Full Screen Sword Slash DELETES EVERYTHING! | Magicraft

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hello everybody s here again with another magic Craft Run the action combat work like that allows you to break the game by creating your own spells and today I'm going to play on normal mode I would say just to try some new stuff out and also get a bit more meta progression I want to do like more of a Mimi build maybe boomerangs maybe swords maybe something something something we're going to see difficulty isn't really that important in my opinion anyway so let's do the run let's see how it's going to go and I found the Arcane explosion right away which in general is pretty powerful so might as well use that uh so we're going to go close to explode them actually early game I'm not really sure if it is worth it uh because it's going to be spending a bit more Mana than what it needs to although on on that side uh we do have more Mana region anyway specifically because of the fact that wait a minute what happens if I go into settings and go with uh Arachnophobia safe mode what happens here this is more monstrous than I thought it would be yeah we're going to go back to actually arop phobia but I have to say that it's nice that they added that as a choice should also have color blind mode just saying reduce damage taken by 25% that's nice let's take that we got a nice little early game safety thing I would like to either go boomerangs or swords as I already mentioned uh let's go with money I didn't do a sword build yesterday but it wasn't actually sword build it was more of a Harry Potter build um I guess a Voldemort build to be honest uh so let's see if I can today get the sword build I would like to create which would need some very specific things but I think we can do that I think we got this avoid got slowed a bit but it's okay these guys leave the slow Trail on the ground forever let's see what we can get here A bunch of money but right I mean I already picked it up teport random location and taking damage I don't think it's worth it I don't think it's worth to get a curse for that let's get the money and let's go over to Max Health which isn't really that good either the borderline useless but it's okay uh these guys I think the red ones are the safe ones and the purple ones are the ones that are explode on death let's let's not be close to that if possible who almost got hit I think I just exploded there for a crit did that guy almost jump into the pit into the pit you shall go man into the pit you shall go these guys are just chilling vibing nice tried to summon another one but they didn't uh I would say let's go relics as we most of the time do although maybe money for getting the Spells I want is the actual play I should try that at some point just straight up don't even go relics whatsoever only get a spell build going and the relics are relevant maybe who knows uh no longer slow down while casting spells one point of Shield worst chance to heal when you kill enemy these are all very whatever this is proactive locking this is reactive healing I guess let's go with reactive healing these are very bad let's maybe not go relics again let's go only money and let's try that let's go only money and spells if we can do so today uh just to see how it's going to go and I I even have healing anyway so I'm I'm covered for relics now there are a lot of good relics like crit chance and whatnot that help you with getting a busted build going or Mana region explosion and thunder core I could try Thunder core I mean it's it's a good item anyway let going explosion right spell is released when the left spell ends actually let's do this so I can do doet bullets that shoot ouring explosions that are electric yeah that's safer in my opinion and more powerful to be honest yeah now we also have yeah this is a lot better A lot better uh let's go into this there isn't really anything to be done here I don't have a hey yep there isn't anything to be done let's go do the trees or the trunks drop anything far as I know they don't this is a good proof and Clarity Yeah I broke so many Trunks and nothing happened I would assume that's thing ah this is the easiest boss between all of the early game bosses this just copies what I do so as long I'm just slowly trickling over to the right side while it's shooting uh it should never be able to hit us easy enough I really enjoy this boss just because of the Simplicity of it and we got a good a region less scatter this is a decent weapon and then we also got this one which is also a decent weapon this is more Mana region it has less attack speed though andless cool down so it has bad stats in the attack speed department but has good stats in the Mana region department and this is the opposite uh let's go with the old wand I'm not really sure I mean I guess attack speed is what I care about but I think my base wand has better attack speed even from this thing ah let's go little hand was I correct I was correct this was 15 and 15 so and Mana region 15 and 17 on this one well we don't have Mana region issues anyway so there is no real reason we do I mean with the damage we're doing we shouldn't uh let's go with combining and crafting spells maybe a bit too early here I do have money though for it so let's might as well do it let's combo my good old uh classic shots as we always do so we have a pre- upgraded thing what the build's going to be I said boomerangs or swords of if possible so I would like to do Boomerang or shorts if possible so let's roll the hover for sure let's see what we can find out of that poison not really bro no Vol not really Arcane explosion twice it has been a long time since I did Arcane explosion and honestly I would like to combine those and then maybe roll the leveled up thing that's also a bit safer in my opinion going that route uh red spider eggs yeah completely relevant red spiders are ranged spiders but not poison spiders uh I think you only find red spiders in this difficulty this is a single eye big red spider yeah these are literally different opponents based on the fact that I'm playing on normal mode this is normally a double eyed spider so uh it's good to realize the differences it's not just everything is easier no no no it's literally the points are different which I really really much enjoy and I agree with that take on this genre that should be the way your difficulty should be in most of these games right the opponents just have less mechanics if you're play on easy mode uh expense slots but