FULL MOVIE: The Blood Queen (Countess Bathory: The Lady of Csejte)

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we tell stories of monsters that move in the night we put crying children to bed and tell them it's not real it didn't really happen but some monsters are very real sometimes it did happen some nightmares only grow stronger when you wake such is it but the story of lady valerie uh [Music] the largest strongest most violent men you can imagine no matter even stronger even larger men are reduced to furniture by the unbreakable unconquerable nature of their lake this child here is no ordinary prisoner and his strength is derived from the stars gypsy legend tells the tale of a young boy who could unlock any door break free of any chain and one day find a way to walk between worlds i present you just such a child of course gypsy legends litter the world's unmarked graves of boys such as this buried in the mud covered by earth the machinations of their dreams crushed by the weight of life and the change is too thick too strong the more we struggle the more we suffer perhaps it is best if he gives in if we are given not enough air for all of us after all left your mom you stop moving wouldn't be the first time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] donate a penny for the young child you'd be surprised how much the little one can eat a pretty penny thank you thank you it's going to be a nasty winter if it says a fortune teller i do let's go by the countess elizabeth bathory whose power in the region is markedly bolded it is thereby likely that thurso is in possession of further information the king in his infinite wisdom is justified to carry suspicions and i will stay on and cheta to further his investigations into this matter an honorable admission from thurso would most definitely sway public opinion local and otherwise into our favor for etc etc we're staying here this is the king's business now a wolf may carry a child or two off into the night but 600 children and nearly all of them young girls a lot of wolves in the area this is no wolf this is something entirely different you okay fine just a dream stop eating already and get some sleep she's growing up isn't she yeah she's just a kid you were a few more months months hours yes yes you should be scared that little tigress katya is no longer here to watch you are back yes calls on us all your dream how's power listen to it please listen to yet [Music] it's gone it's all gone what do you mean [ __ ] what do you think i mean we've been robbed robbed by who nobody else comes here ever how the hell am i supposed to know who impossible that's our winter [ __ ] stash months worth gone don't curse let's go we have our work cut out for us sorry sorry sir i'm so sorry why'd you insist on robbing poor people i robbed everyone i touched what do you want from me all it takes is one if it's the right person wait here watch how it's done hey you little thief here give me back that first come here i said come here [Music] catch him [Music] you probably just want to get some rope what's your name they call me bear why would they call you that because i'll be are you i haven't noticed relax bear now make those knots good and tight no fooling around this time so how did you get into this business always good thanks one day they ask him to do it with bad person [Music] bear say ok do i look like a bad person to you the girl is charged with theft and disturbance she has no family to claim her or vouch for her she's rightfully sentenced is this true yes i speak for the contest very well done the girl is here to discharge into the care of the battery orphanage where she may better herself and perhaps society sir consider yourself lucky or not cutting your hands off i cannot go anywhere without my brother he's my church our parents were murdered you will go where you're told your honor the contest extends her generosity to the girl's brother a nobleman was attacked and robbed in the center of our town he is a cousin of the habsburgs the child will be treated accordingly as the law dictates the contest appreciates your understanding of this poor children's circumstances and will repay any perceived debt to the habsburgs yes once the habsburgs repaired their actual debt to the contest of course the countess very lonely the girl and her brother are both released into the care of the battery household thank you your honor you're welcome [Applause] if my sister was sent through here around this time last year she disappeared catcher provitsky this is chad lots of children disappear come on let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa beautiful isn't it a wedding from her husband better than running around the forest barefoot all day and night you don't like castles i'm no princess of course not you're a dangerous criminal countess is no friend to princess or princesses she finds them intolerable royal blood yuck [Music] [Music] there you go [Music] come on oh um scrub you will have to wear the shoes also why we don't need shoes there is a level of appropriate decorum expected of you if you are to serve the contest and what you wear and how you present yourself are among those expectations besides the castle gets quite cold in