Roast Battle #2 | Jamar Neighbors + Frank Castillo

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ladies and gentlemen this is the world famous hello [Applause] what up y'all judges happy birthday Moses happy birthday bro [Applause] black people live in another year yeah yeah I hate this bitch Jamar you do it every time we do Roosevelt it's only funny to me I don't know why it's not my birthday these people go oh my God everybody was showing like bitches on my birthday Frank how you feeling tonight amazing this crowd's phenomenal I'm excited for these fucking battles so stoked to be in Austin sorry that was pretty much about it that's your dating profile I like hikes I like long walks on the beach near uh ladybird Lake by myself you know uh in the commissioner commissioner you booked all these battles tonight who uh what should we expect tonight uh Carnage Bloodbath uh I mean people are coming from all over we have a roast the roast battle league has six cities in America we have Battlers coming out from La the Bay Area Chicago Denver and New York and Austin of course they're all going to be represented tonight and they're all out for fucking blood I can't wait let's do this hell yeah let's fucking do this all right this first match coming to the stage both guys are in San Francisco let's meet him from San Francisco keep it going for Logan Park yeah shit uh we love Logan here at the Roosevelt he's a veteran he's disabled [Laughter] his legs they're just ashy Jamar don't worry about that oh it's a black ass legs Logan how did this happen do you want to tell the people at home what happened to you how do I got this Rose battle or how I lost my legs yeah how you lost your virginity yeah I got hit by a train on my 21st birthday yeah don't worry guys I was five eight when it happened [Music] you think girls talk to guys under six feet and now he's Lieutenant damn hey oh my God all right let's meet your opponent folks uh just met this cat great mullet make a laugh we're kind of lost oh yeah yes yes yes yes yes yes Connor welcome to the show thank you good to have you from San Francisco as well Oakland oh shit they make niggas like you and Oakland shit yeah there's actually a lot of them really yeah oh shit the Clan's coming to Oakland all right uh actually I got hit by a trained too and I woke up with this haircut I love it do you know anything about Logan 's friends uh acquaintances we met a few times all right whatever he's actually from Sacramento I don't know why he says San Francisco I didn't say shit I just didn't I did I just said guys your whole fucking your whole region is homeless shut up unhoused thank you oh anyway it's one round it's five jokes gentlemen who's going first all right fine all right physically handicapped socially handicapped who's ready [Applause] all right uh you know I didn't want to go after the obvious but you you got to address the elephant in the room because we're all thinking it right I mean look at this what a fag OT keep it going for Eastbound and Down syndrome [Applause] Connor you're dressed like every mannequin in a bait shop if you're going for a trailer park dike you got it Logan doesn't let his disability stop him from achieving his dreams you know he lets his shitty comedy do that [Laughter] the only reason Connor grew out his mullet is to hide his girlfriend's handprint in the back of his neck you know that's date rape in the front and just raping the back every time I battle people always got to call me a rapist man I don't know it's the mustache dude Logan hates black people so much yeah I I think he he got his he cut his feet off on purpose just to show he was like oh it's not so bad what they did to runaway slaves and and he used an above ground railroad to do it he's right Connor is a drummer and his girlfriend is an illegal immigrant so unlike a lot of white people you know you can keep a beat in his fucking mouth shut [Laughter] Logan you're the only Republican that can't pull himself up by his own bootstraps Connor works in the mail room because he thought he'd be handling Mail Packages he wears that fanny pack because he wants it he wants his Fanny packed ain't nothing wrong with that Logan has a phantom limb syndrome you know sometimes late at night when he's lying in bed he can still feel his feet curb stomping that black kid hahaha that was a nice one Billy raped Cyrus [Applause] thank you fat Walsh the only time Connor eats pussy is a trans woman's some of you got it and that's how it is folks keep it going where the fish Logan Farr Connor London and before I go to the judges here the the audience should know this uh we had a guy drop out uh who looks just like Connor but uh these guys had two days to write these jokes so make it loud for how