July Garden Tour 2020 | Garden Crossings

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hi this is heidi from garden crossings and i am going to take you for the july garden tour through my yard so hold on and enjoy this tour it's um in the morning usually i do these in the afternoon or in the evening so we'll see what the color looks like with the morning light so to start off this garden tour we're going to start off in the front of the house and like i said it is mid-july right now and so things are perfect coloration i think typically july is my favorite time out in the garden all my favorite things really start to bloom so we'll start off in this corner here on the far left that is the aqua pot and that is planted up with some of the new varieties for 2021 and you can see that the new sweet potato vine is definitely taking over so not many of the new varieties are actually showing through but that's one thing that i find kind of interesting when you plant up containers every couple weeks they have a different look to them and they will look totally different in the beginning of the season than what they do in the end of the season but i think that um progression is fine because it always is looking different as we move along here the front of the bed here is filled with the vista bubble gum supertunias and they have really filled out the thing i like about the bubble gum is they're just a massive color and this front area is only five plants they get water daily and they also get fed once a week so that is one thing that really helps them look superb behind the supertunias we have the lo and behold lilac chip butterfly bushes and they bloom for a good portion of the summer so that is one thing i like about the butterfly bushes is that they're long blooming behind them is a aqua pot filled with sun patience and diamond mountain and that just gives a nice splash of color that i think looks really nice with the bubble gum supertunias the yellow you're seeing are the sun credible sunflowers those are new for 2020 so that was a new variety for this year and again lots of color kind of a nice airy form to them so i just really love how they mingle kind of in this spot behind them we have our lighted hanging baskets and these are irrigated baskets so they're hooked up to a drip line so they get dripped with water every day and then if you can notice there up in that bell there is a light so at night these are illuminated so not only can you enjoy the baskets during the day you also get to enjoy them during the evening as we make our way to the side of the front of the house we've got again more of the vista bubblegum petunias and behind them are three bobo hydrangeas one thing you're going to notice as we walk through the yard i have a lot of bobo hydrangeas typically i don't duplicate a lot of my plants because i just like to have a lot of variety but you will notice bobo is duplicated and you will also notice a little bit of size difference on the bobo so these are the newest ones these are about three foot tall and three foot wide so size will be a little bit different based off the age of the plant but also you'll notice that they're at different bloom schedules i guess you might say and i think that has something to do with the amount of heat and sun that the different locations get this is a westward facing so it's only getting sun from like one until the end of the day where a lot of the other ones in my garden are getting sun pretty much all day long this here is a standard bloomerang lilac bloomed earlier this spring it needs to get trimmed because it's getting way too huge but underneath that we have planted the ana ana's magic ball fujas that's about the only evergreen i have in my yard and i did that because in the winter i do like to have a little bit of something that stays consistent in this area as we head along the side of the yard we have the vista snowdrift petunias again creating a mat of color and behind it is the quickfire hydrangea so this is i would say just about to its prime there's a lot of white on it but it's definitely headed towards its fiery coloration we'll go in for a closer look with a lot of the pinks and the reds so i would say probably another week maybe two this will be a lot more of that reddish pink color that's about eight foot shrub right there as we head down the side yard these are the bobo hydrangeas and between the planted between the bobos i have pugsters they're not blooming quite yet but those will be pretty once they start to bloom and on the side of the house i have a hearty hibiscus to the left and then another hearty hydrangea in the middle there that's little lamb that's not blooming yet that's going to be a later in the season bloomer another hearty hibiscus and a pugster there tucked between the bobos this hardy hibiscus i'm not sure which one it is right now because it's not blooming but look at that nice dark foliage i think that looks really pretty up against the white flowers of the bobo so this area of the garden is super hard to grow because it's so dry it's south facing so i just had to put a couple big things in there to fill the space that i knew would do well as we take the corner here this is an in incredible blush hydrangea and it's past its peak now but