Full Service | Sunday February 7, 2021

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good morning everybody welcome how are you guys doing good let's all stand together welcome to those of you joining us online as well and uh let's all just sing out some songs together as we just prepare our hearts for the teaching today [Music] by [Music] my life [Music] riches i [Music] [Music] [Music] treasures [Music] my victory one [Music] choice [Music] still be my vision [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] well we wanted to teach you guys a new song this morning and we've been working on it together as a team and it comes from psalm four so sing along with us once you get the lyrics down and uh let's sing this together me always abounding i find my resting grace never ending always forgiving and i put my trust [Music] you bring peace [Music] [Music] give us your mercy [Music] always [Music] lord i surrender now and forever [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] the crazy i [Music] [Applause] [Music] we lift our hands [Music] forever [Music] we lift our hands forever [Music] [Applause] forever [Music] everyday hearing peace [Music] crazy [Music] father is just so thankful we can sing this out as let it be a reminder this morning just whatever we're going through um maybe a season of trial that we can come to you seek your face as we are this morning and you'll bring us joy and peace and bring us to rest lord in jesus name amen [Music] when my heart is torn asunder [Music] and my world just falls apart lord you put me back together and lift me up to where you is are beyond the suffering joy beyond the tears peace in every tragedy love that conquers fear [Music] my body might be dying but always [Music] [Music] dancing [Music] but life with you will [Music] tragedy [Music] my body might be dying but i'll always [Music] [Music] of death is over this is peace in every tragedy [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] there is hope beyond the suffering joy beyond the tears [Music] my body might be dying but always [Music] you give up you restore every heart that is [Music] [Music] [Music] so we pour out our praise [Music] [Applause] bring [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] to you [Music] these bones will sing [Music] [Music] your grace [Music] these [Applause] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] to you [Music] [Music] your story [Music] for you alone deserve glory and honor and praise lord we see human nature is to exalt each other and for us to praise athletes or musicians or talented people lord to get even into ourselves into our church or our thing but lord really it's not about any of that it really is about you you're the one that is worthy to receive glory and honor and we pray your blessing as we just have an attitude of praise lord on this service as we study your word may it be a worshipful act to study scripture and lord may we just be impressed with the truth of your word and that we'd be cognizant of what you're teaching us today by your spirit knowing lord the truth i pray your blessing on each person here and also at home or watching online i pray that you'd meet us right here right now by your spirit lord in jesus name we pray amen amen and go and have a seat welcome it's good to see everybody and happy to see you all here at the 10 o'clock service did you have trouble getting tickets obviously not you guys made it no problem which means probably most of you got it in the first 10 seconds right um you're the quick clickers uh to get in uh it's been a funny thing seeing that that whole thing but we're really glad you're here and if you're not here and if you're at home uh we want to bring you into the room with us we're glad you're here uh watching online so welcome to you guys too don't forget we have the ironworks for the men this saturday at 8 o'clock right here in the sanctuary it's just a really good time for us to get in the word as guys i've got some stuff i'm going to be sharing with the brothers um and no girls allowed so um but we also have donuts sorry ladies uh but donuts and coffee and time in the world it's gonna be great guys the ladies have a bunch of studies and really good groups that i've announced and talked about in previous times make sure and ladies if you're interested there's all kinds of good stuff uh quite a bit more things actually going on for the ladies than there are for the guys but uh we do have our ironworks next week guys so let's show up let's be ready for that 8am right here you can also join us online but if you're going to join us in person you need to register online just like you did to get here today wednesday night seven o'clock verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book right through the bible we don't skip a verse and we're in that book jeremiah a long book some would say it's the second longest book in the bible others say no isaiah is longer isaiah is longer if you count you know chapters but if you're counting words jeremiah is longer it's a long book and it's a it's a brutal book um some people say bro let's hurry up uh jeremiah is kind of brutal but i find jeremiah to be packed full of lessons that we are to learn maybe that's why jesus quoted jeremiah more than any of the other prophets because there's so much that's pertinent and even for today and so we're going to take a look and and see but i need to catch you sunday morning folks up that weren't here on wednesday night because on wednesday night we saw somewhat of a narrative that was really quite um quite interesting to watch poor jeremiah and his ministry man i'm glad i wasn't jeremiah i mean ministry can be difficult but jeremiah man every time i read jeremiah i'm like lord thank you for giving me 80 creakers the people of jeremiah's time i think i would have lost my marbles and i might even have punched a few congregants i'm serious if i were jeremiah you know they punched him i'd punch back i mean i don't know i just i know that's not pastoral nor is it christian um i might try to twist the bible say well there's the laying on of hands [Music] of people right no jeremiah impresses me as a minister he doesn't lose patience you know with um with these these uh these people um uh but he just speaks the truth boldly so what happened well if you turn with me to jeremiah chapter 42 we're gonna we're gonna take a look at these two chapters this morning and it's not our normal practice to take so much scripture on a sunday morning wednesday we cover chapters and chapters but but um you know i don't apologize for reading through passages of chapters you know paul told young timothy give attendance to the reading of scripture in church there in 1st timothy and i i think it's important that you and i spend time reading scripture because that really matters so we're going to do that we're going to cover some ground uh this morning as we're uh looking at jeremiah but before we start in chapter 42 i need to get you up to speed uh of what was happening um if you remember last sunday we talked about well the it was time to face the music jeremiah had been prophesying for 40 long years the people didn't listen to a word jeremiah said but everything jeremiah had prophesied had come to pass the babylonians were getting ready to crush jerusalem and this would be the third wave um and each of the first two waves were kind of like th this is the way it went down the babylonians would come surround jerusalem and they'd say okay we surrender and we'll be good babylonian citizens and we'll pay taxes and we'll be a vassal state of babylon so whenever kids are saying okay all right that's right so they all went home but then after a few years the jews said yeah we don't like paying taxes and we don't like following the babylonians and then the babylonians would come the second wave this time they killed some people and dragged a few people off into captivity and i said okay okay we'll be we'll follow you babylon we'll do it um by this time jeremiah's saying the next time this happens you should surrender to babylon and uh even if you're taken off into captivity otherwise you're gonna be slain on the hills of jerusalem and your bodies are going to lie in the hills and birds are going to pluck the flesh off your bones like this was the message of jeremiah so they punched him in the face and threw him in a dungeon in prison we saw that but it's chapter 39 last week where we saw the moment of truth the babylonians came under the leadership of nebuchadnezzar and all the fancy babylonian princes came marching in in their