10 Traits Every Entrepreneur NEEDS to Master for Success

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we tend to focus so much on you know marketing and how to make more money all of these classes on just like how to do do do but it's also important to be and become the entrepreneur and think more like a CEO what's up beautiful people welcome back to my channel I'm Erin and this is Erin one's Matt a place for entrepreneurs and content creators who want to learn how to build their brand business and impact and today we are talking about soft skills not the hard skills like marketing and social media impact and how to make a great website and a channel banner and you know all of those types of things we're talking about the softer skills that often go overlooked but are so necessary and developing a strong entrepreneur and I think that this is so important to me because people will look at other entrepreneurs and say I'm doing the same thing they're doing I'm doing that I'm putting in the same you know amount of effort or I did my videos the exact same way or you know I'm trying to market this product the same way why is mine not taking off a lot of the difference between good and great lies and your soft skills so I'm gonna break down the top ten soft skills that I think make for every strong entrepreneur now you know someone might be a strong entrepreneur but may not possess every single one of these traits these are things that I am still working hard to be more of every single day in my business in my life but these are important things that everyone should you know want to possess ok so let's get into them the first trait that I want to talk about is adaptability now I put this one first for a reason because it is probably one of the most prominent things you need to be able to do as an entrepreneur is be able to adapt adapting to change because things are always changing when I first started air on demand I did even think that it would be what it is now but because you know I embrace change I was able to kind of go with the ebbs and flows of how my business took shape on its own when you start you have you may have one thing in mind but as your business continues to grow as you continue to learn more about how business works as you begin to learn yourself more and what you like what you don't like your role in your business things change and it's so important to be able to adapt to that change because without being adaptable is so hard to to grow another part of adaptability that's very important is being teachable so many people get so stuck in their idea and they want mentorship or you want a coach but you're very difficult to teach and so it's so important to be able to take wise counsel and know what you want to do with it but being okay with getting feedback and making adjustments accordingly so you have to be able to make those changes and be teachable within your own business second skill is confidence this is a tough one because it can be really hard to be confident in something that you have no idea what the outcome is sometimes we have no idea what we're doing we have no idea how we're gonna get from point A to point B as entrepreneurs but you have to know that you are capable that you are more than enough that everything that you need to be successful in your business in your life is inside of you and that you are worthy of the success that you are putting out that you're going to receive if you do not believe in your business then your business is not going to happen so you have to believe in it you have to have the confidence and yourself and this is also confidence is also a big one as you get into business not even just with having the confidence to start it but having the confidence to tell people yes my price is this or yes my prices have gone up or no I cannot take this job because you know it is you're not willing to pay even not with purchasing but just negotiating at is how you see fit for the project to flow maybe you want this scene in the film but the other producer doesn't and so you have to learn how to have confidence in what you believe in and I think practicing being confident just in how you speak what you say and your decisions being decisive and being confident in your decisiveness is oh my gosh such a huge huge trick that on many successful entrepreneurs possess the third thing and this is one of my favorites y'all because I love me some fashion ok looking the part ok and whatever that part looks like for you you gotta look it I'm not saying that you cannot create the look that you want to have within your company but it is very important that we look like something and for me what that is is I try to be polished pretty much most of the time I know you know in the dandelion I get more relatable I will show you how my hair wraps I will show you you know in my PJs with no makeup on and that's totally fine because I'm confident in looking like that on camera but there's balance you guys see less of that you see more of me looking like more put together even if I'm a little scrub --is-- in some of the videos you probably see me getting ready and I spruce it up or when I go to meetings you see how I dress just making sure that you looked the part I saw one thing that said having one degree more than what is expected and how you look is important so if the attire is jeans and a t-shirt maybe you show up to the meeting and jeans a t-shirt and a blazer where maybe you show up with jeans and t-shirts and heels instead of sneakers or flats so just kind of putting in that extra little effort to look the part and to stand out and how you look it is nothing wrong with popping on a color lip if that's appropriate for the setting you're gonna be in to make yourself stand out maybe that's your thing finding that thing that helps you look the part but also is your signature I think a lot of us we get wrapped up in like it's not about what you wear it's about you know it's on the inside of you which is partially true but it is about how you look because people's first impression is often what you what you look like and you want you don't want to give anybody a reason to not want to be in your environment or not want to partake in your business the fourth soft skill it's being knowledgeable and well-read