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you like the smallest want to address something this isn't my usual attire so just signal really well today this is miss for an IT girl and she is doing it's all part two if you remember we did a video on much I will not sing out try singing a cover mm-hmm you guys seem to quite like that it's not only me most reviewed video I thought that what else could we do that phrase like I've not really done before J and I'm about to add to it I know about near Pickering know what how to do it it's on writing I mean when I really like you for your fighting at school me and my friends would write songs so I guess it was cute mostly what I knew that you matter and that you're like a sick songwriter like imagine roommates number one the next I think you first I feel like that you thing is to start with the chords okay so I set up three channel strokes but anyone notice one tomorrow say yeah MIDI strip I've got an instrument strip as well for guitar because I think that we what Freya uses because it's super easy to find keys I'll explain later and then I've also got a drum strip no sounds like German [Music] okay so this is a virtual table I think it's easier to run hundreds and hundreds okay so yeah this goes up and then we go in your name I think by dramatic she needs Meitner because every time we've played a minor chord she's like that's traumatic so P so that's what I'm trying to tell okay all right so okay yeah maybe about someone who loves someone but they have to let them go it close they're better off without you I sounds really sad yeah these calls don't sound said they love you and they don't want to let you go and they say this is happening something she's gone for C major what's your first line this is like the opening band punchy so would you want the first line it'll be like when they met maybe okay so how you gonna say that so if it's now it's their place October but let's move September as fast as I don't think you can rip okay her off in this video love story nervous come up a wink of his ax we met on Sunday September [Music] [Applause] you said unless it goes when we go I think it's more of like a proper sing-songy whereas men are more they can talk more okay do you want it to be that it was or not I will always remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god this is really hard okay think of like when you're meeting someone got me my job my way what when I first saw that that's nothing yeah but right think yeah but think about the situation that you're in about the music my eyes under the lights without dies or you can run it with September remember [Music] so you've gone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so yes there's lots of sudden my brain being on my brain maybe so sit single you would say things change stops inside my brain okay yeah I know me both in pain right where do you want that to see my brain pain things change it sucks inside my brain oh hey come and say I think I think I think I'm gonna say I think we go in and stay kids change these thoughts inside my brain I know everything I think I'm going insane and then you got right let me quite dramatic at 7 o'clock ok then distinct in place we met on the sunny September wasn't right alo is ring under the lights [Music] okay right okay I'll go in and say okay yeah right click oh I'm excited okay we've done the first fit it's been easy okay so know this cause I like to build up the guitar I love the job this is really with me because this is completely different style of music yeah this is brightest ally yeah and then how many obviously another explosive sound okay so a minor service a minor would work would it be a hot dog [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] maybe maybe maybe I can turn this already - she knows something so she's like he served that me okay I'm doing up right I've we know what a is done yeah I lied right we've got a chorus um gasps it could've seen doing I'll go through pre-chorus okay things change starts inside my brain pain I think Gordon's their name we're trying Oh No [Music] we cry we move on something like that I need to work on it cuz I don't really know what I'm doing but it's roughly not good it wasn't like we love steak chase socks inside my brain I'm Lauren pain I'm going insane we're trying [Music] [Applause] [Music] we die also quickly we move on shall we try [Music] [Music] [Music] that's our first song we are gonna leave it there otherwise we would let you be here all day this videos we're already moving like a million years long if you want to epoxy it let us know we can either finish this song or a little we can try and get Freddie to produce this song you know we also filmed a video over on France China we are going to be transforming ourselves into Bratz dolls yeah I mean we haven't filmed it yah yah yah yah yah thud stop down below her link we description and I will see you guys in our next are there my camera is taking it the mick right now it just hope just people said goodbye not good no absolutely not so see you next week guys around I never did you wrong but you did me wrong so go ahead get gone
Channel: Talia Mar
Views: 169,454
Rating: 4.9886732 out of 5
Keywords: taliamarmusic, talia, talia mar, mar, freya, nightingale, non singer, tries, writing a song, how to, songwriting
Id: Isplwfu7GoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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