I Let Talia Mar BLEACH My Hair!

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel and today is the day I left earlier basically go have on my hair and I'm actually terrified because I've never ever done like an amateur at home ever ever ever so I always ghost like a hair dresser and like have it done professionally it's gonna be the first time but I trust hardly other because for so she is forever changing hair trimmers you have never ever evolving so I like you trust and Heike nervous zone because it could go wrong so I've been basically trying to go silver for the past what year yeah it's been that long and I mean it is it's like blonde like of obviously but it's not it's not the color that one and it's literally just not working and and yeah it's now gone yellow so it's good and so we're gonna change that today and we are gonna go silver with the help of Talia Mario style I guess you could just get straight in are you nervous I'm not nervous that it's gonna go wrong because I know what I mean unless your hair does something really weird I suppose it can always happen yes I mean like your hair so different my body I have to agree with that okay whatever I just don't want it to not be what you want mmm right you know me neither yeah no I reckon also any hairdressers watching this like oh yes we know it's probably not quite I am your my hairdresser baby awkward I mean I love you in it like we get on really really well like on a level but it's still not a Silver Star afters gonna make big get over and I wonder do it myself well Harley is gonna do it for me but yeah and I guess we'll just get straight into the video oh my god you before an office yeah they're gonna get special obviously I think you want me to keep your room where is yellow as you like why not worry I mean yeah like room is fine I have a big scar on my head by the way just in case you seems there was it from I basically fell is somewhere around here basically fell from oh yeah I fell from a tree house well like a dream and a land on my head and I had to be quick together like let's go yeah yeah it's like a slight bit missing yeah oh we've really sorry around you so this is going to get Pietschmann oh I mean not that we can destroy we know whose this is I don't I'm sure - she said sorry whoever's tie this is I don't know anything yeah you free time that's gave you everything I know my do you yeah okay all right I've asked a kind of human anything onto it I just so that we can you know open up some discussions on this video so I'm told it what would you know and okay hi if if we could swap lives for a day mmm-hmm well what would you do and what would I do oh yeah you know I think I've heard you something that that your work because I don't do it it's basically new to me it's not that has me in life no I'm very fascinated by it yeah yeah I've never worked in like because yes initially is ever gonna night after work tonight nah it's more like product research that I don't know those but look how light dark my hair is them into there I think good I never pulled my hair back I never really see the underneath but yeah I think I would I've made an album in a day I think you're overestimating my ability is it no I make enough room in a day release it get everyone to promote it here and then before you know it you sisters my career but just like telling me how to do research if you can be so easy Talia do you have anything exciting the next year I do in these what do you have planned Tanya okay yeah so Tanya have some big news but I can't say is not easy so included is the income nice income the only exciting thing I have is that I'm moving but that's pretty dumb Excel is exciting but you know y'all know that already so yeah I know that's incredibly awful energy I mean we can't film it another time if you won you sure yeah sure very sure Oh she started me this tie was gonna get absolutely wrecked but that's the point of having you yes there's playing in that as well what is the most this is from Ali he's like a big like fans lush supporter but he's also the biggest troll yeah and he said what's the most useless talent you have Oh Tania has got many times so I'm wondering what she's gonna say no the most useless I mean this isn't a talent I she was it enough I know many more no it's not having God as I say I knew all the states of america in my order of like alphabetical order and but things like that oh was most uses hum is what being able to memorize a deck of cards in any order in right under 30 minutes it but what if there's actually a really good use for that but you never eat sequential memory but yeah yeah so I mean at that specific one right never forget that were like right if you don't memorize these guys you're gonna die oh yeah oh yeah useless knowledge so even its hollow they're just for some other silly ability what you useless talent I thought no time is useless yeah neither like like literally I feel like anything that you can do is get that's not I mean yeah [Music] because I J I was like I can't even clean single talent that I have let alone use this one actually everyone is overworked apart from me and man have you been Oh yep nope I have been I have eaten 14 oranges in the space of full day you're gonna do okay yeah so I've been taking zinc which we really good for the immune system and then there were like swerve I think I'm going to think is so good so soon as I thought if they can think like which isn't even that long ago like as soon as I feel just like I might catch it tagging right adrene I swear that it's so good I knew that I need to get on that I recommend strongly I don't tell what do you think you'd be doing if it wasn't the YouTube this is for you because I've obviously got a job I'm still be trying to do music so perform adjust thank you think of music no but YouTube's like sliced it because is enabled you to just get yourself out there more cuz imagine without it like it must be so hard being like her although that's what matters you know the citrus clouds yeah he like he obviously does it without YouTube but it must be so much harder because you have to get yourself either in other ways yeah I feel should probably ask him how he does it because I've and bullish our first impression of Italians over terrified a prayer like January terrified of you Jesus cried because all that I heard was that we we were at a party and someone was like oh we can't get you but I was like oh wow I was like well that makes me sound bratty no no but it was like him and it was the same way I thought you scary I was like oh I know my are basically like doesn't mind yeah yeah dad's like a cab driver and I was like okay let me just get cats like I don't see what the problem is no no it's not problems but I looked over you in that moment I think you were having an argument so because you were just starting them like this you look like you was so mad I was like and then like someone said open to you that and I think I've been I don't know who they were at the time I've been near or something and and now knowing