Full Ship Tour of Celebrity Summit with Advice You Should Know! Celebrity Cruises Ship Tour!

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[Music] hey everybody and welcome to the celebrity Summit I'm excited to give you a walking tour of this cruise ship because she looks beautiful I don't know when she was renovated but it's certainly been recently so let me give you some history on the celebrity Summit real quick and then we'll jump right into the full walking tour the first thing is she was built in 2009 W but did not come over to celebrity until 2008 she is about 990,000 gross ton so she's on the smaller side but it is a beautiful ship she's only going to have about 2,200 people on her Max Capacity with every bed taken it's 2,200 some folks and I can tell you even on this sailing that I'm on which is a four night sailing out of Miami it feels a little quiet at times because there are so few people here and I am loving it all right let's jump on into a full ship walking tour of celebrity Summit all right so we're going to start here in deck three midship this is the lower level of the Centrum on the celebrity Summit over on the left you're can see they do have a bit of a business and if you need to print something out they do have a printer over there as well you will need to buy or have complimentary Wi-Fi in order to access those computers and you've got a gentleman standing right there that can help you out with any of your internet needs you're also going to have the concierge here so if you have loyalty program questions or need something with the captain's Club that's where you're going to head to and then as always you're going to have Guest Services on the ship or guest relations so if you need to add a credit card you need to change a room or there's some kind of Hotel request that you have you're going to do that there we woke up this morning and it was Christmas no I'm joking it's actually Halloween so it is October 29th now and they are getting ready for their Halloween sailing so this is the only day that we're going to have with the decorations but they have decorated it for uh the upcoming Halloween uh celebration or festivities short Excursion is over here which always has a very large desk I think the Millennium class ship which the celebrity Summit is has one of the better short exursion desk just the location it's large easy to space out you're going to have a conference center but I'm going to walk through the hallway here to the tuskin girl this is the Italian restaurant but I'm going to speed up the content a little bit and come back when we get there all right so we're now in deck 3 a this is the only part of the ship that actually does not connect so you do have to walk through this State rooms if you want to go from one to the other and they doing Hospitality coffee lounges here forgive me looks like it just ended but I'll give you a quick tour of the Tuscan Kitchen this is the Italian restaurant we'll peek in hi there good morning morning show you all what this looks like they're currently finishing up breakfast service here for I believe the Zenith and higher or excuse me the elite elite plus and Zenith members but this is going to be your Italian restaurant especially restaurant on board I have not eaten at it yet so I can't tell you if it's good or not um but maybe on my next trip I'll be able to share that information coming up to deck four aft so again we are in the very back part of the ship and we're going to cut our way forward coming over here to Lumin which is the sweet restaurant so if you are in a suite here on the summit you can come into Lumin and it is a beautiful room love the furniture the decor the way that it's decorated and it's going to be smaller so it's going to be a lot more intimate and quieter for your dinner breakfast and I believe they do lunch service in there as well coming back this way one thing I want to point out I enjoy the art on here cruise ships all have their own style when it comes to Art the art on board the Summit is right at my alley I'm I'm really enjoying it and I'll Point some of it out to you here is rendevu so this is going to be where they have a band in the middle you're going to have a bar over here so you can get drinks listen to some light music it's been very mellow music on this ship which I don't necessarily hate sometimes I want it to be a little bit more upbeat but it has been a little bit more mellow plenty of places to sit to people watch or look out the windows on clear days I'm always surprised more people don't come in here to sit read a book cuz it's a a really nice areaa and the chairs look pretty comfortable even all the way through here got a neat picture with this in the background with the celebrity X's that they've used to decorate you're also going to have restrooms on the midsection of the ship which is where we are now these are the ones that I use the most often so if you need a restroom they're here in the midship section I'm going to cut over this side number one if you want a fantastic picture I think this is just a really cool place to get it in the middle of the Centrum there which is 3 four and five we're currently on Deck four you're also going to be able to cut outside on Deck four so I'm going to walk you over here the other side of rendevu or the entrance lots of wind today but here's what the outside looks like they don't have a lot of chairs on their deck four outdoor section which is a little surprising to me but I found a few lounge chairs towards the other end that I really enjy and been taking advantage of here's your martini bar so this is a classic spot on a Celebrity ship is the martini bar you'll see that the glass here is or not glass excuse