you do less damage I don't think I want to create like a mega super duper spell build I could try something like that N I have specific things in mind let's get keys for sure pets is a thing I could have gone with fanatic Grane attack speed charge four points every time a spell is cast with this wand I don't think so my bullets go where I want them to this could work with boomerang could this work with boomerangs I'm thinking this could work with boomerangs or or I become electricity that could also be a build let's go tracking that can build some stuff I don't want the pets not now I decided to switch it up crits not really that's all these I'm also looking down here Mana region is also a yes always a yes all ones have Mana region that's the best one in the game so we just got three Mana region on everything for the rest of the game double Keys very nice uh rotating shots no I might do a build hting shots at some point but not today go to those and I would say let's maybe get the eight coins this for eight just so we have things to roll I want to go you know what now I have decided we're going money all the time money money money and forget even relics so the most important thing is spells first money second Relic third and I want to try to create a build the way I wanted to to get the thing going which I would I actually I want to do a big sword build lose 10% Max MP definitely no and uh let's see what we get out of this Relic options plus one or get Mana when you kill stuff both of these are good let's go with Relic options and let's go into a force spell choice which is exactly what I would have chosen regardless and we found a potion the blue potion as far as I remember is no I don't remember what that does I straight up don't get Bend and we won and the potion is permanently increas in P region by one wow one of the best potion in the game I guess not going to drink it yet though I'm going to drink it when we get choices to oh we got a rare and another rare we're going to get both rares I can roll this and this is definitely one of the better ones the mimik cube obviously is one of the better ones uh let's go on I don't think there is any reason to combine things yet I think we still are pretty nice here I would say let's roll spells let's start getting the Spells we want uh but when I said combined I meant to build this up uh we do have things that we want to throw out more specifically want to throw out this thing things that I want to keep should go in a different spot this these two need to go away and these three are going to stay so let's uh roll first of all this into something that we care about this might be good let's roll this into sword that oh double shots and I already got something decent here so theoretically I could go double shots that explode uh with duet and this can is not needed something like this what would that look like and I I can control these it's explosion that shoot explosion that shoot explosions Yep this is a pretty powerful thing right now that I created so yeah let's let's actually stick to this for the time being uh is that true though I said I want to go sword strikes and I'm already diverting from the build uh yeah let's let's not divert from the build for once let's actually stick to what I said I want to do so let's let's rotate back to the build you're going to the split's going to roll this this is going to stay multi shock's going to stay because this is going to be part of the sword build anyway uh or the boomerang for that matter release four times the spell on the right side when that ends what would that look like I just more explosions I'm going to keep do it so this continues working out nope nope nope nope nope and found Boomerang so now I can have my Boomerang as my main weapon although this happens at the end what would this look like that's so weird yeah I mean we're not going to do that we're going to do what would this look like oh that's actually cool it's a bullet that becomes a boomerang at the end of it that's that thing I enjoy oh the boomerang is borderline controllable borderline controllable you know what if I can get more of these tracking it might make it actually better I think it just stops getting a tracking strength at some point yeah right about here now I cannot do anything for it so you can you control only while it's in Flight which is good to see uh I definitely want to copy let's copy this right so that means I have more control over this but at the end it still goes down I do enjoy this I do enjoy the boomerang Armada uh let's go spells obviously I should have rolled by the way maybe I was a bit too eager to go away from there go my boomerangs go my boomerangs let's look at this I like this I like this a lot that's nice let's open up oh no I didn't want want to click that it's okay I wouldn't take this anyway let's get an echo that's will release the right spell at 80% magic cost when they hit an enemy wait a minute what's better Echo left spell releases the right spell at 8% magic cost when the hdden enemy against the right spell release when the left spell ends the spell inherits 10% of the damage of the left spell why would I ever take this this is when it hits an enemy now this is just straight up worse I guess it's cheaper yeah it's cheaper that's the difference I don't care about cheapness though let's go we found uh unable to read the labels but you get money or um enter stealth if you don't attack when entering the curent magic value fall on zero no both of these are Mech chal of greed is really really good in general as an item but I don't want to be unable to read label doors until I have the ability to somehow get rid of the curse so that's a very big gamble I'm not really willing to take cuz it's going to make us lose control over what I'm doing let's go let's go maybe a mistake on my end let's see how much damage we do with this chaotic wreckage this thing is dying most of the time pretty fast whoo okay it seems like things do not despawn between rooms and we destroy this guy in seconds off into the secret room we go I mean this is not a secret room it's just straight up the devil deal and we can either go with festive gift 20% points for every enemy killed with this oneand so every time you kill an enemy it shoots a projectile the that's why FES of gifts really really good cool down and fire interval actually the Cool's better than the fire interval which is really good because we only are using one spell this is summoning thing we don't take summoning thing we just