The Swordsman (1948) | Full Movie | Cinema Quest

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[Music] the la [Applause] la [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] two Horsemen chalk riding like The divver Highwayman let's not take any chances [Music] another passenger for you chck Mr cult at [Music] Bradford how do you do well good morning he it is there a beautiful morning I do hate to disturb you you seem so much at home on a lady's lap I I beg your pardon I've compromised you and in front of your made too the informality of our meeting is likely to cause a scandal I'm afraid it will well in that case allow me to introduce myself my name is uh sir you're wearing the tton of the clan glown of dungar I am then there's no need to introduce yourself you're the lady Barbara glou how did you know because only such beauty as yours could match so fabulous a reputation in Ireland they call that blond if you please sir may I remind you that you still haven't introduced yourself oh yes uh my name is uh Fraser Donald Fraser occurs to me that a man so sure of himself should be more certain of his own name Mr Fraser have you uh have you traveled far lady Barbara I'm just returning from London and you oh it's a homecoming for me too I I've been away at [Music] Oxford how does it feel to be back in Scotland again delightful the coach should be here anytime now you understand Angus yet to remain here and let the glow leave first I cannot set eyes on a glowen without yearning to shove a yard of Steel into it will you heart to me Angus Mard I cannot for this feud between your people in the glow but this Kirk stands just halfway between Glenarden Valley and the glowen castle and I'd have you remember how long ago both Clans agreed to respect it as neutral ground that's no reason for me to keep out of sight like a frightened woman I'm here to meet Alexander I said you'll B here Angus mccarden there'll be no fighting with the glow at this CK since when Mr mcgarden hide in doors when there glow around if the glow get the slightest glimpse of you there'll be trouble between your Clans you'll B here in the K Kangas until the GLS have gone now do you understand I I hope we'll see each other again lady Barbara well by all means Barbara welcome home my dear Robert how thoughtful of you to meet me may I present Mr Donald Fraser Mr Fraser my cousin Captain Robert glow how do you do Mr Fraser Captain glowen I hope the trip from London didn't tie you I know not at all I found the last few miles very diverting we're holding our annual festival at Castle dongary on Mayday could you come I should be hon ited you'll excuse us not standing on ceremony my cousin's arrival is eagerly awaited at Hungary of course sir I can well understand their weakness Goodbye Mr Fraser have you acquired the habit of encouraging strange men Barbara I wish you to remember that we're practically engaged we aren't engaged yet Robert who was that man oh just a passing acquaintance so it's Mr Fraser now is it why Angus 10 years in England you've forgotten your name's Alexander mccarten I'd never have recognized you Alexander Reverend Douglas you were only a stripping when you went away it wouldn't be a proper homecoming without you it's a good thing your father wasn't here you're no sooner home than I find you consorting with a glowing stint your BL and get to your horse goodbye Rend [Music] Douglas [Music] 10 years in England 10 years at eaten in Oxford and as soon as you come home you talk about peace with the glow yes Father I thought it high time somebody talked about it you understand once and for all the Glens have been our enemies for a 100 years I know that but what I don't understand is why there's a need for it why where your chuckle-headed pup because I'll carry a glow wound to mrave because your grandfather was murdered by the glow now do you understand why must have beat it into your thick head by the flat of M Claymore I the glow killed grandfather this never occurred to you that if there hadn't been any Feud he'd still be alive before I make peace with the glow I see their whole filthy tribe at the bottom of Lo Ellen must I repeat it again the glow who spil Mard and blood they've pillaged us they've driven away our cattle well about the glow we killed if they are thieves so are we those were glowen horses I saw when I rode in I don't think they strayed there by themselves well why try to reason with him Uncle it's plain to see his stay abroad has made a card of him if anyone but my own cousin I used the word coward to me r he'd answer for it with a broken back break my back and I'd still say it you're a coward Ronald you whine for pieace with the glow because you're afraid of them am I is there a Marden who fears the glowen so little that he'd set foot in Castle dongary on Mayday morning Castle dongary the glow and snake nest what are you talking about if the garden showed his face at dongary the glow would skin him alive exactly father and