Full Service | Sunday, May 16, 2021

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welcome welcome welcome you guys doing okay you guys seem kind of sleepy and it's noon it's time for siesta right hey let's all stand up together glad you're here i was just talking to the last service about how the services shake out and stuff but i was telling them how the 12 o'clock starts as one of our most empty services at noon but it ends as one of the fullest services and it's just a strange dynamic of this so you guys are the early 12 so that's great uh congratulations um we're here to worship the lord let's ask the lord's blessing and then we'll uh get get rolling lord we're so thankful uh that we can we can gather in your name and the lord you are right here in our midst and we pray your blessing on this service lord we thank you for all the folks are here that are tuning in online bless them all we pray we thank you in jesus name amen this comes from psalm chapter 46 [Music] god is our refuge and strength a very present help [Music] a very present help in trouble therefore will not we fear though the earth be removed though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea we will be still still know that he is [Music] there's a river the streams where i shall make glad the city of god god is in his holy place he is our help at the breaking out therefore will not we fear though the earth be removed though the mountains know that he is ladies we will be still [Music] lady sing the o skies we will be still we will be still still and know that know that he is gone we will be still still and know that know that he is god altogether we will be still still and know that know that he is gone [Music] we will be still still and know that know that he is god lord how thankful we are in these tumultuous times lord that we can just put our trust in you and even if the mountains are removed lord we know you're in control and that you've got everything under your under your hand lord and we just pray lord that as we draw near to you that you would draw near to us lord what a privilege it is to meet with you to spend time here with your people seeking your face lord what a joy we pray be honored and glorified find lord a congregation that's worshipful and be honored in this place in jesus name [Music] i'm here to meet with you [Music] come and meet with me [Music] i'm here to find you reveal yourself too as i wait you make me strong as i long draw me to your arms as i stand and i sing your praise you come you come and you fill this place i'm here to meet with you come and meet with me i'm here to find you reveal yourself too as i wait you make me strong as i long draw me to your arms as i stand and i sing your praise you come you come and you fill this place as i wait you make me strong as i long draw me to the overarms as i stand and i sing your praise you come you come and you fill this place won't you come won't you come and fill this place [Music] the psalmist david who went through various difficulties and trials to say the least one of the things he talked about was the imagery of god being our rock where we could be finding great refuge and strength and uh i picture him there in the the desert area of engetti when he was hiding from king saul and the cliffs of the rocks i take our tour group there when we go to israel to and get it's one of the great spots to go visit but i can picture him looking at those rocks saying the lord is my rock i'm not really literally being protected by these rocks but the lord is my rock he is my refuge and if you're going through difficult seasons in your life just remember what david learned you know that my god is my rock in whom i take refuge he is my shield and my salvation let's just sing about that that's psalm chapter 18. [Music] my god is my rock in whom i take refuge he is my shield and my salvation i call to the lord who is worthy of praise and i am saved i am [Music] my god is my rock in whom i take refuge he is my shield and my salvation i call to the lord [Music] who is worthy of praise and i am safe i am saved let's sing that out i call to the lord one more time i call for the lord i called you the lord who is i am safe and i am safe i am [Music] and all who were thirsty [Music] and all who are weak [Music] just come to the fountain [Music] dip your heart in the streams of life let the pain and the sorrow be washed away [Music] in the waves of his mercy [Music] as deep cries out too deep we sing come lord jesus comes come lord jesus comes and all who were thirsty just come to the fountain and dip your heart in the stream of life let the pain and the sorrow be washed away in the waves of his mercy steep cries out you deep when we sing come lord jesus christ come lord jesus come as deep cries out as deep cries out too deep as deep cries out too deep we sing come lord jesus comes come lord jesus come lord how thankful we are that you come into this place you come into your church you dwell in the place of praise and you fill the temples of our hearts lord we're just so blessed to be linked to you and it's our desire on this sunday afternoon lord to draw close to you and to just get into the scriptures and learn from you so lord bless this time have your way in our lives and in your church um lord sharpen our minds that we could receive your word as it is in truth not the word of men but your word living powerful lord we want to take it in now so we bless you we thank you in jesus name amen amen and why don't you get comfy have a seat and get your bible out and ready to roll all right good stuff hey you guys uh we had a blast yesterday at the ironworks yesterday morning it was good to have all the guys together it was our final ironworks for the summer and then we'll pick it back up lord willing in september but this coming saturday is the women's final uh get together instead of ironworks it's called devoted live i tried to get them to call it quilt works but i was told that was chauvinistic and evil i'm just messing around uh it's the 12 o'clock service i tend to get a little this way um but uh no it it devoted is a good name and and amy's doing a great job uh um teaching that and the lady's been hugely blessed so this saturday may 22nd nine o'clock in the morning right here coffee donuts scripture teaching worship good fellowship it's all going to be the final meeting before the summer break with that so ladies make sure tap in get into that it's going to be great um also wednesday night verse by verse through the bible that's our goal that's what we're working on and so um we're going to be getting into uh chapter lord willing chapter 14 and 15 16 maybe even 17. so read ahead if you want to but i'd like to get you to get your bibles out and turn with me to ezekiel chapter 15 for today's study ezekiel chapter 15. growing up in applegate valley as a kid beautiful valley out in the middle of nowhere uh in southern oregon um back then especially like there was not towns or anything nearby you know we'd go into town once a week and get some supplies and then go back out but um but we had a little farm and it wasn't huge but but it was a small but mighty little farm you know we had a garden the garden was about half the size of the sanctuary it was a pretty good sized garden we had an orchard that was about the other half of the sanctuary uh it was an orchard with we had apple trees pear trees peach trees uh all kinds of good fruit um you know we had blackberry bushes everywhere because we lived on the applegate river and we had trout that we could catch out of the river uh back then in the before the dam was put in uh you could catch these beautiful little rainbow trout out of the applegate um it was just kind of this i felt a little bit like tom sawyer i grew up pretty much tom sawyer my my next door neighbor was huck finn uh kirk daley uh it was kind of a great way to grow up but but the one thing i didn't like is all the work i had to do on the farm because we had to do tons of work we had cows horses sheep rabbits uh we had dogs we had um uh quail chickens uh horses and uh you know and and we both had beef cows and dairy cows so um that that's a lot of work a big farm like that orchard with lots of trees we had bee honey bees uh with my dad had to do those hives to get out his bee suit and do all that stuff but i'll never forget that one evening my mom that we're at the dinner table had this beautiful dinner that my mom had made and she said she announced to us she said everything we're eating and drinking here at the