Full Face Japanese Drugstore Makeup!! + shopping in Japan!

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hey everybody so today we are in a different location than usual as you can see we're in a small small alleyway we are outside of a drugstore in Tokyo and I'm on the hunt for some Japanese makeup you guys have been saying since I said I was going to Tokyo you guys have been saying you want to see a Japanese makeup tutorial on my face so we're gonna get some drugstore Japanese makeup so get it read anything I don't speak Japanese but on a lot of the things they kind of have pictures like the love pictures of the eyes or just out of like memories on that stare at the tube and then eyeshadows so I should be [Music] overwhelmed and a little bit jet-lagged [Laughter] [Applause] I will show you guys wanted there's the foundation range I think wow yeah what a range unreal so we need to choose from so here and then you take it to the counter and they'll grab it for you I think I'm not even sure I guess I'll do that sounds pretty good I'm so overwhelmed right now okay you know what I'm gonna just have to start buying things this shade looks like it would be my shade I'll just add bad here we go oh one the lightest shade that's a little quieter over here something going on over here [Applause] that's EB is so this actually is gonna be really good this is like the white from the inner eye what you have lots of lashes to choose from I understand why title this video Boren Canadian goes all out look at these blushes you guys look at the packaging how cute [Applause] all right I think we got enough for a whole face now I'm gonna check out and we're gonna flip back home to put it all on my face one utility later hey y'all so the last scene you just saw of me was in Japan choosing all of this Japanese makeup and it's been a week since then or a little over a week and I am way overly excited to dive into this makeup basically well CIN Tokyo I thought how could I not buy a full face of Japanese makeup I've tried Japanese makeup before but never like first surely from Japan like this was full-on from a drugstore in Japan so this is authentic stuff I am so excited if you guys saw the video of the clip before of me picking everything out the drugstores are so so colorful and so full of stuff and like the TVs that are like saying advertisements are so loud and so many of them it was just like a totally different experience and I really really loved it of course though there is an issue sadly I don't speak Japanese I have been contemplating going in some Japanese speech classes so we'll see I'll keep you guys posted if I learn language I don't know whenever I go anywhere and they speak a different language as soon as I get home I'm like gotta learn it go out and learn it but I don't know if I will I might though we'll see but as of right now I do not speak any Japanese so when I see something like this I'm very much drawn a blank because I don't know like green makeup base that's like I'm assuming for redness but everything else on here I can't read like it's kind of like it has a little bit of English like here it says felt pen eyeliner so I mean that's all I really got to know but it's got a lot of other words on it as well but yeah I had a amazing time in Japan seriously one of my favorite places I've traveled to it was the people are so nice like I can't even I can't even explain to you like if you have never wanted to go to Japan I definitely think opening your eyes to Japan is a good idea because I think everyone should go at least once I did film quite a few videos while I was in Japan this is the first one you guys are gonna be seeing but there will be more to come I'm very excited to share them like so excited but uh yeah it's the first one so but yeah without further ado let's do a full face using Japanese makeup I am going to do a few Japanese styles on my face like the blush higher up on the cheeks and the eyeliner a little bit different and brows a little different but for the most part just gonna be doing my regular makeup but using the makeup I bought in Japan so let's get started okay first things first to start off I got to kind of like make up Beauty Blender type things the first one actually looks like a Beauty Blender it's shaped like a Beauty Blender it's a little bit lighter pink and the next one's I literally couldn't pass up on they're shaped like macaroons I'm sorry that is so cute so I'm really excited to dive into these and see I don't know how well a macaron shape will put on your makeup but I mean like that's adorable and I've never seen it before like I don't know if you guys have but I was like that is the cutest thing I've seen in my life so alright but also this one is the one that probably will work a little bit better because it is the fake of the Beauty Blender is so it looks here's my Beauty Blender so they do look very very similar I mean I'm not comparing everything to my own stuff but I am curious it's a little bit these feel a little bit harder in the foam region but I'm gonna go wet them really quick and we will see how they puff up alright here they are they grow a lot like a lot more than I thought look at how big this one is like oh it's like in comparison to my face like this is huge and I'm not complaining like it'll get a lot of surface area I think if I'm going to comparatively foam