[Full stream] - Sober Mario Sunshine [Part 2]

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he'll law it is me we're here to stare at a picture of some cacti I hope that's fine actually no it was a lie we're gonna watch no signal instead actually no what if I told you I was lying there too we're actually gonna be playing my favorite game Nintendo Wii actually what if I told you we're not playing the we were playing the Gamecube on the Wii that's where the trickery ends so my goal for today is to get through all of Rico Harbor and maybe the next level I forget which one that is we got nine shines that's appropriate [Music] all right feels good to be back now we gotta go there's there's something about a lighthouse thank you [Music] why can't I save toad he's just [ __ ] dude he's just rest in peace press press f to pay respects to toad oh god alright so I'm getting the impression this goo is unkillable unless he kill the big goo oh yeah I'm I'm not drinking this time it really is silver Mario Sunshine I can't like be trusted with alcohol like I just get bad at the game worse I guess would be a better term Muriel huh look at all these little rainbow goop's [Music] alright ready for this kill shot boom he got sniped out of it do you see that one that was brilliant [Music] wait oh really no thanks a bundle god damn oh is this this is gelato Beach right [Music] how old am I 21 [Music] thanks our bundle huh I've been trying to make an effort to say thanks a bundle instead of just thanks in real life by the way is his audio alright last time last stream I kind of hooked up with the audio and the game sound was way too loud so I hope that it's okay now just let me know if it ain't [Music] all right which one is this I did not pay attention to the name of the star it's not the one with the guys on the mirrors apparently like I said it's been a little while since I played this game so I just gotta kill all the cata cracks I'm gonna kill all the Cadillacs sorry I'm just like randomly jumping around right now because I'm also reading chat oh my god thank you oh thank you so much can we stop this now whoa I went flying okay what's this guy's deal why is he running around oh oh no you can like you can like vector that good [ __ ] oh you can just jump on these guys excellent [Music] [ __ ] that guy is literally invincible this guy's dead oh never mind I'm dead Weston piece of meat this is one with secrets same castle yeah okay I think I remember that I don't remember which one it is but I remember that there is one oh can you not kill these guys permanently okay that's a whole life [Music] god these plants look weird [Music] mmm we got some lag there that's the authentic Mario Sunshine experience oh damn okay that kills them good to know there we go oh wait this is a way later level this is one of the [ __ ] you guys just wanted me to do this because this is one of the [ __ ] shadow Mario levels goddamn it no it's melting oh no oh no yep it is one of the shadow Mario levels god damn it I just thought this one kind of looked like a space invader a little bit all right oh okay starting off early with the dining today I tried to get fancy I messed up like the easiest part of this level to where you're just like running forward and jumping on things like use where it gets crazy whoa I'm turning how's that for high caliber gameplay okay okay okay never mind this wasn't this one wasn't too bad compared to the other ones huh huh I swear I get the star guys for the shine yeah game volume could be higher that's a that's a dangerous game you're playing it might drown me out again but I have raised it a little ooh this [ __ ] drink for getting the first shine nope I refuse oh dude Princess Peach get kidnapped god damnit kidnapped it's the word I just said Yahoo hey let me guess spicy pepper Cheney Oh is it nice oh that's good let's get my sweat pepper I guess I am sweating she was right okay alright well you know I said Ricco Harbor was happening today that I'm getting distracted by the other levels first gelato Beach now pinna Park oh there's a cut scheme [Music] my mum Oh God peaches like vibrating [Music] we did it someone says put me in the YouTube video no I I will at most mention you you gotta earn getting into the video actually no it's mostly random yeah these guys are angry alright now if we're talking if we're talking weird porn there's some surprisingly good stuff of these sunflowers just saying [Music] oh hey there is we're already I wasn't I wasn't paying attention where is he I don't want this [ __ ] again no um what the [ __ ] was he up there I did not pay attention to where shadow Mario when I bet there's other [ __ ] I don't have it this other [ __ ] I can do oh wait there is Oh Oh is this the [ __ ] mecha bowser thing I always like the way the water looks in this cutscene like it's weirdly good like what the [ __ ] that is not in engine [Music] it's around [Music] nice oh [ __ ] rest in peace the cameraman [Music] all right this star is no problem right I always like that the the rocket things in the mecha Bowser's chests or GameCube controller ports that's that's a good touch all right ho yeah this is this isn't disorienting at all no [ __ ] and messing up many things oh okay all right you're gonna hit it [Music] hit him in the [ __ ] yeah yeah oh oh Dow's this I don't think I hit him okay well where is he [Music] where is he oh-ho-ho yeah