Donald Trump On Immigration, Hillary Clinton (Full Interview) | Meet The Press | NBC News

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let me start with a sort of a large ideological question defined conservatism well for me conservative as it pertains to our country is fiscal we have to be strong and secure and get rid of our debt military has to be powerful and not necessarily used but very powerful I'm on the sort of a little bit social side of conservative when it comes I want people to be taken care of from a health care standpoint but to do that we have to be strong I want to save Social Security without cuts I want a strong country and to me conservative means a strong country with very little debt some of the criticism on you from conservatives you're not a real conservative when you hear that you know someone will argue on social policies that you're not a real conservative is it just different brands of conservatism that's out there and you just have a different brand or do you think they have a point well I think they have a point from years ago but they also have that same point with Ronald Reagan who was a Democrat absolutely with a liberal bent and Ronald Reagan became you know not only a Republican but a pretty conservative Republican but a pretty conservative Republican and he's somebody that I actually knew and liked and he liked me and I worked with him and helped him but I think that when you get right down to it people do evolve on different issues and I've you know I'm pro-life and I was begrudgingly the other way but I have to say when those questions were asked and that was many many years ago I wasn't a politician and it was like a question that was never asked to me as a real estate developer and as what turned out to be a world-class businessman based on what I've done you don't ask questions about GE are you pro-choice are you pro-life it's just something that is not really discussed as a politician they discuss it all the time I've always hated the concept of abortion always hated it and through various things and seeing various things I've totally evolved on that issue and I'm pro-life should some form of abortion always be illegal well to me I have exceptions rape incest if the mother is going to die and Ronald Reagan had those same exceptions and many Republicans have the same exceptions but I say rape instead live for the mother without help of the mother well I said actually if the mothers close to death and I'm talking about death if you know because then you sort of say like well maybe well that's the line here what is the constitutional right between the between the mother and the unborn child whose constitutional rights matter more my statement on that happens to be the you know if the mother will die and you're going to know that and the problem with the life if you say life what does life mean you have a cold and you're going to end up having an abortion so I have the three exceptions and pretty much the standard three exceptions that many Republicans have this is gonna be a litmus test for the Supreme Court nominee say you picked well I think I would certainly be asking him the question and I think it would be if not a litmus test it would certainly be helpful in terms of my choices I mean I want great jurists I want great intellects and certainly that would be helpful to me you were pretty you were somewhat did a defending Planned Parenthood earlier this week it struck me that there was a time Planned Parenthood what is not a seen as a very political organization did you ever were you ever a donor I don't know I mean I did possible but it's possible I give to so many Chuck I given to so many organizations over the years hundreds of millions of dollars and so I don't know I don't think so but it's possible some we wouldn't have surprised you if you had well it could be look Planned Parenthood has to stop with the abortions it's a lot of people considered an abortion clinic I think those tapes that I've so over the last the five tapes or the six tapes I think they were outrageous I think they were terrible disgusting by any standpoint and they have to stop Bobby so they were edited do you think did well I don't know that I'm being edited I mean all I saw whatever I saw what you saw I mean it was terrible and in particular I didn't like the attitude of the people they talked about it almost like we're making widgets or gadgets and it was inappropriate so I didn't like what I saw I didn't like the doctors or whoever they were talking about it they talked about it like we're doing cars or something just seemed to be hesitant about this idea of totally saying let's shut down plan would defund it let's not let the federal government give money to women's health issues to me are very important I cherish women I mean my mother was this incredible woman I have great children I have a great wife I cherish women I understand the importance of women I have such respect for women I have many executives in my organization that are women that frankly get paid more than many of my men executives I mean they've done great with me early on when I was building major towers I had women in charge of a couple of them and really big ones and really important ones and that was unheard of in the construction of the savior looked back 30 years I was like totally unheard of so I understand women and women's health issues are very important to me if you look at Jeb Bush from last week when he was