[Full stream] - Rhythm Heaven Silver [Part 2]

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[Music] foreign [Music] bye [Music] [Music] actor for joe tarot welcome everyone i've got some news there have been developments uh we got some lovely fan art here from bill underscore games this is great stuff some people were under the impression that i did not like uh the like rap bros or whatever it's called it's awesome i really like it i like like i like the look of the two characters and this is a great a great little edit a bit of a late stream today probably gonna be a short one i said that this would be a two stream game but i i got biz hawk new emulator i've heard good things about it in the past it's a multi-platform it hosts different uh platforms and it's used for speed running so low latency is a priority and i replayed through the game up until the point where we were at because i don't know how to transfer the save data and i wanted to try it again and it feels a lot easier it feels like the latency is almost completely gone just like dolphin so good good is all i have to say i had a lot of fun playing it earlier today i i considered just streaming me replaying through the game so you guys could see me do better at the games but i oops i didn't that's not a computer mouse just don't worry about that i have to snort into you pho show pho show the way that your guy says faux show in that mini game is so it's a pho show is that a good volume hold on let me adjust it just a tiny bit [Music] cool [Music] rhythm games i have not actually tried any of these things yet let's just see what email is actually rhythm heaven welcome look at this little guy [Music] this is similar to there was something like this in the cafe you borrowed it from a friend or bought it used uh oh well putting that aside it's like what do they feel like translating that the fan translators we're honored that you're interested in this game we're glad we met you [Music] okay we hope you enjoy it for a long long time isn't it great that you're playing this in english this free fan translation is a collaboration between several people wow they're just straight up adding something dirty started the project way back in may 2007 since then it has passed four through four owners and many other contributors here we are five years later and the translation hack is still unfinished yeah okay uh this is cool and all but i like to do props to these guys i'm not gonna read all this though hacking nintendo what one of them is just what now i wish i read it okay want to see this game get a proper translation from nintendo we do too to help this cause you need to buy the rhythm games fill out those games club nintendo surveys okay yeah [Music] it would be hard to translate this game though like really hard for some parts i feel like the like rhythm heaven fever toned down the japanese specific all right doesn't hurt to try [Music] it's a smash letter in the background damn all right that was a lot i was not expecting that handling instructions it's not such a complicated game that it needs explanation so there's not actually much to write here okay simple enough i love the little guy in the corner okay let's get out of here and then what is i see oh what the okay so i tried the drum kit again and it's still miserable there's still [Music] i don't know i around with it and it's still something about it is still it's like i can't do it but i guess this is cool you can play along with the music i don't i don't think uh rhythm heaven fever had the ability to do that that's pretty cool honestly what is sort sorry i know you guys probably want to see actual rhythm heaven oh i see or mark okay cool oh yeah you may notice i have a certain song i got a couple perfects off stream and uh also oops i got all superbs too oh well it was way easier the second time around some of them still give me trouble uh this one rap men still gave me a little bit of trouble but it was so much more fun i would like going back through it even the quiz the quiz was easy i just actually played it like a normal human being and it was fine so i let me know if that volume is at a good level and we're just going to try i have never seen this one i have no idea what this is so let's just go bouncing balls need your help they're good to us so don't drop them [Music] this is giving me built to scale vibes sorry that was gross oh i see okay wordless tutorial i like it oh god i can see how this could get oh jesus [Music] all right [Music] also it's so hard for me to talk during this if this is your first rhythm heaven stream forgive me because i can't speak while i'm doing this at least not very much i try to keep it lively oh god [Music] okay [Music] okay a lot of them are so short some of them are so short the rhythm kept everything flowing but still just okay the winds gossip we're good partners nice oh there were little guys at the bottoms of those so there was some lore that you guys missed out on like the marching guys apparently they were like rescuing they were on a mission to rescue aliens i saw that when i superb that one also i noticed like some of them are kind of scummy night walk is like kind of a piece of minigame honestly like even quiz is not that bad night walk is literally just quarter notes and it gives you a seizure [Music] and that's about it it's just it's literally