Full Interview: Donald Trump, Melania & Family with George Stephanopoulos

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BitcoinAllBot 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2016 🗫︎ replies
mr. Trump thank you for doing this thank you so 13 days to go how do you pull this out well I think we're doing very well the new polls just came out with leading in Florida if you look at the lines and all of the people standing on lines and the state of Florida it's incredible I just had last night as you know I was in Tallahassee we had 25,000 people we had 16,000 people the night before what we're having I mean if I have a crowd less than 15,000 people it's considered a small crowd there's never been anything like that now after this I'm going to North Carolina where we're also doing very well the polls are indicating that we're leaving in Florida we're leading in North Carolina we're leading in Ohio that there's a new Bloomberg poll out in Florida that shows you had that is absolutely true but almost every poll public poll in Florida and North Carolina taken since the first debate shows her head but all of the most recent ones and if you look at the enthusiasm on the lines what they're now talking about are the lives because you have early voting in Florida and the enthusiasm on the lines is unbeliev iding from behind Georgia I think I'm gonna win I mean what can I tell you I think I'm gonna win I really believe that we've gotten a very unfair narrative from the press I feel the press is very dishonest I don't feel I know the press is very dishonest and I think we're going to win I think we're gonna win Florida I think we're gonna win Ohio you know it used to be if you win Florida you win Ohio you win we're gonna win North Carolina we're gonna win a lot of stuff in all three of those yeah I think I will I think I will what do you think will win a lot more than that we just got great numbers on Wisconsin as an example I think we're gonna win a lot more than that I did the first interview this campaign on the first day Trump you did here in the Trump Hotel that's a day but what do you say to supporters of yours who think you shouldn't be taking time off the campaign trail from the battleground states well I think it's so unfair because you know Hillary Clinton goes to see an Adele concert last night and everybody says ho wasn't that nice isn't that wonderful I have stopped I did eight stops yesterday three major rallies where you know I told you 25 and 15 and 20 and it's thousands of people I did three plus many other steps I came here and let me just tell you what this is about under budget ahead of schedule I built one of the great hotels of the world what am I supposed to do not show up I'm taking one hour off I'm going to North Carolina right after this then I'm going back down to Florida I'm going up to New Hampshire I'm all over the place but I can't take one hour off to cut a ribbon and one of the great hotels of the world I mean I think I'm entitled to it she goes she does one stop because she has no energy she's got nothing going she does one stop and nobody complains about that nobody complains when she goes to an Adele concert all night long while I'm making two speeches at rallies with you know massive crowds I come here and it's true there's a narrative you have it and a couple of the other haters have it Donald Trump is stopping I mean I spent 200 million dollars building a hotel but you know why I really wanted this and I love the fact that it just opened just before because I built this hotel under budget and ahead of schedule now that's why I'm doing this that's one other I think I'd be here any the sent a message front page of the North sends you know what it does it sends a real message George because we have road projects and tunnels and all the things we're doing end up costing three four times what they were supposed to cost and they never get finished front page The Washington Post today says you're not gonna have any more fundraisers this campaign she is definitely gonna out spend you in the homestretch to avoid that are you willing to write a check to your camp yeah I am I mean look I'm gonna be in for over a hundred million dollars only fifty six million so far well no it's a sixty one but I'm spending a lot of money and that doesn't include everything I'm spending a lot of money hey look she's spending nothing she ripped off the country for two hundred and fifty million dollars she spent she has no money invested in her campaign zero in fact I asked her at one of the debates I said why aren't you putting up 10 or 20 or 15 or something million dollars and she didn't respond how much more you gonna put up between an election day I would say a lot I'm not gonna say what but I will be over a hundred million dollars and it could be much more than that you've talked a lot about the fact that you think this election could be rigged I want to go back to 2012 you sent out a tweet your system is wrecked Elijah my system is 2012 this election is a total sham in a trap we are not a democracy how was the 2012 election because I look at the way the media treats the Republicans and conservatives and I see the way it's so skewed if things are good like this morning I watched one of the network's they were devastated when the Bloomberg poll came out that said I was leading they were devastated when they went down and they interviewed the people on the lines waiting to vote yesterday and they were like devastated because they couldn't find anybody in Florida they couldn't find anybody wanting to vote for Hillary look it's so skewed the media is part of the particular selection a sham and a travel well I think it was horrible the way they were treated into me the only thing worse is the way I'm being treated look I'm being tricked hey it's record-setting bad treatment what I'm getting it's the greatest pylon in American history I think beyond politics the greatest pilot and that's ok I'm ok with it because you know what the people get it the people understand what's going on George they really get it I go to these rallies and they're