regal robes and and as they were just slaying jews women and children and just just conquering and crushing the temple crash the wall of jerusalem crashed and almost everybody's killed but they did line up some people and they were getting ready to march them off to be captives prisoners uh and live in babylon uh so jeremiah was numbered among these people there's jeremiah leaving jerusalem in chains with the rest of the people but nebuchadnezzar the king of babylon said this little dude you found here in prison this prophet let's let him go he can go free and do whatever he wants and do whatever he tells you to do that's what nebuchadnezzar said about jeremiah so nebu tsar adan a different guy he was the commander of the babylonian army army um nebu zaradan he came over and said okay i'm gonna let you go do you know why this has happened to you this guy says to jeremiah he says it's because you guys have forsaken your god and disobeyed him and in my mind i'm thinking is jeremiah going no duh like he's been saying that for 40 years and this guy's preaching to jeremiah you guys blew it you know so jeremiah has just listened to this guy sort of preach at him and then he says listen i like you nebu adan says to to jeremiah isis let's tell you what you come with me to babylon we're taking all these people captive you come and live with me i live large there in babylon i'm the captain of the army i have a large house i'm i'm prosperous come live with me and i'll take good care of you or you can stay here do whatever you want but if you come with me you'll live large man now if i were jeremiah i'd be tempted you know forsake the muddy dungeon in jerusalem and being punched in the face all the time or live in babylon in luxury and safety but you guessed it jeremiah said nope i'm going to stay here in jerusalem so jeremiah stays back now there were a few others that got to stay back in jerusalem if you recall in our story the babylonians as they were dragging off captives they did leave a very small group of people who were they the poorest of the poor the homeless and the people that were just totally stricken in poverty and this is what they said you guys move into all the houses farm the lands eat the cheese and drink the wine but we'll you you pay us taxes and we'll let you have these houses it'd be like if say you know vladimir putin just attacked oregon and took it over conquered oregon and uh we were all dragged off into captivity into moscow and then putin says by the way all you guys up in the little tents in portland all you guys with the you know the tents and the trash everywhere you guys move out of those and you get to move into the houses by lake oswego right on the lake these boats they're yours uh and you guys get to live here and take over as long as you're subservient to babylon and all the poor if you're like cool and they moved into all the fancy houses with the vineyards and all that stuff um and it was all the poor people but you say breath they're not motivated well the babylon said yeah but you got to farm the land and if you don't pay your taxes we'll kill you it's a little motivation for these people so there is jeremiah with all these people that were homeless now living in the houses but there was a guy one of the jews and we're not sure how he survived all this but we met him before his name was get elia i call him get elifa because he was sort of a loser to say the least but get elia was a guy who nebuchadnezzar said okay you over there you're in charge of everything here and you'll serve the babylonians but you're in charge so babylon debutanezer and nebu and they all leave back to babylon and they leave gedelia in charge and jeremiah is there with a bunch of people who moved into the houses are you still with me everything was going along fine until this dude moved in a guy by the name of ishmael now that should be a red alert for the jews there ishmael now this wasn't the ishmael of abraham and isaac and ishmael there was it was hundreds and hundreds of years later but um but this ishmael was a guy who was an ammonite from the land of ammon it's the same place today we call amman uh jordan that's where this guy was from and he came and just said hey i want to hang with you guys here in jerusalem now johannan was a guy who was kind of like a security officer a jewish guy he was a security officer he's he told get a liat dude this guy um you know we should watch out for this guy whose name is ishmael i've heard that he wants to kill you get a liar you're like not ishmael we're bros man we hang out we like to eat food together remember this story we just hang out it's all good well as it turns out johannan was right gennalia was wrong and johanna had these 10 soldiers they were like you know seal team six guys that were just kind of there acting like they were friends of the jews but they were coming to to score you know uh goods and and gold and and take slaves off back to amman that was their plan so they slaughtered gedelia and they killed a bunch of the jews the few poverty-stricken jews that were there uh in all the rebel of jerusalem they killed most of them but took a few jeremiah remember jeremiah scribe's name was beruk he was taken along with some of the daughters of the king zedekiah was killed there's just a small tiny group of people left well these people from oman led by ish ishmael they chain them up and start taking them off to amman man things are looking bad well the one guy that escaped was that guy that tried to warn getalifa remember johannan this guy was sort of the security guard guy he he realized man we got to get out of town so he got out of town and he put a little army together of people and went to rescue the jews from ishmael who was headed to the ammonites land when the jews saw johan and they thought oh we're saved thank the lord and so sure enough johannan killed the enemy soldiers with the exception of ishmael ishmael got away and ran off afraid into amman and that's the last we hear of him and so now there they are the jews standing there with johanan and they're wiped out they're tired they're poor jerusalem's total dust and their leader gedelia is dead and what are you going to do now you see they're in a real predicament because really nebuchadnezzar and nebuchadnezzar left with these words you guys just do your thing got elia you're the leader everybody follow godelia don't twitch even wrong or else we'll come and crush you all and kill you we're being gracious and letting you all live so so now the jews are totally freaked out totally afraid why because they're sure that when nebuchadner nebuchadnezzar comes back to see how things are going they're going to find the leader that they left in charge dead fewer people and they're all just there doing what and who's responsible for get elia's death they could say well this guy ishmael from oman but would nebby believe that so they were freaked out and they didn't know what to do stricken with fear when we read chapter 42 here this is where we're going to pick up the story but i want you to observe with me how many times it says that they were afraid and why they were doing what they were doing it's because of great fear let's check it out it's jeremiah chapter 42 verse 1 is where we pick up our story then all the captains of the forces of johannan that's the security guy that saved them the son of korea and jezeniah the son of hoshaiah and all the people from the least even to the greatest came near they all gathered up said what are we going to do they said to jeremiah verse 2 the prophet let we beseech thee our supplication be accepted before thee and pray for us unto the lord thy god even for all this remnant for we are left but a few of many as thine eyes do behold us that the lord thy god may show us the way wherein we may walk and the thing that we may do then jeremiah the prophet said unto them i have heard you behold i will pray unto the lord your god according to your words and it shall come to pass that whatsoever thing the lord shall answer you i will declare it unto you i will keep nothing back from you now pause for a second here we got these people saying jeremiah we're toast man would you pray to your god did you see that they said pray to your god thy god for all of us this little remnant that you see here um and jeremiah says i will pray to your god see jeremiah has corrected him already saying he's not just my god believe it or not he's your god too and he says listen i will do this and i will not i love this this last part of verse four i will declare or keep nothing back from you i love