like there is no variation whatsoever it's so much better in rhythmic fever but yeah oh yeah and i got a perfect on karate man marcher and i think that's it [Music] just got a couple of them i tried one i tried samurai slice and i didn't get it unfortunately anyway uh ninja it's an enemy raid yo we got a ninja raid take on their challenge with both of your hands ninja i don't think i've seen this one oh this is this warioware this is so reminiscent of that one warioware minigame it's even like black and white [Music] do i have to like catch the arrow [Music] okay it's exhibition match [Music] oh god what oh i need to like move back and forth okay i see i understand now i need to switch oh god [Music] oh jesus [Music] hmm not doing so hot oh god it's so fast nice [Music] okay pretty okay on that it's like just move just get out of the way the feudal lord's opinion still just okay all right that one was cute it was kind of hard the the quick succession ones forgive me my lord maybe if you had moved out of the way oh toss boys no relation to bono dory some a lot of them are just a little smiling face marcher and bonodori both have the same like smiling mouth and this one does too toss boys oh i think i've seen this yeah this is like a famous one we join our friends in the middle of practice [Music] okay i understand oh bye where did that ball go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] they made me practice that twice i guess it'll be pertinent blue blur toss that's literally sonic [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] is he just gonna clap one now oh it's shooting them to different guys [Music] i don't really understand why [Music] okay that always catches me off guard [Music] there we go you have to do it again okay [Music] let's get the music's getting slower okay i feel like this one's gonna be tricky yeah there's more [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus this is gonna me up so much [Music] all right [Music] that was new usually goes to a [Music] okay that always me up but it goes off screen [Music] clap it there we go [Music] oh now we just sit here okay [Music] okay doom doom clap like i feel like some of those were on a different beat but maybe they weren't that just always that one thing always me up like i did pretty well otherwise [Music] that one uh hold on let me take a drink of water i need to get the hang of that uh by the way when i replayed bun odori song's been stuck in my head like all day delightful mini game [Music] i still like i i need to like record it and watch back the footage of the ending of it like 10 times i swear because i when i played through it again i was like no it's literally not on the same beat the last pon pun [Music] it's like literally just not fireworks is this like another warioware minigame but i i could be wrong it's just it feels off okay [Music] this is so similar to the other one the the rocket launching one in uh fever [Music] oh cool [Music] i feel like is there a lot of leeway on this one taiko drum i don't know what a tiger drum is nice it is it's a ball go now you're going to play with fire listen for your q and don't fizzle oh god am i supposed to be detonating these am i supposed to hold on no i can't detonate these no wait i can i can what the okay i need to restart this one i just thought that they were gonna have the voices and [Music] okay i just it was completely different in the practice [Music] it's very similar to the song in uh power calligraphy [Music] was i supposed to get all of those in one press oh this one's weird [Music] okay yeah you are oh nice okay [Music] i still passed wow uh i feel like i want to like redo all of these oh look at that guy that was like the most different a practice in the actual game has ever been i feel like like when bon odori when bonadori was doing the practice i was like oh they got like the text up on screen but that's all gonna go away and then no bonodori had singing and the text this had text and a countdown [Music] but it didn't like it didn't have the voice it didn't have the thing i guess you could hear the guy going on one of them and the other one that just didn't tap trial we played this one [Music] is this just a we'll find out i want to do the tutorial anyway just to see if it's different controls [Music] cool [Music] sorry gross cough [Music] nice it's exactly the same is the giraffe going to show up where's the drop yeah his face he's so soulless [Music] this one's so cute [Music] divine [Music] nice [Music] this is where it gets up [Music] beep [Music] nice what a performance nice that's got to be a superb that one's so cute okay i want to go redo all the rest of them it feels good to belong nice now we've seen that quote three times uh no listen i'll maybe go for some perfect but the remixes are kind of like long in this one although that is one of the cooler remixes [Music] let's do it who cares right this one the bunny is so good [Music] oh need to remember how to do this let's just do the rest of it this one was so much easier with no lag or with less lag [Music] this is one of the best remixes so far [Music] damn sad i would have got it if not for that one thing great really great that one's so cute though y'all love fortune it's lovey-dovey who is this little bee anyway all right i kinda wanna try this one just who cares have some fun shocked i got