FULL SHOW | Giants Live Budapest (2013)

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hi everybody and welcome to giants live I'm in sanya in southern China where later this   year the World's Strongest Man tournament will  be taking place qualifying for which happens   on the Giants live tour well today we've got the  second stop of that from Budapest in Hungary and   featuring one of the surprise contestants in last  year's World's Strongest Man Stoke's Eddie Hall the World's Strongest Man finals  were held in Hungary in 1988.   25 years later the nation still has a keen  interest in the strongman sport but is yet   to produce a Hungarian World's Strongest  Man winner for this year there's two   hungarians in the field as 10 men tackle  six events in this historic City [Music]   the action takes place in the Ramada Aqua world one of Europe's  largest water parks on the outskirts of the   city where thousands of Sun and Fun Seekers  have come for an uplifting experience not   just the water sports but also seeing some  of the strongest men in the world in action   the athletes will be up against not just some  excruciatingly difficult tasks but also 38 degree   heat but the top then it'll be good preparation  for the kind of conditions they'll face in Sanya   China at the World Finals last year the former  weightlifter and local boy Agos Naj poured off   his first ever victory in front of a delighted  crowd he's back this year to defend his Budapest   title and more importantly get a place in the  finals in China before the contest started we   in my life had a few unbelievable big moments one  of them born my son this is the biggest point in   my life second when I was a junior world champion  Olympic weightlifting I will be the third biggest   point in my life biggest moment is last year  Giant's life when I was a champion in Budapest   we try repeat last year's success or to find out  who akos is up against let's join Paul Dickinson [Music]   pretty much indeed he's the first of them  Alan radosevic second in Serbia strongest   man this year mark vanderheer of Durban third  at South Africa's strongest man in 2013. Hamas   Hajnal second at Hungary strongest man so guy  Rumanchuk of the Ukraine won this competition   in the Ukraine two years ago then Alex Coletta  lives in Coventry but he's Italy's strongest man   and Tommy lotta the veteran completed the  World's Strongest Man almost a decade ago   then the tallest man in this contest Michael Burke  of the USA who won Giants live in 2012 in Budapest   and the much bigger Eddie Hall from Stoke-on-Trent  UK's strongest man in 2011 and 2012 and finally   Bjorn Andre Solvang the smallest man in this  year's contest well the equipment is ready for   our first event the bus pull the athletes are  getting warmed up let's find out a little bit   more about it from my co-commentator Colin Bryce  we're starting out in the car park today as we   did last year and we've got another giant bus to  pull it weighs 17 tons and the guys will use a   harness and they will use a rope so their entire  body will be pulling and pushing and well Eddie   Hall first event it's a tough one in this heat God  damn I mean in this seat it's really really hard   and I'm topping the scales at nearly 26 Stones  so uh this is probably going to be the worst   event for me but at 26 Stone at that body weight  surely that helps a little oh God yeah um it's a   it's a very it's quite a steep incline this one so  rather than a speed event brute power and weight's   going to be a big effect in this yeah the start in  particular getting it moving will be tough [Music]   among some of the early starters we  had radosevic 2503 for the Serbian   Alex Coletta went quicker 23.1 a good result for  the Italian sergary menchuk the quickest of the   lot 21-62 that was brilliant then the fin Tommy  lotta the veteran 22-37 Thomas hash now 21.78   all these results down to fractions of a second  Mark vanderhare 23-43 for the South African well here we go with Michael Burke two meters   in terms of his height body weight is pretty  impressive too and what about his technique the   all-important technique he's got to stay a little  bit lower and drive with those very powerful legs   a good grip and the grip on the ropes important  too isn't it oh absolutely and he's probably   got the best grip in the world that 160 kilos  of body weight gets him a good start and now   he's into almost a Sprint here at the Finish  just over 20. that was very impressive indeed   20.25 a phenomenal time for the Americans Mike a  little shaky at the start but an