FULL FOIL TUTORIAL | Iced out Blonde | Toning ICY BLONDE Hair

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hey guys if you like foiling videos then this is the video for you i'm going to be taking my client we're going to be doing a full foil and painting her dropouts to give her this super iced out look keep watching to see how we created this icy hair you can follow me on instagram at christy at the cottage okay you guys i know this video is gonna be long but it's gonna be good so just watch the video okay thank you please just watch the video okay so my client that's here right now she previously has dinner here and we did like a backcomb like partial foil but she decided that she wants to do a full however when i told her that i told her i quoted her like 250 to 300 and she wants to be like all over blonde but she just came in and said that she wants to do more of like almost like a platinum blonde with like very limited like dimension between so we're gonna have to basically do like a full head of like baby lights with like the finest weaves just for a little bit of her natural to come through she's like a level seven naturally so her hair is pretty light as it is but she just really wants to be icy blonde for winter um so i told her that i charged hourly for that service and that last time i did that on a client it was more like 500 dollars just because it takes so long i'm a slow foiler i'm really meticulous so it probably takes like four hours to just to get the foils in um but still her price range is only 300 so we're gonna do larger subsections and um probably a thicker weave and leave more dimension out so we're gonna do what we can to stay within the 300 price range we've already discussed it so even if i go over that's on me um so that's what we're going to do today is do like a really solid platinum blonde and i'm going to use my schwarzkopf blonde me with 20 volume and olaplex and i've had a few people ask me this if you have problems with the bleach swelling which is pretty common um i water the bleach down just a little bit and that really reduces any swelling i don't have any problems i don't have any bleeders so if that's something that you have issues with just add like i mean just run the water and just really quickly um to thin the bleach out a little bit like i spray it just a little bit if you're using a water bottle not enough to really like you know completely cover the bleach and water but just enough to thin it out a little bit um so we're going to mix with our schwarzkopf and i'm going to show you how i mix just a little bit of the water in so you can see to prevent swelling um another thing is when you're doing a full foil like don't don't like do mass amounts of bleach because that bleach is gonna weaken over time just do your one scoop or a little bit more if the hair's thicker and long don't do like a huge bowl for the whole head because by the time you get to the to like the top of the head or your last section and you get to the end of the bowl if it's been sitting in there for like an hour that bleach is practically useless it's already you know been processing or you know been oxidizing or whatever so just keep track of your bowls charge for them charge your worth and just use one bowl at a time and one scoop at a time and then just keep refilling if you need to but make sure you keep your bleach fresh that way you'll get a great lift even lift and this is going on four minutes long and i know you guys just want to get to the service so i'm gonna stop talking okay bye [Music] this is how i mix my lightener and also i want to say that during the service i did not end up using the board it was just too hard with having to pick out some of the brighter blondes and i didn't want to overlap any of the bleach over some of those ends so it just was too difficult using the board and not having my hand free so i didn't end up using it for the service [Music] a lot of people mention the swelling that i get with the schwarzkopf blonde me and this is how i always do my bleach i water it down just a little bit you can see it's not a super heavy amount it's really just a few ounces to thin it out and this really helps prevent swelling and i don't get bleeders anymore and other people have told me that this really helps them with their bleach also i forgot to mention so because she's already been previously lightened and we're gonna go brighter um she's already really blonde but she doesn't need like a whole bunch of lift i'm gonna go through and i'm basically gonna be doing like bleach water so i'm gonna do i'm i'm gonna do my 20 volume but i'm gonna do like hardly any 20 volume and like really water it down um that way it's more like 10 volume or less and yes i know that i could use 10 volume or 7 volume but i don't carry that because i really would ever use it so it's just easier to water the bleach down so that's what i'm gonna do for her ends with olaplex okay there's such a big difference with this bleach from the other one there's just a teeny bit of developer and a mass amount of water so this bleach lasted me the whole service so the lift definitely died out just enough to protect the hair from damage okay me one last time and then i'm gonna shut up and get to the service i can't remember oh yeah okay um i normally start doing the foil around the face just to get that brightened up but because she has a lot of like grow out and we haven't she hasn't had the back down in a couple of years i'm gonna wait to do the hairline until i finish this back section here um that way because she's already so light that she doesn't over process or anything so that's it okay now i'm really gonna start the service [Music] if you guys are still hanging on after that long-ass intro thank you for sticking around okay here's her hair last time we did a foilage and you can see how blended it is but she really just wants to go super icy for winter so we're going to start down at the bottom section and we're going to do an extremely heavy foil and just leave out minimal amounts of her natural a little bit more than what she wanted just to kind of you know stay within her price range but um we're gonna leave