[Full Episode] REAL Embarrassing Moments

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today on the real on girl chat our most embarrassing moment too many people for me to try to plan on stand up yeah you think they're good for you but are they we're doing some sneaky snack yeast your fruits and veggies then do we know what we're talking about if you bet your host for a hundred dollars I hope you're right roll the clip plus the very funny Wendy Mallet the real [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] I'm loving this energy all right happy people [Applause] if anyone was lacking energy today right now are you guys down for some good girl chat all right Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made a recent appearance on The Breakfast Club and what she shared about the contents of her purse is causing headlines apparently secretary Clinton has something in common with Beyonce now although this could be interpreted as pandering to African-American voters it's worth mentioning that she talked about her love of spicy foods to keep her healthy and interviews dating way back to 2008 and it's been reported that she kept a hundred bottles of hot sauce at one time when she lived in the White House so this isn't new people now if you're wondering what hot sauce secretary Clinton uses Time Magazine confirmed that her favorite right now is ninja squirrel sriracha and that might be pandering to the Asians and her team always keeps chili flakes and jalapenos for the Latinos on hand for her I'm just kidding so what do you think about Hillary's hot sauce and her bags swag well you know I I got mad at her I'm here for it but you know someone who used to carry a hot sauce around and sometimes a ranch dressing I was good for it and Me Myself and myself oh my God yes you know I mean I just figured it wasn't that serious after the last time it spilled all in my bag everything is wet my phone is ruined and wet my wallet my credit cards my makeup imagine yes I said ranch dressing all inside that's a mistake right there I'll tell you that much I got a hot sauce collection because I travel so much so I started you know I have over 150 bottles of hot sauce [Applause] you know I just started doing it I collect um hot sauces and I collect um shot glasses so the only thing is missing this cat she got cats that's coming in about two years all the hot sauce I don't care what anybody says the best for me is red hot that is really no no it's okay it's just something about it okay you like hot sauce tomorrow yes I'm a Tabasco girl [Applause] Fried Chicken you eat Tabasco go on fried chicken [Applause] scrambled eggs over easy eggs fried eggs I'm Tabasco girl but I'm a green Tabasco girl yes green pepper sauce now see I love me some red rooster but let me tell you something yeah this green hot sauce on some fried chicken will give you yours I tried to I tried to convert everybody my mama it gives you the [Applause] um I can't do it I don't like nothing green but my money [Applause] you guys I carry this in my bag this is my personal nothing beats the Red Rooster here Serato for real this right here is the o g this has turned into popcorns into chips and I can't make that sound it makes when you do it to me Tamar but it gives you up [Music] promise this is like the best remember and it even says the reel on it yeah [Applause] did you ask me about hot sauce huh did you ever carry Laurie's seasoning salt in your purse no I didn't I can't believe me the only one y'all never did that for one no to season your food you're by yourself I'm gonna be the only one that's totally outnumbered here what does anybody feel like spicy food hurts your mouth no yes guys I okay I love really well seasoned well-flavored food but there's a certain limit we're like I want to actually enjoy my meal and if you ever had something that's too hot and you like somebody that's water ain't helping they trying to hand you some milk like that's not fun to me yeah a good hot sauce that got a lot of flavor but not a lot of hot exactly and there's difference yeah there's a drink that throws it off that's why there's different flavors you have mild and then you have really really spicy all right now let's move from hot sauce to a hot man by Jesus for you girl now Idris Elba is listen but catch this Tito okay okay he news after one of his Ex-Wives uh plural revealed the reason she alleges their brief marriage ended now his ex Sonya Hamlin says he was being told it was an important part of his image to be a single sex symbol in Hollywood and being married would damage that end quote all right now Lonnie sisters is your man in your head now friend do you think it's true that celebrity sex symbols are like more desirable when they're single you know you don't want to say something to Sonia okay this is from Lonnie's love Corner oh no that's that's so like he gave you an excuse he just didn't want to be married to your butt but that's an excuse okay because everybody here and we still and whether he's single or whether he's a Morris Chestnut chatting up chest that has been