The Secret of Living in God's Presence Always by Zac Poonen

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[Music] let's turn to begin with in psalm 16 there are many wonderful verses in psalm 16 and it's worth meditating on that not many psalms like this there are just a few songs where filled with verses which meditate on each one but i'm thinking particularly of verse 8 i have set the lord continually before me because he's at my right hand i will not be shaken we know this is referring islam is referring to jesus because in verse 10 and that's the verse that's quoted in the new testament you will not you know leave my soul which you all you will not allow your holy one to undergo decay that's the verse that was quoted in the acts of the apostles so verse 8 also is referring to the way jesus lived except the father continually before him and the father was always at his right hand so that he would not be shaken so this is one of the great privileges we have in the new covenant mostly we emphasize victory over sin sin shall not have dominion over you because you're under grace not under law you're in the new covenant and not the old covenant but another thing about the new covenant is that we can constantly live in the presence of the father every single day and all the time i've set the lord continually before me and i will live an unshakeable life no matter what happens no matter how i'm tempted no matter what circumstances are around me and one way in which the lord showed the old testament people that they could not live in his presence was that in the tabernacle there was a veil that blocked off the most holy place where god dwelt the tabernacle was identified by a flaming fire on top everything in that tabernacle i mean all the details are given in exodus how what the dimensions and the material and everything and anybody could make it even the philistines would make one and the the enemies of the israel could make money quite easily but there was one thing in the tabernacle they could not reproduce and that's the fire on top of the most holy place and that was the most important thing [Music] and when israel backslide that that glory went away when the later on when the temple was built according to the pattern god had given to david again there were these three compartments the outer court the holy place in the most holy place which was blocked off by the curtain and again the glory of god was there and when israel backs like the glory went away so in the new covenant by the rending of the veil when jesus died the veil was rent there's a great significance to that because it meant that now man could have this verse fulfilled in his life i've said the lord continually before me he's always i'm always in his presence all the time i'm living in god's presence that privilege and opportunity was opened up when jesus died and the veil was rent and yet as i've observed most believers they seem to live like in the old covenant i don't mean just being defeated by sin but this verse is not true in their life i accept the lord continually before me he is at my right hand i will not be shaken the way never to be shaken is to have the lord always at our right hand to have him always in front of us and that is god's will for our life for every one of us when you look at this verse in one corinthians and one corinthians and chapter 15 and the last verse verse 58 therefore my beloved brethren the steadfast immovable means unshakable always abounding in the work of the lord that's what we read in psalms 16 because he's at my right hand i will not be shaken i'm always living in the presence of the lord and god's will is that our life should be unshakable our homes should be unshakeable our ministry should be unshakable our church should be unshakeable jesus said i build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it but it begins with each of us our individual lives the church is not some organizers each of us if each of us are unshakeable and the church is unshaken so we must seek to live this life which you read in psalm 16 i've set the lord always before me and because he's at my right hand i will not be shaken i will not be moved and when we think of how the lord opened this door the way into the most holy place it's mentioned for us in hebrews in chapter 10. i don't think most christians have understood what this means hebrews 10 he first speaks about forgiveness and god writing his laws in our heart and mind hebrews 10 16 [Music] which is really a life of overcoming sin and verse 17 [Music] god blotting out our past in such a way that he doesn't even remember it that's sort of a good foundation the our past is not remembered verse 17 hebrews 10 17. and right now we live with god writing his laws verse 16 and um heart and on our mind okay and then it says therefore brethren verse 19 we have confidence to enter this is the most holy place which was preventive the jews could not enter in there and the fact that the book of hebrews picks this up and emphasizes it teaches us that it's just not just an old testament thing that was there there was a symbolism there that we need to understand and it's connected with the verse we just read i've said the lord always before me because when we enter the this is really referring to the most holy place we enter into the most holy place where god dwells that's the immediate presence of god there in the most holy place it was not there in the outer court it was not there in the holy place it was only in the most holy place and nobody going there in the old covenant one of the great privileges of the new covenant is that we can go right in there and dwell in the presence of god every single day every single moment of every day just like jesus lived there and yet my observation is that the vast majority of christians of course live in the outer court where the sacrifice is made my sins are