a little bit of her natural out for some added dimension and this is that foiling technique that i saw from jamie dana that i really love um a lot of you guys commented on it on one of my other videos and saw that you had seen her use this technique also this really makes such a big difference when you're foiling the nape of the neck you're not fighting the ear whatever it's kind of awkward to foil upside down but i really have liked it been happy with it so um definitely try it out and make sure you use that clip with the foil to make sure you're clipping the foil down so that it doesn't like flop back and forth and you have to worry about it moving around um just take that little clip and hold that back corner down and this just gives such a pretty foil around the hairline it blends really nicely and i will show you guys at the very end of the video you can see just how big of a difference is it blends so pretty and it just looks like the sun naturally highlighted the hair so i definitely recommend foiling the hairline this way if you are able to or if you even want to try it out also i want to mention right here that i know i'm usually really big on saying don't overlap and be really cautious when you're foiling the hair but somebody was in my comments and was like um talks about not overlapping and then overlaps the out of her client's hair um yes because sometimes you do have to go through and re-lift the hair i mean the hair once it's blonde and toned it doesn't stay blonde and toned forever you sometimes do have to go back in and pull through the midsection or overlap a little bit but i'm talking about when you see people where the hair is already white and you can tell how delicate the hair is and that if you overlap it's gonna break that's what i'm talking about when i say don't overlap obviously i'm overlapping right now but this is also the bleach water that i'm using i know that this is gonna sit for a very long time so i'm confident that this isn't gonna damage her hair because it's basically bleach water it doesn't have hardly any lift to it but sometimes you do have to overlap the hair you just have to use your better judgment and know like okay this is an extremely white piece of hair if i overlap this one little section then this potentially is gonna break off so throughout the video you will see me keep pulling those extremely white pieces away from the section that i'm bleaching and pull it to the side i might like right there i'm pulling that ends through the side of the foil so that way i don't run bleach over it because even though this is a very light bleach to use i know that that small amount of lift is gonna potentially damage her hair so i know i say don't overlap but use your best judgment sometimes you have to sometimes when you weave the hair you do not get every single strand of hair that you bleached the last time so like right here i found her foil pattern so i'm really trying to pick up every single piece of hair that i lightened and weave out the dark but it's just impossible every single time to not pick up dark hair or to only get all the blonde hair that you lightened previously so you just have to be very cautious too yes if you're swiping the bleach through the ends like maybe don't go all the way through the ends because that's where the hair is probably really light and porous and potentially damaged already so just be cautious to not damage the hair if you have to swipe through and overlap do it cautiously don't just like bleach all the way through and like break the hair like if you have to lift through a little bit of warmth that's fine if you have to overlap that's fine just make sure that you go through check your foils make sure that it's not damaged if you have to overlap pull the foils out maybe a little bit earlier than letting it sit for the whole time so i just wanted to touch base on that because i know i say that and i don't want somebody else commenting about how i talk about don't overlap and then this whole like service i'm gonna be overlapping the hair and sometimes that's just what you have to do especially when a client wants to go more blonde she's already pretty light but she has a little bit of warmth in there that's not gonna allow her to be that nice icy white blonde hair so that's just something that you might have to express to your client that hey i know that you want to be icy white blonde but in doing this service potentially you might have a little bit of breakage and are you okay with that or not like i'm gonna do my job to make sure that doesn't happen but that's just the reality of doing blonde is potentially that there can be damage and as much as we try to not overlap or to use the best products on the hair to prevent that from happening sometimes it just happens and there's nothing you can do so make sure you have that conversation with your client and let them know like we've already bleached your hair out before but if you want to go even more blonde than what you were previously then just know ahead of time that there potentially could be a little bit of maybe your hair gets frazzled maybe it doesn't break but it just feels extra dry maybe you want them to sign a waiver just to be cautious in case there is breakage i don't know just make sure you're having these conversations with your client to be upfront and honest and so that they know what the risks are with going so blonde okay that's it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i also want to point out that in this back section down by the nape of her neck she said that she hasn't had like a full highlight or foil or anything in probably like a year and a half maybe like two years or so um so in this back section you can see with my brush the darker brush is the stronger bleach so i'm going through right now with my stronger bleach just because i know that she doesn't really have any blonde through her hair in this section so i'm more confident that as it sits it will be okay and not damaged so if you see me move my um brush back and forth from the dark brush to the white brush then that's me switching back and forth with my lightener so the darker brush is the stronger bleach and