2021 Session 7 Pastor Jack Hibbs movie

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i want to introduce jack to you he is a fire brand for the lord he's taken a strong stand for jesus in the church of jesus christ in california and when so many churches shut down his his churches continue to to me well um do i uh do i get a chance to see the crowd before we get going or do i just dive in we're going to try that oh my goodness how are all of you thank you for being at this conference today my goodness well listen for all of you if you grab your bibles and can you give me a thumbs up if you can all hear me excellent so let's grab our bibles and go to matthew chapter 24 and we'll do a little bit of unpacking regarding this known as the olivet discourse of course you guys all know that being bible prophecy followers and what we want to talk about today or what i want to share with you guys today is actually uh what has been coming to me and maybe pastor joe quite often in these days and that is the question as i was even asked that last night at one of our services pastor jack where are we in matthew chapter 24 what's what's next is it in chronological order and where are we uh exactly and i've heard that question enough recently in the the covid 2020 year and now in 2021 that i think it's really good that we address this and take a look at it and so for background all of you you remember now that in matthew 23 uh leading up to chapter 24 uh there is the fact that jesus now has come into jerusalem there's a lot of ministry taking place and jesus now is uh really taken on a field trip by the disciples and in chapter 24 verse 1 the bible there tells us then jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came up to show him the buildings of the temple and jesus said to them do not do you not see all these things assuredly i say to you not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down and in your notes or in the margins of your bible you ought to write in there as you probably have already heard in in this conference perhaps 70 a.d and i think you all know that right 70 a.d is when titus vespasian a general of the fifth roman legion came into jerusalem to sequester or to put down an uprising and so you know that what happened in that in that police action so to speak by the general uh i don't think they had any plans or intentions uh to destroy the temple but history tells us that uh in the melee of everything and in the confusion and in the scattering what broke out was uh something i think rome did not plan on but god had planned on it and uh some years earlier which brings us to our text jesus had said it's all going to be coming down and that the gold in in the tapestries and the gold and the inlaid wood when the temple caught fire and elements of the temple of course the temple is made out of stone but the elements lined with fabric and with wood the intensity of the heat josephus tells us was so tremendous that the gold began to melt and the gold began to flow in between the cracks of those great stones and when the fire was extinguished and when all had come to an end the general had ordered the gold to be scraped off in between the stones and carted back to rome and so in that was the fulfilling of jesus's announcement whereby rome left not one stone left upon another but had in fact scraped and scoured every stone what's amazing today and i hope many of you have done this and please lord may we get a chance to visit israel again uh who knows if we'll get a chance to go there again uh in this lifetime here but you can go to uh the west side of the temple mount area and literally see the rubble of the stones that have been left there since 70 a.d and you can see them they're massive and uh they have all been left and they're an archaeological visit or a site now to see and it's quite remarkable so if you get a chance to go to israel just this visit of the stones that have been on earth recording the event just as jesus had said and by the way if there's any skeptics in the room just as rome recorded not one stone was left upon another now what's powerful about this is the disciples must have been shocked to hear this because for the jewish mind that was the place where god met with his people even though he had not been there for hundreds and hundreds of years the the traditions and the grandeur and the glory of this tremendous temple still was held strong and true in the hearts of the jewish people so when jesus tells them these guys are shocked because he's announcing to them your traditional meeting place and certainly the historical place where god met the people israel it's all going to come down that there's going to be a traumatic and dramatic shift in the economy of god whereby he would no longer value the temple and the meeting of god's people or priesthood there in the temple and for again jesus has not yet been crucified jesus has not yet been glorified the disciples didn't understand these things and so i don't think we can even begin to gather in our minds the shock and the terror of what jesus is telling them to to say that their temple was going to be destroyed in their minds equated to the fact that israel would be no more and that their faith would be exhausted and that they would certainly be a people on this earth without a god and without a meeting place they had become so accustomed to that temple and to the meeting of god there they were about to hear a shock when jesus announced that but everybody of course look now at verse 3 it says now as he sat on the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately saying now watch this three very specific questions number one tell us when will these things be number two what will be the sign of your coming which by the way i think that's brilliant tremendous faith for them to ask this if they are asking it in faith when what's the sign of your coming and thirdly the end of the age or the end of the world they ask him three very powerful questions now before we go any further remember who's talking jesus is speaking to jewish disciples and it's regarding jerusalem regarding israel verse 4 jesus answered and said to them take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying i am the christ and will deceive many pause right there church this is a general introduction with a general