the line i'll touch you on the left or right hand or the left or right wrist i'll raise your hand just a couple of inches off your lap do not try and help me when you feel me touching your hand or touching your wrist i'll just raise your hand a couple of inches off your lap when you feel me touching your hand or touching your wrist i'll raise your hand a couple of inches off your lap as soon as i let go of your hand you're going to imagine yourself sinking collapsing relaxing even deeper when i touch you on the left or right hand just imagine you just become relaxed loosen them just like a rag doll loosen limp when i touch you on the left or right hand imagine yourself relaxing as soon as your hand touches back down onto your lap it's going to help you relax just relax all those muscles allow yourself to go loose and limp just like a ragdoll sinking collapsing and relaxing the more you relax the better you feel and the better you feel the deeper you go i'll touch you on the left or right wrist or arm i'll touch your hand as soon as you feel me touching you it's just going to help you relax just relaxing all those muscles in your arms your legs your face and your feet just relax and the more you relax the better you feel just relax relaxing your arms relaxing all the muscles relaxing all the energy just relaxing loose and limp just like a child's soft toy the more you relax just relax my friend the better you feel and the better you feel the deeper you go relax all those muscles i got you my friend just relaxing i got you just relax relax all those muscles in your arms your legs your face and your feet just allow yourself to relax my friend i've got you and the more you relax the better you feel and the better you feel the deeper you go now in a second but not yet i'll just touch one or two of you on the shoulder when you feel me touching you on the shoulder it's going to help you relax even further just relax my friend in a second if you feel me touch on the left or right shoulder it's going to help you relax the more you relax the better you feel the better you feel the deeper you go just relax my friend all those muscles all that energy if i touch you on the left or right shoulder it's just going to help you relax send you further and deeper deeper and further into a level of relaxation just relax the more you relax the better you feel and the better you feel the deeper you go relaxing all those muscles in your arms your legs your face and your feet that's right just relaxing the more you relax i got you the better you feel now listen just for the hypnotized volunteers i want you to understand something you're going to realize that you love applause in a few moments you're going to hear the audience give you a massive round of applause listen when you hear the audience give you a massive round of applause it's just going to help you relax it's going to send you even deeper and even further into a level of relaxation in fact the more applause you hear the better you feel the better you feel the deeper you go now ladies and gentlemen in a few moments i'm going to ask you to make a lot of noise on three listen i want you to understand something the more noise you make the better they feel the better they feel the deeper they go and the deeper they go the better the show so this is your fault if you don't make enough applause it's on you so the more noise you make the better they feel when they count to three you're gonna make as much noise as you possibly can as if you're in a 50 000 person rock concert you'll understand the more noise you make the better they feel you're going to have to make some noise help the volunteers relax we're gonna do it on three one two three make some noise help the volunteers relax the more you relax the better they feel and the better they feel the deeper they go now that's great now just keep an eye on the volunteers in the audience as well just for the hypnotized volunteers one of the gifts we're going to give you is we're going to give you a very special vacation now listen you're going to go on a world-class vacation it's all paid for by the company you guys have succeeded you guys are champions your leaders your success now listen you have an all-inclusive paid for vacation of the mind you're actually going to go to the beautiful islands of the bahamas now when you get to the bahamas i just want you to relax now listen you'll keep your eyes closed at all times i want you to imagine you've gone to the bahamas and life is good listen when i count to three you'll just keep your eyes closed and stretch out in the sun life is good on one two and three just stretch out relaxing in the sun life is good keeping your eyes closed relaxing in the sun that's nice listen on the right hand side you're gonna see a beautiful swimming pool look at the swimming pool it's awesome on the left hand side there's the ocean there's the beach life is good you're a success you've won the trophies you've won the medals you've won the points you are ready to roll my friend as you're relaxing in the beach i want you to look out life is good you've made it you've succeeded now listen it's actually getting hot out there i want you to put some sunscreen on put a little bit of sunscreen on your arms put a little bit of sunscreen on your face you don't want to get burnt put a little bit of sunscreen on your legs put some on your shoulders put some on your arms put a little bit of sunscreen on we don't want you to get burnt put a little bit of sunscreen on make sure you have some on your nose put a little bit of sunscreen on you don't want to get burnt out there make sure you got that sunscreen on and then you can just relax just relax hey listen on the right hand side is your favorite drink go ahead and great get your drink get your drink chug chug chug chug get your drink chug it yeah nice get your favorite drink could be anything relaxing in the sun listen it's getting hotter and hotter and hotter it's reaching 85 degrees 95 degrees it's a hundred you want to fan yourself my gosh it's 105. it's 110. it's 115. fan yourself it's 120 it's brutal it's 125 it's 126. it's 128. use your hand and fan yourself man it's hot out there it's 130 it's boiling listen it's so hot it's bringing out some of the mosquitoes that buzzing around your head wow these are nasty [Music] wow get those mosquitos you know what we're gonna go inside take a deep breath in and sleep and relax just relax and sleep sleep and relax relax and sleep sleep and relax just relax and sleep now listen just for the hypnotized volunteers one of the other reasons why you went to the bahamas is because you guys are world famous orchestra members now in a second but not yet you're going to realize how to play a musical instrument you're going to be world famous now in a few seconds but not yet