take this I don't need to think about that that much but I'm not going to use it either because I need to build this up to use it I guess I could do one 2 3 4 and use it oh this shoots very fast oh yeah here we go for sure and let's go it's a split shot so this becomes a lot more expensive but it's better and let's go with [Music] um I guess man that doesn't make sense electric might as well have this first have that second this always stays last let's see what we get in Devil dealing a sh or wit shop always a side shop no 25 chance to replicate a spell that's definite yes but feeling a boss guaranteed to have this room no let's go here and there is no reason to guarantee this room anyway and the other guarantee is also not really needed let's go 84 life is enough I do let's see what the spell is going to look like now or at least what the fight's going to look like now for money okay okay that does look crazy and I love it I'm all here for it the shotgun Armada build nice you thought you're going to survive but nope I got controlling boomerangs I got controllable boomerangs my boy whoop these controllable boomerangs have gone to the other side they are Traders I got hit by my own boomerangs five got hit for 10 damage I still have a chance to heal anyway so that's irrelevant off we go like should have gone with the curse by the way at this point I have gotten enough to guarantee that we could have just you know we were forced into rooms anyway so not being able to see is irrelevant and we won I do have Mana issues I do definitely have Mana issues but the shotgun is helping us out we found the Chalice so not getting the Cur is obviously the choice we take the Chalice for sure wow unbelievable and oh I need to Focus here I can't really talk while doing this okay it's this one very easy this was a very easy R today and we got the Relic spell cast simultaneously will be having electricity between them now that I know that I have this I think I should rotate back to my previous weapon because now I can uh what would this look like I want to see the splits here I want to see this an action let's see this is electricity a thing I'm not seeing the electricity I mean I guess it is a thing but it's not visible what it look like in the boomerangs no it's not really visible oh it is visible I guess sometimes let's try this just to see how it's going to go money for sure so this supposed to be doing a lot of damage who boomerangs oh who whoa whoa we're completely countered by this guy stop doing that nice got him yeah electricity is really weird oh we push the whoa the Exploder boy doesn't care if you push him down or not he's going to still destroy you the Boomer the reflector boys are very dangerous what are you talking about super dangerous super dangerous opponents okay got him very nice and I guess we're going to have to fight even more of these who laser boys these are also super dangerous but we got them oh this is a very hard fight today that we're fighting on normal mode by the way on normal mode I do enjoy electricity what is this Hydro blood heal some health I'm going to still keep that in case we get either a relic that says you get more potions or any type of deal that makes sense here you know what I'm going to rotate back to what we used to have I don't think lri is that much worth it uh let's go with super tracking shots actually no I was over here like that right yeah something like this let's rotate like that yeah that's what we're going to go with let's go relics as I said nope opponent's toast very nice boomerangs all over the place I have to say I really like the boomerangs and I also really like the tracking of the tracking shots that we're using zigzag everything I avoided everything L is with us I just got a five coiner right there nice let's destroy those boys that just pop from the ground that don't even do anything to be honest shotgun them to the face it's going to be good against bosses if it could even work against bosses Oh I thought the room was over my bad AOE that's good for the sword and pretty much everything two Mana region is Godlike as always so I would say we go with a two Mana region this is good for what I want to build but this is good for everything let's go relex obviously here I would like to just stick to the corner and just destroy these guys through the walls with my boom ranks cuz honestly these guys are not for us these guys pull us in they're like Melee damage opponents right now they're not really pulling us in though which is good the boomerangs can attack through walls anyway so there is no risk there is no reason to even risk whatsoever I'm seeing the sword seeing the blades on the ground and we won nope we didn't win and now we're fighting ghosts and in general ghosts are pretty durable Who and the good thing is that theoretically we should have some coverage on the ghost as we can attack them with the boomerangs and also having controllable shots is also helping with the ghost a lot okay 4% chance to heal or money's power or more Mana region we're going to obviously go with more Mana region four Mana region that is that's really really good let's continue going on and we even found more money and more spells man at this point the curse that said you can't see where you're going would literally do no downside although in the same vein wow in the same vein it doesn't matter because I did get the Relic and that gives us money anyway so yeah I would like to maintain more than 180 Co stay away from me that stupid thing has killed so many runs you guys have no idea that explode on death thing you have no idea how many runs I I mean you have no idea it's about I would say three to four RS have died from that I P it alone let's see what we get oh we got the money's power 34 damage right now that's been a long time since I played the money's power build rainbow is also thing I've never played before by the way Max Mana or hover uh I guess rainbow and Max Mana I mean hover is whatever do I have a hover I don't have a hover I just want to get things I already have so I can combine them before I even do anything but I didn't let's go on uh shopping is what I would say I still want Keys we only have one let's buy this and we also want spells I found a double cast which I want to take because I already have a double cast what is this bonat book wet spells randomly died this is really this is in general a really good book it's not a book though you know a really good wand is what I'm trying to say although I believe that getting