jeremiah's boldness i think he's setting the stage because he knows this people they're a bunch of rascals and they're not really good at listening to the word of the lord so he says i'm gonna i'm not gonna hold it back i'm gonna it reminds me what paul the apostle said in acts chapter 20 when he was talking to the elders of the church of ephesus he said i have kept nothing back from you that was profitable and listen christians i think we need to be the same way i know it might seem brash or a little overbold or even sometimes misconstrued as arrogant or prideful but we should hold nothing back we should speak the truth jeremiah was a guy who spoke the word of god even when it wasn't popular even when it wasn't liked i love jeremiah's boldness we need more bold christians today the wicked flee when no one's chasing them but the righteous are as bold as a lion the bible says jeremiah was that guy so he says okay i'm gonna go seek the lord for you guys but i'm gonna tell you everything he tells me well listen to what the people say verse 5 then they said to jeremiah the lord be a true and faithful witness between us if we do not even according to all the things which the lord thy god shall send thee to us whether it be good or whether it be evil we will obey the voice of the lord our god to whom we send thee that it may be well with us when we obey the voice of the lord our god now question do you think jeremiah is holding his breath here oh they might actually listen to me for once well i think you'll get a sense in this chapter of what jeremiah thinks oh yes we will obey you jeremiah everything you say be god be witness between us and you if we don't do what you tell us to do man we're in so verse 7 it came to pass after 10 days that the word of the lord came unto jeremiah and then called johanna the son of korea and all the captains of the forces which were with him and all the people from the least even to the greatest and he said unto them thus saith the lord the god of israel unto whom you sent me to present your supplication before him notice it took jeremiah 10 days of seeking the lord i worry sometimes that you and i we get frustrated at 10 minutes lord i've been seeking you for 10 minutes come on where's the answer i need answers now here's 10 days daniel sought the lord for 21 days before the lord showed up and spoke one of the most powerful prophecies in all the bible sometimes seeking the lord can take even years don't be easily tired i love that jeremiah in a time of real urgency he spends 10 days well finally you know after that 10 days verse 10 jeremiah finally says here's what you're supposed to do verse 10. if you will still abide in this land then i will build you and i will not pull you down and i will plant you and not pluck you up for i repent me of the evil that i have done unto you be not afraid of the king of babylon whom you are afraid be not afraid of him saith the lord for i am with you to save you and deliver you from his hand and i will show mercies unto you that he may have mercy upon you and cause you to return to your land your own land don't be afraid you guys i will protect you the lord says plant and i will grow gardens build and i'll be with you and nebuchadnezzar will be merciful because i'm merciful the lord says man that's a good word what is their only other option well as it turns out their only other option is to run for their lives and there's only one place to run to that you know all the other nations around there had been pretty much crushed by the babylonians or they were still enemies of israel so these jews really had nowhere to go except for one place as it turns out egypt the egyptians hadn't yet been conquered by the babylonians and that was kind of option two they were thinking man we could either stay here and risk being crushed by nebuchadnezzar or we could run to egypt and live with the egyptians and we can walk like an injection top like an egyptian it'll be great we'll be saved well here's what the lord says the lord says no stay here but verse 13. but if you say we will not dwell in this land neither obey the voice of the lord your god saying no but we will go into the land of egypt where we shall see no war nor hear the sound of a trumpet nor have hunger of bread there we will dwell and now therefore hear the word of the lord you remnant of judah thus saith the lord of hosts the god of israel if you wholly set your faces to enter into egypt and go and sojourn there then it shall come to pass that the sword which you feared shall overtake you there in the land of egypt in the famine thereof which you are afraid it will follow close after you there in egypt and there ye shall die so it shall be with all the men that set their faces to go to egypt to sojourn there they shall die by the sword by the famine by the pestilence and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that i will bring upon them for thus saith the lord of hosts the god of israel as mine anger and my fury have been poured forth upon the inhabitants of jerusalem so shall my fury be poured forth upon you when you shall enter into egypt and you shall be an excretion an astonishment and a curse and a reproach and you shall see this place no more the lord hath said concerning you o remnant of judah go ye not into egypt know certainly that i have admonished you this day can jeremiah be any more clear he said it over don't go to egypt if you don't even die let me say it again did i stutter go stay here do not go to egypt over and over and then do you understand jeremiah is doubtful you can see his doubtfulness about these people because he goes on 4 verse 20 he says you dissembled in your hearts when you sent me to unto the lord your god saying pray for us unto the lord our god according to all that the lord the god our god shall say so declare unto us and we will do it jeremiah is reminding them of their promise and now i have this day declared it unto you but you have not obeyed the voice of the lord your god nor anything for which he hath sent me to unto you now therefore know certainly that you shall die by the sword by famine by the pestilence in the place whether you desire and to to to go and to sojourn it seems that jeremiah senses already that they already kind of have their minds made up oh seek the lord jeremiah and we'll follow you and jeremiah says i know you're afraid and the lord recognizes that you're afraid but trust in the lord stay here in the land and i'll bless you but if you go to egypt you're toast you're going to be crushed by nebuchadnezzar the very sword that you're running from is the very sword that's going to kill you isn't that interesting you know fear is a funny thing fear makes people do things that are really kind of stupid it reminds me of the the african lion i learned this on mutual of omaha's wild kingdom when i was a kid anybody old enough to remember marlon perkins it was great man see mark see jim run from the jaguar like marlon was always in the safe place and jim was always out there almost dead um but i remember seeing one episode where there was the the lions and the lionesses and the way that they hunted was brilliant what they would do these lions are super smart the old lion that had lost all his teeth he was still big and knew how to roar really good and he was very intimidating looking but as it turns out his teeth were gone and he was sort of just got this big roaring lion and um he would he would go on one side of the field where these little gazelles prancing around eating their little food their cute little gazelles they were just chewing their cud and there they were and the big roaring lion would stick up his head and these gazelles were and they just pure super fast and they just take off the opposite direction meanwhile the lionesses which were actually tough brave and more ferocious than the old lion they're there with their mouths open on this side of the field just waiting for the gazelles to run right in where they'd crush the necks of the gazelles and then on back in those days they used to you'd see the lion carrying the bloody gazelle around and you'd be like oh poor little gazelle well the bible says this did you know that the devil is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour i think the same old trick is happening with the devil the devil raises his ugly added roars and we freak out pure and we go the opposite three the direction here's these people they're totally freaked out because of the babylonians and you might even say man there's a big roar from nebuchadnezzar and the babylonians and so they want to