then the lighter brush is the bleach water so like right here i'm just trying to get that color through her ends that hasn't been bleached so i'm using the stronger bleach on this and then i don't think i'm going to use any bleach through that blonde part through the ends just because it's already so bright but there might be sometimes when i do foil through the ends just because if they have a little bit of brassiness that needs to be lifted through then i will take the bleach water and swipe through those ends [Music] [Music] to [Music] now that this section is getting a little too wide to be able to go straight up with just one foil i'm kind of doing diagonal sections towards the center that way it they meet in the middle so right here we're just going to finish this top section with a few diagonal foils and then go ahead and go towards the top and i will also say that at first i thought this would take me like four four four hours to foil her head because yes i am that slow but her hair is very fine and i don't want to say that it's thin it's not thin it's just it didn't take me as long to foil as i thought it would so during this whole foilings part it took me i want to say probably like three three and a half hours to foil her whole head which is honestly pretty good time for me because i'm such a slow foiler and also because we're not really doing much of any subsection so we're basically hitting her whole head um so that for me anyways is pretty good time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now that we're getting to the top half of her head i'm going to section out my front panels that this is where i normally do the hairline first but because her hair is so light naturally i know that it's going to get good lift if i do her hair towards the end of the service on her hairline so i'm going to section those little areas forward and then i'm kind of gonna do a triangle section that meets at the top of her part and i'm just gonna start foiling both sides of the head at the same time and guys this is when i tried using the board and it was just much more difficult because i had to like weave out um like the brighter blonde pieces but then i only have two hands not three why the lord create us that way i don't understand sometimes we need a third hand so i had to like pick out some of the blonde pieces and then it just got too difficult trying to like bleach the hair but then hold the board but also i needed to like pull out some of those blonde pieces so i just said screw it i'm not gonna use the board it's too difficult so that's why i just didn't end up using it but normally with doing um if somebody just had like naturally light hair and or we were doing a foil and their hair was natural i probably would have gone through with a board through the whole service just because my hand tends to cramp a lot so having that board there really helps stabilize the hair without having to bother my hand okay so this is the last time that i'm trying to use the board and it just doesn't work out you guys so i'm gonna end up going back to not using a board but i just wanted to show that yes it was difficult and that's why i didn't end up using it so one thing that i wanted to also talk about was so in this top section i have her two sides clipped apart from each other and i don't like going up one whole side and then coming back and starting at the bottom and working up the top to that next side and that's because i want the hair to lift evenly if i end up having to pull foils out or wash the hair or anything then that just makes it really hard because if i just foil the whole right side of the head then that whole side is going to lift a lot faster than the left side but if i go you know maybe do a few foils on the right side and then switch over to the left and do a few foils there and then switch over to the right at least i know that i'm gonna get an even process so that way if i have to pull the foils then they're they've been sitting in the same amount of time so that's why i like foiling this way versus doing one complete section and then going all the way back to the bottom and starting there and if you just noticed i switched my bleach out in this section i was using the dark and then i went through and used the weaker bleach through her ends just to make sure that we don't cause any damage and um just because i'm i know this video is gonna be so long and i don't want it to like drag on forever um i'm only gonna show you like foiling up this side of the head but just know that i am actually going back and forth but just for the sake of like not having a 10 hour video i'm only gonna show you foiling for the most part up the right side of the head [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm remixing my bleach and i wanted to show you guys how i use my olaplex so i just do that amount and i pour it into my bleach and then i stir it up and if i haven't added any water at this point then i would just spray a little bit of water in there to thin it out and that's what i do with my bleach i use my olaplex and that really helps prevent damage in the hair i really panic if i start running out of my olaplex it's my lifesaver i would not do a service without it so i always make sure that i have it on hand and i generally include olaplex treatments in all of my blonding services um not like an extra cost i mean it's kind of rolled in i just don't give people the option because if somebody's gonna say like oh do you want to spend 60 on an olaplex treatment they probably don't understand the value of it and they might opt out in using it so i don't necessarily like tack on an extra charge for an olaplex treatment or for using olaplex but you know when you refill your bowls of bleach instead of charging um ten dollars for x for an extra bowl of bleach or twelve dollars i charge fifteen dollars for an extra extra bowl of bleach because i'm adding the oil plex into it so that's one reason why yes my blonding services are a little bit more expensive but you get a lot of value and a lot of great products and services within that price range so it's not like you're just getting a basic highlight and that's all i do