[Full stream] - Super Mario 64 Gameshark Corruptions

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hey yeah it's me I'm in a normal game that's not the banner altered in any way the fields are looking particularly lovely today oh my good hello everyone I got my gameshark out today and I'm gonna I'm gonna about with it how's that sound this game is going incredibly slow because I'm loading too many goom's Oh already off to a roaring start also hi everyone welcome to the game shark menu I thought I'd start off with a fun one but now you know a lot of people might say this is just you're just ripping off vine sauce you know and you know there's a little bit of it in that I used to watch Vinnie corrupt games on emulators and then when I was that was around the same time I was getting into collecting like old game consoles and I i got a gameshark i got a bunch of games and I messed around with them and actually I don't know why I went all the way to bottom a list I'll show you the ones when I got this out there was still some saved on here there's like some that come pre-loaded that are like actual cheats but then I learned that if you just type in like weird codes or if you like Google on the internet searching for strange things you can get like basically corruptions on on the actual console so that's what we're doing today I I went onto the internet like a few of these I know and have tested or like try it out to see what they do but a lot of them I just read the description and didn't really take a good look this one I do know this is an old one and you may notice if you look very closely that the roof is hooking shyguys and the walls are this purple dude it's the audio okay I never really got an answer on that or if if there was I never saw it okay so so far this is just kind of like stereotypical like clown vomit kind of corruption but where gets real is this goddamn courtyard look at this look at all the buffs infinite buck and the walls are lack of tews eyes and think - isn't this just a remarkable amount of buffs for one game i think toad's head is like up on the wall - yeah his little spot texture the boos are fine though boos couldn't be happier it doesn't say el is real anymore I think it I think this reads let me get closer I think it says I think that's what it says so this is a good one actually I should explore a little more I think with a lot of these it just like a lot of ones that replace the textures I've noticed it uses the same few textures over and over oh I think this is like a two's mouth if I'm not mistaken on these on these little corners [Music] it seems to to swap models or textures yeah that's definitely less lakitu let's try let's try Sam bland oh this wall is fun oh it's cuz it's a painting see what this does oh it's just blood this is actually a very soothing shade of magenta Strayer Avery read this is kind of nice it's you know it's a change of pace oh and these are orbs what is what these orbs I don't recognize what this this like gold ball texture is from but it sure is something mmm the sand is also unchanged I think cuz that's its own entity I mentioned oh oh goodness the floor is goombahs this is like some Lovecraftian horror no oh wow I'm glad I checked out this level actually I think I've tried it with lethal lava land before and it was just clown puke the whole way let's try like a couple more this is really a lot - well it's just gross - look at let's try Jolly Roger bag I'm trying to think ones that I didn't look at when I did this first when I was like way younger and also I initially did these these kinds of corruptions on a oh my god this looks way different I used to do it on an NES so I'm trying to say and it's it's easier on there but at least this one it saves the codes see what the boat looks like and then I'm gonna do a different corruption Oh God oh I wasn't expecting the underwater to be like this what is this texture holy this has given me like myth philosophy obeah I think is this like something Steve this looks like teeth big long gangly teeth I [Music] think oh this is Koopa this is Koopa shells while the ship is made of Koopa this is good oh this looks like an esophagus now and I don't appreciate that the water texture seems to be fine there's there's so many balls there's a lot of orbs there's black orbs here the walls and floor are pink orbs boom does it find them oh god oh god okay listen right before I die I'm gonna let's do a different one I do remember that somebody's talking about someone called me on discord and it did like a video call and I opened it an accident and I was like oh I'm on a video call now and then I like I was like I don't know I don't want to do like the face cam but I I just pointed it up at the ceiling and there was no spoon or whatever Erlich makes it bent fist I remember this one this is another one there were only like three that I had before like yesterday and then I just went to the internet and downloaded or not downloaded I type them in tediously annoyingly the typing inside the actual game genie sucks it's like sometimes it just seems to randomly crush buttons twice I think it's just insanely sensitive and also on a n64 but this one is called fist and see if you can guess why it's called fist I'll give you I'll give you guys a couple more minutes to try to work it out is one of his fists his left fist grows in size until it maxes out and then shrinks again and I think it inverts like now it is a reverse hand and it grows again can you give a hint all right look at Mario try to observe what Mario is doing this one's good though a lot I remember when I looked on the internet previously for this earlier when I was like doing this as a teenager rather a lot of them had the side effect of making Mario's fists grow and shrink for some reason it might be like maybe it's because there's like his