I'm so terrified of the glow that I intend to to give them a chance you wouldn't dare don't talk so carelessly Ronald some words have a nasty taste when you have to eat them they old sporting events at Castle dungar on Mayday father when I return home I'll bring you back a glow and trophy you'll not let him do it m why not Angus the ideas siming with possibilities the lad's daed if the glow discover who he is they'll cut him up and bury him all over Scotland so the whole clan can dance on his grave hold your tongue Angus the ladies shall compete for the glowen prize and I'd give 10 years of a to see the color of their faces when they find out later it's a Marden who won it and he doesn't go without me in a tight pinch two Claymores are better than one I wonder what your father would say if I told him about the Wench keep quiet welcome home [Music] son [Music] so this is dunger Castle he the threshold of Hades but in that case let's find the devil in pay [Music] respects [Music] n [Music] you won't have to look for to find the devil here he comes now where walking with the L of dunger and his niece Robert glowen the worst of the whole brw best keep out of sight there may be some here who know you [Music] lady Barbara Mr Fraser Uncle James May I present Mr Donald Fraser he's a gentleman I met on a post coach Mr Fraser my uncle Lord GL welcome to D Gary Mr Fraser thank you my Lord I believe you have already met my son captain blowen your servant Captain GL yours Mr Fraser may I present my brothers Murdoch Mr bler Bruce and Colin gentlemen will you not honor Us by sitting with us during the events the honor is mine my Lord stand back man give him room that's it play it now stand back get the bra whack ly pretend the wee balls a Marden [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] hit [Music] [Applause] go my my [Applause] [Applause] I hope you all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] drown and now clansmen and guests who'll try for the last event of to the D who is it to try to best Murdoch glowen and hurl the javelin with [Music] [Applause] him don't be shy Lads step forward and peel off your jackets what isn't there a man among you with your permission Lord glowen I'd like to compete indeed I I'll meet the challenge I hope Mr Fraser your arm is as strong as your confidence my brother Murdoch has never been defeated in this contest I'd hate to spoil your brother's [Music] record he's insufferable I think he's Charming I've have no doubt of that you've encouraged him shamelessly and you hardly know the man encouraged him he's not the kind that needs it I don't think I have children after you friend murok thank [Music] you do you think you can better that Mr Fraser you'd be surprised when what a man can do with a proper [Music] [Music] [Applause] inspiration [Applause] [Music] wonderful father and I've thrown the javelin many a time but devil a throw like that and I'm here to acknowledge that Donald Fraser is the better man the prize is yours Mr Fraser congratulations thank you my Lord who did you say was a Robert this lady from England that's all I know about him carry with you this glow and Trophy and may it bring you good fortune always there is a matter of some importance that it completely slipped my mind I hope you'll forgive my in manity departure Lord GL or must you go Mr fr I'm afraid I must D Gary will always be happy to welcome you Mr Fraser thank you my Lord lady [Music] Barbara why did you have to T so long there's not a last in Scotland worth getting your throat slit for but Al jangus I thought you had strong nerves I L's been watching me wee bit too [Music] closely that man who calls himself Fraser is a Mard you're daed no mcgarden D show his face here no I recognized the man who came with him he's one of the mardens who raided our horses last week you're sure of this POS it get the horses Mr F I'm sorry you can't stay longer you'll visit dungari again won't you that might prove difficult however if you wish it we'll meet again when I haded mind of Vis the Kirk this afternoon and I thought it not impossible that you might happen to ride by it's not impossible Mr Fraser I cannot leave without telling you the truth I'm not Donald Fraser then who are you the name of my clan finds no welcome at dongary you were taught from childhood to hate it you are a myard and in the eyes of your people lady Barbara one of the worst I'm Alexander son of mcken but I'll still be waiting at the Kirk for the impossible to [Music] happen col and I will follow them get the horses quick I you'll not leave here alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] uper Trail [Music] quick [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] a Angus just disg lady there's no doubt about it you will recognize it a a garden we' best not t i one more excuse for the glows to keep this mad qu alive stop talking like a fool Alexander and let's be gone how many more will it kill Angus or is there someone sane enough