that's that [ __ ] I do like haha wait so you shoot the bullet bills with the water yes yes like that okay oh nice yeah that's a fun one someone says you screwing up on the easiest boss no there's like a million easier bosses although what about all the goop guys they literally just sit there like I'm not saying this is the hardest bus fight but damn have you played this game nice yeah yeah etc Kimmy we have to go through this song and dance every time do-do-do-do-do-do in painting and downtown area [Music] yeah Oh too why didn't they hit me Oh was that it Oh [Music] oh right I forgot Bowser jr. talks in this that shouldn't happen you got kidnapped by Batman that [ __ ] that little decal is not there in the game I can tell you that right now [Music] shoutout to this game for at least having a story that is like at least slightly different from other Mario stories not begin a yo we're gonna get some Coronas X : is this game trying to pretend that that shine wasn't just sitting there just now don't don't try to don't cut scheme we need game [Music] all right Rico harbour time I think [Applause] [Music] ooh I remember the blooper surfing in this game that's what US academics like to call fun good fun oh my god gotta go flamingo Oh [Applause] dude check out me slaloming these coins good [ __ ] [Music] you wanna go forward I do not want to go for a ride with that man I don't want to jump on your blooper the prize is is dick okay this one has way better turning than the pink one did I think methinks [Music] this is the music that's playing in my head at all times Oh oh that's a piece of pasta goal I know this was an easy game for little for little babies Oh [Music] pretty weak hold on am I just gonna [ __ ] die down no come back when you cook at the kiddie pool damn oh did I did I just get kicked out of the level or did that man kill me all right well it's time to take the intermediary yellow one cuz apparently the green blooper is too slow either that or I was not quite efficient enough in my run the red one is really fast but has some [ __ ] turning from from what I'm gathering okay now we're just slowing mode I used the gay baby squid sure I'm gonna go to gay baby jail [Music] ha okay okay ha ha those turns are a little too tight did I do it did I do it yeah I think I did it he seems happy what last time he was like no but what time do I have to get less then got damn I guess I gotta take the [ __ ] red one gotta go fast I guess under 45 seconds god damn it I got like 45 and some change if I had taken some corners a little more tightly I think I'm gonna continue going with the yellow guy I think that's the key to victory because I could just barely make those corners with the yellow dude all right okay this is this is the run I'm gonna actually like take corners tight or try to at least Oh okay I think I think that was it yeah I think we're set whew finally oh you can hold up on the control stick to go faster goddammit that would have been nice to know well guess I'm just that good do-do-do-do-do anything [Music] Shayne's break Oh God oh this one's a pain in the dick oh no I'm gonna fall off of this thing so many times you don't even know no I didn't think it was gonna happen again it happened at least once this guy was cool enough for sunglasses because he got that fancy hat this guy Wario [Music] from [Music] oh I guess I can just jump over here Thanks hope this guy isn't that Chuckster my big bro huh oh no no no no no no oh I thought he was gonna Chuck me I don't want to get chucked okay this guy's a Chuckster I remember him I'm not gonna talk to that guy he's a Chuck stay don't throw me off the level Oh or I'll just fall off the level that works and I'll jump on this no there maybe you can't after you do you spritz and can I get the rocket nozzle I feel like that would make it a lot easier Oh what food that is the hover nozzle yes Wow we got the hover nozzle I can't believe it hover nozzle or rocket nozzle is that anywhere here hmm [Music] okay he's the just the really fun part [Music] oh [ __ ] oh wait I can just get back up on this thing that's good to know what there we go wow that's that was janky what what is over here then just leap of faith oh it is nice [Music] ooh is that the GAD science incorporated rocket nozzle [Music] it sure is my dance [Music] I got a nut sing wait oh wow so I don't get the hover nozzle anymore is is what I'm gathering here yes there we go excellent I did it that wasn't so bad [Music] everything went better than expected if you remember that as being a meme then you're going to hell there's I'm sorry I can't help you [Music] [Music] oh it's another one of these good why are people in the chat disappointed that I solved that level the proper way come on Oh okay that made sense can I get a rocket nozzle boneless [Music] hmm where's the rockery no nozzle oh that made sense to lots of sense today oh man somebody posted a link to meme base that that brings me back to a very dark time in my life Muriel Oh [ __ ] what my depth perception I'm like a pirate [Music] okay the same exact thing again though same exact weird not grabbing that way I think that might just be like weird cos set an angle oh [ __ ] trying to get that [ __ ] flippy jump there we go ah bad um okay so how do you like Wow that guy was [ __ ] useless I'll wrap my noodle around something yeah how could anyone ever climb this thing there's well where's the