me the counter here is water and you can see I already wrote my initial there a b when I came down here earlier that is um ice during the evening so they freeze that water up that condensation and it help keep your martini glass cool but this is also a place where you can come and get your free cocktails if you're part of the captain's Club they normally have a line because it is very popular the martinis here apparently are very good I have not partaken but I hear good things and here you're going to have an extension of the martini bar you're going to have ice filled up here and over on the wall there and they you're going to have the vodka bottles that they're going to put inside of that looking over to this side this is you know their Centrum which let me come over here maybe that'll give you a better view of it is the central Hub of the ship this is where a lot of activities happen and with that you've got a DJ station here you're going to have violinist musician saxophonist you've got the headphones for the silent disco that also happens on this floor I recommend if you're doing the silent disco stay in a group so come over to this side go over to the other side so you're staying in a a more confined group and you have more fun because it is a little bit exposed cuz people not in the silent party can hear and see what you're doing so we're going to cut through the casino quickly the casino here does look pretty nice looks like it's got a lot of new games you've got a bar over on this side see if I can get a good show for you it is closed currently cuz we are in bimy Bahamas so it is not open right now which is why I'm still filming normally I like to turn off the camera and jump to the other side but it's not that far of a walk all right so you see there is another way to get outside here on Deck four and then you going to walk into the Park West space so this is the art gallery on board the ship they do the art auctions whatnot so make sure you're checking that out if you're into art you're also going to have the retreat over here this again is for your sweet class guest so just quickly show you what all is in here beautifully decorated they're going to have some food some coffee that you can see over here looks like they're switching us out from breakfast to lunch and then on the other side of the sweet Lounge you're going to have a bar so if you want to grab a drink you've got an espresso machine grab some flavored water go outside to deck 4 you can do that here and they're going to have some sodas you can pick up as well I'm going to come back out this other door over here that is locked so not going to go at that one but I do enjoy the decorations on board this ship the way that it's designed it's it's very pretty modern um casual luxury I think that was Mitchell Gold's tagline to the furniture company but it really resonates with me on this ship casual luxury got your photo desk so if you want to buy pictures while you're here they will absolutely do that they do have the modern ones where you put your um set sell card or C pass card up to the machine and it will show you all of your pictures let's take a step into the theater here we'll see if I can get in I know they've got a show later tonight hopefully it's quiet on the inside you might not hear me talk much but we'll check it out perfect it's looking quiet so they do turn this area over here into a bar before the so if you do want to come in and grab a drink or a cocktail you can get one from here as well the setup here is huge it seats a ton of people there is a balcony above me as well so if you want a seat you will not have an issue finding a seat anywhere in here I'll show you a little bit of the balcony up above one thing that I personally just don't like about the Millennium classes they have these little glass tables in between the seats they take up some space and that light when they Dim All the the lighting in here is pretty bright um it's not actually enjoyable to me to have that bright of a light but it is a good size to put your phone on top of the light so if you don't want the light glaring into your face pull out your phone your cell phone and you'll be able to put that directly on top of that light there's a little crevice there that will allow you to put it there and block the light all right so we just walked up to deck five going to show what else here oh this is a different kind of door all right there we go it is an electric door up there we go so it is now closing so no harm done luckily so deck forward deck five forward and again the artwork here I just love it I've taken so many pictures with the art art on the ship this is where you're going to find the shops on board the celebrity Summit they're going to have everything you could expect on a cruise ship you're going to have jewelry you're going to have watches you're going to have bracelets they've got it all you've got I think it's a quasi logo shop and merchandise store with Beach accessories they kind of mix and match a lot of stuff I'm not sure why they put all the jewelry in the hallway I think the space probably could have been used a little bit better but you do have some good buys that you can find in here if you are looking for that you're going have your perfumes your body lotions over here on the right more beachy kind of stuff your sunglasses what would a beach be without sunglasses hi there hi and then you're going to have I actually took a phone call in here with someone I know and this is a really cool spot just to sit and hang out that you don't see many people doing it they also over here on the other side cuz the hallway split you're going to see they do have a taxfree and dutyfree store so if you want cigarettes