fists grow when he does like this animation maybe I don't know couldn't tell you weird innit does the hitbox grow too I'm I'm pretty sure it doesn't it might that would be Opie select cheat codes oh yeah so it comes like preloaded with like a bunch of games and the last one is just Zelda like you want to use it is it Ocarina of Time is it Majora's Mask notes it might be is there a port of Zelda one that's on any sort of n64 cartridge let's see all arrow types and that's it Wow take that off there's like a bunch of weird games near two different ones for to rock cuz I got updated oh this is another texture so nice big ol yeehaw that is somebody's name that's a new sub thank you and somebody earlier yo horrific RS subscribed to earlier but I was Mario was snoozing during that time yes squelch while walking on Mario's eyes everything is eyes as far as the as far as far as you can see you know I think I probably checked and I think bomb on battlefield didn't have anything exciting so I think I check bomb battlefield with like all these it's tres no world maybe it's just more eyes I don't know what I'm standing on right now this is a weird texture I feel like a lot of this level is just gonna be the same texture though oh the Snowman he's fixed well let's see if I can make it oh my god the wind helped me well I'm gonna see what the inside of the cabin looks like just oh god these platforms are like invisible I think so far these ones have just been cosmetic and like later on we're gonna get to some ones that change the actual behavior of the game besides just how it looks oh god eyes are huge in this one it's terrifying oh Jesus Christ this is an insanely menacing stage when it's all just eyeballs I don't know if maybe some of you didn't ever play the pal version of the game but this is what it's like they spoil us in NTSC Oh fun this music does not represent my feelings for this area in any way shape or form alright this has been a journey I'll do the next one okay we're getting into the ones that I downloaded the other day and I remember I tried a few of these like I tried these three here so I know what these are gonna do as well but then we're gonna get into into unproved territory so this one is called darkness there's not really a lot to this one it's just kind of like what if you were a speed runner and you like wanted to challenge yourself by just running the game in this mode can't see captain toad stands out though as a light of beacon a light of beacon in the darkness of sticking with it that's basically all there is to that one it's just everything except like objects are invisible and you guys saw at the beginning this is a long list rainbow this one some of these come prepackaged with an epilepsy warning and this is one of them [Music] all right this the screen looks fun Oh money the transitions are oh I forgot how bad this one is though I think it's like the rainbow effect on Bowser but it is it is vibrant in its colors well this one is actually like kind of neat looking it is seizure inducing but I like the way it looks what a beautiful sky it looks like we're inside like a giant dome like Truman Show style that would explain all the other that's going on oh this will do but like I said I think it's the rainbow effect that's on Bowser in the last Bowser fight oh oh that's good to say it looks kind of normal in here but no not quite let's try that one level and then I think there's not a whole lot to see if this one besides a head someone was asking about capture cards earlier i use an elgato game capture HD and I also have a little white box that lets me connect directly to consoles like this with AV input and yeah that's about it for that you always have to wait a little minute what the gameshark itself is really strange fellas you who have never used one it's like a second cartridge and you plug the game shark in first and then you plug in whatever game you want to play like on top of it and the game shark actually has a little like LCD display oh this one's good I remember this one this one's like a acid trip looks fine so far mmm this one makes me kind of seasick I'm not gonna lie the ground just can't decide what it is it's like shifting sand land but it's just shifting everything land it makes me a little queasy so he'll help too [Music] good Thank You toad very comforting oh god it's just like it seems like if used to let it stand still and it looks fine but then you move and it's just like actually wait wait wait oh that wall is trying to hug me I want to try it like let's do forms fortress I'll get to the top of the thing with this on I think in some reason the castle it looks basically fine but then like around the edge of the screen it'll just be like a where every once in a while alright no problem this oh god this is very disorienting I feel like I'm you know I'm gonna oh they're hidden I can't I couldn't see I still can't see this sucks two two messages in Chen one directly after the other what's different nevermind Oh Oh God Oh I was running into a wall there I didn't even notice this is so this is so this has given me aneurysms I [Music] normally I would confidently long jump up this thing but I I I can't even be sure it or I exist oh my god I can't believe that actually happen twice then things just a little oh okay it's a lot I could try to do that skip there but this price so easy it's just so jank whew okay this part we get a nice little relaxing oh never mind music came back in and the acid trip effects are back oh I'm gonna kill the plum see if his geometry up to on squash are you gonna attack me mister are we in an infinite loop I didn't know this could happen is this something that happens in a normal game this is fine actually everything seems basically normal now that's a bit of an anti-climax well I'll try the speed dammit hold on I'll try it again