run to egypt the opposite direction the lord says no i want you to stay right here but because of their fear they have this proclivity to go in the direction that they shouldn't be going and they really want to do that but they say we're going to seek the lord through jeremiah jeremiah pray and tell us and jeremiah prays ten days and says okay stay here do not whatever you do don't go to egypt listen the bible says that you and i as christians are not to be given over to a spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind you see i'm concerned that we are driven so much by fear today we're afraid of everything i saw we've seen it coming we've become a fearful bunch i remember when the united states used to be land of the free and home of the brave now it's land of the fearful and home of the timid as we are in total fear for our lives it's amazing watching you know some of the news people condescending now make sure um and don't drive why cause snowmageddon have you seen it coming there's an inch of snow on the ground and we're all going to die stay home or else you're killing people so we live in fear staying homes at anthony creek man when it snows i was like let's do a service and get as many people here as we can it's awesome and we'll spin brodie's cookies in the parking lot it'll be great but but you know it's a different day now when i was a kid our dashboard my mom and dad's dashboard was metal it wasn't the soft foamy stuff they have now so that when you crash you die um now we got all these airbags and everything and now when you know if a minivan gets in a wreck it's like a bounce house twice you know it's like kid's like oh this is great um you know it's amazing and and and you know we we're we're all you know and i'm all for a helmet i i do motocross and i wear a helmet um but when i was a kid i still laugh we rode dirt bikes a lot without helmets that was probably not that smart um but like it's so funny we've become so fearful that you know i i remember uh one time i went to a doctor and they said bro you know you're kind of you know you need you're actually for your size you're really a healthy guy and um and somehow the doctor found out that i loved motorcross and he said you know you got to stop doing that motocross i'm like why because it's the most dangerous we see more motocross injury in here than any other thing and i just remember this guy trying to tell me to stop riding my dirt bike and it just felt like who are you like i was offended like like i i've never been more offended in my life it's just so horrible um you know we can all be really safe if you don't go anywhere and if you don't do anything and if you wrap yourself in pads and duct tape man you'll be really safe but it's not that fun to be that person and here we are 2021 and everybody's still locked down for fear boy there's been a great fear-mongering going on and i don't get it i really don't get it first of all i've got a statistic that's startling 10 out of every 10 people die that's a shocker and it's funny you know i was talking at the prophecy update two nights ago if you missed it you might want to listen because we talked about should you be imminent immunized and should christians take the mark of the beast and get immunized i said it's not the mark of the beast but i did talk about the immunization question but you know one of the things about the immunization is you know you and i right now as it stands we have a 99.98 chance of survival of this thing isn't that amazing 99 99.898 that's pretty good now you know if you're listening to moderna or pfizer the if you get the immunization you have a 95 chance why decrease your odds i'm not sure i understand that there's a lot of things i don't understand i don't understand why everybody's telling me there's bodies and death everywhere well maybe there are in other states and i know i know there's i'm not saying chronometer is not real uh people aren't really sick i'm not saying that but as it turns out people die of colds flu fever pneumonia all the time in in times past and i just have a question i i i'm somewhat of an expert in death and let me tell you why because i do funerals i've done funerals since i was 19. i was licensed to marion barry back when i was 19 years old and i've done over a thousand weddings and i've done hundreds and hundreds of funerals as it turns out me and my pastoral staff we have seven pastors here that are just great great dudes we were kind of amazed the other day we were thinking you know it's amazing in the last 11 months we have not done one funeral for a coronavirus death you'd think we'd have done one in a church of six thousand or however many people we have i don't know it's growing ever so quickly but you think one you think i would know one person who died of chronovirus i know some of you guys know people but it's actually a smaller number of you that actually know people that have died and and so i kind of think well is it really as big of a thing as we really are making it we've been meeting here with people in the building and i know some of you are new even maybe today and you're like i can't believe i'm here in a crowd and we're all going to die and it's because you've watched the news and you just know we're going to die because we're all in a crowd down we're you know disobeying the law which we're not actually organ finally admitted that we have a constitutional right to meet um that's that's that's a great thing praise the lord for that thank the lord [Applause] um so as we've been meeting for the last six months not one coronavirus case has come out of this building isn't that amazing that you know we're supposed to be super spreader that's a that's an interesting word that what is that word meant to do cause fear in people ah the super spreader athee creek it's funny because if you actually follow all the churches that are opening they're all doing really well john mcarthur has been open longer than we have down in l.a and he had a church you know uh that just kind of started piling in and and they haven't had one case of coronavirus even still one church in california they were a church of you know three or three thousand people or something um and they were one of the only churches that opened now they've got 18 000 people piling in their elbow to elbow gathering and some people that's irresponsible they're going to kill everyone well that's the fearful narrative and i would say that fear has become a new virtue in america if you're fearful you're responsible if you're fearful you're you're correct because people are dying everywhere and bodies are stacking up at the hospitals in trucks that's a pretty gory image isn't it it's one you hear a lot but i've yet to see those trucks i've actually tried to find them i've heard that they're there but they're not and as it turns out if their bodies piling up i'll tell you why because nobody's doing funerals right now if they'd let pastors do funerals again maybe we'd see these coronaries deaths that are out there that everybody's talking about how massive massive death everywhere but as it turns out oregon even if you do look at the cdc rules and the statistics you realize wow compared to like any of the other pandemics that were real spanish flu black plague bubonic plague look at the numbers not only was the population much smaller but the death rates were much higher and so it was way more of a problem and you kind of wonder what what is the the thing behind all this fear we have people that pull into the parking lot on a sunday more on wednesday nights by the way because i think a lot of the non-christians are at home right now you know watching the pregame um but but on wednesday nights we have people driving and there's they marvel you guys are all murderers like i said one guy was here leaning in taking pictures of the congregation through that window right there is trying to take pictures of all the murderers people who just wanted to do a bible study and we're all healthy good but it's that kind of fear that has driven much of our country right now and and honestly what does fear drive you to usually the wrong thing fear drives you to actually being sinful uh sinful breath that's a pretty strong word uh i think most people don't know what fear or what sin really is first of all what is sin a lot of you think that sin well sin is bad stuff that you do well it is that but it's actually kind of more intricate than that um did you know that if you even have a slightly wrong attitude for a half a second that's called sin um it's it's amazing um how much we sin you