table is from the farm here and uh now some of you're like oh that's just so great and some of you guys are like we should do that well that's the problem i tell my wife about these old farm stories and debbie's like honey we should get we should do that i'm like wait a minute it's a ton of work like like it's brutal like we never went on vacation ever and that's true like seriously i don't remember ever once going on a vacation as a child um because we had a farm to take care of so you get the neighbor girl to feed the quail the sheep the rabbits the chickens the and milk the cows and like the cows don't stay milked that's something you didn't maybe didn't know that yeah they ever you got to do it um now all that to say i look back on it fondly because it really was an amazing thing but even more now as adult and as a bible student i'm so thankful for all the things i got to see as a kid growing up having to do with farm work and animals and the imagery because the bible uses that cover to cover the lord uses analogies and illustrations that kind of if you've spent a little time on a farm you kind of go hey i know what that's about um you know what does it mean for a cow to kick against the pricks uh brad are you even supposed to say anything like that in church yeah it's it's a thing if you're plowing with cows you gotta know what that actually means um or or this idea of you know the fruitful vine and the vine dresser and the husbandmen and all this stuff by the way we had an orchard but we didn't have a a vineyard uh my family being tea totalers we weren't into the fruit of the vine as much at all but um we had some neighbors a couple miles down the road and um they had the valley view vineyard and it was a big winery there and um but my next door neighbor huck finn kirk daily he worked there almost all summer at the wine at the winery there the vineyard and uh but sometimes they get a little overrun with busyness and so they'd ask for me to come along and i'd get paid to work in the vineyard a little bit and it's interesting how even that i got to learn how you kind of clean up the vine and and how you go down the rows and and you got to lift the branches that are laying in the mud and you got to clean them and bring them up and make sure they're fastened correctly and and uh you know and even the pruning processes and all that stuff i got to learn a little bit of that stuff as a kid so that when i read a chapter like ezekiel 15 i've got the imagery right there in my head and i can kind of picture what the bible's saying because of that experience and i'd love to try to bring that home for all of us here in this story this chapter that ezekiel gives us so we're going to cover the whole chapter just like yesterday we covered a whole book of the bible at the ironworks uh it was second john so 13 verses but we did a whole book of the bible and today we're going to cover a whole chapter uh ezekiel chapter 15 verses 1 through 8. let's take a look at this as ezekiel the prophet says and the word of the lord came unto me saying son of man what is the vine tree more than any tree or than a branch which is among the trees of the forest shall wood be taken thereof to do any work or will men take a a pin of it to hang any vessel there on behold it is cast into the fire for fuel the fire devoureth both the ends of it and the midst of it is burned it is meat is is it meat or helpful for any work behold when it was whole it was meat for no work how much less shall it be yet for any work when the fire devoured it and it is burned now pause just for a second here what's that um the the prophet says what good is a vine and his answer is nothing you can't make furniture out of it like he says in you know verse two he says you can go in the forest why is the vine any more important than a tree of the forest man if if you take a tree of the forest like a fir tree from organ or a cedar from lebanon there and north of israel you could get a big piece of furniture a plank or a board or it even says can you use the vine to make a pin and hang up a piece of pottery in other words can you take and run it on a lathe and make it a circle a little pin and a dowel stick it in the wall and hang potter he says no in other words a vine is worthless now we're going to point out what a vine is good for but it's not good for any of those things and if the vine is cut off and it's just laying on the ground it's only good for fuel to burn fires and then he even makes the point after it's burned what good is it then it's even less valuable and totally worthless and then he turns his gaze from the illustration the the idiom here of the vineyard and the vine to israel in verse six therefore thus saith the lord god as the vine tree among the trees of the forest which i have given to the fire for fuel so will i give the inhabitants of jerusalem and i will set my face against them they shall go out from one fire and another fire shall devour them and you shall know that i am the lord when i set my face against them and i will make the land desolate because they have committed a trespass saith the lord god if you've been studying with us for the last year we've been of course in you know these books isaiah jeremiah lamentations now ezekiel these prophets were trying to initially tell the jews man you got to repent of your evil wicked ways and they were if if you're just joining us i'm going to give you the nutshell but we've been going over this for about about a year so uh it's it's brutal the jews had pretty much forsaken the lord and they were worshipping bale and astrath and these gods and goddesses these they'd build these beautiful you know statues that were paganism at its finest and god said that's the thing that i abhor and you guys have done this and by the time ezekiel comes out here now ezekiel's saying listen you guys are like the vine that's supposed to be a fruitful blessed vine but instead you've become a curse and you've become good for nothing and god's going to take you the inhabitants of jerusalem the the broken branch that's disconnected and he's going to throw in the fire and it's gonna be even worse than good for nothing after the fire well bret thank you that's a real encouraging sunday afternoon service okay god if you don't if you're not good you're gonna burn in a fire well as it turns out that's actually true none of us are good though that's the problem we're all sinners just like the jews in jerusalem so that makes us nervous are we going to go to hell because we're sinful well as it turns out yes it amazes me how people say what you're gonna these god's gonna send people to help but actually god doesn't send people to hell i believe it's more like this you send yourself there you see we sin and the bible says the cost of that sin is death eternal death in hell so this passage is a little difficult because some people just say well it's about god sending people to hell but it's way more nuanced than that yes there are people that are going to go to hell and it's if if you're disconnected as a branch uh and you're fruitless and you're dead which we're all born into sin so we're all dead in sin then that death that sin leads to hell and we send ourselves there but god says in ii peter i would that none should perish but that everyone would repent and have eternal life this is what god wants for you it's it's up to you whether or not you're going to accept the gift of salvation but i get ahead of myself this story is about a specific group of people the jews god's chosen people who had rebelled against god and god said you have become useless to me so the men of jerusalem you're going to be burned in the fire and you're good for nothing that was his redirection his correction upon them his not punishment really as much as it is a correction i want to also point out that he's not going to completely destroy the jews because god made a everlasting covenant with the jews that's still in effect today do you know that the covenant between god and the jews it's still still there but these jews had turned so much god says you guys are going to be judged for this and you're going down but he would leave a remnant because he made a promise to the jews that he would eventually bless them and uh that that comes later but one of the idioms of not just ezekiel but the whole bible is god likens the jews and israel to a vine of the vineyard let me show you some of my favorites isaiah chapter 5 gives us one of those scriptures there the prophet isaiah said what could have been done more to