a lot of treatments i do an acidic milk rinse sometimes multiple olaplex treatments and all of this just to make sure that the hair is in great condition when you leave and that it feels nice and soft so i just wanted a touch point on that that's why um i always use my olaplex and why i highly recommend it and if you don't use olaplex or don't have access to it just find something that would be great for a bond protector um or if you have something else that you use that's awesome i prefer olaplex but just find something that works for you to add to your service to make sure that you're doing really quality work and to make sure that your clients hair stay nice and healthy [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now we're at one of my favorite parts of the whole service is foiling around the face and doing those hairline details this is usually where i start my service off at but because obviously her hair is naturally really light i don't want to damage it so we're going to start it at this point and i'm also using my weaker bleach just because her hair naturally is very light and it doesn't have a whole bunch to lift so i don't need a strong volume so i'm just gonna go through and weave along her hairline and this is just gonna make it so that her hair looks really blended you don't want to do horizontal foils up the side of the head because that's gonna leave a lot of lines in the hair if they pull their hair back like you can see as i'm lifting her hair up from her previous surface that we did her grow out you can see that it just blends really nicely there's no stripes or anything in the hair and that's because we foil it this way versus going through and doing like horizontal lines as the hair grows out then you would see all these like racing stripes up the side of the head so this is why i foil this way and my clients love it i've actually had somebody come to me because they really just honestly based the whole service off of foiling the hairline like this so it really makes a big difference and make sure you get all these little hairs around the whole side of the head that's gonna make sure that when they pull their hair back they have nice brightness everywhere and that they don't feel like they have too dark of any pieces um like any holes if you miss like the corner parts of the forehead just make sure that you're getting everything evenly to make sure that she has even lift and that it's nice and bright throughout the whole section [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so for her money piece because she does want to be more like solid blonde i'm doing it pretty heavy up front i'm just doing like a straight slice directly on her hairline it's kind of a bigger piece and then i'm gonna try and weave out some of those blonde pieces that when we did her money piece last time i just did a few weaves back to back but because she she wants to feel super icy and super bright i'm actually going to like do this whole piece a solid blonde and then this next foil after that i'm going to do like a soft weave and then a slice after that one so you just got to make sure that you're foiling your money piece not the same for every client but making a money piece that suits them best so if somebody wants a money piece that's really soft and subtle then maybe you go through and like that come out the roots and then like weave it that way it has a little bit of a cushion and it's not too bright all the way up to the hairline or maybe they want something really bold then you go through and do like a few slices back-to-back everyone's different just talk to them about it and see what they would prefer and do your money piece based off of um what they want if they want it nice and bright or soft and subtle [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now that we're going into the sides of the head i'm doing actually less weave and less subsection than i was doing the underneath just because i know that she wants to be brighter so i'm really trying to give her that look at least on the top where underneath i was giving a little bit more of a subsection leaving a little bit more dimension out just because of trying to stay within that price range or whatever but because we're at the top now i really want to make sure that she feels nice and bright as she wants to be so sorry so that's why we're going through and doing it a little bit heavier in these side sections [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so when i'm going up the side of the head i really like doing horizontal foils versus vertical foils down the center mohawk section i feel like this really helps give more of a blended blonde versus stripy and streaks in the hair if that's what somebody wants that's fine and then i'll foil down the center of the mohawk section but i feel like a lot of blondes now want their hair to be nice and blended and nice and have just like a nice even bright tone to it without having super chunky or too much of different slices in the hair so i feel like going around the head horizontally helps give more of a blended appearance and you can still go through and do weaves and slices they're just gonna kind of like all the hair is gonna lay on top of each other so you'll still get those like brighter pops of blonde but then throughout the hair you'll still see those dimensional pieces kind of underneath it kind of showing through so that's why i like to go through this way because i just feel like it looks a lot better it's nice and blended and my clients have really loved foiling this way versus having all those stripes and horrible grow out and this just helps it blend and grow a little bit softer versus foiling down the mohawk section [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay the time has come we are finishing the foiling part of this video and if you have hung on for this long then give me like two thumbs up because you mean the most to me you are my best friend you actually care about my videos and you actually are hanging around to learn something congratulations i wish i could give you a million dollars for your time but i don't have it so you're gonna have to do with this little