even that when the flowers are almost done they still look pretty from a distance kind of a dusty pink i've got a sneak around my neighbor's tree here a minute and we'll get a look at this garden from this direction so again this is a very dry area so i have some cone flowers planted in here some annual verbena some shasta daisies and then as i go this direction i get a little bit more um water so i can see these hostas and stuff planted through the arch that is the mini mauvette hydrangea the pinks you're seeing in the back there let's take a closer look again those were in their prime a couple weeks ago but even so i think they still look really pretty as they're headed fading the flowers are fading we'll back up a little bit so this now is the back of my house which faces the east and and tucked in this little garden here there's kind of a smorgasbord of full sun full shade and part shade plants because really this area can kind of do well with any of those varieties some of the things you're seeing blooming right now is back up against the house the purple that is the angelonia super blue that was just kind of a bare spot so we put a whole bunch of angelonia in there for kind of a consistent pop of color you'll see there's some coleus wicked witch that's the burgundy with the lime green edging and again there was holes so we just popped some of that in kind of a little drift of color beautiful day lily there i think that's red hot returns one of my favorite plants in my whole garden is ulster myria inca ice the reason i love inca ice is because it blooms all summer and i've even had this plant blooming into november remember we're in michigan here so for a plant to be blooming in november that's pretty impressive and this plant is that's one plant so it's gotten quite large so i love the inca ice ulster myria along the back of the house i have some shrubs what's blooming down there is the little quick fire hydrangea so that's kind of more of a lace cap and that one's about two foot tall maybe two and a half foot tall this is a fairly new newly planted shrub area on either side of the little quick fire i have the snippet lime wigila and that was blooming earlier that's a spring bloomer so those those had some pink flowers on it but the reason why i chose the snippet line for this place is because see how the foliage is kind of a limey green i just wanted something that popped against some of the more darker greens in this garden and i think that snippet lime is doing a great job of that under the deck here this area gets sun in the morning but then obviously once the sun goes up the deck is shading it so in this area i have a lot of hostas that you can see in here right now um there's a black-eyed susan that's actually doing well even though it's fairly shady in the spring though there is a bleeding heart in here there's a stilby in here and there's some brunera so in the spring this is a little bit more flowerful than it is right now but i like the big hostas in this area because again it just fills in the space nicely and don't have to worry about weeding too much because the hostas just really cover everything we'll spin around and we'll start heading to the back so this area here as i've mentioned in other videos this area had a large maple tree that fell over a few years back so in this garden here we did a lot of repetitive planting typically not my style that you'll see because i just kind of have a little bit of everything but in this space here it's very consistent with what we've done so in the center there we have the limelight a limelight hydrangea and that's a standard meaning it's on a in tree form and it's just starting to show a little bit of color and planted around that limelight hydrangea we did some of the the bloomerang dwarfs this is bloomerang dwarf purple this bloomed earlier this spring and i can see we'll go in closer and there's a lot of buds on this plant so it's going to do its rebloom so the bloomerang lilacs are re-blooming lilacs and they will bloom the spring is when it's got its best show of color but it does bloom throughout the summer just kind of with sporadic flowers which i think is nice because most lilacs you're not going to get anything after its first spring bloom also in this garden we have the mai monet wajila which is this variegated plant and the reason we chose that is because the variegation of the foliage it's lighter it pops in color so up against the green of the hydrangea that wajila i think really stands out nicely behind that we have the heuchera and i believe this one is heuchera wild berry which is that purple in there and again look at the wajila up against that heuchera the coloration just next to each other really plays nicely the red that is throughout this garden are red sun patients and you'll notice there's not a lot of red in my garden as we walk around but we had extras of these one year so rod planted them in this space and i think that i think it turned out really pretty so we've been kind of just repeating this look for the last i think this is the second year we've done this and again you'll notice there's lilacs there's three lilacs in here there's five of the uh six of the agila and then there are three atlas rows so the atlas rose are kind of cycling