essentially saying let's not give money to women's health issues he's made so many flubs I don't even understand it and I actually think that that statement is his 47% when Romney did the 47% that now famous 47% is nape and he did say he misspoke well I know what good five hours later he said I misspoke meaning he misspoke I didn't miss me so to me women's health issues are very important so you would not shut down that you don't think would there should be a government showdown shut down over planned parent I wouldn't fund it if they have the abortion going on and it's been a big factor now you hear all different numbers they say it's 3% other people say it's 85 percent that's a big difference so I'd certainly look into it well we have shut down a government over this dispute I would I would not fund if they're doing abortions but as you know there could be a stalemate in Congress is it worth shutting down the government over I'd something I'd have to think about to be honest with you I don't want to give a hard and fast answer to that it bothers me greatly that they're doing the abortions at the same time women's health issues are you know very important to me now you have a lot of other people that do that without the abortion clinic right because they really are large to a large extent an abortion clinic I also want to know and this wouldn't have the effect because if it's 3 percent or 80 percent but it would be interesting to know what is the number they say it's 3 percent other people say it's 80 and 85 percent that's an awfully big spread let's go foreign affairs you want to knock the hell out of Isis how well I want to take away their wealth and as you know for years I've been saying don't go into Iraq they went into Iraq they destabilized the Middle East it was a big mistake ok now we're there and you have Isis and I said this was going to happen I said Iran will take over Iraq which is happening you sitting there and Isis is taking over a lot of the oil in certain areas of Iraq and I said you take away their wealth you go and knock the hell out of the oil take back the oil we take over the oil which we should have done in the first place it's going to take ground troops if you like you're talking about s grantors maybe 25 circle let me Circle it we're going to have so much money and what I would do with the money that we make which would be tremendous I would take care of the soldiers that were killed the families of the soldiers that were killed two soldiers the wounded warriors that are I see I love them and they're walking all over the streets of New York all over the streets of every city without arms without legs and worse than that and I would take care of them they told America should take over these oil fields shouldn't be given to the Iraqis we can give them something but we should definitely take back money for our soldiers we've had soldiers that were decimated so badly hurt the wounded warriors and killed of course but we've had soldiers that was so badly hurt and killed I want their families to get something because we got nothing out of that work we spent two trillion dollars Chuck we had thousands of people killed wounded warriors all over the place they got nothing and they can't even say we had a victory who do you talk to for military advice right now well I watch the shows I mean I really see a lot of great you know when you watch your show and all of the other shows and you have the generals you do that and you have certain people that is there somebody who's our go-to for you you know a problem every every presidential candidate has a go-to probably there are two or three I mean I like Bolton I think he's you know tough cookie knows what he's talking about Jacob says he made a master jumbo yes my colonel Jack Jacobs Carl Jack Jacobs is a good guy and I see him on occasion I actually had dinner I was given a very high award by the Marines at the Waldorf Astoria a couple of months ago and your new head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the head marine de was a very impressive guy he just got pointed I think and he will do a terrific job let me um you wrote this in 2011 about Saudi Arabia it's the world's biggest funder of terrorism Saudi Arabia funnels our Petro dollars our own very own money to fund the terrorists that seek to destroy our people while the Saudis rely on us to protect them what our us-saudi relations going to look like under a trump administration well one thing they look like first of all I get very well they pay me millions of dollars for apartments okay I like that so you know and so does China and so does Mexico and so there's a lot of other people all right I make a tremendous amount of money from selling very wealthy people from other parts of the world and from the United States apartments and other things they Lisa they lease tremendous office space from me so does China the biggest bank in the world is in my building one of my buildings so I it's not that I don't get along with all of get along with them but their leaders are much smarter than our leaders Chuck and like from a different planet Saudi Arabia makes a billion dollars a day okay they make a billion dollars a day Saudi Arabia if it weren't for us they wouldn't be there they wouldn't exist they should pay us it's like Kuwait when Kuwait had the problem with Saddam Hussein like the ultimate problem they were taking over we go in we find we're paid for that war they did we had other countries