my vineyard that i have not done on it or in it in other words god's saying man i got the soil ready and i nurtured the soil and got it all you know you know full of nutrients and whatever the you know it's the perfect such situation to be of a vine of the vineyard but it says wherefore when i looked at it it should have brought forth great bring forth grapes brought it forth wild grapes you say well cool brett wild grapes are good too i'll take grapes any way they come well actually in the middle east the wild grapes are good for nothing they're sour bitter and you can't make wine grape juice you can't even make raisins with these things they're just horrible and so hear the lord saying you guys what more could i have done to set you up for success but because of your paganism and your evil now when i was looking for good fruit i found wild grapes bad fruit that's what isaiah the prophet saying but it's not just isaiah it's jeremiah jeremiah says in jeremiah chapter 2 verse 21 he says yet i planted the noble vine he started out good i planted you a noble vine holy a right seed how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me the jews started out a noble vine but because of their sin and their separation from god they became a degenerate plant that's jeremiah's word even hosea the prophet gets on the bandwagon hosea chapter 10 verse 1 he says israel is an empty vine he bringeth forth fruit unto himself that's the the wild grapes that are horrible tasting according to the multitude of his fruit he hath increased the altars that's the pagan altars according to the goodness of the land they have made goodly images these fancy images that were really pagan images the lord says what happened to israel they became an empty fruitless vine and because of that the prophets indicted the jews and say man you've walked away from the lord now what about this is this is this is god done with the jews i have to say this at this moment because most of the church of jesus christ today in the world a lot of them believe that jesus uh when jesus came died on the cross for the sins of the world that the gentile church replaced the jews and i talk about this often because um so many christians they they don't realize they've got a really wrong teaching about the jews we need to understand god is never and never will forsake the jews he's promised that he wouldn't and if you say god is forsaken the jews you're making god a liar that's a problem and not only that you say well brett he's destroying them in ezekiel 15 no he's he there's a season of jews that were so rebellious the lord judged them but he left the remnant of the jews to grow and continue to be a mighty nation god still has a plan for the jews understand that this is so essential for you to understand because um if there's a couple reasons why you have to be careful with those if god forsakes the jews because they were bad what keeps god from forsaking the church because we're bad like if you think we're better than the jews of the old testament you've got to take a look at the church and the condition of the church today it's not good but praise the lord it says i will never leave you or forsake you his promises there are some conditional covenants that god made with the jews and with us but many of the promises of god are unconditional promises and covenants and so don't make the mistake of thinking that god has replaced israel now this is an important thing as far as the vine of israel the vine is supposed to be good and blessed but it's it's still a vine and is still alive and guess what paul the apostle in talking to you and me the church paul says listen you guys the gentiles you have been grafted into that vine see that's the problem when you know some people say forget the old testament that's for the jews we read the new testament like andy stanley you know said that a few years ago and i couldn't believe he said it we need to unhitch ourselves from the old testament um i hope that you guys listen to some of these bible teachers carefully not just you know andy said do carefully with me too everything i say everything pastors say on the radio or on your favorite podcast or do it acts 17 11 says search the scriptures and see if what that pastor is saying or is true or false um is it true that we should unhitch the church from the old testament you're making me nervous now the answer is absolutely not like that's one of the dumbest things i've heard a pastor say in a long time do not unhitch from the old testament the old testament is this beautiful picture book of what the lord's doing through the jews but it also unlocks the truths in the new testament without the old we miss a whole bunch of stuff in the new don't unhitch it embrace it so here we are reading in the old testament about this vine and you think well that has nothing to do with me let's unhit ourselves from that and then along comes jesus and he says i am the true vine what is that about and my father jesus says is the husbandman we'll get into that in a second what's that all about well see paul says no you you've got to understand gentiles don't be arrogant gentiles romans 9 10 11 but he has grafted you into the vine now on my farm we did do grafting i got to see this as a kid and this this guy who knew how to do it he would bring these branches and he would cut them ever so carefully and and he would you know bring this slimy stuff and he would stick the branch up on a fruit tree and then he'd start wrapping it and sliming it and he joined it together and then eventually that branch would start to grow into the other branch and it would become part of the tree and it was cool to see you know an apple tree giving a peach like that was kind of cool the grafting of trees and vines and stuff i got to see that how smart would it be let me ask you um if you were to do all that work and graft a branch into a tree carefully and wrap it and slime it and get it all grafted and ready to grow together and then your next step is you fire up a chainsaw and you cut the tree down at the trunk and knock it off um what would happen to your little branch that you grafted anybody yeah i see that's good the last service they just looked at me like i don't know tell us bruh seriously poor portlanders are like uh yeah if you cut the tree off here uh the tree dies it dies and your little branch dies along with it so for people to say god has cut off the jews and we're the church that's the same brilliance of cutting off the trunk because the lord we don't we're part that christianity doesn't replace judaism it fulfills judaism the messiah jesus is jewish and he came and he's going to be the jewish messiah too just like he is for us gentiles but the the jews right now blindness the bible says has happened in part to the jews romans 9 10 11. and we've done sermons on how the fullness of the gentiles then all of israel shall be saved god still has a beautiful plan for the jewish people and that's important um the people that are replacement theology people think we should unhitch ourselves from the old testament watch out for that you say well who really believes that all of catholicism most of presbyterians uh like there's so many churches that believe in replacement mythology most of them don't even know what they believe on that because they never talk about it because they don't teach the bible to begin with um but that's what they're that's what their theology is watch out for that can i just give you that warning check the scriptures see if what i'm saying is true or false but that brings us back to jesus and he's connecting jesus is the great connection from the old testament to you would you turn in your bible with me to john 15 and this is where jesus brings up the vine issue of the vineyard john chapter 15 and i already you know sort of quoted this verse to you um but i want you to see it for yourself with your own eyes and this is where jesus talks about this love this he says in verse 1 of john 15 i am the true vine implication there's a fake vine i am the true vine and my father is the husbandman now we read this and go yeah okay jesus true vine fusman god got it but do you understand the jews would have been shocked when they heard this the claim that jesus was making would have shocked the daylights out of the jews at that time because the jews very familiar with their hebrew bible the old testament they knew the idiom of the vine and and the fruitful vine and the good vine the noble vine that was corrupted because of sin by the way um that some