that far that time [Music] foreign [Music] only one appearance of this i guess two oh [Music] me [Music] eat down turn light nice loves angel whoa a couple extra spaces before the word love there hey want to do a double check on those on that english translation want to take those spaces out hell yeah that feels good it feels good to get a perfect on one of those man all right anyway by the way yeah people a few people pointed out to me that np does not in fact stand for neo points uh it stands for no practice which i now understand it's like when they can't fit the words no practice in there then they just say no p but some of them also say no practice i'm pretty sure like this remix did right okay please tell me at least one of them did all right i'm going to redo all of these and try to get superb on them before i do the remix eat eat down turn light i like the car horns in the background of this one like why literally why it was a little stilted [Music] i was so worried i was gonna choke on that last rabbit jump there but it didn't i'm happy it may not sound like it but i'm happy [Music] this must be so hard to do with your eyes closed [Music] that always throws me off i'm gonna have to retry this oh god at least it's short it's really short nope [Music] hopping road oh by the way i learned off stream that i empty like whiffing ruins are perfect like just an empty swing that wouldn't have ruined a perfect in fever learn that the hard way on samurai swing or slice [Music] when i was just around [Music] okay barely got it [Music] you [Music] that's right at the end god damn it i feel like that probably ruined it damn it [Music] this is uh [Music] not cool uh yeah cross means i just press any direction on the d-pad yeah i think in some games it's different this game they've really experimented with the controls which is kind of cool okay this one keeps me up [Music] at least it's short it's probably driving people insane though we'll swing change the tempo [Music] come on come on this is the one baby [Music] you it's always those ones how to do it it's just hard i was experiencing a genuine like brain aneurysm trying to do the drum trials even the simplest ones like something about it okay wow that was good brilliant [Music] this is the first one to take anywhere close to this many tries [Music] hmm [Music] i hate this [Music] dear god it's just hard i didn't get it wow uh last try and then i'm just gonna move on this is insane it's so short that you can't mess up at all that's the that's the like the secret evil to it [Music] bruh one more me [Music] i just like skip to the hard part you know just like skip to the part that is like that is constantly tripping me up i also need to shut the hell up [Music] so [Music] what even are these things what am i [Music] i hate this part i hate it like it literally have you noticed that it's like frame perfect the exact same let me show you something let me show you something let me show you something we gotta get a few levels in hold on what is even gonna do i actually can't believe i'm doing this well i i wanted that wanted to demonstrate how like catastrophic this was at a certain point i will not be able to do it and i will be able to do it perfectly with my fingers drumming on the table i think it's this one oh god it's like something about doing subsequent like notes all right i could do that all day right but when you do it with the buttons it's like it's like the voice mixer it's like the voice like it's like the thing that plays your voice back it's like if i couldn't hear my drum guy playing it would be like a million times easier it's you see you see okay that's what's happening in this game in this one it's like that one part it's where you need to go done a couple times and you hear your own inputs slightly delayed and it me up frame perfect exactly the same every time it's like bruh [Music] okay anyway now that we're done johnning [Music] i just need to trust [Music] does that count i think that's like a slight miss [Music] just move [Music] bro [Music] oh god nice had an extra swing in there [Music] okay uh did i spur that i feel like maybe didn't no sad [Music] it was because i let one actually go through forgive me my lord god damn oh that no okay remix 2 i hate this is the john's train this one in particular has one thing that by default just misses automatically i don't know if it's like an emulator bug or what i'll show you i'll play it once probably won't even get to the part that i'm talking about with perfect score but it's at a part where it transf where it transfers from shooting the spooky ghosts into the rat race it just automatically fails you and i will show you i will show you how it works look at this guy [Music] already failed i just want to show you [Music] i just need to be patient with those i need to like not try to go for it the first beat that's how you play like a real smart boy [Music] three four five six seven [Music] right in the dick [Music] [Music] [Music] what even is happening there [Music] and that missed fork would have counted as a fail [Music] [Music] screwed up it's coming up the thing is coming up i'll show you right i'll tell you right when it happens [Music] love these little hopping guys that's still not in tune eight by the way oh what it didn't happen wow okay okay i'm just completely wrong then but when i played this