good that was for two days of work yeah well done 48 hours we we couldn't find anyone to fill his shoes oh all right man that's kind of below the knee all right this was an interesting battle I'm gonna start with Frank actually it was an interesting battle it was like Conor kind of turned it around when he started calling Logan racist it really got good for it I mean you know he knows his Austin audience so it was uh no it was it was interesting because I thought Logan had it pretty much all the way because it felt like Connor was like slowly building up to it and then you hit him with like two solid ones uh and I feel like that really changed momentum but every time you hit him with a hard one Logan kind of had these really funny um you know just like little like quick little tidbits that really I think changed momentum back uh you kind of hit him a lot about being racist and I just couldn't believe the premise because clearly he's half black so it's like you know um but it's not half Frank that's he's three-fifths anyway um yeah I I I liked Connor uh but I think Logan just took it out for me uh over the course we just had more hits and he was just from top to bottom he had stuff in the beginning in the end but uh top to bottom doctor and Connor had solid hits but I think Logan should beat him out all right one for Logan battle is phenomenal wouldn't you guys agree [Applause] it was good they both look like Newport cigarette models specific the saddest part about Logan's legs is that he can't get tattoos so he put stickers on them that shit does not work dumb you might as well take the legs off I'll give you one later oh my God I'll give you one later he look he looked like if the Incredible Hulk uh transformed and his shorts ripped and his legs did too like Fox I done angered out my legs and uh he looks like the first gay porn star ever uh Connor I think I mean shit I mean the guy the guy over there Connor he's he's good or whatever I mean um I feel like you were mad at me no no I wasn't mad at you I know I'm not the black guy in those jokes oh hey my nigga what up boy oh shit there's niggas here yeah there's one I don't know man I'm gonna give it to uh I'm gonna give it to legs on originality because he kept on hitting the same points and shit like that it's two two races jokes and shit like that so I'm gonna give it to legs over here man okay okay but I still love you black legs matter hell yeah and uh take us home don't let Jamar fool you he was mad about that slave joke I know because I started laughing and then I panned over and I was like nah I don't fuck I don't fuck with that joke man shouldn't say that shit that's rude it's disrespectful I mean this was this was a great battle especially on two days notice this looks like the last page of grinder when you get all the way to the end Logan I love your whole vibe you got the voice of Oscar the Grouch and the body of Oscar Pistorius I'm gonna lock you in the bathroom later I can't believe people remember who that is fuck yeah thank God he killed that lady huh that reference would not have held up I thought you guys were were crushing back and forth uh uh Connor actually loved your open where you build it up with the uh I'll say what we're all thinking and then you just called him a fag that was that was clever um that's what we were all thinking I mean you may yeah for sure you made it work um and then I thought it was really close and that bootstraps joke was just so fucking good man it was unbelievable Logan I I hate to see you get defeated twice in your life and defeat it but yeah come on y'all slow now I mean I I don't know what to say at the end Connor was just like a runaway train and I think he gotcha Patrick well keep it up your first one tonight Mr Logan Paul [Applause] Austin versus New York [Music] let's bring up your hometown hero first make a laugh Mr Jack Timmons what up JT that one hell yeah yeah so why what the fuck is going on why are they laughing at you right now probably because I'm strong as hell I don't know that better be why hell yeah all right uh Jack it's good to meet you um should we know anything about you strong thing I think I covered that all right let's meet your opponent uh he's tall he's great make love for JP McDade yes [Music] everybody all right Jake I thought sorry I got these fucking allergies you're allergic to white people say it that's why I'm over here shit uh JP welcome this is your second time in uh on this show feeling blessed you are what is this fucking Mac versus PC Jesus Christ no you guys look at your both about to commit like white-collar crime no what in the Pokemon Evolution's going on here all right JP do you know anything about Jack here just a little bit just uh been been stalking him online