and I can usually tell when someone is well-read versus not just based off of our conversations just how they may articulate themselves you can generally tell people who read a lot and this is something that I'm still working going I've never been like a super super reader like I am not the person who just finishes a book every day or every couple of days it does take me a little longer to read books but I do try to commit at least 30 minutes a day to read something it's so important to be well read because it plays a part when there are conversations that you need to be a part of when there is table talk and you know people are talking about current events or things that may impact your role and you are not like you have no input on those things because you may simply just be not well-read and so big well-read being really knowledgeable and always looking to learn more about different things it makes the world of a difference and another thing that I noticed is people who read a lot tend to be pretty creative and so I cannot tell you guys even like when I'm reading and seeing different sentence structures or different words being used or different ways people think it jars something in my creativity and it just helps to expand like we always want to be expanding number five body language do you smile do you slouch do you sit up straight you know what are your hand gestures do you always fold your arms do you always kind of look a little mean these are things that can be difficult to change because we get so accustomed to how our body naturally just fall or flows but it is it is important to have positive posture and it makes a difference it makes a difference in your approach ability it makes a difference in just your body alignment and like the health of your bones in your body just in general when you smile more you feel better and I even try to smile when I talk so that when I'm talking on camera I look inviting to you guys I'm just gonna show you guys really quickly this is me smile talking I just want you guys to see how showing your teeth Maura when you talk makes such a huge difference now I'm going to say that without smell talking this is me smile talking I just want you guys to see that without talking with my teeth showing how it makes such a huge difference doesn't that make a big difference it automatically does something it makes you feel different and I think successful entrepreneurs they definitely nail posture and body language the sixth soft skill is work ethic oh man work ethic is prominent before you become an entrepreneur and it should be very visible and you know you know if you have work ethic you know if you're a hard worker you know if you're actually lazy and it's okay if you're lazy honestly I have a big dose of laziness just in my blood but I can power through it and it is something that I have constantly been working on and I continue to work on just my productivity even if you are still working for a company do you go the extra mile do you get the job done do you get the job done well when you work for someone else you have the accountability of like needing to get it done because your job is on the line if you don't have work ethic when you work somewhere else it is gonna be hard to channel that same work ethic when you work for yourself because yes this may be your passion project I know that's what you think and it's different girls you work for yourself and doing something actually like yes that does make a difference and it does alter your willingness to go the extra mile but what I will say is work ethics is a muscle that you have to practice because I guarantee you even if you're passionate about something well you don't see the results right away that passion tends to dwindle well you don't see results or money right away the passion tends to dwindle running on a slippery slope when you're you're running on passion and not work if you don't have the work ethic that's not the passion is not going to make you do the work it's the work ethic that will and so you have to be a hard worker and I say going the extra mile and just practicing that in general in your life wherever you are right now is definitely gonna help when you become an entrepreneur and you have to work for yourself and you have to produce and you may not always see the results and you also don't have the accountability because your job is in no hands not anybody else's vii soft skill is communication skills and this is very broad but I'm gonna hit a couple different things within this so the first thing is can you communicate what your business is who you are who do you serve in a very succinct way a lot of people call this elevator pitches I think it's kind of dated now to call it an elevator pitch but can you basically tell somebody about you and your business very quickly and efficiently if you can't do that in 10 seconds or less it's time for you to either figure out your business and get it together a little bit better or really brush up your communication skills second layer to this skill is can you have good conversations with people because ultimately business is about making connections and if you have a hard time I hear a lot of people saying like I hate small talk okay so can you big talk because can you have meaningful conversations with people can you you know bring your life experiences it's a different meetings or share things about yourself that can impact the people that you're talking to that will really cultivate stronger connections than something like small talk like hey you do where are you from can you bring something to the table third kind of fold to this is written communication can you send a good email can you like right without typos I know that's like literally impossible but for the most part like grammatical errors just show laziness it shows that you aren't attentive to detail and it can just say a lot of things without you necessarily saying them the egg thing is taking initiative and this is really really important because with being someone who has a community I have my e brand club and I have you know I put out information just on my social platforms like YouTube on Instagram and I get a lot of diems from people asking me very goo global questions like questions that you can literally search