to call an end to it in Heaven's name will you brood here all [Music] day Robert GL and and his Kinsmen will be back soon they'll be swarming over the countryside like hornets from a [Music] nest Barbara where are you off to my dear oh I uh I thought I might take a Mayday basket to Old Andrew I haven't seen him for some time a very commendable thought but uh rather a sudden one is it not I know Uncle not at all I'll run along my dear I know you're anxious to see old [Music] Andrew a piper came to our tomb to our tomb to our tune a piper came to our tune and played a bunny Lee a piper came to a a piper came [Music] to our ouring to our and played [Music] upon hi it's the we l herself Dr that loose step it wasn't the step Andrew you've been nipping again Barbara glowen how can you entertain such nasty suspicions keep your still covered up for the excise man will be after you D the drop ped my lips today there a basket for you Andrew I thank you your glowing are a wild lot but you treat well the ones that have S J where are you bound oh nowhere in particular you got time to come into the house no I thought I might make a call at the Kirk and pay my respects to to Reverend Douglas are you sure it's the minister you'll be calling on lassy I of course who else that sparkle in your eye that was never there before is a promising sign I'm thinking it's high time you were wed Robert proposes every day ah Robert I didn't like that man I hope you refused him as often as he asks well dinner we last who else do you got on the string don't be so inquisitive Andrew there are are dozens I suspect and there's one you favor better than the rest isn't there Ah that's Sparkle in your eye I see again someone with your own Spirit someone you just met lately and who told you that Andrew [Music] goblins [Music] lady Barbara Lord gloan says you are to return at once something has happened at the castle well I'll come immediately yes lady Barber you better go lass bless you goodbye an [Music] what happened it's your cousin Cullen lassi [Music] [Music] how did this happen Robert brought him in they were ambushed by whom by Alexander Mard the man who calls himself Fraser Colin recognized him and His companion we followed them when they rode away they lay and wait for us attacked us before we could draw and Marden ran Colin through even though there were two against one that wouldn't stay in fight when I drew on them the rode off I don't believe you I swear it and I plan to meet him at the Kirk what did you say Barbara you told me he'd be at the Kirk this afternoon will tell some of the men saam Mount quickly there must be no violence in the church Robert this man couldn't keep his eyes off Barber this afternoon if he's in the Kirk he'll come out for he sees her in the courtyard Robert you will take this mcaden alive of course my Lord those are my orders Robert a very neat story you told Robert what a Pity the truth isn't so attractive what the devil do you mean don't try to look so virtuous Robert you know what I mean I mean it was you and Colin who ambushed mcgarden you're DED I heard you plot the whole thing with Colin and Bruce beforehand I distinctly heard you say that he'd never leave here alive the lie and if you repeat it to anyone I'll kill you you'd best do it now Robert because father's going to hear the whole story morock is this true why should I lie to you Barbara Colin and Robert plotted murder never mind telling your father now you must ride to the Kirk and wi mcgarden go go quickly follow them [Music] hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] turn back M put that pistol away you fool I'm your brother no brother of mine would forget the mardans are our enemies turn back and I'll shoot shoot them and be hanged to you [Music] all this fuss over a little pin PR hold your tongue angers my garden you've lost a flagen of Blood by this time the GLS will be searching under the riv Bush and stone sit you down Hold Still You rling worm would you he me forg get my cloth and bux your ears he's in no condition to ride the glenard he's right Angus you must get some some rest L and be hang I'm fit enough to sit a saddle I'll take him over to Dr McDonald hress the womb can you trust McDonald implicitly I'll bring Angus back when he's done he can rest here until he's well enough to ride again he'll fad over me L and keep off the main road when you ride for Glenn arton I will that and I'll be back for you in a day or [Music] two [Music] go [Music] you go on from here Barbara Don't Be Afraid as soon as he comes out we'll closing on the CK when he sees me he'll come out if he's [Music] there [Music] [Applause] lady Barbara why are you still here where is mordu mordu I don't understand and you mean you haven't seen him no we'll get to your horse quick your advice comes a bit too late oh please go quickly allow me to compliment you lady Barbara was a very neat [Music] trap we're ordered to take your alive Marden do you yield certainly if you