might think well i sinned last week sometimes no you probably sinned in the last ten seconds you looked at pastor bretton i don't like his choosing of clothes that's sin right there you're judging me don't judge you know we all sin so much and and sin the greek word for sin is a word that means to miss the bull's-eye anything that's in the bull's-eye is not sin anything outside of that is called sin so if you're missing what god wants you to do that's called sin in the bible so it's not just murder and adultery and that's why people get offended when i say this to be fearful is sinful why because you're missing what god does god wants you to be fearful the bible says fear not over and over and over again and says we're not to get over the spirit of fear but of power and love and sound mind so it's clear the bible doesn't lord doesn't want you to be a fearful person yeah but brett i i'm fearful that i might die lord doesn't that's not his best for you and you shouldn't feel condemned because that's sin but just realize well that's not what god wants for me and repent and say okay lord i'm going to choose to put my trust in you you see because i believe fear has driven people to do things that have really been destructive in their lives fear is probably one of the great things satan uses to make people do stuff wrong this story is the classic example so let's move on and see what they do what do you think the people are going to say here in chapter 43 are they going to is there fear going to have them well we're going to listen to what god says or are they going to follow their fears and this story is recorded for thousands of years for people to see and we can learn let's take a look so chapter 43 verse 1 it came to pass that when jeremiah had made an end of speaking unto all the people of the words which the lord their god for which the lord their god had sent him to them even all these words then spake azariah the son of hoshaiah and johannan the son of korea and all the proud men saying unto jeremiah thou speak us falsely the lord our god have not sent thee to say go not into egypt to sojourn there but baruch remember baruch is jeremiah's scribe his bro but baruch the son of neriah he sits sets thee on against us for to deliver us in the hand of the chaldeans that they might put us to death and carry us away captives into babylon so johan the son of korea and all the captains of the forces and all the people obeyed not the voice of the lord to dwell in the land of judah but johanna and the son of korea and all the captains of the forces took all the remnant of judah that were returned from the null the nations whether they had been driven to dwell in the land of judah even the men and the women and the children and the king's daughters and every person that nebushar adan the captain of the guard had left with gedelia the son of a haikem the son of shaphan and jeremiah the prophet and baruch the son of neriah so they came into the land of egypt for they obeyed not the voice of the lord thus they came even to tapenese now why is jeremiah going to egypt with them well we don't know the answer to that it just says that he went with them but did they take him by force that's probably likely pretty much every other time if you recall in the story of jeremiah whenever jeremiah spoke the word of the lord they'd punch them in the face and put them in chains throw them into dungeon that's the way they treated jeremiah thus far so jeremiah says don't go to egypt stay here thus saith the lord and you said you guys you listen and you do what the lord says and the people said you're a liar jeremiah and we're not going to follow you and so likely they chained them up and made baruch and jeremiah come with them down to egypt now there's a possibility that he came on his own will just because he's the prophet of the jews and maybe he felt like i'm going to stick with these people even if it means death to me who knows but now there's the jews at the doorstep of egypt getting ready to go in exactly where they're not supposed to be they're at this plate called topfinis and um and what are they doing there well this is where the word of the lord comes to jeremiah to say something else and uh bless you right on man um yes that was a big one nothing better than a good sneeze you know what i'm saying i love a good sneeze so they they they're right at the doorstep of tufanese and verse nine great stones in thy hand this is what the lord is telling jeremiah take great stones in thy hand and hide them in the clay in the brick kiln which is at the entry of pharaoh's house at tophany's in the sight of the men of judah and say unto them thus saith the lord of hosts the god of israel behold i will send and take nebuchad nebuchadnezzar the king of babylon the servant and will set his throne upon these stones that i have hid and he shall spread his royal pavilion over them and when he cometh he shall smite the land of egypt and will deliver such as our dealt er or for death to death such as are for captivity to captivity and such as are for the sword to the sword and i will kindle a fire in the houses of the gods of egypt and he shall burn them and carry them away captives and he shall array himself from the land of egypt as a shepherd puts on his garment and he shall go forth from thence and peace and he shall break also the images of betsmesh that is in the land of egypt and the houses of the gods of the egyptians shall he burn with fire now you and i are gonna have a hard time grasping what this probably felt like for these people but we may have a hard time picturing it but jeremiah starts arranging some rocks and putting them in the sand and and he says right here they're all like what are you doing jeremiah well you see these rocks this is where jeremy this is where nebuchadnezzar is going to set his throne and they're going to build his pavilion what's the pavilion well in ancient times the babylonians like others would have the king come and they'd make a fancy tent it was almost like a throne room a fancy tent and they would set his throne there and he would sit there and rule as they would get ready to engage in battle so jeremiah said you think you're running from nebuchadnezzar and you're going to the gods of egypt to save you the you know the egyptians they're going to save you nebuchadnezzar right right here is where his throne is going to sit can you imagine when the babylonians finally came and the jews see them hey where should we put nebu's pavilion right over here and they're like that's where jeremy i put the stones hey let's put his throne right on this there's a nice little stone base here hey let's put the throne right there right where jeremiah built this this is jeremiah saying you guys think you're safe but this is where nebby's gonna camp out and he's gonna slaughter everyone in egypt this is a brutal word and and it may have stricken fear in the people's hearts it should have because everything jeremiah said which by the way was god's word when jeremiah spoke the word of god the people didn't listen but it always came to pass perfectly last week we talked about that how the word of god is always true now we talked about chapter 42 the fear that drove them to go to egypt in the bible for you bible students there's a thing we bible students like to talk about that's bible typology where do we get the idea of types in the bible well it comes from first corinthians 10 where paul says don't you understand that the old testament is full of stories that are pictures and types and there's all kinds of good ones paul even uses an example there in first corinthians 10 he says remember the rock that followed them in the wilderness that had the water coming out and they drank of the water paul says that rock was christ and he says these things are types or examples what does he mean well that rock is a beautiful picture of jesus how so they were dying the rock was smitten water came out they drank and they lived that's what happened with jesus jesus the rock of our salvation the rock that we can put our foot on he was smitten on the cross and jesus even said if you drink of this water that i'll give you'll never thirst again out of your belly will flow torrents of living water if you believe in me and so really the imagery there is a type that's what we call types and there's all kinds of types remember the serpent on the pole the brass serpent that they looked when they got bit by snakes they'd look at the brass serpent and they'd get healed and jesus said even as moses lifted the serpent uh there in the wilderness so too will