married for years we still love them you know I mean it's a lot of men that are married or are hooked up with somebody Will Smith We Still Love Will Smith our ages that sounds like an excuse to me because that I mean we he just so sexy whatever you know what yeah anymore [Applause] I was saying that you know it does sound like a really good excuse especially on Lonnie's love corner but I do have some friends who's married to rappers and actors and stuff like that I'm not talking about tiny so don't try me okay I not them uh so um her husband this particular person I'm talking about her husband at the time was like no I don't want to do this because you know I'm a rapping and I'm losing my fans because we married yeah like did y'all know 2 Chainz was married see a lot of people do not know that that's what did I just feel his teeth from some place [Music] [Applause] J Cole J Cole is married a lot of y'all didn't know that that was released he's married he was trying to keep that under wraps too yeah my girl Angie Martinez blew up the spot okay yeah yeah but is there anybody else who finds that okay yes a single man in Hollywood is sexy but I find a married good man sexier yeah [Music] who's married sexiest man yesterday yeah you can be just as big of a fan of somebody yes exactly if they're like a good family man you can still be a huge fan of them it actually they change from sexy man they become an aspirational man that's what I think yeah you know if they've become gold what's that that's right what's your sexy father husband ha and you like that I love it what's that conversation you had yesterday I don't remember [Applause] oh my God so we was eating lunch right we was talking to one of our friends who's about to get married and we was just telling that you know you might not like them this time next year real talk but yeah you know yeah yeah we was like but when you have a baby you're gonna like him even more right yes you might like him again and then you know after you start like them again and then they the babies start you know growing enough and stuff and then the bond that they had with the baby it's like what [Applause] it just shows maturity and to me maturity is sexy but not only that it shows them that they can commit to one woman and that's even hotter oh yeah yeah have you guys ever heard of this thing like I have absolutely heard growing up in the music industry you know when you're in a teenage girl group they don't want you to say you have a boyfriend they like it is definitely something that is known that like you're there's two things I was told back in the day it was if you really want to be a big Superstar girls should want to be you and men should want to be with you so like that's literally that's like do you see what they would say do you think it's different in music versus film acting because I can remember thinking that when I was a little girl yeah you notice about boy bands once they start getting significant others and they start having girlfriends falling off the radar but I feel like in in TV it doesn't happen so much so yeah that is I feel really passionate about about this topic mainly because I think people that are in entertainment sometimes use the excuse of their image for the reason why they do the things they do right and maybe I'm just not that shallow but I will not be someone's friend or not not be someone so you know or not be someone's friend because it's a good look or it's a bad look that is ridiculous I'd be genuine I'm gonna date someone because I like them I'm not going to date them because it's what you think is a good look for me or what you don't think is a good look for me or what your ideal in my head of who I should be with or who I should not be with I think you're a genuine real person when you do something not for your image but for your heart yeah because let me tell you what it is like yeah people actually fall in love with the fantasy yeah nobody could not tell me that me and Tupac was not gonna run out until together and have at least four to seven kids like no foreign no I'm just saying no because you you we really do believe and buy into the fantasy right now once I heard it here got married in jail I was devastated no like for real like I was hurt like I was mad that Marcus Houston couldn't be mine because he was an immature I thought he was going to get together too there's a whole bunch of Superstar boys you had a lot of boyfriends nope not on your show but while he was singing I liked him I didn't like him idea girl yeah they was they haven't had that pelvic experience have any of you guys ever been in a situation where someone told you that's not a good look for you girl always something you wanted to others being friends with a certain person obviously being photographed with certain people it's a homegirl or somebody that they were like she's not a good look for you you shouldn't yeah exactly I wasn't in a girl band so no I was dating the tree monsters at lunch but in general not just the people you dated but just anyone that for your career someone's ever