of the jews during jesus's time they heard the messages and read ezekiel 15 and some of the jews by the first century were saying the the vine that's cut off and burned in the fire is not us it's the gentile people that's what they started saying it's what we do today have you ever been in a sermon you're like man i wish uncle bob were here he needs to hear this sermon that old uncle bob boy he knew but really the lord's like no you're uncle bob you need to hear this sermon it's like that's what the jews were doing oh the vine's going to be cut and thrown into the fire oh that must be the gentiles and by the time jesus came on the scene they had a phrase and they said the the gentiles exist for one reason to fuel the fires of hell that's what they believed about gentiles by the time jesus came on the scene but jesus comes on the scene and says listen i am the true vine and my father is the husbandman the jews would have known the idiom of god being the farmer who gave the the vineyard care and to say that he is the son of the husband jesus was saying i am the son of god and i am the true vine this would have made them furious that's why jesus got into so much trouble the problem is he was right he was the true vine he was the messiah but the jews would reject him as messiah but then jesus takes this connecting you know this the vine that's in trouble of the old testament saying i am the true vine and my father's the husband and then jesus go on and it goes on and explains here in john 15 how it all shakes out check it out verse 2 he says every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away every branch that beareth fruit he purges it mark that word purge it's going to come back in our study here he purges purges it that it may bring forth more fruit now you are clean through the word which i have spoken unto you abide in me and i in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can you accept you abide in me i am the vine you are the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you herein is my father glorified that you bear much fruit so shall you be my disciples man there's so much here if you're a disciple of jesus if you claim to be or hope to be or wish to be a disciple of jesus one of the things that jesus says here is if you're bearing good fruit much fruit then you're one of my disciples and and jesus even taught us in matthew earlier he said he said you know judge not lest you be judged but then he said in the same chapter he said but you'll know them by their fruits you'll know if they're the disciples of jesus by the fruit that's in their lives have you ever wondered if christianity tomorrow became illegal could happen i i can see the way that happened but suddenly being a christian is illegal and and and would there be enough evidence to convict you would people at your word go well that guy's a christian or would or they say man that no i don't i don't know there's no evidence of that you'll know my disciples by their fruit fruitfulness is something jesus is into and as it turns out it's the same problem with the jews they were fruitless and the fruit that they did have was bad fruit and so the lord indicts them in the old testament and here jesus he's not changing the word he's saying the same thing but now we're talking new testament times and jesus saying i'm the vine you're the branches if you are connected to me you'll be alive but if you're disconnected from me you're gonna be dead and you'll be thrown in the fire so there's no new you know mystery here about what jesus is teaching apart from jesus christ you're not a disciple if you're not connected to jesus christ you're a branch headed for destruction that's hell it's real the bible talks a lot about that in order to be saved you got to go through jesus because jesus even says it here without jesus you can do nothing especially get saved and be able to go to heaven without christ you can't do that but i find that to be narrow you are narrow-minded to say that jesus is the only way i think i like to think there are many paths that lead to heaven this is something that always cracks me up it's sad actually because the logic we've just we've lost logic in our culture logic has no place anymore in our culture which is so sad but but think about it for a second what model in the universe says if you want to get to a certain location where the x marks the spot can you just take any path that you wish to get there there's no model of that if after church say hey let's go to the beach let's go to cannon beach and you're kind of a new age kind of person you're very open-minded so open-minded your brain is falling out so so there you are you get into your car and you say we're going to cannon beach yay and then you say okay so what i'm going to do i like to think of the trip to cannon beach is not taking you know you know i've i you know 205 to i5 to 217 up to 26 and you know how i don't that's too narrow i like to think of cannon beach as more of an eastern city than a western city so you say let's get on the freeway let's go let's go east on 205. we'll go up on 205 and then we'll we'll go up on 84 and we'll go east on 84 and i like to think of it as about a half hour drive so i'm going to drive just half hour on 84 and then we'll we'll get out of the car and we'll play on on cannon beach it'll be awesome because many paths lead to cannon beach you see how stupid that is if you're going to go to canada beach at some point you're going to have to get on highway 101. that's narrow is the path that leads to cannon beach it's so goofy that people think this stuff but you know who cares about beach trips we're talking about the trip to heaven the most important trip you will ever make and the bible says there's one way to heaven jesus said i am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father which is in heaven but by me and here jesus says without me you can do nothing apart from me you're just a dead branch on the ground that's going to be thrown into the fire but i like to think who cares what you like to think what we actually need to care about is when it's actually true i know this sounds like very elementary but our culture do you guys know what i'm talking about our culture is like we've lost all logic whatsoever so on this topic of of salvation man that's the key jesus is the way he's the only way and anybody who claims that there are many ways they've been drinking their bath water run for for your life from them that's horrible don't don't believe that so here in john's gospel jesus uses this vine analogy just like ezekiel saying you got to be connected to the vine god the father is the husbandman and in the new testament view the vineyard is not israel but people who are spiritually dependent on god we need to be connected to the vine jesus christ so that starts to uh raise some questions first question to ask before we finish up today number one what does the vine do that's an important thing if you're the vine connected to the vine jesus what does a good healthy vine do what we've already learned from ezekiel 15 he doesn't it doesn't make good furniture right you can't you know nobody's going to walk into a beautiful home in westland and you see the oh look at a you know a grape a grape wood floor no grape wood floor would be horrible it wouldn't even last 10 minutes you want a floor that's going to be like a hard wood that's going to last more than 10 seconds grape wood floor stupid ezekiel says you can't even make a dowel to hang a pot on out of a vine like there's no wood it's just good for burning so if it's good for nothing ezekiel 15 our text what is a vine good for anybody want to take a stab bearing fruit that's the only thing a vine is good for and here it is the illustration that jesus and the old testament uses god's people the jews and also now in the new testament us that are dependent on jesus the church what is makes a vine worthwhile for you for me to be fruitful apart from that we're good for nothing oh wise is the man wise is the woman that understands that you exist to please god and fruit pleases god revelation chapter 4 verse 11 says thou art worthy o lord for those created all things and all things were created for your pleasure whether you know it or not you exist to please god when you figure this out it just it just changes everything some people think they exist to be successful and then they'll be happy if they're successful but i know a lot of so-called successful people that are very unhappy in fact the people with the biggest