right now so there's not a lot of blooms on them let me head over though so i can't show you one of them that is blooming so here is the atlas rose it's that beautiful peach rose and i wouldn't typically think to put peach and red together but i think like look at that that purple the red and the peach i think it looks really pretty together and then of course i added my little corona hair don't care statue to the garden this year because i think that you know we can all relate with what corona hair was this spring all right we're going to head back further into the garden here and this space here used to be where my kids swing set in sandbox was but obviously my kids are older now and haven't needed a swing set or sandbox for quite a few years so we removed that out of the garden and my daughter wanted to create a butterfly garden so a lot of the plants that are in this space would be considered more like butterfly plants so let's take a walk around and i'll show you some of what's going on in this garden so up front here the grouping of five that's nepeta cats pajamas that has recently been trimmed back and it's starting to put on another little bit of a rebloom so that is a plant that if it stops blooming or you know has a lot of spent blooms go ahead and trim it back and you'll get more flowers as we head around some of the colors you're seeing are cone flower sombrero burgundy and then i believe the orange is the adobe orange again butterfly garden hummingbird garden this is salvia rockin fuchsia we tucked a little sun patient in there that we had left and i don't know i like that that bright splash of color uh behind the little dragonfly statue that is all opening our not opening act but that's all a flocks that's done blooming so that will get trimmed back to reveal the hibiscus that's planted in the middle there sometimes i plant things on top of each other knowing when one thing is done another thing is going to start so i kind of stack it just because i get greedy in the garden and i don't have all the space so i'll plant something that blooms early with something that blooms later that way i can have color more longer in the season in that same spot every butterfly garden needs escalapias and here we have asclepius cinderella cinderella is the pink blooming escalapias and we've had a lot of butterflies and caterpillars on this plant this year i'm not looking too hard but i'm wondering if i would see one here in the video probably not because you never find things when you're hoping to but you need to have milkweed if you have a butterfly garden because this is a plant that is the host for the monarch butterflies another thing is if you want to attract like swallow swallowtails and stuff a lot of the different herbs like dill and parsley that would help attract swallow tails so next year i'm going to be adding some of those additions into the garden as well the big hydrangea you're seeing there is quick fire so all the pictures you see of quick fire show this brilliant bright red hydrangea and i get a lot of questions when the quick fire start blooming people are telling me no ah that's not quick fire it's white quick fire is red well to get red quickfire has to or i'm saying quick fire that's not even it scratch the quickfire this is fire light fire light hydrangea so fire light all the pictures are red that you see in advertisements and it does turn red but before it turns red it has to start off as white so it's got beautiful large white blooms and then over the next month month and a half these blooms are going to start turning kind of a lighter pink and then a darker pink and then a fiery red so firelight is a stunning shrub it shows its best color later on in the season but again it's got to be white before it can be red we'll take the corner here under this fire light i have some seed unplanted and that just gives me some fall color because i don't have a ton of fall card color in this particular garden that flocks you're seeing that is glamour girl and i think glamour girl is one of the most pretty color floxes i have in my garden and when this is done blooming it'll cycle and it will do another rebloom so i usually get two cycles of blooms off of this fox glamour girl and i think that looks really pretty planted up against that fire light hydrangea so even when fire light turns red it's a great color combination next to it is the sonic bloom pink wigila and this is a re-blooming wigila so in the spring this was just full of color and i can see right now it's starting to cycle through to get another round of blooms you can see there's some blooms going on so again this plant pretty much has some flowers on it throughout the full summer the first round is a full coverage of blooms but again to have any flowers throughout the summer on a wajila is a bonus over a lot of the other older type varieties in the corners of the garden i have cone flowers planted they're kind of in a little fenced in enclosure and i do that because i have rabbits rabbits typically aren't too big of a problem but at some point they were and they were mowing these things down before i even got to see them bloom now they're finding other interests in other things so i'm not having to worry about what they're going to do with my cone flowers