awesome time huh   yeah it was a little shaky hun it was a little  bit more slack in the Rope than I thought when   I pulled on it so it was a bad start for me  but uh it's a decent time so we'll see if it   holds up yeah a few more guys to go I guess Eddie  Hall might be the one to do it he's still heavier   oh yeah sure body weight's gonna help in this  so we'll see how it goes okay well done thanks   well from the tallest man in the competition now  to the most slender only 118 kilos in body weight   this is going to be very tough indeed but Bjorn  Andre Solvang but look at him go those huge arms   are really working on the Rope he did yeah arms  and legs working a perfect Unison keeping the Rope   really tight it's gonna be a solid time remember  20.25 by Michael Burke it's going to be close as   the wheels cross the line he's just short 20.68  and this really is down the fractions of a second that was so close Akos Nash the hungarian he won this contest this time last year   now he knows what he's got to beat my goodness  but the weight is there the height is there   and the strength is there too he looks a  little bit fitter than he was last year as he said before Paul he's only been in strongman  four and a half years coming from weightlifting   where fitness really isn't a big aspect trying to get that rope as tight as possible for the start   well that's difficult in itself isn't it  because the rope is very long and as you   can see there the rope is bouncing around  just a little bit there's a tiny little   slip right at the start there that may  have affected him short staccato steps   he's really going well he's nice this is a good  performance 20.25 to beat by Burke it's going to   be close well the clock didn't actually stop  there but 21.31 not good enough a fine time   a really good time [Applause] she  sprinted over the last 10 meters Eddie Hall didn't fancy his chances in this event but  at 26 Stone you've got to say he's got all   the right equipment he does yeah it's  just a fitness that's a worry but the   event only taking 20 seconds I think it's  a lot quicker than we all thought it was   going to be so the body weight should help at  the start hopefully he won't run out of gas so real tension in the air to see if  Eddie Hall can beat this phenomenal time   by Michael Burke and Bjorn Andre Solvang  who tore down the course as well in 20.68   well this is a slow and steady start but you've  got to think that this bus is accelerating   certainly Eddie Hall is getting faster it is  quick he's outside of the winning time it's 21.47   well that's not good enough for first or second  place but it's not bad points for Eddie Hall ¡uh! Mike broke no surprise you on that it was a great time ¡uh! you thought you'd probably hold   up the time didn't you ¡uh! yeah well actually  no I didn't man to tell you the truth I was   hoping it was ¡uh! I was hoping it was going to hold up it was really a bad start for me   ¡um! but ¡uh! I'm glad it held up so well the big  surprise of the day is is the little and large   so because you managed to come second Bjorn and  obviously you're giving away a huge amount of body   weight to these other guys surprised yourself I'm  very surprised actually a little bit slow in the   start but then I it came a little bit faster  and faster and just went for it and actually   hold the second place I'm very pleased to wear  shots actually right stuff all right we'll get   ready guys we got overhead next Mike Burke  pulling off a surprisingly tight bus pull   Victory with a comparatively diminutive Norwegian  Bjorn Solvang in second England's Eddie Hall in   fourth what was a very close set of times after  the break it's Eddie's favorite event as we go   poolside to test our strong wind shoulders that's  coming up on Giants live from Budapest Hungary [Music]   welcome back to Giants Live at Aqua World in  Hungary where temperatures are rising as Miss   bikini world champion local girl and massive  strongman fan Reka Rajnal looks to cool down   a little thank you oh it's an equally lovely  Colin Bryce our next event in this incredible   heat is the Viking press it weighs 160 kilograms  which is the equivalent of four Hooters girls it's   loaded up with potatoes and the guys have to  lift it up and press it overhead for as many   reps as possible in 60 seconds now the Viking  himself our head referee Viking ¿how many reps   for the win here? I think we're going to see a world record broken because of the Hooters   girl but ¡uh! I think around 11 12. okay over 10 to win is what the Viking thinks [Music] well the equipment