the son of man be lifted up on a pole that's jesus who became sin who knew no sin like the types are it makes the bible come to life i hope you read your bible understanding typology well i say all that many of you already know when you talk about egypt in the bible what is egypt a type of anybody the world worldliness godlessness going to egypt is sort of a type of going to depend on the world rather than the lord this is the same story and it's happened over and over in the bible uh egypt is a type of the world and it also equals carnality and sinfulness that's what egypt stands for now here's the thing that's interesting about fear fear drives us to where we're not supposed to be that's what happens these people are so freaked out but they say well let's go to egypt that instead of trusting the word of the lord and instead of trusting god they just said we're going to go down to egypt and we're going to be there you know the idea of you know going to egypt is i think what happens today with our fears today we're seeing people instead of turning to the lord and trusting in his word they're saying oh but we're afraid this coronavirus could kill us well the bible says yeah everybody's going to die and that's part of the deal yeah but but what if you die that's the worst thing in the world not for a christian that's the best day of our life when we go to home to be with the lord in heaven um hey you know we fear has driven us to say churches have closed down to 2022. some of them have said yeah we're closing to 2022. so rather than believing the word of god fear has driven them say yeah we're just going to close down the church and virtual church is just as good that's what their argument is and we we have a really strong virtual church i'm just gonna say it our online presence and we're so happy people are uh able to use that and we're glad you're with us but the bible says in hebrews chapter 10 do not forsake the assembling of yourselves as is the custom of some we're supposed to gather and the bible says that and you know maybe for a short season we kind of say okay we're going to see how this pandemic really is and but the goal is to get back to where we meet but i'm afraid that this is becoming the new norm and a lot of churches are even there's even podcasts out there where pastors are being chided saying you pastors that have opened up you know you're putting your people in danger and so we need to go to the virtual church that's the new church today well then you're saying you're rejecting what the bible says and if you and it's because of fear it's such an amazing thing we see fear lead to just stupid actions um so we need to be praying for the church because uh i think a lot of us are checking in uh our faith card and for a fear card instead uh we should not do that so egypt it's a type of the world it's a type of carnality and really these people end up here uh where they're gonna be destroyed sad to say and they end up here because of two big mistakes that they make um mistake number one is they refused the word of god refusing the word of god was their first mistake jeremiah sought the lord he got the word of the lord and he said here it is and they just said you're a liar they refused the word of god it's so sad to me to watch people do this because i see it all the time by the way we have by the way we have a selective memory you know we remember egypt um you know egypt by the way this this idea of egypt can you think of other people who went down to egypt well there's an interesting story where like abraham remember abraham after being there in the promised land there was famine land so abraham went down to egypt every time you read that in the bible that was like not a great thing you might say well jesus went down to egypt he did but because they were trying to kill him and i believe there's a great type that jesus went down to the world that's what jesus did for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son jesus went to egypt it's a great parallel but abraham do you remember the story he went down to egypt and this is a funny one you got to check this video out also when you get to heaven but apparently sarah who was like a major senior citizen like in her late 80s i guess she was still really hot because abraham's like oh man if i go to egypt pharaoh's going to see you sarah and i know you're 85 or whatever but man just tell them you're my sister because they're going to want you in the harem great husband by the way guys free before you not a great thing to don't follow abraham's leadership there so they go down to egypt and like 10 seconds they get in there and the guy's like do you see that lady go tell pharaoh so they went and said fair there's this lady you gotta have her inheritance so before like they even get into town sarah's like getting all gussied up as a harem member and pharaoh's like awesome i'm ready to sleep with this girl and then god says to pharaoh pharaoh you're a dead man and so i was like what did i do i didn't do nothing and the lord says you have taken another man's wife yeah but she said she was his sister the lord is kind of like i don't care you're still a dead man so pharaoh freaks out turns sarah back over gives her back to abraham i said you have lied to me what have you done you've caused us trouble in our land and and so pharaoh gives them a bunch of flocks and herds and all kinds of wealth and and then they they send abraham off free as a bird some of you guys like see it worked abraham's brilliant well did it work do you guys remember not only did they get wealth and flocks and herds they had another person join them in their entourage does anybody remember who joined them from egypt a woman named hagar and there's a long story there but basically abraham slept with hamar and had a son named ishmael and as a real son isaac and ishmael well did they get along because ishmael is the father of the arab nation and isaac is the father of the jewish nation and are the jews and arabs friends they're still feuding horribly to this very day it's like one of the biggest mistakes in the world's history that all happened because abraham went down to egypt every time you read that in the bible going into the world going down to egypt is a bad idea and i feel like christians we have this tendency especially when fear is the motivating factor what we end up doing is we refuse the word of god and we go down to the world for help instead of the word i almost feel like christians are listening more to fouchy than having faith i feel like christians are listening to world health you know organization um rather than just trusting in the word of god uh you know the cdc and all this stuff i understand those are helpful agencies maybe at times sometimes possibly probably not but but the word is true every single time every single time the word of god is true and yet i see christians refusing the word for hair-brained ideas about fearful things and it's not just the coronavis it's a lot of things that we get fearful about or anxious about and we we go to the world for help couples come in to aidy creek our marriage is in trouble well as it turns out good news our pastors we'll share with you what the bible says about marriage oh yeah yeah i've already heard all that you know you got to love your wife as christ loved the church and rhymes reverence her husband and blah blah blah blah and and people dismiss diminish that like yeah but that's the word of god yeah but shouldn't you give us some counseling like where's your couch i need to lay down and tell about my inner child wound that i've been dealing with and and pastor brett you need to uh you know get some pastors that have degrees and freudian psychology because that seems true to us well the bible says there's a way that seems right to man but that's the way that leads to what death meanwhile we've got the truth of god's word you know it's amazing jesus did a lot of counseling but he never spent more than five minutes counseling any one person he didn't have a couch he just talked to people and said here's what you need to do and they either listened to they did remember the rich young ruler he had a problem he was into his wealth and full of greed and and he comes and says jesus what do i need to do jesus said well you know you've done all these good things except for one thing this is what you need you need to sell all your possessions and give it to the poor because that's your problem you have an issue there sell all your possessions give them to the poor and follow me the guy turned around around and wept and