Full Movie: The Ash Lad - In Search of the Golden Castle

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far far away beyond the horizon and even further there stood a palace of such brilliant beauty that nothing could compare with it the palace was built of the purest gold when the sun hit its walls one could even on the far side of the horizon discern a glowing light behind the palace there was a magical glacier every time the light from the golden walls hit the glacier a piece of ice melted and dripped these drops of water were collected in a vault deep inside the palace they were the purest drops one could ever imagine they could heal anything this was the water of life the shimmering light in the distance made many set out on a search they wanted to find out if the magical golden palace really existed but no one ever returned home alive because on the throne sat a greedy and avaricious king with his mighty guardian he watched over his treasures nothing was to be shared with anyone no one else would ever drink from the water no one would ever be allowed to enter his palace you may have heard the name but you have never seen it the palace of sauria moria [Music] [Music] wheels which one of you decided to chop down that tree my fault you are fired and you could just forget about this month's pay hey what do you say you just give him a warning are you seriously telling me how to do my job huh okay you're all fired what me too yes you could thank espen for that okay and so espen took the blame you did what my friend niels needed that job down that's because if we didn't we need the money what do we do now good question it's not easy when esmen always ends up in trouble always huh who on earth is that yeah hello i'm sorry i think we're lost could you tell me the way to the home of um even maybe you mean espen ashley i don't think so no no no i mean esken ashpot you're absolutely sure you don't mean espen ashlad yes it's right here it says to espen ashland yeah that's me um really yeah it's me and this is our farm right hmm to espen ashland and brothers you're invited to the ball in the royal palace to celebrate my 19th birthday signed by princess kristen uh thank you so much we had too much food prepared so we decided to invite you does it say that no i made that up myself are you going where did i get tonight let's go we're going to a ball goodbye i don't really get why we're invited are you kidding didn't we save kristen from the troll yeah but that was so long ago not that long ago we'll probably be the guest of honor do you think so oh yeah but we have to look really good what are we going to wear where did the dance how do you greet a king powder curtsy party clothes we'll fix it there's nothing to worry about let's see there you go thank you hi mom you're so pretty thank you many prominent people will be here today yes i just hope i know how to speak to them you'll be just fine i just wish i had the chance to decide what to do on my birthday please remember our personal needs come second my dear yes kingdom comes first mm-hmm hey dad this feels look at these stately fellows do i know you what have you done with my sons better get going enjoy the party yes yeah oh did you remember your tribute yeah do you think she'll like it yes i hope so i was your age when i first met your mother it was at a party but not a royal one no there'll be a lot of royals there we're not gonna fit in but espen you just have to be yourself see you soon bye we'll be thinking of you behave yourselves [Music] [Music] uh i think i'll go get something to eat count gustavus there she is happy birthday your beautiful i'll go say hi we need more plum wine over there philip the great of copenhagen i'm not the servant hmm nice to see that someone appreciates the food my pleasure would you so would you like to have a dance who me um um pear where are you well hang up my coat the mayor of byzantium but shouldn't leave me alone here these people are a bunch of snobs you know what if i were king i'd organize real parties because this is to be served to the king and queen but i don't just stand there the earl of holland all right hi what was your name uh espen ashland yeah escalate to huskland espen yeah nice party i really wanted to go hunting but they insisted i have a party oh i i i brought a little gift oh of course vince rule of catalonia it's not much but uh out of my way princess christian i'm raoul prince of the reign of catalonia she invites sushi the baron of bohemia look at this peasant [Music] we don't fit in here let's go home ride with me your majesty it's time for your speech yes of course vayne thank you very much please come closer come closer his royal highness is about to give a speech if you would hmm welcome my dear guests let us raise our glasses and drink a toast to my daughter the birthday girl cheers my sweet daughter kristen you are an adult now but it seems like only yesterday when we cradled a little bundle of joy in our arms i have no idea where those years have gone time is something that we can't understand somehow we think it will last forever but then it slips through your fingers [Music] this wine is suspicious did you drink from it no good him he served the wine i saw him hey wait a minute no it was not for me if i were kid we'd have real festivities he disguised himself as a servant to get close to the right if i were king