you're going to take that musical instrument of choice you're going to be able to play that musical instrument now listen the more you play the instrument the more the audience will applaud and the more they applaud the more you feel good in a second but not yet under your chair it's going to be a musical instrument of your choice you're going to put it in your hand with your eyes closed and begin to play ladies and gentlemen like any musician the more noise you make the more they'll play their musical instruments you've got to rip it up and make some noise that instrument's going to be under your chair on three pick it up get ready to play one two three get it pick it up pick it up it's under your chair put it in your hand when you're ready make sure you're playing it picking up picking up picking up pick it up picking up pick it up put it in your hand it's under your chair get ready to play play it make some noise come on playing it the more you play the better you feel and the better you feel the deeper you go keep playing keep playing faster i'm gonna find out who we've got keep playing keep playing the more you play the better you feel make some noise come on ladies and gentlemen the more noise you make the more they play [Applause] [Music] come on you got this don't fight it keep playing some of you need to step it up one two three play more you play right now the better you feel keep going faster [Applause] keep playing hold my hand keep playing keep playing keep playing hold my hand keep playing [Music] keep playing you got a solo right now the more you play right there the better you feel nice [Music] get ready we're going to do this we're going to do all three one two three [Music] i tell you what freeze put the instrument down put the instrument down put the instrument down listen under your chair it's a drum set or electric guitar you take your pick you're actually not orchestra members you actually rock and roll one two three rock and roll pick it up yeah you've got this take your drums take a guitar world famous international rock stars and the more you play the better you feel jamming out play it pick it up the more you play right there the better you feel the better you feel the deeper you go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] give a round of applause ladies and gentlemen for the stars of the show sharing their personalities with you listen we just got started stick with me listen in a second but not yet volunteers i want you to imagine something you're going to realize your small goldfish getting ready to swim around in a small goldfish bowl you can use your hands your legs your face your feet to become small goldfish getting ready to swim around in a small goldfish bowl with your eyes closed the more you swim around that goldfish bowl the better you feel on three one two three swimming use your hands your legs your face your feet take a swim use your hands your legs your face your feet the more you swim the better you feel use your hands your legs your face your feet taking a swim use your hands your legs your face and your feet taking a swim your hands your legs your facing your feet taking a swim watch out for the sharks hang on there's a shark in the bowl watch out for the shark make yourself look smaller there's a shark in the bowl it's looking right at you hang on a second get ready to freeze there's a shark it's looking at you he's gone swimming use your hands your legs your face your feet keep swimming your hands your legs your face and your feet listen the more you swim the better you feel keep swimming listen if anything touches you on the top of the head it's goldfish food you're going to want to eat the food eat the food the food the food the food the food anything touches you on the head it's food eat the food at the food the food at the food anything touched on the head it's food eat the food the food eat the food the food eat that food take some food that's good eat the food anything eat them good i could do that all day i love it eat the food eat the food the food the food the food the food anything touch on the head it's food eat the food the food take some food eat that food eat the food at the food at the foodie the food take some food in food in the food the food at the food take some food eat the food eat the food and it touch on the head it's food the food the food eat the food in the food at the food the food the food right there take some food eat the food at the food take some food there eat the food at the food with the food i'm scared eat the food at the food eat the food take some food in the food [Laughter] take some food oh my god take some food you come into every show take some food taste nice yeah take the food that's right eat the food eat the food the food of the food eat the food eat the food with the food the food at the food eat the food the food that's right eat the food or the food that's right eat the food at the food at the food at the food take the food the food at the food eat that food right there the food at the food nice lip action either food at the food eat the food take some food oh how you doing darling eat some food at the food at the food in the audience i'll be right here eat the food eat the food at the food the food the food the food eat the food listen take a deep breath in sleep relax just relax and sleep relax and sleep the more you relax the better you feel give me a round of applause ladies and gentlemen we'll do the stars of the show sharing their personalities with you now listen ladies and gentlemen just for the hypnotized volunteers i do actually live down in florida and in florida we have special tiki birds i don't know if they've ever seen them but we have the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki birds and actually the birds are about 60 000 these birds and i won the florida lottery a week last tuesday i won 8.2 million i got enough to give everybody a tiki bird now here's the thing with these tiki birds the more you kiss and stroke the bird the more valuable the bird becomes it's true mate if you kiss and stroke the bird it becomes more valuable so listen you can take it home sometimes these birds get to 180 000 if you want a bird on your finger put your finger out then as soon as you get that bird you can kiss and stroke it stroke and kiss it becomes more valuable give it a kiss give it a stroke give it a kiss and a stroke give it a kiss give it a stroke give it a kiss and a stroke give it a kiss stroke give it a kiss give it a stroke get that bird give it a kiss and a stroke kiss and stroke stroke the bird kiss the bird stroke the bird kiss the bird the more you kiss the bird the more you stroke the bird the more valuable the bird becomes keep kissing the bird the more you kiss and stroke the bird the more valuable the bird becomes