wands that give you passives is better than getting wands just give you our good let's roll them this is a no and I found my third I found my three double shot so I can combine them now let's also get a key 64 coins is nice AOE is really something I want if I can get the sword that I want this is a decent build oh this is a really good one actually less Mana cost it's a five SP it's a six spotter though and even this one is a six bar um theoretically this is a really good wand R though Warlock Satchel yeah let's just get some stuff who cares and we find the all wands get AOE so let's throw this oneand out or everything gets AOE now and now we have more AOE pretty much that's the main thing we do here oh man these blades I love it I love the blades how we have them going on in general I enjoy what you've built here and let's actually keep things that I want to keep in down below this is a roll time no all of these are rollable this is also rollable these definitely stay yeah these are the things that will stay these are the things that are going to get rolled and I want money and there is a key here which I didn't see did I literally buy the whole shop yeah I did buy the whole shop nice let's go I got a coin uh this here should theoretically be an issue um there is no theoretical this this should be an issue stop attacking for a moment uhoh whoa and it's Bo ah boomerangs let's go against the boss and now we're going to get destroyed I'm not going to be able to avoid these oh I'm trying my best and we got him before he destroyed us nice heal a little bit off two God spells give us something awesome spell breaker that's the build I want to build so we're going to take spell breaker the sword build and thunderstorm plus to roll it into either damage or anything else I want to roll that obviously so uh what I want to do is well right now I can just do this which is going to be wherever this goes it's going to slash over boomerangs uh or otherwise I can also still stick to boomerangs and then when they come to us I will start slashing Well for now we're going to go with the bullets slash either way I could also do something like this oh this this looks so cool but it's so expensive with spell breaker for now so in case you don't know this sword says that it does more damage based on it hases more AOE based on how much damage it does wait a minute 27 Mana region wait wait I could do something like this what would that look like double tripled it's just one one more AOE Mana region Mana region AOE I could try this how much damage does it do 42 42 damage is a sizable amount does this work by the way no it doesn't yeah I do enjoy this the sword slash YOLO play and the other build can stay as is so we have both of these in case I need to transition over to another build how does electricity look on this it doesn't look on this I think we're good on with this what I'm doing I can get some Thunder strikes but I don't really need them yeah let's let's go let's go I want to do this big swords build yep I do get the slashes fast what is this boom boom nope W we're super powerful and these guys don't even spawn anything yeah these opponents literally are unable to spawn anything because I eat the bullets because my sword eats bullets the swords destroy the bullets in the air so literally having a double slash it just burns everything perfect perfect this is this is happening this is happening uh I would say we go with rerolls because that's literally what I'm trying to create here so let's go rolls whenever I have the choice to do so yeah we have so many things I need to get away or do I just spend money by doing this I I should try to keep as much money as I can I'm making a couple of mistakes here and there with what I'm choosing to do let's combine those so that's now five three shots yep that's not three swords not that that's helping that much but whatever uh let's roll whatever into any of the things we already have we're going to keep that so we can roll it into another thing R this damage is always a yes R Mana uh what is this no loopy shots I don't care about that oh we got our Boomerang let's roll this into a higher version of something I want yes AOE um arcan explosions I have two of them I also have two Duets also have two boomerangs two Thunder of course a lot of twos o this is a lot better yeah I'm thinking about the fact that I want to I don't think duet matters I'm not going to use duet anymore the fact fact of the matter is we're not going to use do anymore so and neither Boomerang I'm going full on sword build uh the sword build is coming together let's start rolling rares that I didn't care about away like this thing this might become the spell breaker that I actually want left this right no uh not really no four more slots I want to see what this looks like okay I mean the less damage is pretty bad but I mean look at this how I'm thinking about this this right now is 41 damage if I do this it's 33 but if I do this it's 40 so this is good because this allows us to put these things in the build the spell damage and I can have two spell damage UPS which which right now I don't have you know what I can actually test this I I it used to be 43 right 41 41 so with this with this it's 40 and this 48 so this is actually good this expansion zone is good final damage 8% yeah it makes it a lot worse but it gives us room to actually put damage inside anyway and AOE for that matter that's good that's really good now the question is you know what I'm going to keep everything I have we no Russian spending our money although we're already spend a bunch of money this is super cool man I love it I guess eeko should be rolled oh look at this man huge sword it also does a bunch of damage I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it we're we're slowly getting there I mean might as well put the Thunder core on this at this point yeah might as well let's go bye-bye you guys who look at this I go into room and everything dies boom boom boom bye bye bye look at all these fight SP is going away they're going extinct man they're going extinct and we're still not there yet we're still not there yet I have Mana issues by the way he tries to shoot at us what do you think we doing you cast from afar definitely know missing Health gives you damage maybe body size less recoil more max HP does body size help us in any way shape or form I would say missing life gives you damage I don't know let's lose life here to get a chest the chest gave us a chance to decrease or increase I'm