you want alcohol they're absolutely going to have that for you with no tax and no vat you're going have future cruises so if you want to come and book your cruise get those onboard discounts on and onboard credit you can do that while you're here the right hand side you've got a little bit of a comfort space seems a little bit on the fish bowl to me there was a group in there earlier today everybody can see you when you're in there I don't think it's ideal especially given your top topics but that's a thing that you have you got the celebrity Innovation store here this is also where you can come to get help with your Wi-Fi so if your Wi-Fi on the ship is not working having problems with your phone come to the Innovations desk there's normally less people here than I have found in other locations they also sell Apple products so if you want to buy Apple products you can do that here too coming back out is my favorite spot Cafe biano which is the coffee shop all the pastries here are complimentary you see they've got it again decorated for Halloween and you've got my friends back there who I see probably four or five times a day making me coffee coming over to the other side here do a quick turn so where you're going to have the gelato station so you've got gelato that they're going to have out here in the afternoon Captain's club members you can get some of this free if you are Elite or higher you get one scoop they do have an espresso machine over here though I don't see it used too often and they will make waffles over here for that gelato and it smells amazing when they are doing that the elevators here are very similar to a brilliant class elevator system where it's designed so you can see outside and it almost looks like a lighthouse the way that you've got these slats there I think that's probably actually what it was designed for but it is really neat you're also going to have a seating area on the other side there that is going to show you um beautiful views outside and they're going to have true coffee service if you want to sit and order a coffee they will bring you what you are looking for again rest rooms are going to be in the middle so always remember where your restrooms are sometimes you need them a little bit quicker than other times so this is deck four in between the mid and the app section where you're going to have the sushi restaurant they put this in the middle it looks like a little bit of an afterthought this used to be a large Lounge here CU but it it's now sushi on five which is if you want sushi they've had a really good crowd here I have not tried it once again I've not done specially on the one cuz it's only four nights I wanted to try the main dining and the buffet but they split it with sell Masters so this is their wine bar if you will and they'll also have some entertainers that are going to stand there up against the wall again very lowkey entertainment um it's been one lady and a guitar that she's been playing while she's here she's really good but it is lower key in nature and places to sit and hang out and as always you're going to have a bar where you can enjoy your refreshment packages and get some drinks coming up ahead I want to show you the Cosmopolitan lounge or not Lounge I you call it the restaurant this is where you go to eat breakfast lunch dinner if you want the main dining room experience this is where you're going to come and it is a beautiful spot let me walk over here so I can get the lighting better but I am a huge fan of the design and the style the colors they're subtle but bright it's Airy it's really really nice and the food let me tell you has been fantastic on this Voyage I've been in the main dining room every night and it's been wonderful I can't tell you how good the food's been been very surprised and impressed by how good it is if you want a nice table with a huge window as to sit in the back you do have the port hole windows on the side but I think if you're anywhere in this middle section here you're going to have beautiful views outside and you're going to have that light coming in especially depending on the time of year if it's still sunny at 5:00 which it is these days it'll make a really nice um dinner plus you're going to be get some great pictures there because you're going to have all that light coming in from the windows all right so that concludes decks three four and five those are the decks here on our lower floors that are the internal space of this cruise ship where everything happens I'm going to bop on up to deck 10 and show you more food more rooftop Terraces more pools and I'll be back in just one second so welcome to detin forward hi there this is where you're gonna find the spa the gym so I'm going quickly walk you through here just to show you what this all looks like but if you want to get a haircut you want to do your nails they've got keres treatments all sorts of good stuff this is where you're going to come to talk with these folks and they will hook you up coming over to the fitness center I'll quickly show you what all they have here it is a smaller gym but it's going to get the job done plenty of machines you got eliptical you've got weight lifts you've got Pelon bikes and they're going to do a few classes as well I'll see if I can make a full video on the gym When there's less people in there so you can see it more they do have a Persian Garden here as well which is going to be your thermal spot so if you're interested in that it is smaller on the ship because it's just it's not a big ship so it's I think two different saas that are in there um but if that's something you want to try out some of I believe the cabinet club members get one for free or if you're in one of the