How to get Icy Silver Hair

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[Music] hello tool hey besties in the land I'm here with Jay kisser hi guys thanks for having me back it's been how long right we're filming this right now it's late August almost September how have we gone a year without each other well I've been traveling and you've been dizzy yeah but let's see what your hair is about dropping the good thing is your natural hair color is like a level 8 7 so it's in the blonde category you're naturally kind of ashy we love taking her silver and a lot of hair besties out there want to know how to get silver hair in it could be Khaleesi Silver Legacy her natural hair look how much has grown so you grew out about six inches through here the hard parts that once it reaches a certain banding line through here it could have like a yellow crease really white rootage when you're lifting or when you're trying to overlap all of this can literally break off and this is where we experience a little bit of paranormal activity are you scare about that no I trust you I think you've done this many times I haven't seen you for months you come back and there's like there's no breakage yeah are you ready to get started yeah I've been ready let's get started [Music] all right so as you guys can see here in the salon lighting you can see how much she has grown out you will see that there is a little bit of pink left in her hair and this is from the rose gold that we've done back in December in saying how long that color is still lasting in the hair but the goal is today to make it as icy white as possible it's all about keeping care of healthy because if you have breakage and silver hair if it ain't cute so let's get started all right so today I'm going to use guy Tang my density big nineteen Lightner and the reason why I'm using the big nine is because we need nine levels that live to get the hair nice and icy white I generally like to mix it either one to one one to one half or one two - ready show depending on the consistency and also the lift you want on the mix of 1/2 1/2 so that way we get maximum lift but also get the consistency we want and then we're gonna use 30 volumes it's gonna be off to go generally on Scott with Jay kissa I'm gonna mix a different one with 20 volume and honestly guys it smells really good oh yeah it's lavender you know their girl whisking is the key to ensure you get a really nice consistency jika say you were mentioning about the animal animal testing how much I love animals I love animals huh and yes it's cruelty free we don't test on animals in fact when the lab we test on all humans including myself there's no animals in the lab I rather test on humans because you get more accurate results and with the one of forgetting animals this is the consistency you want it to be too I have to move really quick when I'm doing this because if the lightener or bleach sit on for too long it can cause some damage so initially I'm going to apply the lightener an inch away from her vataj as you can see here the 1 to 1/2 ratio allows me to move really fast and you don't want to overlap because if you overlap this is where it's going to cost that breakage right where the demarcation line is you can see how I'm an inch away from her vataj feathering through but not overlapping but if I apply the lightener right on the root Aria what's gonna happen is the root area is gonna turn completely white and we do not want that and you'll see me feather just to outline and define each section after I do the outline I then will go in and do a vertical sectioning just like this right be very careful not to take a thick section if you take a thick section you're not gonna be able to penetrate so here's that first section fold it over vertically paint the lightener onto the hair apply it on the opposite side go up pull out pull over I repeat till you get to the side of her right here and then do the same thing to the left side of her head I have reach for ear and I usually stop here at this point as you can see where the lightener has that it was ready gotten her hair up a level or two lighter at this point you won't be able to tell that there was a shadow root right here so I will have to blur the lightener and merge it through just to erase some of the old colors but I won't do that till the end it's very crucial that you don't overlap now otherwise all of this hair will literally break off so I'm just gonna do one more slice right on this side right above her here and I'm going over directly this way and we're moving along fast and we're gonna do the same thing on the opposite side so you'll see me turn her and I'm just gonna pull this whole entire quadrant is gonna flip everything over that other white and repeat on the other side so now I'm on the spine of Jay kisses hair what you'll see me do is over direct it to her face and applying the big 9 Queen whitener take that panel pull it back and what happens this it lays on top of the previous section so it's gonna get saturated so now you're seeing me instead of painting this direction I'll also paint down this way that way it spreads the hair apart