starting to hate the media because they see it's all a big lie and not all but a lot of it's a big lie no different a billion dollars in free media during the primary I don't know if you call it a million dollars and free when it's bad I mean they give me I do things that are good for instance I open up a hotel I employed thousands of people building it and opera and they're all saying why is he off the trail now everybody's been saying that I have more energy than anybody they've ever seen and you might have to say that nobody's ever done so many stuff I start at 7:00 in the morning I get home at 1:00 in the morning and then I get up and do another speech at 8:00 and in the meantime she's sleeping all day long look she does one or two events I do eight then I come to Washington DC I cut a ribbon and on the thing that's why is Donald off the trail I mean I've done so much more than her and I can't take time out but I'm offered because of under-budget ahead of schedule if now now I will say this that's a very unfair statement what should really be they should be talking about WikiLeaks and the horrible things that have come out about Hillary Clinton the horrible things they should talk about the FBI getting paid six I mean the head investigator getting paid 675 thousand dollars the wife for campaign contribution essentially from her best friend you know that better than anybody and she's under investigation and this is the man that's the head of the investigation and the wife is getting paid 670 bution to her campaign oh that's that's a terrible thing nobody has ever seen money let's stick on this election idea George she's so guilty she she deleted 33,000 emails they're missing boxes of emails she's so guilty how can she even run you have to see if there's such anger in this country and the anger is about that but there's such anger in this country over what she got away with the FBI director appointed by a Republican said no reasonable prosecutor would bring this case well he made a mistake okay or whatever I don't even call it a mistake I think something happened look something happened you went to the eff well I think somebody talked to him I think hey look how can President Clinton when is someone going like George George she's so guilty Congress sends a subpoena she deletes all of her emails okay she deletes him now there are other things also many other things but just take that one don't even talk about anything else there are many many other things missing boxes of emails deleting emails after they send her now who's more important in terms of getting the subpoena than the United States Congress she deletes 33,000 emails and gets away with it and yet general Cartwright could go to jail George general Cartwright four-star general could go to jail think of this for five years you've made the point that you know that Reyes his life has been destroyed grade-point thinks he's guilty but if she does no no I don't think she's guilty I know she's guilty if she wins I know you think you're gonna win but if she wins if she gets the kind of win that President Obama got more than 300 electoral votes several million in the popular vote will you Holmes I'll make that decision at the right time I mean don't worry about it I'll make the decision at the right time but we have a rigged system and I'll tell you how the system's rigged it's by the media because it's totally unfair and biased it's rigged by the media and it's rigged when you see somebody running for office who shouldn't be allowed to run for office Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails do you know what was on those emails and she said they were for the wedding and her spa okay yoga classes 33,000 emails I would tell you what was on those emails was horrendous look at what's coming out with wiki links look at what they're saying when Podesta says that Hillary Clinton running for president has bad instincts first of all he should be fired if for no other reason he's very disrespectful to her he says a lot of bad things about her but he said she's got bad instincts Bernie Sanders says she's got bad judgment so if Podesta says bad instincts Sandra says bad judgment why do people even think about will US intelligence agencies believe the Russians are behind that leak why don't you believe it I don't know if they're behind it and I think it's public relations frankly you know it does bother me I have nothing but do what you're even talking about the home answer let me he said the same thing I don't know what he said he told you that he thought the Russians were hacking is very interesting hacking is very hard to determine who did what okay you know that people are hacking all over the place nobody knows they don't know if it's Russia they can't guarantee it's Russia and it may be I mean it may be Russia I have nothing to do with her she likes to put the narrative about Donald Trump with Russia I have nothing to do with Russia I don't know money I don't have deals in Russia I don't know Putin but why not accept our intelligence agencies conclusion well I haven't seen the conclusion but you know what hacking I understand and you really it's very hard to determine who's doing the hack and what I have seen though is I have seen WikiLeaks and where they came from I don't know but they're real and they're not even being denied and the disrespect those people have and the dishonesty too by the way the dishonesty I mean the one that came out yesterday about you know the server and going to President Obama so therefore he knew about it that brings him into the picture which he didn't want to be brought into that picture but her emails going to him and two stands and these are supposed to be you'll Asif I'd email you want us all thing I'll tell you what the whole thing is a scam and it's horrible you want a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton so now President Obama should be investigated as well that's what you said he that's what President Obama made the statement that he didn't know anything about it but in the meantime he's getting emails so it proved that he did know about