going to still keep these in case I get the Relic uh specifically The Relic that says that you know the AE explosion with the lightning is insanely huge I love that okay The Relic that says that you get Max health and Max Mana every time you drink a potion these guys are spawning stuff but as you can see we easily just delete them a rare that I would like to roll and another I to roll let's get rares and we want to roll RAR so I can get spell breaker upgraded can I test this thing here o slash cool design completely irrelevant to what I'm trying to do though I want to be like boom and everything dies a shop is useless without money so let's go money whoo almost died there man these Exploder boys as I said super dangerous super dangerous and you can literally not do anything up against them want to make my sword bigger uh we found spells I'm going to go spells as I said we are going to do we don't need to always follow the exact same thing I still believe that getting relics is the best but based on what build you want to do which in this specific instance my build is I want to get a bunch of random stuff uh actually I want to get a bunch of these um enhanced damages and enhanced ranges that's what I want to do with this one another expansion Stone nice I'm going to take that for sure and uh I guess I'm going to go energy SA or it's irrelevant what other one's going to be as I don't even have anything for it so can I actually have another expansion Stone on this is that a thingo now my damage is 40 otherwise my damage is 53 yeah this is super cool man the stones are very very good I will continue decreasing my strength but I will still also continue increasing my strength so it's a potato potato game let's go here money obviously strength is very important because that's the size of the swords I didn't even read that by the way here you can read it at the very it's kind of the editor is going to line it up eliminate most no no not that one uh size is related to damage the final line there let's get those maybe I should even pick these up maybe I should first open this thing up we have enough Keys though let's see what we're going to get and I got curses give you damage unable to see the unable to see your own stats no I do enjoy that and resources no ter chance the dead will return into souls and player for 6 seconds no no I don't care about any of those two so we wasted the key for nothing let's go even more money especially with the Relic that g US money if you have money about you Hey look it's opponents and they're gone and look its opponents and they're gone nice it's like we just go in and slash everything to death my name is cloud or berserk I don't know I haven't seen berserk yet uh this is the this is the teleporter room from Pokemon okay bottom right bottom right bottom right bottom right bottom left no boom boom boom boom Who ah boom boom boom boom and bottom right no boom boom boom boom bottom right no I'm saying bottom right I'm just choosing something and we got lightning Dash ooh lightning dash level up actually wait a minute upon completion trigger an explosion that dispels most spells of 2.5 effect radius you know what I want to do with this you go here nice and you go here let's see this boom go boom I love it uh let's say we is needed more this is needed boom oh this last a while okay very cool completely useless very cool though uh let's throw this out I mean it's it's not completely useless because it's a rare one that's going to get rolled into my spell breaker leveled up uh what was I copying previously you know what I I think it was damage if it wasn't damage it's damag now and uh Mana region is back this is not something I'm using yeah I don't care about it we're playing with his roid let's fight the boss which should be the cloud and the laser beam thing far as I know as far as I remember that should be it yeah it's a cage let's actually see how much this does this is a sizable damage here that we're getting and then this oh this is so much more sexy who boom boom boom got him boom got him love it love it love it love it MP region Health whatnot no I'm still sticking to we're going to drink them when needed slash slash slash he's going to do the balls yes we go back to bullets and then we go back to slashing and we're going to wait bullet him down let's go back to slashing and I think I perfected the boss unless I'm going to get it exactly this moment and I almost got but I didn't easy enough and I also had a of 10 which as far as I know it actually helps you with not losing the perfect here before I open this up the first thing I'm going to do is we're going to switch to this one which is never going to change we're going to switch to this one see what we get I can get crazy crit rate which is really good for us a huge thing or a mimic tube Shape Shifter this is a huge cool which is really bad for us full solver is completely useless for us we're going to go scatter is good for us actually ales folded sword is good scatter for the swords means more range it does a bigger cycle so this is super super good for us% crit chance is also good the thing is huge is also good we're taking this uh and now we're going to just straight up transfer everything over to that so we're going to go boom boom wait a minute I want to see this so this thing has a scatter of 150 and as you see it ends it's be in a corner so let's be like in a corner here so it's very visible no it's not visible it ends almost exactly where I am right so let's transition these over which by the way I don't even need to transition the the stone over but I will transition it right now so I can see the different the same size click yeah now it goes maybe smidge behind us so this has 57 damage if I remove the stone right now as I'm not using it 71 which makes it a smidge bigger once again we don't really have anything to put in here to make it more valuable so let's just go you guys can go down here and these are all useless as we said so this is the main build as of the this moment uh the sword is a bit slower but it's okay there isn't anything to put in there which is also okay uh let's go once again I could do duet with this just to be clear I want to showcase this I could do you know sword throws but I don't want to do that I want to be a clean sword buil clean as as it goes nice Mana region Mana region might be the one useless thing yeah I think we're good here let's have it like that these stones are going to go there at some point these are also going to all leave yeah let's