that we that buys nothing and you know I met the Kuwaiti zwaiter Baker did collect a lot of money a lot but nothing compared to what we spent nothing compared to what we spent and I'll never forget shortly after the war the Kuwaiti fund came to see me and they wanted to do a deal and I said we have a great deal in the United States they go no no no not United States not United States we don't want to invest in United says we gave him back their country but to go back to Saudi Arabia if their funder terrorists why should we have why should we have diplomatic relations with the middle well I'm not a big sure to be holding them more accountable well they treat women poorly the primary reason we're with Saudi Arabia is because we need the oil now we don't need the oil so much and if we let our people really go we wouldn't need the oil at all and we could let everybody else fight it out look Saudi Arabia's going to be in big trouble pretty soon and they're going to need help because if you look at Yemen and you look at that border you don't have to be an expert to know that is one long border and they're not going into Yemen they're going in for the oil they're going in for Saudi Arabia so Saudi Arabia is going to need help like it or don't like it people of back Saudi Arabia what I really mind though is we back at a tremendous expense we get nothing for it and they're making a billion dollars a day but I think Saudi Arabia is a major target a major target and I think that's why you think it's going to be the United States responsibility if Saudi Arabia erupts into a civil war this is the great fear among a lot of people that at least you think it's the u.s. responsibility to help settle that well I say this now because of what's HAP with the oil revolution with fracking and all of the different technologies that are coming about with the oil I think that certainly we don't have the same motive that we used to have we used to have a real motive we need an extra motive we did right we need that that's a much smaller motive right now because we have a lot of oil in fact we're sitting probably on the largest in between us in Canada I think we probably have the largest in the world so I really feel if we're helping them and if we want to help them and it's something that probably we should do despite what you said and certainly we've been doing it for a long time and Obama this happens you think if you're president reluctantly the USS Cairo say reluctantly but right they play a lot of money we're not paid we defend Saudi Arabia we send our ships we send our planes every time there's a little ruckus we send those ships in those planes we get nothing why they're making a billion today we get nothing and this is the problem with the world we make bad deals we have no victories I mean we just don't have victories anymore just as a country we don't have victories anymore and it's very sad whether it's trade with China whether it's Japan selling us cars by the millions and what do we sell them nothing I mean we give them practically nothing and by the way when we send beef cattle wheat when we send things to Japan they don't even want to take it let's go to Europe you wrote this pulling back from Europe would save this country millions of dollars annually the cost of stationing NATO troops in Europe is enormous and these are clearly funds that can be put to better use we pull out of Europe would you want to end the NATO alliance completely as well okay I'm a little concerned about NATO from this standpoint take Ukraine we're leading Ukraine where's Germany we're the countries of Europe leaving I don't mind helping them I don't mind being right behind them I'll be right behind them you know the old expression go on fellas I'm right behind you I'll be behind them so much but why is it Jeff Germany's are very very powerful and economically powerful in rich country why is in Germany Chuck leading this charge why is the United States I mean we like the policemen of the world and why are we leading the judges you don't think you're crazy I don't like what's happening with Ukraine yeah but that's really a problem that affects Europe a lot more than it affects and they should be leading some of this charge so you wouldn't allow Ukraine indeed NATO I would not I would not care that much to be honest with you whether it goes in or doesn't go in I wouldn't care so it goes in great if it doesn't go in great look I was like we're not a fan of NATO I'm I'm a fan of fairness I'm a fan of common sense I'm certainly not a fan of us being against my share sentiment for Ukraine when Germany is sitting back you know accepting all the oil and gas that they can get from Russia so why isn't Germany involved you know she's a great leader and one of the reasons that Merkel's our great leader is she sort of says oh good let the United States handle it why are we always at the forefront of everything as an example you look at Iraq China is taking oil out of Iraq like nobody would believe what did we do we spend two trillion dollars in all those lives and wounded warriors China is taking tremendous amounts of oil out of Iraq you look at Afghanistan we're fighting in Afghanistan big mountains tremendous ridges and mountains and we're fighting over here and China has these massive you know Afghanistan has tremendous minerals which a lot of people don't know that from méndez minerals china's over here excavating all the american and we're here fighting and