it you said yesterday she'd be investigated who should buy the resting president let them do whatever they want look he knew he lied he certainly lied because he knew the emails because they were sent to him let's talk about most that was a big deal yesterday I mean you do agree that was a big deal yesterday it was it was news yesterday let's news it was news let's talk about Mosul on Sunday you sent out a tweet saying that the theme be that the operation was a total disaster the defense Secretary's on the ground he says they're making progress he's encouraged by the price of progress the former dean of the Army War College says this shows that Trump doesn't know a damn thing about military strategy the Army War College let me tell you the element of surprise I've been hearing about mozo now for three months we're going to attack we're going to attack meaning Iraq's going to attack but with us okay we're going to attack why do they have to talk about it why can't they keep it quiet and attack now as you know the attack is being met with great you know resistance because they were totally prepared because the politicians are all talking about it because Obama is talking about it don't talk about it element of surprise General George Patton and you look at General George Patton you look at you look at MacArthur you look at these great generals and I say it all the time they're spinning in their grave muscle number one we shouldn't have even had to do it because when we got out we hadn't also now we have to take it a second time we had Mosul we have to take it because Hillary Clinton and Obama left that big vacuum and Isis went in and they took she says her defeat before the Battle of hey let me finish with muscle element of surprise one of the reasons they wanted Mosul they wanted to get the Isis leaders who they thought were you knows in Mosul those people who are left as soon as they heard they're going to be attacked they left the resistance that's 35 of them have been taken out history the resistance is much greater now because they knew about the attack all I'm saying is this we shouldn't have to be fighting for muscle we're only fighting from also because Hillary Clinton blew it and gave it back to him so now we have to take it a second time of great importance why do they have to talk why can't they win first and talk later why do they have to say three months before the attack we're going in so you can tell you a military expert that I'll sit down and I'll teach him a couple of things if he tells you that it's okay to announce ladies and gentlemen in three months were going into Mosul why would you say that why wouldn't you do a surprise attack grab all these Isis leaders they all left George they all left because they happen to be smart they heard it's gonna be attacked they left and they left plenty of tough people behind because it's a tough attack and you know that and it's being met with great resistance I would have done it much differently I would have said very quietly to my generals go get him don't talk they would have gone they would have been it would have been much easier they would have probably gotten some people that they won't get now and then I would have had a conference when it was all finished and I would have told them what we did now your men or whoever this gentleman is I guarantee you I can put my narrative before the American people and let whoever this person is put his and they will agree with me on Saturday you said that you would threaten to sue the 11 women who've accused you of sexual assault you know I hate that you waste time when we're talking about Isis and we're talking about jobs and you're still bringing that up everybody wants to bring it up look that was just sadness or false attacks these things never happened these people I don't know these people these things never ever happened this was out of the blue it was made up probably by the Clinton campaign give any evidence of that well many of those stories have already been debunked many of the stories have already been debunked as you People magazine story they brought forward six why did she want the story 12 years ago she said she was afraid all she was afraid give me a break she was afraid to write it she would have gotten the Pulitzer Prize give me a break she was afraid and she had the butler as a witness right who no longer works for me so she had the blood as a witness except for 1/6 corroboree gives me excuse me there was nobody corroborating they said years later she talked about it look the butler she said was there one problem the butler said it never happened he doesn't work for me no longer he's a good man by the way he's a good man but he hasn't worked for me in years they went to the butler he said it never happened nobody reported that's why did everyone they talked to her they made up sewers you know why Fame or they wanted to help Clinton or something I mean if he came out after you denies or judge that's not waste any more time these stories were fabricated their total loss so you're gonna go through with the lawsuit I will find out let's see what happens with the election we're gonna find out but I'm just telling you these stories are total lies and you shouldn't be wasting time and remember this why didn't you write about the butler you knew about the butler refuting her story why didn't anybody write it it's a very unfair press one of your toughest critics on this is the first lady Michelle Obama she says your behavior your words are cruel they are frightening this is not how decent people behave this is not how people who want to be President behave well what's she gonna say is she gonna say I'm wonderful no look she made the statement about Hillary Clinton I've heard the statement for years I had no idea was Michelle Obama she made the statement that if you can't take care of your own house you can't take care of the White House you know I've heard that statement she says she's talking about her own house oh come on look you know better than that that was during the campaign and she said about Hillary Clinton you can't take care of