houses and the fanciest cars are some of the most unhappy people i know i mean just look at hollywood they're all miserable um you know they're suicidal they're drug addicted alcohol you know they're they're angry and upset like it's a funny thing we should all learn the lesson that wow a big house in malibu with a pool and some fancy cars as it turns out it doesn't really make you really that happy but this is the secret of the bible you exist for god's pleasure when you're living for your own pleasure you're miserable but if you're living for pleasing god it's amazing how you sort of miraculously mysteriously suddenly find contentment in life it's not about you it's about him it's about being connected to the vine the source of life and pleasing him so so what does the vine do it's supposed to bear fruit and please the father the husbandman the farmer that's the imagery of the vineyard of the bible and then it starts to beg the question do you have fruit in your life are you pleasing to god i'll leave that hanging there just for a second and bring you to point number two what does the vine do it's supposed to bear fruit number one number two how does the vine produce fruit well that's where jesus gives us a little lesson here in john 15 the scripture we just read the first thing we got to remember about being a vine that's producing fruit jesus says you must abide in me that's the first big big one what does it mean to abide in the vine or to abide in christ years ago when i was going to church on a sunday morning my practice at that time particularly was you know joey was in sixth grade my son joey and uh the girls would often go with debbie and joey would come with me and joey just loved being at all the church services he was there for all day you know hauling chairs and teaching sunday school and you know doing all playing with his buddies and stuff so he loved just being a church so he'd come with me early to the first service and and we'd always stop our tradition was to go to 7-eleven and get one of those little nestle chocolate milks and that was our nutritious breakfast you know so we'd be sipping our chopped chocolate milk on the way to church you know and and uh but i remember this one sunday i was doing a sermon on john 15. i am the vine you're the branches if you abide in me and so i said hey joey i said what is um what does it mean to abide in the vine or to abide in jesus christ and joey thought about it for a second he said well dad and and by the way this his answer was so profound i literally went and just wrote it down because it was so good um i thought this is awesome so i wrote it down here's what it said joey said it's like when you're going across the ocean and you're in a big ship sometimes you get tired of being in the ship sometimes you even get seasick but you know you still have to stay in the ship because if you jump out you're toast i'm like that that's right can i use that today in the sermon like that's really good it's totally true you're to abide means to just stay put even if you don't want to but just to hold tight stay put and if you if you don't abide man that's dangerous you got to stay connected to the vine just hang in there don't jump ship and and really joey nailed that because it's it's true that's what we're called to do as the vine the church as a christian as a disciple you got to just hang in there and be connected to christ because he's the source of life any time you disconnect there's no more life there's no more nutrients going into your spiritual soul you got to stay connected because without him you and i we can do nothing abiding implies stillness one of my jobs was to water the uh trees in our orchard because we didn't have an irrigation system that was legit at that time so it was me in a long hose in the summer standing at a tree like this and i had hours and hours of watering trees by hand but i never once observed those fruit trees that were quite fruitful there in our orchard our peach trees our pear trees the pear trees are my favorite because my mom made this pear jam that was to die for but uh but but i'd be there watering i never once saw a tree striving or struggling to produce fruit as it turns out i never saw a branch quivering going okay this this pear tree need a pear eat a bear didn't see that no pears popped out it was just a branch being connected to the trunk and just slowly being nourished to where there was fruit there was no striving involved that's what it means to abide in the vine and have fruit it's not a striving thing i see churches and christians make this mistake all the time and i have to confess i've done it myself where i've been busy trying to manipulate and can you know connive conniving you know figuring out how can i manipulate or finagle like all these things to happen come on let's make let's make some fruit but i i think sometimes we get too busy trying to force it and it's not good fruit it's wild fruit it doesn't actually work but when you abide in the vine be still and know that i am god that's part of the attributes of being a christian and it's a hard one you know there's a lot of topics where we just get ahead of ourselves and we think we're helping the lord but christian be still let me give you an example of this you know i see um being a single uh christian these days is hard i pray for our single people all the time especially if you're a single who really wants to be married but that that opportunity just kind of hasn't happened and so i i know these days we live because there's this weird pressure that our society puts on you and expectations it drives me enough so i see a you know 21 year old girl i'm 21 and my biological clicks you know ticky clock is ticking and and and i'm 21 and people think i'm old and not married yet it's like that's just a weird crazy pressure it's ridiculous um and i hope our singles don't get caught up in that but but a lot of times i see it having done over a thousand weddings i've been around some of this where there's been some manipulating finagling trying to make it happen and that never works out you want good fruit not bad fruit um there's some good examples by the way on the single issue in marriage in the bible in fact the very first you know couple in the in the world adam and eve they're in genesis two but also isaac and rebecca is another good example but but uh how did adam meet eve did he finagle and make it happen was he naming mr mrs hippo mrs mr giraffe mr mrs alligator where's my missus is that how that went down so adam went down to the the the rave party in the garden of eden there it is it's just busting out and adam's like hey you know and he's running around like like this is a scary scene right here if that's what happened gotta find the the lady was he running around looking around the bushes you know beating the bush trying to find a girl no no what was adam doing when he found his bride anybody he was asleep god put adam in a deep sleep there he is i'm not sure that's exactly how he did it but my mind said that's what it was like and when he wakes up bam there she is well brett that analogy's not great because they were the only people on the earth so they they saw each other great yeah but but adam didn't get his bride by finagling he just chilled out and the lord took care of it genesis 24 isaac wanted a wife abraham isaac's dad wanted a wife for isaac so he sends his servant eliezer who is a beautiful picture of type of for you bible students what is elias there a type of anybody the holy spirit that's right the holy spirit and it's a great story i wish we could even go into it deeper because it's such a cool thing but eliezer is the servant of the father who goes and finds the bride for the groom this is kind of cool and um and all of a sudden isaac what was he doing when he meets his beautiful bride rebecca what was he doing anybody remember he was sitting out in a field meditating on the lord praying just sitting in a field he wasn't at the rave party wasn't doing that he was out there on a field praying and suddenly this caravan of camels and servants come riding up and this beautiful girl rebecca and she's riding this camel and the bible gives us the first mention of smoking cigarettes it says and rebecca lighted off her camel sorry it doesn't mean that actually it meant that she got off the camel now by the way when we go to israel i i take us into the west bank the hills of jerusalem and i i there's this desert thing where we go and we get off our bus and then our buses just drive away you