[Full Episode] Is Jeannie Ready to Have a Baby?!

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day on the real on girl chat Genie opens up I felt my uterus wiggle you did then for real is full of twisting turns as you put your braids to work for summer and who will win our Mega Gabby that is the bag right now it's time to say obua to the bag because no we welcome TV's newest hosts the preachers sometimes people think church is medicine but you can have a little sugar with the medicine the real this surprise [Applause] thank you you're excited all right now now I think I already know cause I can feel it in yeah is everybody ready thank you just here for you so before we get into it Tim tell my girl over here yeah Honey Bunches of Oats the May issue of Vanity Fair is on newsstands right oh my God amazing everybody it's the sisters issue and my girl Tam and her sister [Applause] thank you now because this is you know one of my fashion Bibles yes man I have to ask you Tim Tam what was it like shooting for the vanity fans you guys it was such an honor Tristan Smith thank you so much for thinking of my sister and I she's the editor we wanted to do something different we wanted to be you know a little a little sexy and I wanted to make you guys proud remember how nervous I was in the beginning she brought the phone into the room and was like I want you to see something did we do okay I'm like girl you look so sexy [Music] the black Sleek turtleneck yes with those hot sexy boots Sophia Webster thigh high boots oh yeah you know I was scalping though yeah I loved it but most importantly you guys I loved that I was able to do that with my twin sister we hadn't done anything together in a while and it's just magical when we get together beautiful for today was it a long photo you guys it was a really quick shoot all we did was just dance they put on some fetty WAP yes yes yes we just danced and had and had like a a wind machine did you twerking stuff I don't know how to twerk two I danced in the Tamara style you can see it right there [Applause] thank you they're just as great now as you were then you stayed the same person and I think that that's such a great uh message especially for young people that want to get into the business and see what you guys have created and what you've built for yourselves thank you I owe it all to God and our parents [Applause] Genie yes I know you have had something in your heart that you've wanted to share with us today yes what is going on okay so I feel like we're all family here yes everybody else we're family viewers are family so don't get thought excited it's just a little thing but I've I've always heard for women that as you get older there's something in you that turns at some moment when you decide to have kids yes right yes well mid-20s I never felt it 30s cold as hot hell there's nothing in here still partying having fun mid 30s now late 30s just the beginning of this year I after maybe being around kids watching little Logie run to Tay and and just see him as the or see her as the only person in the room I felt my uterus wiggle you did no it's actually a little spiritual well man you pregnant no I'm not pregnant but you guys have known like I'm really no I'm not pregnant yes I'm ready all I'm saying is I and after talking with you okay and just talking to other women I'm 37. I know I'm not getting any younger I know if I was gonna have a kid I should decide now today five minutes ago so I've decided I'm going to start thinking about freezing my eggs well you should I just want to think about that so that's why I think for me I just want to start opening up the discussion I want to be able to come by I want you to let me with chaperone uh permission babysit Aria have biscuits with logi talk to other women to understand what does it mean because I just she has I want to know what it feels like to go okay so listen I went through IVF and I'll definitely hold your hand while you go through this process because you know you don't know what to expect you don't know what's happening with your body and there are some changes that's going to happen with your body but you just have to know they're not permanent changes okay and these are changes that is going to prepare you to carry your baby are you really ready to have children and is this something you really want or is it because everybody else is doing it you feel like you should because I do feel like there's something wrong am I missing no you're not I felt the same way I wanted to kick it forever but I'm gonna tell you something kids are the biggest blessings it is something that you notice a gift from God himself and that's it absolutely I'm just being honestly girl yeah yeah all right well speaking of women's issues Hillary Clinton has turned the tables on Donald Trump after he called her out for playing get this guys the woman card Hillary originally replied to Trump's comment saying if fighting for Women's Health Care paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card then deal me in WoW well now her supporters can have the opportunity to play their own woman card by becoming a donor to her campaign that's right guys she'll actually send you a physical woman card oh my God so hey what do you think about this woman card would you get your own woman card I actually love the fact that she's turning a negative into a positive that you know you try to tear people down by saying oh well she's a woman and instead of her feeling like that should bring her down she's like I absolutely am a woman I will I will actually defend women's rights and if that makes me whatever he was trying to say then I'm even gonna hand out a woman card I think that's dope and I absolutely would get a woman's card because I love women we are all about women empowerment and I will rock my card on my forehead you can write right here woman cards what is he trying to say like man because she's a woman she can't speak about being a powerful woman to find