listen give the bird a name give the bird a name and keep kissing the birds stroking the bird give the bird a name keep kissing the birds stroking the bird give the bird a name give the pet walrus a name keep kissing and stroking the bird what's your bird's name hippie nice kick kissing and stroking the bird stroke the kiss the bird what's your bird's name cherry give it a kiss give it a stroke kiss the bird it's becoming more it's becoming more valuable give it a kiss and a stroke what's your bird's name phoebe nice give it a kiss and a stroke a stroke it's reaching a hundred thousand dollars what's your bird's name nice give it a kiss give it a stroke give it a kiss give it a kiss what's your bird's name nice give it a kiss and a stroke it's becoming more valuable listen the more you kiss and stroke the bird the more valuable put it nice and close give it a good kiss give it a good kiss it's a nice bird give it a good kiss oh it's got diarrhea hang on oh my gosh it's crept all over your lips oh my god the bird's got the bad case of diarrhea [Music] oh my gosh you know what flick it off your finger that's disgusting flick that off your finger that's nasty oh there it goes again flick it off your finger disgusting bird listen forget the bird forget the bird flick it off give it a kick nasty bird now listen just relax the birds gone it's an echo hey stand up one two three just you just gonna move you this way come this way my friend just gonna put you over in here come this way my friend just back up back up it works on drones just move move to your right back just relax sleep and relax listen just for the volunteers you're going to take a deep breath in one two three oh everything's nice that's awesome tell us great take another deep breath in oh yeah life is good that's nice take another deep breath in oh man the person next to you has got bad gas that is disgusting you might want to move away from them oh the person sitting next to you listen it's like they went to taco bell oh my god the person next to you has got really seriously bad gas move away from them makes you want to puke oh my god who is that point to them who's doing that oh my god that is disgusting who is that that stinks to high heaven that's nasty oh my gosh you might want to move away from them that is disgusting oh man hey listen listen the nasty smell seems to fade away everything's back to normal that's good thank god take another deep breath in oh everything's back to normal that's lovely take another deep breath in oh you're starting to smell the nicest smell you ever smelt in your entire life take another deep breath in the most beautiful smell you ever smelt in the entire world is coming from the neck of the person closest to you give it a good sniff what a lovely smell sniff that that's a lovely smell give it a good sniff wow what a lovely smell that's an amazing smell give it a good sniff what a lovely smell sit down in your chair my friend take a sniff right here take a lovely smith that's lovely take a good smell of that take a lovely smell what a lovely smell that is that's great take a deep breath in sleep everything's back to normal just relax everything's back to normal [Music] it's gone just relax sorry it's back to normal that's good give him a round of applause would you ladies and gentlemen come on give him a round of applause these guys sharing their personalities with you now listen ladies and gentlemen we have some skills in life right we all have skills some of you guys came from other lives before you joined this company some of you have certain hidden talents that we don't know what they are yet but you all have different skills in different environments you know it's interesting somebody random that you talk to all of a sudden is really highly skilled at metalwork you know somebody all of a sudden is highly skilled at building websites you know sometimes you meet someone they're highly skilled at stealing watches right you guys are all highly trained and skilled at milking cows i want you to realize in a few moments with your eyes closed you're international world famous cow milkers now you're going to milk this cow like you've never milked anything else in your entire life you're wonderful at it and you're good at it now listen in a second but not yet you're going to see a cow in front of you with your eyes closed you're going to reach out get that cow and milk that cow listen the more you milk that cow the better you feel there'll be a cow in front of you with your eyes closed you'll reach out you'll get that cow and you'll begin to milk the cow the more you milk the cow the better you'll feel on three one two three milk the cow milk it milk it milk oh good technique get in there milk that cow milk it milk it milk it fatter the more you milk the cow don't kill the cow just milk it that's right milk the cow get in there milk that cow nice good techniques get in there and milk that cow that's great some of your milk that's right it's good technique you can tell who's up from the city who's from the from the country get in there milk that cow who's from the midwest she's eating half of what she's milking right there whatever she's milking she's eating it's nice it's like i'm having a snack while i'm milking the cow keep milking it that's good hey listen push that cow out the way push it out the way nice push it out of the way there's one more cow in the field he's called coco puff now she's been spraying diarrhoea out of a bum hole like no one's business now listen coco puff is nicknamed the chocolate speedway now in a second but not yet you're going to realize coco puff is almost like a hawaiian volcano but thank god you're here you have hidden talents now listen do me a favor put your gloves on put your face mask on put your helmet on put your apron on you're gonna get in there and start to milk cocoa puff whenever you're ready but you need a mocha before she blows one two three get in there milk the cow milk it watch out watch out for the spray oh my god the tails coming up the tail is coming up watch out keep milking the cow the tail is rising the back is arching keep milking the cow you're a pro watch out the back is arching the tail is up watch out keep milking [Music] oh my gosh push that cow out the way oh my gosh you're supposed to be experts push that cow out the way oh my lord we're trying not to do that again listen take a seat my friend everything's back to normal everything's back to normal gonna rearrange it come this way my friend you're going to come this way keep your eyes closed let's come this way [Applause] i'm going to take a seat right behind right there just back up back up back up take a seat my friend that's right just in there and sleep just relax give a round of applause with the ladies and them the stars of the show listen volunteers