know and then we're standing out there in the desert and they're like our tour group's like what are we doing and then all of a sudden these guys come around with all these camels and we all get on these camels and we ride to to dinner uh to abraham's tent on camels in the middle east it's kind of cool but one thing i've noticed like remember when i was talking about riding donkeys how you can't look cool riding a donkey well as it turns out you can't look cool getting off or getting on a camel uh camels are like super tall like you think you're like riding a horse no it's like twice as high as a horse so you're way up there but when a camel get when you get off a camel you have to get it to go to its knees and so you're like you're on this weird saddle on the point of the hump and all of a sudden the whole camel goes and you're like you know it's so fun i got all these great videos of our people like like it's great you know and the camel goes down and then all sudden the back legs go whoa and it's like what and then you get off the camel and you can't do it gracefully um even lawrence of arabia is great i was like okay but um but that's what happens this beautiful girl right and then she gets off and and they're in love what was isaac doing nothing but meditating out in the field and the beautiful girl comes that's one of those ones i don't know why i'm harping on singleness i guess but it's just one of the ones i i hope so much greater things for our singles instead of feeling that pressure to manipulate and go and figure it out let the lord do that what if i end up single paul says in the bible those of you who think i wish that you'd stay like me single he paul said those of you that are married will have trouble that's a promise of the bible memorize that one put that on your mirror and we married people you know oh marriage is awesome but no we all love marriage and it's true marriage is great but it is hard it is challenging and singleness is awesome and you can do great things as a single so anyway this idea of abiding just abide hang in there be connected to christ don't finagle don't and don't do that not just singles but everything in life well this idea of abiding is key but there's a second part of this that god through jesus telling us here who is god jesus says listen not only abiding but he also uses this word purging which can also mean pruning and cleansing the greek word for the purging is one that it's kind of a tough one for us to translate but purging pruning cleaning all of the above it's what the vine dresser does as a husband or farmer to the vineyard to make it fruitful and it includes all of these things now what's interesting in the scripture that we read there in john 15 did you see the one there um well before we get to that jesus remember when jesus was washing the disciples feet and there peter says hey you shouldn't be washing my feet i should be washing your feet and jesus said unless i wash your feet you can have no part with me peter and then peter always saying the wrong thing well then lord my head and my hands also just give me a bath from head to toe and jesus said this you know he said he that is washed need not save to wash his feet but is clean every wit and you are clean but not all in other words your feet are dirty your feet need washing what's that whole thing about and why did jesus give us that story it's a it's a spiritual truth if you're a christian you're clean jesus died once for all your sins past present future the sins you've not even committed hebrews tells us jesus died once for also so that's why some people worry about this have you ever met a christian that says man i'm worried i went out of church and i took communion and i was pure and forgiven and then i was driving down the road and i thought an evil thought and then then if i get in a car crash night now without confessing i said would i go to hell because there's an unconfessed undoubted sin in my life well that's just not right see jesus died for all your sins past present future positionally in christ we're forgiven for all those sins practically however you and i all know we know that we do sin we make mistakes but the bible gives us kind of a different provision for the daily kind of practical sins that we deal with he says hey first john chapter one verse nine if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness um and and there's a purifying thing that happens when you get into the word and that's where john 15 comes back into the play in fact this verse almost seems out of place if you don't know what what's being talked about here here's jesus saying i'm the vine you're the branches if you abide in me and then all of a sudden he says now you are clean through the word which i have spoken unto you and then he goes on about abiding in the vine was did somebody just stick this verse in the middle of that and it doesn't make any connection whatsoever no the cleaning of the vine is what makes the vine fruitful abiding yes but also a pruning and a cleaning makes that vine fruitful there's a progression in john 15 that we're reading here the progression is this it's if you're connected to the vine you'll bring forth more fruit but then later on he says but if you abide in the vine you'll bring forth much fruit i love the progression there and and then he says but also there's a pruning purging cleaning that takes place and then jesus says guess what now you the vine the church the christian you are clean through the word that i have spoken unto you did you know that that daily dirtiness that we get from our sinfulness even though we're forgiven and we're going to head for heaven there's still a cleansing daily that we need to be considered about and that is a cleansing that comes from the word now you are clean did you know that when you go in the word it's like taking a bath spiritually that's what jesus says now you're clean by the word that i've spoken unto you also remember ephesians 5 26 jesus is talking about how he tends his church the bride it says that he jesus the bridegroom might sanctify and cleanse the church it with the washing of water by the word psalm 119 i love it verse 9 how wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed there to according to thy word so to be a fruitful vine you got to abide but you also have to let the lord clean and wash you the very thing we used to do at the vineyard to get the branches up out of the mud and get them back to where they're growing and fruitful let the lord do that the pruning the cleaning the purging okay so so far we see the vine and these issues how does the vine produce fruit by avid abiding and being pruned and purged what does the vine do it brings forth good fruit number three on our list the next one on the list so what does good fruit look like and this is an important one because the jews had fruit didn't they but it was a wild grape and it was gross and it was a detestable plant um what does good fruit look like um interesting when the bible talks about fruit of the christian there's a couple things let's go through one that's kind of important did you know when you lead someone to christ if you are a christian who shares the gospel with someone at work and they accept jesus that's some serious fruit right there the bible talks about it in fact paul the apostle talked about in romans chapter 1 verse 13 he says now i would not have you ignored brethren that oftentimes i purposed to come to you but was let hitherto that i might have some fruit among you also even as among other gentiles and the context of romans 1 there is the fruit of new believers well that's your job you're the pastor that's what we pay you for you're supposed to preach the gospel and get people saved uh and uh our job is just to not do that oh can i tell you christians that's so that thinking has hurt the church greatly i'm thankful when people come here and accept christ it happens every weekend we love it but but i also feel like there's thousands of people in your neighborhood and where you work that would never set foot in the church like this they would never listen to a guy like me they would they could care less what a guy that has to say but something about being a neighbor or being you know in their homes or talking at work you know some of you are covert operatives as far as evangelists are you a plumber man you get to go in people's houses in the deepest darkest places the very bowels of the home and there you are and there's a bunch of lost people and guess what you get to be as