twice when i played this before after shooting that eight ghost the one that the ghost on the eight count when it started that rat section it would just automatically the rat would just bump into the other one without me even inputting anything but i guess i'm just insane insane i'm not gonna try that one again though that one's hard [Music] that's bad i think this is so similar to that one warioware thing this one's hard [Music] really hard okay i think i've already failed [Music] i like that there's a little animation for the uh just for the practice [Music] nice [Music] you god damn it [Music] hmm [Music] i don't know i'm not going to try that one again these ones are oh did i get it nice these ones are i'm having a lot more trouble suburbing these than the previous ones and maybe that's because i just because i had a a run a previous run through of the other ones too he told me great job wow he's simping he's saying okay toss boys oh god this one was hard too yeah [Music] yeah someone said these ones are kind of hard and i'm [Music] i feel that way [Music] but this one's cool lots of personality [Music] okay i hate that doom [Music] there we go all right i'll never miss one again not true [Music] oh god damn it i feel like i've already failed [Music] what i was ready i think we've already failed just try again starting now i'll never miss one again that looks like binding of isaac rebirth also that's not true [Music] all right come on [Music] nice [Music] oh [Music] nice [Music] nice [Music] i wasn't expecting that [Music] hell yeah i must have superb that i missed one ball that one's so cool all right hell yeah when they were tutorial some sometimes i noticed this in rhythm evan fever too sometimes when they tutorialize something it seems really intimidating and then in reality it's like okay that's not so bad cool world champion tossers [Music] they sure are tossers look even the monkey has the u mouth okay this one kind of me in the ass too [Music] okay i'm gonna actually do this practice again too no lies i'll just fail and then restart okay cha cha [Music] i'm not ready for the other ones oh oh a spiral who's a monkey [Music] smile [Music] hey [Music] oh excuse me i really beefed that last one you filled the sky with beautiful light but still just okay all right this one shouldn't be too bad [Music] oh god always the same practice music they had custom practice music and fever uh what how was that i'm just gonna restart if it's the if you missed the first one how about you take a little mully [Music] actually that's not even really a good rule of thumb excuse i literally the doink was on time the doink was in time [Music] that was a perfectly synced doink [Music] there's not really a very clear here's the thing that me up about this one is there's not a very clear visual indicator of like where the success zone is like you remember that warioware minigame where it's you shoot off a firework and you have to detonate it when it's inside this little box you know that makes it a lot easier and also it'd be nice if the voice from the tutorial was in the game but no you just have it for the okay that is okay you literally have to do that one late you guys okay you hear what's happening right [Music] like you have to do that one late i feel like i'm going insane [Music] i feel like the point of success is at different heights in the sky too for some of them like they go at different speeds to throw you off maybe just the middle [Music] it's one just a bomb [Music] jesus i don't think i superb but a couple more tries ought to do it did i do it i did it okay never mind that one just leave the fireworks to me he's got the thing around his waist i don't know what that's called but he's got the thing look at that guy okay we edited together some footage from rhythm heaven for our music video and then it says neo points what do we got oh jesus wish couldn't wait for you okay [Music] what the bro this one's so weird very japanese the doubles were really throwing me off [Music] this is very boring wow oh that's so funny it's like a rockabilly oh my god oh i forgot the controls to that one totally up this one's hard jesus [Music] okay jesus oh my god [Music] [Music] there it has one two three it's 2d what the it's literally 2d what the okay uh that one was hard and like is that okay this was after like that's literally an akuma reference right or is that some sort of like japanese culture thing like is that something is that like both referencing something like are both this anakuma referencing something that i'm not familiar with like they literally look like akuma they're in the pose they've got this they've got like a japanese symbol on their backs [Music] shit's whack okay that i really i cannot believe i got an okay on that all the tap monkey parts me up so hardcore also is this the only part that has this particular game this one's so silly and melodramatic [Music] it doesn't really fit [Music] oh my god they got their hands in their pockets [Music] clap [Music] that's so funny nice [Music] [Music] yes [Music] it's always the same me [Music] like i know that's probably the uh that's probably tanaka sushi [Music] but uh it looks so much like 2d so much like right like the eyes even i guess all the characters in this have the same eyes like that okay [Music] good uh all right uh one more try i don't even know i