excuses yeah he knows it is a heavy tactic and first of all it's been what 44 45 other presidents that's been male ain't nothing wrong with her saying that she's a woman and she doesn't [Applause] and naturally I think that it is dope that she is absolutely defending when obviously equal pay things like that those rights I think that's amazing and I I don't think that's playing the woman card I think she's just doing the right thing the thing is too I don't think women will vote for her because she's a woman no we're smarter than men okay that we are smarter this is not gonna vote for a woman because she a woman because we feel that she's qualified and it also shocks me too because at the end of the day Donald Trump you came from a woman oh yeah how could you bite the hand that feeds you yeah [Applause] forget that don't forget that Donald Trump now Tamara you were back at the White House over the weekend oh my God he's doing really good I mean she was there for uh President Obama's final White House Correspondents Dinner aka the nerd prom [Applause] o so you know Tamara you witnessed firsthand when Obama literally dropped the mic now you guys haven't seen it take a look at the tape and with that I just have two more words to say Obama [Applause] that is I love him Tamara love him how was it tell me about the dinner tell me everything I'm still on cloud nine yeah first of all I I mean I love Michelle Obama she's like my best friend in my head um she she personally invited my husband and I to to meet Barack so when I met him the funniest thing happened I don't know if I answered him or not because he asked me the same question twice he was like how are you just like that when I shook his hand and I was like and he was like how are you he was waiting on an answer yes I was like oh my gosh I'm you know I'm really really excited to be here and then Adam came in there and then when I saw Mrs Obama I was just like and she went and we talked about my kids because she wanted to meet my kids the the day before I had a little mommy moment because Aiden I don't know if he had sugar I thought my husband maybe gave him like a chocolate muffin or something oh my gosh that was yeah Aidan was like running around in circles and she was like Aiden Aiden Aiden Aiden and Uriah Araya loved her she um Michelle Helder and Ariah was just jumping up and down like this but we took some pictures and you know you know she wants to make sure that they're really nice yes yeah what was the food the dinner well I need the hope the Hope program because I know that President Obama that man has the best comedic timing yes it's so Charming yes it was very funny I love I really I love a man that is able to make fun of himself yes in a you know in a funny way it showed me that he didn't take himself yeah it didn't take himself too seriously did you see anybody um like any stars yeah oh my gosh you guys Will Smith he was he was really really nice that's cool Foley the entire cast of Scandal was there oh my Gary Washington Carrie Washington she is she's pregnant Karen Washington she is yeah now [Applause] wow well I didn't see her pregnant no I didn't I I didn't see her but I saw Shonda Rhimes she was awesome Jada Pinkett Smith she was there uh Scott Foley um I met him years ago and I was like do you remember me and he was like no do you remember me so it was just it was it was it was a really nice time who turned up the most I think I did [Applause] the White House [Applause] it's no secret that I live for a great handbag and right now there are so many options for spring and summer in tons of fun textures and Pops of color that it drives fashionistas like us wild so today one of you ladies gulp in our audience we'll catch the fever with us because you could be walking away with one of this season's it bags okay brace yourselves everybody [Applause] okay I'm so excited about this bag you guys I can't stand it anymore let's do this I present to you ladies and gentlemen today's Gap bag wow okay okay okay you may leave oh my God okay okay everybody I need a moment because this is the bag that put the envelope shape on the market guys ladies and gentlemen this is the saline medium luggage Phantom and green and white striped textile Celine is a must among fashionistas worldwide and this iconic bag right now is so on time with spring to Summer wearability the signature Celine design exudes sophistication class and risk taking and get ready for this this French Beauty retails for a cool two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars it's time to say to the bag because no we can do this this okay well everybody inside this bowl of everybody in today's studio audience [Music] I wonder who to be better [Applause] oh my goodness look at God yesterday [Applause] where are you from Shreveport Louisiana [Applause] hold on we are not done just yet now her bag is green on the outside but it's only fitting that she puts some green on the inside all right John Smith we have the perfect thing for you because today's since this is Mega gab bag not only do you get this amazing piece of arm candy but girl there are not one not two but three wallets inside you get to select one wallet and whatever is inside the wallet is yours to Make It Rain fast [Applause] 100 300 or 500 . now Jill Smith I hope that you're Mega ready to reach inside this bag girl and pick one of the wallets and then you're gonna give it to Genie okay yes God have your way okay you got it okay hand it over okay all right all right good luck let's see no matter what this is we're always grateful anyway right okay okay all right here we go you guys it is a nice juicy 100 [Applause] time for new summer dues and hey if that style to get my real hair underneath a break I'm all in classic braids and twists are great but today we're sharing the newest trends for a twist S as you can see I brought in braiding Guru Dr Carrie Williams to teach today's lesson Carrie has touched the scabs of Brandy Carrie Hilson and