wise I would say they're more like the morphe beauty blenders rather than the actual beauty blenders I think are a little bit softer so I don't really have like a preference so I'm sure they'll work great I'm gonna try them out but to try them out I guess I do need to talk about a face product so let me do that so the base product I got I couldn't really figure out if something was a primer or not and like they're very very like few actual foundations it seems like there's more CC creams and BB creams that's what I could make out this actually says CC cream on it but it's green so I'm assuming it's a base that counteracts redness now again just blindly shopping in the store without knowing the language so gotta smell everything I'm just gonna be using this kind of as a primer I don't think it'll do anything too crazy honestly my skin please don't jinx it but has not been too bad lately like even for the redness like a lot of times when I'm editing the redness even looks more such because I do turn the saturation up in the editing process just because I think it looks a little bit muted if I don't so a lot of times the redness even looks worse than it does in real life but I think it's because I have been eating healthier I think my body I don't sound very healthy but I think my body like kind of reacts well with like healthy foods and then my skin does better on the redness I'm not even talking like breakouts like I just mean like the redness because I think in my digestive is less irritated hence my skin is like less red I don't know but whatever I'm still using a green base I don't know what I'm talking about this story has no end so far this feels amazing like I'm not trying to be like loving everything already but like it feels great and it feels lightweight definitely feels like a CC cream and also I like that it's not like grabbing anywhere it just seems to be sitting nicely and like I was orbing into my skin everybody just fly on over to Japan and pick this baby up okay comparatively to before does it look any different what do you guys think I think it looks a little bit more toned down now toned down okay so now for the foundation or in this case I'm pretty sure that this they're both CC creams like I couldn't really found find a foundation or a concealer which is scary to me like my under eyes are really bad right now I haven't been sleeping very good oh this one's a BB cream and this one is a CC cream it's a difference I actually have two people because I want which everyone is more coverage so let me just check which has more coverage Oh BB or CC cream people are wondering it's not just me so okay I guess I will dive into the CC cream there's like this really she looks like peach to me a Princess Peach but here is the little bottle it's really really cute and pretty like a pink metallic and it says Beauty charge CC cream SPF 45 and it says heroine make on it I don't know what that's about and this is 30 grams Wow I expected that to be way lighter than that but okay that's good you'll fit fit me it'll match me alright should we try a macaroon I think we should which one the macaron sounds like I'm bouncing a ball on my face a bouncy ball everything usually is like quite brightening okay hold on let me just open this one just to see if there's any difference in the color oh that's a little bit more of a yellow undertone that might even be better actually I better do that oh that's I'm sorry I faked and like three days ago and I somehow matched it like perfectly without even knowing what color I was going to be oh my gosh look at that that's like pretty freakin close to the like a perfect match oh my goodness like I'm sorry but that actually have why my sing sorry that foundation I'm gonna say foundation because it has way more coverage than an average CC BB cream like this feels like definitely a medium coverage foundation and it's very very nice like it was like a dewy look to it like it's very pretty and it matches me well so I'm happy so far the only thing I'm not happy about is I do have to use it as concealer so usually I avoid my under eyes I'm just going to take a separate little dot and put it under my eyes like so I think a lot of people use their foundation as concealer and like the world still spins so that like actually looks so milky smooth like creamy under my eyes what the heck I need to go back to Japan and stock up okay as much as I'm saying how beautiful that is I really do want to set it quickly because I'm a little worried for the creasing under my eyes so I got this it's basically says media in English but an SPF 18 I really everything basically has SPF in it a pretty little powder puff cute okay and then so we'll just tap a little out it looks like it's gonna have some pigment to it I of course didn't know if I was getting translucent or not I tapped that firstly underlies oh wow oh wow I'm sorry that like is really pretty it's making my skin look smooth like what is that what is up with that got to make sure to set extra good right here in my frown line because the Sun has started to make an appearance in Canada finally so it's been nice but I've been looking directly into the Sun lately my eyes have been creasing which has never been an issue for me like thus far so I don't know what that's about like am I going through puberty finally is it happening you know we gotta still do the flash