probably won't even get it superb on that but i feel like this one there are things that are very hard to react to if you don't know that they're coming if you don't know like the general structure of it [Music] this part the double [Music] me i feel like hold on let me restart i think i i could do that part now [Music] i have no idea if this affects my score i'm kind of i'm curious [Music] that would have ruined a perfect [Music] [Music] this part is exceptionally boring they should have put something else in here [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right do this [Music] almost did it you [Music] bro goddammit what i pressed the button that was oh different text that means basically the same thing okay weird also what the what even is this with the guys in the background oh god literally just quarter notes you guys like quarter notes and having a seizure [Music] this one kind of sucks ass [Music] like it's cute [Music] but there's several bad things about it [Music] easy oh easy but yeah that's one of the worst ones i think honestly big glow up in uh rhythm evan fever and it wasn't even a proper couldn't even get a medal for it in the actual game does it give you could you get an opportunity to go for a perfect on night walk-in fever i don't think you could [Music] okay anyway uh the snappy trio oh what the okay a sequel interesting uh maybe i'll come back for that fifth mix later i don't know that one's tricky uh revival revenge i see so this is all right i think are we on the last world before like hold on this is this is so dumb [Music] [Music] this is throwing me off [Music] oh my god literally impossible to human react to [Music] if you are a human being and you reacted to that you're lying like literally impossible to react to actually impossible like actually like holy like no i don't need a little more practice you guys need to like calm down that was insane also that one me up so much because it's it's like a riff they're riffing on the previous one and it's like they're schmixing it up let's go [Music] oh look at this it's anime oh lordy [Music] all right what's like the twist here is it just gonna be more of this but jazzy [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] okay i'm down oh was i supposed to do three there [Music] yeah that me up hardcore i was too busy going [Music] i need to do two there [Music] [Applause] am i doing it [Music] let's try this again [Music] this song's a bop now that i like kind of get how to do it [Music] there we go [Music] there you go poggers [Music] [Music] okay that one's hard i i'm starting to get the hang of it this one's long look halfway through [Music] that one's easy [Music] that's so cute [Music] okay focus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus that okay nobody can tell me that i was at fault for that one i should have just played it through on the on the previous attempt to get the intel that they were just gonna me there i'm i'm still convinced that the final two notes of the first bonadori are also a j and do not go to the original beat [Music] i like i have no idea i still have no idea what to do for that one [Music] um [Music] me [Music] [Music] okay it's getting slowly better [Music] i knew that dumbass joke was gonna me up [Music] focus [Music] me there you go please tell me i passed at least oh did i get a super hmm [Music] nice fun bond dancing was awfully fun so people were saying by the way that this is an actual japanese festival and i think i've seen this reference before i think uh not only i think is this in is it an animal crossing right and then uh we've also seen a salty bet stage called dance that uh it was like a bunch of salty bet like mugen fighters dancing in front of the little tower and they were they were like wearing some of them were like in traditional garb or some bread festival yeah and it's some sort of like harvest or like market festivals just talking about like buying things and like that it's interesting oh i feel like i've seen these guys oh letter to the editor i feel like i've seen these guys before these little dudes okay i'm so glad i superb that all right i wanna try this this one's hard but uh it's hard to do perfect but might as well try [Music] this one's fun though it's good do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice hell yeah first try good [Music] i like the little cute drummer guy he's a good mascot good [Music] feels good oh did we get all all the first three are peed now spaceball that that's a really good one though uh like i might have to make a tier list of like best rhythm heaven minigames you know at the end of all this when i played like all the games cosmic dance where emissaries from deep space we come in style neopoints so i'm just gonna have to figure the out what this is oh never mind it's these guys oh look at them they say it's the man behind the slaughter bro oh okay [Music] oh jesus oh oh god [Music] what the girl has the voice of the uncle [Music] oh right my nuts ah is that the audience what the oh okay i thought it crashed for a second [Music] i literally thought the game crashed [Music] bruh ow owl mate [Music] bruh whoa did you guys hear lark in the background yeah that was bad so a lot of so many of these are i guess you know we've only done two so far mission failed so much was going on there the girl there sometimes when they do like