forgiven and the that tub of water symbolizes water baptism okay my sins are forgiven the altar and the labor that's it and there are some who go beyond that to the baptism in the holy spirit which is symbolized by the first part of that tabernacle beyond the outer court you enter the holy place where there's the incense being burned is a picture of the holy spirit and the lamp that is lit which is another picture of the holy spirit and the bread the anointed breads that we can partake of but even that is not enough it's not enough to be baptized in the holy spirit so we can say that the entry into the outer core is when we know jesus as savior forgiving our sin and the entry into the uh [Music] first part of the top night of the holy place we could say is knowing jesus as our baptizer in the holy spirit so knowing him as savior and then knowing him was baptized around many people many stop only a savior and some go beyond that to be a baptizer but then there's another compartment the most holy place and there it says in hebrews 6. and verse 19 and 20 hebrews 6 19 and 20 this hope we have as an anchor of the soul of hope sure instead first which enters within the veil remember the veil is the thing that blocked off the most holy place and where jesus has entered for us as a forerunner so jesus is to be our savior the outer court a baptizer in the holy spirit the holy place and then our forerunner into the most holy place so we need to know jesus as savior baptizer and forerunner vast majority of christians only born again christians knowing only a savior period some have gone a little bit beyond that the baptized in the holy spirit great but very few have gone beyond that beyond the veil where jesus is a forerunner all of these are different entry points the outer court had a gate by which he could enter there was only one and then the holy place had a doorbell which you could enter and the most holy place had this veil which is blocked out in the old testament but which is red and that is where jesus is entered as a foreigner and it says here we have to enter in there turn to hebrews chapter 10 again we were looking at the verse you're looking at therefore brethren verse 19 hebrews 10 19 since we have confidence or boldness to enter into the most holy place first of all by the blood of jesus you know in the old testament the old testament history has got a lot of symbolism that's why three quarters of the bible is the old testament and there we read the high priest could not go into the most holy place without blood there was an awareness of sin that i needed to be cleansed and forgiven so we enter by the blood of jesus with the perfect assurance that i've confessed every sin and it's all forgiven i don't have any guilty conscience when i enter into this place because i know uh to the best of my knowledge i have confessed my sin and it's all blotted out but it's not only by the blood of jesus this is what i want you to see this next part by a new and living way and we could translate that word living as ever fresh ever fresh way which he is our forerunner he did not just go in it says he inaugurated this way for us it's just like you know they when they build a new road some dignitary comes and inaugurates it and maybe he drives through it first but that's meant for everybody else to use after that so jesus inaugurated he opened up this what's called this new and living way through the veil into the most holy place into the immediate presence of god a way opened up for us to live in the immediate presence of god 24 7. that's our calling and it says here this veil symbolizes his flesh that's interesting you must know that the way into the most holy place is through the flesh of jesus and when the veil was rent it was a it was symbolizing that jesus flesh was rent by that time don't refer to his body it's not his body it's not referring to his body as i've studied the word flesh in the in this context and in other places in the new testament it refers to the will that jesus had as a man his will which he yielded to the father every day and that is how this veil was rent so if we see flesh as our human will that opposes the spirit turn with me to galatians in chapter most people have never thought of what is the flesh of jesus mentioned here in hebrews 20 10 20 because it says he opened a way for us through his flesh through the veil means through his flesh so we need to understand what the flesh of jesus is here it says the will he had when he became a man so we see in galatians in chapter 5 and verse 17 the flesh sets this desire against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are in opposition to one another so that you can't do the things that you please the flesh is that thing within me that makes me do what pleases me and the spirit opposes that and if i yield to the spirit the result will be i can't do what i please so this is not referring to our physical flesh it's not referring to any of it's not referring to something sinful it's referring to this will of mine which if i yield to it it becomes sin if i don't yield to it there is no sin because jesus had a flesh it says here he came in the flesh god was manifest in the flesh one timothy in chapter 3 and verse 16 great is the mystery of godliness he god was revealed in the flesh and was pure in his spirit so like the living bible says it is true that the way to live a holy life is not an easy matter but the answer lies in christ who came to earth as a man in the flesh so throughout when it says we are to crucify the flesh jesus crucified the flesh every single day now we've always associated the flesh with something evil there's nothing evil in jesus he was not his flesh was not sinful flesh when we have indulged in it so much it becomes sinful he flesh it says he came in the likeness of central florida it wasn't actually some flesh romans 8 3. so what was it that was