for on Google and get the answer or you can literally go on to my YouTube channel and scroll like a couple things down because I don't have a ton of videos on here and you can find a video that will give you the answer and so many people just don't take any initiative on themselves and you're looking for someone to spoon-feed you the answers and this sometimes when I see certain questions and it's not that I don't like to answer questions and it's not that I'm not you know understanding that I have positioned myself as an expert and what I do but what I will say is that when certain questions come along if you cannot Google that question or look for the answer on your own then it's gonna be very hard for you to problem-solve and figure out the challenges that come with entrepreneurship because some things it's just you have to figure it out on your own taking initiative when no one always has to tell you exactly what to do when you can try something new on your own when you can do something that hasn't ever been done before but you just feel like you should take initiative to start something different or do something new that is a characteristic that nobody can take from you and that will always work in your favor when it comes entrepreneurship okay ix courage and being courageous it's scary it is so scary so if you didn't think it was gonna be scary I'm just let you know it is freaking scary to come out and do something on your own that no one has done before or you might be the first thing your family or you may be you may not have that much capital and you're like literally trying to get it right the first time it is freaking scary okay and when you can channel that courage and feel the fear but face it anyway you are in good condition and that's all I'm gonna say about courage and the tenth soft skill that I think every entrepreneurship entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs should have is humility and being humble I know we can get on our high horse and think that our business is the best think that we are the best because guess what we have the confidence which was tip number two but it is also important to know that one you can always use help and this is something that I am working going to because a lot of us can be perfectionist and we want things done a certain way and you feel like nobody else can quite do it as good as you and that's not true because you need to you need to find people who can do it better than you who can help you come up with ideas who can tell you when that idea just doesn't sound right and if you want to take that advice or leave that advice then that's up to you but having the humility to even be open to feedback and to take the negative feedback and consider it like consider it and then do what you want with it so that is one form of humility the other form is knowing that there is always going to be competition there's always gonna be someone better than you and that's fine like that is okay once you come to terms with that that there will be other people doing the same thing that you want to do it's okay you have to be humble and know that what you have and what is for you be yours so soft skills super important they are the dividers between the good and the great they sit right on that barrier so success there's really no secret to success it's just the fact that you have to be a better you like every single day you have to be working on building a stronger errand or a stronger insert your own name every single day whether that's through your morning routine I have a video on how to build a great morning routine I will link it in the description box below whether that's through reading better books cutting off the TV for a second deleting some people on Instagram filling your life with positive energy and with people who are going to push you to be a better person because yes I'm telling y'all this stuff is way more important than figuring out how to make a bomb post on Instagram or how to make a website look slide like yes those things are important but this stuff if you can get this whether your business fails you can go ahead and start another one because you have everything inside of you to build something that's worth standing I just wanted to share some soft skills because I feel like these are the things that go a little bit more unnoticed we tend to focus so much on you know marketing and how to make more money how to be you know better this or that or all of these classes on just like how to do do do but it's also important to be and become the entrepreneur and think more like a CEO or think more like who you want to be in the future so I'm so excited is is your business can only grow as much as you are growing so if you are not growing personally it's gonna be very hard for your business to grow financially its reach or where however you see your business or brand groans I want you guys to answer this question you you know that I'm very active in my comments and I want to know what is the skill that you want to work on the most for this month whatever month you're watching this what is the one soft skill that you want to focus on really strengthening to be a better you to be a better entrepreneur I wouldn't know so answer that in the comments below so we can chat about it and on that notes if you want to be a part of my internet home all you have to do is hit the subscribe button I upload new videos every week sometimes twice a week usually Sundays and Wednesdays and we talk all things branding business building entrepreneurship just living a better life and being all that you are destined to be so if that sounds like your jam all you have to do is hit the subscribe button and I will see you guys on the next one peace
Channel: Erin On Demand
Views: 103,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: success habits to master, how to be successful, how to be an entrepreneur, how to be a successful entrepreneur, how to be a ceo, ceo mindset, traits entrepreneurs must have to success, how to be confident, how to start a business, how to start a successful business, entrepreneur advice, entrepreneur mindset advice, Erin on demand, Erin Winters
Id: Q1XXmYbKhEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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