go and the curses are your Airborne forever you can unlock everything but you I already have four keys or uh you always find these I mean theoretically airor forever is cool but n whatever let's go the next area doesn't even have that many traps I got five coins this is going to be a very fast run are we recording yes we are nice nice nice nice and let's go relics force on us boom oh these guys survived okay nice this the slow sword slash is is pretty bad but it's okay we might find a better I mean I don't even need to find a better uh wand I just want to find I don't know uh first of all one of the solutions could be the thing that says your cool Down's better there is a thing that does that he what is this immune to spikes on the ground and Venom eh ah chance to generate the shield eh gain a point temporary when you kill enemies maybe maybe a bit of healing all of these are whatever let's go here there are four CH it's unbelievable that I just found three chests in this room and I'm instantly about to throw away all my money what is this deal damage when you get damaged chance to generate Shield I'm about to throw away my keys not my money and uh vicious Crystal plus unlock unbelievable that that just happened uh let's drink the permanent stat gain I always get the start gain and now we have unlock everything let's go into shop I would say uh I'm going to buy one key and we're going to try to find I think with two keys and the potion we're okay that's pretty much three keys until the end of the game would like to find more slashes there are there is a double rare shop here so that's nice and I can also check the storage wand over here which is useless it has four rares though for rerolling but 70 coins for four rares is just a no AR explosions a yes though because I can instantly combine them so that's done I just com B AR can explosion easy enough might as well hide these down here so we don't rule them by mistake let's see what we find dormant Whispers uh when you kill something it does damage yeah we know that I mean I definitely prefer the 40% crit chance that's nice crit chance and if you hit an opponent it splits but no I won't find my sword good Mana region and things I don't care about on the mimic what is this source of fall plages um this just has a bunch of Mana Reon what's the point here I guess the idea is that it has so much Mana that you can summon a Godlike summon and it also gives you two summon Buffs this is what no uh definitely go with being able to mimic Buffs we already are using on the same dment with for twice double key for cheap is nice I don't care about Echo and I also don't care about this and we didn't really find anything of value rainbow electric net not really I could take this for the charging node level up I don't think it's worth it though let's keep the money for roll strength and these are both useless uh let's definitely copy another damage up with the mimic which is where here it is actually what's the AOE difference here it's uh let's have some kind of I'm between these two yeah I'm stuck here and it goes up to up to the end of the screen right about here up to the end of the screen let's say so if instead of copying damage instead of of range copy damage almost the same thing but I also got the damage so we're going to go with this oh we found a locked key I have four keys so we're done with [Music] keys I really hope we're going to have enough money for the rest of the game to be able to use everything I I I don't think we're doing lot enough damage by the way I want to get more of those plus damage arrows W oh this is not blockable okay we found something new good thing I killed enough opponents to get the shielding there nice I got the rolls of spells that's where we're going to definitely go to when HP is below 25 start healing useless uh all damage up but all damage received up unable to see your own stats and resour oh come on man I'm going to go here 100% damage up and damage received up I take this and we are literally blind it is what it is it is what it is can I see what my weapons do though yeah I can that's what I care about so this should make my sword huge right because I just got hson damage up it did money is incoming uh let's combo things that we can combo which specifically is the Arcane explosion nice let's re the Aran explosion specifically because that's going to be something I care about nope nope nope nope oh no Ah that's okay actually nope nope Mana region yeah might as well do a switch on that one what happened did they just roll both of my bullets where's my second bullet it became penetration what I guess I re both I don't know uh Duets are here I would like to roll this into a sword actually the sword slash I'm already using nope nope electricity was good but uh now are you serious nope okay I guess do I have the sword slash twice I have it only one time which makes it pretty bad let's roll this into any of the 50,000 we found the coolon thing I might have wanted is all other stuff nope nope H chance to cast spells I don't care about that that much in general it's good but and I'm out of money okay so coolon could go in here penetration is useless if I got cool on in here just attacks faster which isn't really that useful because we have Mana issues anyway I can see the Mana on the sword by the way is it I don't think we do have man issues so right now I'm at 1 th000 damage if I do this talking about DPS specifically yeah electricity seems to be guaranteed um I don't think it's more damage though yeah this doesn't feel more it feels less so we're going to go back to consistency and we still have a bunch of Buffs over here I think we're good to go we still have so many things that we need to roll away uh also I need to find more of these damage UPS yeah we need so much money let's go I don't even know I mean we're out of money by the way so that's already an issue and we want spells UPS or damage UPS unlock everything in the room okay I mean we have enough keys for the rest of the game so that's a useless potion other potions we have heal us mge Mana region Forever Wait what is this double the amount of keys okay we're going to man region forever and we're going to also go double the keys right now I just got three keys so we have six and we got spells that's nice what are these how for how often do we will we have these around us and we got the anti- curse which I'm going to instantly drink boom nice and just like that we have my stats back look how many things we have around us by the way