Jada Pinkett Smith to name a few welcome back [Applause] AIDS and twists have been around for years but most recently crochet braids and twists are taking the World by storm I'm a big fan I'm wearing them can't you see right there yes that's a question for the teacher okay the first thing I think of when I hear about crochet is like crocheting like I had a scarf or something like how do you do that with braids or twists so it's kind of the same technique what you do is you take pre-twisted hair or braids and you add it to cornrowed hair using a crochet tool now this is the crochet tool that people normally use but the metal hook can pull and snag the Hair Plus if used to crochet hats and scarves this is the proper crochet tool that everyone should be using okay this one right here okay so we're going to get started yeah all right so you're going to take your crochet tool you're going to take the looped end of your crochet tool and you're going to stick it underneath the cornrow okay now you want to take your pre-twisted extension you're going to take the looped end of the extension and you're going to stick it into the looped end of your crochet tool okay and then you're going to pull it underneath the cornrow you're going to open up that looped in take the end of your extension wait well I'm like a pro at pull it through and tighten it to the cornrow openness at the end you are a crow stay Master now once you have done the whole head this is what the final crochet twist will look like just like this okay now any other questions I do doctor how long does something like this take and how long does it last okay so normally a style like this takes two to two and a half hours and it lasts about four weeks you can expect to invest about 150 to 200 that includes the cost of hair and the technician oh wow and this particular technique has become really popular because of how quickly you can do it because the hair is pre-braided compared to installing individual braids or twists oh my God because I hear that takes forever but do it hard like a long time well depending on the technician it shouldn't hurt and if it does that means they're not doing it right yeah it don't hurt me baby okay okay question should you use a synthetic or real hair when you're doing this so crochet hair is actually only sold in synthetic hair and I like to use synthetic hair because there's a lot of Versatility there's a variety of colors textures that you can use as well as it adds a lot of longevity to your style so the hair doesn't frizz or Come Undone but most importantly the price point is really good so if you like to switch it up a lot like Miss Lonnie Love okay yeah just stay away from fire okay now who else questions I have a question what's the best way to clean the scalp when dealing with crochets so the best way to cleanse the scalp is you want to get a clean cloth and you want to get some astringent you want to mist a little bit of the astringent on your cloth and then you just simply want to go through the cornrows on the scalp to remove any dirt or buildup that may accumulate there oh wow well what is an astringent well in astringent can be something like witch hazel or Sea Breeze yeah okay all right well that's today it's Teacher Appreciation Day a time to recognize just how much sacrifice and hard work teachers everywhere put into inspiring their students today we're showing our appreciation for one especially selfless kindergarten teacher from Dallas Texas take a look Stephanie Dixon always knew she wanted to be a teacher to impact and help kids who were growing up in the same environment she did my name is Stephanie Dixon I am a kindergarten dual language teacher Dallas I've been teaching in kindergarten and I've discovered that this is where my passion is while teaching in a low income area isn't always easy Stephanie is the student's high energy inspiration giving her time and her money for the good of her class my favorite thing is loving on the students but loving them as if they are my own I think it's important for students to know that they're going to have love and support at school that is why I love teaching [Music] amazing please welcome Stephanie Dixon [Applause] yes do they call you miss dicks Miss Dixon what did you know you wanted to be a teacher since the third grade wow yes I had an amazing third grade teacher Miss flood she had so much passion and excitement for teaching that it just carried over into me and the Lord just blessed me through all of that through middle school and high school and college and people saying don't teach it's awful you don't get paid anything it's not worth it and dolor is like no stay in it so I'm in it yeah [Applause] what do you think you think students need the most love yeah they need love they need hugs they need support they need encouragement there's so many homes that are broken these days and they need a constant and so I like being their constant wow so beautiful that is very important you mentioned hey being hard do you ever have to spend your own money in the classroom yes so teaching starts with the environment and if your room is sterile the teachers are go I mean the students are going to feel very sterile yeah so they don't give you a budget it depends on the district and if they do it's very little wow okay but um I like to buy lamps and rugs and you're that cool chairs yes you know they need that they want to have fun yes and they're five and six so they eat the table and you know they pick at the carpet so you have to replace that just about every year but when we heard you were spending so much of your own money on supplies we reached out to a friend of ours and they sent over this the ladies of the real told me and my team at Lakeshore about how you're changing kids lives through your caring and your selflessness they also told me that you're spending a lot of your own money on classroom supplies we want to help so we're giving you a gift to help you buy more classroom