rent yeah let's turn to john chapter you need to understand what was rent what was the whale that was rent now this is not just a nice picture or a theory it's very very practical because that's the called the new and living way into the father's presence so we see here john chapter six [Music] 38 i came down from heaven that's when he got a flesh and in that flesh was a thing called my own will to please myself but he never did his own with john 6 38 and that was the only way he could do the will of the father if he denied his flesh and denied his will what we call temptation every temptation whether it's from inside or from anywhere the source of temptation is not important but if i yield to it i sin and i'm yielding it because my will wants that so if i don't give my will to it like jesus he never yielded he was tempted like us in every point but he said i never did my own will so he never sinned so i see that this rending of the veil when he cried out on the cross it is finished that's when the veil was right at that moment so it's not just that the punishment by sin was finished but in that moment jesus had completed being tempted in every single area that any human being can ever be tempted not with the same circumstances for example he didn't have a drunken father like somebody nobody has the same circumstances but the same temptation whatever circumstances people may have comfortable or not comfortable the temptations to do one's own will is exactly the same for every single human being and it was the same for jesus and if he had yielded to it even once he would have sinned so turn with me now to james chapter one and see how sin comes this word lust also because we always connect it with dirty lusts or sexual lust we always think it's evil but the word lust only means a strong desire because in galatians 5 17 it says the flesh lasts against the spirit and the spirit lusts against the flesh so that can't be evil if the holy spirit is lusting against the flesh like it says in galatians 5 17 it can't be evil word lust only means the strong desire the flesh has a strong desire against the holy spirit and the holy spirit's got a strong desire against my flesh my self-will and here it says verse james 1 14 so let me read it like that everyone is tempted when he's enticed by his own strong desire to do his own will and when that strong desire is conceived that means you yield it to that you yielded your will and did not resist it then it gives weather to sin up until that point there is no sin the fact there is a strong desire and the desire enticed you verse 14 there is no sin the sin comes when you have yielded your will then sin is conceived and if you continue like that it says it ends in death verse 15. so the fact that you're attracted to something it doesn't mean there's any sin if you yield to it in your mind then of course you sin but otherwise the fact that you're attracted only means you're tempted whatever the attraction is whether it's gold or women or some position or honor or the fact that you're attracted to something is not a temptation it's when i yield to it in my mind and i sin that desire i yield to it then jesus was tempted like like that like us he was tempted to be hungry and the devil tempted him to turn stones in the bread he had the power but he wouldn't do it he wouldn't do his own will so that verse in john 6 38 i came from heaven never to do my own will never to yield to my flesh so when the last temptation was over the veil was rent so it's symbolizing that throughout his life that veil was being ripped and ripped and ripped and ripped and ripped and ripped and ripped and finally when the last temptation on the cross was over it was torn completely and that is not just for us to walk in it says here i mean walking on the basis of what he's done it's a way which we have to walk in other words we have to walk that same way that is the meaning of luke 9 23 if anyone will come after me [Music] let him deny what his own will himself and take up his cross which means to die to that wheel and follow me if you follow him where will you enter you will enter the most holy place because that's where he went and that's where he invites us to come so this is also in fact if you understand this you find that all of scripture just fits in see hebrews chapter 12. in hebrews 11 verse 40 after listening all these amazing things that old covenant people experienced he says god's provided something better for us the last verse of hebrews 11 40. all that these people experienced was something inferior to what god has provided for us something better and that better thing is that we can fix chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 run a race and that is along this new and living way fixing our eyes on jesus and walking in his footsteps and walking in his footsteps who endured the cross for the joy set before him why is the joy set before him in psalm 16 11 it says in the in thy presence is fullness of joy that verse has gripped me quite a bit because i say anytime i don't have fullness of joy i say to myself i'm not in god's presence 16 11 is very clear in thy presence is fullness of joy so anytime we don't have fullness of joy we have to say to ourselves lord i'm not in your presence somehow or the other i drifted away or i walked away or something happened but i'm not in your presence right now because i don't have fullness and joy when people say are we supposed to have fullness of joy all the time yes in our will yes in fact jesus said that the night before he went to the cross he told him my joy i gave unto you even though he knew he was going to be crucified the next morning there was never a time in jesus life when he did not have joy in his life he went through a lot of pain and struggle and remember the garden of gethsemane he was struggling but he was in the father's presence the only way he could