we found a volley which is useless a Venom which is useless I don't have a pillar to copy let's get whatever to whatever to let's go here we have enough what is this oh a Dodge for 25 seconds or something yeah that's going to be a very easy room not not sure if you can see why why it's going to be an easy room but room but room but okay let's hope we're going to find the sword times two I like what we're doing uh maybe getting the thing that says that when the spell ends It cast the spell again around you that might be really fitting okay tracking enhanced a lot of tracking today a lot of tracking off we go to the next one 112 damage is a sizable good thing is that these guys that are supposed to split anything that has to do with split or explode on death on anything that has to do with on death just gets completely countered because of us slashing with five swords crit chance up that's very good I don't care about the rest no crit chance up combine spells 37 coins isn't that much but still let's continue trying this forcing this so we don't really have anything to combine but I can now roll the tracking as that's useless for us we might find the sword I'm already using nope no well we had that previously nope nope ah crits are better let's go with crits are better oh yeah that's a sizable increase in damage yeah but that's only an increase damage because of the split crit thing that the the way it works is why it makes it better not that it's actually better on the spell breaker plus very nice so this is base damage 39 this is base damage 78 and this has scatter 180 yeah reverse recoil size is Rel to damage yeah that's going to be a lot better 220 W this is huge nice next thing to get I would say we want more of the enhanced damage and the enhanced range so let's start rolling random trash stuff into that this is a comma that could instantly roll into one of those so let's do that I'm running out of money by the way nope NOP nope nope nope and we're out of money off we go is there anything we want I don't think we there is anything we want I think we should just go on we can't really combine anything either unless I'm wrong about that but I don't think I am yeah nope let's go on close this hey boss now that's going well are you going to do anything I don't see you doing anything boss is gone easy enough we're pretty busted man let's see what we get nice this is a rare plus so it's going to roll into what I want and this is a common plus so might as well take that too although the crits could be good but I don't think so so this is useless specifically for us right now but you know what I would like to see the boomerangs with that I don't have enough money to go there again let's go spells uh and just because I mentioned it might as well try this for a moment oh this looks super cool okay I would like to not control this actually H do the boomerangs I don't think they do it I lost a lot of play for no reason are they forced no no they still come back to us yeah if if the boomerangs come back to us there is no reason for us to have these trackon shots on the boomerang nice buy let's see if I can get even more slashes nope Goose snake no I'm going to get the rare obviously and whatever on the rest and out of room uh let's just put things wherever doesn't really matter we have so much room here because of those gemstones and I still haven't really F damage just to be clear I I am aware that I can use the stones on my thing but I don't think there is a reason to do that because once again this does more AOE with more damage and if I put the stone there it's going to make it smaller uh yeah here fact of the matter is Showcase this uh what does the speed do I mean I could just throw more things in now though pris is useless right yeah this is useless I can make opponents get slowed yeah this is not worse I'm still doing insane damage what would this look like sing singing singinging yeah this is better but we're out of Mana but I'm so I'm going to stick to one big one or I could do volley which makes things cheaper and do dual cast on this thing boom this is a lot more by the way this like double attack yeah this is a lot more damage so we're going to stick to this now right now I'm shooting both of these at the same time let's go money boom boom yeah that's actually a lot better yeah let's actually invest let's actually go into using those stones man those stones are very powerful because you can just get more slots and more slots means more passives and some passives don't even cost you Mana or anything some passives are just like more AOE more attack speed more uh crafting we're going to definitely go in there too uh you know what there are two things so might as well unlock them both I cannot heal for a while but I will get Max Mana okay this is I need to focus boom boom boom boom boom bo boom over there and then this okay boom boom boom boom then over there and then I think like this no it was here ah let me actually not talk and just do this I guess editor is going to splice this in got it okay we got black holes which you can see black ho this is insanely huge I love it we're sticking to the obviously with the sword slashes because that's the build H I do have money for this but I think we're going to go money so we build up a little bit more economy and then we can go back to that there is no reason to avoid money like money is the most important thing I don't even have enough money right now to even be able to do that yeah that's not going to survive right like I think it's better to go for money when I have the chance enemies cannot detect you until you launch an attack Relic time we're going to definitely find more Combos and also let's not forget that we still have the Relic that says the more money we have the more money we gain when we enter a new room by you guys what was that green thing seed of greed wait what is seed of greed blocking from what am I healing What's Happening Here what are these plus ones I'm getting oh the life steal the life steel seed of greed is building up from the life steel we have I remember petrify yourself and become immune to everything yeah pretty useless five P oneing floor 20 Max Health 11 chance to 20 Max Mana 11 chance to let's go 11 chance to let's go Max Mana I don't know both irrelevant shop I don't care about it that much let's go spells get the money first spells is what I want anyway and the shop is still going to sell spells but I need my money to buy whoa whoa whoa I got damaged very heavily there I need my