test I think at this point you guys just think it's funny like how bad I look in each flash picture but um we'll see oh wait wait I didn't dust it off hold on I have to dust it off first there we go for real okay not bad my eyelash extensions look good a past future Mia will have to worry about me making a mess right now oh my gosh I almost forgot I also got this SPF 50 plus doesn't say on here but it really looks like it's just like a powder foundation oh my gosh such cute packaging should we just dust it on like why not like I got it I don't think I'll be able to tell where I'm putting this okay so I actually sadly did not get a bronzer or a contour it's just not really uh seemed that prevalent there so uh but blush is really really big there which I kind of knew of it but I mean I obviously knew of blush but I knew that they a lot of people in Japan put blush kind of like high up under their eyes I've seen it in like magazines and stuff but I didn't know if it actually happened but it for sure does cuz we took like the subway quite a bit and all the girls from school wearing like their uniforms and stuff would have the blush and we went to like Disney see and stuff and like lots of girls had the blush up here and I freaking love it I think it looks so cute so I went ahead and got a blush I'm pretty sure it's called puff de cheeks this is in the shade yeah I don't know but look how freaking cute this is like everything's adorable oh my gosh that is really pretty okay I hope it has enough color payoff folks I'd really like it to be like obviously there oh that is gonna be pigmented they don't mess around with their blush is that there okay sorry from taking that flash picture I'm like seeing a little bit of like things so but notice how I'm like putting it kind of high up like right here kind of where like I would usually put highlight I'm putting blush and then inward even a bit more but okay so now that we have the face pretty much done I'm going to move on into eyebrows I got to eyebrows I got a eyebrow pencil this one has that same like peach girl like she looks just like peach to me and this looks like it's just gonna be an eyebrow pen so I got it in the shade 0-3 it looked like it would match and then I also picked up this eyebrow like like you brush it through eyebrow mascara and it says one day color wait it's his baby eyebrow and like there's a picture of a baby and I remember me and taping like what like is this for babies why would you darken a babies eyebrow just for fun okay well I'm a baby so we'll just do it okay but I'm gonna start with this eyebrow pencil so let's open it let's see it's a twist I think oh my gosh I just break it oh I'm an idiot okay so it's yeah I just ripped it apart I'm literally like Hulk okay anywho let me know what you think what I've contemplated literally taking this tail piece off and just having like the Front's of my eyebrows so that I could make go like more straight like just imagine that if it went more just like straight up not completely straight up like not like that but like just a little bit up more I don't know let me know what you guys think it's not I don't know I think of a lot of things like that but I don't know if like I ever actually get doing it okay I think that that's good for my eyebrows this pencil was like again a perfect shade like the undertones are all like really really spot-on it's feeling like so I'm happy about this I'm definitely gonna use it a whole bunch all this stuff so far I could definitely see myself using now onto the baby eyebrow tint oh wow it's kind of you kind of like made my eyebrows lighter whoa I've always kind of wondered what it would look like if I like tinted my eyebrows lighter because my arrows are quite dark and they always have been mmm this is definitely one of the most pigmented eye brow mascaras I've tried I'm just gonna call it an eyebrow mascara like with lack of knowledge on what it actually is it seems to be holding them in place pretty good I love the color it almost like really matches my hair correctly usually it's like darker but wow I have this little eye shadow now eye shadow didn't seem that big like I might be wrong but it seems like like one lighter color on your eyelids and then the eyeliner is more the bigger deal yeah there just wasn't that many like palettes and stuff but I got this little shimmery white in hopes to also use it as a highlight - so we'll see how that works when was the last time you saw an eyeshadow that liked to open it it's like a little wait did I just break it Wow am I like superhuman strength oh wait just kidding there we go it just pulls out now I know it's an eyeshadow but I am going to boot my nose with it because you feel like I just simply cannot much better I feel more comfortable okay then I'm just going to take this angled brush and I'm just going to basically dust this all over the eyelid hmm I mean it does make a difference like when you're looking at it side by side although it's just one shadow it even changes like the eye shape a little bit cute like I would want like the whole collection of this because of the cute packaging okay so now I got these two white eyeliners this one is a little bit more shimmery it says jeweling pencil on it so and it looks like really like it might be like basically a pigment but an eyeliner whereas this one is dolly wink and this one is