get him know him he's a strong little boy yeah I am hell yeah I am powerful haunches on the kid all right man let's just do this that's one round five jokes New York Austin who wants to go first I'll go first damn right we ready cool are we ready [Applause] [Music] thank you so much uh Jack's girlfriend is deaf Jack's girlfriend is deaf that's because she was standing right next to him when he found out we're getting another season of Rick and Morty yeah she's deaf definitely real foreign you guys can't see it he's actually wearing lifts and the doctor told me I was actually supposed to be JP's height but uh his stupid fat mom broke a growth plate in my back I don't know why I added a stupid part that cup thank you freelance barbershop quartet singer yeah yeah Jack uh Jack does very little comedy he performs every night he's just very little while he does it yeah all right I need all my fucking vegetables JP JP is very tall obviously and uh a lot of the problems that come with that are in public he can't use public restrooms very well like going into the stall he has to duck so the women don't see him in there Jack is carrying on his family's Legacy in sports his dad used to be a Major League umpire Jack works part-time at Lululemon I do the only thing the only thing they have in common is a mutual enthusiasm for ejecting Hispanic people yeah yeah stop bringing counterfeit bills in there I don't know what to tell you what do you want uh JP is an alcoholic he uh at least that's what he told me when I walked in on him putting that Corona bottle in his ass I said JP buy it just get out of the Whole Foods it gets in your bloodstream faster thank you tertiary character from a movie about Enron Jack is five foot seven I'm six foot seven but somehow our hairlines are at the same altitude I have a minute to tell you someone turned that flashing light off on the top of your head you tall prick oh the airplane thing didn't work whatever uh not a lot of people know this JP is not one man he's actually two gay guys on each other's shoulders you can tell because his feet are actually backwards right now my pronoun is we [Laughter] [Applause] oh fuck that's good like I said Jack's girlfriend is deaf their relationship works because after sex she can't hear him say gee whiz [Laughter] bro I'm about to fucking climb your ass right now JP hey what's JP stand for giant fagot with a J and a pH d [Music] that was my favorite one that's fucking wordplay right there dude that was fucking that's what it's all about all right well that was it yeah all right guys keep it going project Tim is from Austin and JP mcday from New York you really just want to say giant fagot all right yeah it was fun with a J and a PA oh yes it's clever to a fifth grader all right uh they can't say that that's fine that's a good point uh Frank could you like hear the koala bear or the bamboo tree oh man this one I mean a McDade all the way dog come on baby you had it I mean you every little thing you just had on it and it was great not that you know I don't love a good uh fagot punchline but we heard it a lot and uh yeah JP you just you had him on the freelance the very little comedy the Lululemon the Rick and Morty like the whole you're making fun of this deaf girlfriend like I love it I mean and you're so tall like you you are what his girlfriend imagines when she fucks Jack you know what I mean our battle looks like you took a picture of the same guy and kind of dragged one of the corners [Laughter] Jesus just make out already what's going on oh no we will um yeah good good job McDade foreign first of all I want to thank H R Block for giving you guys the night off today JP you look like you like you piggyback ride when you guys storm the capital um and and Jack you look like if the two gay dads from Modern Family could conceive naturally wow uh this is at first first of all I just want to say JP as complete of a performance as I've seen in roast battle in a long time it's easy to battle like a nondescript white guy and just call him like racist or rapist a bunch like you really dug deep for the jokes they were all super clever you're a fucking monster well done and Jack this is gonna out me as a total baseball nerd your dad was an Umpire we don't have to do this right now Tim Timmons yeah yeah he blew a call that cost me fifty dollars 13 years ago so fuck you JP all the way all right wow that's the most silly shit I ever heard that makes so much sense because you're built like an Umpire yeah wow wow that was you knew the guys Tim Timmons I know my umpires bro that's 50 I need that 50 bucks with inflation that's like 80 bucks now Jamar I mean yeah cool um yeah yeah give it up for Pinky and her brain here um yeah see he does the voice I told you