meaning when jesus says now remember 2 000 years ago he says okay i'm going to answer you guys regarding your three-part question the first thing that's most important don't be deceived now church that's that's true of all age that's true of all epic of time don't be deceived and the truth that jesus said then is as true now today as it was back then the key element throughout all the millennium these last two thousand years is the admonition do not be deceived be deceived about what be deceived about end time events and all these things regarding the disciples question it's very very awesome it's very insightful the great exhortation don't be deceived maybe pastor joe or maybe you guys have already talked about this but have you all heard that there's some again it's oh it is always happens that there's some new vision there's a new revelation that god has told some people that april 4th right have you heard this april 4th is the rapture did you guys all hear that well it happens every year now and every year people are wrong and first of all the bible says nobody knows the day of the hour so doug gone it now we know the rapture cannot happen on april 4th because some knucklehead already announced that it was going to happen on april 4th so this is going around people are saying oh the rapture is going to happen on april 4th no that's deception and you don't need to worry about that nobody nobody knows the day or the hour so jesus says put up your guard don't be deceived many will come in my name the word name is authority many people are going to come in in my authority they're going to assume my place and say that they are in fact the christ and jesus says to us that this is going to be something that is increasing and verse 6 tells us and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you're not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet let's pause right there someone in the audience is going to possibly be thinking right now okay wait a minute if matthew 24 is being discussed and talked about and if people are asking questions pastor where are we in matthew 24 isn't that an appropriate question to ask because the temple was in fact destroyed in 70 a.d the answer to that question is a careful answer where are we right now today in the 21st century so church i want to put this suggestion out to you and i want to warn you this is one reporter's opinion this is my opinion this is how i see it if matthew 24 begins with jesus being questioned by his jewish disciples regarding the jewish city and the jewish state of israel and the temple where does the church fit in if at all in this moment it fits in in verses one two and three it fits in in even verse four it certainly fits in it certainly fits in to verse 5. we can all track with that in our time that's been true for the last 2 000 years we can even push the envelope if i can use that term into verse 6 and say yes wars and rumors of wars those of the church age have seen in the last 2 000 years a plethora of wars and rumors of wars and that's going to continue there's no doubt about it and we hear about saber-rattling in the world today look at verse 7 now everybody could we say that the church is experiencing elements of verse 7 for nation will rise against nation now you guys know i assume because you're also smart right that nation is not the word that we think of in our in our english uh western world of nations the word means ethnos the greek word is ethnos will rise up against ethnos it's where we get the word ethnicities will war and fight against ethnicities ethnic groups will fight ethnic groups now i want to make sure can you all hear me okay are we not seen now on the world scene the world scene not just america the increase of ethnic groups dividing up and warring against other ethnic groups ethnicity racism rising yes it is rising i find it interesting though people i don't know how it is back in indiana but i can tell you here on the west coast we're all kind of looking around and we're wondering why there's so much talk about racism when we don't see much racism in our streets we don't see much racism in our churches we don't see much racism in in the common activity of life but we do see a lot of racism that's being stoked by the media and by politicians don't you find that strange in fact last wednesday night on our stage for worship i was impressed by what i was experiencing in worship and so i went to the microphone and i told the church i said look at the stage right now everybody it looks like we have the united nations on the stage right now we've got somebody that's armenian we have someone representing the middle east we have a we have an italian singing we have somebody born and raised in california uh singing uh we have had we have somebody from mexico on the drums and uh we had another person from i think it was south america and i said this is what happens when jesus christ is loved right racism goes out the window and ethnicities don't matter anymore and isn't that true the bible tells us that when we see heaven that it's made up of every kindred tribe tongue and nation of people right that's a beautiful thing to remember jesus is telling us and he's warning us that as we approach into the last days ethnicities will rise up against ethnicities and look kingdom against kingdom politic against politic that is russia against the united states and england against china and you can see the picture on that then he tells us a word that is very interesting there will be famines the word that is understood to mean it's not famines because god doesn't provide for the earth its famines because of political intrigue these are man-made famines famines by political powers famines for example there's always a famine in ethiopia among people who are non-muslims did you know that ethiopia parts of africa the people often experience famine because of the islamic muslim strongholds in the north african governments it's interesting and that is a hint of what jesus was warning about pestilence pestilence is global diseases could it mean viruses absolutely and again by the way tommy ice is there the great tommy ice uh he's gonna correct everything that i say that's wrong because he's a genius and he gets to because i love him and tommy would probably correct me when i tell you this because i may be a little off on