like in the waterline down here I saw that a lot it really like opens your eyes downward I used to do it a lot and I kind of stopped and now I'm kind of wanting to get what if we just put it down here what does it didn't do I mean it's cute but actually Who am I kidding I love it let's see if it's really pigmented I'm gonna scream mmm hold first scream yes I'm screaming I like it I really like it I like doing like different types of makeup like I wouldn't usually wear this on in everyday base sis I need to finish sentences sis now we've got the Bai Bo eyeliner this you could tell it was an eyeliner so I usually do a really really upward wing but I was watching a bunch of Japanese makeup tutorials while I was in Japan and it seems like the eyeliner if it goes a little bit downward it's supposed to give like an innocent look like that's why I saw a lot of so I'm kind of like wanting to try that because I've never thought to do my island or just like to extend it down more so I'm curious of what it would look like and now is the time so let's do it Oh No Oh No same issue though like how make him too thick I keep adding and adding that eyeliner was good I mean I'm not really not picky with eyeliner so it was good but now mascara so I have this 24-hour lash up mascara says that's supposed to give volume this packaging was really cool as well I thought it's kind of like a figure packaging that I was seeing hopefully I got it in black watch it'll be like yellow no we're good also that one looks awesome now I do have eyelash extensions so I am just gonna put it on the bottom but I think we're good adjust for what it'll do all of a sudden they just start drooling for some reason my eyeliner is not even and it's bothering me so let's just move on to the lips now wait I'm lying we got to do the eyelashes I got some eyelashes so these ones look more like ones I would wear kind of on like more casually whereas these ones I was like oh my goodness like look at these lashes I'm so tempted like should we use these they're kind of like crazy I kind of feel like we should alright there we go there are these lashes on there very fluttery and long and like the band is very thick so it like I almost didn't even really need to wear eyeliner but you can still see it when you look like straight on yeah here's the eyes what do you think so now we're moving on to lips so I got three different lips things the first one I got in zero three pearl pink this looks kind of like the what does it called is it called bitten lips where like the insides darker and the outsides lighter oh yeah this is just a gloss okay we'll put that on the top but then we've got this this is like the cutest packaging ever it's so like ground this is fake nude lip is what it says on here and oh my gosh is this even pigmented then the last one is this media I wonder if that's the brand cute packaging again let's see oh my goodness that has like no pigmentation either it's just kind of glossy do we dare use all three that'd be too crazy okay I don't think so so we're gonna do it so first thing I'm gonna use this little like gloss and just put it all over basically and over top of that I'm just gonna take this this can add like a little bit shimmer I think oh oh it's so pretty these are definitely like my type of lip products because I just like like natural-looking alright last thing this is actually like a lip gloss I wonder if this will have any pigmentation not really oh my gosh and this is not sticky at all okay all these lip products are going right into my purse I love them alright guys so here is the finished makeup look using all Japanese makeup what do you guys think I love it I am literally taken aback with how amazing the face products were like I expected great eye makeup and like lips like I'm not that picky but face makeup I will say I'm a little bit more picky about and the fact I didn't have a concealer I kind of was like okay like what are we gonna what are we getting into here but my skin looks so healthy dewy the blush is really really a nice change oh my gosh I can't even explain to you guys if you're ever like in a situation where you can pick this up I suggest trying it because it's really really amazing oh no I hope it doesn't become my go-to foundation and then I can get it ever again that brings me to my next point if you guys know any like online retailers that sell Japanese makeup let me know because I'm gonna have to stock up and I don't know if I'm down for like the long flight just to get a foundation but when push comes to shove I might yeah so I really hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you guys are looking forward to more of the videos I filmed while in Japan I'm so excited to share them and I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you guys so so much for all the love and support it seriously means the freakin world to me guys have no idea like but yeah so thank you guys so so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 1,597,009
Rating: 4.9610119 out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, full face japanese makeup, full face one brand, trying japanese makeup, makeup, makeup tutorial, shopping in japan, japan vlog, shopping for makeup in japan, full face makeup from japan
Id: OfAplF20Rjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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