the winter the stone floors become colder than the mountain itself they take on the ice and if you remain exposed to it the skin turns black and dies and then the limb itself follows the blackness begins to creep up your leg and into your core and the only thing left to do is let you die a slow painful death or hold you down and take an extra legs you'd probably make a pretty penny as a pair of cripples down in the market maybe you don't need to wear them after all bread once a week i miss us weeks can i mine now don't piss off the cook boy next if she was here we would see her already how do you know it's a big place and bathory has other castles in other countries some children get sent there quit making that face you put it in your mouth see what happens get one eat it's food it's fine honestly you're a gypsy i don't know where you get off craving cheese and pastries and fresh bread i wonder what she's like the countess rich and not nearly hungry as well we could be back at camden two days back to town nobody will miss us here it's not an easy trip back from here or safe safe enough you're a boy it's different for me oh and you're a woman now in some men's eyes yes shut your mouth here you sorry we can manage just fine all we need is a well-headed knife which i don't have i want to stay here for a little while anyways you know camp is moving soon you stay here too long we're stuck all winter i know i sense catcher is here though or was here i have a feeling she's nearby oh i feel hungry oh i'm not that blind huh get back here fancy yourself as a mate then sounds all right cursed work house duties you'll turn to the land clean the stables clear the thatch carry loads of whatever news carrying do i look like a good carrier of things we'll make some good use of you one way or another go on hmm um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you lost i i didn't mean to frighten you i'm not frightened i recognize you you arrived just yesterday yes yes with a small boy yes my brother yes a brother and a sister ilana tells me you have with charlotte's knife i'm happy to hear it not enough wits in the world she hasn't scared you i hope i know her indorata can be overly stern alas intimidation and fear are the fuel that keeps the castle lead and sparkling as such i wish it weren't so i fear i'm not so well kept at the castle this morning am i no good then honest girl there is a class once a week we teach the children how to read and write will you attend yes i would like that very well you won't tell anyone that you've seen me roaming around in my sleeping gown knowing on bread will you no our secret right yes hey me [Music] [Music] oh better surviving than cleaning pity [Music] what does she write concrete the countess has a book she writes in i think she keeps a record of everything including the children that come and go i just want to see inside of it then look inside of it and then let's go don't you want to learn to read him right so good it would do me having rocks right at his face it's not so bad it's worse than that [Music] [Music] fighter my lady yes cinch it's again [Music] so [Music] misha can take care of this come with us come on where we tell you okay forget that let's go now alice don't piss off the bear boy she is awfully pretty for a gypsy [Music] are you learning to read and write yes you realize of course the time it count is you recall me lady account is i do not say this for myself other than it may be the case if you are too thin on me in public i would like to have is one of my personal attendance you are pretty and presentable there is a purity to you and you are smart despite your apparent lack of appreciation for the benefits of footwear i'm not used to the shoes lady no but you will wear them you will also have to wear the dress a homemade for you a dress yes would you like that yes have you ever worn a dress before no there was a celebration here in a week's time the brother of my late husband is taking a wife i will have a dress made for you i have a wonderful dressmaker yes lady oh my that is quite cold and when it hasn't even hit you're a tough one aren't you when i need to be lady life has a way of revealing how tough we are that's all i was wondering lady a girl disappeared around this time last year she is a few years older than i am and perhaps she found her way here excuse me her name is catcher the magistrate would not tell me if she had been through the court wouldn't he careless of him not to keep you up to date and you seem to keep a close eye i thought what did you think exactly you might have seen her you realize not every gypsy orphan that vanishes into the night is my responsibility don't you keep a record i do not uh does the lady see anything she likes she does not quite right the girl has dark features perhaps the yellow now absolutely dreadful worse than the marxist cards about you know they can be seen with that powerful then purple [Music] the red is absolutely lovely let's do this as the lady desires i do small child won't take long thank you so we can set the camp out here for tonight we've ridden far enough for today [Music] what happened just playing around my new friends looks like a fun game great fun we'll probably be it again tomorrow and