can give me the name of one Marden who ever did we'll take you dead then if that's the way you prefer it you're welcome to try but if you have any regard for your skin remember you're not shooting from behind a bush this time let me Whittle down this mardan's arrogance [Music] hi back back my pleasure glowen [Music] Alexander come barara it's a long ride [Music] home but you must let him go it isn't fair Colin is dead I have no choice in the matter you're a pleading for an enemy and a murderer Alexander killed Colin in a fair fight that's not the story Robert told Uncle James I say this to his face Robert is a liar Barbara you do not know what you're saying Robert is your own Kinsman then that's our Misfortune moch is our Kinsman too but he swore he heard Robert plan an ambush when Murdoch returns I shall demand a report from him until then we will not discuss this matter any further oh could change you please Barbara I said we would not discuss it barara what is this mgar to you answer me what does this Mard mean to you Robert Barbara these Highland Savages are our mortal foes have you forgotten you born a [Music] glowen [Music] I came to tell you I know you're innocent my cousin Murdoch told me Alexander look at me I beg [Music] you then listen to me I had another reason for coming you believe that I betrayed you and that I cannot bear I came to you were the only one who knew I'd be at the Kirk you led them there how it must have amused them on the way Alexander mcgarden waiting like a Lovick idiot to be taken into a glowing plot but I sent mardock to warn you something must have happened he hasn't returned and you say he never reached the Kirk I don't know but only you could have told them I'd be there how else would they know answer it answer me if I cannot make you believe that what I did was done in a moment of bitterness and doubt then believe what you will only tell me what I can do to help you now you're clever with devices and plots make your own but you'll understand I'm sure if I don't trust you you're doubting me now just as I doubted you but I cannot hate you for it I can only plead with you and try to offer you what Comfort I can it would give me great comfort to see you leave here here get out if insulting me helps to ease the pain in your heart go on please go I have one more thing to tell you look at me let me say it I think you know what it is I'll say it nevertheless for I've never said it before to any man and if you die I may never say it to another but I'll not say it to the back of your head Alexander then shout it from your window when they hang me in the [Music] courtyard [Music] now the paper FR [Music] d [Music] evening to you Andrew evening even Andrew speak low I got your message what happened it's moch I found him dead in the forest mardock impossible I found him dead Lassie we a pistol ball in his back oh [Music] no Andre does anyone else know of this no less tell no one do you understand no one go back to your cage and wait for me I'll join you there [Music] later Malcolm settle my horse settle your I you see it was all my fault I can't help but feel I sent Murdoch to his death dinner reproach yourself you could not have foreseen what would happen and Alexander a prisoner at dungar that was my fault too it was I who told them where to find him why did you take me to that confounded Docker I shouldn't have left the boy I don't understand why you decided to keep Murdoch's death a secret Reverend Douglas they killed Murdoch to keep him from mourning Alexander you mean he was murdered by one of his own clansmen worse than that by his own brother Bruce lady Barbara do you know what you're saying I know Robert threatened to kill murder but it couldn't have been Robert because I was with him all the time Robert rode with you all the way to the Kirk I but Bruce didn't we met him on the way to the Kirk you realize of course that you have no proof at all none then I can be of no help lady why did you come to me I came to seek Alexander's friend so you came seeking me did you how many glowing have you brought with you this time Cal your bangus I trust her as I would my own daughter he but your daughter is not glowing Alexander's life may be at stake you've got to trust me why should I by your own confession he was captured with your help Angus you Surly Blockhead will you listen to what the girl has to say what is did you want I want you to take me to Glenarden why if I am Hostage to the mardens no glown would dare harm Alexander I'm sorry Alexander would give me no thanks for saving his life that way yet it gives me an idea you really want to help the lad you know I do then listen carefully tomorrow night at 10:00 this is what you must do [Laughter] [Music] I tell you I hunted through the Ravine for hours Murdoch's body has disappeared are you certain you returned to the right spot do you think I forget where I hid the body all I know is I returned to bury it it was gone Bruce are you absolutely