was being put ready just  ahead of the first competitor and ¡uh! potatoes   this time Sergi Romanchuk not a bad effort  for this man six repetitions in total then   Alen Radosevich four Reps for the Serbian he was  a little disappointed with that Mark Van der Haer   though went into the lead with seven reps a fine  effort then it was a big ten for Alex Curletto   would that be the perfect 10 for the Italian Tamas Hajnal got seven good effort again from the Hungarian   so here we go Akos Nash of course who won in  Budapest last year he's got a lot to prove next to him of course is Eddie Hall he may be a lot bigger than  he was last year but is he better that's   the important thing and that's what we asked  him yesterday while he was on a river cruise from the Royals last year I just knew  I had to put a lot of weight on so ¡uh!   you know really knuckled down on  the training eating a lot more well I mean there's loads of good talents here  we've got Tommy Lotta's ¡uh! you know an old timer   has been on the scene for years Mike Burke is  a new bike come on the scene but you know he's   very strong ¡uh! anyone hey costs who won it last  year so you know a lot of blood competition I   reckon ¡uh! me and Berkeley are gonna be fighting  for an ecos despite the number one spot and my   favorite event is going to be the Viking press and  obviously I proved at the world's I can win I can   win that sort of event with relative ease and  I've worked even more on my power this year so   ¡uh! that's going to be my definite number one event  the last couple of years of my life I met my wife   I got married I've had two children I've crossed  onto the strongman scene I've won the England won   the Uks I've been to the worlds I'm really hoping  you know we don't want to knuckle down uh with   the help from my family, my wife I really want  to knuckle down and make them make the World's   Strongest man I want to be will Strongest man one  day the Giants live Budapest and I'm here to win well that's fighting talk from Eddie Hall   and he's got one of the best competitors surely  in Akos Nash in front of his home crowd here   so this is going to be fascinating Nagy strikes  first well it's a contest between the former   weightlifter on the left there Nagy who uses his  legs to look at Eddie Hall all shoulder power   just doesn't use his legs at all so steady  Eddie is going well this is looking good by   the man from Stoke on Trend Nagy is beginning to  struggle just a little bit and really slowing down   Eddie Hall has taken the challenge  to him and beaten him comfortably   now come on Eddie let's go let's go for 17 18 and  Beyond oh that's a superb effort by Eddie Hall   still some competitors to come of course   I think he'd like that that's awesome stuff  it was a contest of the lower body power   body power so what can Michael Burke do I guess  his height is going to be a disadvantage here   and Beyond Andre Solvang well we saw what he  did with the bus despite his light body weight   but he has got phenomenally big arms  this is going to be very interesting there's such tension out  there you can almost cut it well Bjorn Andrew Solvang won this event at  Norway's Strongest Man by almost double the   Reps of anybody else so I expect him to be  excellent at this but with those long arms   as you said biomechanical disadvantage here  but they're equal at the moment the Solvang   is very Snappy on the right hand side the two  judges there just ¡uh! telling the guys when   they're allowed to put it down this is quite  impressive from Burke 12 each and going strong   14 he's 15. he's Goodness Me Eddie Hall 16.  oh that was close but they've both got it   and that is extra pressure now Solvang 18 Burke 18.  very solid indeed a tremendous effort from both   men we've got new leaders look at the difference  in stature but the result is exactly the same   here consoling sharing the whim with an impressive  18 reps apiece that final pair dishing out a body   blow to Mr shoulders Eddie Hall who finished third  with 16 four ahead of Nagy so overall that means   America's strongest man is one point ahead of  Solvang with hungary's Nagy and England's Eddie   Hall only a few points back from the leaders  things are looking tight at the aqua world event three is indeed super yoke at 400  kilograms has to be lifted up on your   back and then run 20 meters up the course  they'll drop it turn around and run, run   stagger 20 meters back 400 kilograms  that's a heck of a weight that's 880   pounds that's the equivalent of 10 of our girls 60 seconds to complete it [Music] well part