concierge blash or Aqua class Suites you're going to have access to that coming out here to the salarium so you've got a retractable roof up above which is always really nice they have it closed on these sailings I'm not sure why to me it does get a little bit stuffy but you're going to have chairs with cushions in here which is what I'm always looking for and there's a good ratio of hot tubs I appreciate the um large woman up there the artwork I think that that is fantastic and you're going to have a little bit of a bar over here where they serve food which I like and they're going to have the spa Cafe where you can get one of your fresh frush juices smoothies and on the other side they'll also have water coffee amenities like that you can get coming back over to this side you're going to have restrooms once again once you learn where one restroom is on a floor you can figure out where all the other restrooms are they're going to all be in the same location on this ship you've got your pool bar here which stays very popular everybody enjoys the pool bar these chairs here to me are not as comfortable you've got your pool over here you've got some hot tubs as well but I don't love these chairs I don't know if you can see it with the towel here which by the way these are not reserved for anyone that's just the towels that the staff have come through and put down for you to be able to use when you come outside so they don't check them out if anything they're giving them out free to anyone who wants them but there's a bar let me B down and show you there's a bar right there so I am not a fan of sitting on those unless I'm able to push myself down a wee little bit to get off of that bar you've got another Pool here as well and more hot tubs I even came out here and used the hot tubs one night which is uncommon for me um it was not too hot by any stretch it was a not a cooler hot tub but it was one that I stayed in for like an hour so you know that it was not too hot you're G to have a stage up here they're going to do a few parties up here sell away they're gonna have one under the stars party and you're gonna have bands on C days that are going to play out there as well in the back there you do have your ping pong table and we are on the port side of the ship so if you are a cigarette smoker you can come over to the port side and that's where you're going to find your ashes and you're going to find places you can smoke coming back inside to deck 10 midship this is where the food's going to be so it's going to be from the midship all the way to the a section and it is called the Ocean View cafe now the buffet in here has been impressive I must say I've I've been really impressed with the food that they've got the selection that they've got it's been bigger than I am accustomed to seeing on other Cruise Lines hand washing station here please make sure you're washing your hands and they've got it decorated for Halloween once again so I'm going to walk to the right hand side but when you come into the buffet here the Ocean View cafe make sure you're walking both sides sides because they don't have the same food on both sides some cruise lines have the exact same food on either side to help with people flow here I this is about as busy as I've ever seen the place um and it is probably let's see what time it is it is 10:20 on our pte in bimin so not bad at all but my point is the food is different on each side make sure you're going to each side to be able to see what they have to make you rem mind of what you want to eat more coffee and beverages here and I'm going to walk you out to the back they're going to have I don't know if it's a hidden area G can go out there they've got different stations where they'll make things for you so you've got an omelet station going there you've got a sandwich station panini press on the other side a mely station they got all sorts of good things here but coming outside I wanted to show you this here cuz I love the outdoor section of any Buffet on a cruise ship this is a fun spot if you want to come um grab a good seat make sure you have your sunglasses out here it does get warm but that is the Sunset Bar there beautiful spot for evening times as well if you want to check that out all right I'm going to use these staircases here which is pretty steep and most people probably don't come up this way but for a full walking tour I always want to show you all how everything is connected so you've got some State rooms here I think that they would be a little loud being right above that restaurant area there and I'll turn and show you bimin here in a second so I'm on the back of the ship here in biny today so you can see they are running the trolley to take you onto the island this is the rooftop Terrace area so if you want to watch a movie this is their outdoor spot to watch a movie they're also going to have tons of chairs here though these chairs be careful they are black that means if they are sitting in the sun you got it they're going to be a little on the warm side but it is good shade good place if you want to be away from people that you can come and hang out during the day I wanted to come and watch one movie I think they were playing flash and I didn't realize it was back here and I wanted to do it from the hot tub there is not a hot tub to watch a movie in on this ship because the movie area is back there in the back so that didn't work out quite the way that I wanted it to but you've got some good areas if their pool is full and we had one C day on this 4 day the pool never got full so you don't need to go searching for chairs they have plenty of them but they do have chairs up here as well that I think most people would not consider looking