FULL GPS Approach To Circle - MzeroA Flight Training

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[Music] Alright MzeroA Nation, Jason here, part two of our briefing an approach we're going to fly that approach, or at least in theory we're going to go fly that approach, I'll let you listen to the ATIS and see if we can figure out why together here. [RNAV GPS 18 in use,] That might be in right here [RADIO] [RADIO] [RADIO] Bravo [RADIO] [RADIO] [RADIO] [RADIO] [RADIO] So they're using the RNAV approach, the RNAV one eight approach, we just spent the part one of our video briefing three six, I have three six pulled, I filed to a fix, I filed to AMBAC, at runway three six, always thinking ahead of the airplane, I also have the one eight approach briefed so here's what I'm going to try, this isn't scripted or anything, I'm going to pick up my clearance here, we're going to try to see if we can still shoot three six let us circle one eight, if not we've got one eight as our backup plan, always having a backup plan in aviation, let's call tower and see what they're up to. Morning Ocala Tower, skyhawk two three mike zulu Skyhawk two three mike zulu, Ocala Ground, good morning Goog morning, we have an IFR right back to here, and we're ready to copy that. Skyhawk three mike zulu is cleared to the Ocala Airport as filed maintain two thousand, expect four thousand one zero minutes after departure, departure frequency one one eight point six, squawk four two two zero Two three mike zulu is cleared to Ocala as filed, two thousand four thousand in ten, one one eight point six four two two zero, we have Bravo and are ready to taxi. Skyhawk three mike zulu read back correct, runway one eight taxi via alpha. One eight via alpha, two three mike zulu. thank you. So so far so good, they gave me as filed, and again, what I asked for, was, I'm filed Ocala to AMBAC, I'll show you that, Ocala to AMBAC and then obviously if I am going to AMBAC they can assume that I'm flying right on in to three six, whether they let me circle whether not, it is truly IFR, well not truly IFR, but it's certainly overcast, it's up a little bit higher but still just something to be concerned with, always having that backup plan, like I said, I also have the GPS one eight ready to go as well, so I'm going to taxi on out here to one eight, honestly if I'm able to take off one eight go straight to AMBAC and come back, it wouldn't make for a much easier day, and easier flight, my instrument pilots know that often times, approach after approach, especially round robins like this, can get to be quite a bit, so let's go ahead, and let's taxi on over to one eight, and I'll knock out my runup checklist, and then I'll get as ready to go, as I can, I'm just putting myself direct to Ocala, for now, and I'm preloading the Avidyne which is direct to Ocala we'll get up there, and we'll kind of see what they us to do. I've got Ocala in here and I got the approach button right there ready to go to load what ever approach they need me to do, because you know I have a funny feeling that they're going end up changing some things, I'm going to flip-flop over to tower now, since there's no one else here, I'm next to go, and I'm going to knock out my runup, I'm going to one one eight point six as my next frequency, I've got my transponder four two two zero already in there, everything else is loaded, and looking good to go hold the brakes, flight controls free and correct, right side up, left side down, left side up, right side down, full back, full forward, and using that rudder there, instruments set, set, everything's good, fuel selector both, trim set for take off, up to seventeen hundred right here, seventeen hundred Mag check left side nice drop back to both right side same identical drop, back to both carburetor heat, carb temp rises, drop in rpm great, engine instruments, check, oil pressure is good, oil temp is green, fuel is full, CO level is zero, battery is charging, volts look good, carb temp is great where it's at OAT is 74 no issues there back to idle with the carburetor heat all set, radios confirmed correct, everything else looks good, I'm on tower, eighteen six is next, I've got both approaches briefed, I have both approaches ready to go at any second, it's the touch of two buttons to get the next approach ready that they want me to actually fly, because I do have a funny feeling that they're going to be changing things, but I'm ready for that change, I'm anticipating that change, everything is all set here lights all on, flaps are up, my door is the only that I'm leaving open just for a second here, let's give them a call, morning Ocala Tower skyhawk two three mike zulu, alpha one, one eight awaiting IFR release Skyhawk two three mike zulu, Ocala tower, good morning, hold short of runway one eight, I'll have your release in just a moment