of the secret of yoke  carry is all about the preparation   and every one of our competitors being Immaculate  in terms of what they're doing Alen Radosevic he   completed 20 meters so not a bad start Mark  Van Der Haer 53.10 seconds the first man to   establish a time but then it got quicker  Sergi Romanchuk the Ukrainian selling the   standard Alex Curletto solid all the time 35.35 Tamas Hajnal  of Hungary 22.94 flew down the course [Applause]   Akos Nagy now is really come to light so far in the contest and he's got Eddie Hall up against  him and Hall at the moment is in a very strong   position in fourth place equal on points with  Nagy so this is a bit of a grudge contest as well   here we go and it's Nagy who gets away the quicker  of the two incredibly quick coming out towards   the halfway mark 20 meters under 10 seconds but  Hall who's normally very immobiles doing well too   yeah holes stride pattern there is  a little bit staccato a little bit   dodgy but it's not bad is it 21.56  that in the end is an excellent time Nagy 20.69 he takes the lead excellent performance by the Hungarian Eddie Hall looks a little bit non-plussed   absolutely delighted really for  the first time in this contest [Applause]   Solvang now he really is up against it on this  one body weight May well be a big difference   Michael Burke he certainly got the body weight  165 kilos at six foot five and three quarters tall   this is going to be hard so on the one hand  you've got a man who's light in stature and   then you've got this other very tall man who  gets away very quickly Michael Burke is who's   in the lead goodness me what an athlete now  it was nine seconds for Nagy at the turn it's   nine for Burke two but he's a bit slow in the  turnaround now Solvang is really struggling   but he's got to keep the pressure on can he keep  going yes he can and that looks perilously close   to 20 points something Solvang struggling down  the course and I'm surprised but he is really,   really hurting here, you've got to remember  just how light he is this isn't far off four   times body weight for him 36.93 not a bad time  really considering it was so heavy what about   Michael Burke's time it's 21-85 I was being a  bit optimistic there so not as fast as I thought Solvang really suffering at the end once all of those  wraps off very, very quickly Michael Burke just   standing there going what's going on guys  but Solvang it is who finishes but finishes   a little bit in distress Radosevic they're just helping him  out but I'm sure he's going to go away and sit in   the shade just to recover Akos Nagy grabbing the win  in the yoke race and getting the home crowd fired   up with it surprising second place there for Eddie  Hall who's had to work very hard at his Mobility   overall then Nagy and Hall move up to second and  third place respectively Mike Burke still has the   lead by two and a half points from his Hungarian  rival but let's hear now from a rather delighted Akos, Akos you're giving the crowd what they want they  want you to win again that's actually your first   event win in a Giants Live right right yeah this  is my my dream come true as well it's totally same   at last year but in the last year I don't want an  event just the overall yeah yeah just the overall   but one of my goals I wanna run this event is  it will come true today ¡wow! and you beat Burke   I mean it was all tied there within one second  yeah it's so close we fight together with   Eddie Hall and the Hall is incredible great  fighter I really, really like Eddie and and   this audience is also very suggestive and very  motivated me good stuff well good luck with the   next three events thank you [Music] so we're at  the halfway point in this World's Strongest Man   qualifier in Budapest and while the Mercury hits  40 degrees and the strongmen take a break Miss   Reka Rajnal original demonstrates the skills that  made her Miss bikini world champion [Music] three more events to come to tell us what's next  it's back to Colin Bryce it's just getting hotter   and hotter here competition and the temperature  it's over 40 degrees now and these guys have to   deal with 350 kilograms of car they have to  lift it in 60 seconds for as many reps as   as possible 350 kilos Eddie ¿how many reps are  possible here? ¡um! about 350 kilos you were looking   in a double figures here possibly even you know  up to 20 reps right maybe well in 60 seconds that   would be phenomenal going that would be one rep  every three seconds let's see what happens [Music] Alen Radosevic of Serbia got us underway with just four  