this i issue this disclaimer but if i remember right the word pestilence implies incurable or life-threatening diseases these are big things these are very serious things i do not mean to belittle anyone of us who have suffered someone in the loss of covet i'm not making light of it but kovid if covet applies to this word pestilence i don't say this to discourage you but covid would be a very very weak representation of what this word pestilence means in other words there's going to be much worse things coming than what the world has experienced with covet earthquakes in various places again listen to this verse 8 all these things are the beginning of sorrows i could argue with you today that we are not technically in the fulfillment stage of matthew chapter 24. i'll clarify this more in a moment but we are certainly in the opening throes of the alignment of things that could be viewed as though the stage is being set think of the stage being set i believe that where we're at is a time after the destruction of the temple that's obvious 70 a.d and we are in the last 2 000 years of the church age and we are right now right up against right tucked in here somewhere if i stretch it in the first eight verses of matthew chapter 24. that's where we could be okay i'll entertain that now watch what happens everybody verse 9 then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake he's speaking to the disciples he's talking about global persecution against the church it's starting to feel a little bit more familiar okay last sunday night we had two missionaries come home for a break uh to speak to the church be and we couldn't we couldn't announce who they are we couldn't uh broadcast it we couldn't do any filming because they live in a part of the world where christians get killed for preaching and converts get killed beheaded for accepting christ here's the good part everybody their ministerine is flourishing in that hostile nation but persecution is increasing we could say that that verse is certainly something that we can entertain verse 10 many will be offended and will betray one another and we'll hate one another certainly we're living in an age that looks to that period of time then verse 11 many false prophets will rise up and will deceive many i believe that's happening as well it's always happened but it's increasing and lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold verse there's certainly verse 12 elements in our world today this is absolutely something that is taking place the united states of america obviously i don't need to tell you this has witnessed in the year 2020 tremendous upheaval in our lawless cities uh what's interesting is after the election uh in fact since election night all of those cities have been very quiet right you're not seeing riot riding in the streets you're not seeing a blm protest you're not seeing police cars burning uh why should they because the election went the way that they wanted it to go so they packed up and they went home everything went according to the plan and if it wouldn't have then the rioting would have continued what am i saying to you by the way can you guys can you guys catch my sarcasm is there a thumbs up there i'm being a little sarcastic i hope you get it right so everybody packed up and went home and they stopped riding because the the election results turned out to be what they wanted what does that mean it means that we're in a time of lawlessness and seeing how i'm completely probably bumming all of you out i just figured i'll go for it right now and really bum you out i've been in a lot of debates and radio programs lately and interviews and what i'm about to tell you does not go over very well right now as far as i know i'm the only guy saying this i hope i'm wrong but regarding lawlessness i made a comment recently but i'm sticking with it and until i'm proven wrong if you look around you guys in the united states right now the bastion of stability mind you in the world the country that people still want to come to it's the only country in the world i know of where millions of people a year are trying to break into it just to come here there's something wrong and it answers to this issue of lawlessness in the last days when can you honestly report and tell me when the u s constitution was actually obeyed in lieu of feelings political agendas or courts when was the last time the united states supreme court was applied in the court of law but rejected notice that your sense of freedom is now in question your sense of gun ownership is greatly in question when was the last time you saw first amendment rights to speak and even the freedom of press and our religious freedoms upheld in the court of law in the last maybe eight years i submit to you guys that it appears that during the midterm of obama's presidency there seems to have been at least a blow against the u.s constitution that has at least put it in a coma if not have we witnessed the us constitution even bleeding out and donald trump's administration showed us how lawlessness our governing powers have become now that's a huge thing to say but it answers to a overwhelming sense of lawlessness meaning that law will not be upheld interesting i think that we are certainly experiencing that time but the question remains pastor jack where are we in matthew 24 because that's what people are trending these days and they're asking and so he goes on and he says verse 13 but he who endures to the end the same shall be saved now what's interesting too is verse 14 and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all of the world as a witness to the nations and then the end will come and i believe right now everybody if you're taking notes verse 14 is a defining moment and where are we where are we at this time is the church commissioned to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth the answer is yes we're doing the best we can all of us are we have missionaries we have broadcast as you guys do all over the world but if you know the book of revelation and you do the bible tells us that god is going to send forth an angel that is going to fly through the midst of the atmosphere which is a profound statement i have no idea what that's going to look like i have no idea what it's going to sound like but during the tribulation period we know that this happens