rocket nozzle if like it seems like I'm supposed to use that but I don't I don't see it so I got to go back into the rafters over here to get it oh wait huh I see it nevermind I should be using the most optimal way to get around in this game oh man I'm so ready for like 30 YouTube comments of people going that wasn't actually optimal dude on on Bickman there's one there's just one little normal part where I just go like oh why is the ground censored here and it's like clearly a Minecraft texture I got so many comments from people just going oh that was Minecraft dirt you idiot and I'm like oh get [ __ ] blooper okay now this is easy we can just jump yeah might as well [Music] oh okay this one's kind of cool I'm doing this here comes the money oh there goes the money [ __ ] oh I know what I gotta do hold on there we go [Music] [Music] Oh classic classic level this is like the Bohemian Rhapsody of flood lists mark mario sunshine levels it's my favorite game mar mario sunshine oh that was a little too close for comfort okay these things these are my friends oh yes very good very good friend right there Ali's always there for me when I need it oh no oh no you guys stop singing Oh too far Oh mm that's a meaty question somebody asks favorite Zelda game that's a big one it's a tie probably between majora and Wind Waker I am NOT a big fan of the 2d Zelda's I will say I like I like the first two Zelda's all the other ones from Link to the Past forward they just I don't know they're just not my thing I don't like the way they control late to the past the controls feel like super just sticky and unsatisfying to me I don't really get why people like that game so much to be honest because it's not like it does anything cool narrative Lee either because it's just you save a bunch of princesses and they text dumped at you for a while it's good [ __ ] thoughts on breath of the wild I have not played it it looks good those are my thoughts I hope that the next zelda game is not just the breath of the wild to [Music] what's a game that everybody loves that I hate dude I started playing Final Fantasy 10 and I just I couldn't I like I had to stop I was like this is horrible why do people enjoy this why do people like the characters or the combat they both look really ridiculous and like over designed the characters specifically the combat looked really silly it was just like it was kind of like turn-based but kind of like real-time and so what it amounts to is just a bunch of characters standing around looking like they're all like trying to crowd through one small hallway you know trying to like push past each other but no they're actually fighting it's a it's a fight it's a brawl if people awkwardly move [Music] what's a game that I love that everybody hates I I think that without if the jump-scares had been adjusted I think five nights at freddys would be one of my favorite horror games which is not saying much because I'm not huge into horror games I haven't played like soma or amnesia but nonetheless I think five minutes at freddy's actually had some pretty solid atmosphere and storytelling just saying it's just the jump scares kind of ruin it I think [Music] I am gonna play the old Harry Potter PC game at some point that was a that was one of the first like actual like not in educational game video games that I played so and I haven't played it since I was quite young so I'm excited to go back through and play it and have a little nostalgia trip on stream and also probably realize that it's not quite as good a game as I thought it was also [ __ ] me god dammit I'm trying to think of another like controversial game that I like hotline Miami 2 a lot of people hated on but I loved it like the levels got kind of obnoxious but I thought the story went in a great direction but that is coming from a person who was a massive hotline miami one nerd so maybe that's just because it [ __ ] gave us some goddamn closure on some stories um I dunno what chibi-robo is but I've not played the bubble or I have not played a chibi-robo game at all yet people are asking all sorts of questions somebody says are you ever gonna collab with anyone in who um I've already had like I don't know I've already had like okay never mind I was gonna listen example but it doesn't really count uh I don't know I'm not I'm [ __ ] I'm not really in contact with anybody uh like major you know at one point I was like hey introspect like on Twitter I was like hey introspective do you know who I am and he was like I am aware of you and I was like cool and I was like if you ever want to do things together let me know and he was like sure thing or whatever and I I mean I kind of doubt I kind of doubt we're gonna get a collab there but huh huh huh this is going badly that might be a game over no how many lives I got oh six oh right because I've been getting getting the one up these levels are nice because they do give you one ups a certain way through a lot of the time god I wish you could long jump in this mom long jumping in the galaxy in Mario Galaxy 2 that's like based on this level just makes it kind of easy in fact there might even be a one up in these nails but I don't really I don't really have the patience Oh [Music] I guess I could like to change the camera angle that would probably help with those depth perception bits I didn't have enough depth you guys like it when I just like ripoff things