but as you notice in this little batch here i just took a whole bunch of different colors and planted it in and this has got a pretty good assortment of colors going on the other one we're going to see is mostly pink now but i just i love to take coneflowers take all the varieties i can and just mix them all together i just love the coloration there so as we walk through the path you'll also notice that this whole garden has been lined with white sun patients and the reason i do that is because in the night or you know in the evening white really glows and so by putting white on the border of this garden it just really makes this garden pop and glow i'm going to show you viva polonia clematis this is pretty much done blooming now but there's a few flowers left i really love that magenta with the white eye viva polonia is one of i have a lot of favorite clematis so i guess to say one of my favorite probably one of my top ten that might be a better way of saying it also tucked in this side of the butterfly garden there's some more salvia in there there's some veronica and then more of the sun credible sunflowers oh you are noticing my one project that has been sitting here for the past month i've got to get these cladiums planted but i keep reading bring dirt home so for now they're just sitting on top of that pot so don't look closely at what i haven't done yet and in this area here this has got a lot of annuals poked in it and i'm going to start poking some more perennials in so this is an area that i don't know perennials kind of die after a while in this area that's what happened so i put a flocks in and then i did put some escalators tuberosa so i have three new plantings up i have three new plantings of escalators tuberosa they're not showing yet because there's just small plants but i wanted to get more milkweed in this garden because again humming hummingbirds butterflies but primarily the butterflies they need that asclepius to have the monarchs in the garden so the two plants you're seeing here the big white hydrangeas those are bobo and yes they are big bobos these bobos are almost four foot tall and i don't know if they just love this spot or what but i have noticed that originally bobo was said to get about two foot tall and two foot wide but in my experience in my full sun areas bobo is definitely getting to be about more the four foot height so keep in mind if you're planting bobo you can keep it trimmed back so if you want to keep it short you can trim it and keep it short but if you let it go it's going to get tall like four foot tall in your garden spaces between the bobo i have the miss molly butterfly bush so in michigan butterfly bushes die back to the ground and that was the case with this one so i had to kind of come all the way back from the ground so it's just starting to bloom now but i just love the color of miss molly a beautiful fuchsia pink all right we're going to take a walk back to the back border of the garden now and see what's going on here so i don't have a lot of shade in my garden so from other videos you've seen this is my shade garden and in the shade garden it's packed full of hostas so you'll notice there's all different kind of colors and textures and heights going on with these hostas and i think personally that's the best way to plant hostas is by mixing all different kinds together because i think that that helps them kind of play off of one another and it really makes them pop when you're planting something that's green against something that's blue that's something that's variegated so in this area we've taken a lot of different hostas and popped them in there to kind of play off of each other i did put a couple cladium up front because i wanted to break up the green and yellow a little bit so you'll notice we are going to start heading into a little bit of caladium for pops of color as well as we take the corner here this gets a little bit more sun so you'll notice that the landscape changes a little bit with what's in it so now we're introducing some stilby bleeding heart let's see what else more caladium because i wanted to bring in some more color into this area we do have the incredible i believe that one is an invincible spirit actually invincible spirit hydrangea in there this is kind of a tricky area in my garden like things grow here but you can tell there's not a lot of oh not a lot of variety so i got to figure out how to add some more stuff into this space that gives me more color because it's pretty green and by green i'm talking foliage color there's a lot of foliage color but not a lot of plant color so i got to figure out what to put here to get a little bit more color going on there is an ulster miria that's the pink in front of us so i could plant more of those it's just that those sometimes aren't the most hardiest plant here in michigan but that again is long blooming so that's a consistent amount of color there's a still bees in the back there there's some coleus i believe that is sedona sedona sunset or it might be wicked hot i'll have to double check and let you know for sure but again there's some ferns uh the big hosta in the back there that's empress wu that is a huge hosta in this area we are starting to introduce now some roses that have cycled through