let's do it for the glory yeah oh that actually is pretty Oh God right as soon as he died the came back oh god okay that's that's enough of this actually somebody mention the slide that is a good idea I'm gonna fall off it's over here right yes welcome to hell alright nothing too bad so far you know I think I feel like maybe this is like the rest of the castle it seems very stable actually there's just a bit of weirdness around the edge of the screen and also I suck all right nothing about that you have to like give the gameshark a little bit of time it counts down it goes 5 4 3 2 1 on its on its front when it's loading up let's just like give me a sec ok NES oh we're getting into the ones that I have not checked out yet so I just basically input like a ton of codes and gave them like all a brief like one or two word description based on what the person typed and you may notice most glitch iasts some of them were just add really funny descriptions you know so I just I tried to preserve those ones wait is that still selected yes I think it's just gonna make the music all chip tuning oh wow that is not many us enough of that that is not an NES I played an NES that ain't it very bad bad first code that's not what an NES sounds like person on the Internet alright this one's called clumsy [Music] and Sue Mario is just gonna fall down a lot is that what seems normal there's some weirdness on the bridge though okay Mario seems to control same let's see maybe he like I'm gonna track picking something up [Music] it would suck if all these coats that I wrote down just did jack I think Mario is is not clumsy in this oh wait no that was just three hoops in a row independent of the glitch throughout the of the codes we try getting hit one more time notice to be sure no we no idea what this one was on about I think the description said clumsy Mario oh well we'll try the next one most glitch iasts now this one the person on the forum said that this was their most glitchy estoy whatever the that means oh oh oh I see what you mean forum poster holy cheery music is it gonna work it's going so slow oh my god this game is like it's barely holding it together right now it's gonna crash any second oh my god we're in gameplay guys I think that thing I think that that that like apex of polygons in the middle I think that's Mario I think that's Mario he can jump oh this is too much this is too much I should have given an epilepsy warning for this one too yeah oh it's so slow Oh guys I'm done I'm done I can't I can't bear to look at this anymore well that was that made up for the lackluster past two ones okay this one's called star Oh checks out that's me it just completely I think you just replace Mario's model with stuff it's a meat stereo that's good hold on no I have to do something there's there's just one thing I must do [Music] hey guys look at me I'm a shooting star remember for my playthrough what the spacing is on this bat right oh no I just basically scraped I'll beat the King ball on there are no wait there's cannon right here get me on that island agent there we go no way I can that up I get a cap first oh that's good good animation for that but this is what we're all here for [Music] yes I don't know why that may be chuckle a I just wanted to see a star above another star something you might say you could have just drawn that on some paper no I had to do it in Mario 64 mmm clumsy cliff she is a star picture I don't remember what the description of this one was but I wrote the word picture does it mean the game is gonna crash so it's just a picture that is a lot of these oh oh I get it picture yeah no makes sense now oh it's Bowser oh never mind this one's amazing it's just another like stupid reskin but it's like paintings and doors holy the hallway of peach this is insane let's see I think that's the snow painting I think this is like a distorted version of the snow painting it's Troy hell let's see what hell is like oh it's more Bowser its Bowser in fact this is the this is a different painting of Bowser though this is the one from the shifting red coin tiles so much of the game is Bowser now it's just like the recent Nintendo overhaul I'm not really an overhaul well this is this is pretty interesting let's look at one more war on oh just try and kill me game you can't it's trying to yeah the sand blend that was a good decision last time and I'm all about good decisions though the actual paintings are like invincible they never get changed except for one like the entire universe is it's it's like magenta again but like a different kind is this like a massive Bowser it kind of looks like a bull board skin oh maybe it's from a mushroom oh right Sam yeah and I think that's just climbed puke now where is this like I think this is a piranha plant skin maybe I don't know weird okay that's enough of this one oh no no no Luigi I don't want it to leave Luigi so this one you may have noticed it says Luigi and I'm gonna assume that at the very most it's just gonna be Thank You motor it's just gonna be Mario with look like green paint on his hat you know but let's see hey okay that is not Luigi that is not even this is not even a fake Luigi they didn't even get all the way through rescanning him this is like Mario after he like rolled in some moss this is a pitiful Luigi damn it all right well that that sucks he got inked he slimed me well that was that was a disappointment I thought that L would be real 24:01 oh this is sky alright I have been looking forward to seeing what sky and sky to do I assume that it will affect the sky in a negative manner oh never mind I guess we're just gonna get this yeah that's a good one that's a good good glitch good code it's in my code it's in my code it's a good thing we have another sky to go with yes see if this crash is to every loading screen makes me tense up oh this is