Hold short, two three mike zulu. Alright so we are just going to wait, a second and see, confirm I do have GPS three six on my lap here, I have the autopilot all set up ready to go, case I need just a little help in this single pilot environment as I'm programming, if I need to switch plates, I've got the auto pilot there ready to go, I imagine they're going to give me a heading, altitude was originally up to two thousand feet so I'll bug that, I'll get a heading ready to go, I'll put it on one eight zero for now and see what he says, Skyhawk two three mike zulu, we're still waiting on release from Jax. No problem, thank you. That was nice of him. Sometimes you're sitting here and you're just wondering what's happening, but he has to pick up the phone, call Jax, see where they want me, this is Jax airspace technically once I get up and above out of the Delta My hand's just here waiting for a heading is what I am assuming, lean this out just a bit since we're sitting, I'll go full rich and door closed and everything once we're clear. Imagine Jax doesn't like what I tried to file. Is probably what's happening right now. Two three mike zulu, turn right heading two seven zero climb and maintain three thousand runway one eight cleared for take off, 270 three thousand, one eight cleared for take off, thank you, two three mike zulu. We've got 270 bugged, three thousand, mixture's going rich, closing the Florida airconditioning door's closed, latch confirmed, pilot side, confirmed, final is clear, lights on, everything looks good, let's go Alright confirm one eight outisde, one eight on the compass, one eight on the synthetic visions smoothly applying full power, adding that right rudder in there, heels are on the floor, toes on the bottom of the pedals, confirming air speed is alive confirming side engine gauge is green green green nice and light with just me on board, and here we go alright looking goods I still have just Ocala loaded in here, based I assume if there giving me a West turn they're going to give me exactly what I am asking for but we will confirm that here in a bit And we will see together Skyhawk two three mike zulu, contact Jacksonville Approach we'll talk to ya in a bit. Over to Jax, see you in a bit. I'm going to call up Jax with an IDENT here Morning Jax, skyhawk two three mike zulu, just off Ocala's runway one eight, nine hundred climbing three thousand, turning two seven zero. November two three mike zulu Jax Approach, uh, November two three mike zulu, Jax departure radar contact a mile south of Ocala, say intentions. We'd like to shoot the GPS three six circle one eight to a full stop if that's available. November two three mike zulu, roger, you can expect the, I have your request. Thank you. Two three mike zulu, how does this approach terminate? Into a full stop, please. Alright, two zeven zero, up to three thousand, he's going to give me what we need, so procedure RNAV three six, we're going to confirm AMBAC [RADIO] [RADIO] [RADIO] And we're good to go. And I've got direct AMBAC loaded, Hold two seven zero climbing up three thousand I don't, we've already briefed our approach, but we're going to brief it again here to get ahead, Especially with us thinking about different approaches and everything else, yes this is the RNAV Runway three six approach into Ocala, zero zero four is my approach course, I'm looking for MALSAR lighting, I have my missed approach already which is my climb to 2,100 direct to CUFJO, and hold. November three mike zulu do you want vectors for this approach, or did you want to approach from AMBAC? From AMBAC would be fantastic two three mike zulu. November two three mike zulu cleared direct to AMBAC. Cleared direct to AMBAC, thank you two three mike zulu, so I am direct to AMBAC, now I'm kind of self-vectoring myself to AMBAC and this is why you'll see when you're briefing an approach in the air like this, I'm about to fly into IFR conditions, I'll keep handflying it here, but I'm being vectored, he's not giving me a heading to AMBAC, he's saying hey just go direct to AMBAC, I've got everything already loaded, that's why, just thinkg ahead of the airplane is so valuable here, twenty four hundred climbing three thousand [Approaching Altitude] Approaching my altitude, five hundred to go. [RADIO] I'm putting in about a south heading, I'll real back in AMBAC here All is looking good [Radio] two hundred feet to go. Starting to bring my course back in. Hundred feet to go. Anticipating that, and leveling the nose, bringing some power back, a little carb heat on just for fun in the clouds pitot heat also is coming on, just to be safe, holding three thousand holding south as my heading, you can see both my courses as they're coming in here, Turning to my heading now of about two hundred, two zero zero, [RADIO] Now, in this environment I can kind of brief my