the day after that maybe you don't need to start fights with everyone that gives you a sideways glance i don't start fighting with anyone but i'm not afraid of them either well maybe you should be why is that because you're not very good at them you're much better with locks that's true and very good looks very good what i heard the two maids talking i heard her name in german it's still her name and then they all acted very strangely when i asked and she keeps his book locked away yes i would have to sneak to the top floor of the castle and see yes into a private study yes i'm not staying here for the winter i'd rather die in the woods and live in this place don't say that it's true very well the evening of the party is the only way big day tomorrow sleep he ran away last night i suppose happens all the time huh what do you care gonna miss getting beat up you wait here you two off to the stables you pick up those tools digging holes today guess you were smarter i thought let's go let's go why are you in such a hurry because it's [ __ ] cold that's why and i don't know what to expect to find anyway we won't find anything laszlo but the dogs might why don't we just enter the cast if anything is going on i haven't the judge's support or the swords for that yet and if we find evidence then the king will sit with we have all you need right yes i told you that yes himself yes what is it it's a grave let's go already let's go let's move i think we gotta go let's go now now [Music] mud from paris cleans the pores but leaves the tub filthy wonderful stuff though the dressmaker comes back come on [Music] how are we supposed to think the ground is [Music] aletta shall we have some food let's have some bread and cheese and wine set up shopping always builds such an appetite yes yes you are plenty old enough for wine [Music] maybe there's some good food on him tonight i wouldn't mind a scrap or two left behind keep digging it was an entire grave there's more up there but we were chased away with your authority i have no authority over duke nadas this estate or his countess without credible evidence or first-hand accounts authority enough to let us search the castle and grounds besides if you say it was a grave then it's most likely a gypsy burial site since when do the gypsies cut off body parts i do not pretend to know what they do but they're a primitive group being from vienna you know little of it this is just a short walk from the castle there are no gypsies there experts are you of our territory are you playing at scene island stupid or are you actually such what's your tone i'm still a judge and somehow that title has made you rich but it does not make you smart my investigation will go on with or without your support well it in the meantime we'll leave this firsthand account with you [Music] hey get out get out of here move [Music] foreign [Music] what are you doing [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey i'll go here [ __ ] holy it's not good the fostering is wonderful yes you take beggars and criminals out of the marketplace and put them in your home is much better this is not what i was going to say which is what you're going to think uh [Music] so [Music] quickly now it's rude to refuse [Music] that's a girl [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so all this for a stupid book oh go [Music] away dog i'm drunk [Music] where is your mind nowhere my lady i'd rather turn the caretaking of myself am i guest yes lady [ __ ] shoes i got it let's go good job i'll see you back in the bed chamber hurry up i want to get out of here we can leave tonight tonight it's been freezing cold we die for sure i told you when i get the book we leave well i have the book misha we can't travel at night besides campus probably already moved that's why we need to go quick to catch them catch them sure but not tonight we can't catch them enough if we're dead maybe this spring spring you act like a few months we're a lifetime misha you like it here the dress the wine the tension shut your mouth you don't know what you're talking about i know character isn't here wherever she is she's not coming back to us either because she's dead or she doesn't want to nothing in this book changes that seven years old and you know everything about the world i won't stay here are bad made around for it he's probably fine fine meet me back at the bedroom and make sure nobody sees that [Music] i guess it is getting late for a child no need to ruin the dress crawling back to the barn tonight you can bed with lonnie right upstairs i can make it back upstairs please [Music] throw it myself stole a perfectly good goose leg don't see why we don't just kill you told me just sir that's quite enough plaski's dressing like a woman nothing worse than a pervert thief perfect he is not a pervert he's clever his dress is disguised so you won't discover him in the kitchen we'll have janice figure out a way for him to act off that's all and what about this where did you get it the boy had it that's not possible he he did though he did he sure enough did you open it did you open it look at me [Music] so so tell me how did you steal my book how did you even know about my book i have so many questions for you how long can you