congratulations shout out for whoever you are watching this video but guess what there's still more to come i don't know how much longer of the video we have i'm pretty sure it's probably still another like 25 minutes which is insane to me and i still apologize ahead of time that this video has gone on for so long but if you're watching it for this long then you must enjoy it and i thank you for that you are the backbone of all of my subscribers that support me and everything that i'm doing so thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the reason why i flipped back over to foiling on this side of the head is because i realized that i didn't have enough room on the other side to start angling the foils to go um horizontally up the side of the head so that's why i'm over on this side and i'm just gonna finish working my way down through the other side of the head to follow the same pattern versus going vertically diagonally vertically up the other side um i try to like start working it to go horizontally there just wasn't enough space so i'm just gonna foil off this side and then we will be done with the foiling part anyways i still gotta go through and like check foils and like paint through the ends and all that stuff so you know still some work to do [Music] look at this bad boy this is three and a half hours of foiling no sub sections all of those pieces that are falling out is just because it's weaved out of her hair and we are going to check her foils see if we need to pull anything out which i'm gonna pull out this nape of the neck area just because it's definitely been sitting for such a long time i mean it's been hours so i know whatever the bleach is doing it's done processing at this point so i just need to pull it out um so we're going to do that right now and one thing that i want to say is i feel like we all learned in beauty school that when you're pulling bleach out that you spray the bleach down and then that stops the lightening process but that is not true all it does is kind of like reactivate it because you're getting the bleach wet and if it's gonna touch the hair that's underneath it then that's gonna cause it to like lift the natural hair that we don't want lifted so if bleach is wet what does it do it keeps processing if bleach dries out what does it do it dries out and it stops processing so that's when i learned that i need to go through the towel instead of spraying it out i need to just wipe the bleach off and like towel dry that section of bleach that way it stops processing and this has helped really nicely because it doesn't go through and lift through the other areas of the hair just make sure you're pulling all of the bleach out and really like causing to the the bleach to dry out if you also comb through the hair that's gonna cause the bleach to like dry out even faster too so um don't spray your bleach down anymore to stop the process it's just gonna kind of keep it going just make sure that you dry it out enough and remove enough bleach so that it causes it to dry out and now i'm going to go through and paint the drop out sections because we want to make her more solid through the ends so i'm not going to backcomb her hair which i normally would because the very first time that we did her hair i am not kidding you the son of a wouldn't it took me 45 minutes to comb out her hair and like it was just horrific like her hair is so fine it just tangles so much so i'm not gonna backcomb her hair i'm just gonna really cautiously like pull the previously lightened hair out because i don't wanna go through and bleach through this again so i'm just going to go through and like paint through this dark pieces over here to lighten it up nicely so that it blends and like kind of goes more solid through the ends [Music] i checked her foils up at the top and they were okay they didn't need to be pulled but another thing because we've already painted through the top section of her hair through those ends the last service i don't need to do it this time so i'm just going to paint the ends or the back section of her hair in those dropout areas okay so my client is just finishing processing and i actually she's at the shampoo bowl all washed out um we did we like pre-toned her with some olaplex i'm sorry vanilla no yellow shampoo but we did use olaplex on her um to kind of re-strengthen the hair before we tone and the reason why i like to do that is because it will help rebuild some of those areas that might grab because they're so porous so that's why i like to uh sometimes do an olaplex treatment before i tone the hair it just kind of helps balance the hair a little bit better and stop it from grabbing too much so uh she wants to be as icy as possible those weren't her technical terms it was more like icy as for winter so um i'm probably she lifts really good because her hair is so light naturally son of a like where i wanted to use 10a by paul mitchell um the demi so one second while i try to find that i have lots of 10a but i just feel like 10a is gonna give that real nice like um icy effect that she's wanting so let me look at one of my other shelves that i have okay so that little box that i had i know somebody's gonna ask where i got it from i keep a lot of my back pile stock of um i have like a lot of 10pa and like 9pa 9v and i realized i had like so many of those and so i just keep those like in a separate shelf but if you order online um like multiple dem like paul mitchell the demise sometimes like they'll ship it in this little box here so i kind of keep those so i can keep all my stuff organized and like set it aside for if i have like multiple um of those colors so now that we are going to tone i'm going to use 10a because i feel like that really gives it a super icy like very icy white blonde um i'm going to use 10v because i know she has a lot of gold in her hair and i'm going to use um pa which is usually my go-to and i really like that just to kind of soften it a little bit like we know that we want icy but i feel like the pearl just like softens it a little bit and doesn't make it such a harsh white it just kind of makes it like a pearly white so uh yeah oh wait and um a smidge