approach, chunk by chunk, but this is why we brief on the ground, we're very blessed to have an autopilot, but if we're not using it right now, if I didn't have that autopilot, and you're hand flying in the clouds, you're self vectoring to AMBAK, because you said turn direct to AMBAC assuming you know how to get to AMBAC, you're mainting your altitude you're in the clouds it can get stressful, so I know my missed approach, 2100, I'm proceeding direct to AMBAC, [RADIO: three zero mike cleared direct] He's clearing somebody else to AMBAC, now. Just listening, direct to AMBAC. When I get to AMBAC, I have all. November two three mike zulu, cleared direct to AMBAC. We're proceeding direct to AMBAK, two three mike zulu, oh I guess that was first one was for us, although it wasn't our call sign. He'd already cleared us direct to AMBAC, again all the little distractions right? We're just doing what we know how to do here. [RADIO] Direct to AMBAC I've got my altitudes, he's got, I'm expecting he's going to give us a descent here in just a bit, probably down to two thousand, which I have all my altitudes, because it's two thousand at TALSA Looking good holding three thousand, my circling approach on this, is down to five eighty, I can take this down to five eighty, [RADIO] Five eighty as a circling approach [RADIO] I'm just a little bit right of my two zero zero, I have the wind's coming from like a two five zero, at 17 knots is what it says on the Dynon, so I'm just crabbing, just a little bit, I'm about a two one zero that's helping me crab back in a little bit towards my course Holding our altitude doing great [RADIO] All's looking good Over to like a two one zero, wind's two five six at eighteen it says up here, kind of in between layers right now six miles form AMBAC turn the pitot heat off for a second until we get back in the clouds three thousand six miles from AMBAC during this during this down time, it's a good time to breath and continue to set up for that approach I know AMBAC's 2000 because I annotate everything 2000 17 at FIBUS is where I'll get glide slope interception and I'm taking this down to 580 for my circling approach now All looks good. My route pulled up there. Correcting, 50 feet low, so just correcting [RADIO] This heading, maybe like a 205 so they can work you in better to kind of hold it 210 help make it back on route. 205 is probably going to work out best here, you can see. We're holding that and I'll show it to you this way. You can kind of see that, you can see my route a little bit better, you can see where I'm going to end up. So It's kind of a cool view there too. [RADIO] This heading is working great. Right on that course. ..[RADIO] 23 Mike Zulu is cleared for the RNAV GPS Runway 36 approach and we'll circle west for that circle for 18 and I'm going to be circling west. [RADIO] And I am cleared for the approach, as well. So once I hit AMBAC I'm going to drop it on down to 2,000 Feet heading towards TALZA. As I'm already cleared for the approach. 2 miles from AMBAC 3,000 feet there, I'm gonna go ahead and bug 2,000 feet as my next altitude and that little buzzer was turning 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.. And I can start my descent. Now, it says to get down to 2,000 and that turn in just a second as well. It's predicting my descent that I need to follow and fly And in seven seconds making that turn. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.. I'm gonna start that turn and slowly start down to 2,000 feet. Nice standard rate turn. We'll see how the wind switched and adjust this here. We're now bound for TALZA Going into the sun too, this will add to it a little bit. Got my 2,000 feet bug, got a nice and slow descent. Now i got 4 miles to loose 1,000 feet, not a big deal. I do have a little bit of a tail wind now. I'm gonna keep it coming down into the sun. That's bright. A little bit of sun that's shining through that other layer and i'm gonna keep it coming on down here. [RADIO] Looks good. You're gonna think I'm crazy but i'm gonna start configuring now for my landing. I know it sounds super crazy I'm bringing the carburetor heat on, I'm adding 10 degrees of flaps and no, I always say, the perfect airplane to do your instrument in is like a Cessna 150 because it flies so slow. I want to make this fly like a Cessna 150. I want to take everything slow, there's no need to rush or anything like that. So here I am knocking out a good chunk of my before land checklist, fuel on both, carb heats on, flaps are 10, seat belts good. I am always thinking ahead of this airplane. So you can laugh at me that I'm still 14 miles out basically from the airport and I got my flaps already . I want to purposefully take things that are too often people want to add their flaps in right at glide slope intercept and where does the nose want to go when you want to do that? You're trying to grab your glide slope, you add flaps in, it causes the nose to balloon up start thinking ahead of the airplane, take things slow. That's what we want to focus on. I didn't mean to rant on that but it's something that I'm passionate about. 