President Trump: 30 Hours l Interview with George Stephanopoulos l Part 2

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good morning mr. president how are you good night very good night a good day and a good night how much sleep Wednesday morning about 10 hours after he last saw the president we greet him at the elevator coming down from the private quarters of the White House he begins with an admission he skips the most important meal of the day are you a big breakfast guy I'm not a breakfast guy at all what I really like you know this colonnade I remember I was with President Obama and one of his final days in office he said this isn't some ways his favorite part of the White House where he really made some of those biggest decisions it was an integral part of the White House it is and you see it all your life you know you see presidents walking back and forth with others this is an incredible place you feel the weight of the office when you're walking down his colonnade I think about the office when I'm walking down this is a I just because you've you've grown up looking at this colonnade look in another hour from now we have a big ceremony on Poland you'll see hundreds of cameras out there and this is what they're looking at so you grow up looking at it and you say wow I'm now a part of it it's a very special house the whole White House is a special place it's a long way from coming down that escalator four years ago it is it's a long way and it's been actually a lot of fun highly competitive the world is highly competitive but I think we're doing a great job I don't think anybody's done more in two-and-a-half years than what I've done with regulation with taxes with actually believe it or not with world events we get along with a lot of countries that people don't understand but they respect us again what's the most fun part of the job I think just the accomplishment of doing a lot of good things for a lot of people hardest part the hardest is usually Congress I did I find Congress more difficult frankly than many of the foreign leaders why is that as they have their own views you never know exactly but they have their own even that's democracy isn't it yeah I guess it is but and I play the game but sometimes it's too much of a game there's so many things like the border the border should be done judge the border the Democrat should come in in 15 minutes to an hour we can have it all so it's so simple but that we have to give some stuff as well well but it's not even giving stuff the things that we're talking about you shouldn't have to give it's so basic I mean there are three or four loopholes you solve those loopholes you no longer have a problem at the border more people crossing the border than ever before right now that's because the economy is so good they're trying to come into a country I mean we have many more people wanting to come in and they come for economic reasons and they're coming for asylum they use asylum as a summers away many many are facing violence really they're coming though most of them for economic reasons and the country is doing better economically than ever before and everybody wants to crack in we're about to walk into the Oval Office where do you make your biggest decisions is it in there is it upstairs is it in your study I'm really all over it's in the plane sometimes going to a country it's in the strangest places but it just hits you this okay the Oval Office is such a special place show us around the famous desk that's a very famous dist it's the resolute desk and that was Ronald Reagan JFK is JFK and it's a very famous picture of john-john right here President Clinton used that as well President Clinton used it a number of great presidents used it and frankly I had my choice you have your choice of seven desks they have seven desks and that was the one that immediately that was the one that I'm gonna give you a catalog they actually do they give you pictures of desks they give you pictures of carpet this is the Ronald Reagan carpet they give you pictures of the drapes you see the drapes they say I think we have 12 sets of drapes we can use and I chose those drapes but what's the biggest personal thought you've put on the I put a lot of them the Flex you didn't have flags to any great degree you had an American flag but for the most part you didn't have flags do you actually do work in here is it all for meetings I do work in here I have most of the meetings in here people like to be in the room it's very comfortable and back there I have a tremendous amount of work in fact it's a much different effect you can't have every time we have pictures everyone wants a picture you don't want to take all the things off you this oh I have a desk back here that I actually use much view do you find you can use the power of this setting to get your way you're gonna go see you I don't think about it I don't really you know I know focus on that but I think probably it's true right there that's more judges I'm signing we've signed 107 judges since I'm in and I'll get a hundred and forty-five plus two Supreme Court judges which we already have do you think that could end up being your most lasting impact well it could I mean people have said that I don't think of it that way because we've given the biggest tax cut in history we have an waar we have the biggest regulation tax cuts come and go judges make they do and regulation cuts come and go but the reason the economy is so good and the reason that so many people are pouring up through Mexico and wanting to come into our country including people from Mexico is because the economy is so powerful it's so good I already sent out three tweets this morning and I'm usually at my desk around between 6:30 and 7:00 when they start to come in it seems like you're very conscious of kind of you're gonna set the news for the day before all of us do yeah I don't think of it that way it obviously didn't work because I watched your show this morning how much Good Morning America and they had something about the polling and it's really suppression polling it's fake polling but in that case it was just made up polling and I had made I had the same thing and made up I mean they give you phony numbers they give you numbers they said that they have access to numbers which I don't believe they have access to they suppress they want to suppress the minds of people so they don't bother going you think there's a real conspiracy no I think it's just a bad group of people that shouldn't be allowed but that's no different than the fake news and the fake news is is at a level that it's never been at before you and I have we know he disagree about that but we have a whole day ahead to go on this our conversation continues a few minutes later the president now seated at the resolute desk showing us some of those presidential appointments awaiting his signature and complaining again about polls showing him running behind Joe Biden for instance on Good Morning America today they had that phony polling information I explained to you last night that it was phony but you didn't do anything about it you should have but it was late in the evening and perhaps you didn't get a chance I've studied those polls I've heard the explanations for alternately it doesn't matter but why does it bother you so much because it's untrue I like the truth you know I'm actually a very honest guy if I thought they were correct I wouldn't be complaining at all I understand that it's like the witch hunt that goes on no collusion with Russia there was no collusion and what bothers me is you know yes not that's now with Robert Moritz and it said no collusion you know what nobody even brings Russia up anymore what bothers me is when you did nothing wrong and they have a phony witch hunt that bothers me then Muller who hates Trump he's a never Trump ER and then he puts me if you have any juicy judge I know he hates me and then he puts 18 people on tour Democrats not all Democrats well they're very close and they were contributor to Hillary and some of them even worked for Hillary Clinton you've called her honourable Wyden and that why the switch I'm not switching or anything I would hope he's honorable but you know what he gave us no collusion that was a very big thing he did not say hey frankly he did say that he didn't look at cool it was about work I did he said they there was insufficient evidence as there was a conspiracy we're in every version of the report just read it okay hi everyone George Stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the ABC News youtube channel if you'd like to get more videos show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel and don't forget to download the ABC News app for breaking news alerts thanks for watching
Channel: ABC News
Views: 1,641,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trump, Muller, immigration, personal, touch, oval, office, interview, white, house, poll, tweet, 2020, president, ABC News, George Stephanopoulos, breaking news, us politics, 2019, trump interview today, what did he say, Mueller report, quesitons, full interview, Don McGahn, firing, white house, obstruction of justice, collusion, 2016 presidential election, Russia, foreign, interference, candidates, information
Id: Nf_CATbYilQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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