turn right turn right and it does like the space uncle voice it was still the space uncle voice even though it's a girl now mark was literally just like sometimes he just hoots like a howler monkey he's a loud man this one the original of this took me a few tries to get a superb on so this will be even worse [Music] down [Music] and that's it [Music] bruh little exact same thing this is so weird [Music] damn that little interlude in the center in the middle where the there's just like crowd noises and silence and if you up it just freezes you [Music] i want to try that one again what the rap women oh my god be charmed by their cute voices [Music] cute i gotta do it this time no excuses [Music] turn [Music] this is the one that me up there you go cute it's so cute [Music] nice okay that must have been a superb yeah let's go let's go let's go let's go we are super cosmic stars look at that i swear that thing in the background the like lines going outward i swear they've reused that like five times and it was in karate man i might just be talking out of my complete ass but i swear [Music] this one was such a nightmare uh man yeah this is so fun though especially now that i'm using biz hawk and the the lag is like down there were so many things times last stream where i was just like man i did that right okay uh this is the rap men was one of the ones that i struggled at and now there's a harder version thank god [Music] kawaii kawaii hot damn like shall we start nice [Music] they're always talking about snacks [Music] it's their opportunity you stop talking [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] where's the mix-up that it yeah god of course they have to talk like valley girls it was a rap men diss track [Laughter] also you're the best was like exactly that that one's great all right let me try that again we can't lose to the rap men god they're so gay oh monkey we mix one [Music] turbo tap trial the monkeys have powered up jesus akuma monkeys akuma matata this one's so long remix one is actually like shockingly hard well to perfect [Music] eggs [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] those trio guys are gonna me up later i just know it [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was oh man i wasn't even gonna do another attempt if i that up because that one's so long fun simply fun sound effects drum oh wow cool can you guys hear lark in the background going blah blah blah you literally make them like baby noises [Music] okay so i'm thinking by the way the thing i was trying to say earlier people were saying that the sixth remix in this one is basically like the one that is like the end of the game uh in rhythm evan fever right and then there's two more sets there's two more rows and two more remixes after that maybe i don't know but uh let's do this one again [Music] [Music] um um [Music] [Music] [Music] security [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah i don't think i superb but fun still fun oh i think i did it never mind cool your isn't it totally was that's the same thing they said on rap men too nice look at them flourishing moisturized in their lane [Music] i kind of want to redo this one too but that one that one hurts me inside the monkeys have powered up me so is this gonna be the same no it's different graphics look at her follow [Laughter] [Music] bruh this one's fast [Music] oh where we going uh [Music] bye [Music] jesus oh that one's hard as man k i'm just going to take the take the w on that one and run this feels a little off what what the are they doing like stressing out i feel like this remix remix is going to kick my ass because this is all the games but here we go i'll do it eventually this will be the final the finale of today opening act [Music] don't be daunted it's easy yeah yeah [Music] above all have fun remember that [Music] this is what it's all about man yeah oh god survey says [Music] oh god hell yeah this is awesome [Music] yeah i like this one [Music] [Music] [Music] that one the introduction to that one is so it was like that another remix too [Music] i'm not gonna have flow yep god damn it [Music] huh [Music] nice still slows down nice [Music] nice oh god [Music] furries [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] nice oh that wasn't so bad at all that was amazing what a what a lovely little thing you barely made it i want to do that again your fish tank contains something unexpected hell yeah now we got a little ending thing congratulations thanks man appreciate it good work so far i'd be very happy if your sense of rhythm has improved nice this isn't the end of the game yet though i have some even harder games for you but before we go on let's introduce the staff who made the game possible ladies and gentlemen hideo kojima the crowd goes insane roll them hell yeah oh that was awesome and of course this will not be the last stream of this i think one more one more stream of this awesome though i i really like this one too there's a couple kind of stinky mini games oh look they got different colored hair but uh seriously like just about on par oh look it's literally off that's literally off it's the batter and ghosts you're kidding me [Music] uh so cute though god night walk was like the shittiest one honestly but so great and it's it's like more experimental too i really appreciate that like the the controls