of the rose gold because i feel like that helps prevent it from grabbing too much and kind of keeps it nice and even so when i apply this because her hairline's so porous and the ends i'm gonna get her roots really quickly everywhere stay away from her hairline at first and her ends and then probably like the last two minutes or something like that last 30 seconds i don't know how how fast your hair goes but that's when i'll run it through the hairline and the ends [Music] also sorry if the sounds i want to be mean you guys i don't really measure my formulations like i just pour a little this a little of that and then however much that is then i'll just do however much processing solution i need so the majority of my formulation because people are going to ask what exactly did i mix with the majority of my formulation is going to be 10a and 10 pa um a little bit of the v and the tiniest little drop of the rose gold so just don't ask me what the formulation is exactly sorry but that's just kind of how i mix so here i'm going to record this for you so that way if you want to like try and copy it exactly you can see exactly how many grams or whatever i'm just not like i'm going to use an ounce of this in an ounce of this in a quarter on to that like i just don't mix that way so at least you can see how much i'm pouring in of each one so that way you can write it down if you decide you want to okay so i wanted to show you guys blow drying her hair so look at her hairline right in here you can see how blended it looks it looks so pretty it just is really really soft and subtle there's no like heavy streaks in the hair everything just blends really really nicely it's gonna grow out really pretty it's not gonna have like any streaks or anything like that and then i wanted to show you also like i just it's the time of day where the sun is setting so you can't see in the after like how bright and i see her hair so right here i just wanted to show you guys how icy and how bright it is it looks so pretty i love this color so much and you can see just those little pieces of dimension and the hair just it's really pretty for just a little bit of um soft contrast and then these are the products that i'm using to style and protect your hair i use that blow dry spray it is it smells so good so those are the products that i use to prevent heat damage in the hair um i know i don't normally show like cutting the hair or anything but i ended up capturing it so i'm just gonna include it in here um we're just gonna take a little bit off the ends and chip into her layers but not do a whole bunch because her hair is so fine and i don't want her to feel like her hair is thin towards the um the weight line of her hair so we're just gonna chip into it a little bit but then we're gonna add quite a bit more for her facial framing and reshape that up for her so let me know if you like this part of the the service the haircuts i don't know do you because i've never really included this in my in my videos [Music] you can see again here how nice and bright her hair is it's so blended so pretty with just little hints of dimension in there so this is basically her after where you can see more of the truer tone that it is here's her before again she was pretty like naturally really warm and then here's out by the front window we kind of lost daylight a little bit so i'm kind of bummed that you can't really see how bright it is but look how pretty we took a before or before and after curling it um thank you guys so much for watching i hope you like this video and don't forget to like and subscribe okay so i just finished my client and if the sun could not set so early that would be great you have no idea how frustrated i get because like i can't get a good picture here comes somebody [Music] [Music] okay i just feel like a dumb ass when i'm like recording and people come by and don't mind me okay um anyways so i just finished my client and i know people ask sometimes like how do i charge for my services so that was roughly a little over five hours so it technically would have been like around 425 to 450 for the whole service but because we already talked about the price um [Music] probably more around like 500 actually because we ended up doing a haircut which we didn't discuss that like before but i know she really needed it so i just did the haircut uh anyways and just threw it in there so because we already talked about the overall cost of the service before she told me she only had three hundred dollars so i only told to charge her 300 for the service because you know sometimes you just gotta work with the clients so um i kind of take a long time so that's why my services are a little bit longer i mean her hair took a long time to comb out and sometimes people ask me like what do i recommend for detangling and the answer is i don't know because it clearly it takes me a long time to comb her hair out it took me 25 minutes today last time it took 45 minutes because we back combed so i don't know i have nothing to recommend other than small sections a whole bunch of serum and a prayer to the lord above to help you do it without pulling all the hair out so um anyways i'm really glad with how our hair turned out however i just wish that the sun was not you know i wish it wasn't as dark so that you could see the color a little bit better because it's extremely light and very very icy and cool and blonde but um yeah anyways thanks you guys so much for watching and i will see you next time this video is officially over an hour long if you've made it this far i love you thank you so much for watching and don't forget to like and subscribe
Channel: hair by Kristi Jennings
Views: 57,847
Rating: 4.9218349 out of 5
Keywords: full foil tutorial, iced out blonde hair, toning icy blonde hair, how to highlight hair, icy blonde hair, icy blonde hair transformation, icy blonde toner, how to get icy blonde hair, how to get icy white hair, full foil blonde, full foil technique, cool blonde hair
Id: b-bNdCWBzKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 19sec (3739 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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