2 miles from TALZA, 500 feet to go. Winds are perfect so far. "ding" That's just telling me to begin my descent the last 1,700 feet based on my glide path because it's down, it's down to 1,700 feet Over to tower, have a great morning two three mike zulu. Alright over to tower, and I'm just about TALZA inbounds I'll give em a ring here in just a second, Hello again, Ocala Tower, Skyhawk two three mike zulu's a mile from TALZA, Skyhawk two three mike zulu, Ocala Tower, good morning again, and report FIBUS Will call FIBUS, two three mike zulu, alright, next leg in three two one, and I can just keep that descent, coming on down here because I need to be at FIBUS at 1,700 feet I'm making a nice standard rate turn all the way around descending to seventeen hundred feet got my flaps in everything's happening nice and slow, can't see the airport there's a big old layer between it and I, glideslope just popped up here let's hold this heading here, and keep coming down two thousand, for now, bugging for seventeen hundred back over to my heading, that wind is again as we work around, now the wind's got a quartering tailwind in a way that's why we're landing one eight, just something else to think about, and this is common with circling approaches that on a circling approach, the reason they don't bring you down as low, as well is the tail wind factor, because typically in a circling approach, you will have some sort of tailwind, there's a better runway for that day, could I have just shot the RNAV one eight? Yes, but I wanted the opportunity to show what also is possible, you can ask for the circle if you know what to expect and understand the consequences, not the consequences, but it just doesn't bring you down as well, you're typically with a tail wind, these sort of things, I need to drift just a bit more to the left, here, that wind's really pushing me a hundred feet to lose, six miles from FIBUS, a hundred feet to lose perhaps a little aggressive on that intercept, [RADIO] Here comes my seventeen hundred feet. I've got carb heat off, just give it a little bit of power because I need to maintain that for a bit [Radio] Looking good Good, adjusting my trim, because now I have those flaps in there, something else to think about Holding seventeen hundred five miles from FIBUS good little intercept angle as you can see here, should reel that back in in a second, adding my glide slope now. Into my scan, I'm going to go back to this synthetic vision mode, so that way I have a redundant glide slopes here just as backups to backup in case something happens to the Dynon. I've got a different backup, so I'm showing two glide slopes now, just so I have redundancy, holding seventeen hundred that course is coming in really nicely, put the synthetic vision down there that way, actually, I'm just kind of maintaining here, I'm not exactly creeping in on my course, any am I? I'll go a little bit more to the left, holding seventeen hundred, three from FIBUS, now I'm starting to bring that course in finally. So I know I can go about five right when I want to maintain it, like when you're learning holding patterns, what heading is going to let me hold this. hold that track, flying on in in an approach is very very similar, remembering what maintains the heading, and that will adjust with altitude as well, glide slope is alive by the way, two miles from FIBUS, [Radio: Skyhawk two three mike sulu, what's your position now?] Two from FIBUS. Alright, glide slopes just slowly working its way on in just as it should mile and a half from FIBUS one mile from FIBUS Working through this kind of cruddy layer here little bit more to that left that wind's actually getting a little stronger here Alright there's my glide slope, carb heat, flaps are already in, it's just power back, looking for 500 feet per minute. Two three mike zulu's FIBUS inbound. Two three mike zulu, roger, and circle West, report circling for runway one eight WIll call the circle West, two three mike zulu Alright bringing it on down here, starting a nice descent, looking for about five hundred feet per minute, and bringing it on down, little high I need to go a little bit left, nothing we can't fix here, glide slopes already sneaking back in as is our localizer I changed, I bugged our altitude for six hundred feet, so we have that set for us. fourteen hundred for I'm going to call it just six hundred for the circle, back on glide slope, back on localizer, twelve hundred for six hundred managing our airspeed here everything is looking great eleven hundred for six hundred approaching altitude, a thousand for six