been like that's not a good look we've had conversations about that when people say you shouldn't post that on your Instagram she's not a good look and then you say I really like this person I don't care what anyone has to say about that yeah that's true but however now rapper Rick Ross was at the White House recently to support presidents Obama's My Brother's Keeper initiative this is a great initiative it really helps his mentoring the youth get to keep him out of trouble now TMZ is reporting that Rick accidentally brought attention to himself while Obama was speaking apparently during a dramatic pause at the end of Obama's speech Rick's ankle monitor started beeping Adrian [Applause] have you accidentally ever caused like a scene that you didn't want to happen what happened guys do you know I love my phone yeah my phone rang at a funeral now you know they tell you to silence your phones before you go to church but I don't know why I wasn't thinking about silencing my phone for the funeral and it was really bad because not only did it ring I had a song Oh Lord oh no it wasn't a bad actually it was Mary J Blige be without you it was like you know you have specific songs pretty much yes it just started ringing see baby we've been too strong for too long and it was just it was a lot my mother oh my God I was a grown woman at this time I've never seen my mother more embarrassed she pinched me like I was still four years old she was like if you don't turn off the phone right now I was like I can't because you're squeezing my arm my arm but that is so embarrassing oh my goodness that ain't it I remember one embarrassing time it was you and I and Adam at Disney World okay and we were drinking around the world this is uh it was it was close to closing time so um Housley was trying to hurry up and get us to Germany and so he walked ahead of us and me and Samir trying to go too and I hit a step and missed it it went tumbling down let me check it out real quick I got up real quick we fall down we get up I cannot have Ashley see me on the floor okay he was not going to see me right and I got up quick I was proud of myself [Applause] of course what who snitched on me the wife okay she reads I secretly thought it was so funny because I've never seen you move so fast the way she got up I was like oh my God you always check to make sure they're okay that's terrible wait guys one day we absolutely need the blooper reel every single one of us has tricked on them steps at least once you could not tell me I was not the cutest thing ever okay and then I thought I was going to slide my feet and I slide and I busted on myself around and guess what it was too many people for me to try to play it off and stand now yeah so I stood it when you're on the go you've got to have something to eat and it's so rewarding to snack on something you know is healthy but what if I told you that your healthy snacks may be guilty of sabotaging you and your body yes today we're putting some alleged healthy foods on trial as we continue our search for junk food Justice foreign s for The Honorable Tamara Maury Housley what's up I said Order in the Court we're not messing around today I want a clean Fair trial now let's hear our first case case number one the people versus green bottle juice smoothies okay we will now hear from the defense you may proceed your honor I'm here on behalf of bottled green smoothies now it's full of leafy vegetables and packed with vitamins and minerals giving you more than your recommended daily dose I object not so fast Missy this healthy green juice that you drinking and talking all about you might as well have uh bow Blended coffee drink yeah y'all let me tell you about it a lot of people assume these veggie drinks like they are healthy and stuff and like you getting a whole bunch of nutritions and but you're getting a little bit of it but green smoothies are guilty of a sugar overload yes ciao one brand of green juice has check this out 53 grams of sugar and a 15.2 ounce container that is double the amount of sugar you need to be having in a day I've heard your statement and I've reached a verdict this green bottle smoothie is guilty the sentence eat your fruits and veggies the old-fashioned way case closed next case all right all right cave number two the people versus delicious chicken Snack Wrap okay dependent you have the floor okay your honor when you need a quick fix to tide you over between meals it is beyond a reasonable doubt that a healthy chicken Snack Wrap is the way to go the wrap is so thin it cuts out all those calories and carbs injection your answer that chicken wrap is an imposter oh yes it's the same as eating a Belgian waffle in these streets what yup yup yup there that was a time about 10 years ago when anything in a rat was considered health food right well guess what problem is party people even when you feel these wheat tortillas up with tons of veggies and lean protein the ginormous tortilla itself can contain 400 to 800 calories not to mention the high calorie sauces usually inside of them now that's a meal not a snack