i'm going to let you know we're going to give you a special gift ladies and gentlemen we believe in giving gifts there's going to be a couple of gifts tonight you guys are going to get the first gift you're going to get a lovely mr softy mr whitman whippy ice cream you're going to get the best soft ice cream that you ever had in your entire life listen when you get this ice cream it's a gift from me you're welcome in a few moments when you get that ice cream you're going to put it in your hand and lick the ice cream before it melts it could be any flavor of your choice when you get the ice cream just lick it before it melts on three one two three get the ice cream it's melting lick it they get it lick it look it look get the ice cream look it [ __ ] get it get it get it get it it's dribbling it's dribbling lick it look it's dribbling on your wrist it's on your wrist look at it it's struggling on your elbow it's on your elbow lick it it's struggling on your knee it's on your knee lick it look at it it's struggling all over the place lick it like a dick you know what shove it in your mouth shove it in your mouth just relax just relax just relax just relax now listen you got to get another special gift it's the gift to be an international world famous models you're the best models that ever lived now listen you guys you're gonna realize your eyes will open you'll be international foot models you'll be the best foot models that ever lived now listen ladies gentlemen we're looking for the way your feet present themselves you'll open up your eyes you'll be in front of all your adoring fans and you'll be modeling your feet well listen when you hear this piece of music you'll stand up and you'll show your feet into the best light you've ever shown your feet on three when you hear the music your international world famous foot models on three one two three stand up here you go you've got this show them the feet yeah ladies and gentlemen make some noise the world famous foot models the more you model your feet the better you feel foot models show them oh show them your great feet got a nice set of feet right there show them your feet freeze you're going to realize you're no longer foot models but you're going to model your favorite body part you'll keep your clothes on you'll be modeling your favorite body parts on three one two and three favorite body part your favorite body part whatever that is foot models [Music] nice ladies and gentlemen make some noise for international models freeze hey you're going to realize you're international models but your six month old babies with diapers on six-month-old babies with diapers on modeling as a six-month-old one-two three six-month-olds six-month-old babies like diapers on getting ready to model whatever it is you have six-month-old shake it away shake it away shake it away freeze you're gonna realize actually you're 97 years old you're the oldest models that ever lived super old models one two three old models old as dirt old old old models modeling freeze actually you're gonna realize in a few seconds it's like you have mexican jumping beans in your feet they're gonna make you jump bounce bounce and jump all the way back to your chair as soon as you take a chair you'll immediately fall asleep one two three jump bounce jump and bounce up a bounce up a bounce up a bounce to the bounce to the bounce to the bounce to bounce to the master for bowser bounce to the best of the bells to the bounce jump about step about stop jumping take a seat take a seat jumping back stop the bounce to pass jumping bounce jumper bounce up a bounce take it everything just relax and sleep give him a round of applause would you ladies and gentlemen the stars of the show all right all right we got we got some superstars right here she's on half a chair we're good for them for the minute all right just for the person i'm touching now i want to let you know you came in here with the first name it's disappeared from your memory bank slide your head if you understand listen the more you try and think about your name the more your name has disappeared from your memory banks nod your head if you understand if anyone was to try and ask you your name your name is vanished and completely disappeared not your head if you understand just for the person i'm touching now your new name is e-i-e-i-o if anybody should ask for your name you're gonna realize in fact your new name always was and always should be and always would be e-i-e-i-o nod your head if you understand you're gonna realize for the person i'm touching now you've got the imaginary tongue fall out of mouth disease follows me everywhere i go you're gonna realize whenever you try and talk your tongue just falls and flops all the way out of your mouth not your head if you understand you can realize whenever you talk from this point forward your tongue just falls all the way out of your mouth okay good person i'm touching now you're gonna realize one of the things you can't stand is laughter listen if you hear laughter during this show you'll tell everyone to shut up there's no laughing allowed not your head if you understand when you hear laughter it really pisses you off you tell people to shut up no laughing not your head if you understand good person i'm touching now you're gonna realize that number three has disappeared from your memory banks whenever you count from one up to ten you're going to realize the number three is missing nod your head if you understand when you count from one up to ten there is no and should be no number three nod your head when you do count from one up to ten you're gonna realize the number three is disappeared from your memory banks nod your head if you understand good anybody else how about are we good here the person i'm touching now you're gonna realize any time i ask you your name it's almost like you're in a horror film you're gonna let a big trill like a big screen you're in a horrid movie not yet if you understand should ever i ask you your name you're gonna realize you're in a horror movie you're gonna let a big scream nod your head if you understand give out a big scream that's good like you're in a horror movie nice just for the person i'm touching right now should ever i shake your hand on a scale of 1 to 10 10 being hot i'm 100. you're gonna shake my hand and fall in love not your head if you understand should everyone shake your hand you're going to immediately intensify that love not your head if you understand person i'm touching now when i shake your hand you're going to realize on a scale of one to ten one being disgusting i'm negative ten and the most gross thing you ever touched hands with in your entire life not your head if you understand it's horrendous i stink got bad breath bad smell whenever you feel me touching your hand it's the grossest