nothing else but if anyway why would i want to do such a thing i'm not like that you people don't know me throw to snakes because i'm dressed like a servant flick old face that's not mine i've never seen that before in my whole life throw them in a barrel of nails arrest them cuddles [Applause] princess i hope you know we have to punish them we mustn't show weakness a severe punishment is what's called foreign until i find out what happened this is a mistake there i'll find out what happened i'll sort this out [Music] aspen i need to talk to kristen ah there's no doubt this is cinder grass a rare and deadly plant extract there is no antidote they will never wake up again no your highness your highness i realize is hard for you to deal with right now no and it hurts me to have to tell you this but you'll have to ascend the throne as queen it's just too soon i don't think i can wait we can still save them have you ever heard of soria moria the golden palace yeah everybody knows that's just a fairy tale well there's always some truth in all fairy tales they say sorya maurya was built in the spring of the water of life this water is said to cure absolutely everything this is ridiculous but how do you know the palace exists i know the way you do yeah let me take you there i think you should consider what's safest and best for your country princess we know the danes are on their way the kingdom is under attack so it is of the greatest importance that you remain here what if something bad happens to you we'll go to the palace you remember the way there oh yeah yeah yeah oh wait wait wait wait wait i was wrong wrong i'm only human see that see what we're on the right track what do you think you're doing i know someone who maybe knows for sure you ate here [Music] so how did it go the king and the queen are dead great the danish king will be delighted that gives us time to organize our troops but the princess isn't what she left for something called the sorya morya palace to get the water of life soria moria yeah that's just a tale for fools so they say but it seems true now hmm interesting and my payment yes of course you deserve every penny [Laughter] here you are thanks you're rich buddy why don't we take one for the road to celebrate yeah no i really should be going i should go back to the palace before they suspect no no no no you must stay keep us company hungry well no you sure yeah oh hi there you sure are pretty here you go let us drink a toast to this charming little country called norway cheers do you know the meaning of aquavit no it's a latin word it means the water of life ironic gnome so now that that's out of the way olmen what happens with the princess hmm we'll follow her if the palace really does exist then we're in for a treat my boys who are we looking for an old and frail lady this is where i met her last time so i'm sure she lives nearby you don't even know where she lives no hey oh hi there you haven't seen a weird old lady around here have you what you want us to come with you where do you think you're off to now is it your idea to be chasing squirrels ugh we're still chasing the squirrel oh great are you doing all right she's trying to show us something come we're only running in circles and that's just you see we found it hi lad yeah it's me oh thank goodness i need you to unstuck me before i lose my head and my nose okay no problem try to take a deep breath [Music] third time this week so who is this beautiful girl may i present princess kristen hi kristen this is uh uh the stump woman no don't call me that i may look like i have a tree limb for a nose but i still have feelings i'm sorry especially when i bend over and get my nose stuck all right what can i do for you ash lad we have to find soria maurya soon if it exists are you daft only one person was lucky enough to return from soria moria alive and if he's still alive i'm sure he must be losing it and where is he now you can find him on the far side of edel gorge beetle gorge we will never make it there there is a waterfall that you can get through and once you cross it yeah i forgot no oh my oh my the ancient fosgriman lives there and he will try to trick you then what do we do i don't one second wait here i think i have something don't touch anything okay i wish i lived in a house with just one floor what did i say ah that chest contains the souls of my ex-boyfriends but you're in luck because you helped me get free i'll give you these every time you take one step they will take you seven leads better be careful oh thank you thanks a lot stump friends ah you're very welcome ashland now listen closely to me a few drops from the water of life can heal anything but taking a whole sip will give you enormous strength for a short while but only a short while be careful now get going seven league boots i should have invented these every step will take you seven leagues yeah isn't that dangerous it's okay that was just a test ah that's nuts are you okay yeah i wasn't asking you one more try are you sure about this yeah third time's the charm no i just died i'm burning these still hurts we're gonna have to face the heedle gorge anyway compared to the boots the gorgeous easy [Music] he'll be back for us aspen he'll he'll get us out what if he doesn't make it in time remember what the crowd wanted throw us into snake pits with lots of flogging cut off for years [Music] heedle gorge oh i don't like the sound of that i can't believe you're our best soldier [Music] we'd have been safer with stump woman see that we're not the first ones here [Music] hey steel pot i can see you come on where's the waterfall i think she lied to us could be around here yeah according to an old woman who likes to talk to squirrels hey i'm sure she i've got a little plan i think this is the worst plan ever conceived at least we've got a plan to find a senile old man may not even be alive it's supposed to guide us to a place that doesn't exist when we find the water we'll also find out who poisoned the wine then pair and paul will be set free okay you think they're guilty there's a visitor here for the cute one not my words no no no wait i said the cute one not you huh the other guy yep that one yeah you got two minutes hey hi uh you see i baked you a cake thank you i know you didn't do anything but i'm glad i can see you again i i'm so sorry i didn't dance with you i'm just saying no no no i know i can be too much i'm paul and i am sulfrid and i so is that a special kind of uh cake oh you bet it's a special cake so maybe it contains you say some ingredients unusual it's got all of the usual ingredients oh yeah yeah it's got some unusual ingredients so chew carefully hey your time is up in there i'll grab this thanks a lot the time went by too fast no it really didn't i'll see you soon okay i hope so take care don't push me [Music] hey hey what are you doing you animal sulfur made that campaign this cake right here is our way out of this mess you'll see a comb huh how cute cute come on this is it i can feel it i feel soap yes your girlfriend smuggled in a comb and a bar of soap i'll trade the comb for the soap okay um [Music] so kristin [Music] where are you going kristen are you okay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and how dare you resist the fiddling of the great foster we're just travelers that are passing through uh we just wanted to get through the cave behind the waterfall i'm the only one who decides you can pass him as hey hey i'll try to i'm gonna take care of this how did you resist my music when i play every creature starts crying even the gods well they cry because it's mediocre right as if you can do better yeah i could play that fiddle with my feet you talk big for a puny human i'm serious what do you say we have a competition if i play better than you you let us pass challenge accepted but if i win your souls belong to me forever may the best man win the stump woman said he would try to trick us i got this i'll play first if you're really as good as you say you are the best goes last [Music] [Music] hmm that was pretty good for an amateur you've got a big mouth stranger let's see if you can handle the backstage foreign [Music] [Music] watch your step i have a feeling things are looking up are you okay yeah pass me the violin i'm gonna try something [Music] wow play some more [Music] uh i'm sorry i know you and your brothers are really innocent i was just mad thank you come on we still have to find that senile man [Music] coming [Music] hey look what i found hey what do you have there uh whatever it is it stinks let me see smelling salts it's what doctors used to wake up patients after they fainted well might come in handy the morning after a night out hello are you the one who's been to sauria maurya palace no not me i'm too young to be him but you'll find him in there [Music] wow [Music] hi have you been to sorya moria go further in hi have you been to sauria maria who me oh no you're looking for the father of the house i'm fine good day are you father of the house and you know the way to sory amoria right you could talk to my father they're there excuse me have you ever been to sauria morya palace soria maurya alice yeah have you been there yes yes he's the old guy hanging from the wall oh are you two my new great great great great great grandchildren uh no we were just wondering if you know the way to sorya moria if i wanna get with shoes and glorious soria moria sorry aboria i haven't heard anyone mention that place for many years too many but is it true that you've been there how do you think i've managed to reach the ripe age of 190 and a half and still look good 190 and a half it was it was all the water i drank while i was there you see i drank the water of life could you tell us how to get there this morning i put a spoonful of porridge into my ear and that's because i forgot how to eat [Laughter] but it's your lucky day because i wrote about sori amoria in my diary you'll find it just over there in the cupboard east of the sun west of the moon look this is exactly what we need it even has a map this looks like we have all we need to find let me grab this for you your highness i am captain ulman and i'll be taking care of your little kingdom for you and i presume you are s been so sad take them stay back around and around and pull it through no not like that you have to i said i got it danes why did it have to be danes [Music] come in please take a seat feel at home and just help yourselves we have really good food i recommend the pork shank it tastes heavenly we don't want your food why not as bill a little taste no great that means more for me my kingdom will never be yours sadly the kingdom already belongs to me but this little gem here interests me now in denmark we