that Vinnie has said that's how you know I'm a good streamer Oh God I just got like a million questions and I'm kind of focusing on this I'll go back through an answer cuz I care okay who saved Oh dead okay well um I'm gonna go back and answer these [ __ ] questions cuz I just got like five all right favorite episode of Spongebob probably the pizza-delivery one I know that's a Norman sir I have not played cuphead it looks really good somebody just says I love you I love you too and then who's your favorite side character or minor character in a game I don't know there's a lot of those there's there's so many I like siegmeyer in Dark Souls I guess it's another kind of Normie answer but whatever oh why did Mario get super fast there for a second what's with that god damn it now see this is this is what happens when I answer questions on stream is people just keep asking them there's never an end but uh you know I'm happy to do a little little like informal AMA on here it's just that it distracts it might make me a little worse at the game oh haha like that um pineapple on pizza is okay my favorite console is probably the Gamecube which is why I play so many games games somebody says who is your furry crush for furry crush Friday right I'll look it up hold on [Music] hold on this is very important there it is zero suit Fox the only acceptable furry character ever now you know yeah how do I become good at puffs literally just play puffs more I don't know there's not there's not that much else to it you just you just gotta you gotta get good at sleeping you got to get good at pounding you got to get good at hitting the forward air button and the neutral air button okay okay final stretch here oh ha ha ha ok ok we're good we're good I did it finally whoo yeah true combos into rest there's a really good beefy smash dudes video on it but basically you can do down air to rest at some percents up tilt to rest is technically true but it almost never kills unless it's on a high platform and you got a lot of Rage forward air to rest is the most reliable one and it's even if it's not true a lot of people don't see it coming somebody else says I think I love you I love you too everyone all but especially that one okay nice [Music] somebody says can you beat a whole level really close to the mic we gonna have a little ASMR level I guess I am kind of hunched up right now because I'm doing a request like a trained donkey I do not listen to ninja sex party but I know I know the whole schtick I'm aware of ninja sex party I think like I know I know some of their songs even though I don't really listen actively [Music] he's out there this time yet nope oh just pull off his legs it's fine ooh somebody says what environment do I live in I'm in like a city I'm in Seattle Oh Oh specifically I am in a kind of dingy share house that is that that has a lot of character oh no oh okay [Music] I'm just gonna just for shits and giggles I'm going to pull off all of his legs because I'm a cruel individual and I believe that violence solves problems okay come on give me hit me hit me with your best shot dan Tannen what is okay are we gonna attack No oh we're gonna do this I don't think I've seen this one before that might be a new one for me what why can't I is his last leg invincible is that like the whole shtick [Applause] [Music] you know always legs come back though [ __ ] I forgot about that their coins down here yeah kind of figured ha you must find a way to fight it we've already fought it before and it was the same solution last time I think I got it blood [Music] okay oh [ __ ] well guess we're just calling a timeout on that boss battle [Music] alright alright [ __ ] we're getting a lot of questions again would you be disturbed if someone genetically engineered the gray fruit in your logo and named it in your honor I would be the opposite of disturbed can you eat bees I ate a bee once a bee or like a fly or something flew down my throat but I'm pretty sure it was a bee when I was a kid it's one of my one of my most vivid memories of being a child is just standing there in my [ __ ] garden in my mom's garden and just a bug just flies down my throat and I'm like you know and then I'm just like okay I guess I can't really do anything about it unless I want to induce vomiting my favorite category of hentai gotta say I'm not a hentai person sorry this guy's just out running some laps I guess we can run laps around the man running laps actually no we cannot [ __ ] he's too good he's too good at his job he must be stopped okay very nice very nice very good camera I cannot get up there and we're back [Music] oh okay no I did not mean to grab that come on oh nice I don't think you can tear off all the arms I tried to do that earlier just for shits and giggles and when he had one arm it was like indestructible and he just spun it around like a jump rope wow you guys are so mean I stepped on his on his legs and they didn't you say you're not a hentai person but you like zero suit Fox well does that count is hentai just drawn porn cuz if that's the case that I'm really [ __ ] into hentai I don't know I always thought hentai was like weird tentacle [ __ ] oh oh is this [ __ ] is this Red Coins I think this is Red Coins goddamnit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh fine okay that's a bad strategy bad strat oh that is debt apparently [Music] don't have DD tips um now