china is taking out all the minerals what are we doing what are we doing the other day i ordered 4,000 television sets four thousand for a big project that i'm building and built and that's a big order right so I want to I could love to buy American you can't buy it from America they're all from South Korea now we defend South Korea I like South Korea they're great people they also I mean have great relationships with them are you gonna put we're getting off the tangent a but are you gonna put this nobody's not really put this to taste no I don't know no but how do you put this toothpaste back in the tube manufacturing jobs you're saying you're gonna bring these jobs back we're gonna bring a lot of jobs back there most of them this is automation and robotics here's the problem I mean that's taken away a lot of job you outsourcing in Roebuck South Korea they make a fortune over we do very little yeah to them they do tremendous you can't buy a television Sony which is Japan you can't buy a television practically if it's not made in South Korea everybody whether it's Samsung or or all of them sharp all of them are it's like South Korea so I said it myself I mean this is terrible now when they have a war when the young man we want to be very nice today right so the young man from North Korea starts acting up and having one of his fits we immediately get our ships going we get our aircraft freighter we get nothing for this I'm not saying that we're going to let anything happen to them but they have to help us we do have a running theme here you believe the US should you're ok with the u.s. being the world's police we should at least be reimbursed if extremely wealthy country so essentially you want the duck turns our military into a mercenary force no not at all look we are a debtor nation we owe one point I mean now it's one point nine trillion okay I've been saying one point eight now it's one foots really kicked in it's soon going to be two point four trillion dollars okay that's like that's like a point that whether you believe in the great economist or not that seems to be a point of no return that's where we're greased on steroids okay we're going to be there very soon why are we doing all of this these are wealthy countries they will give us if we have the right messenger they will give us it's like this horrible deal with Iran this deal if you had the right you'd have the prisoners back years ago Iran would still get money I understand you believe but let me ask you there's a lot of people I understand a lot of people critical to the deal but could you what deal can you come up with it wouldn't give Iran money okay I wouldn't give him a think I would have told him up front by Oh sanctions really you will never give you back your money we will never give you back your hundred and fifty billion cells you're never getting that money back that's number one number two before we start negotiations you have to give us our three prisoners now it's four okay you know when it started it was three now it's four you have to give us back without question you have to give the back and you know what you don't want them but we do it's psychologically good and it'll help us make a better deal together that's good for you okay but I would have told them upfront you will never get your hundred and fifty billion dollars back they are going to be such a wealthy such a powerful nation they're going to have nuclear weapons they are going to take over parts of the world that you wouldn't believe and I think it's going to lead to nuclear holocaust and I will say this the people that negotiated that deal namely Kerry and his friends are incompetent what do you do on day one though this is a deal secretary gates basically says didn't like the deal thought the u.s. wanted the deal too much you're they beg so bad bad negotiating aback resembled up this and then he said and then he said can't pull out of the deal because of the international ramifications what do you say to that uh I would pretty wise guy okay I've heard a lot of people say we're gonna rip up the deal it's very tough to do when you say rip up a deal cuz I'm a deal person and you get that even if you're not you're made you let me take but I will police steady you know I've taken over some bad contracts i buy contracts where people screwed up and they have bad contracts but you have to buy but I'm really good at looking at a contract and finding things within a contract that even at their bed I would police that contract so tough that they don't have a chance as bad as the contract is I will be so tough on that contract so the deal lives in a trump administration you're just gonna you're just gonna be it's very hard to say we're ripping up and the problem is by the time I got in there they will have already received the hundred and fifty billion dollars do you know if the deal gets rejected they still get the money which is something I found out a week ago I couldn't believe it if the deal gets rejected they still get all of this money Iran is going to be unbelievably powerful and unbelievably rich and Israel's in big trouble Israel is in big trouble Obama has really let Israel down do you see if you believe the Saudis are gonna get a nuclear weapon you believe Egypt's gonna go out I think other people will armed with nuclear weapons yes based on this deal because if you look at it Iran will end up being nuclear even if it's not within the next fairly short period of time and the