you think I'm just saying shit okay they both like they're auditioning for Space Jam monsters Bennett um oh my God they do that guy right there uh on the corner he looks like he date rape sex robots by taking one battery out I gotta be honest these are some fucking great jokes you guys are getting out there's so many words in them here getting the whole thing out enunciating it's so good you guys yeah thank you um and um that guy does not look like Tom Brady um uh shut up okay I'm gonna go for the tall one okay cool yes your winner Second Battle of the night baby I love it keep it going that's Jack Simmons Tim Tim and son and that's JP McDade thank you that was a that was a very beautiful Book of Mormon episode yeah all right uh this next battle is exciting a lot of hair in this battle uh this is Denver versus Los Angeles ladies first uh all the way from Los Angeles make it loud for Elise golgowski [Applause] oh yeah oh yeah guys keep it going for at least she's here all right at least have you ever been to Austin your first time I was here before the pandemic for a little bit so it's good to be back it's nice it's still hot look what do you know about your opponent Evan Joe uh he's a white rapper he's a magician he makes me uncomfortable he's a white rapper and a magician yeah yeah you know double threat let's meet this fucking uh whatever uh I don't know what to say about this guy uh he is the Denver champion of Rose battle make life from a man Evan Joe [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo these chicks are high yo you look like weird I'll strangle a bitch yo now you look like You Believe in a Thing Called Love yeah I do all right Evan good to see you it's good to see you Curious George Floyd oh shit it's the second time I've been called George Floyd in this fucking building do niggas just want to kneel in my fucking neck Evan what do you know about Elise here um I know that she's the skinniest girl I've ever seen with two chins [Music] um other than that boring as fuck [Laughter] literally I asked her if there was anything interesting about her life she was like my brother does I.T I don't fucking all right it's true that's a true story all right all right let's fucking let's start this vagina monologue showcase uh it's one round it's five jokes at least Evan who's going first I'd like to go first ladies all right folks let's get into it [Applause] Evan you sentient owl pellet you look like an entire Renaissance Fair manifested into one person wow I mean what can I say about a lease that hasn't already been whispered at a women's swim meet um okay Elise is the kind of gal to chug milk during sex and then finish on the dude's back oh boy good one Carrot Top surgery Evan's dad is in prison but it must be heartbreaking for him though knowing that his crush is out there fucking other dudes but at least now you know where he is what what the fuck bitch I know you stole that from Kung Fu Panda that's oh man no seriously thank you Cinderella um Elise actually used to work at Disney World uh that was until Walt Disney found out and fired her for looking too Jewish [Laughter] I can say that I'm also Jewish looking so cool thank you machine gun smelly you're welcome shilon Musk man yeah I do look like a man that's why I probably get paid more than you it's fine we'll keep it going for Hermione stranger danger you guys it's statutory rape not statutory right uh but seriously Evan looks like he sucks toes because that's because that's the closest he'll ever get to legally sucking baby dicks oh my goodness thank you billery Clinton Elise is a addicted to ketamine but only because her doctor thinks she's a horse that's rich coming from a boy built like a bird scooter so Evans lived on a farm for one year but he's been fucking animals for two he likes his horse come shake and not stirred I'll sell you some come after the show for five dollars bitch thank you she biscuits you're welcome we are Barbie Yankovic thank you manic depression Barbie thank you vanilla lice [Applause] um back in 2015 Elise had skin cancer on her nose fortunately the doctors were able to find it fast enough and save that innocent cancer from her ugly face yeah man that would have been really scathing if it came from a hot person you know boy uh Evan's grandmother actually passed away choking on a pulled pork sandwich he made for her that was the only time Evans ever had his pork in a woman's mouth well coming from a young Jay Leno that doesn't mean much home man oh thank you real housewives of war-torn Ukraine I heard the Hocus Pocus yeah you you look like the baby Michael Jackson and Macaulay Culkin would have had [Applause] adorable and successful thank you raped and ugly [Music] [Applause] my man have a job this shit