this is this is not advice that I myself have followed but learn how to do back there down throw to back hair reliably um it's I don't think it's always possible I think it's like di dependent but it's possible a lot of the time it like low percents all right take up a little [ __ ] ass with the gay baby squid oh I'm just gonna hang tight there first day [Applause] um Oh weird where's the rest of this part oh there it is Oh oh nice [Music] someone says can you say eat bees all right eat bees do you like that [Applause] [Music] hmm taking the bitch-ass squid again in fact why not just go for the hard ones first in Reverse [Applause] okay I'm missing all of them it's okay we got plenty of time plenty plenty of honey I am a little confused as to where the last one is though oh there it is it's right out out there in the open between two boats [Applause] all right now where's the last ring oh there it is easy easy money [Applause] I mean how do you get those actually maybe the other squids jump higher I'm not gonna Vinnie myself on this I'm not gonna do it oh god damn it I said okay [Applause] there we go easy money [Music] be easy money good more this [ __ ] but that means we're just about done go hungry yeah buddy cool Enrico Matassa dude if you if you're in chat and you know who Enrico Matassa is you're my favorite person in chat especially if you know what the name means that damn really thick sheets the sky on the rafters oh my god he's not he's not giving me time for Pallas here [Applause] I'm just put them over here it's what get fun Oh [ __ ] no longer in progress [Music] cut them he's just gonna run around like a little [ __ ] so I'm killing my little [ __ ] [Music] nice [Music] Oh [Music] alright that was all of well that was all that we need to do in Ricco Harbor I'm pretty sure so now what are we thinking uh you know chat you decide we go into a Giroud Oh Beach or penis Park vote now on your phones [Music] all right I'm I'm seeing a lot of look for penis parks so I think I'm gonna go over there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I remember these [ __ ] things this is still a little too easy we just got like a process here this guy in me was like an assembly line killing him [Music] oh good oh this [ __ ] one okay good okay there's one there's a lump there these things do not look bouncy but they are very bouncy they just look like platforms I guess those are just the wacky cartoon rules of this world that was too late so I paused for one like picosecond [Music] that was bad that was really bad [Music] just long jump Thanks well you can't oh my god Wow I just tried to long jump it cuz I was like you can't do it in this game right and yes you can't it was a meet okay we're fine [Music] we're gonna get the read okay that was not a read that was me jumping off they did not jump I meant to jump that was me walking off the edge the god okay okay okay do-do etc yeah I get it it's a Mario level hump the ground I'm gonna jump this thing here we go okay huh we're fine everything's fine [Music] good times [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah you like that closer to her heat okay but that wasn't like the big shadow Mario level in that level right there in this wick world oh this is a fun one what is your favorite sport to play I enjoy racquetball I think I think racquetball is fun to watch hard to say [Music] [Applause] that's pretty gay yeah yeah I guess it is oh good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] watch your profanity [Music] [Music] oh that's almost upside-down good now what the [ __ ] kind of park is this this is not a safe ride children will die on this thing if they allow this to go into production people will die then another fan of these ships in case you couldn't tell they do that ha ha and what are you supposed to do there why didn't I think of that thoughts on the game Speer I don't know that's a little too obscure for me I'm I'm more of a dream sphere kind of guy yeah okay all our chips [Music] [Music] somebody asks do you have a girlfriend no I do not yes I gotta get over this somebody else do you have a boyfriend yes there's there's the question question of the hour okay these electric Cooper's where their deal again can you kill them whoa whoa I almost just walked directly through that one okay very very good very fun joke guys five out of eight okay good [ __ ] okay dim [Music] huh I don't know you guys you guys will more likely than not meet my boyfriend at some point in the future just look I'll like have them on stream at some point or something I don't know [Music] okay what what is with this hold on why can't I move okay good finished game nice game you've finished here Nintendo this is fine oh that was not fine nice clip directly through the boo nice finished game Nintendo really a reminds me of all your other finished games I know there's one red point up here oh wait there's several [Music] [Music] hey 2d girls vs. 3d girls I mean you know it's the trade-off 2d girls they're perfect but they're not real 3d girls imperfect but real you see the trade-off we got here um we're even is the shine is that oh I bet it's over at the top of this thing this little gauntlet yeah oh oh what's with that why can I walk through these guys so easily [Music] all right I think my goal today is I'm gonna finish penis Park and then and then I'm gonna be done for today oh no for sunflowers [Music] so should we just call you by fruit I mean that's like more technically correct but you know gave fruit it just rolls off the tongue better these guys are cool too they're like aesthetic Oh what you didn't do the thing that time oh he's gotta be stuck cuz it's the sand we gotta lure him onto the sand I get ya mm this one's bigger now they've all been the same size I think this gonna work the hot sunflowers saved us her I saved the hot sunflowers more like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] am I finally gonna get Yoshi and get to get access to the best [ __ ] level in the game okay well nevermind best level in the game is a tie between milk eBay and Serena Beach which I know a lot of people like milk eBay a lot of people [ __ ] hate Serena Beach I love that it's cool [ __ ] where you go sit down here this [ __ ] always happens tomorrow well I mean I guess that is this whole thing but he jumped up here on the roof they jump back down well apparently weird I don't like the interaction the shadow Mario is having with that egg right now there's nothing like specifically that it looks like it just looks bad [Music] all right oh let's reconvene it yeah she probably turned my phone to silent is actually intentional see press then you get to the scored hold on you you can do this right totals yeah okay yeah I'm not quite there on pinna Park I think I'm gonna actually I'm gonna save Serena Beach for next time even though it's like my favorite level low key I'm gonna go do pinna Park Serena Beach is a good enough area that it deserves to be the start of the next highlight reel rather than just showing up in the middle of a video in fact next stream what if I just did Pina Park and nokey Bay just my two favorite areas back-to-back [Music] [Music] okay I remember this star really [ __ ] me up when I played through this game for the first time as like a teenager but I know I know the cheap shitty way to get through it that makes it so you don't have to go through that crappy [ __ ] electric maze [Music] ooh unexpected [Music] [Music] [Music] you know why play the game when you can just do this oh [ __ ] I guess I gotta play the game okay okay very good [Music] hold on see the best part about that is we've got that clip now of me going why play the game when you can just do this and then [ __ ] up I can just edit that out I'm just gonna do it again and there's nothing y'all can do about it people are gonna think it's hilarious in the video if they don't know about the thing because you can just you can like glide across this right right can you not what the [ __ ] I thought you could just like phase through those okay I guess I'll go through the back of the level you there's like a really kind of like famous glitch where you can just like sort of phase through like there's no collision on those things yeah gotta love that blue circle [Music] Oh Oh you have to [ __ ] hit him with the flood okay like why is this circle here I never got that he's never super clear on that point oh okay what several several things I don't understand just happened I think this game just kind of like those things sometimes oh I did it again it was it was bound to happen eventually [Music] oh there is not a platform they're just gonna [ __ ] with these guys real quick Oh what I can jump on this guy right struttin Stu right Oh guess I gotta do that [Music] what come good yeah that looked like I was spraying things in that direction yeah game sure game oh sure game yeah sure thing game nice blue circle game I'm somebody said I'm I bet he's pressing Z to try to grab the bars that is not true you grab the bars automatically um but I'm doing that to try to switch to the other nozzle oh good yeah this is parks fun who doesn't like a nice nice timer and a section where you can fall to the bottom over and over again and where the camera's [ __ ] that's why I was pretty glad there's like a workaround for this you know what but apparently not okay Wow oh I can spray it with the spray not oh I can climb on it oh well what the [ __ ] ever its gonna say I [ __ ] knew I can spray it with the spray nozzle thank you very much I don't know I hated this part it's just like really finicky and it's like if you [ __ ] up you go all the way back to the beginning like a good game oh I guess I can do that with this one too [Music] um oh [ __ ] forgot again I don't know it kind of looks like there's a [ __ ] platform there am I just like losing my mind [Music] oh okay yes I see I certainly do see can oh of course yes that's how physics work I don't know how I didn't think of that [Music] thank you camera Oh and that's good that's good and back to the beginning because I made a mistake Oh fun you know what usually gets people into YouTube videos is when they just yell put me in the YouTube video over and over again that's the kind of like quality jokes I'm look at what how did that one turn only a million miles away from me so good you're gonna get out of my way [Music] um okay thank you I guess I'll just wait this guy oh okay you automatically grab the greats yeah I love the people who are like trying to help me like they don't know what the twitch delay is they're like no just do that oh thank you oh thank you game lovely camera you have what what beautiful camera [Music] well I did this is why I play video games [Music] okay can I spray this again of course I can why wouldn't I