whole thing about 24 days first of all the 24 days distance start immediately there's a whole big deal before the clock starts ticking right so the 24 days could be much longer than that in 24 days plus numerous weeks you can do anything if you get evidence are working on a nuclear weapon you order airstrikes immediately yeah I I don't want to really say I would be so tough you wouldn't believe but I don't want to really say you know if I win and now I'm leading in every single poll even we'll agree to that right every single local national Iowa New Hampshire everything if I went I don't want to really be talking too much about Obama talks too much about what he's going to do we're gonna raid here we're going to do this General MacArthur General Patton they didn't talk they got the job done so I hate it even the concept of you know I'd attacked the oil I had to say it because at some point I had to say it I would take their wealth away from Isis I would attack that way they're sort of trying to do that that's part of the plan is to try to don't know what decoupling and if they are trying to do it they picked it up for me because I started saying it three weeks ago and you know what I hated to say it because that would have been a great plan if they didn't know about it we talk too much I can tell you this the great General MacArthur and Patton they're spinning in their graves when they see everybody talking we go through some grab bags uh what large start what launched our relationship shall we say yeah is was back four years ago do you believe President Obama is a citizen who was born in the United States well I don't like talking about it anymore because honestly I have my own feelings I think he should have taken the five million dollars I don't know why he spent four million dollars in legal fees to keep his records you know away nobody's seen his records I don't talk about the person eighty the hackers maybe the hackers have his records it'll be very no I meant his college records I mean spent four million dollars in legal fees to make sure that nobody ever said you want him to really do released a weird I did you release all your contract I'm proud of my records but he has to do it if he doesn't I'll do it but I'm proud of my hey I went to the Wharton School of Finance I was a really good student it's probably the however you say anything about warden before huh I've never heard you say that about more I don't say oh you know why it's a great school some of the greatest business minds in the world I understand so why do you feel it's important to tell us that all the time I'll tell you what because everybody knows what a great school it is everybody knows that to get into Wharton is probably the hardest school to get into it's you know right there you know within sure couple Ivy League right oh no course have to be very smart if you're a conservative Republican you are you go in look if I were a liberal Democrat people would say I'm at the super genius of all time the super genius of all time if you're a conservative Republican you got to fight for your life it's really an amazing thing and let me tell you they're plenty smart and they really but I guess I go back to why do you have to tell us all the time that you went to warn people know you're successful and they see you're successful they assume you're smart they know it's a great business school why do you need business genius in this country we need it we can't have continuously bad trade deals with China with Japan with Mexico I mean Mexico is killing us Mexico is killing us and trade killing right how are they killing us there the peso is worth less today than it was even five years ago Nabisco how are they killing us their GDP is lower than ours Chuck Nabisco there's moving to Mexico this is not a country that is killing us for I the staff would fit they're killing us Chuck Ford is building a two and a half billion dollar plant many other companies are building big the economy so why are people staying in Mexico to look at jobs Nabisco yesterday announced they're moving out of Chicago into Mexico Mexico's look what happened to New England look at New Hampshire and all the places up in the way I understand it but they move Kousaka they're not Kerry better I don't care how they're doing is they're doing worse I'm just saying they're killing us because everybody's moving into Mexico people that argue that NAFTA was terrible for them Mexico is doing an unbelievable job Mexico is taking our business make Mexico is the new China okay you look at look where is the evidence of this all over the place your GDP is smaller there there mrs. confidence okay so is it it is worth less today I mean you know what that's not the sign of a strong a contract and you know what because it's worth less their doing a lot of business I mean because it's look look at what China is doing it's called evaluations very smart Mexico's doing it you think the peso is just dropping automatically Mexico's mecca's they're very smart and frankly they're learning from China China last week devalued their currency would you've been begging them to do by the way I've been nervous it well know you've been hoping that they would actually that their currency would would finally be sort of more like the market what it should be and it is it is now closer we're the ones they're doing it artificially that's not the market they are but it's becoming it's looking like it's where no no I don't want