last without food and water how loud will you scream when i break all the bones in your small hands do you think anyone will hear your scream you're hurting me do you think they hear they don't care i will get an answer for each of those questions for the grotesque patients tell me did you enjoy the book how much of it did you say you will look fingers off and based in her blood more jared and russian unleashed in the elvish foreign i've seen children shut down before move their spirits to the different parts of the universe remove their thoughts from their body from this world trust me i have ace of bringing you back so that you know exactly what i'm doing to you it's been a long night so misha where are you hey wake up wake up where is been talking about leaving he must have skipped out stole some food and made a run for it misha you idiot couldn't wait one night for me why did you take the book with you let's go already let's go let's go wake up you want grateful shits come on [Music] [Applause] digress returns doing well for yourself katya i'm still alive you blind hag that's well enough yes yes i am blind unlike you i am aware of what i do not see out of my way old woman [ __ ] rust let's go [Music] news from vienna i held company with king mathias what has the king to say [Music] is the ground is in what say you the king has lost interest in local justice he has sent his own party of men to investigate what say i say to the countess they have found nothing we'll find nothing she sleeps she would better be awake to hear what the king has to say [Music] [Music] why am i awake what does queen marius have to say and if it is that he wants my head or throw me in prison well this is neither you or not worthy he wants you to defend yourself in court on official charges of what murder did you let your tongue slip in the presence of the mighty king i'm faithful to you i always have been faithful to you and yet the king persists yes he does in spite of her personal assurances to him in vienna in spite of his silence and faithfulness he brings message of a trial yes you understand that anything you confess will involve your own guilt and that the rest i of noble blood will be given a clean death the same may not be set for you let's put some extra men on watch yes yes find some swords in town and we'll see how dedicated the king's men are to their investigation yes is that you we've been searching that was your first mistake listen to me is misha here with you you two need to live get out of here and catch up to camp get far away from this place misha left last night you have to go where i was on the road this morning there was no sign of him he was supposed to wait for me last night but he left i ended up misha lived without you yes he's gone have you forgotten your own brother somehow what do you mean this boy wouldn't enter the kingdom of heaven without you where would he be then still alive maybe maybe best that is not though catcher i don't understand no sister how could you [Music] keep that on you don't let anyone see it stay out of sight away from the countess away from the royte angelona i will meet you in the courtyard find some shoes a blanket catcher go open the gate through those orders by way of the counters herself yes everyone is to stay inside the castle walls [Music] so where did i leave those stupid shoes [Music] are you alone down here please help me [Music] [Music] [Music] all the children have been put to bed i forgot my shoes lady and your blanket your blanket lady i just chilling tight but yes i don't mind i suppose you could spend the night here again with the lawn i don't mind returning to the orphan's chambers lady maybe i have a prepared buff for me before you go something about a hot bath at night before i drift off to sleep restorative do you like the dress so much lady why are you still in that dress where is your maidservant attire was that you who told him to try and steal my ledger the boy was your brother yes and katya would be your sister i get it now i've kept that girl around far too long she was a good student seemed to enjoy the kill as much as me some nights my goodness the boy isn't dead yet you should know that he'll wish he was though what will you do with that what are you going to do with that what a tiny worthless animal cut me open yes yes i will only one of us will bleed out here tonight i'm so happy i didn't kill you that first morning i will enjoy this all the more now come on wow [Music] so escape the dungeon that's all i know if he survived battery perhaps he can survive the night i know some safe places to hide so little anymore it's going to be a long cold night why didn't you come back to us because i've been dead for some time sister now sleep tell the man to keep a close watch the girls are more dangerous than they appear but i want them alive for myself that's thirst with the details yes should i send for dorata angelona to tend to your face what about my face it's tending to go there yes lady am i dead [Music] we need to go see the judge it's very important my sister's life depends on it where did you find that boy wait for me here [Music] [Music] uh the countess wanted you alive but i never liked you you have been found delinquent of your