have heard stories about sorya moria but could they be true the treasures the gold and the water of life but it's all just a legend it could be but we'll soon find out you were the one who poisoned my parents you caught me but it wasn't just me dear i did get help from someone you know from who i come to share some very good news with the two of you espen and princess kristen are on a quest to find soria moria ah that he's still alive indeed but he won't be getting you out of here spain you're lying he would never do that to us hmm you should be careful about who you trust these days don't take it so personally these things always happen somebody has to take the blame for the greater good to occur we're not stupid peasants you know you have some nerve the king trusted you yes he did and i like the king i like him very very much i like the royal family and i'm thankful for them they're very good people but you have to know how to play your cards well and unfortunately for all of us the danes will cease power sooner or later what you're doing is high treason no what i'm doing is assuring my survival wait what happens to us you two will not survive you will be rolled around in a barrel of nails a pair of nails listen it could be worse at least now you know why you have to die and how comfortable and now that you know i'll be leaving you in peace i've been such adult a what she said adult does that mean an idiot oh that's a good one adult better write it down eh you don't you norwegians have such funny words i collect them and what do you call that over there potato potato did you hear that potato oh okay and what about those scrambled eggs scrambled eggs don't scramble my eggs my eggs are all scrambled have you ever heard such a thing okay okay what about this thing that's a napkin napkin hey what do you think of that so many funny words tell me what this is a sausage [Laughter] it's the same word in our language get them out of here this is an overall man come on hold up i say we take them all the way up to the mountain and throw them off the cliff no no no no no no why would we we'll just do what she told us we cut their throats with a knife and then i got it yeah we tie them to a tree cover them in honey so the whole insects will come honey think about it that's right come on prisoners covered in honey or we can just kill them you know just kill true they escaped hello they're gone they escaped alarms i think i see them over there [Music] going somewhere here you are it's just a fiddle oh how sweet play something for them yes play a little [Music] stop melody stop oh what's going on with their [Music] what's bodies what the hell is going on here uh they got away how is that possible uh i don't know what happened we just had to uh dance dance [Music] the urge to at least she's in a good mood come on let's have some drinks while we have a look at the book to see where we're going help you have to help me a piece of cake got stuck in paul's throat he'll be executed anyway so right good point people will pay a lot to watch it they really look forward to it and they even bring their families with them you want to disappoint them their families yeah we should mess it up for them you know i never thought about it that way it would be a shame to disappoint my children so you go wait in the corner i won't fall for the old my brother ate cake and he choked on the fruits knock out the guard trick i've been fooled that way before [Music] hey look at me foreign uh hi hi hey [Music] alarm the prisoners fled they ran that way hi there what is it i'm sorry sir the prisoners are behind you i've escaped thank you for your report i was nice i confided in you and you decided to hurt my guard and escape and so you'll be executed first thing in the morning that's that please close the gate your execution is tomorrow well the children will be happy to see you nailing get it [Music] uh [Music] we need to get to the island which island i don't know i didn't get that far in the book good morning is that your boat is that your boat uh yes it's all mine could you give us a ride where well we don't know exactly but for sure it's one of those islands oh thank you the diary said something about sun and moon well this island right here resembles the moon and this one looks like a sun east of the sun west of the moon excuse me yes what is this place nobody knows for sure we want you to take us there i won't do that it's not safe only one person has ever made it out of there alive would you be willing to trade your boat for something something i have depends on what you have to offer me yeah a man like you with exquisite taste would probably appreciate this one-of-a-kind bird one of a kind that's a magpie boy right but i've got something more precious this thing the boat is yours there are advantages to being a princess yeah you're right let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't think we're gonna find our way in this fog yes we will the sun's bound to come out soon i don't know how you do it how can you be so positive all the time i'd call it faith you should try it sometime you know if you would like to visit me more often i wouldn't mind it at all you mean that yeah i'm not sure your father would approve of that when have i ever listened to him [Music] huh can you see anything get off me still he can't stand still that was close yeah thank you