thing that ever lived now just for the volunteers on three eyes opened awake hey one two three welcome back good to speak to each and every one of you just gonna find out who we've got what do you say your name was what's your name tammy nice welcome to the hypnosis show you seem to be pretty smart okay yeah that's great we'll come to you later what's your name what's your name brandy brandy brandie nice to see you what's your name my friend melissa melissa nice to see you what's your name sue nice open up your eyes relax what's your name kelly kelly nice what's your name my friend tracy tracy you've got tracy kelly what's your name what's your name bro e-i-e-i-o what's your name hi hi cassie hi hi cassie hi cassie you're wearing a nice top oh thank you yes yes you smell good cassie thanks kessie what's your name what's your name my friend huh what's your name hi eileen eileen nice to meet you i didn't catch you first what cassie right yes cassie you look great yeah you're hot well thank you thank you what's your name oh oh oh oh oh oh let's stand up a second what's your first name what's your last name do you have a middle name you know take a seat just for a second we'll just try and figure this out it's okay that's cool what's your name bro e-i-e-i-o nice hey come over here a second is that your first name e-i-e-i-o nice what's your middle name e-i-e-i-o is your middle name e-i-e-i-o what's your last name e-i-e-i-o [Music] [Applause] hang on you're telling me your first name is e-i-e-i-o yes sir you're telling me your middle name is e-i-e-i-o yes sir and you're telling me your last name is e-i-e-i-o yes sir how you spell that e i e [Music] take a seat my brother can you tell them i'm trying to do a [ __ ] look i know it's annoying the crap look i'm trying it's so disrespectful come over here and you know what i'm trying can you tell him please i'm trying to do a shot he is trying to do a show can we shut up they're not they're not doing what do it want me to do i i need concentration silence and i need them all to literally shut up i've got it we need concentration we need silence and i seriously need for you to shut up [Applause] [Music] do you understand the words can we go to my mouth i said shut up it's your show i don't know man i don't know it's something telling me i'm telling you that but take it we'll fix it take a seat i'll fix it and we'll fix it take a seat my friend okay we got it just don't let him make noise i'm trying to do a show come over here my friend come over this way i just got a question for you do me a favor take a deep breath in shout your first name out oh it's disappeared from your memory banks try it take a deep breath in [Music] okay what's your last name curl pepper cold pepper nice what's your middle name i don't have one you don't have one okay culpep is the last name is anybody with her anyone is anybody with her you are so what's her first name teresa it's teresa listen teresa i want you to think about your first name but it's spanish think about your first name theresa what is it tessa nice spanish too think about tessa theresa what's your first name nice it's gone as well hey what's your first name you had it a minute ago come on i actually had it today actually had it this morning actually had it before this stupid show it's teresa that's the top tip hey take a seat for me would you i got to fix this you're gonna realize noise no no longer bothers you just relax she did a good job give a round of applause ladies and gentlemen to the stars of the show so good to hang out with you it's so good to be able to hang out with you so good now listen we're going to give them a better gift ladies and gentlemen like i said i won't i won the florida florida lottery and we're going to give these guys a special gift we're going to give them a gift to a sports car now listen you can take this sports car you can drive it home you can take chances life is good when i count to three this is a gift from me to you do me a favor all you have to do in a few moments is just sit in the driving seat one two three sitting in the driving seat do me a favor put your seatbelt on listen adjust the seat adjust the mirrors get comfortable you can put your makeup on if you want to you can fix your hair everything can be all set up and organized listen you can put the top down if you want to now in a few moments you're going to see a button in front of you when you're ready you can start this up by pressing the button one two three um we're gonna put it in gear let's go for a ride life is good put your hands on the wheel look we're gonna go for a special ride nice look on the right hand side give your friends and family a wave yeah nice you've made it look on the left-hand side there's the losers from the neighborhood sean what do you think about them as a bunch of losers over there carry on driving life is good yeah the more you drive the better you feel hey watch out for the sharp right hand turn right turn right turn right turn carry on driving listen we're going to go down the hill go down the hill up the hill watch out for the ziggy's like ziggy carry on driving listen we're going to do a sharp left-hand turn are we going to go all the way on the interstate we're going to see how fast we can go we're going to open it up we're going to go all the way down to miami we're going gonna go as fast as we can on the i-95 let's go 75 miles an hour 85 miles an hour 95 miles an hour let's go 100 miles an hour life is good oh no crap oh hey you know what that sucks oh man go ahead and pull over that sucks listen that sucks listen that sucks you've been stopped for speeding by the state troopers in florida they mean business that is terrible now listen the officers behind you if there's anything in your car that's illegal or you shouldn't have or doesn't belong to you get rid of it [Applause] get rid of it listen here comes the officer you've been stopped for speeding it's a 300 fine you can get points on your license for this you know what if you have a good enough reason why you were speeding the officers gonna let you off the ticket if you have a good enough reason why you were speeding the officer might just let you off the ticket here comes the officer driver put your hands up right now now listen you have a good enough reason why you were speeding the officer might just let you off the ticket you better have a good enough reason why are you speeding my daughter's having a baby your daughter's having a baby congratulations who did that to her oh no i say relax sleep i got you don't worry about that why are you speeding i like to feel the wind in my hair [Applause] that's nice yeah that's great relax i'm gonna let you off that ticket that's good why are you speeding late what i'm late you're late yes or four for an important meeting oh yeah what