their currency to go down because it makes it I've been fighting this for years I can't believe you're saying that no no but you've been fighting the way they manipulate the current they have totally manipulated their currents and now they're trying very hard to try to get it back to where it should be you know they've been manipulating it down though now they've just manipulated the biggest manipulation they've had downward a few more grab bags transparency in the White House will you commit to releasing the names of everybody you meet with this president to the public I would have no problem with it you know transparency is a great thing but if you're talking about national security if you're talking about meeting with the leaders of Russia or Germany or anybody I don't want anybody to come to the Barris people if Merkel wants to come over from Germany I'm looking to embarrass her you know if she wants have a quiet meeting I'm not looking to go wild I want these people to like Trump and to like this country so you know I don't think that's the most important thing I do think having to do with campaign financing everything should be released it should be very open right but having to do with that I want to make a country coming to the White House feel comfortable as far as people coming in from our country like businesspeople a hundred percent everybody either come say hey look I hire so many lobbyists I know every one of them a lobbyist called me yesterday one of the biggest he said Don I want to give five million dollars to your campaign I said I don't want it I don't need your money I don't want it because if he gives me five million dollars all of a sudden I guarantee he's going to call and say you know I represent such in such a company I don't want to have a President Obama tried to put a ban on lobbyists ever working in the administration will you do something like that well that's a pretty good idea because you know these guys get out and they almost immediately almost immediately go to work for a company and they have power that they shouldn't have look when Jeb Bush raises a hundred and fourteen million dollars I know those people that gave him the money I used to be one of them I mean I gave to everybody okay I know those people he's like a puppet for those people he's a puppet those people they'll take negative ads on me and on other people because they want them in there because they're going to control Jeb Bush and not only Jeb they're gonna control Hillary she raised sixteen million plus they're going to control whoever's in the lobbyists and the special interests and the donors have so no lobbyists will work in the Intrepid Minister I know what you have a bad word I would certainly have a band yeah you can't put a lifetime ban but you can certainly make it three four years fair enough Edward Snowden hero traitor I say he's a total traitor I think he's disgusting I think he's a disgrace and we should get him back and he scores great difficulty for our country affirmative action should we keep it yes or no I'm fine with affirmative action is banded worse except being limited well it should be you know you have to also go free-market you have to go capability you have to do a lot of things but I'm fine with affirmative action we've lived with it for a long time and I've lived with it for a long time and I've had great relationships with lots of people so I'm fine with should private companies be able to fire people because they're gay well it's a big it's a big discussion and I guess it's getting a lot of negative rulings right now that whole thing and I'm willing to go with what the courts are saying and that is you don't think a private company should be able to do that I don't think it should be a reason no I don't think it should be a reason um what does a fair living wage well you know it's a very tricky I want everyone to make a fortune for me I'm gonna take jobs back from China from Mexico from Japan I'm gonna bring jobs back like you will even be surprised you will be very surprised so that we won't even have to be talking about the minimum wage but you know we have a problem called corporate inversion in this country where corporations are leaving the United States to go to other places because they can get lower wages and lower taxes and we have to be very careful with the minimum wage you know it's great politically to say hey I want to give everybody five hundred dollars an hour forget about $15 or $12 right but we have to be very careful because we have a huge inversion problem in this country I mean you look at some of the companies that are talking about leaving the United States and many of these companies are run by people from Britain and from Ireland and from other people they have no loyalty to this country but many great companies big companies a lot of employees are talking about inverting meaning leaving right and you we have to do something and also the two and a half trillion dollars that's sitting outside that can be brought back in we have to make how do you encourage that how do you know we're gonna have to lower the tax we have to lower tax right now they have to pay a tremendous tax to bring that money and we have to lower the tax so that they don't mind paying something but they're not going to pay thirty and thirty five percent there's some arguments that say there's some people discussing the idea of sort of a one-time smaller tax bringing it in and then you well I'm okay