and open it up it allows for the hair to get kind of trade it with the product taking thin sections it's very important so you'll see me apply first on top again and I'm gonna repeat that again see that at the same time always keeping a least half an inch off of the ratash right I apply it right on the surface over the direct paint and spread apart like going downwards you can see this section here already lifting the part that we apply the lightener on to keep in mind guys I'm still gonna incorporate foils and this is how we're getting a ballif to her passive line because if you look at her hair here it's already lifted to a nine but without incubation and foils her hair will still look yellow and to get that really icy wipe you still need to put foils in and the reason why I do the application first before I put the foils down is because it allows me to move faster and allows me to put all the whitener on as quick as possible because if I just put the lightener on one foil a time it's gonna take way too long and that's where the breakage starts to happen and starting at the back as the back is usually more resistant in the front is usually more finer than the hair is finer around the face ring if that breaks off jkf would not be happy right yeah he would not be fun it's only thing about 15 minutes then look how far her hair whipped it with a 30 volume it just less than 50 minutes throughout her whole head and now I can see where her hair needs a little more penetration and this is where we can incorporate foils and this is where it's gonna conduct heat to the Senate accelerate and lift pass a level 9 up to a 10 now I'm gonna go in and just kind of take thin sections and this is how you could trace and give this any spots you don't stop moving okay [Music] you can see how dark her hair is right in through here now so definitely we're gonna have to drag this through but we can't use 30 volume we might have to use 10 volume just to kind of break this darkness up so now we're gonna do this our four-pole entire head let her process and then go back and hit her over touch as you can see I finished the J kisses be lightening stage to the mids and as I turn up here you can see the placement of foils are super super clean so she go back in and target like the ratash area you're able to isolate and flip the pages so right now I've known that her process for about five to ten minutes I'm gonna go back in with big nine and 20 volume first Scott this is so important to level your Lightner because if you're doing thirty at the scalp and the mid shot the Scout this kind of turns completely white and you're gonna have porosity issues and uneven looking banding of lip which is not sexy so that's why I have to level down with the 25 this time I'm also gonna mix it one to one half ratio of seven top grams of twenty volumes developer I'm gonna go back in and pour all up like then no that's usually the right amount I want to put in okay so less is more that would be considered too much right you would never use that much otherwise you won't get any lip all right so we're gonna peel her open here take a look at that oh my gosh check out that lip we just need to go back in with the 20 volume just to get the root of this go in and tackle just that root area fold it over like a book she's lifting up path a level 10 and it's only been about thirty minutes all together the reason why I lift the hair up and you'll see me shadow it back down still is because was silver-haired you want the hair to always reflect cool and when you shattered with the hair it gives it a seamless transition so when her natural hair grows out you don't see any lines of demarcation alright so now it's been on an additional 10 minutes after I applied it with Taj formula take a look at the ratash to see the lip it's still a little bit worn with the 20 which is great because it gives me buying time to apply the color or the lightener of you will and now I'm gonna overlap the ends or the mids through here and this is a scary part because we don't want anything to breaks we've gotta move quick so this one is with ten volume and 1/4 olaplex and this will disintegrate the old color now each time as I move up I'm going to remove one fourth that allows me to move quicker on this area up here I'm going to leave that out because I find that the area of hair tends to break in the crown really easily so I'm gonna leave that out for the last minute the crown always wants to break first and that's where you're gonna get your mooo let's if you will if you don't have even lip your silvers and your icy blondes will not look pretty so this is the crown area that holds afraid of it breaking it's already lifting so now this is gonna stay on the outside now I'm gonna repeat the same thing on the opposite side forehead and usually within ten more minutes it should be done I literally look like I belong to Slytherin and I'm so here for it it's been about eight minutes and I'm turning her head here you see how a lot of the shower boot color just got disintegrated the hair that I left out look how it lifted now I don't expect it to get as raw looking as the ratash area