meeting i don't know all right we'll give you a ticket it's okay we'll give you a ticket be all right let's relax why are you speeding starting my period what i started my period okay all right that's good hey get you right there sorry what are you speeding my kid is sick oh i'm sorry to hear that what's wrong diarrhea oh man that'd be bad oh you know what sleep go go go fix your kid we got you why are you speeding oh it's having fun just having fun yeah it's good to go fast isn't it yeah thank you for your honesty we're going to let you off awesome yeah nice sir because you know what it is good to have fun why are you speeding that smell what smell the kid puked what kid puked my kid all over the car that's disgusting yes it's awful i'm so sorry i was speeding i'm so sorry i was speeding okay whenever i tap you on the shoulder you're gonna realize it's you that wants to puke yeah i don't like it it's relaxing back to normal it's okay it's good too much why are you speeding i [ __ ] it on myself [Applause] [Music] keep your hands up we'll let you off why are you speeding i got a dance party at the bellavita concert nice man that's great what's your name brother ali what's your name [Music] relax close your eyes relax i got you man what e-i-e-i-o yeah that's right what's your name why are you speeding oh my god i have to poo what i have to poo i have to poo don't you just i have to poo can you let me go please don't worry it's not that kind of show we don't want any clean up special cleanup why are you speeding what oh hang in a second what's your name what's wrong with your tongue relax i got your sleep why are you speeding target's gonna close what target it's closing target target you gotta get there yeah no all right relax i gotcha sleep why you speeding i'm sorry officer was i speeding [Applause] yeah you were i'm sorry ferrari i know i know yeah we'll let you up that's good give a round of applause ladies and gentlemen the stars of the show sharing their personalities with you now listen just for the hypnotized volunteers i want you to realize and understand something unique about yourself you're going to realize you've all become exotic animals now by exotic animal i don't mean pig sheep cat goat i don't mean something you find on the farm i don't see think something you might see at home by exotic animal you can realize you're an animal or something you see on the discovery channel something you see in the zoo something seen in the land far far far away you'll embed the position the stands the posture of the animal of your choice you do the actions the motions the noises of the animal you'll realize you'll fly you'll hop your crawl you'll slither you'll do whatever it is your animal does your eyes will open you won't go to the edge of the stage but you will be in exotic animals something you see in safari something you might see on the discovery channel listen ladies and gentlemen we all have our own spirit animals some of you know what the heck you are yes you do so do these guys you're going to be exotic animals of your choice flying hopping crawling slithering whatever did you do could be a lion a tiger an antelope could be a giraffe it could be any animal of your choice listen whenever i say freeze you'll immediately stop what you're doing on three one two three exotic animals taking a flight taking a hop taking a crawl flying hopping crawling whatever it is your animal does taking a flying a hopping and a crawling exotic animals of your choice flying hopping and crawling whatever it is your exotic animal does taking a hop and a fly in a crawl exotic animals flying hopping crawling taking a hop in a crawl taking a taking us taking a slither taking a hop in the crawl animals freeze listen we're going to find out what kind of animal we've got here what kind of animal are you a koala bear a koala bear what noise it make nice got a koala bear what kind of animal are you well i thought i was an elephant you're an elephant elephant you have me downing myself i thought it was an elephant you have me doubting myself that was awesome what noise does your animal make nice that's an elephant what kind of animal are you eagle eagle nice what noise that make nice nice no noise that's right what kind of animal are you elephant elephant what noise that make [Applause] what kind of animal are you a wolf nice what does that make [Music] [Applause] what kind of animal are you a tiger nice what noise that mate what kind of animal are you kangaroo nice what noise that make me nice it's kangaroo what kind of animal are you an elephant nice what noise that mate [Applause] what kind of animal are you wow peacock nice a world peacock yeah what noise that makes [Music] that's great what kind of animal are you king kong what noise it make nice yeah that's good that's great that's really good what kind of animal are you how the sec the elephant what looks like the elephant i [ __ ] the elephant what noise it mate [Music] what kind of animal are you nice what noise at me nice that's great it's passed out what kind of animal are you sloth [Applause] what noise it make listen animals i want you to realize you have no teeth and you have no claws animals you have no sexual desire animals the hypnotist has an invisible force field wrapped around him keeping him safe at all times animals you will not attack anybody on your food chain you won't attack scratch nip punch bite any other animal but i want to let you know you're starving hungry animals you haven't eaten for three days animals you're going to realize when you open up your eyes you look out into the audience the favorite food of your choice is in the hair of the audience you'll rush off the stage carefully using the steps into the audience listen you'll eat as much food as you possibly can from the hair of the audience members and the more you eat the better you will feel when i count to three you'll go in the audience eat as much food as you possibly can whenever i say freeze you'll immediately stop one two three go get some food right there it's in the hair of the audience members the more you eat the better you feel get some food use the steps get there in the hair of the audience eat a whole bunch of food the more you eat the better you feel get a whole bunch of food right there from the hair of the audience members listen eat as much food as you possibly can it's right there in the hair of the audience listen the more you eat the better you feel get in there eat a whole stack of food some of them are not going to make it eat as much food as you possibly can from the hair of the audience members get as much food right there as you possibly can listen animals freeze freeze animals freeze listen i want you to understand in a few moments you're no longer animals in a second but not yet on three you're going to be