walked away because he knew he wasn't willing to do the word of the lord jesus himself he wasn't willing to do it so he knew he couldn't do it now what i find interesting is jesus didn't chase after him wait mr rich young alert what i said was true i'm god you should listen to me no jesus said here's what you need to do but if you're not going to do it then you're going to end up in trouble that's the way the word works the bible sits here quietly calmly telling us exactly what we need to do but we're like the rich young ruler who refuses the word of god and whenever you refuse the word of god and why do we do that you know it's amazing to me to refuse the word of god we we think it has to be more complicated somehow so the couple that comes in and i say yeah you know or one of my pastoral staff they say listen husband you got to die to yourself man and love your wife as christ loved the church the bible says that that means dying to yourself giving up your thing and preferring your wife over yourself and wife you're supposed to see that you reference your husband that's what the bible says the word reverence man that's a strong word but respect is the idea and and to really be kind to him and respect your husband even if he is a jerk and if you both do what the bible says your man's loving the wife is christ loved the church the wife's reverencing her husband and marriage is going to go really well and yet people just got to say oh yeah it's not that simple brett well that's the problem they're saying to jeremiah well it's not that simple just staying here in judah what about nebuchadnezzar what about nebuchadnezzar what about all the problems and the people that died we're going to egypt and they run to egypt so couples go to counseling professional accounts 170 a session until the insurance runs out and 10 years later they're back in our office saying okay our marriage is still in trouble what do we do well there's this little thing called love and respect let me tell you about it and people diminish the word of god and that's one of the reasons they refuse the word of god what is it that the lord has told you to do in the last part of your life things you're supposed to be doing sword of god but you've just for whatever reason refused to do it ask yourself that don't think about uncle bob right now think about yourself and and and ask yourself have i done it maybe some of you when you were younger the lord told you i want you to be in my word every single day get up a little early and read the bible and you might have done it for a season maybe you did it for a week or two but then oh you like sleeping in and you were tired because of work the day before and it just kind of fell by the wayside and you know the lord told you to do that but you've kind of refused to do it maybe it's a lifestyle change of who you hang out with maybe after work you know going to that bar with those people it kind of puts you in a bad frame of mind when you get home you're not really ready for seeing your wife and your kids and being the holy father that god has called you to be and lead your house in family devotions but instead you're maybe a little tipsy and you've been hanging out with people you shouldn't been hanging and talking about stuff you shouldn't be talking and somehow it comes out and your kids don't respect you and your wife wonders what's going on i wonder if there's lifestyle changes that god showed you a long time ago that you're supposed to do it but you just kind of refused the word of god we could go on and on but you know the good example comes from the thessalonican church in first thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13 paul the apostle says for this cause also think we god without ceasing because when you received the word of god which you heard of us that's paul preaching the word you received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the word of god which effectually worketh also in you that believe in other words the word is effective it's the only thing that's really effective but paul says i'm so thankful for you guys i think unceasingly for you guys because you heard the word from us but you received it not as the word of men see that's what i hope i hope that you know we cover enough scripture here at the creek where you could say well brett you know love him or hate him at least he's telling us what the bible says see i can care less if people get my opinions or the things that i think about what i'm interested in is showing you guys here's what the bible says and i'm so thankful for a church that's willing to do some hard work and read a couple chapters on a sunday morning and say you know let's let's consider these stories because you hear the word not the word of bread or acy creek's doctrine that doesn't matter it's the what what does the bible say and you receive the word of god which as it is in truth the word of god which which was it it's effective man i think that's so good churches need to get back to the book back to the bible return to the word so they refused the word number one that's mistake number one but in refusing the word number two mistake is they returned to the world returning to the world man when you refuse the word that's usually what happens we have this propensity to to return to the world and and shouldn't the jews be a little apprehensive going back to egypt like i said last time the jews were in egypt how long were they there 450 years as slaves with whips being slapped on their backs um it's funny how we we remember the good old days even when moses led the children of israel out of egypt remember what the jews said out in the desert they said oh moses you've brought us out here to die in the wilderness we remember the onions the leeks and the melons that we did eat in egypt freely all the good old days now first of all i have a problem with onions leeks and melons does that sound delicious if they would have said burgers pizza and fries i'd be like i'm with you guys man but i don't get that we remember the delicious onions and leeks and melons and and they were remembering that they did eat it freely were they free no they were enslaved it's it's it's part of this this um memory that you and i have we have a selective memory and that's why sometimes you and i are ten have that tendency to go back to our old egypt days our bc days before we were christians um maybe you remember those days ah college we were a party you know those were so fun you forget that you were not feeling so good the next morning and barfing in the toilet and wondering if you had an std because you didn't really know who you remembered sleeping with the night before it wasn't as fun as you remembered and the f that you got in the class because you couldn't think by the time you're in class like like it's a funny thing i would remember the good old days i i have things like that that i remember i remember my oh i wish i could have my old 1969 toyota land cruiser fj40 i loved that rig it was awesome and i really do i sit around and i wish i could get i should sell my ford f-150 and get my fj40 back 1969 and um and then the other day the lord was reminding me perhaps you don't want that you remember wrongly i remember one night after a wednesday night bible study i was younger coming home from church on a stormy rainy night it was really heavy rain and all sudden my land cruiser gave up the ghost and it died there in the middle of medford oregon and so you know being young and i couldn't afford a tow truck so i just went out and opened the door and started pushing it in the rain there i was at you know 11 o'clock at night pushing in the rain and and you know the land crews are a heavy vehicle it looks small like a jeep but it's actually like a tank a lot of metal in the land cruiser and i remember just pushing and then i was young and strong so i i was rolling it off trying to get it off the highway and then also my back went out my back was out for two whole weeks but i did get it off the highway one time i remember i was driving home at night and all of a sudden my throttle pedal just just flapping in the wind like and it wouldn't work i realized my throttle cable had broken through the firewall so what did i do i got grabbed the cable and re-put it through there i had some tools in my the back of i had to keep tools because you know cruiser break down all the time but i took some vise grips and i clamped onto the little thread of of cable that was left and i stuck it through there and so i drove home that [Music] night and and i got home and you know what's funny about