the prosecution rests okay all right both sides have argued their case well I've made my decision ladies this chicken Snack Wrap is guilty as charged a safer bet wrap your snack in lettuce not a tortilla for a snack that is actually healthy taste clothes well that's a wrap on this case [Laughter] bailiff this is a court of law no laughing apologies it's lunch time like you love when we get a chance to see just how well you know us like right now we're putting you to the test as we find out if you know what we know yes that answer could pay off and I'm talking a hundred dollars a pound you ready because this is you bet [Applause] here's how we play we'll show you a clip of one of us being asked a random question you have to decide if we know the correct answer if you bet correctly you'll walk away with one hundred dollars Lonnie and Tamara in the audience with a stack of cash looking for people ready to gamble on what we may or may not know okay Santa show us someone who's ready to roll the dice okay Virginia Martin I hope you're feeling lucky because you are up [Applause] where are you from England yeah okay if you walk out here with 100 how are you gonna spend it I think I'm gonna have to go to Vegas she's gone we'll see if you've got what it takes to make that happen roll the clip where was the fortune cookie actually invented all right now you know Adrian knows a lot of random information but I don't know about this one so audience what do you think follow your guts okay Virginia what did you decide did Adrian know the answer I'm sorry I think I might say no no okay let's find out play the clip foreign a lot of people would think China but actually America [Applause] it looks like a wind wasn't in the cars for you but you get to go home with the real t-shirts [Applause] what happens when you grow up in Chinatown they set you straight that's right now Lonnie I know you're itching to give some money away that's anyone else oh my God [Applause] oh my God tell us where you from the time so do it when you win your hundred dollars Me and My Girls gonna spend an extra night in L.A [Music] let's make it happen girl roll the clip name the inventors of the world's first successful airplane okay the audience you might need some help audience what do you think does she know it or not you think she knows it all right it's up to you Latonya Tamar you my girl but I don't think you know that you try okay [Applause] well for a hundred dollars I hope you're right roll the clip that would be the Boeing family okay thank you very much foreign [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] the best night out with your girls is actually a night in totally all you need are some comfy clothes and your best friends to make any night a memorable one so I've got my favorite girls over for the perfect kind of night this is girls night in hi Lonnie hi Genie I couldn't wait to hang out with all you ladies and you guys we've got the best tips for the best night in what did you bring well you know I don't never come nowhere empty-handed I thought we could start off our night with a few adult beverages thank you Lonnie that's why I got us some wine hi my name is Marianna Hewitt as a lifestyle and Beauty expert I'm all about keeping things eco-friendly in celebration of Earth week these fine women behind me are about to enjoy some Fine Wines to keep these wines eco-friendly the number one tip is to buy local when wine is imported it can be full of pesticides and cost the environment a great deal when it's shipped far and wide also look for organic wine organic wine means that has only been made from grapes grown without the use of chemical fertilizers weed killers insect repellents and more [Applause] shall we yes all right these are delicious and I feel refined yet still girly what a great way to kick off our girls night in Life or should I say Woman's night in woman yes okay Taytay why did you bring that bag of clothes with you well Tam guess what I have so many clothes that I don't wear no more like for real I need your opinion should I keep these or toss them on out that's you no matter how old we get we still love our clothes and shopping in fact I'm willing to bet that all of us are holding onto clothes out there that we just don't wear anymore so what's an environmentally friendly girl to do easy have a clothing and accessory swap with your best friends you're not only being economical by getting new clothes without spending money you're also being eco-friendly by not throwing out your old clothes and recycling them instead wow you can once you have some of my clothes this is so cute I'm having so much fun seriously I Don't Want This Night To End Genie yeah now I know you brought us some goodies what do you have I sure did Aid okay you can't have a fun girls night you guys without a fun skincare treatment so I've got a special treat for all of you this awesome face mask [Music] [Applause] clay masks are really in right now and Jeannie is using the shine away ionic clay mask by botanics a skincare line that harnesses the power of plants and their