repetitions getting closer he got 11. that   was a good result, Tamas Rajnal really struggled he only got  the single lid Mark Vander Haer though look more   like it 15 reps in total for the South Africans  Alex Curletto the Italian always solid he got 12. so here we go Bjorn Andre Solvang second at  Norway's strongest man competition but that is   good he's up against Eddie Hall on the right hand  side and Hall has been very solid indeed in the   first couple of events well Eddie Hall's got to be  careful there I think he's just bouncing his reps   is using the suspension  you're not allowed to do that   well he's already had a couple of lists  disqualified but Hall on nine Solvang on seven now   eight and both are progressing quite nicely and  this is more like it both men into double figures   and Hall all of a sudden has come to a grinding  hole but manages to squeeze one more at Solvang   I was really struggling now steady  Eddie keeps it going for Great Britain   Hall's gone into the lead then 16,17 extending  his lead ¡oh! this is tremendous by Eddie Hall   he's short of the pace that he said himself saying  he could do 20 and the clock is about to stop and   19. for Eddie Hall Bjorn Andre Solvang confirmed  that 16 reps that's an excellent result but Eddie   Hall only 17. it's dropped down a couple of  reps from what we saw originally nevertheless   it's a good result for the Britain I think that  was a fair cop really having a couple of reps   taken away there he was using the suspension to  bounce it off the floor and catching it as it   was coming back up again that's not allowed  but he set the target for everybody else to   follow now including Michael Burke so let's find  out a little bit more about this genial American   Mike Burke from Denver Colorado two meters  160 kilos and I am America's strongest man you know I was ¡uh! I was playing some semi-pro  football back in Colorado and ¡uh! I ¡uh! tore my   leg so I blew out my shoulder and ¡uh!  I just happened to join a gym when I was   after surgery when I went to rehab it and ran  into some guys and ¡uh! started competing at the   amateur level and I won my first show ¡uh! and  kind of got hooked on the sport got to compete   the World's Strongest Man for my first time ¡uh!  which I was happy about I wasn't happy about   how I did I was hoping to make the finals in my  first year but ¡uh! you know it's been a good year   for me I've gotten stronger I've gotten ¡uh! more  experience in the sport and I'm happy about that I come to win that's, that's what you do in a  competition in the future same as always   I want to make the finals at Worlds  I just turned 39 a couple days ago   getting up there in age but I still  got a few years left in me [Laughter] so here we go with Akos Nagy he's next to  go the defending Champion here in Budapest   getting strapped onto the equipment which is  always important the grip is absolutely vital   alongside Michael Burke here we go the Nagy draws  first blood but it's two each and these two will   go Great Guns I'm sure you always expect a former  weightlifter to have a great deadlift and Nagy does   but Burke's one tough character again despite his  height he can overcome deadlift shouldn't be good   for really, really tall men but it's just so hard  so tough but 10 a piece at the moment oh Michael   Burke looks absolutely determined to hang on  to a really solid placing in this event Nagy just wants to keep going he struck for gold in the  last event it just struggled on that repetition   is a single repetition ahead of Burke everybody  way behind what Eddie Hall achieved in this event   I'm not sure anybody's gonna get that it's four  seconds to go it's 14-0 and there you have it   all tied up equal on 14. that's a good result  for both fellas Michael Burke 14 Akos Nagy 14. it   does not get any closer than that so first victory  for Eddie Hall of Great Britain despite the fact   he was actually docked a couple of reps head  referee Mr Karlsen ¡uh! you took some reps off   of Eddie there ¿what was that for bouncing? yes  he was bouncing a few of those reps so I had to   take him away in the end they call it a deadlift  and you have to go from a dead start ¿Eddie you are   happy with that? no that's fair enough ¡uh! I  didn't know to be honest I didn't realize I was   doing it but as soon as Spencer said stop bouncing  I stopped bouncing so you know what more can I do   Eddie Hall gets his first win 17 reps one ahead  of Solvang, Van Der Haer of South Africa gets third   with 15. so we have a tie at the top now Hall  and Mike Burke level on 34 points