in in the there's 2d what is that monkey got on his head he's got a little little arrow like a pyramid or something but they they like the controls are like wacky and weird and some of the minigames are like kind of experimental and strange and have like they have a much more rigid structure and fever but in this one at least i haven't played the other ones look he's in rhythm heaven nice take by hand and that's right folks he's talking about you at home but uh yeah what a great game this was honestly like i was expecting it to be kind of crusty and my expectations were exceeded it's really good in the translation well done i mean it's not finished but well done on that too oh we got new menu music just like fever oh you no i want to do that i want to do remix 6 again but uh yeah really fun and it's it's a some of these last few ones these lat these two last rows of games were a little harder than the other ones but honestly i find like people are saying oh this one's really hard uh look it's still an alien such a weird tradition for this team uh also what is bonus hold on oh that's the category me no no no no no no no no no no no what did i do what have i done okay but really really fun and you know that thing that he said at the end about i'd be really happy if your sense of rhythm has improved something about like these games it warms the cockles of my heart thinking about these games and thinking about like parappa the rapper and like um jammer lamy and what a great thing it is to instill a love of music in kids like that's that's just great and what what a noble cause and it it warms the cockles of my heart thinking that maybe somebody might have played these games as a kid and went on to have a lovely career in music or something like that you know and and i don't know something about that is just great okay let's try to get a superb [Music] don't be daunted it's easy [Music] punch [Music] get this shitty one out of the way i love the quiz is even in there [Music] i love like the music coming in too from all the different minigames there's no reason to actually hit it in time to the music there just feels right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch out for this sneaky guy [Music] clap clap kawaii [Music] [Music] thanks jimmy t satisfying doing that in slow tempo [Music] nice to ghosts oh [Music] whoa barely hit that [Music] i love always tapping his foot in some of the remixes i don't think he does that in the original game [Music] nice i'm so glad you don't turn your head in this one [Music] eat it down oh [Music] [Applause] almost up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i think i might have spurred that we'll see up a couple times yeah [Applause] nice that feels good that's a what a great like all the all the ones where they remix every game together those are so those are the best part of the game nice something unbelievable why do those fish not have a border around them they're like game and watch fish in different colors okay i'm not gonna go for a perfect on that one that one karate man two nice okay well next time folks i might show up with these hard ones superb who knows this one definitely i'm not gonna subject you guys to more of that but yeah i think i plan to do the same thing with the last one or with fever just get all the medals uh i'm not gonna go for all the perfect so i'm just gonna get a little smattering of them because that's fun but uh i think we've got two more sets of levels and two more remixes to go and i'm very excited to see that i can only assume the last two remixes are pulling from all the games similar to how it worked in fever but i'm having like what a treat these games are and uh it's heartwarming to know that even the first one again it's humble beginnings some of the mini games are kind of weird and like maybe a little stanky but overall really really great and fun uh viv ribbon is on the list it's on my games list but i i don't know when it will happen that's a playstation game and i would kind of want to like around with the custom music thing too i'm sure people have figured that out in emulation but uh that that one might be kind of hokey to emulate uh people gave me some nice advice about like gba emulators uh or at least like people who told me to switch to this one but i if anybody about playstation emulation uh please contact me because i have duck station and i really can't get it to work the way i want it to and even if not for vibrant i want to play symphony of the night really bad so i've never played it before never in my life so i feel like that's something i have to experience i one thing about these games in this game and fever when you beat the game the menu music becomes worse [Music] but oh well so very cool oh thanks guys thank you chad i'm glad you had a good time but uh yes very fun game can't wait to play more of it but i will a bit of a shorter stream but i figured it's either have this one be like four hours long and plow through the end of the game or have a comfortable two more streams instead so thanks for watching guys very cool game fun bye
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 4,192
Rating: 4.9178081 out of 5
Id: _Kt6Z2g5Ohk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 29sec (6149 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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