in our gut buds there's also more bobo hydrangeas but you can tell these bobo are really small these ones are only two foot tall so it just kind of depends on the location as to how tall your your hydrangeas might get in the back there we've got some more coleus poked in just for some color another nice size hosta so this again this area i need to plant more things if you've got suggestions i'd love to hear what you think i should plant in this area just leave it in the comment below we put some impatiens in they're just kind of filling in the spot but they don't look super great and as we take the corner you can tell we're getting into a more sunnier garden here because again you'll notice the plants have kind of changed so this here is allium serendipity it's just starting to kind of put on a little bit of color so another couple weeks that will be bright purple balls behind it there is the happy jack clematis and this was in its prime about two weeks ago a little bit smaller flowers but this ho trellis was just loaded with color two weeks ago you'll notice more coleus have been popped in along with some polka dot plants and those beautiful hydrangeas we're going to talk back about them in a minute but i'm going to flip and show you kind of the full back of the garden so you'll notice they are lined also with sun patients this is i believe it's sun patient blush and we've used to put petunias along the edge here but because of the amount of shade it gets it wasn't very consistent looking so we've tried the sun patience now and now we're getting a more consistent border where the color is it's more full and i think just looks nicer alright so back to the hydrangeas so this is the incredible blush hydrangea there's actually three of them here those two are big and beautiful and next to it you'll notice there's just like two flowers and that one is not so big and beautiful the reason why that is is because it's planted so close to that tree and i think that that tree is taking like all the nutrients out and so therefore it's not giving that hydrangea enough nutrients where the ones that are planted out just a little bit further are getting more nutrients and are doing better so that's my only thought on why that one isn't doing as well this here is my daylily garden so we just plunked a whole bunch of day lilies in here and a lot of different colors pretty much the same height most of these are not re-blooming so when this area is finished flowering it it's back to kind of a green grassy look but when it is flowering i love all the different colorations that i have here with these day lilies in the back here we have a like a waterfall pond that we don't turn on so much anymore just because it it is really gross and it gets really gross so we just are using it for just a dry pond i guess except for where the water sits and you can see like how disgusting that is so none of us want to get in there and clean it out so we just leave it like this and i think it looks fine so tucked in back at the top of the waterfall pond area are hostas and ferns there's a couple cone flowers in there for color and those i can see from a distance so i should plant more in but i think those cone flowers actually are getting kind of um snuffed out because there's amsonia planted up in the front of those coneflowers and that was one amsonia plant that is now covering about a five a five by five square so it's definitely taking over the yellow grass you're seeing up in the front is hacklin a cloa all gold and that's a wonderful grass too if you're looking to add some like yellow into the garden that one is really pretty we do have this area lined with more sun patience so this is the sun patience purple in this area and i wanted to just kind of break it up a little bit from the blush and turn it into purple just to kind of create like another let's call it room in the garden so this little area is is planted with the sun patient purple tucked back in here this will be blooming more in august there's a lot of rebecca in here but you do see there are some flocks blooming that's glamour girl there's also a hibiscus and this hibiscus looks terrible because the japanese beetles have just destroyed it so they it will still flower but the foliage is absolutely ugly there's a lot of dragonflies in the garden i don't know if you've been noticing them at all or not but i'm going to try to get this one here really pretty it's black and it's iridescent let's go in here iridescent blue so we have a creek in the back of the garden and so therefore there's a lot of dragonflies in this area there's another one so the hydrangea we're looking at now is the incredible hydrangea and this is one plant and it's probably about eight foot wide and about four to five foot tall so again it can get trimmed back in the fall or in the spring because it blooms off of the new growth but we just let it go because i think it fills out that spot nicely here we have another bobo hydrangea and this one is probably more three and a half to four foot tall it's a newer planting so it's not as big as the ones that were out in my butterfly garden but i think it's gonna get bigger as it goes this is a beautiful invincible spirit hydrangea that one was trimmed back this spring and so it's