with that it's a step but just to show you how bad Washington is how they can't do it I've been hearing about this for two years for two years everybody agrees that we should let the money in and for two years they can't make a deal okay welcome you know what the Democrats Republicans agree they still have a meta deal this is for two years all right going back what's a living wage what's fair I want to keep the minimum wage pretty much where it is right now I wouldn't because of the fact that we have a country that is now competing more than ever before because of airplanes and transportation and anything we do now we got to get the middle we're not going to be able to compete with the rest of the world I want to compete with the rest of the world what I do want to do is bring in jobs so much other people don't have to live on minimum wage but we are going to have to compete with the rest of it Tashia quick Facebook question Michael Martinez as residents of the District of Columbia currently pay federal taxes but have only a non-voting delegate and the House of Representatives no representation that Senate should that policy continue as is should DC become a state should it have not have to pay taxes should be more like treated like Puerto Rico watch how should DC resident I have a conflict of it just because I'm building the greatest you know I'm building at the old post office I think what will be maybe one of the great hotels I've heard it'll open were by the way unlike our government we're under budget and ahead of schedule isn't that a nice thing to hear you don't hear that I just like the wall will be under budget and ahead of schedule and nobody's getting through that wall believe me all right but so there was a little bit of a conflict saying I would like to do whatever is good for the District of Columbia because I love the people you know it's funny I've really gotten to know the people the representatives and the mayor and everybody they're really special people they're great and they have a great feeling so I would say whatever is best for them on for I have a total conflict of interest so you're okay with either way if they want statehood you're for statehood I mean people are talking about that I'd look at it I'd certainly look giving back to Maryland or do something I I would look at a number of things and something would be done that everybody would have your slogan we're gonna hear a lot today at the fair we're gonna make America great again Hogan when was the last time America was great I would say during the administration of Ronald Reagan you felt proud to be an American you felt really proud I don't think since then to any great extent people were proud then let me ask you this not trying to play a little gotcha here but in 1987 you took out a page ad this is during the Reagan administration and you said this to the American people for decades Japan and other nations have been taking advantage of the United States on message by the way consistent the world is laughing at America's politicians as we protect ships we don't own carrying oil we don't need Destin's destined for allies who won't help message wise very consistent I mean this from day one including during the list I was just going to say let's not let our great country be laughed at anymore if that's the last time America was great again you didn't think America was great now I thought America was excellent I think NAFTA was a huge mistake I thought it was a terrible mistake and you know that was that but I just think that he set a tone that was an excellent tone for this country I disagree that you seem to like that's a time well it's looking back I like this was a fiery guy yeah Donald J Trump of 1987 wow it's the same guy if you're consistent I have no sisters I'll give you consistency for years I have been saying that we haven't had I spoke with Carl Icahn Carter he's totally on board you should call him you should have him on your show I said Carl and he's a great negotiator I said we're not gonna have these babies negotiate for us Carl you're gonna take over China you are going to negotiate with China and I'll throw Japan in I've got Henry Crabb I've got so many great people we have the greatest business people in the world in the United on't use them we use political hacks we use ambassadors we use Carolyn Kennedy was a very nice person because my daughter likes her a lot Ivanka so she has to be nice but she's a nice person she's the ambassador to Japan she's a primary negotiator with Japan she doesn't know anything about negotiation Esther's aren't the permanent no no but she's very important in that in Japan the Ambassador has always been a very important element and I'm not saying that I want the karl icons i want the great businesspeople and I know them all I ask them to negotiate for us if and by the way we're gonna have a different country if you could win as an independent would you be more comfortable running as an independent than oh I want to I get why you don't want to run as an independent cuz it's not how much more Bobby couldn't win its article but but it's not that look somebody was asking me that question the other day times fifty I am I mean I'm hearing it all guy I know I'm running as a Republican I'm leading by double digits so just say I'm gonna stay as a Republican why is it so hard because was I'm not prepared to close that door yet but I wouldn't be surprised if some day and then not too distant future it happens