Nagy and   Solvang in third place on 31 and a half and then  a big drop down to fifth so it looks like a four   horse race for those three qualifying places and  after the break it's the wait for height event   something that neither Burke nor Hall have  ever competed in that's next on Giants live welcome back to Giants Live round two of the  World's Strongest Man qualifying tour coming   to you from Budapest Hungary just two events  to go to decide the top three strong men who   will get the golden tickets to the World Finals  in China now over to Colin Bryce to tell us more   about the next event our penultimate event is  the wait for height this 25 kilogram lead-filled   lump of Steel has to be thrown over the bar  up there but alongside me is Reika a World   Fitness Champion Reika how heavy are you well I'm  48 kilos now 48 kilograms well this is over half   the weight of you in fact it's the equivalent  of a five-year-old child the height of that   a double decker bus and it'll go up and up  until no one is left in the contest [Music] well there were some early casualties  Alen Radosevic there at the Serbian   his best height four meters along  with Alex Curletto of Italy who went   20 centimeters higher the same height  as Tamas Hajnal of hungry 4.2 meters Eddie Hall prowling around in the background  there just getting ready to take his next   attempt he sent three attempts so far  has the UK's Strongest Man twice in a row   so good performances for The Stoke on trend  fella here we go 4.8 meters for Eddie and this   is getting higher and higher as time goes on this  has turned out to be a long competition here we go   just good effort by Eddie Hall this event of course has its roots in Scottish  Highland Games that's a far cry from Akos Nagy   but here we go same height as Eddie  and unfortunately doesn't get it has to go again he's got plenty of time left  but he just needs to compose himself now   go on let's have some support for the local guy this is 25 kilos and there's a bit of  endurance coming into it now does not get it   so his best height 4.4 meters Michael Burke now he's halfway  there is he being two meters tall this should be easy but he looked great in  round three at 4.4 meters okay that by almost   a meter maybe more my goodness that was massive  that was absolutely superb 4.8 meters for him well Mark Van der Haer looks as though he's  one of the most relaxed people in this Arena   but this is where it's going to get  serious now just composes himself before   he picks up that giant weight it's got to be  one-handed remember and that's what makes it   so so difficult and it's long but ¡uh! he fails it and that means his best so far is 4.4 meters second attempt he has to take it back  to back so no time to recover here   just shakes off his arm there it ¡come on Mark! it's  just about had the height just went under the bar and it's better but he doesn't  get the depth to the throw either   so 4.4 meters is the best ¡uh! attempt for  Mark Van der Haer a smile has disappeared now Solvang the Norwegian really needs something special  here if he's going to achieve 4.8 meters   I think the most noticeable thing out  1.8 meters tall he's giving away 20   centimeters to Burke and probably another 10  centimeters on his arm length as well makes   it hard it's not bad ¡oh my goodness! it's just about crawled over the top of the bar   that was just short that was ¡uh! a shame really wasn't it, it was so, so close after   a massive effort, yeah and he's looking his hand  oh no he's taking a chunk of skin off it that's   really going to put him off now you must put  that out of his mind just for a second here well he's got Mighty arms  that's for sure [Applause]   oh same sort of thing couldn't quite do  it so his best remains at four meters 40. well we're battling down the hatches here they're  actually putting the bar up in terms of height we're just getting the equipment ready for Eddie  Hall and one spectator is going to be very happy   very cold glass of beer there, now what can Eddie  Hall do here the world record incidentally for   this is just over 18 and a half feet five meters  80 or thereabouts and this is 5 meters 20. so   it gives you some idea of the difference  in standard of the world's very, very best the mental preparation is so important for an  event like this isn't it, but it's just a split   second of explosive power every single muscle  fiber you can use must be used, come on Eddie   it's gonna be big ¡oh! it just went underneath that time now is he going to attempt a second   one I don't think he is so 520 and a lot of