your own house meaning Bill Clinton then how can you take care of the White House it was a vicious statement it was covered at the time and it's gone all over the world I mean it's a very well-known statement I would never have used it other than I saw the other night on television they went back eight years and they played that statement it was her that man what do you think about us I'm such a bad person look what is she going to say is she going to say I'm fantastic is she going to say I'm gonna not let jobs leave our country anymore we're gonna keep our jobs you have to see what's happening to our country our companies are leaving from Mexico and other places and we're losing our jobs is she gonna say Trump is better at that than any other human being in the world okay which I believe I am okay I will stop it cold we have so many things to do that you know but now look she's the first lady she got to say what she's got to say I mean I understand that that's the game President Obama says you should stop whining about the system I'm not whining about anything I'm not worrying about everything here's another one so eight years ago Obama talked about the elections in Chicago essentially saying how they were rigged okay now it's Oh nobody would ever rigged an election you have 1 million eight hundred thousand dead people registered to vote and some of them vote which is interesting you have almost three million people that are registered to vote in two different states now I'm not making a big deal I think I'm gonna win the election I think I'm gonna win you look at Florida right now you look at North Carolina you look at Ohio you look at Iowa you look at these places people are starting to get I mean the press is starting to get very concerned and I see it all off of the news this morning but you look at what's going on in Florida where the lines are four blocks long and most of those people have red hats on I'll tell you what things are good you do sound pretty energized today when you look back over the sweep of this campaign going back to last June is there anything you regret oh absolutely I'd love to have done certain things over but you can't you can't but that's your life I'd love to FF done in life certain things over I guess and you would have to give me one you would have loved not to have contributed to the Clinton Foundation as an example there are things that you wish you didn't do okay you came very close to the edge you would have loved to have had that decision over again there are things I would have rather you know not happened but George all you can do is you put your head down you have to go forward but I'm really happy look I started off you were one of actually Jonathan Karl your person did just about in fact he was badly criticized in this building he did an interview I said I'm seriously thinking about running and he was criticized because everybody thought I was playing games but when I ran it was 17 people was actually 18 but it was 17 people governor's senators talented people people like Ben Carson was a phenomenal guy who endorsed me but but there were 17 very talented people mostly politicians at the highest level and everybody said you know what Trump can't win this these people have been doing this all their lives he's got no experience and then one by one by one they disappeared and one of your competitors said as they sat around a round table and talked about my entering the race one of your very smart competitors said they were all criticizing my going in said be careful what you wish for because he knew me he knew me he said to the four women and two men sitting around the table what a certain Network this one person said very smart guy he said be careful what you wish for and when I went into they campaign one by one they disappeared now some are I mean they signed pledges everybody signed a pledge some are you know they can't get over the loss they got beaten very badly they can't get over the loss it's very dishonorable that they didn't endorse it very few three but I am really happy with the way it's worth let me just bring once man I think most importantly I think we'll you know this is a movement like that's never happened in this country even you will admit that even your friend Bill O'Reilly since the most incredible thing he's ever seen in politics okay and it's a lot of it's because of the movement because of the credit there is tremendous spirit out there for change do you want change do you think you should have apologized to the Khans or judge Kerry oh I've great respect for the Khan family I have great respect for I mean son is a great hero but if I were president at that time captain Kahn would be alive today George because I wouldn't have been in Iraq so if I were president Captain Khan's son would be you did support it initially I support the invasion I never and support look let's get it straight I was opposed to the war in Iraq I was opposed to the war in Iraq and for the most part the honest people agree with it right thing to begin how it was a pretty clear was way before the war started and that was the first time I was ever even asked about her act and I gave a very I don't know who's ready to be he was long that was way before if you look at just before the war started I said don't do it it's a mistake you're gonna destabilize the Middle East from the beginning I was opposed to the war in Iraq then they did magazine articles right after the war started I was opposed to it then and that was a hundred percent had I been president captain Khan would be alive today we wouldn't have been in this horrible horrible mistake the war in Iraq we made a mistake in going in and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton made a terrible mistake in the way they took us out because we created a vacuum they got out so badly it was so it was so I can only use the word stupid the way they got out of the war in Iraq was so bad they left the vacuum Isis formed Isis now George's in 32 countries remember he said the JV junior varsity Isis now is in 32 countries and Hillary Clinton she says she's gonna stop