they're treating me very well I just want to be treated fairly and you know I'm a person that believes in leverage I'm a natural businessperson I believe in leverage I would say that it's highly unlikely a day to do that but I just don't want to close that door yet I'm running as a Republican I'm leading as a Republican I will win I think I'm going to get the nomination and if I get the nomination I think I'll be President and if I'm president we're going to have a great country and then we will really have better than Reagan better than anybody we will make America great again that's what it's all of what do you tell conservatives who say you and the Clintons are in cahoots well it's totally false first of all nobody's for tougher and Hillary Clinton than me and when Bill Clinton called me I had already made up my decision you know just so you understand I called me long after I had made a decision and everyone knew I was running so was it like that and I think he's very disappointed that I'm running because I'm the one person that's going to beat her now I think she may not be able to run to be honest because this whole email thing is a horrible thing General Petraeus his life has been destroyed and he did 5% of what she did so assuming she's able to run which would be absolutely to me a miracle at this point I will beat her and I don't see the other people that are running against me currently regularly call her the worst Secretary of State I think she's already embarrassed a banquet area of state in the history of our country look like a well it begs the question I'm a history buff who was the worst before her then in your well I'll tell who's the worst after her Kerry because of what do you believe I don't want to get into names oh no because Celtic Chuck I'm insulting so many people I don't wanna tell people I want to be nice I understand that but it goes to this larger everything with use the best of the worst no there's no nuance chuck during her reign who the entire world fell apart it fell apart during her reign the entire what look what happened everything fell upon the earth spring is on her is that a fair thing you put the air pouring on her mean you could sort of say maybe a little bit right I mean sort of right that's a bit jar look it look it look at Kerry why do you look s'matter to you so much you talk about it a lot I don't think they look they matter is that gonna matter and who you hire as a cabinet or no no not okay no I don't know why you say I mean I own Miss Universe I own Miss USA I own you know agency's model agency so from that standpoint but no I've seen actually you'll hire somebody is really hire somebody not based on what I found actually is that really really beautiful people or good-looking people in many cases in most cases don't have the edge because they've never had to have the edge people that don't look so good fight harder and they're actually better so looks don't matter to me so much all right I sort of was amused about this little excerpt from a from your Playboy interview in 1990 the questioner asked what is all of this meaning talking about your yacht the bronze tower the casino what does it really mean to you and you replied props for the show and I said what show is that and you replied the show is Trump and it is sold-out performances everywhere and it has this is for a long is this are we all a part of a show I mean there is some that you know that some of the criticisms and some of we all feel like we're in our we in a reality show no this is not a reality this is the real deal but our country has you did smile when I've read the show stop I think it's a resonating look my life has been an interesting life I've had a lot of fun and I'm leading in the polls I go on your show you will get the highest ratings you've had in years I mean it's one of those things assuming people know I'm on I mean whatever it is look at Fox look what happened at Fox I mean it's a whole crazy thing going on and all I care about and this is a hundred percent truthful I love this country and I want to make it great again and it's not going to be great if we keep going the way we're going we're going to be third world we probably already are you look at our airports our roads our bridges our schools our school system with 25 we spend more on individual students and anybody else with 25 in the world we have to fix our country we have to make our country great again mr. Trump I'll have to leave it there well I want to get to but uh nice 2-mile have you back again who's a greater thank you sir q very thank you check NBC news fans thanks for checking out our youtube channel subscribe by clicking on that button down here and then click on any of the videos over here to watch latest interviews show highlights and digital exclusives thanks for watching
Channel: NBC News
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Keywords: nbc news, nbc, news, news channel, news station, newspaper, breaking news, us news, world news, politics, nightly news, current events, top stories, pop culture, business, health, Donald Trump, Donald Trump for president, Donald Trump video, Donald Trump annoucnement, GOP, Donald Trump GOP, Trump 2016, 2016, vote, election, Donald Trump Meet The Press, Donald Trump NBC, Donald Trump Imigration
Id: -GwG1_TkhQI
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Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2015
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