the  performers here are just finding it a little bit   difficult in terms of the ¡uh! the amount of wear and tear it's putting their hands under   it's getting a little help from Sergi Romanchuk  taped up back out he goes he's going to give it   another attempt he really cracked the underside  of that bar hard I think he's got the power here   if you can get the angle well he's got to have the  power hasn't he he's absolutely dripping in sweat   still incredibly hot and humid here so  here we go Eddie Hall of Great Britain   oh that's a good effort my goodness couldn't  quite do it so his best remains at four meters 80. so here goes Michael Burke of the United States   and if this attempt is anything like the attempt  he made it four meters 80. it's gonna go sailing   over his own personal height is a big advantage  and he does it again that's absolutely superb   well they've just raised the bar to six  meters the world record is 5.87 meters   with a 25 kilo weight that was done by Misha  Koklyaev back in South Africa three years ago   that is 13 centimeters higher sadly we had to go  that high to attempt the world record let's talk   to the man who's about to do it Mike Burke who  is going into spasm I think on the floor you're   right Mike I'm good it's ¡uh! it's really hot here and I'm man, I'm cramping bad I don't ¡uh!   I didn't drink enough is what it's coming down to  so I mean this is this is a massive increase dude   you really fancy is the chances here ¡ah! I wish I wasn't  cramping I think I'd have a better chance   but I'll give it hell we'll see how it goes all  right good luck thanks Colin we'll actually need   the right attitude from Michael Burke but this  would be a phenomenal achievement six meters   he's already won the competition but this  would be for a new world record [Applause]   looked as though it could have been but it's  gone away to the right hand side but that is   a big victory for Michael Burke ahead of Eddie  Hall of Great Britain, Eddie that last height   looked like you had the power but it was slipping  out something's gone wrong with the fingers huh,   yeah, I mean I've absolutely destroyed my, my  skin on my hand basically I mean I had the   power I reckon it would have gone up if I hit the  bar and I've been practicing it really hard so   just one of them one of the things it's kind  of open about it now to be fair Mike Burke was   was pretty impressive yeah, yeah definitely he's  definitely got more more height than me that's   probably because there's about 10 foot higher. Big  Mike Burke just missing a world record in the wait   for height but he does get the win with Eddie Hall  in second Nagy, Solvang and Van Der Haer in third   Mike Burke one point ahead overall then of  Eddie Hall, Eddie bidding to become the second   British athlete ever to win a Giants lLve  International but to do that he must best   America's strongest man the big Showdown  is coming up after the break [Applause] [Music] welcome everybody here in Budapest in  the aqua bird there's the Giants Live   enjoy the competition and the Strongman  with me, job done just one more event for   the men to face over to Colin to  hear about the deciding discipline   so it's down to the final event and it is  the rock lift four massive oddly-shaped   rocks weighing 125, 135, 150 and 160 kilograms  have to be lifted onto these platforms well   the big rock at the end there is Mike Burke is in  the lead on 44 points Eddie one point behind and   Five Points back right now the battle for third  between Akos and Bjorn but anyone can still win   and one of them will not be on the podium and  will not get a ticket to World's Strongest man these guys unfortunately are the also runs Mark  Van Der Haer four rocks but over 48 seconds Alex   Curletto was a lot quicker 2805. Tamas Hajnal he  got four reps as well in the quickest time so far 23.4   Akos Nagy now and this is where it's all gonna happen   this has got to be one of the best performances  of his life number one goes up very quickly well   you'd imagine Nagy would have trained on these  rocks ¡oh! he's made a bit of a goof for that second   one though well Rock lifting is ¡uh! traditional in  Hungary and the hungarians it seems Superfluous   to say it but they're supposed to be good at  this so can Nagy get rock number four up it's   not gonna be particularly quick but he does it and  that is important four rocks in 30.31 and so that   is what has to be beaten but it'll be all down to  what Bjorn does now for that third place position so here we go this for not only a third place  but a trip to China