sure he was dead when you left him I I'm sure this can mean only one thing Murdoch's body has been discovered then why hasn't Murdoch's death been reported by this time I wish I knew I don't like it Rie I don't like it a bit Bruce glowen Murdoch is here at my Cottage we will expect you tonight Andrew obviously old Andrew intends to bleed you for money I you'll be living with a dagger at your throat if you pay him once he'll Hound you forever what are you trying to to say Robert when our payment full tonight [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your goans have a talent for certain traps but wouldn't you say we've done a neat CH with this one who are you have a good look [Music] ly what do you want to me don't worry about your dirty hide Bruce glowen it's not my intention to disturb a ha of it no Bruce CL the truth of the matter is you're not worth killing here let's put this little toy to bed what do you want with me my son Alexander is enjoying the glow and Hospitality the mardans never accept a courtesy without returning it so we've taken it upon ourselves to invite you to Be Our Guest at Glenarden I know you're delighted aren't you I thought you would be [Music] here what's all this BL look for yourself man it's the old Marden wolf riding into dungar as largest life inform Lord glowen what are you doing here mck I've come for an audience with Lord glowen since when does Lord glowen give audience to thieves perhaps he'd like to try it for the novelty well do we pass or do we stand like this all day my father will see you but keep your hands off your weapons good day Lord L this visit is a great surprise mun so is the granting of this audience you didn't come here to exchange empty courtes makan what do you want I want my son we're holding your son for the murder of Colin glowen judging by the looks of you I'd say that Alexander's all but hanged already this is Bruce's ring it is that will be good good enough to tell me what this means at this moment your son is enjoying the hospitality of Glenarden continue M it also means that if you hang my son I'll hang yours perhaps a trifle higher release the prisoner I my Lord but you can't very well Robert I can't eh but will you take the responsibility for whatever may happen to Bruce you and your son will be given safe conduct from dongar mun provided you swear on your oath as a Highland Chieftain that Bruce glowen will be safely returned by sunset tomorrow you have my oath you've won this thrakian now go skullking back to lard and and gloat over it but our turn will come and someday we exterminate your whole banded tribe wipe the froth from your mouth ladyy whenever youever mind to pay us a visit to Glenarden we'll give you a welcome that'll warm your black glowing Hearts now you talk bravely you feel snug and secure from Attack behind your Hills prob enough if any mother son of you has any idea that the clan mcart fight in the open let him spit it out so we can hear it I say it if the clan glow took the field not you nor any of your thieving brood would dare set foot outside the pass there's the a blow has been struck beneath this roof M as chief of the clan L there's but one course open to me how long will your CL handsman need to prepare it's a challenge then a mortal challenge M I accept a fight at the Finish m to the Finish where and when at harden Mo in 3 days will not keep you waiting father wait the moment you leave dung Gary there'll be no turning back you'll be committed to this fight and the last chance for peace will be gone is no one here sane enough to realize what this means think what you do plee for peace as a strange sound on your lips was it for the sake of peace that you murdered Klan I cannot leave dungari without answering this malicious lie my Lord upon my honor and by everything I hold sacred I swear that Colin glowen died by my hand in a fair fight it seems our Clans are determined to destroy each other nothing I can say or do will alter it your Kinsman are waiting Alexander mccarden [Music] hear a message from the lady Barbara she will meet you at the Kirk [Music] [Applause] [Music] my father told me what you did Barbara I'll be forever in your de it's not your thanks I've come for Alexander the plan is gathering they've all gone mad why do you come to me you mustn't let it happen you're the only one left who hasn't lost his reason there's nothing I can do I talked to them and they laughed at me I tried to reason with them it was like screaming into the wind we've got to find a way to stop them we've got to they'll Slaughter one another let them let them murder each other let them spill their hate on Ard Moore you fool it's blood they'll spill I cannot stop the wind I'm leaving Barbara I'm leaving Scotland when now tonight you're running away oh Lassie listen to me I'm a mardan if I stay I must fight I love you Barbara GL I love you with all my heart would you have me stay here and fight against your own people against you what about your