you it was clearly a sarcastic comment right at the time you didn't know what it was I was like oh she doesn't not like them [Music] because I've had a few times with where people are like when I first met you like I felt like you didn't like me or yeah like you were intimidating but that was before I hadn't met you no I was just observational yeah so technically when I first met you you were fine yeah yeah it was Carl which is nice Hey like I say my first impression of you was like so it was at your gig that was going to actually met you but my little impression of you actually yeah like because I I saw you at insta first because I think G linked kosecki was talking about mean hi hey yeah I know that and yeah she like she gave me a insta and was I look up here and I lived and I was like holy what the no I also literally and then I met you like at your gig and you was on stage singing I was like yo this girl's doing this I said I went that saves money that France saw me sing before she really likes me yeah so we'll take that where it's like so many use people like France have just never heard me sing like yeah then you do it cover Thank You necks no and you don't really think I'm gonna think it looks like that yeah you guys alright I'm done with the sprayer that's stopping us from happening oh that's not a dream no Britney Spears up Frank Sinatra me I'm not gonna lie Britney I grew up Britney please meet there so Frank Sinatra the legend yeah of course but still Britney but yeah we now say she's a pop legend yes she's a legend thing is people would argue that they're like oh honey you compare them but Britney has changed like so many things in Portales I admit mastered a influential so they can live in mobile eh never done that's it did you guys know each other before years got with Joshua Simon yeah so what I know you know but I mean I've been with Josh for eight years but yeah I knew Talia yeah before she got with Simon and I met you through junior guests in the ER was literally completely unrelated to Simon so this is food and I feel like I've been missing the whole time nice say where I haven't really enjoyed her I kind of like got to know you more after wireless nuts when I started yeah well no yeah but that makes sense right because obvious us Simon is friends of Josh and it just yeah what a great video just let us make sense someone said drop boyfriend's and get together I mean we actually we've we've spoke about this new girls that you know maybe if it all goes wrong that's what we'll do because why not yeah I want to try it you know what's your favorite feature / thing about the other person Oh 100 sent for a smile I said this many times I know it's a little bit you love your children but like you have amazing cheekbones but like you can't buy a smile I feel like you can combine jeepers rare hounds like the most perfect smother went like literally any photos she just looks great I just got a category and I'm not like being annoying right you know I know I know I just like I think like people see themselves so did like the different of the way that other people see them and you scrutinize everything and like instead of looking at the overall picture you look at one specific thing like that's off that's off that's a phrase people would just see overall you know yeah so okay I was like my favorite favorite thing about you is that you can actually do anything I've got a new cat this is such a wild whiskers I'm not I it's not look you are currently bleaching my area you're a bastard it's silver that's so you can do shake hands fans back flips front flips all that consumed you can dance you can do YouTube you can just say smash it you can do it it rinses me out but because I can't do anything like that you're multi-talented and that's my best thing is my favorite thing about you is it if I need it like if I need to do imagine just like things that have absolutely no okay so we're just gonna yet leave this to kind of process okay we will be back when I'm being cooked yeah like about 20 minutes late now okay Talia how are we looking good good yeah is it ready to wash off yeah but it's just gonna wash off now I mean you ever see a massive difference it's more just to be there a bit like what's the word making it Boris yeah yeah okay so that the premise sticks right because it's not a total weather developer yeah that's probably the majority of people you won't know okay let's do this okay so we've literally just washed out the blade it's obviously not the colour that it's gonna be but it's looking an is the right color that it should it's the kind of a ship okay so that is just a little tires and just finished painting it Wow Nicola it looks actually purple so I'm really inclined idea I just hope it doesn't go I was so would've been mad if it was a little bit purple dude no it's not oh okay so this is the finished loop so I mean we're halfway there right wait is getting there it's just got some still really warm bits in it and I don't know yet hot toddies not not sure if it's my hair or if there's like a toner in here that is this not working but if you'd like to come around then we can all show show the people basically what it is oh I think there's like what's it called so like here at the front is taking really well and there's bits here where it takes really well in one bit and then you go down to the bottom it takes really well at the bottom and then it doesn't only some bits don't take well here yeah it's really wheels man yeah like Fraser had to highlight and that's that was half of the and I didn't like my whole life I feel like so it's obviously like some bits of reasoning wrong yeah this is really warm yeah looks like it's not even see I mean sure it looks way warmer on camera Debbie Anderson yeah but actually it gives a better idea of the difference something yeah like that would be bleaching yesterday raining again rather than just Tony yeah but I don't hate it like I still think it's all right like it's not why I want it like from the front it looks really good yeah so just what you're buying yeah great yeah but ya know like it's good we are almost there but you two look a stressed out because I've been miss you Paris open an eye I'm surprising because i'm not fair like yeah everything is your hair so I think there's a product in there that's just behind huh maybe anyway thank you guys so much for watching this video and shout out to Thalia for doing the honors and being a babe so yeah I will see you guys next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: Freya Nightingale
Views: 326,667
Rating: 4.961318 out of 5
Keywords: home bleaching, bleach, diy hair, diy, hair, hair dresser, hair dressers, hair dressing, hair salon, talia, talia mar, freya, freyanightingale, professional, blonde, silver, purple, silver shampoo, purple shampoo, toner, white hair, silver hair, purple hair, blonde hair, yellow hair, q&a, question and answer, q and a
Id: 8mJt2fNgTjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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