him why didn't she do it before why didn't she do any of the things before you know she's been there George for 30 years all of these things happen now she says she's gonna do this why didn't she do him before final question I would heard backstage Colonel Dolan said that you said Hillary Clinton's a tough and talented lady she said if I win we have to work together I know you think you're gonna win if she wins are you prepared to work I just want to make that decision at a later date I'm not saying I'm not or I am I just don't want to tell you today I want to make that decision at the appropriate time hopefully I won't have to make that decision I really believe we're gonna win we're gonna win Florida we're gonna win Ohio we're gonna win North Carolina I think we're gonna win Pennsylvania you have to see what's going on in Pennsylvania the crowds and the people getting ready I think we're gonna win Pennsylvania I went to school there I know it very well I have amazing relationships you look at the steel workers the miners they're all voting for Trump I mean she's against those industries so I think we're gonna win Pennsylvania too I think you will be very surprised well say mr. Trump thanks very much thank you very much you you said at the beginning if you run you'll win you still feel that I feel that I feel that I see the connection with the American people and my husband and he created a movement and the crowd and the people that are behind him it's unbelievable to see does it make you want to get out there yourself and help him out at the final two weeks we will see my priority is my son bet on our son Baron and I support him 100% and I'm there for him every time he needs me and I'm I join him we will see she's actually going to make two or three speeches she's amazing when she speaks she's an amazing public speaker so she's agreed to do two or three speeches and I think it's going to be big speeches important speeches you mention think it's gonna be great you mentioned Baron and I wonder you know what are we talking to the other kids in just a minute how was the experience been for him he's heard his father's say a lot of tough things heard a lot of tough things said about his father how does he take it all in I teach him I explain to him so he knows what's going on and he's he's taking very well I keep him balance and just have him childhood as normal as possible and he's enjoying his school and his sports he's a great athlete and I just want to have him out of the spotlight for now does he ask you about the news though yes all the time he asked me about the polls all the time in the polls he's of course he misses he's that a lot at these days but he's doing great and if you could look back over this campaign and say two things what has been the best moment what's been the worst the best moment created and so the people what she wants to do for the country and the worst I would say dishonest media and unfair media you guys talk about this a lot what what is so unfair about what's about the coverage overall well I could just speak for myself that I don't want to mention a specific act but so often they'll say Oh Donald Trump said this or he said that and what I said wasn't wrong what I said was fine if a Democrat had said it if Hillary had said it people wouldn't they wouldn't have even thought about it but I'll say something that's absolutely perfect George and the next day it's headlines Donald Trump said this or that that comes no no no no look I went to an Ivy League school I was a good student have a very smart person I know what I'm saying no there have been some instances or I could have done it a little bit differently but sometimes I say something that's absolutely perfect and I'll get a call after an interview like with you did you say this or that and they'll skew it so unfair to people see it for themselves they make up their own mind they don't really because what happens is you poison me much you really do the media poisons the mind of the American voters they really do it's unfair but the thing is the American voter is really smarting I mean I'm gonna see how smart they are but the American motor I think the American voter is smarter than the media it's clear you both feel very very strongly about this clearly you know we all know and you've answered some questions about this since that Access Hollywood came out you know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful I just started kissing them he apologized to you for that but you said it the third debate you didn't apologize to her about the women the stories are all totally false I have to say that and I didn't even apologize to my wife who's sitting right here because I didn't do anything was that okay with you they were there were lies and as I said before all the accusations they should be handled in a court of law so you believe the lawsuit should go forward yes I believe that and because to accuse somebody without evidence it's very hurtful and it's very damaging and unfair and but honestly do we still need to talk about that I think American people want to hear the problems that we have in America she's so right about she said they want to hear what we will do to make America better let's talk about jobs let's talk about secure our border that's what American people I can't apologize for something that I didn't do nothing ever - but it's more likely to go away if you don't sue we'll see what happens ok let's see what happens on the 8th November aides have you thought more about what you'd like to do as first lady I will focus on helping children and women and also about social media in this 21st century what's going on it's very hurtful to children - some adults as well but we need to take care of - all to keep it away from your kids it is but we need to teach them how to use it what is right to say what is not trying to say and because it's very bad out there and children get hurt by by social media by what's going on and by negativity you give them advice about tweets yes I do all the time well look it's a modern-day form of communication George and you know I