just another this is just another puke one though in fact the sky is the only thing that's not up the hell let's try a different level maybe toad is fine as usual I feel like it's the same sky texture for this for bomb battlefield in the outdoors yep let's try the when you like look up nudee nope the rainbow rings are kind of like oh they're like a ring around Saturn now that's kind of cool kind of like the rainbows better when it didn't just look like some gravel and someone threw sheight lads I just realized I haven't been recording this whole time but I can always just get the vibe from twitch pink all right let's see this I feel like this is gonna be an underwhelming one do both at the same time or one we crashed it so pink oh this is just more this is just yet more bomb yeah yeah accidentally pressed a button after try I tried these debug mode is kind of cool I always like saw that with people who are using emulators but I was assumed it was like the modded a modded version of the game maybe but no it's actually in the game I guess it's a modified version because they access the debug mode but this is just is this the same exact thing so many of these are just puke just varying levels of puke this one was called pencil world or whatever pencil I think is what I wrote down very weird I forget what's next in a list but I Oh let's see here melt oh oh I see Mario you're putting on a bit of dreams my friend there dude you're looking a little fat and this sign is looking a little air red it's looking a little long oh god oh oh oh what the games going so slow hmm so are you okay Oh Toto's okay for a second and then his face disappeared he got is he got like the Cinderella cut out on his face from Jojo part 4 I wanna see a world oh wait what's the thing here is this cut back it's cut in half lately just removed one of the specs of this is it just removes half the carpet good it strike Flom oh whoa yo those railings full on this is all we need is these railings let's see if we can get the stretch again do you think oh holy Mario lend your energies the Bannister clan people are saying like do combinations of ones I'm gonna start mixing them later don't you worry that's that's on the to try list but I'm gonna I'm gonna do all of them individually first so far so usual oh never mind this block is not usual fact is this cup is a milk category in fact why is there milk at here oh god I'm really good slide back down dive dive he's a oh my god listen it doesn't look like anything's gonna get super anyway more than it already has oh god we may need to come back to that one when I when I am doing combinations select cheat codes oh I don't want I don't want to go talk to Wayne Gretzky colors alright is this gonna be like the Bowser rainbow effect we haven't seen any of that really affect this opening screen in particular very much oh oh epilepsy look away what the it's just everything is just flashing [Music] well I don't know why this one was called colors it's just flashing let's try one level I I really don't think it's doing anything crazy this one's just odd I'm wondering if maybe I wrote some of these down wrong cuz like I said entering into the game shark is bad it's hot also some of them just don't work like the one that says walk on hills that's like built-in doesn't work stretch still that face remains unfucked oh oh it's another one of these it's just like distort this one seems like even more extreme though oh god oh god this is like a way worse version let's see what the waters like oh yeah yeah I could definitely tell what's going on this is incredibly disorienting I can still like like it isn't affecting the gameplay it's just the graphics I have no idea what's a graphic god zooming in for the cutscene looks weird [Music] we have to blj in this hell mode [Music] I'm only gonna try a few times it might just be I mean it isn't like I said it I don't think it's affecting the gameplay it's just affecting my will to live it's affecting a English accent oh that was almost it hold on alright I really wanted to see the endless stairs like this Oh God [Music] all right you thought these stairs were disorienting as they were in the game not so come on come on get on the right stair oh that was almost it oh me I [Music] don't even need to get past this I don't know what I'm why I'm doing it Oh God this music is like a real nightmare oh I it up one more Yahoo okay ten more Yahoo's yeah there we go looks perfectly normal me Oh God doing platforming with this I don't even want to try actually the lack of ball I think it's just the levels you on the tree that it but man it really Oh God Oh God okay listen this I've had enough of this I want to get out of blankies funhouse oh by the way guys if I ever start like if I have headphones on so if I'm like yelling I'm talking like weirdly loud call me out on that cuz it sounds dumb in a video I just realized I was talking lab world I wonder what world is I'm kind of excited for fish too oh you know this is kind of soothing actually I think this is just the water texture this one said world so it's its water world like the movie that's pretty cool is it I mean the water really blends in you only tell it's real water cuz it's moving let's see what it looks like inside oh and puke again great well that was relaxing while it lasted [Music] is anything else gonna look as like a uniform as the outside of that thing and by that thing I mean the castle I don't know what I'm talking about is this texture I have no idea what that is and then this is actual snow holy guys the texture is in the right place [Music] yeah I think oh wait this bridge is a little over [Music] oh wait I think we have a better view of what this texture is is it like a flower what the is this it looks like an I don't know what it looks like that in the game is that a glitch [Music] weird really