have lost his joy is if he did his own will he did his own will then it's gone and that's the reason why we lose our joy too because in his presence there's fullness of joy so this is the better thing that god's provided for us better than splitting the red sea and bladder than um shutting the mouths of lines and raising we did all the things mentioned in hebrews 11 something better than all that if you have eyes to see it is to walk in jesus footsteps into the most holy place who for this joy that was set before him which is the joy in the presence of the father endured the cross which is what denying his own will and despising the shame and the result is he's in the presence of god and he's open that way for us and he goes on to say if you face opposition from sinners remember he faced the two verse three don't grow weary press on in this way and he finally says in verse 4 you may have resisted sin but you have not resisted sin to the point of dying that's the point of you're not resisting the point of shedding blood you resist it resist it after some time you yield it do your own will to the flesh and so this new and living way that jesus has inaugurated for us is the way into the most holy place which comes as i choose to say no to my will consistently day after day after day and the result is i experienced the same joy that jesus experienced of living in the father's presence all the time and this is the real secret of an effective christian life or even an effective ministry in the church or in our home as fathers or relation to our children or to our wives to be a leader to be a leader is to how am i going to be a leader to my wife how am i going to be a leader to my children it's by following jesus who's my leader and where is he going he's going into the father's presence and the only way he can go to that father's person is by denying his own will that is the rentwave that is a new and living way which read in hebrews is the far better thing that god has resolved for us so if you see it like this you see it is a tremendous privilege there's a price to be paid but the price is so little compared to the joy of living in the father's presence all the time i personally believe that it is god's will for us like it says in philippians 4 4 to rejoice in the lord always there's only one definition for always 24 7. rejoice in the lord always and i like what it says here uh philippians 4 4 in the father's presence is fullness of joy and that's the only way you can rejoice in the lord always the only way to get into the father's presence is through this new and living way that i described rejoice in the lord always and just in case you think that's a bit of an extreme statement he says yes i mean it again i say rejoice that was not a slip of the thing it was exactly what i mean because it looks like such an impossible demand or command rejoice in the lord always you say hey paul you really meant that yes again i say rejoice it's interesting that the holy spirit prompted him to say that over there but when we link it to these other verses in thy presence is fullness of joy and the way into the father's presence is through the new and living way that jesus is inaugurated by denying his will every single time and so what did we read in john 6 38 i came from heaven never to do my own will every thing in that veil was ripped every strand was ripped and ripped and ripped and every stand strand was self self full self that's what blocked off man from going into prison there's a way we can describe that veil which you know everything in the old testament had the symbolism the altar and the labor the table of bread the lamb stand the incense everything had to mean meaning what about this veil it has strands many many strings of strength whatever you call it that had to be ripped one by one by one by one that's the many many aspects of our own self-will in different situations and that's the way that jesus went and he has opened up the way we don't like we can't open it up he's already opened up but it says here this is the new and living way it's not a door we would think that the weight is like a door it's not a door it says and he we read in hebrews 10 20 this is a new and living way into the presence of the father so even though this although this sounds very technical and theoretically it isn't really in practical terms all it means is [Music] in every temptation i have a choice to do my will or god's word that's all there is and what jesus is saying is every single time he chose the will of his father and in many situations we may not know what the father's will is in terms of we think in terms of the father's will in terms of situations like what jobs should i take whom should i marry which house should i buy all these earthly things but this is not talking about god's will in those areas this is talking about god's will when we are tempted to sin not talking about whom you marry and which also take away job you choose but when you attempted to sin when they attempted to do our own will every sin is really just doing our own will and jesus never did it and you see in god in the gethsemane particularly how he struggled with that father it's such a struggle to i don't want to drink this cup but even there the most painful temptation of all he yielded his thrill again he would not do his own release yet not as i will but his thou will then he drank the dog so when he when that was finally drunk to the bottom the veil was rent so in practical terms if we understand this it leads to many wonderful things and i believe this is what will also finally lead to our being built together in fellowship because in hebrews 10 it goes on to say by this new and living way hebrews 10 20 that is through the denial of our will in practical terms before we go further what does it mean it means when somebody yells at me and provokes me i will say something i've