human beings but you're going to realize you are the world's greatest dancers listen the more you dance the better you feel you're going to be back on stage as world famous international dancers you'll come back on stage you'll take center stage your eyes will be open and the more you dance the better you will feel on three one two three back up on the stage the more you dance the better you feel bring it up ladies and gentlemen make some noise show them the dance moves here they go you got it show them ladies and gentlemen make some noise come on we've got the world famous international dancers the more you dance the better you feel keep it going world famous don't let anybody steal the limelight you are the best world famous ladies and gentlemen make some noise the more you dance the better you feel the better you feel the more you dance keep going here it is keep going take a seat my friend and sleep [Music] keep going take a seat sleep [Music] come on ladies and gentlemen make some noise come on this time [Music] [Applause] relax and sleep relax and sleep relax relax relax [Applause] [Music] close your eyes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] give him a round of applause ladies and gentlemen were you the stars of the show sharing their personalities with you all right here we go ladies and gentlemen we are coming down to the wire make some noise if you want one more make some noise one more [Applause] guys that was that was terrible oh my gosh you guys are rock and roll stars here i'll do it again okay you're hurting my feelings man i wore this black tie just for you guys i'm not going to a funeral tonight if you want just one more if you want just one more make some noise all right all right all right all right all right here we go just for the hypnotized volunteers up on stage you're going to realize your world famous international rap stars you're going to realize you're the best rappers that ever lived listen when you hear this piece of music you know a bed into your subconscious mind the world famous rap star you know yourself to be there's only one exception you won't be able to rap in your own native language so listen you won't be able to rap in spanish or english or whatever your main language is you can however rap in gibberish gibberish martian alien chinese russian slovakian german or any other language of your choice you're going to be rapping in a foreign language of your choice you don't even know what you're rapping or what the language is but you're world famous international gibberish rap stars now ladies and gentlemen we've been doing this rap contest since march we have a lot of people in a lot of states that have qualified to go to nashvegas and win a thousand dollars of funny money we want one person tonight to represent your wonderful brand and take them all the way to nashvegas it's gonna go on the way you interact with your volunteer up here so the person with the loudest applause goes through to nashvegas and a chance to get a recording contract and a thousand dollars of funny money so you guys you're gonna wrap your hearts out we want to see crowd interaction the way you dance and your lyrical prowess when i count to three you'll sit upright with your eyes open just feel the music one two three feel it now listen when i hand you the microphone you won't throw the microphone on the floor you won't drop the mic you'll put it in your hand you'll stand up you'll be world famous international rap stars we're looking for the best of the best the cream of the crop the top of the heap those that can wrap in gibberish can get through to the final get ready ladies and gentlemen looking for the best of the best the cream of the crop the top of the heap the best international gibberish rap star tonight goes to nashvegas we're going to give contestant number one the mic go ahead nice and loud foreign language chief [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] m [Music] nice that's contestant number one number two nice and loud [Applause] nice job nice job number two thank you so much number three take it away nice and loud you got it come on [Applause] show low low low dab do do do do do do die a shoe shoo shoo a show boop nice job take a seat congratulations [Music] [Music] [Music] nice job nice job take a seat bring it up you got it nice and loud i got you come on come on [Music] nice job take a seat you got you take [Applause] nice job take it away that was nice that was very nice nice job take it away nice nice style nice style take away my friend oh [Applause] nice nice here we come my friend take it up you got it [Music] [Laughter] nice job finally take it away oh [Music] peace out wow give them all a round of applause ladies and gentlemen would you these guys are all world-class world famous top notch listen there can only be one winner there's no participation trophies here there can only be one winner i'm going to put my hand across the top of the head the person with the loudest applause has a chance to go to nashvegas here we go we'll start this end for number one that's good two three four [Applause] five that was good slightly higher six seven eight nine ten [Applause] 11 12 [Applause] 13. [Applause] ladies and gentlemen we have a winner thank you all very much i just want to thank my mom and my daddy because without him i won't be here okay okay i love you all i'm gonna remember y'all with my accepted speech i know it's tough i know i know come over here my friend real quick come over here i just i just have a question for you i mean how long have you been doing this man since i was like five years old it shows what's the secret to success you just gotta be you baby you just gotta be you people gonna love you if you'll be you yeah you baby yeah yeah any final words of inspiration or motivation you want to give to your fans i love all y'all sitting out there they can be up here dream big baby it can happen look at me look at me now she's a widow [Music] [Applause] nice take take a seat though it's my show i just don't i don't i just don't like that i got the tie on come on all right now listen just before we leave just before we leave we're going to give you a deep sense of relaxation would you like a hypnotic boomerang would you like a sleep bullet or would you like sleep dust what's the consensus what would you like it's your show baby you do you anyone else oh boomerang do you know what a boomerang is i don't know throws out comes back yeah cool you want dust what's a boomerang i don't want to go there and come back you're not going back you're not going anywhere you're just staying there what would you like some dice to dance to some dust dust anything you want there baby dust so those that want dust look in my hand i got some hypnosis dust in here it's sleep dust those don't want the dust