see how this is more yellowy and down here it almost appeared like a little more Bayesian tongue when it dries and I put the final glaze over it should be fine you are in full-time youtuber content creator on instagram and one of things we're talking about that you have a lot of personal things that happen to you recently what was that in February I lost my grandpa and that was really hard I flew back from England and then the day before I flew back he to say goodbye for your dog cancer it kind of put everything into perspective and I kind of put everything on hold to be there for family you prioritize and I feel like a lot of content creators it's hard for people to balance reality with social media don't you agree yeah it's okay to take a day off the weekend off it's okay to put your phone down and not document with something amazing you're happening and to live in them yeah I feel like right now all my friends everywhere I go they're so caught up with social media when we go out to eat they're on their phones now chatting instagramming ethical oh we're not even talking we're not really going out could you imagine if I was like right here like what are you saying yeah what okay yeah yeah you don't lose the magic of the moment with whoever you're with and that can affect your health with the relationship in the partner or the friend that you're with I think that it's important to kind of like put your phone down for a second I didn't live in a moment you know enjoy the sunset all right guys we got Jay kisses hair pretty pretty white here this lip though this hair is white there's no break it just on her head and it feels soft so we got her up to a level 10 which is perfect the hair is still in great condition this is the perfect canvas to overlay silver if the hair has any yellow in it go full pigment don't dilute the SS Series at all you have to go full pigment because you need full coverage alright so this is the my daddy swatch book there's all the shapes you could think of in this watch book and the colors we're gonna do the silver smoke series this is all her color but I'm gonna use a to size 10 assess but I'm gonna share it out with crystal clear dilutes the tonality sheer out the pigment so it doesn't turn purple blue or too dark we want to still be really light and reflective this is in the back of the swatch page and this is the underlying pigment scale when you're bleaching someone's hair if she's at level 9 obviously you can't put silver on that you can't put silver on any of these oranges if you want a rose gold usually I put it on the level 9 because there's enough gold in there to support the rose gold because we're doing silver you have to go to level 10 and even so her hair almost appear whiter than this watch so she may even beat a level 11 if you will on the back of the swatch sheet you can definitely see the underlying pigment so if you look up silver smoke the primary tone is gray but you do have a great violet base in the background so keep in mind if the hair is too white the violent may show through your hair may look more violet or blue depending on what lighting situation your ends so if you are in fluorescent lighting the violet may pick up more of a blue violet if you're an orange lighting then that violet will pick up more of a gray tone because it kind of counterbalance the tonality look how dark that looks on her hair so we don't want this dark of a pigment hair so that's why it's so important that we add clear to it this will allow it to share out the tone that you're seeing in the silver smoke so that way it doesn't go dark or go to violin all right so my first formula is guy tame like dandy ESS this is a level 8 silver and I'm gonna use it by itself on Hermitage to crash out root I'm going to squeeze a full tube because that's what's going to take to cover our whole gitaji area I'm gonna measure it one to two if I do it one to one it's gonna be more alkaline the pH would be a lot higher because the hairs live this so far we don't need a high pH I want the ETH to be more sick you're gonna have a lower pH in the mind and you give me permanent color I rarely use from the color unless the hair needs more lift since we already live there a hair to a level 11 if you will she needs it to be acidic as possible so that way it preserves the integrity for hair going in with a dedicated six volume this is key to ensure consistent results and promise results and then add alt text on the 1 to the formula now I'm applying 8 SS demi-permanent color I go about an inch keep in mind guys the hair has to be lifted past a certain point for silver to look like silver a lot of pigment will fade off after several washes so the more pigment you put on the longer it will last so I got her 8 SS processing on her vataj as you can see when you first lay the color down its gonna look slightly violet but you gotta trust the process and that process for a full 25 minutes the next form that would be 10 SS my Demi Demi permanent color I'm gonna mix it 1 to 2 when you're using 10s of it has a strong blue violet or violet blue grey pigment is there to control and neutralize all of the yellow pigments