coming back now so it's a church in the background so it's kind of quiet here neighbor on one side the church and then not not many neighbors in the back because that creek really muffles them so let me just go ahead and show you kind of from where i'm standing now what the garden space looks like so that's kind of where we've been so far so this area here that we're looking at now the pink you're seeing is the pink mink clematis and that is amazing so that is one plant and that is a ton of flowers on that one plant so if you're looking for a clematis that does like a really good job of coloring up and filling in a lot of space pink make small flowers but lots of them on that trellis kind of there behind the pink hydrangea there is raguchi and princess diana so it's kind of a pink and purple mix and again these aren't your typical looking clematis because clematis are usually like a bigger flower these are both kind of a different flower form this grouping here is allium millennium so it's just starting to show a little hue of color so that will be pretty in probably another week or two where it will be more of a purple purple mass of color as we make our way through here this area here had a lot of spring color with a spirea and the baptesia but we've got some daylilies in this area this here actually is a proud berry bush which is kind of like a not so known shrub but it's starting to put its little flowers and it's creating its berries so in the fall this is going to have just a ton of pink berries on it so if you're looking for something different and unique check out the proud berry i've got pictures online of it when it's in its full like full glory or looking really beautiful primal scream daylily with another hearty hibiscus behind it again i love the dark foliage hibiscus how they just really pop against the greens and the different colors in the garden this area here isn't doing is what i was hoping so i have the mojave porchalacas or moss roses planted in the front with the lemon coral sedum behind and a few years ago the mojaves did wonderful like they were always in color bright pink blooms but this year i don't know i think maybe we water them too much because they really haven't given me a really great show of color so i keep trying this because the one year it was beautiful but this year it's just not doing nothing so i think i'm going to rethink this plan for next year and not do that the plant that you're looking that looks kind of airy with a yellow flowers that's a popcorn plant they both are there actually and it smells like buttered popcorn so if you are somebody that's looking for something fun to put to the garden consider the popcorn plant it's great if you have kids or grandkids because it's just a touch and feel plant this here is my wall of clematis and again you'll notice a lot of these clematis are not your typical typical flower form we've got i believe this one is montana maylene there's some candida on here along with raguchi so this actually is almost on its way out for color it's been at its prime for about the past month but again a lot of those smaller flowering clematises are pretty aggressive and you can see there's let's see here there's roguchi montana mayline princess diana and holding that's four plants on this trellis and it's full i'm gonna have to double check that montana may lean i'm not sure if that's what it is so i'll have somebody pop up what it actually is if that's not what it is um so this area of the garden here is kind of needs a little work done we're going to rip out all that coreopsis we'll probably leave the wine and roses with gila but this area in here is going to all get ripped out eventually there's a sedum there which is doing pretty good so we might leave that but you can just see it's kind of a kind of a neglected looking looking part of the garden this area here we had done roundup in because there was a bunch of weed that just was terrible and we couldn't get rid of it so it sat open as just dirt for probably the past two three years we had a bunch of annuals left so we went ahead and planted it up um like i said annuals left not a lot of great color here but at least it's not dirt so next year this will be replanted and hopefully we'll have more of a garden look to it there is one staple plant that i did plant this spring and it's a pieris so this is a shrub i think this will get about four foot tall but i was really impressed with this um interstellar is the name of it i was impressed with this when it was in the greenhouse blooming so i'm like i gotta have one of those in the garden so it's not doing much right now but this is gonna be more of a i believe it's a early spring bloomer it's hard to tell because when things bloom in the greenhouse you get a little bit skewed as to when they really bloom i'll show you around the pool so around the pool we've done the crescent planters and they've actually done pretty good this year this particular one here has elephant ears with red sun patients and diamond mountain and these planters they get watered once a week and they're self watering so which is nice out here because i don't want to drag a hose out here every day and this planter here it's got palm tree and then we've got just an assortment of different