for the World's Strongest Man   contest look at the two guys here just hanging on  to this platform that was good that was very good   by Solvang just took a little bit of time out of  ¡uh! the contest with that third one and this looks   as though it could be a quicker as well keep  your eye on the clock it's got to be fast he's   just having problems with that first part of the  lift and he gets it that is brilliant from Solvang   23.31 and that means that Nagy may not we've got to   wait for the last two to go but  may not make the trip to China brilliant performance by Solvang  though he's definitely going [Applause] so here goes Eddie Hall of Great Britain now  just to give you a clue as to who's done what   so far Bjorn Solvang 2331 and Tamas Hajnal  if it comes to that 23-40. it's going good third Stone just a bit of a fumble there   and we know Burke's a great Stone lifter Eddie  has to get this last Stone up one good movement the last Stone and it's good that was very good   oh it almost fell off again  but 26.46 seconds [Applause] well that fourth one was very impressive you  can see the rest of them going bouncing around   all over the place and you've got to take your  hands off as quickly as you possibly can it's   all down to Burke of the USA and this is quick my  goodness he's throwing those rocks up there that's   outrageous they don't like polystyrene  rocks the way he's manhandling them up   oh that was so quick 16.4 seconds that was  almost apologetic by Burke yeah he is the   man make no mistake about it Michael Burke that  is a huge margin of victory over everybody else   16.4 seconds Bjorn Solvang it was he took second  and Tamas Hajnal in third with Eddie Hall of   England in fourth but there we have the overall  leaderboard Michael Burke of the USA 54 points   Eddie Hall with 50 and Bjorn Solvang of Norway  makes the final at his very first attempt [Music]   Bjorn's still a young man second big International  but appears you've got the the power and the   confidence to put it off you're going to World's  Strongest man what a great day this must be for   you yeah but it's ¡uh! I never dreamed of this so I  just decided to do the best I can with what I got   ¡um! take one each event at the time and it paid  off very well today I'm going to work and very   excited well here are our trophies and of  course our medals for all the participants   but what about the winners Michael Burke and  Eddie Hall, Eddie Hall second place you can't   be unhappy with that surely no not at all  I mean when I heard Mark Burke was there in   the lineup I pretty much knew it's going to be  between me and him all along so ¡uh! it's a close   one in the end ¡uh! I think if my hand wasn't  so bad I might have I might have picked him this gonna be excuse there Mike hey congratulations first major international Big Win here in Hungary I  guess it feels pretty good ¡huh! yeah it feels great   it was awesome ¡uh! I've had a great time here I'm  going back to Worlds that's what I'm happy about   that's what I came here for ¡um! it was some great  competition I knew that he was going to be tough   ¡um! but uh you know if his hand wasn't hurt it  might have been better deal for him so I'm like   I always ask this when guys win Giants Live  straight up can you win World's Strongest man   no I can win World Strongest man I know that but   if I can get in the top five I'd  be happy I think I can do that Michael Burke certainly was very, very impressive  indeed and he is that champion here in Budapest   and what a worthy Champion he is he has been  suddenly time to cool off here it's been a   brutal day in terms of the weather Giant's live  does it again what a great day then for Eddie   Hall who books his place here in Sanya at the  World's Strongest Man finals hopefully we'll be   seeing a few more English athletes joining him at  our next event on the Giants live qualifying tour   it comes from Leeds England and it is Europe's  strongest man see you for that then next time
Channel: Giants Live STRONGMAN
Views: 9,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eddie Hall, strongest man, Strongman, Giants Live, World’s Strongest Man, Deadlift Record, weightlifting, World Record, strongman records, Brian Shaw, strongest ever, Log Lift, strongman motivation, gym, Bian Shaw, Hafthor, Hafthor Bjornsson, strong man, hombre fuerte, Europe's Strongest Man, World Strongest Man, Strongest Man in the World, strength training, wsm, worlds strongest man
Id: aIYLdLNpOuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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