got to just deny it i got to put it to death when i'm tempted to lust after something i know what my will wants and i put it to that when i'm tempted to have a wrong attitude towards some brother who's treated me badly you know that's an inward thing and i i know what my will is who will love adam and i put it to death i say no i'm not going to have that attitude i'm not doing my own will i'll do the will of will of the lord and we could apply to different situations you know for example supposing you took a decision in some matter which resulted in some great loss for you say financial loss and we can brood on that for a long time oh if i had not done this if i had done that i would not have lost so much yeah we all go through those things and what the lord says forget it let's move on don't keep thinking about that because it doesn't help like the old flower don't cry over spilt milk just carry the rest of the milk at least towards this destination before you spill some more so we're to really uh be very strong there because we we can have regret over certain decisions we've taken it maybe financial maybe something else in our job or something else because of which we suffered a certain loss i think all of us have had that experience in some areas and you look back and say boy if i had chosen that instead of this how different it would have been yes it would be different in terms of some earthly gain or advantage but the more you brood on it it doesn't help you at all i see we're just kind of forgetting the things that are behind and pressing on to the things that are before i find there's a great need for that verse that paul quoted all the time [Music] if there's something you you did which you can confess and set right before god and before men do that but if it is something you can do nothing about it it's done and say lord i'm not going to waste my time thinking about it the thought will come i'm going to reject it and i'm not going to sit brooding over it that's my own will right to keep ruining over that why did i do this why did i do this and you think you're not going to change the situation i mean even common sense says forget it move on so [Music] there could be many many situations like this where self-will comes up and and when we've done this over in numerous different situations the end result is after so many years of our christian life when we could have been so much more in the father's presence and so much more christ-like we have not become that we are way behind where we should have been it's like a child has been in school for 10 years and should have reached grade 10. but still in grade two it's rare to find a child who's it's ten years and he's still in grade two but oh i mean lots of believers like that but it doesn't seem to grieve them so much it we'd be terribly greedy if one of our children was sitting in the same class and defeated by the same thing failing in the same arithmetic or some subject just doesn't seem to grasp it and constantly failing in the examinations we should look at ourselves like that are we constantly failing in some area again and again and again and again i'm going to speak about a matter of getting offended grumbling complaining murmuring these are kindergarten lessons we have to get beyond it and all we have to do is say lord i will not do my own will the question comes up you know as to what if i go like that and people take advantage of me no i don't think god will never allow us to be tempted beyond our ability you control this situation even if you have a difficult wife i think most of you got good wives but supposing you're in a particular situation your wife is a bit stubborn about something or insisting on a certain way by giving up your own will will you give up the headship of the house no you'll be an example [Music] by the patience and long suffering that will come become manifest in your life you're not compromised giving up headship means i'm compromising on some spiritual principle and say okay let's do it that way which is wrong no i say no i'm not going to do it the wrong way maintaining the headship in our home is saying that i decide which way this home is going to go it's going to go the way in the way of holiness the way that jesus walked but to yield in a particular situation which is not important or trivia it's a we should be willing we must distinguish between the things that we need to take a stand for with our wives and other things we can heal many many things unnecessarily many husbands take a stand for some silly little thing it's not worth it so there are many areas where we have an opportunity to lay down our will and yield it just requires a little crucifixion about pride and falling down and dying so if we as we we are eager about this way i believe the holy spirit will show us more and more in in different situations what exactly we're supposed to do john chapter 16 has been a very helpful word from john chapter 16 where it says john 16 13 when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth he will tell you which is the right path to take in a particular situation we must say lord i want to be sensitive to the voice of your spirit that speaks in my heart in that time of temptation when i'm tempted to do my own will and give me grace at that time to listen to the voice of the spirit and yield and he will take of mine this is what i like verse 14 in the middle the holy spirit will take something from the life of jesus and disclose it to disclose means reveal not just show it so discloses something which is hidden which is revealed so there are the outward life of jesus is not hidden anybody any non-christian can read the gospels and find out all the things jesus did this is something different these are the hidden things in jesus life which the holy spirit reveals and [Music] shows me how i am to walk see that's a wonderful thing to recognize