weird somebody asked did I ever play Majora's Mask I did it's it's real good maybe I'll play if we get 3d simulation going I can play the ocarina of time and majora's mask remakes cuz I never played those I just played the originals fish oh God we're finally here I'm like praying that this is what I think it is oh my god all my dreams have come true it just bounced along holy no wait I have to be I have to be with my compatriots my family needs me yes no don't run away you are my brethren no just because I'm swimming backwards doesn't mean you have to run in fear what a sad life this fish leads shunned by his likeness swimming backwards in sideways eternally that's incredible I kind of want to just like go beat the entire game just so that a dead fish can beat Bowser so somebody said Majora's Mask remake up a lot of the game I'm just gonna take a wild stab in the dark does that is I referring to like some kind of quality of life improvement or something that sounds like the sort of thing where it's like something was made more clear or easy to understand you know okay this one's rocket am I going to turn into a rocket or I'm good am I going to behave like a rocket [Music] oh yeah oh I'm like a rocket that's what this is oh ho yo wait the longest jump ever ever conceived by man I even swim faster it changed the bosses I remember some of the bosses were pretty in that game I mean they looked cool I remember the one in the Zora temple was a little oh my god yeah I got a feel Jay like this hey you know actually I think you might oh whoa what the I'm not oh I'm not touching the control stick and he keeps moving oh how long is this gravy train gonna keep doing huh how long you gonna skid Mario oh I have to I have to walk in my way around I don't think I don't think you could conceivably blj in this state because you would just collide with something oh yeah I can't I can't go backwards during a long jump anymore the forward momentum is way too fast see normal run speed is fine but then when you bump into a wall it's all like oh wait no be like never mind bigots after you've still got the speed boost from jumping yeah that's definitely it holy what is like the biggest like wide open area you can tickle all right let's see if I can clear this entire like it's like Superman I didn't clear a stage in a single bound yeah oh my god it's kind of like being able to teleport a little bit semi controllable ability to teleport it's just like her pecs yeah Jesus it's like you keep going until you hit a wall oh god I don't suppose I can get up here huh camera sad oh my god [Music] yeah you like that BriTANicK Deepcut oh sorry I just slipped out oh this is so this is so hard to manage yeah yeah Mario is a God he can get anywhere just by going Yahoo alright that's enough of this though wait no I have to try shooting myself out of a cannon oh damn that was unchanged sad then a single jump oh whoa whoa yo-yo the newest in walking technology has been discovered [Music] look how walk-in he is dude look how walking Mario is he's walking dude look at that look at the skill on display this is just backwards momentum that never ends until you hit something like I'm in a skid forever until I do something all right I'm drunk this is you jump faster than a cannon yes very much so they should add this to his moves in Smash that's a good idea rocket that was a good one Lego is it just all gonna be blocks oh oh oh this one's like the other just completely one but it's like it's a little less hectic oh it's functioning - oh that's Mario you may not recognize him it's been 15 years since the public eye is seen Mario but he resurfaced again looking like I love crafty and horror this is gonna crash so hard [Music] okie-dokie oh god there he is there's our boy he's just you know are everyone's favorite assortment of polygons this is like beyond listen to how slow his footprints are going that's how fast Mario is walking is it never gonna get any better oh god yeah I think I have a vague idea of where I am I can go in the water to soothe my soul yes yes no okay I'm so done with this I don't want to start without codes there is something very like the inner twelve-year-old in me really likes the the menu select option select cheat codes look this one's called look I don't know what that means oh is that what look means it's looking - it's just black dudes eyes again ok well we got to check the courtyard now to see if there's gonna be bumps polygons salad is a good way to put that totes oops no box pitiful Holden the castle is made of red bouncy balls though that's good well let's look elsewhere drugs is this just gonna be I feel like this is going to be another disgusting texture oh oh it's another one of these got a lot of them are this in some way shape or form just like weird Distortion yeah we've we've been here gotta let the game shark cool down in between uses select your coats kid see it's taking longer and longer to get down this list now oh right melty I wanna get on a TV snow but let's see if melty is the same thing I have a feeling it's gonna be just like melt maybe that's a bit of a stretch yeah no it's the same exact thing oh I can probably delete these the ones that have been doing nothing like clumsy didn't really do anything most glitziest was amazing picture was just kind of normal normal fuckness and then let's get rid of these sky mmm oh this one - in pencil why not and no no way we're keeping the milk we're getting rid of melty this was like strobe world and I think stretch was the same as distort but we'll keep that and then melty will delete - ok TV snow this one's like stuck out to me the person who wrote it down on the internet said that it looks like that snow that you get when you try to go to a channel you don't have on your TV and I was like static are you talking about TV static they refer to it as