audience man started out kind of slow and came back with some fucking fire player it's about us ah this is the hottest lesbian couple I've ever seen in my fucking life dude shit I'm talking about it's like God Jesus Christ I mean yeah is always amazing I just think that he uh is that pulled pork sandwich story true it is it is absolutely true and my other Grandma killed herself so damn no one wants to spend time with Evan yeah now um anyway yeah that guy that this one right here won the non-binary thing one yes Evan is Where the Wild Things Are go ahead Frank I mean one more time let him hear this battle was insane it set off the warning on my Apple watch for how loud it got that's fuck you guys had jokes on jokes on jokes I think it was more jokes than the previous two battles it was fucking phenomenal and they were so fucking me uh damn I mean Evan had it was just I watched you guys go back and forth I think there was like five jokes so thank yous that was amazing I it this was so hard um I think Elise edged it out just a little bit for me over till the Swinton and [Applause] yeah yeah uh yeah I'm gonna have to go with the lease yeah [Applause] her knees look angry look at him real close evil faces in them all right so it's it's recap here you voted for Evan you voted for Elise Patrick break this I didn't even notice her how is it possible that Logan Farr doesn't have the most fucked up legs on the show tonight um and Mimi's this was a this was a great battle you two look like the worst team you can play as in WNBA Jam damn WNBA I don't I don't track somewhere in the middle the throwing out there was just incredible [Applause] do you think you all right Jamar Jamar jamar's in my ear I know all right okay well they've only done 50 a piece so let's what's one more uh let's uh let's just get into it then let's make it quick let's go over time let's do it all right at least you went first that means Evan's up first joke up let's Rose elise's last name is golgowski which is hard to pronounce unless you have two dicks in your mouth and you pronounced it perfectly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you walked into that so fucking hard that was crazy shit oh my God at least you didn't have that written down did you I did I did have another one but I didn't need it yeah I'm going for Jim Carrey mid-mass transition right here another specific reference so many uh Elise Elise great job and it very rarely do you go to overtime and it lives up to that level but Greg called Jamar you fucking nailed it you were both incredible uh but I give it to Elise clearly overtime battle of a guy hug each other shake a hand yeah yeah three battles down hey let's make some noise for the crowd tonight these guys this is a fucking badass crowd one of the best crowds one of the best guys we've ever had look they're smart they're fuck they get it I love this crowd put up lunch box you like these motherfuckers [Applause] next battle this is the only battle they could probably follow that one these guys are Hometown Heroes they're from here in Austin they actually they're the commissioners of the Rose Metal Austin and they're battling tonight this is going to be fun first thing I bring to the stage make a lot for Mike Eaton [Applause] yeah baby looking good hello yes now I can talk to you guys about those because you guys know each other uh you guys booked the battles here in town yeah you're trying to expand a little bit Yeah didn't mean to expand I know you're on stage uh here I am expanding you are expanding uh Adam's one of your best friends why are you doing this to him I don't know I saw a sound of freedom and I just got jacked up about it's like I'm gonna take them out myself put on Oliver Anthony let's go I can't believe you just called your best friend a pedophile all right oh it's gonna happen a lot uh this guy yeah he's registered make it loud [Applause] what's up man I don't fuck kids did someone say it's opposite day bring me your children only the girls I ain't a fagot right I gotta get it out of the way I'm gonna say it I'm gonna say all the other ones too the one that would make Jamar really mad we'll see I won't hey that's my birthday now uh Adam why are you battling your boy here uh it's the battle everyone wants the battle of the retired School shooters you know the guys oh he just don't have the speed we used to have I only got one because I stopped in the cafeteria here's the thing man if you guys know what I was hungry here's why that should have hit harder because you guys are School shooters are usually like tall lanky in shape you know they're e-gamers you guys are like pedophiles yeah I'm not in fighting weight anymore [Music] it's five jokes hey this is like the best Dynasty blue collar tour