court ordered service you ran away and you have been recaptured and as such made up ridiculous tales of wolf and torture these are no tales and have now perched yourself to a high judge the penalty for which is death gotcha [Music] this is the world you live in child but not for much longer sleep tight please if you just go to the castle keep him in the stalks until the executioner arrives the boy seems immune to normal restraints be gone death giant put him in the stocks i'll send word for the executioner [Music] [Music] so oh [Music] so please please go to the castle and see for yourself it was magic i run out of magic [Music] what is it what do you want is the executioner on the way yes the other one oh well let her sleep let you dream one last time she isn't going anywhere just be quick about it please please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what in the world hey you this man wishes to make a full confession to the witnessed crimes of the countess elizabeth bathory hey did you hear me uh yes yes therzo do you realize what this confession means for your own life i do may god forgive me for my silence i will bury it no longer good evening i need to get my tools but when i get back i want you to tell me everything you were dreaming about yes yes now to her castle she has many men guarding it i'd wait until the morning that i can recruit some more people we will go now or need i confess more you've confessed thorough enough thurso we'll go now i'm just concerned of how we're gonna get past her guns now your dream was it a happy one yes it was not a dream though it was a premonition you see the future gypsy would you like to hear it i kept losing parts of myself as i walked through the forest but i did not care i knew the tub is not my body that was my hand all my hair or my blood but i was something that could not be touched it could not be cut by your knives i was the river current the boiling hot light of stars and i moved forward through the forest and the deeper i walked the heavier the stone that buried you buried me yes you were trapped in stone unable to move no light shone on you and you screamed but no one could hear you oh and you bled from the inside out no cuts or scrapes upon you just slow steady but and your dress [Music] oh it comes for you they do so too late [Music] [Applause] it was no dress at all it was your bedroom do what you must i'm off to warn the countries that the king's men have come to take her it was much like the one you wear now and the thread was worn by your right heel we need not take on her guards i might rather take on her guards than whatever beast has done the students does the king send an army of his own he hasn't no one but me do you want your last words to be about the bedrop you sign your dream i need to confess please allow me to confess oh my god help me please please confess if you like whatever awaits you in hell is no worse than what i will do to you myself please i want to confess what are they done to you it was the very bedroom you were now it is the last thing you will ever wear and it was no dream oh me bitty he's better than your army i thought you had left me i never left you [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] it's okay please can we go home now [Music] [Music] so [Music] the countess elizabeth bathory refused to show herself in court a panel of 20 judges ruled to imprison her in her own castle as a result they closed her in brick by brick where she had no contact with anyone and where no light shone on her serzo was sentenced to a life in prison his life spared for his confession janos vico was beheaded dorata and elona were not so lucky they had their fingers ripped from their hands and were burnt alive for their part [Music] the contest lived a full four years bricked into her own room before finally dying [Music] [Music] the exact cause of her death is unknown when the king's men broke into bathory's castle the official record showed one girl was found dead and another boy dying but there were others countless others who were not found who will never be found they lay scattered in unmarked graves and if you walk barefoot through the forest enough you will find yourself wandering into mystic realms where you might still visit with them [Music] have you seen the darkest night the coldest winter [Music] the brightest lights [Music] the feelings [Music] are breathless [Music] the past is [Music] i must move on [Music] i voices [Music] is [Music] it is [Music] you
Channel: Extreme Mysteries
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Keywords: the blood queen full movie, the blood queen 2015, the blood queen movie, the blood queen movie 2015, free movie, free movie 2021, queen of blood, blood queen, blood queen full movie, the blood queen, movies 2021 full movie english, free movie on youtube, free movies 2021 full movie, free movie on youtube full movie, youtube movies, youtube free movies, the blood queen free, countess bathory movies, Lady of Csejte, lady of csejte movie, free vampire movies, halloween movies
Id: S64sE_GN67M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 38sec (6398 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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