in the hair but I'm gonna use crystal clear it's an acidic than my base so it's going to allow you to share out any of your formulas in case your hair is lifted to a 10 or 11 you don't want the pigment to grab too dark so I'm gonna mix it equal parts this'll clear to ratio you will always see me use a dhimmi well sometimes I use a perm the color over pretty light hair but I haven't seen Sam that's a specific reason why I use a permanent color usually because I want additional lift but I'm using dimming because I only want to purely deposit and assure the health of the hair next formulation is guys hang my Kennedy hate us us mix the whole tube because a girl you got a lot of hair that's a good thing yeah well to a crystal clear six volume developer olaplex one here we go here I go here I go here I go again girl what's my weakness men okay when this processing like I said will always look slightly violent when you rinse it it's gonna show up very silver right so the first one what I'm going to go in with 8ss was clear and you could go into a color melt if you like 8ss clear to tennis that's clear on the ends just gonna fly mesh sheet underneath just to keep it looking nice and clean the next section you'll see me kinda diagonally pull out the section right through here so we're gonna do a doesn't clear in the mid shop and I'm going to tennis us and clear on the ends you'll see me mix it one to two ratio because I wanted to be an acidic demise so you get to close the cuticle and add a lot of shine to the hair and I'm leaving the ends out because I'm gonna put 10 SS with clear on those ends one thing I love about my denne denne my is acidic base we were able to gloss the hair over and over again without worrying about damage so we got eight SS at the ratash 8 SS was clear through the mid shop and down here I'm gonna apply the tennis us with the crystal clear open it up you got it make sure we penetrate you see me swipe with my two fingers and then now merge the 8 SS and I like laying the hair down flat so it looks a lot cleaner and nicer you can see how it's processing tennis that's what clear will process a little bit slower in the last five minutes you'll see boom the color pop up you can see the ombre of 8 SS it's a bit clearer and 10 SS with clear so we are hungry so now we are so you're a vegetarian Jai Kisan work here at veggie grill one of my favorite places by the way look what I got guys it's look how good this looks it's not real chicken there's like a tofu chicken I'm so rude I'm like eating dirt I'm gonna be my food yet look your colors still processing but you guys do what you guys did because we didn't go in for how many hours now 6 these things take time and I say we didn't eat all day so we're gonna eat we're gonna process and it will be done some people might perceive it oh it looks blue or purple but trust that when it dries it's gonna be very icy sober and if I die site prepared or you can see where the 10 s s is clear and the 8 SS would clear oh my gosh take a look at yourself in the mirror how do you feel this is gonna sound weird but I feel so at home in this hair color this is so me just oh I see so white I am upset [Music] [Music] that's me too oh my god no more yellow hair no more with Tosh over Rouge overdose if you let weeds grow in like a yard it was like what nine months people II just still feels healthy I know it feels so good and just so silky and it looks shiny as heck you can flip your hair left right up down anywhere you move you see that shine in vows and that's what I feel like silver hair should have a cynic demise the key to having healthy shiny hair especially after lifting or bleaching it you close the cuticle having multiple formulation of the silver smoke formula you get that shot tobe Taj is what I call it you get that smoky or and natural grow out you get different dimension and color by mixing the 8-minute NSS and the crystal clears the key point here is that it doesn't go too dark to purple blue what have you this video is to show you guys how to create that perfect I see silver white hair because you guys asked for it so I give it to you so all the hair besties anyone yes and we're all spellbound by the color we're all spellbound I'm going to leave the link below tell us what you think of this silver hair tutorial finally this is your signature color I don't know anyone better to do this in you J kiss I thank you for having me just stop her on Instagram and YouTube as well love you guys much [Music]
Channel: Guy Tang
Views: 1,194,544
Rating: 4.9234915 out of 5
Keywords: Guy Tang, Silver Hair, Blonde Hair, Bleaching Hair, Bleached Hair, Bleach Blonde, Silver Color Hair, Balayage, Ombre, Hair, Hairstylist, The Gabby Show, Joey Graceffa, Blogilates, Grav3yardgirl, JkissaMakeUp, YouTube, YouTuber, Content Creator, Social Media, Hair care, Hair color, Hair Coloring, DIY, Do It Yourself, Hair Professional, Olaplex, Mydentity, Cosmoprof, Redken, L'Oreal, How to, Tutorial, Haircut, Hairstyling, MakeUp, MUA, Beauty, Beauty Vlogger, Vlogger
Id: zaQVK0sOkjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2017
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