a plumber assault and light are you are you ever able to or well brett i have a policy at my work where i'm not supposed to say anything um man you are called more more importantly to be light and salt in this world than you are to be working for you know plumber joes or whatever you're called to be a covert operative and to share the gospel with people oh how we need the church to remember you're supposed to be salt and light oh people need to hear the gospel not from me alone but from from you guys you're the ones that's that's some of the greatest fruit by the way the bible talks about but but but if we want to boil it down even more simple than that we go to galatians 5 where we read about the fruit of the spirit some of you have this memorized because it's such a big verse we we learned it in sunday school but it talks about what a fruitful life looks like and what is good fruit well it looks like this but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace longsuffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance or self-control against such there's no law the fruit bypasses all the laws and rules and just a christian who's tapped into the vine who's producing great fruit is gonna have these attributes can you ask yourself right now how am i as far as fruit bearing because the bible's saying some heavy stuff right now if you think about it the only thing a vine is good for is producing fruit if it's not producing fruit it's good for nothing ezekiel 15 our text the jews had to learn that the hard way jesus said the same thing if your vine is not connected to me it's a dead branch that's going to be thrown in the fire but once you're connected to me jesus says abide in the vine be you know fruitful and you'll bring forth much fruit so so the christian who's sincere and listening to jesus has to ask themselves am i seeing good fruit in my life love joy peace goodness gentles weakness am i seeing these things well brett i like what you said about you're either connected to the vine or you're not you're saved you're not saying fruit bearing i could kind of take or leave that the problem is there's some truth to that um there's people that had very little fruit in their life that are saved i'd say the thief on the cross what fruit did he have in his life he was a thief and he was there next to jesus maybe he never did a good thing in his life except for on the cross he said remember me that's all he said remember me and jesus i will remember you and today you will be with me in paradise and when he gets to heaven what kind of fruit does he have to show for his life um we know he made it to heaven because jesus said he did but did he is he going to be right up there with billy graham who led you know millions of people to jesus through the crusades like what kind of fruit is he gonna have and see some of you are saying brett i don't care about fruit as long as i make it there uh some of you are gonna get there and you're gonna smell like smoke some of you you're gonna get there we're gonna run up hold on okay good good to go now welcome to heaven boy um some of you are like that's all i care about bread as long as i make it to heaven who cares about fruit and all that well that's the last and final thing as we consider why does fruit matter why does a vine that bears fruit matter it's because the bible says it matters and it says it over and over again and there's even a judgment to see how much fruit your life had and whether it was good fruit or bad fruit and the question is if it matters and jesus is talking about fruit don't you think it matters no it's it's wrong for us like i don't care about fruit because i just want to make it to heaven um it matters because the bible says it matters and and you know if you're there's two judgments mainly that we could talk about if you're a broken off branch and you're not connected to jesus and you're a sinner and you're going to go to hell well you end up in a judgment in revelation chapter 20 called the the great white throne judgment but the vine that's that's that's attached to jesus is saved they don't go to the great white throne judgment thank the lord for that we as christians go to what is called the bema seat judgment or the judgment seat of christ and that's where you'll be judged according to your works or the fruit of your life and ministry life what you did and and it will matter it comes by the way if you're wondering one of the main mentions of this is first corinthians 3 11 where it says for other foundation can no man lay that that is laid which is jesus christ that's being attached to jesus without jesus you can do nothing now if any man build upon this foundation jesus gold silver precious stones wood hay or stubble every man's work that's your deed your fruit shall be made manifest or made known revealed for the day the judgment seat of christ promising judgment the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is isn't it interesting that this language of fire is part of the vine they throw the branches in and and some of it burns up but here what comes out of the fire is that if you did things that was good fruit it's like building a house with gold and silver and precious stones question what does fire do to gold and silver anybody it purifies it it refines it and that's what's going to happen with your good works and the good fruit of your life as it's run through the fire of the bema's heat judgment of christ it'll come out and the lord will say well done and you get a reward the bible talks about how you get a crown i remember as a kid going yeah whatever i don't like crowns as a kid i remember thinking if i got to heaven and you get rewards for works and it was a yz 125 now there's a prize right there count me in good deeds but a crown crouched man or a mansion the lord's preparing mansions and that's not even a good translation honestly of uh you know first or john 14 where jesus said in my father's house are many mansions the word is dwelling places and we don't even know what that is but it's not a mansion see as a kid i'm like yeah whatever i don't care about the pitoc mansion and crowns but but it's the bible's way of using valuable things in human you know uh terms to try to get us to understand that when you go to the bema seat judgment the rewards that you get at the bema seat will matter somehow and and it's hard to even we don't have time to get into it but when you get a crown the idea is you get it get a crown remember the old hymn crown for crown will exchange what's that all about it's when you get before the throne of god you'll want to have some way to worship god with the rewards that you gave and your ability and your capacity to do that it's going to be affected by this where what you do is going to be made known you're you're good fruit or bad fruit if it's wood hair stubble it's going to just burn up so some of you hey i gave of my tithe in the tithe box as i was walking out and the lord says well let's give that a try and he puts it in the trial by fire and it burns up i just i gave my money yeah but you're a single guy there were some hot girls sitting over there and you were trying to impress them as you were like look at my time i'm now putting it in the box look at me hey baby and the laura says no and that's just that's what hand stubble but you're the person who secretly does something before the lord and and and quiet see i i worry that the people that are listening to me right now shouldn't be and the people that should be listening to me are aren't what do you mean some of you moms out there going bro i don't have any good works i don't have any fruit i'm not a pastor or a missionary in africa i'm up to my elbows in dirty diapers i got preschoolers at home can you understand moms that that's some good fruit right there some of the greatest fruit in the world might just be mother work through kids and the lord sees the stuff that nobody else sees nobody's patting you on the back pastors man we got it it's horrible hey pastor brett good word man good sermon jesus you just got your reward congratulations and so we pastors are going to be way back there in heaven with our binoculars going who are all those ladies up there by the throne no those were the moms who did stuff in secret and i rewarded their good fruit of their labors see we have to have an honest look about what is good fruit in our lives and at this judgment seat of christ it matters because it changes how you exist for the rest of eternity your capacity to enjoy or to serve in in