people not devil take them can you talk of nothing else is that all you came for have you nothing more to say to me Barbara nothing else would be important now or it would it would to me tell me please let me go tell me why you offered yourself as a hostage for my life say it say it Barbara I love you say it I I do I love you Alexander I do love you Alexander Come Away With Me Barbara where anywhere France England Vienna doesn't matter where if only it's far enough we can't leave Scotland Alec if we leave it means their hate is stronger than our love you must stay we've we've got to make them understand what would you have me do crawl to them on my knees you think it's love of me that's sending you away don't you see it's not its Pride the same Foolish Pride that's driven our people into this fight you can't run away from it Alexander your father's waiting stay Alec tell me you'll [Music] stay [Laughter] [Music] [Music] for [Music] Robert I could almost swear she [Music] knew but how can you allow it to go on why don't you do something to stop it we're committed to this fight it's not too late you can can withdraw the challenge bar you do not know what you're saying This concerns the honor of the clan honor you use the honor of the clowns to excuse mass suicide it's useless to pursue this discussion any further you don't want to pursue it because in your heart you know I'm right potheads like Robert and Bruce have kept his Dreadful quarrel alive had it not been for them you would have made peace with mcy and his people long ago bar I said we would not discuss it and I know why because you're a coward enough enough I understand my dear go to your [Music] room [Music] might I ask what this means the meaning is very simple Lord GL those horses belong to you I return why my Lord in the name of the clan mccarden I've come to offer the clan glow on our friendship and to request of the challenge to combat be withdrawn the clan Marden suing for peace I Lord clown we sue for peace but without humility Peace With Honor don't trust him It's A Barden trick if it is I fail to perceive what they expect Again by it Lord you mustn't listen to him call the clan to assemble here but father did you not hear what I said Alexander mcgarden you will wait in my study until I send for you [Music] they've been debating for 2 hours don't make peace Alec we mustn't doubt it why not why not doubt it this Hate's grown like an ugly weed for three generations I can't reject your offer of piece at something these Savages haven't reasoned with anything but their swords for a 100 years Alexander mcgarden my father will see you in the name of the clan Lan of dungar I accept the Friendship of Glenarden thank you my Lord [Music] gentlemen I leave you here Alec your uncle couldn't have chosen a better gift for my father perhaps he'll accept a glowen horse but what will he say to a glowen daughter-in-law what can he say I'm changing your name to Marden you're jesting Robert you're not serious I was never more serious in my my life robertt you're cleverer than me that's why I've always done what you told me but devil take it man you've gone out of your mind don't you realize Bruce the Clans are at peace you must take up the olive branch and pay our respects to Glenarden pay our respects to Glenarden before i' do that I'd see them all dead you'll see them all dead Bruce you are an innocent what do you mean Robert I've been taking some of the lads along with me we'll turn up like aarden overflowing with brotherly love go on Rob while I'm beging them with my irresistible charm you'll seiz Marden pass it'll take all the men you can scrape together and then what you'll get rid of the centes that are guarding lardan Valley and then you'll wait for my signal it'll come after the mardans have retired for the night the rest is simple no no r no no there's too much risk but Bruce you've always trusted me I say there's no risk who would suspect father father but we're going hunting Bruce do we have to say where when do we leave now call your men [Music] Charles was that Mr Robert who wrote off just now a he and those hot tempered Lads were aching for a fight now that there'll be none you'd swear there were little boys whose toys had been taken from them where have they gone to the hunting ground be un L Mr Robert told Lord glow it would be a good way for the lads to work up their disappointment what might you have been Alex that's rather a long story Angus it's a bonny Mount you have there where did you get it that's a long story too and for your sake ly I hope it's a convincing one your father wants to see [Music] you welcome home Alexa Where Have You Been what did you do with those horses I took them back to dongary you're justing Alexander no father I'm not what possessed you why did you do such a thing because I thought it high time something of the sort was done what kind of an anerous tell me you had reason to be grateful to the glowing girl did you do it because of