that you know when you're young and broke i drove with the vice grips for three weeks i got really good at it it was it was really cool it was it was awesome um i remember taking my boss home from work one night he said bro can i get a ride home and i'm like sure and he jumped in my land cruiser and he's kind of looking around and we and i had forgotten about this you know you kind of just get used to the things that are wrong with your vehicle but every time i'd go up a hill my cab would fill with smoke i kind of liked the smell i thought it was like cologne you know like i like that smell um but my boss he was sitting there and we're going up this hill and i'm just forgetting about you know and he's just you know he was like choking and stuff and i was like oh i'm sorry yeah i've got this little pro it's like exhaust leak and when i go up after the long story i can tell you other stories but the more i thought about like i really don't i like my little heated seats in my f-150 and i like that i don't break down and and all that stuff you know that's the way you and i are we have fond memories of things that we truly do just forget we're a forgetful bunch it's like that old couple they'd forgotten a lot of things and they were getting old enough they were like honey we need to write stuff down they agreed one night the husband was like honey i could just go for a hot foot sunday with some chocolate and some you know whipped cream and a cherry on top and the ladies oh honey i'll go get that for you well shouldn't you write it down oh i'm just gonna go do it right now and so she goes in and quite a while later she comes back and she serves them eggs bacon and sausage and a glass of orange juice and the guy's like honey i knew you should have written it down you forgot the toast you and i are forgetful and and that's the problem when you return to the world you're forgetting the bad parts you're forgetting that the world is not a place you want to be and satan will lure you and he'll tempt you but that's the problem these people they were returning to the world egypt thinking it was going to do them well but it actually was going to wipe them out um really quick i'm almost done but problems with returning the world number one you'll be bound up in sin bound up egypt type of bondage ask samson samson sinned was going down the philistine country the world and they ended up binding him up poking out his eyes and grinding at the will that's what sin does it blinds it binds and grinds ask samson but it'll not only bind you up but problem with returning to the world that you'll be unable to hear the word remember last week mark's gospel i told you mark 4 but also matthew 13 same story 22 where jesus said that the word of god is choked out by the cares of this world and then the third problem is satan is called the prince of this world do you understand that when we go to worldliness and take on world views rather than biblical views man we're taking up with the leader of this world that is satan john 16 11 jesus made that clear and so this is the challenge before us are we going to learn the lessons from the jews in this story the book of jeremiah if there's one thing we should go away with we should know that if you refuse to listen to the to the word of god then oftentimes you're going to return to the world where it is unsafe and you should be afraid but if you're a believer in god and trusting in the lord we have nothing to fear and we can put our trust in the lord and we we leave our lives in his capable hands and we can walk in peace and not in fear and it's up to you and it's up to me to say am i going to choose the word of god or am i going to go with the world it's just that simple it's a choice we have to make now some of you may not even know the lord personally and and um here's the problem you and i remember i told you we all sin and i'd say we don't send you know monthly we send daily that's why paul said i paul i'm the chiefest of sinners i do the things i don't want to do and i don't do the things i do and that's all sin and the wages of sin is death paul said in romans eternal death and hell but the gift of god is eternal life and through jesus christ our lord man if you believe in jesus that and you you know repent of your sins acknowledge your sins before god god i'm a sinner and here's my sins that i've done and i leave them here and i accept that you came and lived among us died on the cross and rose up from the grave and if you believe that the bible says you will be saved it's simple faith and the bible says you're saved by grace through faith that means grace undeserved unearned favor you're saved by grace through faith and not of your works it is not of yourselves unless any man should boast this is the truth of what the bible says so i would ask you if you've never accepted christ today is a great day to just say okay i i repent of my sins and i believe in the cross of christ and then you can walk by faith rather than fear i think that's the thing in this season i think that's a mantra that we should remember faith over fear when you're tempted to be afraid when you watch the news and what's going on around the world rather than being you know shaken in your tennies we should be people that are bold and faithful trusting in the lord may the lord give us ears to hear what the spirit says in jesus name let's pray with your heads bowed and with everybody's you know attitude of prayer if you're a christian be praying but i wonder if there's a few of you would say man i need christ i am a sinner i have blown it i have fallen short but i need to be saved if that's you i'd like to pray a prayer of confession of faith romans 10 9 if you confess with your mouth believe in your heart the lord jesus god raised him up from the grave you will be saved if that's you i'd love to pray a prayer with you right now i'm not going to embarrass you or make you stand up come down to the front but i am going to pray a prayer of confession that you can pray before god right now and if that's you would you acknowledge that and you know just right now just lift up your hand so i can see it and i'll acknowledge you let me just look around for a minute and i'll just acknowledge anyone who might say yes this morning awesome i see you over here to my left that's great good you there good awesome anybody else let me let me just acknowledge you right over here cool and back over there good good good and you good if you're online and you're watching and you're saying brad i want to raise my hand you can let me know by there's a little text number text new believer right there and i'll know we won't track you or anything like that but you're just letting us know i'm out here and i'm going to pray this prayer too right now let us know um but i'm going to pray this prayer would you as a church family let's get behind these six or seven folks who are saying yes right now to jesus let's pray together your father in heaven i believe in your son jesus christ i believe that he died on the cross for my sins that he rose up from the grave and that i'm forgiven help me to walk with you thank you for saving me in the name of jesus christ and lord i pray that you bless these people who've just confessed you i pray that you'd love them and show them and confirm to them so great a salvation that you've given to us lord that they know their sins are forgiven that they have the hope and the glory of heaven in front of them and may they walk in faith i pray bless them i pray and we thank you in jesus name amen amen let's stand together and peter's going to lead us in a final song of praise [Music] the lord is my life my salvation the lord is the strength of my life shall i fear of whom shall i be afraid who shall i hear the lord is my life my salvation the lord is the strength of my life whom shall i fear who shall i fear of whom shall i be [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the lord my is [Music] the lord is the strength of my life [Music] oh dear lord i just pray that as we go you go before us we take the heart the things we learn today there wouldn't be an eraser at the door but we'd remember the things we learned that we do not need to fear do not need to seek out things of this world lord in jesus name amen you guys are dismissed you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 3,860
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 3WUotPGSls4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 4sec (5224 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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