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hey guys she's never been in that your videos I do feel very special in every term so excited and I'm going to go make up today what do you do around like an icon and not out okay so that's like full load makeup well primer on in that and then I'll put foundation on and I will use the pencils my brows mascara and eyeliner oh and highlight a bit oh yeah I finish you spend another gene doctor good declare for his new yeah but I don't contour and I don't look at phrase cheekbones oh but this is this is so exciting I'm just like the company's you don't even need it so we've come together but they're gonna be like here love it and today we're doing some grounding national so everybody the first time around gonna be like smash yeah and you know the new minutes that I read about yeah people face not know like good do you know getting both so we're gonna start with brows oh that's a new one oh yeah I've never used a em edge oh you know so just use a pencil who said we asked you guys on Twitter with hashtag Australia to ask some questions yes don't put every round brush buddy really good stop you're back she's got an exposed or exposed [Music] okay I'm using the NYX eyebrow gel in the shade blonde this is because I use your current favorite youtuber this is from Mia I don't know my friends there's no one that you actually watch me just random mm-hmm I used to watch more so but like the first youtuber that I ever watched was does that comes up yeah and he was the only one that I used to watch to satisfy but now I've decided to broad job and that the plaster yeah I've been like watching people in YouTube yeah that's Jewish sharpie I know you I think she's got your humor as well actually you know that's it Jackie I know really nervous if you can take three things on a desert island what would you take okay is this Viper from a practical point of view maybe it's three things about three things I love the conduct without what I it's what I mean you take that as really know why I think you shouldn't have internet so it's not quite ready environment I mean I'm gonna say that my cats come as one say that come on oh yeah that causes one st. cat's show what is fake but I'd have to take another person because I'm pretty useless sarunas if it'd be more fun as well I just like a man because we can reproduce the truth so I like Josh no far away Joe what I bring a water element behind maybe return rainwater oh yeah did you know over line it's actually mean is it when you watch people do their bras like in tutorials and stuff they don't you enjoy that route they like to roll up and I like is from Alex what is your all-time favorite brand clothing and makeup there's no clothing brands that I've discovered like he was about a year ago good they're very pleased oh don't forget fries oh I love argan fruits Island I didn't love you take Isaac no I know I may or may not have a would just something from that nice moment you know sometimes what you look at them you've got when your hair's not doing this I won't try to get signal yes okay very good with process-based bro [Music] [Laughter] if you could change your name to anything what would you want to change it to this is formats but I've already [Music] done them Callie I didn't check see if I have any sleep in there Jake will it sleep for geumsan Ivanova we're not gonna see you know I don't trust this because what if I love it and then I I collect your makeup or just drive like 15 minutes away [Music] what do I do this literally how I used to want to make up for well I'm sure there are actually it's a full-face I mean no work just every day my life what arch is every day you look so nicely without my pleasure is like either it must be a bit you do that me nice about I mean the first time I went out and didn't wear how much she does with you baby recently I don't know what I'm sure if you had to eat an egg the rest of your lives [Music] I just didn't don't think I have anything no no what's your favorite song right now I think mine's a voice in there me either I listen to it today and I'll go please stop it's all over I was driving in my car do they even fit my needs the voices of me hey what you payin run around [Music] maybe she waited I was like you put the ID with a beginner can you also let's pushed you Wi-Fi spots widget to see things too I mean jurist big fish no what I mean is I want to get one of them [Music] oh that that's it yeah who's the sentient beauty foundation this is free of sign action every 140 I'm and your shape 300 I'm wearing the same foundation but thing is I thought that I don't know that much document you may I'm just going to them I'm like wait I'm so good if the solution works really well with brushes because it's motivates and obviously this is so what is your like everyday me originals you know I don't know what about you doing math again it's just my everyday language like I said so much I never really noticed mainly I don't will not breathe this question oh I think we could put a spin on it and make it a positive this is from nabla if you can change one thing about yourself what would it be okay well I want to kind of twist that into a positive because obviously you thought I love yourself if you love yourself and the world will love you yeah I would probably drain [Music] you betcha I know yeah probably that because that gets in the way of things I feel like it holds me back I just felt I didn't have it I do yeah you could say that for then maybe I wouldn't yeah I'm not true probably you might be less awkward you know I feel like I'm really I can be like oh yeah this is a great card here in the fall I know you oh my god I need to make I am so late but how did you two become friends [Music] oh yes so she invited me to go to your your live show yeah oh my god yeah I don't know sir each other somewhere but we did not yeah unlike Melrose but we had we didn't really speak we just said bye-bye oh yes Abby first my Hot Wheels I would say memorably the show and that was I go first and then it was Wireless against then you came out some Diplo that was not the next time you might like Connor I think it was yeah magic Tina yeah and every went out and that was [Music] [Music] yours this is a prophetic question I don't know if we've been asked but I'm gonna ask it you prefer higher power or nor the Rings no a memory okay so um I feel like we was getting real earlier so we're a lovely you don't owe me like I'm gonna go to church itself though I think weĆ­ll try to and just showing the face to visit one favorite place to eat sugar to say [Music] everybody and like the town is just say it's like not real I'm actually I feel like you're not gonna like it just because you'll be like there's so much make a big buck right okay I think you're not today no ah yeah yeah oh my G I feel like you need to really make them all your sunglasses like I just feel like I've got a month yeah mud I think me eyes if you don't see don't forget to be that subscribe but now I don't become a member the self family thing you ever going up Easter lovely if you join also it don't forget to follow me on this from sunshine to the tower and the save it forever these are our links here beside you [Music]
Channel: Talia Mar
Views: 241,006
Rating: 4.9694357 out of 5
Keywords: freyyx, freydot, before and after, full glam
Id: 7TzeyoaojKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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