it does look like that who's going first uh I'll go first yeah yeah folks are we ready for this this is awesome keep it going [Applause] I do love Mike Eaton but he does look like a Tick-Tock dancer and a dirt bike lesbian had a retarded baby Adam looks like Skrillex fucked an onion oh man uh guys Adam moved to Texas because he loves guns Adam has a lot in common with guns because when they're unregistered they end up in schools [Laughter] Mike's good his arms looks like he got a tattoo every time a girl said you're like a brother to me so I trust you so much that's why they're always stuck in the laundry idiot uh Adam is really into Retro games like Pac-Man that's where kids eat as white dots and then he ghosts them I ain't ready for long term commission dude I'll get there whatever uh Mike just got a divorce recently and his him and his wife would argue a lot she'd get mad because he constantly crammed fast food in his mouth and he got mad because she constantly crammed black cock in her ass it wasn't constantly it was Wednesdays didn't like his mom was the pigeon lady from Home Alone uh Adam is a proud member of the lgbtq plus Community he is of course the plus because I'm positive he fucks kids [Laughter] one time you're labeled forever it's bullshit now Mike's wife was actually very clever because he's a big Third Eye Blind fan so when she asked for a divorce she said I want someone else to get me through this shitty married life that didn't go that good damn it it hurts that's my favorite Jared slogle song uh Adam is Jewish which is pretty cool that just means that after sex he venmo requests the kids for the amount of the candy [Applause] laughs I might be a pedophile but I'm also Jewish though you ain't ripping me off I know a deal did since Mike has gotten divorced he's been fucking a lot of dumb Open Mic comedians uh he's taking advantage he's taking advantage of so many mentally challenged aspiring comedians that we refer to as sex life as kill Tony Adam's teeth are so black and retarded we call his smile the kill Tony regulars that's fine keep it going oh my God [Applause] hell yeah all right well fuck I see Frank smiling yes Frank who did you like in this oh man this was a lot of fun a lot of inside baseball uh good job Mike on fucking a lot I do it for cardio yeah yeah great I I'm trying to sing it was I've seen you do karaoke and let me tell you yeah good job it hurt a lot yeah I know we all heard it I mean man a lot of kids getting fucked in this set that was pretty crazy yeah a lot of kids they was fucking shit out them kids um I'm gonna have to go with Mike eating on this not that I don't love you Adam but you know practice is singing um good job Mike Amelia uh Jamar which one of the Jerky Boys did you like I mean this is a great battle wouldn't you guys agree uh Adam lucky looks like Texas chainsaw's mom and um Mike Eaton uh looks like a PBS bully um I get in that Locker they both look like they just finished their shift at Goodwill where else are you gonna buy three LW t-shirts it's community service man yeah yeah I would agree with uh Pat I'm gonna give it to Mike Eaton I think Adam is very talented I'm gonna give it to Mike yeah that was right hello Pat yeah um Mike I I think it's amazing how you managed to look like both PeeWee Herman and the guy who stole his bike at the same time and Adam you look like the creepy lady in the bathtub who tried to fuck Jack Nicholson in The Shining so these references are crazy spells he says the secret word she was pretty skinny honestly that feels good yeah yeah um yeah I mean I thought it was really close uh I I was actually going to Edge it slightly to Adam because to me it was it was super even and you had my favorite joke of the battle which is the tattoos for every time a woman said you're like a brother to me I thought that was great um but yeah a lot of fun great job guys and uh hell yeah congratulations Adam looks like he gives haunted house tours yeah [Music] folks keep it going for your winner tonight Mr Mikey hug each other YouTube this is exciting we stayed the best for last I'm excited about these two who's battling Pat we have the current Bay Area Champion going up against one of Chicago's best I love it ladies first from the Bay Area the champ Ashley Monique yes yes Ashley everybody [Applause] oh shit yeah so Ashley you're here to avenge uh your boyfriend he lost earlier so now you're here to one for the family yeah my boyfriend lost um but we just broke up so he lost me too [Applause] oh no [Music] it's all good pork poor Connor from Austin uh all right let's meet your fucking opponent here from Chicago love this cat make life for Matthew Mitchell big Maddie Mitchell oh man weren't you just battling last Battleship um shit [Music] I