materials ladies let's see it as you know Lakeshore makes Innovative toys games and materials that are built by teachers and loved by kids and they want to help you and your students so they're giving you ten thousand dollars make sure now Stephanie that's a lot of money how would this gift help your students it will give them the materials that they need the games that they need to create and continue to have a fun and engaging classroom yes and it'll take time off of me not having to make the games oh my God I'll help you keep some of your money in your pocket that you earned yes yeah so this is that's a good thing so that's a blessing thank you so much for all that you do Stephanie we are proud to welcome a brand new show to the daytime family four well-known preachers from across the country will come together to inspire bring hope and add a fresh perspective on pop culture and everyday issues their new show is going to air on Fox this summer excited about it from the creatures please welcome Dr Jamal Bryant John Gray Oreck quick and Dr E Dewey Smith [Applause] oh wow thank you so much big fan thank you for having us thanks for your example oh because of this diverse panel uh you made it possible for four African-American men to be on this stage I don't know what you guys are doing well John you've been a preacher for over 20 years and you're currently the associate pastor at the Lakewood Church in Houston I'm gonna do a comic so are you gonna take your stand up on the road a little bit well now I don't have to take it on the road I get to bring it to TV I feel like you know the Bible says laughter does good like medicine yeah so if we do this the right way people could laugh tumors off they could laugh sickness out of their bodies every time I preach I always add comedy to it right sometimes people think church is medicine but you can have a little sugar with the medicine Dr Smith you've been a preacher for over 25 years at the House of Hope in both Atlanta and Macon Georgia has there been a time in your life where your faith has been tested oh my goodness keep it real I just came to the worst testing season of my life a few weeks ago my godmother my mother my best friend and my sister all past in four weeks so I had to do three eulogies of my sister and my mom within 21 days and then the fifth week my brother had a stroke I almost passed so it was you talk about a test yeah that was a test it was crazy I didn't want to preach somebody asked me to pray for him I said you want me to pray I pray for my godmother she didn't make it I pray for my mom she didn't make it I prayed my best friend he didn't make it I prayed for my sister she didn't make it do you really want me to pray I don't need that's real I don't want to pray I don't want to preach somebody go buy me a hundred dollars of Patron and just let me just get rid of this issue but my mom came back to me in a dream and she said Son you have a purpose as long as you have a purpose you got a reason for living don't realize that yeah yeah I think that pastors are not human I believe that's right I tell people all the time I'm not the Christ if you hit me I'm not going to turn on the cheeks [Applause] Boys [Laughter] you've been preaching Empire Empowerment Temple Church in my hometown Baltimore Maryland for 16 years and the show debuts this summer and we hear that you already have a dream guest in mind who would that be my absolute dream guess would be Donald Trump really I've seen his hair slain in the spirit yeah yeah yeah where he is in terms of development of urban cities where he really stands with black lives matter come on not just make America great again but all of America [Applause] you're fairly new to preaching having started just just four years ago and you founded God Seekers church we hear you have an unusual Hobby and it's unusual for a pastor so please tell us it's unusual for a man okay tell us about this hobby well I the hobby that I have is is dedicated to my mom who passed away when I was about 15 years old okay and when she passed away she was a great decorator she could create anything you remember the MC Hammer pants yes she used to make me some pants oh wow let's be clear well I created something called Forever candles and the candles that last forever they literally uh if you burn them you can refill it you can use the same candle over and over and over again but guess what what I made you awesome [Applause] a picture oh my goodness that's Tamar that's so sweet they they made it through the luggage [Applause] our colors of the show wow I like getting to know you guys but I really want to know what is it what message is it that you want this show to get across when people watch I think we all agree that we want this show to be about giving America a daily dose of hope so many people are hurting and broken and the daytime landscape is filled with people who speak from very uh you know real perspectives I think faith and spirituality is just as valid a foundational perspective as any other talk show we are not just preachers we are husbands we are fathers we are men and so we're going to be talking about pop culture we're going to talk about Beyonce and lemonade how she messed up lemonade yes now I can't drink lemonade without my wife talking about is this something you need to tell me [Applause] you know we we get to talk about what happens in life and and Dr Bryant said you know we get to talk about politics but we get to do it from a faith perspective and I think it's important for us to be able to share and say unapologetically yes we do believe in something bigger than ourselves and we lovingly want to offer America a daily dose of Hope
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 33,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai, therealdaytime, garcelle beauvais, adrienne houghton, jeannie mai jenkins
Id: 5lFwx7qlAmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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