don't look at me we'll give you a boomerang what you have a question what is it it's a stick from australia i throw it it comes back it hits you on the back of the head it knocks you and it knocks you to sleep all right so who wants the dust here we go wash the dust wash the dust as soon as the dust hits you in the face it sends you to sleep keep watching okay those that want the boomerang here comes the boomerang it's funny none of them wanted the boomerang i'm going to throw the boomerang up into the ceiling it's going to go round the room and knock you on the back of the head and send you to sleep you need to look at it ready nice give me a big round of applause ladies and gentlemen the stars of the show sharing their personalities with you all right listen just before i go i did promise some motivational tips i'm going to give them to them right now just for the hypnotized volunteers up on stage i want to let you know thank you so much for sharing your personality you really have proven you have an ability to visualize we all know that visualization creates results right we know that the more you visualize the more something becomes true to you if you visualize success it becomes closer you also understand it brings success in your life it's got to happen happening and happened in other words you've got to put the body in motion to put the body in motion you put the mind in motion the mind must go first so what you think about every day comes true what you think about in secret comes to pass so if you think about something every single day even if it's forced it could be self-realization actualization affirmations if you think yourself into a new way of living instead of living your life into a new way of thinking you're going to improve your skill set for the volunteers up on stage for this point forward you're going to realize just before you wake up every morning you're going to feel a newfound sense of realization you're going to increase your self-esteem your self-worth you're going to realize that you love yourself each day in every way you're going to look at yourself in the mirror and know that you've already achieved what you set out to believe and achieve you're going to realize that in fact each day in every way the more you turn your mind to something the closer it becomes the more you turn your mind to success the more it grows the more your dominant mind process thinks about thoughts the more the thoughts turn into an emotion the emotion turns into an action the action turns into a physicality for some of you the physicality is a big fat commission check for some of you it's health wealth and prosperity for some of you it's love for some of you it's actualization for some of you all your hopes and dreams are beginning to come true you believe it right here right now on this stage and each day and every way when you get up out of bed every single day i want you to do me a favor you roll out of bed you put your feet firmly flat on the floor you take a deep breath in you close your eyes and you think about success and achievement you think about what it is you want to set out to do today you knock off the goals you knock off the skills and abilities that you want to get closer to whether that's being better on youtube or instagram or videos or whether it's better at the way you communicate or talk to people or the way you promote people or promote yourself or your lifestyle each day and every way organically becomes closer to you just by simply getting out of bed putting your feet firmly flat on the floor taking a deep breath in closing your eyes relaxing and allow that to manifest and allow it to happen into your subconscious mind listen you're going to be surprised and amazed beyond belief at just how quickly and naturally and easily without any hesitation that comes into your life ladies and gentlemen we're looking at superstars up on stage right now we're looking at heroes we're looking at future leaders give him a round of applause we're looking at the best of the best right here these guys are gonna be great big things are gonna happen to these guys but the biggest thing of all is when i count to five all the applause is for these guys so in account from one up to five when i do reach five all the hypnotic suggestions have been released you're gonna feel better than you've ever felt before you're gonna realize on five all the love and applause and support is for you all your memories come flooding back you had the time of your life in fact you feel wonderful in every way in fact tonight you're ready to party all night long now listen though there's a caveat should ever you see some pillows if you see a pillow you immediately decide you'll naturally and easily want to fall asleep as soon as you see that pillow you can immediately curl up and decide to get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep whatever that means to you it could organically be less you're going to feel like you had eight hours of uninterrupted sleep so when you're ready and you see some pillows you're gonna immediately and naturally fall asleep so ladies and gentlemen if you have some partners up here you have a loved one you have a friend you're married to someone boyfriend girlfriend or actually you're sharing a room with someone and you don't want them to fall asleep hide the pillows that's right run to the room get the pillows throw them out the window and then these guys will party all night long if however you do want them to fall asleep immediately right away show them the pillows that's my gift to you when i count from one up to five you're going to feel relaxed and beautiful in every way one feeling refreshed for an alert from the live two for like your very cool mountain spring three feeling the energy rushing into your veins four feet and better than you've ever felt before in a few moments but not yet on five all the applause is for you ladies and gentlemen raise the roof five i zoned my work all right stand up ladies and gentlemen get ready to take a bow take a bite get ready we're gonna do it on three keep it going make some noise come on get ready stand up we're gonna take a bow on three all the applause is for you get ready here we go one two three take a bow keep it going ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for coming up
Channel: Hypnotist Richard Barker
Views: 47,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypnosis, hypnotist, richard barker, comedy hypnosis show, mind control, comedy hypnosis, stage hypnotist, stage hypnosis, comedy hypnotist, hypnotist richard barker, rb99, velovita, full hypnosis show, unedited hypnosis show
Id: JenphUZxF3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 58sec (5698 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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