got loves it uh what do you mean by Ashley here I don't know I've heard uh like I really wanted to battle somebody was like really really smart and funny but all the dudes were busy so hell yeah all right one round five jokes last battle who's going first I'll go first ladies first folks this is the last battle of the night let's make it so fucking loud we break this bitch it's really cool that Matt is here uh because normally he's busy kicking Dede out of his laboratory Matt he looks like he eats pussy but only if there's ketchup on it surprise I'm getting smoked by a black lady I feel like a menthol up here holy shit good Lord Ashley is half black and half Latin so the only thing she's a slave to is the Rhythm [Applause] thank you thank you very much Matt doesn't drink because his dad was an alcoholic and he looks like that because his mom was an alcoholic believe it or not actually is 32 she actually reminds me a lot of America you know because she's diverse destined for failure and currently going through an egg shortage you know Matt only likes to see a three in a woman's age when it's the only digit Matt's Matt was bullied in school but the only mass shooting he's ever done is into his socks [Applause] a good one Salma sell my cholesterol Jesus Christ good Lord what the fuck I'll tell you what's crazy is I don't know if you guys know what a Tijuana donkey show is it's a show where a sex worker has intercourse with a donkey live on stage and Ashley used to do them yeah I just feel terrible for whatever prostitute had to fuck Ashley that's terrible doesn't Matt's voice sound like he's always trying to hold back a burp doesn't actually look like she's always trying to hold back a burp I guess not I apologize I can't tell whether Matt looks more like a serial killer or the skin suit he wants to make man something about this doesn't really feel like a fair fight mostly because Ashley looks like a trans athlete if you play tennis your name would be penis Williams you know before the roast um I asked Matt if anything was off limits and he said school zones Parks playgrounds [Applause] oh man [Applause] yeah good work there Disney's Encanto yeah I will say uh Ashley she recently got a septum ring and a lot of people might be worried that getting that kind of nose piercing is cultural appropriation but I'm here to tell you that historically those have always been worn by big fat cows so it's actually okay [Applause] keep it going everybody Ashley Monique Matthew Mitchell and this is the last battle Jamar neighbors who would you like in this one I mean shit I mean first and foremost sugar I just want to say you thicker than back of the throat spit uh yeah nigga that is thick nigga real ones no real ones know that's sloppy nigga anyway yeah I mean uh but uh you know Pat Barker right here uh that guy I just thought that he was a little bit more uh uh uh consistent so I'm gonna give it to uh him nice thanks Maddie all right Frank which character from The Drew Carey Show did you like hilarious uh once again phenomenal battle this was so great I loved it uh slob Fest did very good um uh but this I mean you I loved everything you did all the jokes were great you really had it it was neck and neck for me um this has nothing to do with the fact that you are uh now recently single but good job uh and I vote for you Ashley Ashley all right Ashley had very good jokes wow oh my God okay Pat what's Juggalo without the makeup did you like foreign Moses he's on fire tonight let him hear it I I have allergies tonight I know you're fighting through the hours I'm trying to get the fuck out of here yeah well I will I won't I won't hold you this has been an excellent night of battles uh Great Main Event uh maybe my favorite show we we've done here I I want to thank all the comics they all killed it um I thought this was like pretty even throughout Matthew I can't believe you got that Slave to the Rhythm act out to work whatever the fuck that was um that was crazy the egg shortage was great um and and Ashley with the alcoholic mass shooting to me it came down to the last joke and I edged it slightly to is anything off limits the school zones Ashley's uh but great job both of you ladies love it folks make it loud your last winner of the night Miss Ashley Moody hmm
Channel: Roast Battle
Views: 116,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamar Neighbors, Frank Castillo, Roast battle, comedy central roast battle, roastbattle, comedy mothership, comedy mothership austin texas, comedy mother ship, Full Roast Battle, comedy mothership roast battle, kill tony roast, Full Roast, Rotten Luther King Jr.
Id: qdBD7ZFbsJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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