be able to it's not like that doesn't make any sense or anything oh [Music] go through [Music] um no so okay Wow yeah that felt like the way I was supposed to do it [Music] [Music] great have you always been bad at video games or just this one sick one dude I've played this game like twice by the way I'm not like a runner or anything I don't like know the levels of this game by heart I didn't play it as a kid every once in a while my microphone decides to fall apart because I still can't afford a good one people are still telling me to do the face through I I just got the star guys and it's available I think for me to get maybe yes oh oh I think I'm supposed to ride the ferris wheel okay oh oh hey what did I just jump off [Music] this is on a stable counter I'm not like moving it at all at random it just the [ __ ] poltergeist in the room decides to knock it over okay wait wait where do I ride the ferris wheel I do the thing Oh what oh I'm out of water [ __ ] Oh am I supposed to ride the ferris wheel thanks guys I should have thought of that [Music] wait where do you get on sweet look man there sure is a lot of iron in this wheel haha good one thank you is it what I got I gotta get up there um am I like missing something here oh thank you hmm I love jumping when I can't see [Music] okay okay um have it that you get up to the top to the part with the [ __ ] ride do you really have to just like precision jump onto these Wow yeah that felt intentional are you supposed to be able to get inside of these that's kind of goofy [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes precision that is what that word means [Music] all right we just got a knock ebay and then I think it's one or two stars here [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody said have you at least played earthbound as a kid I played her bones but that was like a year ago it was still like enchanting I don't see what being a child has to do with enjoying it it's super good oh she is in this I should stop saying that because that always leads to like ten people doing fun I'm just saying I forget I'm looking for like one does in a video game no that's a [ __ ] dirty [Music] [Music] I've not played mother free and I might actually stream that someday because I started it and then I was like any other things to play but now I am slowly going through those other things [Music] [Music] is your fee on the beach oh okay yes not all right all you guys who like to tell me things go ahead and tell me I guess find a flaw in mother 3 I think the sprites look worse than they did in the first mother game that's me their flaws in every game portal has flaws a half playtime chip I also love both very good games oh oh I should have known [Music] we're gonna get one of those yeah all it takes is one undertale is good to get a bunch of people who are like I just didn't I just do fun to the hike man or I just didn't like the characters which is a complaint I don't know I can see that I can see not liking helpless very annoyed by or whatever but a goddamn it's a really solid game are you going to play hype spot probably not not huge into [Music] wait so you'll just have to kill this Yoshi and try again that's a little [ __ ] oh I didn't know you she could do that no she can like stand in water there's my swing like this [Music] orange Oh bad hearing one getting back is he gonna want the same the green again whatever this this one I guess then somebody's supposed to check oh sure thing [Music] game sounds still okay voice sounds still okay it's kind of a little late for that Oh pineapple all right well I know where those are [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh okay okay [Music] yeah dududududu etc I get the point it's a Mario game why you got to make everything Mariel okay Oh huh [Music] alright gonna do this one at an angle oh okay okay nice that was worth it this one's got a time limit I remember this [Music] Wow oh I love being able to see Oh what it's right there never mind there's no time [ __ ] here [ __ ] Oh oh I got to do the SuperDuper roly-poly jump how did I forget the [ __ ] roly-poly jump oh good [Music] [Music] ha okay for some reason I don't know why I thought it would pause for a second it did not it immediately goes back hey Luigi sure was nice of the princess to invite us over for spaghetti I hope she made lots of dinner Oh God is not terribly forgiving okay ancient Chinese secret right here okay come on I always get it when the [ __ ] block is not here okay whatever the way God intended Oh what even what even was that okay but like when you grab a Ledge you grab it right Maria's doing that thing where he doesn't not a big fan only took ten years guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] alright next time we'll have serena beach and nokey bay it's gonna be great [Music] um did I do actually hold on I did everything yeah I did everything I wanted to today alright well I am going to save even though I just saved and then I'm gonna leave yeah [Music] alright well I'm tired so I'm gonna go probably sleep but uh thanks everyone for watching no I'll make a highlight thing out of this and I'll see y'all later
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 5,659
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 24sec (8004 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2017
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