products it detoxifies and it's not too drying for your skin which is a common problem with masks [Applause] our next guest is an Emmy and Golden Globe nominated actress we're so happy to have her here she makes us laugh out loud with shows like just shoot me and hide in Cleveland now she's a LAPD captain on the hot news show rush hour please welcome our girl Wendy Malik [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh wow foreign you've been a busy woman since the wrap of Hot in Cleveland I know have you been have you been able to take a vacation you know I'm one of those people who believes that a body in motion tends to stay in motion and I don't like to stop okay are you like that yeah exactly I know people always say slow down stop and breathe and smell the roses and stuff and I do it from time to time but I had an opportunity to play the boss on this show rush hour and unfortunately it started the next morning so we wrapped Hot in Cleveland after six episodes I mean six seasons and uh I started literally biggest pie in Cleveland you got a chance to work alongside the iconic Betty White yes so you worked with her for five years what was that like meeting her at first like the first time one of the first things Betty ever said and just being with Betty is like being with I don't know a Yoda or something who likes to drink martinis which makes it even better yeah the first time we ever sat and had a long conversation she said you know you know what I hate and I said what's that and she said well when people come up to me and say you know what I hate I say no and I don't care to know and I thought what a great thing she doesn't want to have bad energy in her world she doesn't ever trash talk she doesn't put anyone down she she always finds the positive and whatever she says something yeah yeah yeah and we we one day we were talking we used to have this coffee clutch on this on the set every morning Valerie Bertinelli and Jane leaves an eye and Betty and one morning we were asking her what was your favorite time because Betty turned 90 I turned 60 and Valerie and Jane both turned 50 on that shot wow oh my God and I was thinking we said Betty for you you've been around you've been doing this from the beginning of television and what what is the best period you've ever had what was your best period of your life and she said it has to be this one and I think that is such a great reminder for all of us that whatever stage you are in your life this can be the best one you've had yet and that's right now it features a lot of new Young Talent how is it working with them opposed to the other show well I mean it's it's the most diverse show I know of on television right now and uh we have Asians African-Americans you know I'm the token old white girl but I have to say I love the odds I mean you saw that there's like eight guys in that scene and me telling them what to do which is not you know it's not something you see every day that I really enjoyed being in charge of things I have to say and these young actors in this show have such a great work ethic and a great sense of gratitude they know that they are really fortunate to have this opportunity and they bring it every day and they are pros and generous and it's it's really fun here do they ever like group text because I know these these young ones I call them youngins they group texts yes Mother you and I yes in fact we were gonna all be texting me live text during the show which drives me insane because you should be watching the show not texting with us but this is the new world um so we get together and I was looking at Paige Kennedy and he had like 35 things on his screen and I said what is that and he said well that's all the people that I'm now texting with and I said my God how often do you do this and he said well I do it all day and I said when do you go out and play and he said I don't have no time to go out and play WoW like I'm over here on social media wow okay well Wendy because you are here would you please do us the honors and spin our heels girl oh come on over here show us everything in your purse that's your purse gorgeous okay can I just tell you this purse is made of neoprene yeah so let's see yeah all right so first of all oh that's cute I have we have dogs and horses and a donkey so I'm a big animal person you have a dog we have a miniature donkey oh these are my favorite favorite they're called sennheisers and they're the most comfortable headphones and I wear them when I hike and when I work out okay [Applause] the older you get the more you have to defy gravity I'm here they look amazing what else we got here are my favorite pair of sunglasses which I got on Just Shoot Me many many years ago but you don't have to wear any makeup you can go anywhere
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 70,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai, therealdaytime, garcelle beauvais, adrienne houghton, jeannie mai jenkins
Id: nY8oS3kJPZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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