right near the end just prior to the second coming of christ that the gospel is going to be preached to all the inhabitants of the earth notice that the bible tells us that the gospel is going to be preached as a witness to the world and then the end will come the gospel is going to be preached meaning god's going to uphold his end of the deal which he gave way back in acts chapter 1 about us preaching from jerusalem to to judea to samaria and to the uttermost parts of the earth that's the church's commission and it's also god's commission that he's going to finalize that deal when he sends forth an angel to proclaim the gospel i'm certain that there will be those in the tribulation period that no doubt will respond but most scholars believe that this is a an announcement of last chance effort this is an announcement of looming or impending judgment if you want to bail out if you want to get your name written in the lamb's book of life uh this is your chance because here comes the end and i think verse 14 is a very defining moment i can entertain all the way up to verse 14 that you and i could possibly be right on the threshold of that happening but this is a defining moment verse 15. this is what i believe you and i are not seeing today i repeat we are not seeing this today therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet standing in the holy place my dear friends that has never happened listen to this notice the context the context is when will you be coming back jesus when is this going to happen what's going to be the indicator of the end of the world answer jesus said hey remember what daniel said about the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place whoever reads let him understand i love that statement jesus is saying uh y'all need to know the book of daniel uh you're all familiar with the book of daniel right and those boys would have nodded yes and every generation since should not yes he says in verse 16 then let those who are in judea flee to the mountains how many of you live in judea none of you do none of us live in judea that's important he says flee to the mountains verse 17. let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house you don't live on your housetop but when you go to israel when they build their houses even to this day beautiful homes guess what they have they have a flat roof they have a roof because you you take a flight of stairs up to the from the top level floor and you go to the roof and that's where you spend your evenings you have you have chairs and you watch the stars come out and you are enjoying fellowship and you're eating falafel and shawarma and olives and hummus it is awesome it's it's so wonderful the jews know they live on the roof of their house and the jews know that they live in judea and by the way they know from the old testament that they're supposed to flee in the time of trouble to that area make sure you write this down they're going to flee to the area that is known to the jew as s e l a s e l a s-e-l not s-e-l-a-h that's in the book of psalms and that means to pause or to consider this is the geography location of s-e-l-a and it is today believe it or not remarkably awesome it's the area in jordan today that we know as petra that rocky fortress petra so check this out notice this now notice the jewishness all of a sudden that has happened since verse 15. he says uh in verse 18 let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes but woe to those who are pregnant and to those who nurse babies in those days and pray that your flight or your escape may not be in the winter or on the sabbath day i find this absolutely awesome jesus is telling them those who live on the roof of their homes in the last day who have access to information about the temple that doesn't stand today but will be standing in the not too distant future that someone is going to do something in there that they're not supposed to do and they're going to desecrate the temple and when you see that so that means cnn is going to be left behind in the rapture and they can broadcast to the world what's going on everybody's going to have their app on their phone going off oh my gosh look what's going on breaking news wolf blitzer is announcing that the the the the the mr wonderful politician has gone into the temple in jerusalem and look look he's going to declare himself to be god he said jack where'd you get that from everybody in your note taking write this down please matthew 24 specifically beginning at verse 15 correlates perfectly with 2 thessalonians chapter 2. 2 thessalonians chapter 2 tells us that after the church has been removed from the earth apostasy is everywhere departure from the faith when the church has been removed because the holy spirit has stepped stepped aside then shall that wicked one be revealed whom the lord will consume with the brightness of his coming and that this lawless one notice lawless one will be empowered by the workings of satan himself and he will enter into the temple of god declaring himself that he is god and showing himself to be god and that is the abomination of desolation that happens at the three and a half year midpoint of the seven year tribulation period that answers perfectly now to what we're reading in matthew chapter 24. so my dear friends listen don't let anyone ask you where are we right there in matthew chapter 24 the church is not here right now in matthew 24 where we are reading we can push it all the way out to maybe verse 13 but not verse 14 that's regarding the preaching at the end of the tribulation period so if you've got to get kind of specific there's a period at the end of verse 13. that's where you and i are living we're living right now at the end of that period your house is sitting on that period your life that sanctuary you're sitting in is sitting on that period in my opinion okay now as we continue on in matthew 24 notice jesus says make sure that your escape is not on and not in the winter look i don't know about you guys uh but i know you guys get winter there uh we sometimes get winter here today it's summer here it's summer here uh we'll be at the beach today that's how nice of a day that it is um but in israel remember the context is jewish the context is jerusalem listen there's only two places in israel where they get snow one is mount hormone have