snow Oh what the it dropped me from super high up that's not snow it's snowing Mario's just like maybe there was a language barrier I'm gonna go to the snow level to make sure no the snow seems the same I think all that changed was just that Mario spawned higher up that's pretty funny [Music] mmm I wonder what tetrisphere is is that like picross TV snow Bowser's star oh I think I actually tried this one and it was just a texture I think that's the same one that we got before with the paintings let's try this one flying electric so Emolga then just the pokemon in mocha it's a me it's just more puke it's just more of this garbage I think yeah this is just this is just more of this dreck I forget what this one is even called oh there's some balls there's always balls back back back yeah this is this is just more more of this garbage flying electric yeah no idea maybe oh maybe I should have got the cap whatever pain it's the only name of this one I'm not feeling the pain it's just more of this oh wait the castle I'm feeling the pain I'm feeling a lot of pain yeah oh yeah yeah the paint's coming in hardened fast actually oh look people often comment on the on the aspect ratio y'all have seen it how I'm seeing it on my TV you're getting the authentic n64 experience on like a modern television this is what it's like guys what did we do Oh pain so this one said silly putty and that is a like the little sick like that is an intentional spelling error they called it silly putty so whatever that means I swear to god this is just melt again I wasn't ready I wasn't ready for that so he's only got one eye why this is horrific do a little spin oh yeah such a cute little C Oh such a cute little scene we got going here let's see what's under your nose they're terrific Mario man perhaps grab your eyeball there's really not a lot to change to make it look any worse it's that like peak badness right now [Music] yeah are you gonna move you freak Oh God Oh God that is not Mario I just want to point this out this is very much not Mario it's like genuinely horrific like he's got the angry white eyes and then he's got a blue eye floating in front of him it's his stand I just want to see and then normal gameplay eh Mario's fine look at that he's got both his eyes in his head and everything well that was a good one maybe both of the eyes were on top of each other silly putty I guess I guess it makes sense okay this one's called nausea and I think it's just gonna be distorted again probably it's good to see normal Mario again no it's just another one of these in fact I think this is pain again this is the same one is pain potentially yeah something like that similar breed did something really loud just play up close oh this is very different Oh God oh well I don't know what I expected we're really up close there he is we're just looking at Mario's hat everything is super Oh oh my god oh my god this is gameplay what the game oh oh I can't adjust the camera I can't adjust my life oh wait it's like the game is running perfectly normally except except that it has no idea what to do with the images everything is insanely close Oh God well that's good this is a good one really great one we got some glimpses of the level in there I think I've actually gone blind I thought the rocket one said regret for a second oh okay here's a couple rave and are ones that I've tested already and rave is definitely an epilepsy warning she was sick music oh [Music] yeah we're getting down hard rave music going on in the background and it keeps going into the gameplay that's really all there is to this we got like a less extreme version of this earlier but it's really incredible what from the eyes is good right yeah that's what I'm getting it's all blood here let's see rave and then I remember this one this one is really good you can tell it's a good one when even the beginning parts are like up I didn't take a good look at this earlier but the like my cursor is just a line and the little Mario heads are like getting sucked into the next dimension they're like yeah okie dokie oh yeah we're here you guys like triangles I got 20 this one is awesome because the game is otherwise completely stable it's just all the textures are even Mario's face he kind of looks like you remember that movie smiley or whatever where they were like hey kids you using other guns right all right toad help me in my time of crisis Oh God wait a second toad what is that is that Braille are you talking English you can talking real speak Oh God like it just looks it looks neat it looks very different but I remember paintings make a very cool pattern to when you jump into them they become art look at that isn't that actually cool-looking Mario 64 made that it's art and we're getting like a bit of the of the distort effect - nothing to see here just some perfectly normal gameplay oh that's my that's my health that just appeared in the center I was like what is that little cluster of polygons it's just everything is two triangles - or more even the orders these giant balls are just two triangles and Mario looks kind of horrific it's hard to see where the balls are because they're not like a giant round texture anymore let's beat the Bob on man [Music] oh wait he's speaking like a different language than toad was this is different dialect even the king of bobomb reduced to triangles sad pathetic yeah let me get them it's kind of hard to tell which side is this backside it's a mode [Music] he's just like that's what he's saying there oh yeah and we did it me the perfectly normal mario hero of mario 65 only it's a cool ass pattern again that is nutty alright we're done with this one though let's see here so that was oh we're going to locust now and I'm just gonna I haven't tried this one I'm just gonna guess maybe turn maybe take your headphones off turn him down adjust your