hundred on the loclaizer on the glide slope, this heading right here is holding it for us, I'm going to arrest that descent a little bit we don't want to get too low, just by adding a little bit of power perfect, nine hundred for six hundred remember how sensitive it's going to get the closer and closer we get eight hundred for six hundred everything's looking great keeping her coming down because I'm slightly glide slope, but I'm not making big adjustments, because just like that, I'm right back on glide slope, seven hundred for six hundred the real circle's about five eighty we'll start here around six fifty we'll go ahead, we look outside, I have the runway in sight, and two three mike zulu is starting that circle to the West. Skyhawk two three roger and continue for runway one eight. Continuing for one eight. two three mike zulu, got the runway in sight, just breaking off my circle here, I'm going to turn that carb heat off just for a second, because I want to maintain, this is the hardest part of a circle, I want to maintain those minimums, I want to maintain that 580 or 600 feet, I don't want to to climb up, I've been in real world scenarios where I broke off the circle, and gave it some power and initiated a climb and was back in the clouds, and I had to go missed, when I had the runway right there, and I had to go all the way around and do it again, so you want to simulate, cloud layer is right here, so now you're flying a traffic pattern like I do in the Piper Cub, at 500 feet. So you want to keep [Radio: two three mike zulu runway one eight clear to land] Wind one niner zero at six. One eight clear to land, thank you, two three mike zulu [RADIO] [RADIO] So you want to keep it close, so you can see that runway and you want to keep your altitude as well, so now you're practicing five hundred foot patterns, you haven't practiced landings in a while working on instrument, right? Now you're doing five hundred foot patterns Piper Cub patterns, that will turn almost into almost like a power off one eighty in a second here. My flaps are already at ten, though, see how we're already configured, we're already thinking ahead before landing checklist one more time, fuel, mixture's good, in and locked, seat belts, deffered for carb heat and more flaps, I'll be in my touch down point, carb heat, power back, and I'm gonna go 20 degrees of flaps now. I'm already cleared to land and all I'm gonna do is just, it's just a little bit of a tighter pattern here, or I could keep flying this 600 feet till I'm normally 600 feet, like I am on base. It's up to you, but what you have to do is always always keep the runway in sight. So you have to do what's best for that scenario. I've got my power back to just about idle. Always I chose to keep it close and just keep that runway in sight adjust my altitude accordingly here. I'm already cleared to land turn in for 18 now. Just 20 degrees in flaps about all I need for a nice and easy landing. I'm already at 70 manage my airspeed appropriately you don't need to use all those flaps if you manage the airspeed appropriately, especially as I turn into this wind. Look at that I'm 70 right now, on final, it's perfect, I'm back to idle. I got a great sink rate 70 slowing, slowing everything is good. Already cleared to land. A little bit of trim to help me here. And taking those eyes down that runway and just holding it here. Eyes down the runway, holding it here. Holding it here and there's the ground. Hold that nose for a second and set her down gently. Not too bad, huh? Let me get off the runway here. [RADIO] Alpha 6 Thank you 23 Mike Zulu So how was that? Part 2 pretty exciting, a different style of video, a little bit longer video for social media and everything else I hope you'll like this video, subscribe to us on YouTube. Like us on Facebook as well. Also, hope if you love these videos you think these are good, the videos we put out there for free, you're gonna love the paid videos. Inside our online ground school as well, there's a link below this video to take a free trial of our online ground school. A free two week trial. of the ground school of your choice, private, instrument, commercial FOI, anything you want to work through. Take a two week trial of that there's a link in the description below this video. Can't wait to read your comments on Youtube, on Facebook. Do make sure you like us, follow us, subscribe to us there. Enjoy the rest of your day, and most importantly remember That a good pilot is always learning. Have a great day guys. 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Channel: MzeroA Flight Training
Views: 62,303
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Id: 8Ouw9lvuP44
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Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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