any of you been to mount hermon in israel okay it gets a lot of snow it's extremely high up it's about 9500 feet high and it's covered with snow for much of the year and by the way the melting snow from mount hormone is what creates the jordan river that comes out of the rock at caesarea philippi and flows down of course to the dead sea but there's one other spot that gets snow and it gets snow annually it gets snow once or twice a year and when it does it's a real pain in the neck and that is jerusalem it snows in jerusalem and jesus said watch out pray that when this happens it's not in the winter and it's not snowing because walking around in jerusalem in the snow is almost deadly it's like walking on an ice cube with that jerusalem stone lining the streets and snow and then he says oh and make sure that your escape is not on the sabbath with this i know i'm looking at um i think i'm looking at the clock uh joe do i i'm almost out of time with what i'm sharing right now is that correct yes somebody give me thumbs do i have more time okay you interrupt me joe okay so it's interesting again jesus dials down and he's announcing to us that the sabbath is going to be a big concern but that's not concerning the church and it's not concerning you it's concerning israel isn't it and jesus goes on in that chapter to now display and to announce the tremendous details of the events of the midpoint of the tribulation period out to the end so listen where are we this is the question people are asking all around the world and it's people in the church and people that are not of the church here's where we're at we are at a moment in time unlike any other time in church history doesn't that sound bombastic doesn't that sound like i'm exaggerating i want you to take a deep breath for a moment and think about it never in the history of the church has it ever gone through a year where number one the church has been sequestered locked down for one year around the world at the same time number two never in the history of the church has the gospel gone out to the ends of the earth more than 2020 and here's the good news it's increasing in 2021. i have a wonderful opportunity to know a southern californian born and raised a man who i'll give you his name in a moment who knows something about the world he's a brilliant man he's a warrior he's a patriot uh he's a southern californian as i mentioned homegrown brother but he told us not too long ago that according to their surveillance of internet downloads the central intelligence agency the c i a recorded in 2020 the largest download of christian material from the web in history you guys i can't hear all of you but you should go ah wow yeah that's right i'm talking about former secretary of state mike pompeo he loves jesus he's the real deal and secretary pompeo uh told myself and tony perkins that out of all the nations of the earth that downloaded uh per per population more christian material than anyone on earth was iran persia iran in 2020 the second nation that downloaded the most by access it's not by population but by access china limits people's internet access but what's happened is the second most per access of the gospel was china isn't that interesting two nations locked down to the gospel and the people are searching the church has reached out you guys have been streaming your messages people have been logging on from places none of us pastor joe and i never thought that we would see thousands tens of thousands millions of people in a month download sermons from various nations of the world like we saw in 2020. the church is making history also never did we think that in the history of the united states in 400 years since the founding of the pilgrim fathers would there ever be an edict given much across our nation you can't open churches you just got to stay down we're going to open bars we're going to open uh you know strip clubs we're going to open up marijuana dispensaries but you can't open church now i don't know about you but where i come from those are fighting words okay when we were first told by president trump we don't know what we have here we need to shut down everything for 15 days pastor joe and i did not like that but we did it because we thought based on dr fauci and cnn we'd all be dead in 15 days anyway right i mean wow let's preach the gospel let's get it out there so we went into overdrive streaming the gospel every which way 24 7. in fact we created calvary calvary chino hills tv online because we just went for it then president trump asked for 15 more days to flatten the curve and i reluctantly gave him that but at the end of those 30 days the president yielded authority to the state governors well i don't know who your governor is but uh satan's brother is our governor here in california uh at least at least for now uh gavin newsom you guys all heard it's the largest recall in american history gavin newsom is going to be out of a job soon and the california voter over 2 million voters decided you're out and it's it's it's historic but he said no church and i sent him a 15-minute video announcing that we're going to do church because the church doesn't answer to the authority of man the church answers answers to the authority of god and now we have come to that point of it's now time to obey god rather than man and so we did that little did we know that we would see a radical increase in attendance and uh it's never it's never stopped it has just absolutely exploded uh tomorrow tomorrow morning by the end of the day we will have another 10 000 adults on campus all over the place that's not including kids or junior high people it's crazy why because a revival has broken out it's it's happening we baptized one thousand and four people a month and a half ago people who made decisions to jesus christ on a saturday morning it took us four and a half hours to baptize over a thousand people why what's going on the what's going on is sorry i had to let my dog down she was on my lap this whole time so i i'm from i'm talking to you from home um what's happening is god is touching people's lives they're they're afraid they're asking questions this is the hour of the church to preach like we've never preached before if we are this close to the end times if it's possible that the antichrist is walking around on this earth somewhere if