have between Facebook and Twitter I have 25 million people it's a it's a big asset they have to use it right but it's a Pigasus I'll tell you when you use it wrong she she can give me for advice believe me but what she's saying is true though I've seen so many people hurt so badly not just children I mean just people are hurt so badly by new social media and she feels very strongly about it she understands it but your New York Times was all the people they say you've insulted and that's on Twitter that's okay most of them deserved it well you want to hear actually it wasn't I was I'm surprised let's go check it I can't believe I didn't include you know look I believe in fighting back when people are against me when they tell lies you know I have the power of this this instrument and frankly sometimes I'll use that and I agree sometimes it will revert back or sometimes maybe it doesn't come out you have to be careful with it what do you think about Hillary Clinton not as a candidate I know you believe that mr. Trump will be a better president United States what do you think of her as a person I don't know her that well I think she's out there fighting I think it's a political machine behind it behind her she's protected a lot and they will not say everything what needs to be said and finally you're okay with what happens no matter how the vote goes on November 8th yes the life goes on no matter what happens but he's gonna win I think so we fight until the end thank you both thank you this is really a question for everybody but it's based on something you said when you were a teenager you said that your father's legacy is your legacy how has that changed over the course of this campaign well we're very proud of our father and what he's accomplished it is amazing I've been joking for a while that when we started even just this project we said Trump was coming to Pennsylvania Avenue and we didn't even know at the time what exactly that meant or how or shadowing a statement that would be I humbly and gratefully accept your nomination we've seen all of you out there all year long Madonn there's a lot of talk about the possibility of you running for office yourself this made it more likely or less likely it's a tough process it's a brutal process but there is also that element that's just amazing to be able to touch someone that way and I've seen my father doing that so I don't know my only mission is to get him there because I know he can make a difference in all three of you you're not in the family business yet you're still studying are you interested of course I'm interested I think I'm applying to law school though so I like to bring a different kind of skillset to the company all three of your senior vice president's to the Trump Organization so I'll ask you a question I asked your dad there have been several stories recently suggesting that your brand has taken a hit over the course this campaign how where do you buy that what are you gonna do about it so I think we have the hottest brand in the world right now and I think buildings like this or a testament to what we do every day some of these studies are showing less foot traffic in some of the businesses there's one I guess apartment in New York trying to get the Trump name off the building on Riverside Drive I think the brain is much more than a New York City right this is a global brand I mean when you look at the people that he's touching on a daily basis the presidency fixing America is so much bigger than any of that regardless I think the brand is hotter than it's ever been but it doesn't matter to me I don't care it doesn't matter I don't care about the brand I care about the country if funky you've got your own business done I wonder what you say to the women who've started this grab your wallet campaign on Twitter to boycott your collection how does that make you feel and what do you want to say to those women who are doing it well the beauty of America is people can do what they like but I'd prefer to talk to the millions tens of millions of American women who are inspired by the brand and the message that I've created my advocacy of women trying to empower them at all aspects of their life started long before this presidential campaign did I've never politicized that message people who are seeking to politicize it because they may disagree with the politics of my father there's nothing I can do to change that and and all of you you're gonna stick with the business even if your dad wins it's been an awesome to be a small cog in the wheel okay be honest which one have you predicted you all would be here today this close to the election I don't think any of us got that far ahead of ourselves when he first announced his candidacy we're not a political family I think we were attempting to understand real-time what that meant in terms of our future in our lives in retrospect I don't think any of us would tell you we're surprised I've never in the past seen him fail and and this is obviously on on another level in terms of his commitment to this country and its people you're surprised well I guess you know a lot of people are surprised in terms of the press etcetera but I think probably I wouldn't have done it if I didn't think I could you know if I thought I was going to be knocked out nine people ago I would have probably said I won't do it so I can't say I'm surprised it's really about making America great again that's what it's about that's why I'm doing this
Channel: ABC News
Views: 1,327,681
Rating: 4.1304131 out of 5
Keywords: full interview donald trump, donald trump, donald trump full interview, trump interview, donald trump interview, George, Politics, Presidential campaign, Presidential candidates, Donald Trump, Trump, trump protest, Trump speech, Donald Trump Speech, Trump 2016, Trump Interview, Trump attacks, trump women, Donald Trump Polls, Trump kahn, donald trump speech, donald trump jimmy fallon, donald trump funny, donald trump vs hillary clinton, George Stephanopoulos trump
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
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