her partly father but that isn't all I did no what else I made peace with the glow made peace with the GL let him finish what he has to say I offered Lord glowen our friendship he accepted it there'll be no fight on Arden Moore how you lost your mind all you've done is to make them think we're afraid of them when your temper is cooled off rnie you'll realize it's the sanest thing I've ever done Lord glowen received me handsomely father and in token of his friendship he send you the finest stallion from his stable accept a glow and gift we'll send it back to dung Gary I and the glow and friendship we very well undo my work let this asinine quel continue for another hundred years meet the glow on AR M and carve your stupidity into their hearts any fool can flourish a claymore I can do that as well as the best of you but if you call that Pride I want no part of it fight if you insist on being fools but if any of you have a grain ENT you'll take this chance for peace and be glad of it as I am you'll forget that the glows were ever our enemies and welcome them to Glenarden as they welcome me to dongary the day of glowen steps foot on the soil of Glenarden I'll be six foot under it and H you grave Ronny lad we'll bury you there's a party riding into the valley wearing the glow and ttan welcome them is it I'll give them welcome they'll near forget don't be an idiot Ronnie they come as friends hold your Steeler I'll pin your ears to the door with it good day my Lord I believe in plain speaking Captain glowen why have you come to Darden what do you want your son came to Castle dangar to offer us the friendship you for a clan we've come to find out if you mardens mean what you say yes Mas son meant what he said and he speaks for the clan mccarden welcome Captain glowen welcome all of you to Arden Hall captain [Music] good day good day to you Mass did a Hunting Party pass this way excuse you minut while I take this devil off my line a Hunting Party you say no l are you sure no Horsemen have ridden by motti stands beside the rod Lassie they could not have ridden by without my seeing them thank you [Music] shepher boy have many Travelers passed here of late only a party of Horsemen what was the tarton they were they were of the clan gloen of dongary Tomy lar what road did they take take the road that leads to [Music] Glenarden are you journeying from Arden m i then you must have seen a party of glow and clans I around dozen of them what were they doing when you saw them well they were holding a parley with a large band of armed men then the road off which road did they take road to Glenarden Glenarden I want you to take a message to Lord glown at castle dongary castle dongary oh please you'll be well paid at life and death what's the message tell him Robert glown is attacking Glenarden and tell him to come at once I please hurry [Music] yeah [Music] a toast to the clan [Music] glowing [Music] if you don't get enough to eat it's your own fault come come drink up all of you [Music] come [Music] a [Music] Angus where are you going into the Clean Air billing and cooling with the glowing is not my idea of a past time oh Angus were bu in the past tonight the Feud's over stay in break bread with the clowns if you a stomach bed mine's a we bit sensitive [Music] it's time tell the others to make ready [Music] [Music] I watch all the doors if anyone attempts to lock them you know what to do hi sir you take care of the old wolf and the young one that's a pleasure I reserve for [Music] myself [Music] it's lady [Music] Barbara Robert glown plans to kill you all the valley is surrounded warned the clan [Music] quick was there your death Maad [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] tiger oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] McRae are the entrances all guarded I [Music] sharp you [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] he [Music] welcome me Lord Glen aren I never thought to see the day I'd be so glad to beh holded L and face not I my Lord Arden Hall B you welcome thank you gentlemen [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have defiled the honor of the clan you have been a party to the murder of your own brother you shall die like the Savage that you are and at the hands of your own people whom you have disgraced you can't I'm your own son I'm a glowen and so is Murdoch and that you should be what you are it's better that I have no son give him 5 minutes to make his peace with God no no you can't I'm a glow I tell you I'm a glow no when it is done burn down the [Music] tree [Music] oh [Music] w
Channel: Cinema Quest
Views: 251,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinema Quest, Cinema, Movies, Fantasy Movies, Fantasy, Fantasy Genre, movie clips, clips, film clips, fantasy movie clips, magic
Id: 5KOQqa0P9r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 55sec (4915 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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