it's an indicator that the gospel has reached more people in 2020 than any other previous time leading up to this moment for those of us who are awake in bible prophecy it means he's coming soon it means that we take every opportunity to get the gospel out it means that we finally tell our neighbors the gospel we tell them about jesus this is 2020 covid all of this intensity and the edict from some political leaders to not have church means we are to have church the bible says in hebrews 10 25 do not forsake the gathering together as is the manner of some but all the more as we see the day approaching you say jack we're going to get in trouble that's the whole point these are the days of coming persecution did you ever wonder how persecution was going to happen in america well now you know your prayer has been answered it's here we're being told right you can't meet well we meet anyway they say we're going to call the police we have to say we love you guys but call the police they call the police and they've been doing that for 10 months uh the problem for them is the police chief goes to our church so then they call the governor the governor says we we hand jurisdiction to the city so then they go back to the city the mayor goes to our church so then they went to the county and they filed a petition with the county and the chairman of the board of supervisors called me and said we have to tell you you you've been turned into the state the state has contacted us but jack just pretend i didn't even call you i'll see you next sunday at church the ch the chairman of the county board of supervisors goes to our church so then i went to the two judges that go to our church that are california supreme court judges is for the state of california and i asked them what's up and they said you know what's up what's up is the first amendment of the us constitution jack keep going you've got to keep going because this is our glorious hour this is how you and i have entered into the moment where we are to be the most loving people on earth by giving the gospel out helping people who are sick laying hands on those that are hurting and those that are ill and at the same time we become the most hated people on earth just like jesus jesus was the most loved and the most hated and when we follow him jesus said cheer up the world's going to hate you because they hated me and then i'm going to leave you with this because i think i'm out of time if i'm reading my clock right um it's this we are so near the end that we are now getting ready at chino hills to open up services every night of the week because we cannot handle the crowds every night of the week we are going to have to open up the main sanctuary for services and teach the word of god because friends last saturday for example we had a men's gathering men began to show up at 5 30 in the morning we expected 1500 men to show up we had 3 300 men show up something's happening church we're gonna need a bigger boat we're going to need a bigger net because this is the opening throws of revival and it's an exciting time and i'll leave you with this because i'm going to petition you for prayer this is how crazy the days are in which we live how exciting they are the bible commands us not to fear so we are equipping our people to not fear people have been completely disabled by fear and the word of god is the only thing that will deliver them it's the only thing that will give them hope politicians cannot do it i say this with with compassion a vaccine will not do it a mask won't do it if it did it then why are they telling us after the vaccine and with the mask on stay six feet apart don't take off your mask stay away from crowds because they're terrified the christians should be the last person on earth terrified does that make sense everybody can you raise your hand if that makes sense we should be the agents of hope to people okay and this is how bad or how good it's gotten tomorrow here in los angeles fox los angeles fox tv is going to start airing at 7 30 in the morning a secular corporation a secular company airing to a secular city los angeles on a secular channel they're going to be carrying our church services at 7 30 in the morning because even fox news recognizes wouldn't you go and give the gospel to a bunch of non-believers at a non-believing company i would what does it mean it means god's going to provide us opportunities if we're willing and i thank you for this conference because it's going to equip you to get excited about jesus coming and to share the gospel to be busy about your father's business amen church god bless you guys [Applause] thank you so much jack you're an inspiration and uh just a just a role model of courage in the midst of opposition which you've had a lot more opposition to california than we've had in in here in the midwest particularly indiana we've been graced and we've been graced at least with a governor who recognizes the the importance of the church and uh we pray that continues we all pray for him and we're supposed to pray for those in authority but jack can you hear me okay yes would you close this in prayer i'd be honored i'd be honored okay father thank you for this time and lord i'm reminded that like esther she was born and brought into the kingdom for such a time as this for the deliverance of your people every one of us in a way have got esther written across our foreheads every single one of us were born whenever we were born to live to this day here and now because we are the esthers in the sphere of influence that you've given us in the home in family neighborhood at the company wherever we may go so father in jesus name may we rise up to that great challenge because we've come to the kingdom for such a time as this may we proclaim the kingdom and father even today before the sun sets in indiana we pray your lord jesus that you would come for us and that this day would be interrupted by a trumpet blast and you would catch us being busy about our father's business in jesus name we pray and all god's people said amen thank jack love you man
Channel: Calvary Chapel Indiana Lafayette
Views: 40,604
Rating: 4.9681063 out of 5
Id: STEvvYiEtL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 49sec (3109 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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