over to the other side this is your only kid-friendly amenity that you're going to have on this ship is going to be a full-size basketball court it is a large scale basketball court it's not a half one or mini one that you see on some Cruise Lines it is the full thing getting the stairs are kind of tricky here so make sure you're holding on to the rail they do have an little here if you have a Mobility device and you need to go up you can call for assistance um and they will come and help you out there so we're going to walk back around we are on Deck 11 now so the rooftop Terrace I don't know if you noticed there I went up two flights of stairs so it is on Deck 12 and that is how you access it from either the buffet go up two floors or from deck 11 and you walk up one floor there is again that ability to jump on the elevator but I don't think I've ever seen it seen it work you got beautiful views of the pool here if you want to be close to the action but not a part of it I think this is always a good spot to be able to come to and there's a little bit more shade up here as well I'm going to swing inside here and this is an interesting location so you come in here this is deck 11 you're going to have your midship elevators and then you have the restaurant's Cuisine here I'm just going to peek in and show you this most people probably will come in here and go straight to the elevators you can walk through those doors and go directly to the staircase and go below but this again is one of the spey restaurants here on board the celebrity Summits but I'm going to come back outside to keep giving you the tour here and we're going to walk all the way to the back section of the ship or I say the back this is the forward I'm walking forward I get turned around from time to time they've got great lighting out here by the way so for those evening festivities and parties that they're going to have you can certainly enjoy those the lights help a lot you know you've got the center section there but this is just a really good view of the pools that are here they're coming in at about 1 and 1 12 M 1.6 and 5T 6 in always nice when they give it to you in both systems cuz I know you all are watching these videos from all over the world so it's great to be able to convert it than got a bar here as well the so you've only got two bars out here by the pool it's a smaller ship they don't need many you've got the one bar way over there that we passed earlier and then you're going to have the other one up on this floor that will serve you your drinks if you are in The Retreat I am not in the retreat which is your suet rooms here on board celebrity you can go up these stairs and access the retreat only area but again I don't have access to that so we're not going to take a look at that today you can also look down here and see the salarium area again very pretty you've got these chairs that these people are sitting on I'm not sure how comfortable those are but I definitely see people doing that good shading area if you want to come and hang outside somewhere maybe play some cards whatever have you they've got some good spaces with tables that you can do that continuing the journey forward again you've got the retreat up top you can probably see the sign a little bit up there that's saying Retreat guest only but I'm going to come in here and this door I will tell you if you don't have strong upper body strength don't try to come into this door cuz it is heavy and I'm always scared it's going to slam behind me but luckily they've got programmed so it does not do that so I'm going to come in here to the Sky Lounge looks like they got an event going on so I'm going to go quiet for a second number two who theer to win the heavyweight it is trivia or no but the answer of course is indeed Mye Tyson and this is question number two moving over to question number three what ingredient makes so they're doing some trivia right now um in the Sky Lounge it is one of my favorite places to hang out to grab a drink the views of the front part of the ship especially for a sailway is beautiful there it's one of my favorite sections on the ship recommend it for sail away or any kind of activities you're going to have your kids area over here not going to go in there but know that they are here I think I've seen Max of four kids on this ship so far they are just not here all right so as you can see celebrity Summit is one of my favorite sailings I've been on probably this year she is absolutely beautiful the food's been spot on I'm hoping that you are considering coming here you've already booked your cruise on the celebrity Summit now if you're looking to see what the state rooms look like they are just as elegant just as nice I stayed on an interior cabin here and honestly I could live in this room it is so nice and so welld designed make sure you're checking that out here so you'll know what to expect in your state room when you come to celebrity Summit all right everybody this is Brandon the weekend Cruiser hoping to see you on a weekend Cruise soon
Channel: The Weekend Cruiser
Views: 27,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cruise ship tour, cruise tips and tricks, cruise advice, celebrity summit ship tour, celebrity summit, celebrity summit tour, summit tour, celebrity summit cruise, celebrity summit 2023, celebrity summit review, celebrity summit cruise ship tour, celebrity cruise, celebrity cruises ship tour, celebrity cruise summit, celebrity cruise ship, celebrity cruises review, celebrity cruise ship tour, celebrity summit ship, celebrity cruise tips, ship tour, celebrity cruise line
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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