petunias our super tunia super bells and superbena kind of a red purple and yellow theme going on here this next one i believe this is actually matching so this has the same type of flowers in it the reds the purples a little bit of yellow and again this one's doing quite well also and because we were at the end of the season when we were planting these up i didn't have a lot of selection left for myself so i took three hanging baskets and just shoved it in that container and voila instant color these are big planters so that's how we could fit three hanging baskets in this planter here has the supertunia red it's got polka dot plant yellow super bowls and then the angelonia purple so this is angel face purple so this is about the only area besides that area where the tree fell down that has red but i thought because i liked the red over there by the the tree fell down i wanted to carry a little bit more red out into the garden here as well all right so we're going to head up to the back of the house and this will be getting the near of this garden tour so i appreciate you hanging on i get a lot of good comments that you guys like these garden tours so that's why i wanted to get out in the garden and do another tour for you so this area here is kind of um east facing northeast but it does get a lot of sun so up against the house there is the wee white hydrangeas we planted some lantana in front of them and then in this little area here i had lost some coral bells so we just kind of loaded it up with what we had left so there's some tuscan gold off to the left that's a heliopsis these two yellows here are tuscan sun and then the annuals we planted in this area is the lemon coral sedum polka dot plant there's um it's hippo white and hippo rose and it looks like there is a nepeta in there so there was three nepeta but they didn't like this area so we'll have to replant we have some purposeful replanting that needs to get done where things have died off and and we just poked it with annuals to fill it in so this area here is i don't know i kind of like this area and i'm not sure exactly why maybe it's because it's got a lot of my favorite flowers in it but up here on this upper ledge there's a lot of cone flowers there's atlas roses you can see there's vista paradise and vista snowdrift there's clematis there there's a little pink mink starting to bloom so that that's just starting to bloom in that spot so i'm not sure if it's because it doesn't get as much sun but that one is just starting a few day lilies in there and the daylilies i chose are the rebloomers so that way there's some constant color from the daylilies and then we put some of the cleome senorita rosalita that's the pink you're seeing just to give a little bit of height in this area and then let's see here picasso and purple supertunias with the lemon coral sedum so this whole bed is lined in lemon coral sedum and i think that yellow just kind of gives a nice pop kind of draws your eye to this area up in the front part of this bed is there's the daylilies the reblooming day lilies there's amsonia that blooms in the spring so that's where my spring color comes in and then in the back there that is the mini mauvette hydrangea and if i had to choose of the pink hydrangeas my favorite pink smooth hydrangea i think it would be the mini mauvette i like the size of it i like the color of it and i think it just it it can play a great role in the garden like just about anywhere so many mauve that is is that particular one you're seeing there um you'll also notice there's a few black-eyed susan that have blown in from underneath the deck and i think that yellow is kind of it it's i like the yellow it really plays nicely in this garden even though that wasn't a purposeful planting i think it definitely is something that should stay there sometimes when we have plants that kind of go rogue and end up in weird places we'll pull them out but a lot of times when that happens i think i find that it's just it's it's like god knew that that space needed that color i don't know so i i think that space needed that yellow i mean let's look at it from here it just breaks the garden up a little bit and adds a nice little splash of color so we'll step back so you can see this garden in its fullness this is along the back of the house and i hope that you've enjoyed this garden tour today and if you want to see more garden tours like this be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel so that you get notified when i post a new video a lot of the videos i do are just quick little one minutes on a specific plant but i do occasionally do some more of these garden tours either here at my house or in the greenhouse and i think it's fun just to see different different times of year what's blooming and how things look so if that's something that you also like to see what's blooming and how it looks be sure to make sure you subscribe so we're going to end here this is the tough stuff hydrangea and this is a mountain hydrangea and just look at these beautiful flowers this is heidi from garden crossings
Channel: Garden Crossings LLC
Views: 423,959
Rating: 4.8879066 out of 5
Id: Apq4v2_hoBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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