yeah you've got some fight in your pawn princess [Music] oh [Music] uh christian christians kristen [Music] kristen [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] would you look at that we're always running into each other huh [Music] oh how sweet [Music] i found your belt let's finish whatever give it [Music] ugh [Music] ugh oh hello ladies little norway is not big enough for me anymore with this kind of power we'd be able to take over the world yeah imagine a danish kingdom that stretches all the way from copenhagen to the very shores of constantinople and i i will sit on the throne [Music] what's happening [Applause] you smelled something i can't see anything but what is that sweet smell smells sweet humans [Music] delicious crispy crunchy cuban what's wrong i'm the strongest human on the planet who are you i like her in a sandwich i eat trolls for breakfast i really wouldn't do that if i were you why because the powers didn't tend to last sucker let's celebrate what's up [Applause] oh i think the humans are over here why do we always have to go your way shut up and die the water's more important i smell two more we need to get to the water if we only had our eye we could see them and then we could eat them be quiet now god the water i am so hungry [Music] do you think the king will get to know how clever we are will they give us our eye back yeah we deserve it did you hear something guard the water guarded treasures they're here somewhere ah who are you yeah there are two of them i can smell them don't let them steal the treasures we are not here for the treasure if that's the case then why are you here because we need the water of life my parents were poisoned and i need to save them they are going to steal from us yes not not so i'm begging you no you don't understand if we don't guard the water we'll never get our eye back let's eat them and fill our belly hold on i might have something for you i know that smell what do you have there give it to us here this belongs to you can it be true what is it really our eyes oh the king and the queen the parents of kristen they are dead but with all that you have you three can save the kingdom all we want is a few drops of the water of life we will give you some wait a minute i think he smells heavenly let me sniff shouldn't we rather eat them no we have our eye back thank you so much go now go before i change my mind wait set them free [Music] let them go [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] did you hear that no not again good for nothing knows i'm delighted to see so many children and families here today so we will finally have some painful and uh spectacular entertainment oh we hope you enjoy watching the agonizing death of these two peasants thanks enough please be respectful and let the children come closer i'm scared i am too so long brother who wants to have some painful fun oh are innocent advisers feign is the one behind all of this yeah yeah yeah that is a fat lie put that boy under arrest all right i'm ready hey just confess [Applause] no it's just bad [Applause] so this time we'll skip the drum roll we get it and roll ready push them over stop right there you will set those brothers free now [Applause] your majesty it's so so good to see you i i think i was uh maybe maybe we could find a way to work together and [Applause] dear people i thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support this is for you happy birthday kristen i can't believe you it's not much but it belonged to my mom it's perfect it is yeah thank you i want to stay with espen if you have a problem with that i give up my right to the throne now [Music] espen ashland once again you have proved how much you are willing to do for this kingdom and if christian wants to be with you who am i to hold her back why are you laughing because you're [Applause] sweet i'm sure it's only puppy love surely it won't last you're with me on that right no this love will last cato was i talking to you move on hide your face [Music] hooray [Music] gathering [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry that's just rubbish there are certain limits but it's nice still you can't pick up things like me are you scared i'll be better than you i know you'll be better than me i don't know if you can find great things well i found you [Music] do you think it's safe to come out look all around you mickelson it's ours we are the richest people in the whole wide world the rich beyond our wildest dreams finally food [Music] [Music] [Music] again [Music] me me [Music] [Music] then here [Music] hey [Music] oh then [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Janson Media
Views: 1,123,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the ashlad, the ash lad, the ashlad movie, the ash lad in search of the golden castle, the ash lad 2 full movie, the ash lad 2, the ash lad part 2, Free Movie, Free Full Movie, free movies, ash lad 2 full movie, full movies, ash lad, ashland movie, ashlad 2 movie, ashlad 2 full movie, the ashlad 2, the ashlad 2 movie, full movie the ash lad 2, the ash lad 2 trailer, free movies 2021, full movies 2021, youtube movies 2021, ash lad full movie, free movies on youtube 2021
Id: gsDB22cB7LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 5sec (5825 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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