money to buy rolls to use it on rolls nice that's a rare again and the rest are useless but I have two of these so I might be able to combine them continue with spells continue with spells I'm not sure if you can get a leveled up spell seed of greed is super duper farming itself up where is this thing 42 out of 50 wa I really hate those spawning below you tracking do I have enough of these to combo them it's closing in might as well do a guardian you know what let's go here might as well have the shooting why not and U is there a reason to change anything here I don't think so it's going to be tracking shooting on its own it's going to do whatever it wants let's go money for sure we have boomerangs now flying out let's lose some ah there was no reason for me to lose that life either R immunity to Venom let's drink this right away immunity to venom and poison everything I can't control my character isn't this something awesome roll all spells in your backpack Godlike the most Godlike I I was correct about isn't this awesome it is actually awesome I really believe this is one of the best things that is out there let's get this and use it honestly although I'm going to get even more spells in the moment we're going to use in the moment let's heal an random amount and let's not by mistake drink this so let's have the petrify potion so the idea is well for now we're going to get more spells and we're going to roll a lot of them at the same time that's what the idea is instant death there instant death here too is this the final boss no no that's the final boss no oh super disappointed increase movement speed forever might as well super disappointed super disappointed that I'm not going to have another chance to use anything another rare and a passive yeah what is this oh we don't have room that's what that is okay so I will do the rerolls first of all I got the chance to shoot so that goes down here and we literally got another build that I can create uh which is going to be maybe this is useless I guess duet yeah duet that shoots out bullets that I can use and then it becomes this is so stupid no I guess just build up toets is there anything up here I care I I really care about this is what I care about okay so this is not I guess this could combine Noe I don't care about anything else let's roll this then and these stay as they are yeah let's roll everything in the backpack just to see what we would have could have gotten oh look at this I got my two multi shots lined up and ready I got poison so that's nice I got I got a bunch of Guardian Spirits already so this is useless Guardian spirit and another Guardian Spirit nice so what would I like these to do I guess this can multishot I can yeah I think we're good with this line up here man I didn't really get anything that would fit in this build which is very unlucky I didn't roll a single AOE I didn't roll a single damage or anything of that matter uh yeah let's go Max mana on this I guess poison Boomerang is what I would like here to have yeah let's go with this one being the good one tracking poison boomerangs with Mana regen and uh slows down the opponents that is even not the thing that I have uh and they're fast I don't know then we can have duet here with butterflies also I don't know and then we also have walls that uh when they set up the Electrify opponents once again I don't know and even we can have more of them and the same goes with this one we can have more of these so all of these are going to be shooting all over the place while I'm going to be doing my slash attacks let's go fight the boss Go destroy them with my pet Armada here Cloud Strife let's go oh the boss is getting e and deleted very fast and we are already at the base two yep I look at all the butterflies running towards the boss oh I should have had the movement speed on the butterflies oh it is on the butterflies no it's not ah doesn't matter doesn't matter this guy has a million butterflies on his feet let's go again my slashes are very slow and methodical I would say who trying to get my first Stacks leveled up let's go over here on the left side almost got cursed but I didn't and we won easy enough rotate away from the curses continue rotating away from the curses just because of principal and the C become normal shots and when they become normal shots they just despawn nice uh enemies cannot detect you yeah whatever let's also take this and another three blood and now I have 22 blood reason I played normal mode is because I wanted to get more meta progression specifically more red stuff because the purple stuff you get on hard mode easier but the purple the this one the red one which unlocks new classes and more specifically the Summoner class which I would like to play um you need those and uh yeah I think that's going to be it tomorrow I will try to do summoning class without having the summoning class unlocked if we're lucky enough and then after that I don't know what we're going to do let's definitely go Max Mana we're done with most of these we're only missing Max starting Max Health which if I have shown anything it's irrelevant and then backpack size is pretty relevant for that one potion we use but otherwise it's also relevant you have enough room to just have everything all over the place um I could unlock these but once again we really have them anyway so that's irrelevant too man I want this game to launch look how many more things there are I can only this game is literally the amount of its spells literally like if if the spell list wasn't this and was doubled or tripled it would have made a huge difference it has a long time since I got the pyrro cor by the way anyway hope you guys enjoyed I think py cor doesn't even exist here does wow wait what no it it doesn't hear this so yeah hope you guys enjoyed as always thanks for watching and see you guys around s
Channel: Sifd
Views: 31,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Action, classes, Guide, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Vampire Survivors, survivors, rogue like, Magicraft gameplay, Magicraft playthrough, Magicraft guide, survivor, survival game, bullet heaven, bullet hell, Magicraftbullet hell, Magicraft roguelike, Magicraft win, dungeon explorer, bullet hell roguelike, dungeon roguelike, guneon, binding of isaac, enter the gungeon, Binding of isaac
Id: HOrSlgZSup0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 1sec (3241 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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