eternity is somehow affected by what happens at the bema seat judgment of christ yeah but brett won't everybody be happy in heaven yes i believe so every tear will be wiped away no more sorrow it's going to be great well then again if i get in by fire that's great whatever i'll get there but remember your capacity will be affected it's a clumsy illustration but i can't think of anything better let's say right now i go into the two-year-old classroom and there's a little boy who's annoying the whole class and the teacher but he's having the time of life what is he doing he found a toy pan and a toy truck and he's banging king and he's just giggling having the time of his life this is entertainment at its finest for a two-year-old but as a 54 year old i sit down and say son let me give that a try and i take the pan from him in the truck and say mine and then i start banging it king king king king you know what it's just not gonna do it for me i'm not gonna get the same joy that that little two-year-old got out of it because you know what i have a capacity to enjoy things different now take that same two-year-old and you know your mom and dad bring him to my house and i put that two-year-old on my dirt bike my ktm 2008 505. fairly powerful bike and you know put a little duct tape on him so he stays on okay now for i've never done this this is you children's services people that are duct taped and um and i take the little two-year-old for a ride and man wheelie do a little carving and berm and go over a big jump i i love that stuff man that's just to me that's fun pot banging in preschool kind of boring dirt bike that's fun but the little two-year-old is horrified how do you know brett because that was me my dad used to put me on his bike and i'd be hanging on to the hell of a and i don't even know how i ended up liking dirt bikes because i was horrified of them when i was a little kid but but my dad had this yamaha 360. that was like a light switch it was on or off like fast or slow and i remember just kidding and i hated it but i digress what is your capacity i wonder if some people are going to be in heaven and and and as we walk into heaven we see there's oh how cute we're in heaven king king king and you're like oh how cute now condescension won't be in heaven either um but but i wonder some people be pop bangers others might be ruling and reigning with the lord in amazing places and doing incredible things for all of eternity and and i don't know all the nuances of that but but somehow the fruit that's in your life today will affect what your eternity like is is like in heaven so it does matter the bible says it matters jesus takes a whole section of john 15 to explain that it matters good fruit is important and if you're my disciples you'll have some good fruit that's what jesus said some of you might say brett i feel guilty man i i've sinned and my fruits i've got some bad fruit in my life well that's what i love about the lord he's gracious and merciful quick to forgive and today you can have a brand new start for that reason i'd like to finish this service going to the table of the lord of communion now before you get to uh some of you i know um struggle with communion and maybe it's because you were raised liturgically in a fancy church that had all kinds of rules around communion the big question is are they biblical rules or hare brained man-made rules that's the big question some of you don't want to take communion because you weren't baptized at a the creek you were baptized in your church and you could only have communion there you can't have it here so um do you know that that's just dumb that's not even in the bible nowhere in the bible um some people say bruh you have to have a a fancy priest with a robe and a pointy hat and and you bro where's your robe where's your point yet you got to put the wafer on my tongue for me equally hair brained totally made up by people uh it's nowhere in the bible what communion actually is is jesus saying when you eat bread and when you drink of a cup you can take time and remember what i did for you on the cross now don't get me wrong paul says don't eat or drink unworthily that is not giving worth or value just doing something ritualistically don't just blow it off but to do it with great reverence of course but when you eat the bread what you're doing is remembering the body of our savior jesus who went on the cross it's that simple but it's that powerful so if you would would you take the little pack that you got as you were coming in if you didn't get one some of the pastors are coming up the aisles as we speak uh and you can just slip up your hand they'll get you set up with uh one of these uh bits of elements of the communion table um these are coronavirus free i love these uh it's great um and um and here's what i want you to do is as you peel back that little clear layer it gets you get you to the bread and um and then i want you to hold that bread the matzo this little piece of bread and let's let's let's think about this for a second the nails that went through jesus's hands should have been through yours do you understand that should have been through your feet the crown of thorns the whipping on the back that should have been all of us because we're the sinners but christ took his body and his flesh was beaten and bruised ripped and torn because of my sin we get to eat and drink of him and when i hold this bread i'm so thankful for what christ did for me he was the propitiation that's just a fancy word doctrinally that means he was the substitution he substitutionarily stepped in my place when i eat this bread i remember lord thank you for taking the hit for me and for all of humanity really lord how thankful i am that you've given us this this bread to remember the body of your son jesus who came and died on the cross for our sins lord and i pray lord as we as we do this today that we would with reverence and with great sober sobriety lord just just remembering how holy it is what you did on the cross for us but we pray as we eat this bread lord that you'd fill our lives full of you more of you lord may even as we eat this bread may this be just an outward sign of us abiding in your son christ for that's where we find great fruitfulness we thank you lord we eat of you now in jesus name and let's all eat of the bread together [Music] lord you are my strong tower [Music] yes you are my hiding place sing i'll take refuge [Music] and i'll take refuge who you are cause it's with you i find my peace and so i'll sing in the shadow of your wings and i'll rest here in your arms so i'll sing in the shadow of your wings for in you i'll find my piece lord as we hold this cup now we're reminded of the blood that was innocent the blood that was perfect even as peter in the scriptures called it the precious blood of our savior no longer redeemed with gold silver or with the sacrifice of animals but the blood of the lamb of god your son who came and took away the sins of the world and so lord as we ready our hearts to drink of this cup i pray that you'd forgive us of our sins lord for my brothers and sisters here with us and also eating and drinking at home with us online lord may we know that our sins are forgiven that the cross worked that it was mighty enough to save and forgive that we can walk out of here forgiven and washed and and now purged and cleansed so that we might be fruitful lord may make us a fruitful bunch as we serve you lord so we drink deeply of you and we thank you in jesus name amen let's drink of the lord together [Music] what can i give to you for all that you've given to me i'll give glory and honor [Music] i'll give my life to you what can i give to you for all that you've given to me i'll give glory and on from heart made new i'll give my life to you i'll give my life to you let's all stand together [Music] lord how thankful we are that we can give our lives holy to you it's in you we live and move and have our being it's in you that we are the branches that find life as we tap into you so bless this your people with um these your people are with great life and good fruit bless them we pray and we thank you in jesus name amen amen blessings on you and we will see you next time you are dismissed you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 13,377
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Id: hfJdOvk1vYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 17sec (5057 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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