volume appropriately I was very right I was very right to advise that but it's gone wait wait guys the locusts are gone are they gonna come back oh yeah there they are there we are loud and clear yeah this is relaxing there's a wave of bugs coming in I think we're gonna get us okay I can't I can't I can't handle it no more no more Picasso what does this gonna do is this just gonna be more I feel like it was just gonna be more fun textures oh never mind you know this would look sick that was awesome oh and now it's normal again what the Oh what the hell what is this like like viscera texture everything's bloody the sky is bloody and checkered this is like a mad mod episode of Teen Titans this is up it's like a meat castle let me in your meat castle Princess Peach and now it's perfectly oh wait the coins are black that's kind of sick you want edgy coins in your Mario game we got them oh you want the inability to move forward see I'm a little curious what else is [Music] oh the railing is invisible that's kind of interesting oh there was text there for a second but then it gave up Oh God oh this is like this is like up I don't like this the coins are black the sky is red I feel like I'm gonna die get the owl out here wait where's the island or do you need to select a later star for that oh what's up there oh that's a prompt I thought that was blue fire for a second I was like what you what Mike let's take a look at a star oh nevermind let's take a look at die let's try a couple more areas with this I feel like this there's more to be gleaned from this hack okay never mind this one's kind of fun all the water is like dark too though no never mind don't like it what are red coins but I still read are they something different Cooper's are the same Oh red coins are even blacker and then invisible [Music] yeah okay I feel like this one yeah it doesn't change much but it changes some things the coins are oil and they polluted the ocean yes this is an art game super environment 64 oh dang we're we're right up to the end guys this one is called insane so it better be damn good alright alright yeah yeah give me more give me more give me the Mario face there it is there's the money we got him that is exactly what I wanted something just this up it's recognizable but you know you can't put your finger on it but there's something a little off about him [Music] [Music] I'll see how this affects the rest of the old oh my god this one is like it's doable but it's so chaotic oh my god Mario's trying to keep it together but I think it's a losing battle maybe let me do speed runner strats in mode damnit oh I was so close listen it's not worth it oh you look good boo that haircut someone get simple flips to play this all the way through the boos kind of look like eyes it's so weird because it otherwise runs perfectly fine beyond just being completely visually I mean I've had enough of this I'm enough of this is the sentence that just tried to come out of my mouth I am enough of this this is good eventually we can try combining these in fact these are ones so I think that's all the ones that I have not tried all the rest of these are crazy so this is the green devil people who play like modded mario 64 should know about that it's basically just makes 1up mushrooms kill you but this this one is good these are ones that like affect the gameplay in great ways allow me to show you you guys ever wanted to know the secret to getting a lot of 1ups in this game you just got slide exactly right on this one trees and all will become yours you've indefinitely grind for them this is amazing so normally when Mario climbs a tree we use come off of it but this makes it so that items come off of it and they're one of the mushrooms and there are varying sizes because they spawn the leaves of varying sizes isn't that cool sadly the giant one ups do not give you more one ups that would be good wouldn't it yeah cap 700 but that one's good makes the game a little easier now this next one is I'm gonna combine two different ones there's one that makes it so that it's that same effect but with bones on the trees and then this glitter bottom one is it makes it so that bombs leave a trail of coins behind them rather than smoke so this is just gonna spawn a bunch of bombs and then the bottoms are in turn going to spawn a bunch of coins isn't that good and the bombs are of like varying sizes - oh God wait I need to grab one of the giant palms I don't know if I can oh god it's like they immediately explode upon being spawn - I'm trying to catch one it's not working yeah we finally got the crash as tempting fate we're getting near the end and then I'm gonna try a few like in conjunction with each other Oh Goomba recursion that's the one that I started off with in fact let's try just doing this we're not going to do up close with any of them ever I mean I'm gonna do fish - why not you know Mario you're a fish you piece of [Music] yes and now I think it's funny that the bubbles can't hurt you when you're on oh wait there's a big one oh what's happening what's happening it's like I just placed the Hulk guys oh it came back that was remarkable I need to try that again Oh actually no we we need to go to an actual lemon and then do that nothing to see here just a fish trotting around mine it's business so now we can have recursive Goomba stomping as well as giant bottoms interacting and a fish the whole gangs here all these problems immediately unloaded the other ones name to load just oh it's a tiny one look how cute look how cute it is it's gonna say you ever gonna explode buddy I kind of Oh God it's gonna say I kind of love the giant bones just walking around and what they don't damage me - oh my god it's what is happening [Music] I'm gonna crash the game again I love too many coins I just want to get one giant dude oh yeah yeah yeah when