that jesus was tempted in all points as we are hebrews 4 15. i found great joy in saying lord this particular temptation i really don't know what to do but you were tempted like me not in the same circumstances but the same temptation and i want to respond as you did in nazareth in those 30 years to me those 30 years of jesus life have become far more precious to me than the latter three and a half years which many people are taken up with the things that jesus did in the last three and a half years well most of them i can't do it i can't turn the water into wine or walk on the water or raise the dead or any of those things i might as well forget it but the things that jesus did in the first 30 years that i can do that's where he never did his own will in different practical circumstances when he was tempted exactly like me and the whale was being rent there was a invisible veil that was being rent in his life and when he finally said on the cross it is finished it was the last trend torn and the wave was opened up and says now that i've inaugurated that way for you to walk in the same way and then you will find in the father's presence there is fullness of joy i've said the lord always before me always and because he's at my right hand i will not be moved you know that's the verse that um acts the apostles in chapter two and peter was preaching the gospel acts to the first gospel sermon it says in verse 25 david says about jesus i saw the lord always in my presence he's at my right hand so i will not be shaken therefore my heart is glad my tongue exalts my flesh lives in hope verse 28 you've made known to me the way of life you will make me full of gladness in the presence there's fullness of joy see that's all psalm 16 that whole thing is from psalm 16 and that is the better thing that god has provided for us in the new covenant my conviction is that the vast majority of christians i have met in my life have missed it completely they don't they missed out and there's a something that jesus purchased for us it's part of their inheritance they've ignored it it's like i mean if your dad left you an inheritance of a few million dollars you'd be pretty careful to find out what what you have a right to and take it i find here's something that jesus left for us and i find the vast majority of christians i'm not even bothered to find out to dig into scripture and say what does this mean lord in my life i want it anyway i thank god it's changed my life because i dug into scripture to find out what is this thing that jesus has purchased for me i don't want to treat my what my lord has paid such a price for to purchase for me and treat it as if it's unimportant he does not want me to live this gloomy depleted life he wants me to rejoice in his presence always and to live in his presence always and to be an overcomer at all times so dear brandon since we are men we have to lead the way and be strong to be leaders to our wives and leaders to our children at home so maybe some of the things i said today may have sounded theological or complicated it is not it's very downright practical i'm just trying to give you a scriptural foundation for this truth because faith comes by hearing not by hearing a man or his explanation faith come by hearing and hearing by the word of christ so i hope some faith has come here faith to believe that we can walk this way and like it says in one john 2 6 he who says he abides in what's going as he walked amen i feel a burden to re-emphasize what i said about forgetting the things that are behind it i fear that there could be evil perhaps in our own midst who are thinking frequently of something done in the past which is you know if i've done it only a little differently the situation would be different today agreed but you're not going to be able to go back to that point so i see a picture of a curtain dropping right behind me right behind my back touching my back and i look back nothing i can see it's all forgotten i have to think that as i move forward that curtain is there always behind me forgetting what is behind we can learn lessons from the past definitely we have to learn lessons from our blunders and mistakes in the past that is the will of god but to live in regret over it no to say lord okay okay i can't do anything about it why should i think about it anymore it's honest maybe i lost some money okay or maybe i lost the position or lost something on the other but i'm going to forget the things that are behind because if i don't my onward progress is definitely going to be hindered and i'm not going to make as much progress as i should so forgetting what lies behind and pressing forward to what lies ahead for the price of the high calling of god in christ season which is to become like him so i see it like this that if i allow this regret of any over any past failure or incident or some trivial little thing even money is a trivial little thing that keeps bothering me what will happen is by the time i come to the end of my life the measure in which i could have become like christ i did not i could have a lot more it's like i could have gone up to grade 10 i ended up in grade four and the lord has come that's not god's will let's press on i want to repeat again to please i don't know why the lord is asking me to repeat this again then we have to let a curtain fall behind us and the thing that is causing you regret about something you missed or lost out on or that you could have gained or something like that you have to instead of letting it bring regret you say lord i'm gonna make that a stepping stone to climb even higher than i could have gone if that had not happened that's how we turned the tables on the devil [Music] you
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Zac Poonen
Id: fEzsOdxTXx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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