you're walking yeah when you walk and dude look at this massive fella it's amazing what we can do with computers make a giant bomb bomb oh he hurt me though I need to grab one again Oh tiny problem yes look how small look how small you can barely see it gimme gimme yes I got it this is a natural thing for the game to do oh oh what the as an odd behavior I don't know what causes that [Music] oh and I crashed it got the ax [Music] all right let's try something else let's try that could really ones on top of each other okay we gotta get fist in there we gotta get hmm some of these are like too too much to with let's get melt let's hit no rock is too much - what was Lego Lego was really mmm it's one silly putty - and how about we tempt fate and put in there as well yeah all right good good to see this abomination again Oh God looking good looking good as ever oh my god yo everyone's here we got the giant fist we got the we got the melt we got the distort it's running so slowly though holy look at these railings they're going all over the place this is not a real n64 I remind you oh my god toad what do you got for me what do you guys say you are without a face yet again - speaking Braille all right well time to do a level [Music] yeah let's view a cutscene well the key looks fine the key is perfectly normal what the hell it's like the only thing unaffected by the oh it all looked kind of okay when it was standing still but now that it's moving again don't like it Oh what is the mirror gonna do hold on is it gonna work damn the mirror still works in this and everything that's I wasn't expecting that again cool pattern Oh God well stutter in that menu what you guys don't know this this is Mario 64 this is maybe you haven't played this version before but this is how the game was meant to be played [Music] hold on I have to be LJ I have to be LJ oh god it's so hard to long-jump in this with all this happening I don't even know if I can long jump under here well it's just gonna be like a few more hours of me just jumping under this one cube I'm trying to get a long jump going but it it really seems like it's not gonna happen probably not not when this much is going on I don't even have the it looked like it was open but it wasn't yeah oh yeah oh it's getting worse the affliction increases mm yeah yeah I want to get to the top of the snowman's big head in this mode this is a fun moment it's a little extra challenge you think you know Mario 64 you don't know it like this oh the coins look like little pieces of shrapnel just sitting around the Penguins shadow is huge too [Music] all right now we wait we wait for this fat [Music] goddamnit don't we dare penguin oh you piece of it's so hard to tell what's going on no there's my health meter represented as a few pool cues in the middle of the screen I think I think I'm just about done with this combination ended the game right as Mario was doing let's see most glitziest good lord we could combine all the ones that that make the sound completely you know I think I'm probably just about done with this stream actually unless if I are there any combinations you guys are really dying to see I think we've done probably just about as as it'll get stretch and distort stretch distort fish all right this is last one I think for the stream and then if I find bunch more I can come back to this this is my natural habitat you may not understand it but it's my home that belong in the shifting waters I remember there was one that I was trying out earlier that made it so that it was like trying to do something else and it failed to do that thing but it also made Mario walk underwater I was like oh good okay maybe as like a finale I'll do all the like ridiculously ones like all the ones that were like too much on their own you know mmm all right so you got to get your you gotta get your most glitziest of course you got to get your silly putty yeah you gotta get your up close that's a good one you got to get your insane of course and then on top of all that so far so good oh man you know I don't know what I expected it's just the worst of all worlds hmm oh my god it's like modern art guys I think we just made modern art so usually like take any one of these frames and frame it and sell it for a million dollars gamers will go nuts for it oh god I'm gonna start moving it gets even worse well guys [Music] it's been a hell of a journey and I'll definitely come back on with more of these kinds of corruptions in the future I know I have some for goldeneye that I did a while ago and other kinds of things like that and of course I have the one for the NES I have one for the Genesis where I can do sonic corruptions maybe but this was fun I and maybe who knows I'll even find a bunch of more codes for this one but it's so it's so contrasting having the birds in the background and then this in our faces but I'll do that some other time maybe tonight I'll stream more I'll do like some world of light or something or maybe Ori but this was good I think this is definitely gonna become a video because you know why stop ripping off vine sauce when you can keep ripping off fine sauce trying to think what else there even is to say oh yeah Riley and I beat dk64 so you know Parker's for that and it was mostly Riley but videos coming up we got a new episode of lark Souls lark is working on an episode of bastards to publish and I'm gonna make a miscellaneous smash montage and they'll be let's see Katamari speedrun and this so watch it to look forward to so take it easy drink your milk go to school eat my ass
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 11,254
Rating: 4.8954248 out of 5
Keywords: Epilepsy
Id: -oQY4pWscLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 36sec (6276 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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